My Healer

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Nov 29, 2012


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

My Healer

Part Two

By Chris

Hope walked to her stopping just a foot or two from her chair. Grace's eyes went from Hope's full breasts to her pussy and again she licked her lips. She didn't notice that Hope didn't say anything but let her look for a second. Grace now got a great view of that lovely pussy, it took Grace another second to realize that the black shadow that should have been there, wasn't there because there were no hair roots to cause the shadow. Hope had no pubic hair to cause the shadow so she hadn't been waxed but why did she not have any hair around her pussy and appeared never to have had any. She also noticed that there were no hair follicles on Hope's legs either. The only place that Hope had any hair was on her head. This was very confusing to Grace and she was about to ask Hope but Hope spoke first.

"Stand up so that I can get your Tunskan off, that way I can wash it with mine," Hope told her bringing Grace back down to earth.

"Is that what you call this dress?" Grace asked instead of the question she had meant to.

"Yes dear, that is about all the women wear where I come from," Hope said reaching down and taking Grace's hands to help her up.

"Is that all that the women there allowed to wear?" Grace asked while letting Hope help her up. She was thinking about how some religions didn't allow the women to wear anything but dresses or worse, having to completely cover their bodies.

"Oh no dear, we can wear anything at all or even nothing if we so choose, it's just that the Tunskan is so comfortable and thus we choose to wear them or at least I do. Plus we can make them show as much or as little of our bodies as we want to show." Hope told her as she began to pull Grace's Tunskan open.

"Oh okay," Grace said while raising her arms a little to allow Hope to open her Tunskan.

"Do you ever choose to go without anything?" Grace had to ask as she allowed Hope to continue taking her Tunskan off without thinking about being naked in front of her yet again.

"Sometimes, when it gets in my way when I am doing something," Hope told her as she finished getting the Tunskan from Grace's arms thus leaving her just as naked as she was.

"Well I guess that is why you have such a nice tan, it makes you look so beautiful," Grace said without thinking.

"Why thank you," Hope said and Grace noticed that she was blushing a little making Hope seem more human. "You look beautiful too and once I get a bit more weight and muscle tone to your body, you'll look even more beautiful."

"Thank you, though I don't want to put too much weight on..." Grace told her.

"Don't worry, I know what your body needs and I'll make sure it gets it." Hope told her and then she turned to go back toward the bathroom.

Grace was now staring at Hope's back; which showed her muscle tone and then her eyes dropped to Hope's lower back where she had two of the cutest dimples just above her asscheeks. And then Grace's eyes went down to those asscheeks which were full and tanned. Grace kept standing and watching until Hope got to the sink in the bathroom which just happened to be right in front of the door that Hope didn't close. She saw Hope filling the sink and then pouring some mild clothes detergent into the sink. It was then that Grace realized that she was still standing and standing nude.

She sat back down, crossing her legs to hide her pussy but she left her hands on the arms of the chair. She could hear Hope humming some strange tune as she worked getting their Tunskan's clean. Grace could see the muscles of Hope's back work and also her asscheeks move as she shifted from foot to foot. Grace could feel a bit of sexual attraction to this strange woman but she would have to know more about her and also learn how she cured her that is if she had cured her. She had so many questions about what was going on within her body and also about Hope but she wasn't getting any answers other than Hope telling her that she was indeed cured and would soon be back to full strength. The only thing that she knew now was that she was physically tired and that she was more than familiar with. Soon enough, Hope finished washing their Tunskan's and after giving Grace a smile, she disappeared toward the shower leaving Grace with her thoughts.

She knew that she was going to have to get to Hope and get her to open up with her. She began to formulate the questions that she had and she was determined that once they both had showered she was going to press Grace for the answers to her questions. She sat there thinking and relaxing. She could feel her muscles protesting from the walk and the climb back up the path along the bluff. As she thought about that climb back up, she realized that something had to be better about her body because there was no way that she could do that even after have a couple of blood transfusions. So there was something different about her body but would it last was the question.

She was so consumed by her thoughts and questions that she didn't see Hope come out of the bathroom until she heard her say, "The shower is all yours."

"Okay thanks," Grace said looking up and see Hope standing just outside of the bathroom naked and drying her hair with a towel. Grace started to get up however her eyes were on Hope's breasts and those nipples. She felt that desire and need arise again within her body and she so had the need to suck upon those nipples that were sticking out for her.

Grace had to shake her head to clear it from those thoughts, she got up quickly and walked past Hope who was looking at her and who was giving her a caring smile. Grace went on into the bathroom going to the shower and thus out of Hope's line of sight. She turned on the water and it quickly warmed up so she stepped in. She kept thinking about Hope's breasts and how she felt the need to suck upon them and again it wasn't a completely sexual desire which confused Grace. She could understand if it was purely sexual as Hope was very pretty and had a desirable body and she was so mysterious. However there was more to this desire and that she didn't understand, but it was something that she knew that she would soon. She had to know.

Once she had dried her body and hair, again out of sight of the door, she wrapped the towel that she had dried with around her body and walked out of the bathroom. The first thing she saw was that all the lights were out except for the one by the double bed, the only bed in the apartment. It hadn't occurred to her until then that they had probably been sleeping in the same bed since Hope had brought her here but then she had been asleep and didn't know but now she would know that Hope was sleeping beside of her. She looked at that bed with Hope already laying there with the covers covering her up to her breasts which she left exposed. So Grace knew that Hope was naked and since she didn't have anything that would fit her, she would also have to sleep naked beside of her. She came over to the opposite side of the bed. Hope had the covers pulled down for her. So she slipped the towel off of her body allowing Hope to only see her bare back. She then quickly turned and slipped up under the covers which she used to cover her breasts.

She put her head down on her pillow and she took a deep breath and asked her first question, "Why don't you have any hair on you except for your head?"

"I guess I'm just that way," Hope told her giving her a smile as she turned toward her.

Grace tried not to look at Hope's breasts as she asked, "How are you just that way? I don't understand."

"Now that's enough questions for tonight, you need to sleep," Hope said while bringing her left hand up and putting it upon Grace's forehead.

Grace sensed that she didn't want Hope to do this but wasn't sure why. She started to tell Hope to stop when she felt her body relaxing and a peaceful feeling coming over her body and then she was asleep with the feeling of Hope's heavy breasts against her arm.

Grace awoke hearing Hope messing around somewhere near the small kitchen. Grace kept her eyes closed as her mind awoke. She thought about any dreams that she might have had as she always did to help herself remember them. At first she didn't remember anything but then something came to her. It was vague and didn't seem like a dream, it felt more real.

She was sleeping in her dream or whatever it was and she felt Hope pulling her over to her so that her head was laying on Hope's lap and then she felt Hope's nipple at her lips. She opened her lips and began to suck, and she tasted the sweet milk coming from Hope's breast. She could feel the life that Hope's milk was giving to her and how she felt so much better. As she thought about this, she found that she was running her tongue around her mouth and she could almost taste Hope's milk. Suddenly the dream didn't feel like a dream but something that really did happen.

