My Life with One Direction

By Yasin Alvi

Published on Aug 22, 2013



I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned, or there sexual preferences, and anything written below is a piece of fiction and any similarities are a pure coincidence. Thank you.

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Chapter 1

I had just got off the phone with my boss and my hands were shaking. I was going to be working with the hottest boy band ever. They were all attractive, charming and funny. But most of all they had an accent, and that too the sexiest of all accents- British. As much as they were good looking, I wasn't interested in sleeping with any of them, well maybe for one- but I'll tell you about that later. Oh I totally forgot to introduce myself- my name is Ammar Ali, a Muslim Canadian, born in Brampton, Ontario. But there's one more thing that I am- and that is gay. I love cock, always have and always will, now going by my background do you now know which One Direction member I would sleep with?

Back to what this story is really about- I'm 21 years old, and I took a 2 year college course for public relations, which got me a job at Alvi Marketing Firm which is one of the best public relation firms in Canada. They handle relations for all artists that come and visit for tours, and handle all relations with them. One good thing about our services is that we offer live in services, so we are there for our clients 24/7. I have worked with artists such as Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber, Drake, and now I just got a call that I will be working with the boy band One Direction, and they're looking for a permanent manager, as they love this 24/7 live in aspect we off. However, if I am a permenant manager, I will have some assistants that will help out as well so all aspects of there life is taken care of.

Just as I was getting lost in my thoughts, I head my phone ring and I quickly answered the phone.

"This is Ammar"

"Hi this Zayn Malik from One Direction" My heart instantly dropped a little bit, but I remained professional.

"Hello, Zayn my name is Ammar, I believe I'll be your new manager"

"Yes, that's exactly what I called you about, Simon told you you'll be taking over before our arrival next week, so to go over some stuff, we need you to come to London."

"Sure no problem, I'll try to get the next flight out." I knew the company would pay for my expenses, so I didn't really worry about that.

"No need, we already got your company the ticket for you, it should be arriving any-" The door knocked, and I rushed to it, to see an Purolator man there with a package for me I quickly sign and open the envelope to see a first class ticket there with a 8pm flight time and it was 2pm, so I started to panic.

"I just got it now Zayn, thanks"

"Ok we'll pick you up at the airport, see ya soon mate" and he hanged up the phone. I quickly packed and was on my way to the airport. On the way, my boss Charlie called me and let me know what they were looking for someone that was willing to not back down, until they get what they want- which was me. I knew how to barter and argue for all my clients until they get what they deserve. Plus I had made a lot of good relations with people in Canada, and some abroad, plus I'll get the expertise of Simon Cowell and his great mind of making stars who they are.

On my way to the airport, I put all of One Direction's song on my Iphone, so I could listen to them all and get use to every single one of them and make sure I knew my stuff. I also bought my laptop with me, so I was reading up on all of the members of One Direction so I knew exactly what I was into. I arrived at the airport and there I saw the five boys of One Direction there to greet me, they quickly took me all of them with black shades on to cover there eyes. We went itno the limo, and that's where I was formally introduced to all of them. Niall, the blonde cute boy; Louis, the oldest and most mature; Harry the youngest and crazy one; Liam the brown haired spontaneous one and finally Zayn- the sexy one that I had a connection with more then just looks. We shared a spiritual connection as he was a practising Muslim like me, even though he smoked cigarettes like no tomorrow. They all gave me there hi's and hellos and I formally introduced myself to all of them, but I waited until I got into there house to get to the formal stuff, there Simon would be waiting for me. Zayn kept looking at me as if he was seeing an item of lust. I recognized the look because that's usually the look I give when I want to give someone head.

"Ok guys, so my name is Ammar Ali, I am one of the top talent public relation specialists in my line, and very good at my job for my age. I am only 21, but don't take that lightly- I fight for my client, they don't get a penny less of what they deserve. All I ask in return is that you guys trust me, and I will trust you. I will make sure you guys get exactly what each of you want, but at a reasonable way. You guys are all young, so I want to make sure you guys are grounded, and not over the top- we don't need another Lindsay Lohan situation here. Now, I've been reading some things online and I want to get some things straight. Zayn- I know you hate getting out of bed- but it has to be done, I won't tolerate any tardiness issues, otherwise your worth will go down a lot." Zayn gave me a look of charm that I had a difficult time getting remaining my strict professional tone with him. "But at the end of the day, it is my job to sell you guys and make sure you guys get exactly what each of you deserve and want. I will do right by you guys just make sure you do right by me too. If any of you fuck up or do anything wrong- I better be your first call. I know this is only a trial run, but I really want to do my best, as I really need this job, and I actually think you guys are talented and I would love to travel the world with you guys. Also, I am here 24/7 so if you need anything you can let me know. And just to let you know even though this shouldn't affect my work- I am gay. I like men, just in case you hear it from someone else, but you won't see me hitting on any of you as unfortunately none of you are my type, I usually go for brown guys, and well Zayn your not fully brown so you don't count haha"

"Ammar, your going to fit right in with these guys, you're a young guy, and that's why I think you're perfect to understand there needs. This is a trial run for the label, but I know I want you as I see a little bit of myself in you." Simon boasted with confidence in me and my abilities. The boys all nodded in agreement, and so I took out my contract and got everyone to sign as long as myself and Simon.