She opened her eyes and saw Hope was in the kitchen working on something for them to eat. She saw that she was dressed in her Tunskan and when Hope saw that she was awake, she gave her a soft smile. Grace smiled back as she pulled the covers down and turned away from Hope. She found her towel and she wrapped it around her body. She got it secured before getting up and going to the bathroom, exchanging good mornings with Hope as she went by her.

Once in the bathroom, she saw her Tunskan hanging there ready for her and to her surprise, there wasn't a single wrinkle. Grace had not seen an iron so the material was obviously a type that didn't wrinkle, something she had never seen before with any fabric no matter how wrinkle free it said it was. She removed her towel and put the Tunskan on wanting to feel the soft fabric against her skin. She didn't even think about not having a bra or panties to wear. She liked how the Tunskan felt yesterday and she wanted that feel again today. Once she had it on, she had to pull it up to pee. She then washed her face and brushed her teeth before coming on out of the bathroom.

Hope was just setting two cups of milk in front of two bowls of some greenish brown stuff. Grace immediately crinkled her nose at what was sitting on the table in front of her.

"Now don't turn your nose up at what I'm feeding you. I'm eating it too and it's good for you." Hope told her nicely but also with a bit of authority to her voice.

"I know," Grace said as she sat down. She didn't remember ever eating this but she did know that there wasn't a good taste to it. It wasn't gross but it just had sort of bitter taste to her.

Grace started to pick up her spoon when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. She pushed her chair back and got up.

"Where you going, you need to eat!" Hope told her.

"I know and I am going to eat but first I'm going to put a little sugar on it." Grace said as she brought the sugar over and she put some, not a lot, into her bowl of whatever it was. She saw Hope frowning at her so once she had put some on hers, she moved over and put some on Hope's bowl getting a bigger frown which Grace just smiled back making Hope smile too.

When she sat back down, she mixed her sugar in as did Hope. She hesitated for a second before putting a spoon full into her mouth, it still didn't taste great but wasn't as bad as she thought she remember it being. She then waited for Hope to take a spoon full to her mouth.

"Better isn't it?" Grace stated more than asked.

"Yes it's better, I'll start to put a pinch of sugar in it okay," Hope told her with a bit of a frown.

"A pinch?" Grace questioned her.

"A dab?" Hope countered still with a bit of a frown on her face like she was doing this against her better judgment.

"A tablespoon," Grace told her with a smile though that was more than she had added.

"A teaspoon," Hope told her and she had this expression that this was as far as she was going to go.

"Deal!" Grace said with a big grin getting what she wanted. However she still had to add, "But it still doesn't taste as good as a cheeseburger."

"But it's better for you and you know it," Hope told her.

"Maybe," Grace said not wanting to concede the argument.

"So how are you feeling this morning?" Hope asked of her.

"Not too bad, a little sore but not as sore as I thought I'd feel after climbing up that path and the long walk," Grace replied thinking that Hope had changed the subject from the food and so she had gotten the last word in.

"Then maybe this food and the other things I've done and am doing is doing its job," Grace told her.

"Maybe," was all Grace could say and she did so with a frown but then she had to smile as she did feel better than she thought she would all things considered.

"Well this morning we're going for another walk and we'll rest a bit and in the evening after we eat, we'll go for another walk. I want to build up your strength so that we can begin our journey." Hope told her.

"And I pick what we eat for supper right," Grace told her.

Hope let out a little laugh, "Yes you get to pick out what we have for supper." she told her.

"Good, maybe pizza tonight..." Grace told her.

"I take it that is also something that's not good for us to eat," Hope asked.

"Oh very bad but very delicious," Grace told her with a laugh.

After they had eaten, Hope led her back to the path and this time Grace didn't need any help getting down though she did feel her muscles straining just a little as she made her way down. While they walked, Hope asked her about her life and Grace told her about her parents and being put into a foster home where she met Maryanne. Before she could go further, she had to explain what a foster home was and why that is where she went. This seemed strange to Grace but then Hope was from another country and thus may had never heard of foster homes. Once she had that explained, she talked about Maryanne and how she had accepted her that every first day and they had become best friends from that moment on.

She went on to tell her about all the things that she and Maryanne had gotten into and while they were not trouble makers they was a little on the mischievous side. Their foster mother put up with their antics for the most part and only scolded them when they went a little too far. This took up their morning walk and Grace was proud that she was able to make it back up the path without any help though she was soaked in sweat and breathing heavily once on top. This worried her a little until she saw that Hope too was sweating and though not breathing as hard, she was breathing heavier than normal. So even for someone in good health and great shape, the climb up was a bit of strain.

Once back inside the air conditioned apartment, Hope went first to wash her face before leaving the bathroom to Grace to wash up. By the time that Grace came back out, she found that Hope was finishing up their lunch and Hope let her see her putting a teaspoon of sugar into each bowl and that made Grace smile with her approval. They talked about their walk and how pretty the beach was and also how warm the days were becoming as they made short work of Hope's meal as they were both hungry by this time.

"So where can we find out about this Smithsonian?" Hope asked as she cleared their empty bowls away.

"Well we need a computer to go onto the internet to find that but we don't have a computer so I guess we'll have to go a library to find one," Grace told her.

"We need to get onto the internet to find out about it?" Hope stated as she seemed to be thinking about something.

"Yes and for that we need a computer," Grace told her.

Hope was rinsing out the bowls and while she did so, Grace felt like she was judging her but for what, she didn't know. By the time that she had finished with the bowls, Hope seemed to have come to a decision.

"I think I have a way for us to get onto your internet." Hope told her with a mysterious smile.

"How's that?" Grace asked watching Hope as she moved over to her bag.

Hope pulled out several more Tunskan's that she put on the edge of the bed and then she pulled out this thin computer tablet, however this one looked well used, at least several years old, much older than anything that was now on the market. Hope gave her a smile as she stood up and went over to the bed, sitting down and putting her back against the headboard. She then padded the bed beside of her, and Grace being very curious as to what Hope had, went immediately over to the bed sitting on the bed and then sliding up next to her.

While the back of the computer tablet or whatever it was looked old, the front looked new. There were no keyboard to the tablet and obviously had a touch screen to it. Except Hope didn't seem to be actually touching the screen, she would just put her fingers over an area to get it to work. At first Grace saw only weird characters on the screen, none that she had seen before and she had seen lots of written languages before, she couldn't read them but she knew enough about them to know that what she was seeing wasn't similar to any of them. There was a look of concentration on Hope's face as she worked on the tablet. Grace wanted to ask Hope what she was doing but she was too fascinated with what Hope was doing that she couldn't form a question.

Grace could tell that Hope was working with something weird and she wasn't hooking onto any internet connection that she had ever seen, one was a picture that popped up for a brief second of a planet that had one sun setting as another was rising and the other was a picture of outer space that seemed to mark the way from one planet in one galaxy to another planet in another galaxy. The pictures were only up for a split second but it was long enough for Grace to remember them. Hope worked for another minute before Grave could see that Hope had found the Smithsonian.

Grace looked at the screen for a second trying to figure out where on the website that Hope had gone too. Grace had spent many hours on the website doing research for her classes and what she was seeing wasn't anything that she remembered. Grace looked for another moment before she realized what Hope had done.

"Are you a hacker or something?" Grace asked.

"A hacker?" Hope asked obviously confused as to what Grace was talking about.

"Someone who breaks into other people's or companies computers for fun or to do harm. You're inside the Smithsonian's computers." Grace told her.

"Oh no, I'm not a hacker; I don't break into other people's computer to hurt anyone. I just figured that we could learn more this way." Grace told her innocently.

"But we'll get caught, this is illegal." Grace told her.

"No we won't, they'll never know that we're here and we're not going to harm or change anything. We're just looking around." Hope told her while giving her a reassuring smile.

"You sure we won't get caught?" Grace asked as she looked from the screen to Hope and then back at the screen.

"I'm sure," Hope told her with that same reassuring smile. "So where do you want to go first?"

"Mmmm... let's go to the National Museum of the American Indian," Grace told her.

"Okay," Hope said with a smile. She then worked her magic moving her fingers just above the screen and they were soon at National Museum of the American Indian. "Now where?"

"See if there is an index?" Grace told her and Hope quickly found that and Grace picked out a starting point.

They looked around for a bit with Grace telling Hope a little about the American Indians and how they had their land and way of life taken away from them. This made Hope frown disapprovingly at her and made Grace feel bad though this was done long before she was around. They looked around for an hour or so finding things that they would want to see when they got there. Then Hope asked where she wanted to go next not that they had seen all that they wanted to see there yet but would come back to.

Grace thought for a second and told her to go to the Air and Space Museum. Hope started to move her fingers as Grace looked on closely trying to figure how she was working the tablet.

"You want to try?" Hope asked her.

"Can I?" Grace asked feeling excited to get her hands on this weird contraption.

"Well I'm not suppose to let anyone else use it but then again I've already broken the main rule so I don't guess breaking another won't get me into any more trouble," Hope said with a smile.

"What rule did you break?" Grace asked.

"Oh nothing important," Hope told her, "Now let me have your hand."

Grace moved her right hand over to where Hope had her right hand. Hope took her by the wrist and she placed Grace's hand over the screen leaving it about three inches away. Nothing seemed to happen but obviously something did.

"Okay it will let you use it now," Hope told her and Grace thought that was a weird way to put it as she didn't know of any computer that you had to get it's permission to use, at least in that way.

"What do I do?" Grace asked as Hope placed the tablet onto her lap.

"Just put your hand or fingers where you want to go and it'll take you there." Hope told her smiling at her.

"Okay," Grace said and she placed her finger against the screen that was both hard yet giving but then the tablet began to go haywire with pictures and symbols flashing everywhere on the screen.

"Oh fuck, I broke it!" Grace said jerking her hand back away from the screen.

Hope laughed before taking back the tablet, "No you didn't, you just need to wave your fingers above where you want to go, it's easy." Hope told her still laughing all the same.

"Well maybe you should operate it." Grace said not wanting to break Hope's computer or whatever it was.

"No you can, I'll show you," Hope said while she was getting them back to the Smithsonian. Once there she moved the tablet back to Grace's lap and she took a hold of Grace's hand showing her how to make the tablet do what Grace wanted it to do.

Grace moved her fingers slowly making sure not to let her fingers get near the weird feeling screen. She found the Space part soon enough and was about to explore it when Hope asked a question that stopped her.

"What is fuck?" Hope asked her.

"What?" Grace asked leaving her hand over the screen.

"You said 'Oh fuck', what does fuck mean?" Hope asked and at first Grace thought that Hope was messing with her but then she saw the innocent expression on Hope's face and she realized that Hope was being serious.

"Ahhh... fuck is a bad word that I shouldn't use but do from time to time. It is a slang word for two people having sexual intercourse." Grace told her trying to be as exact as possible.

"Oh I see," Hope said and Grace saw that Hope was blushing a little.

"And when Maryanne and I said it Mama Rose washed our mouth out with soap so if I hear you say it you'll get the same treatment." Grace said with a grin hoping to make Hope smile and it did a little.

"But obviously it didn't work," Hope told her.

"Well it did when she was around, neither of us liked having a bar of soap in our mouths, it taste like shit," Grace said and she saw Hope was about to asked her something and she knew what that was.

"And that is another slang word that you shouldn't use either," Grace said quickly making Hope laugh.

"Is there any other words that will get my mouth washed out with soap?" Hope asked her.

"Oh there is bunches and I'm afraid that I'm going to teach you them all before I learn how to use this damn thing." Grace said with a laugh.

"Hold on for a second," Hope said while getting off the bed.

Grace watched as Hope went into the bathroom and then she returned holding something in her hand. She sat down and then she placed a used bar of soap in front of her. "Maybe this will help," Hope said seriously before she let out a laugh.

Grace laughed, "I don't know, it didn't help before."

"Ah, maybe she didn't make you hold it in your mouth long enough," Hope told her.

"Oh and you will?" Grace asked arching her eyebrows at her.

"Yes I will," Hope told her "now get to work... without the slang words."

"I'll try," Grace said turning her attention back to Hope's tablet.

Grace began to try and work on the tablet but not without having to use a couple of those slang words and upon saying one, she picked up the bar of soap and placing it in her mouth however not for long before having to spit it out making Hope laugh. However that was when Grace told her that when either her or Maryanne said a bad word and had to put the bar of soap into their mouth, the other would also say the same thing so that they would have to do it together. Hope immediately said the bad word and then put the bar of soap into her mouth, then spitting it out even quicker than she had done making Grace laugh but also causing her to feel closer to this strange woman. Before they decided to quit for the day, Grace had pretty much taught Hope all the bad words that she knew and they both had a soapy taste in their mouths that Grace decided only a pizza would cure.

"You want to take a shower first tonight?" Hope asked her once they were back in the apartment after their evening walk and the trek back up the steep path.

"No I want to sit and catch my breath, you go ahead." Grace told her.

"Okay," Hope said and then she turned to walk to the bathroom. However she stopped after a step, turning back around, "You going to be here when I get out?"

Grace let out a little laugh, "Yes I'll be here." She said and then she realized that she hadn't even thought about jumping off the bluff that day.

"Good," Hope said with a big smile. She started to turn but again stopped. "Oh let me have that Tunskan so I can wash it." She said coming to Grace.

"Ah okay," Grace said standing back up from where she had just sat down.

"Hands up," Hope told her while giving her a smile and for some reason Grace did so letting Hope pull her Tunskan open. Grace let her eyes fall to where Hope's breasts were covered by her Tunskan. However Grace noticed that Hope's nipples were sticking out pressing against the material of her Tunskan. Grace found herself wanting to suck upon those nipples but again it wasn't completely a sexual need that she was feeling which again confused the hell out of her.

"There we go," Hope said once she had the Tunskan off of Grace and in her hands. "I'll be right out."

Hope then turn to go back to the bathroom and she taking her own Tunskan off as she walked. Grace stood there watching as Hope's cute ass and those lovely pimples came into view. Once Hope was at the bathroom sink, Grace remembered to sit back down and she watched as Hope washed out their Tunskan's. She watched as Hope's bare shoulders moved and she watched that lovely firm ass cheeks moved with her. And for the first time she began to feel a slight tingle in her vaginal area and when she realized that she closed her eyes and her legs to try and get that image from her head.