"So in your honor we decided to throw you a party at the house." Proclaimed a very excited Harry

"Yeah and dude don't worry we don't care if your gay- all of us have experimented so we don't hold any grudges" said Liam.

"Yeah mate, I had a mate who I regularily fucked who was on our tour throughout London with me" Louis told the group.

"OH yeah mate, Jerry right, and for full disclouse and since you signed the confidentiality agreement, me and Louis hook up whenever were horny and our gals are not here" Harry said proudly, to which I laughed and thanked the boys for making me feel welcomed. I loved there commadery between them that it just made me feel that more welcomed. Zayn kept staring at me, with this glow of lust and passion. He was telling me through his eyes he wanted me, but I had to keep telling myself- no way, I was here for a job.

We partied a little, Simon left and a girl named Alesia came over, to chill with Niall. She wasn't the usual girl who you would expect to see a popstar like Niall with, but a really chilled out cool girl who wasn't obsessed with make-up and wore simple clothes, which I think Niall liked. The night was getting late, so I excused myself to find my living arrangements, only to be intruppeted by the handsome brown boy himself.

"Ammar I'll show you to your room, it's next to mine" Zayn said with a sense of urgency yet swagger to complete his attempt at getting me to the next level.

"So you like brown guys" Zayn smiled at me

"Yeah, I love them, but don't worry I will never cross that line between me and you"

"Dude, your 21, you can chill with me plus I read the contract, you technically don't work for us until Sunday, when we travel to Toronto together. You can be a bro with me, if you want"

"Well if you really want to know about my sexual preferences, then I should ask you, where's a good place to find guys? I need a dick in my mouth while I'm in London partying"

"Really you like to suck dick?"

"I love it, and people never seem to last long when they're in my mouth"

"Well I have been known to be lasting long in a girl's mouth"

"Maybe because they don't know how to suck a dick, they don't have one so they don't know where you get excited and where Ican make you moan" I said, totally carefree, I think some of the Smirnoff I had was kicking in my confidence. But I was always confident when I wanted a dick- nothing stood in my way. But with Zayn this flirting was exactly where it should stay- he's a client after all. Zayn laughed at this and stopped at my door and opened it for me and put my bags down and showed me where everything was.

"Thanks Zayn, you really are a good person to flirt with. By the way, give some boys a chance, they are really good in the sack, well some of them are" I told him trying to help all those boys who fantasized about being fucked by Zayn Malik.

"I might just do that" With that, he grabbed my hand and pushed himself closer to me. It was all so quick, I just stared into his eyes, and got lost in them. They were telling me to let him do what he wanted and I just melted in his arms, as he pulled me closer to him and started to slowly caress my back until both hands were united on my waist.

"Zayn I can't- we can't- it's not" To shut my mouth, Zayn pushed his lips on to mine. My lips matched his, in every move, if he bit my lower lip, my top one would be next to make the move on to his, we kept battling it out not wanting to stop until I stopped and moved toward his neck and hear Zayn Malik moan into my ears while I nibbled on his neck. My lips causing him such arousal on his face meant something else should be growing too, which it was and I could feel it.

"I want you to suck my dick- I want to show you, how much I can last"

"Zayn this is all going way too fast, we can't be-" And again he pressed his lips against mine to shut me up and then slowly started to unbutton his pants, and my horniness took over, as I loved sucking a dick- and that too a brown british dick- I don't think I've done that before. I went straight to my knees and pressed my mouth against the fabric of his boxers and I quickly slouched them down using just my teeth.

"Oh fuck" I heard Zayn murmer not expecting that one at all. That's when I saw his 8" dick. Since he was mixed he inherited both stereotypes that boys usually have of each race. He had the length of a brown dick, yet the thickness of a white dick, so it was like heaven for me. I looked at the clock to note the time, and then with no hands, I take in his head and start teasing it and swishing it around in my mouth causing Zayn to moan so loudly he grips the back of my head so he can remain standing. I slowly start to begin my descent of his dick and then go back up after every 2 inches, as to tease him, but to make sure his head, got all the attention because that's where I would be awarded. With every move I made, Zayn would feel things he never felt, and kept sputtering out F bombs. I was enjoying every minute of it, because I was in control of this sexy man. He was at the liberty of my mouth. I finally deep throated his dick and put my arms on his ass so I can keep going up and down on his member.

"Oh fuck Ammar I'm so close" This was just motivation for me to go faster and keep pleasuring that dick and giving it the treatment a dick that amazing deserves. I felt his precum building and I didn't care. I wanted his cum, I wanted him to shoot him in my mouth. I didn't want him to last long, as the competitive side of me was coming out and I wanted to prove to him I could make him cum

"FUCK I'm gonna cum" He came in my mouth and I swallowed every drop. I stood up and saw the time and a huge smile came on my face.

"I sucked on your dick at 3:32, what time is it now Zayn?"

"3:43- I only lasted 11 minutes in your hot mouth, you proved me wrong."

"Zayn this is the first and last time this will ever happen because I have a job to do, and I just wanted to prove you wrong- that's who I am, I always have to be right. So I hope you understand, when I say that you won't be having this mouth on that dick anymore"

"Don't worry, I'll make you change your mind. But for now, thank you." He put on his boxers and pulled his pants up and left.

Next: Chapter 2

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