Instead she thought about the weird tablet that Hope had and the funny way that it was operated. And the picture of the planet with two suns popped into view along with the space map or whatever it was. It made her wonder just what this all meant and adding the weird car that ran on air into that gave her a weird feeling inside. She heard the shower come on and the sound of the water put her to sleep with her mind trying to make sense of it all.

Grace felt something soft and tender running along her arm and then she heard Hope say softly, "Wake up Grace; you can take your shower now." The feel of Hope's hand on her arm felt nice and comforting so she didn't want to open her eyes but she did.

"Thanks," Grace said looking up at a very naked Hope with her breasts looking even fuller for some strange reason and made her want to reach up to touch them. Instead she got up and walked to the shower feeling Hope's eyes upon her.

She looked at herself in the mirror and she could see a difference in her body even over the past two days. She had more color in her skin and her eyes were brighter. She thought about when she had gotten her blood transfusions, they never made her look this much better nor did they make her feel this much stronger. She still needed a little more definition to her body but a few more trips up and down that path by the bluff and she would look fit enough. She then noticed that Hope was still looking at her making her feel self conscious so she went on to the shower. She pulled the Tunskan's out of the way and turned on the shower.

When she started to run the washcloth across her skin, a vague memory from deep in her head came into view. It was more of a feeling than anything else. She was in a bed and she felt hands on her body. They were rubbing her all so lightly but there was this warmth to those hands that gave her a warm feeling inside. Everywhere the washcloth went, the memory of those warm hands became that much stronger. She stopped for a moment as the memory of those hands on her body became clearer and she knew that she had recently felt those hands before, when Hope had rubbed her arm to wake her a few minutes before. She was sure that while she was asleep for those weeks, Hope had been touching her but not in a sexual way. It was like her body knew that those hands were helping her and they felt nice. Grace began to wonder if there was something about Hope that could cure her. She knew that her awful tasting food couldn't be the only reason she was feeling better. She tried to remember more of the vague memory but it was gone so she was left to finish her shower.

"So where did you get that tablet thing you got?" Grace asked once she had slipped her towel off and had gotten under the covers.

"Oh it was given to me," Hope said. "Now let's go to sleep."

Grace then saw Hope's hand coming toward her forehead. Her mind was telling her to not let Hope's hand touch her forehead however that was blocked out by the feeling of Hope's full bare breast against her arm. She felt her body relax and that peaceful feeling come over her body and she went to sleep thinking about Hope's bare warm breast against her arm.

She woke with that taste in her mouth that she had woke up with the previous morning. She licked her lips as she heard Hope in the kitchen, humming that same strange tune. Grace lay there on her back listening to Hope fix their breakfast and the tune triggered the vague memory of Hope touching her body. She thought hard and she could almost feel her warm hands touching her everywhere, humming as she did so. The touch wasn't sexual but more in a caring and healing touch. It was the healing feeling that made Grace sit up and look at Hope in a whole new light. She was going to have to get some answers from Hope but she was so great at deflecting them.

Grace turned in the bed, putting her feet to the floor. She bent down to get the towel which she wrapped around her body before getting up. She exchanged "Good Morning's" with Hope on her way to the bathroom. When she came out, Hope had already had their bowls on the table along with a glass of milk. Grace wondered if Hope had put any sugar into their bowl however when she put a spoonful into her mouth, she found that she needed of worried as she tasted the sweetness of the sugar. Hope gave her a knowing smile that caused Grace to blush a little in embarrassment for doubting Hope.

They took their morning walk and then relaxed and played on Hope's tablet after eating their lunch. Hope continued to question Grace about her past and what it was like growing up, however she was still deflecting any questions coming from Grace which began to frustrate her. She tried not to let it show as she was grateful for Hope being able to make her feel better. She was becoming a little more convinced that Hope had been able to do what no Doctor could do for her but she still wanted to know just who she was dealing with.

That evening after their showers, Grace wrapped her towel around her body and she wrapped her mind around what she wanted to say. She was determined to get the answers that she wanted from Hope. However when she saw Hope laying there with her full breasts exposed, she felt herself weakening. Her eyes went to those nipples and she felt a hunger arise within. She tried to shake that thought from her head and thought that she had done so when she got to the bed. She sat down with her back to Hope, removing her towel and slipping under the covers.

"I want to talk to you..." Grace said while lying back in the bed.

"You need to sleep; we'll talk in the morning." She heard Hope say and she was about to protest when she felt Hope's left breast against her arm and she lost her train of thought just long enough for Hope to place her hand upon her forehead. Grace knew that she was a goner as she felt that peaceful relaxed feeling come over her just before sleep arrived a split second later.

Grace awoke the next morning with that now familiar taste in her mouth and she looked at a smiling Hope. Grace was a bit pissed but she also had to admire Hope for always being a step ahead of her. But her body was feeling much better as each day passed and that also meant that her head was also thinking clearer. She knew she was in a battle of wits with Hope and she was determined not to lose or at least not lose every time. Grace had always been able to think quickly on her feet and she felt like she was able to do so again. So as she freshened up in the bathroom, she began to form a game plan for the day.

"Do you mind when we go get dinner, I get a card and a charger for my phone?" She asked Hope as they ate their bland, bitter, however sweetened breakfast.

"Sure you got the money, you can buy anything that you need," Hope told her with a smile.

"But this is just more for myself, though we will need a phone for when we start our journey," Grace told her honestly and she was again reminded that Hope had managed to make her keep up with the money and thus to pay for everything. That was another question she wanted to find out, where the money came from.

"You want to call your friend Maryanne?" Hope asked with a kind smile.

"Maybe... I don't know," Grace said and that thought also occurred to her but she wasn't sure. "I just don't think I'm ready to do that yet, she thinks that I'm dead and she has a baby to care for now. Besides I think that the best way to tell her is to do so in person and not by a phone call."

"But she's your friend and foster sister, she should know that her best friend is alive and well," Hope told her reaching over patting her hand." Hope told her. "So we'll get your phone going and you can call her when you're ready."

"Thanks," Grace told her. But she didn't tell her that she wanted more to check the date and just be sure just how long she had been asleep or whatever state Hope had it in.

That afternoon, Grace paid particular attention to what Hope did as she logged into the tablet or whatever she was doing to get the things to come on and then work. The characters and the writing she had no clue as to what it said but she was even more sure that it was something that wasn't used anywhere on this planet, at least as far as she knew and she did know her history. The pictures were interesting and gave her some insight but no real knowledge. Once Hope got her to the Smithsonian, she let Grace take over and Grace did so eagerly. She was getting the hang of this little machine and she did love getting to places within the Smithsonian that the general public couldn't get into. Grace took them to places that gave her the information to know where to go when they got there. They played around until they got hungry again. Hope used the tablet to find a discount store that they could stop at on their way to the restaurant that Grace had picked out.

"You know you can pick out some new clothes while we're here, we got plenty of money and can get more if need be." Hope told her after Grace had gotten a charger and a new phone card for her phone so that she could use it for thirty days. She just hoped that her number was still good.

"I hate to spend any more money for myself when I know it'll be a long while before I can pay you back." Grace told her as her eyes glanced toward the women's clothing section of the store.

"I know you're uncomfortable going without panties and bras, we could at least get you some of those." Hope told her with a knowing smile.

Grace was reminded of the outfit that she was wearing and she could feel it against her bare skin, "You know..." Grace said then she hesitated not wanting to admit to what she had to admit to, "...I've kind of got used to wearing these Tunskan's and the free flowing feel they give me."

"I know how you feel, that's why it's the only thing that I wear anymore and all I brought with me when I came here." Hope told her.

"And just where was that from?" Grace pounced and she saw Hope frown for a moment but just a moment.

"A long way from here," Hope said quickly, "Come on let's pay for your things and go get that food that I know will be bad for us."

Hope then grasped Grace's hand and began to pull her toward the cashiers to pay for Grace's things. Grace knew what Hope was doing and she decided to let her get away with it for the moment. So she went along however the restaurant was a vegetarian restaurant that did impress and please Hope as Grace thought that it would which was a part of her plan. When they got back to the apartment, she plugged in her phone letting it charge since it was completely drained.

"So you want to take your shower first?" Hope asked when they entered the apartment after their evening walk and the trek up the steep path.

It was a particularly hot day and evening and Grace was soaked with sweat which gave her an added excuse to say, "Yea if you don't mind, I'm really tired and I would love to get this sweat off me."

Hope, Grace could see, was a bit surprised but she took it in stride, "Sure go ahead, just let me have your Tunskan and I'll wash it out for you." Hope told her.

"Thanks," Grace said but before taking it off, handing it to Hope and then she hurried off to the bathroom before Hope got too good a look at her.

Once in the bathroom, she turned to the shower, getting the water warmed up before stepping inside. She let her mind go blank as she washed. She had been thinking and studying her problem all day and for a short time, she just needed to let her mind rest. So she took her time, letting the water wash over her and the soap clean the sweat and the concerns from her mind.

When she came out with a towel wrapped around her body, she saw that Hope was sitting in the chair and she was a bit surprised that she still had her Tunskan on and the one Grace had been wearing was in her lap. "The shower felt great, thanks for letting me go first."

"Sure anytime," Hope told her with a bright smile.

Grace saw that Hope was starting to peel her Tunskan open once she had gotten up. Grace resisted the urge to look at her as she went past and she forced herself not to look back at Hope once she got to the bed. She sat down on her bed, and she picked up the phone, turning it on and she saw that it was almost fully charged. Since all her time had expired, she couldn't use the phone except to call the company and use the card that she had bought with Hope's money to be able to get it activated again. However she was able to see the date and time and even though Hope had told her about how long that she had been out, she was still surprised to find that it was almost two months since she had left Maryanne to go and kill herself.

This was enough to convince her that Hope had indeed done something to her. There was no way that she could have lived that long without constant infusions of blood and even that had never made her feel as good and healthy as she did now. She went ahead and called the toll free number and she was able to get her phone reactivated and still keep her same number.

When she heard the shower running, she went ahead and took her towel off and slipped under the covers. She picked her phone back up and got onto the internet. She went to Maryanne's Facebook page. There she was able to see Little Grace and that brought tears to her eyes. She was such a pretty baby and then she saw a picture of Maryanne, Little Grace and silly Billy. She could see the pride in Billy's face as he held his little girl. She knew that Maryanne and Little Grace were in good hands and she could wait a little longer to let Maryanne know that she was still alive and thinking again that this was something she needed to do in person.

When she heard the shower turn off, she turned off her phone to let it finish recharging. She slipped onto her side putting her head down on the pillow. A couple of minutes later, she heard Hope come out of the bathroom and come over to the bed. She felt her sit down and slip under the covers.

"Goodnight," Grace said sleepily.

"Here let me check your forehead before you go to sleep," Hope told Grace, "I want to make sure that you're doing okay."

"Okay," Grace said turning over while making sure that she kept her eyes away from Hope and her breasts that she so wanted.

Grace waited until Hope's hand was just over her face when she slipped her right hand from under the sheets catching Hope's hand at the wrist surprising her, she could see. She brought Hope's hand down to her lips giving the palm a kiss.

"I don't want you to put me to sleep tonight, I need to talk to you and get some answers," Grace said while she sat up however she kept a hold of Hope's wrist, though she wasn't holding it very tightly, Hope didn't try to take her hand away.

"I see that you figured that trick out," Hope said with a smile yet a sad smile all the same. And Grace noticed that Hope glanced down at her bare breasts making Grace want to cover herself but then a part of her liked Hope glancing there.

"Yea, I figured that out a day or so ago but then you kept distracting me and I couldn't stop you from doing it." Grace said with a smile. "But I do need to find out who you really are and where you really came from. I need to know this before I can go on even if that means that whatever you're doing to me that is keeping me healthy goes away and I start to die."

"You won't die, I promise you that. I wouldn't and couldn't undo what I've done to make you better. That is against my very nature to heal," Hope told her softly and Grace believed her. "You can also let go of my hand, I won't use it to put you to sleep until you say I can." That too Grace believed so she released Hope's wrist.

"So where are you really from?" Grace asked her keeping her eyes on Hope's face while trying not to glance down at her bare full breasts.

"I'm not supposed to tell you where I'm really from, I'm sorry." Hope told her, sitting up and facing Grace in the bed. This time Grace did glance down to those breasts and the nipples that she felt the need to suck. She quickly looked back up to Hope's face seeing her smile but also the sort of sad expression on her face because she couldn't answer her question.

"I believe you told me that you weren't supposed to heal me either but you did." Grace countered.

Hope let a soft smile creep across her face, "True I wasn't but I just couldn't let you die and I couldn't let you kill yourself because of your illness, not when I knew I could help." Hope told her.

"So what's wrong with breaking another rule, who'll know?" Grace told her.

"They will know when I tell them," Hope told her somewhat sadly.

"Will they force you to tell?" Grace asked now worried that Hope would be in danger because she had helped her.

"Oh no, we don't work that way, I'll tell them freely because I can't tell a lie," Hope told her.

"Will they punish you severely?" Grace asked still worried.

"Well let's just say that tasting that soap is a whole lot worse than what they'll do," Hope told her with a smile.

"Oh," Grace said feeling relieved. "So what will they do to you?"

"I don't know probably not anything but I worked so hard to get to come here and I don't want to go back and have to tell them that I had barely been here for a blenketit before I violated one of the main rules." Grace told her.

"A what?" Grace asked.

Hope looked at her questionably before her face broke out into a smile, "A very short period of time." She told her.

"So you won't tell me anything I need to know?" Grace asked of her. She needed the answers but she also didn't want to force Hope to go against what she felt was right and what she was supposed to do.

Hope looked at her and Grace could almost feel her studying her, she even wondered if she was trying to read her mind but she didn't think that was what she was doing. She then turned away and Grace felt the disappointment as she knew that Hope was going to tell her that she wouldn't answer any of her questions. Grace watched as Hope got out of bed and she saw that lovely rear end and those dimples that she had grown to love seeing. Hope went over to the kitchen sink filling a large glass with water and drinking it down.

"It's important that you know this isn't it?" Hope said with her back still to her.

"Yes it is, I don't like unanswered questions, it just galls into my soul and I just have to find the answers or I'll go crazy. Some of my professors at the university hated me for that but the best ones loved that part of me." Grace told her.

Hope stood there for a prolonged minute making Grace wonder just what she was thinking, "Oh what the fuck, I never was good at keeping secrets, even my mom told them that when they interviewed her." Hope said and then she turned around and she had this mischievous smile on her face.

Grace smiled real big, relieved that she was going to get her answers and for what she was about to say. She let Hope take a few steps back toward the bed and then she said, "You forgot the bar of soap."

"Bar of soap?" Hope said stopping in mid step.

Grace let her stand there for a second and then a smile came on her face, "Oh I said one of your bad words didn't I?"

"Yep," Grace said smiling broadly.

"Okay," Hope told her and then she turned back around.

"You don't have to get the soap, I was just kidding," Grace said aloud so Hope could hear her.

"Nope you're right, I shouldn't say those words." Hope said and then she came out of the bathroom however she was holding two bars of soap.

"What's the second bar for?" Grace asked though she had a good idea as to what Hope was thinking.

"You taught me those bad words, now come on and take your medicine." Hope gestured to her.

Grace just sat there for a second before she realized that Hope was serious yet still she asked, "You can't be serious?"

"Oh I am," Hope said smiling broadly, "Now come on over here."

"Shit," Grace said and she saw a disappointed look on Hope's face before she saw her grin.

Grace followed Hope into the bathroom where she watched Hope wet both bars of soap making them soapy, "You're going to make it taste worse by doing that." She told her.

"I know but you shouldn't have taught me to say fuck and I should do what I'm about to do. Now open wide." Hope told her.

Grace squelched her face up knowing how bad this was going to taste before she opened her mouth and let Hope place the foul tasting bar of soap into her mouth. Hope them placed the other bar into her own mouth and they both had this funny look on their face as she looked at each other with the bars of soap in their mouths. Grace wondered just how long that Hope would make them do this but for Grace it was worth it as she was going to finally get the answers that she needed. Hope let it go for a couple of minutes before she finally reached up and took the bar from Grace's mouth.

"Fuck that tasted bad!" Grace said as she tried to spit the leftover soap from her mouth.

"Grace do you want another dose of the soap?" Hope asked between spitting out her own leftover soap.

"Fuck no!" Grace said and then she laughed as Hope frowned at her.

"Did your foster mother ever have a bar of soap that you and Maryanne didn't eventually have in your mouths?" Hope asked her.

"Not many," Grace said laughing as she remembered all the times that Mama Rose had made her and Maryanne spent at the sink with soap in their mouths.

"Come on, let's get this taste out of our mouths before we sit down and talk," Hope said as she took Grace's hand and began to lead Grace out of the bathroom.

"I do appreciate you doing this, I really do," Grace said giving Hope's hand a squeeze.

"I know," Hope told her giving her a soft smile. "Hell I knew when I first laid eyes on you on that fucking bus that all the rules that I promised to abide by were history."

Grace laughed, "I do have that affect on people for some reason but you can blame it all on Maryanne, she did the same to me. She got us into all types of trouble but I wouldn't have it any other way. I went along willingly."

"So am I," Hope told her. "Now pour us a glass of milk, I need to go get something from my bag."

"Okay," Grace said getting the milk out of the small fridge. She got the glasses down and she turned toward Hope to see what she was getting and what she saw almost took her breath away. Hope was bending down by the waist fumbling around in her large bag giving Grace a great view of her legs and also her pussy and asshole. While Hope's full breasts invoked both a sexual and a more basic need within her, the view of Hope's pussy and ass was purely sexual. She stood there staring until she saw Hope starting to raise up and only then did she turn back around to try and pour them both some milk with shaky hands. She did manage to do so without spilling any.

Hope came on over to her carrying a medium size bag filled with a green powder. Hope opened it and using a spoon from within the bag, she carefully measured out a level spoonful, placing one in each glass. She sealed the bag and then got another spoon from the drawer to stir them, turning the white milk into a neon green color.

"That's gross looking; does it taste as bad as it looks?" Grace asked without thinking.

"No I think you'll like this," Hope told her with a reassuring smile. She then picked up the glass handing it to Grace who was forced to take it.

Grave first smelled of the milk and the smell was both fruity and sweet smelling. She still had her doubts but she put the glass to her lips and took a very small sip. "Mmmm this isn't bad!" Grace told her with an expression on her face letting Hope know how surprised she was.

"Not everything I fix taste bad," Hope told her with a grin.

"I can see that, now I only got to get you to make everything you make taste this good," Grace said with a laugh.

"Good luck, you see I gave you this so that when you wake up in the morning, you won't remember anything we talk about tonight and neither will I," Hope said and then she took a sip.

"Are you serious?" Grace asked fearing that what Hope told her was the truth and she'd end up back where she started from in the morning.

Hope maintained a straight face as she said, "Mm no, I'm messing with you, when you wake you, like me, will remember everything.

"Oh good cause I don't want to have to try and figure out another way for you to talk to me honestly," Grace told her.

"I know, now come on and let's have that talk so we can get to sleep," Hope told her as she turned heading for the bed leaving Grace to watch those dimples just over her ass cheeks.

Grace then followed Hope to the bed and after seeing Hope sit on top of the covers, Grace knew she would have to do the same. She thought about asking Hope to put something on but then she didn't want any more delays, she had Hope willing to talk and so she had to take advantage of this moment. She let Hope hold her glass of green milk and she sat down in front of her. She sat as Hope sat with her legs folded in front of her, Indian fashion with her knees resting on her ankles. This opened both of their pussies however Grace had her pubic hair covering hers while Hope was bare. Grace had to take a peak before she took her glass back and she took a sip. She let her heart calm down a moment before she spoke and she was glad that Hope was giving her this time to compose herself.

"You're not from here are you?" Grace asked her.

"No I wasn't born here in this country," Hope stated simple which frustrated Grace as she hoped that Hope was going to be fair and honest with her.

"I had to try," Hope then said with a smile.

"Please," Grace said in a pleading manner.

"I'm sorry, I'll answer your questions honestly and completely from now on," Hope told her with a soft smile, she then took a sip of her green milk, letting go down her throat before answering Grace's question.

"No I wasn't born on this planet; I come from a world a long, long way from here," Hope told her.

Grace was glad to hear that as it confirmed what she pretty much knew or thought that she knew. But then another worry came to mind, "You're not taking on a form like ours to blend in are you?" She asked.

"Taking on a form? What do you mean?" Hope asked and Grace could see that she was confused by her question.

"I mean you don't really have eight arms and a big head with four eyes do you, but transformed yourself to look like us when you here on earth?" Grace asked.

Hope looked like she was going to laugh before she seemed to realize that Grace was being serious and then she did laugh out loudly, and she laughed so hard that Grace had to take her glass away from her before she spilled it. Grace began to feel embarrassed about asking the question as obviously it was something she didn't have to worry about.

"No Grace, what you see is what I look like on my home planet," Hope finally said as she stopped laughing.

"I guess I've watched too many movies," Grace said blushing.

"Yea, but it's okay, I know what you're talking about now. We have things like movies on my planet too." Hope told her taking back her milk and taking a sip.

"Is you planet like earth?" Grace asked.

"Sort of except it is much larger and has two suns so we never have any nights, it's always light." Hope told her.

"No nights?" Grace asked then blurted out, "I guess that explains your beautiful tan skin."

"Thank you and yes it does. The thought of it getting dark here is one of the reasons I wanted to come here so badly, I wanted to see what night was like." Hope told her.

"Doesn't it make it hard to sleep there if there is no darkness, something to divide up the day?" Grace had to ask.

"Not if you don't know any difference, we were all raised where there is no darkness so our bodies don't know any differences." Hope told her.

"I didn't think of that," Grace said with a smile. "So do you like the nighttime?"

"It was a bit weird at first but I've adjusted to it and now I like it. You can actually see the stars which I love. I sometimes go out at night while you're sleeping just to look at them." Hope told her.

"You do? Why didn't you wake me and I'd go with you." Grace said slightly hurt that Hope had left her out.

"You needed the sleep," Hope told her.

"But I don't need it as much now do I?" Grace asked more to make a point.

Hope smiled at her, "Point taken, I'll wake you the next time I feel the urge to go star gazing."

"Good," Grace told her giving Hope a smile back. "I want to know all about your home but I got other questions first."

"That's fine, I'll tell you all you want to know about my home but remember I'm here to observe your planet." Hope told her.

"I know but we got lots of time to do that and talk about you too." Grace told her.

"True we do," Hope replied, "So what's your next question?"

"How did you cure me when no one here could?" Grace asked and this was the main question that she wanted answered.

"I figured that question would be coming," Hope said with a smile.

"Yea it's something that I got to know," Grace said.

"And maybe it will finally convince you that you are really cured right?" Hope told her.

"Yea that too," Grace said with a smile.

"Since the beginning of our existence on our planet, there have been healers. At times they were worshiped and at other times they were thought to be evil and they were killed. But we eventually got past all of that and discovered that healers should be trained so that they could develop their skills, sort of like medical schools here." Hope told her. "But by putting us all together had an interesting effect."

"What was that?" Grace asked as she knew Hope wanted her to.

"Well putting us all together in one place caused us to develop relationships with each other and we found that the offspring of those couplings were even better healers. They could do more than their parents could do. So each generation was better than the previous generation could heal more and do more." Hope told her.

"But how do you heal?" Grace asked.

"While we are similar, you and I, there is also some differences. My genetic makeup is different, it is even different than most of the people on my planet. It gives me an energy that comes from within me and I am able to use that energy to change the things that is wrong with another. I can project that energy upon the person and change what is going on within the other's person body. So I was able to place my hands on you and feel what was wrong and then I just used the energy within me to change the things that were wrong." Hope told her.

"And what was that?" Grace had to ask just to test Hope a little.

"The first thing I had to fix was that your system was quickly shutting down because they weren't getting any nutrients. So I had to get them working again and then I had to put the nutrients into your body and make your body accept them. To do that I had to fix the defective genes and this proved even harder to do. I had to change your genetic makeup to make it a bit more similar to my own." Hope told her.

"You changed me?" Grace asked a bit alarmed.

Hope gave her a smile at that comment, "Just a little but don't worry, you're not going to suddenly grow six more arms and a big head like me."

Grace gave out an embarrassed laugh at that, "Sorry about that, I didn't mean..."

"Oh I know," Hope said while putting a hand on Grace's leg. "I was just kidding with you, we do have a sense of humor too you know."

"I'm discovering that." Grace told her.

"What I changed, you'll never know or feel, except that your body will be more efficient and you'll be a little stronger than you were before. I might have added a couple of years to your life but nothing else." Hope said then she paused for a second, "Except you'll notice a few differences in how your body works, well the female parts of your body."

"What's that?" Grace asked more than just a little alarmed.

"To answer that I have to give you a little history of my world," Hope told her. "You see my planet was formed much earlier than yours, much, much earlier so thus we have evolved much further than you. That is one reason we come here to observe what our world might have been like at one time. Anyway over time our bodies have changed much like yours. We started out with hair all over our bodies to protect them from our suns. But slowly over time we shed our hair much like you are doing. Only we have gotten to the point that we only have hair on our heads."

"I did notice that and wondered about it." Grace told her.

"Another thing is that our reproductive systems have changed in that we no longer have periods except for when we want to have a child. If for some reason we don't become pregnant then we do have our menstruation to cleanse our bodies. So when you don't have a period, don't worry about it, you can still have a child when you want one." Hope told her.

"Well I like the fact that I don't have to worry about having periods but there isn't much a chance for me to have a child." Grace told her.

"No you can have one I assure you," Hope told her.

"Oh I believe you there, but what I mean..." Grace said before hesitating a moment not sure to tell Hope but then she saw the look in Hope's eyes and she finished her sentence, "you see, I'm what we call a lesbian... I'm not attracted to males but rather females. I'm someone who is attracted to their own sex."

"Oh that's cool, we too have people that are attracted to their own sex and even those that are attracted to both, just like you do. In fact you're talking to such a person." Hope told her.

"You're attracted to both male and female, you're bi?" Grace asked more than a little surprised.

"No I'm what you are; I'm only attracted to females." Hope said with a smile. "I really like females with light colored hair, small breasts, a nice ass, and pretty brown eyes."

Grace was even more surprised at hearing this and then Hope's words began to register with her as she realized that Hope had just described her to a T. "Oh..." Grace said blushing just a little but also feeling a warm glow within her body.

Grace then decided to get them back on subject. "So how did you feed me when you kept me asleep for so long?"

"As you have obviously noticed, I also have to ability to make your body relax and bring sleep to you. I can also wake up enough to be able to feed you and help you to the bathroom without bringing you fully awake. You were so near death when I found you that I had a lot of healing to do and I needed you at a state of rest to do that. And that is why you knew you didn't like what I was about to feed you that day I let you awake fully." Hope told her as she grinned.

"I was wondering about that." Grace said smiling back but then another thought occurred to her, "that also meant that you had to clean me after I had gone to the bathroom..."

"Yes I did but don't worry about it, it was just a part of getting you better. Don't be embarrassed about it. I had you in a state that you couldn't do it for yourself." Hope told her while giving a squeeze to Grace's knee.

"Well I appreciate you doing that for me and also healing me like you did. I do feel better than I ever remember feeling." Grace said putting her hand on Hope's hand that was still on her knee.

"It was my pleasure." Hope told her. "And speaking of the bathroom, how about we take a break and go to the bathroom. We're not any different than you are there either."

"That's good to know as I got to pee too." Grace said with a smile.

"Let me have your glass and you can go ahead," Hope said taking her hand away.

Grace hated to loss of touch with Hope but she did have to go. So she gave her glass to Hope and she slipped off the bed hurrying to the bathroom as the talk of peeing made her really need to go. As she sat down on the toilet, she thought over what she had learned about Hope so far. To her own surprise, she wasn't shocked that Hope came from an alien planet. But then with everything that she had learned and seen, she really knew that what Hope had done, along with the strange car and computer, she knew those things could not have come from here. She had always believed of the possibility of life beyond the earth; however she never thought that she would be the one to see it. The bad part was that she knew she could never tell anyone.

"You done in there?" Grace heard coming from outside the bathroom.

"Oh sorry, I just got to thinking and forgot you were waiting," Grace said quickly wiping herself clean.

She was washing her hands when Hope came on into the bathroom, "I couldn't wait any longer." Hope said sitting down on the toilet.

"Oh god, I'm sorry, let me get out of here." Grace said as she tried to quickly rinse her hands.

"Take your time; on my planet we're pretty open about these things." Grace said as she started to pee and pee she did.

"About what things?" Grace asked, "Peeing in front of strangers?"

Hope laughed, "Well no not peeing in front of strangers but then I don't consider you a stranger anymore. What I was talking about was nudity and sexuality, those we don't hide."

"You mean you all go around naked all the time?" Grace asked.

"No not all the time but if we chose to go without clothes on a hot day then it's no big deal. Or if my home is full of guests and I come out of the shower naked, no one would pay me any mind. And if a couple is in an amorous mood then there isn't anything keeping them from showing their love for each other. Because no one makes it a big deal, then it isn't one." Hope told her.

"I'm a little more conservative about those things," Grace told her.

"I've noticed but you have loosened up a little around me." Hope said with a smile. "I mean you've been sitting with me on the bed and you're standing there naked in front of me."

"I know but that's only because I didn't want to risk you changing your mind about telling me your secrets to ask you to put something on." Grace told her.

"But you're standing there naked now aren't you." Hope said with a knowing smile.

"Oh shut up," Grace told Hope though she was smiling when she did so.

Grace considered putting something but instead decided to let it go, Hope had been right, she was feeling more comfortable being naked around her. Plus, if she put something on, she figured that Hope would do so too. So she went on over to the bed, sitting down on top of the covers and she awaited for Hope to come out of the bathroom, which she did a couple of minutes later. She saw that Hope seemed pleased that she had chose not to put something on.

"So what do you want to know now?" Hope asked her as she curled her legs up under her.

"I want to know all about your world and how much more it is obviously more advanced but that we can talk about in a bit. Now I want to know where you got all this money that you've stuck me with?" Grace told her.

"Well here gold is very valuable because of the uses and how hard it is to find. On my planet it is used just as much but it is very easy to find so it isn't all that valuable. So when someone makes a trip here, they just bring a lot of it and exchange it for money." Hope told her.

"Oh and do you all come here often?" Grace asked.

"There's usually one or two of us here about all the time. But we're here to just observe and not do anything to bring attention to ourselves." Hope told her.

"Which you did," Grace said with a smile.

"Yes I did but I'm counting on you to keep what I say just between us," Hope told her.

"I will," Grace said to her.

"I know you will," Hope said. "Next question."

"Tell me about your car and computer, how do they really work?" Grace asked.

"That I can't tell you but it isn't because I don't trust you, it's because I really don't know. They taught me to use them but I admit, I'm clueless as to how they work or what makes them work, sorry." Hope told her.

"That's okay; I probably wouldn't understand whatever you told me anyway." Grace said with a laugh. "So how about how you got here, you said it's very far away."

Hope let a small smile slip upon her lips and Grace about knew what was coming next, "I hate to disappoint you again, but there again I don't know a lot about the trip. We have had more time to develop and thus our technology is far advance, so we have learned to travel long distances that would take a lifetime, in a more reasonable time." Hope told her.

"So Einstein was right about his theory of relativity?" Grace asked.

"I have heard of him and yes...more or less, he was right. But how it all works, I'm not completely sure. You see I was in sort of a state of sleep during most of the trip and only was awakened when we arrived here." Hope told her.

"So will the people you knew be much older when you return?" Grace had to ask.

"Yes but not by a lot," Grace told her.

"Okay so how did you get from your spaceship to here without being seen?" Grace asked.

"Well I took what appears to be an airplane from the spaceship to here bringing with me that little car out there. And the person going home drove the plane back to the spaceship. The car was developed so that we could get around without harming the earth but still not look all that out of place. I didn't plan on using it; rather I wanted to use the transportation of this planet like the bus I found you on. Only once I decided to help you and thus have a companion for the trip, I decided that maybe the car would be useful after all." Hope told her.

"But how did you get it here?" Grace asked.

"Well once I got you to the point that you could sleep without me for a few hours, I took a bus back to get it returning just as you were starting to wake up." Hope told her.

"And of course you put me right back to sleep," Grace said with a smile.

"Of course," Hope told her with a little laugh. "But then you didn't need to wake up alone, so it was good that I made it back in time."

"Yea, I guess it was at that." Grace said and then she noticed that Hope was sort of using her upper arms to press against her breasts which seemed to have gotten a little fuller since she had come out of the shower.

"Is something wrong?" Grace asked glancing down at Hope's breasts.

"No," Hope said quickly but then she seemed to hesitate, "Well actually I need to help you go to sleep for a few minutes and then I promise to wake you up."

"why? Is there something wrong?" Grace asked.

"No, I just need to do something to help in your healing process." Hope told her.

"Can't I be awake from now on? I want to know and see what you're doing to me. Is it possible to heal a person while they're awake?" Grace asked.

"Yes you can and yes it is possible to heal someone while they're awake but this is something I need to do while you're asleep." Hope told her in almost a pleading manner and while Hope had stopped using her upper arms to massage her breasts, Grace could see something was bothering her.

Grace glanced down at Hope's breasts and this time she saw just a hint of something white at the tip on Hope's left nipple. It then hit her why she had felt such a need to suck upon those breasts. "You've been breast feeding me haven't you?" she asked.

Hope blushed just a little before saying, "Yes I have. When I first brought you here, you were so close to death that it was the best way to feed you. Plus my breast milk has some healing powers that a normal mother's milk doesn't have. when you got strong enough to eat, I slowed down my breast feeding to twice a day and now just during the night. You probably don't need it as much now but I have the milk and you could still use it to make you heal faster." Hope told her.

"Then just let me do it while I'm awake," Grace stated not believing that she wanted to but she did, very much so. It was an even stronger need now that she knew the reason for her desire for Hope's breasts but now she had to admit that the need was more sexual than just a need of her body for Hope's healing milk.

Hope hesitated for a moment, "I don't think that's a good idea, I think I'd be better off feeding you while you're asleep." Hope said.

Grace started to speak when she could almost see her blush before Hope added, "If you're awake, it might lead to..."

Grace looked up into Hope's eyes and for the first time she didn't see her healer but a woman just like her fighting feelings and she began to feel those same feelings. Grace wasn't sure if her attraction was because Hope had healed her when no one else could, or because she was so beautiful or just because she just plain ole liked her and maybe was falling in love with her.

"Are you afraid that it would lead to this?" Grace asked and then she leaned forward, pursing her lips as she did so. She could see the fear in Hope's eyes but she also noticed that Hope wasn't doing anything to stop her. Grace went on waiting for Hope to stop her, expecting her to do so after she had closed her eyes as their lips got close. She then felt Hope's hands on her shoulders and she stopped. She figured this was where Hope was going to put an end to her madness but Hope surprised her by pulling her in closer and then she felt Hope's lips touch her lips.

End of Part Two

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 3

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