My Stud Ryan

By Jason Clarkson

Published on Jul 22, 2010


If you are not of legal rights and/or age to read any type of adult literature or if you find the material offensive, please do not read any further. The author and site cannot be held liable as you agree to accept all responsibility for reading said material. If you wish to contact the author of this series, please do so at, I will respond to all e-mails. This story is loosely based on events in my life however names, descriptions and actions of other characters are not real.

I crawled into bed completely exhausted. I was careful not to wake my wife. If she had woken up, she surely would have wondered what was up with me. I was more afraid that she might be in the mood, and I physically didn't think I could have handled any more sex that night. My body was still tingling from the exhilarating assault Ryan had doled out. Luckily, I was working from home the next day so was going to enjoy the extra hour of sleep.

I barely stirred as my wife kissed me goodbye in the morning. I had managed to not wake up while she and the kids got ready for school. That never happened! I must have been really wiped out.

Since I was working from home, I had time to lie in bed for a bit. I smiled as I heard my family hustle about downstairs getting out the door. Footsteps on the stairs back and forth as someone forgot something in their room. Then, the refrigerator opening and closing as the lunches were brought out. I rolled over to my side as I heard a faucet running as teeth were being brushed, a flush of the toilet as one final trip to the bathroom was made and finally, the distinctive slam of the back door as they hurriedly made their exit. The house went silent.

As much as I loved all the activity that comes with 4 kids, I also enjoyed being in the house alone. Further, getting to lounge in bed for a few minutes by myself was even better. Of course, these two things very rarely occurred.

Of course, my thoughts immediately turned to sex. I was sporting some healthy, morning wood, but my balls felt empty and still ached a bit from the explosive ejaculation the night before. I felt a twinge of soreness in my ass, certainly not as much as I had expected after taking Ryan's big, thick cock such a short time ago.

I wasn't in the mood to try to figure out what I was going to do with Ryan, so I filled my head with images of Ricky. He always looked so hot, fully dressed or completely naked. I had seen him in some goofy outfits as well as in dress clothes. I laughed as I pictured him in the long black coat with only the jock on underneath. The kid did have a thing for jockstraps.

He worked a couple days a week at a place close to my house. He was going to the local college as well. He kept plenty busy, but he also found time to take care of his sexual needs. I was certainly more than happy to assist him with that.

I remembered the time he stopped over for lunch on a day he was working. He looked positively dashing as I watched him from the window in my office as he made the walk from his car to the door.

The bright blue shirt looked as it was perfectly tailored for him. It did its best to highlight his finely toned upper body. I felt my dick jump a bit as I could see a hint of his smooth chest through the open collar.

His navy dress slacks weren't tight but somehow brought your eyes to his crotch. Of course, I knew what he was packing inside there, but I am sure others would have been pleasantly surprised.

Of course, his belt and shoes brought the whole outfit together. His brown hair, with the blond highlights, was teased in a respectable business way, but gave you a hint that this boy had a wild side. Again, I knew this to be true, while others were just left wondering.

Ricky was a cool kid. He knew he had the looks and body to match. When we played hoops at the gym, he turned more than a few heads, both men and women of all ages. He knew it, but he never let it go to his head. He was very humble and polite to all people he met.

By the time he knocked on the door, I was already hard. In fact, I had been hard since he texted me that he was on his way. Actually, I had been hard, off and on all morning long. You see, my morning started with a text from Ricky:

"Hey coach, wear a jock this morning," read the text I received at 7:20am.

"?" I replied, knowing he was up to something but trying to play innocent.

"Work out in it and keep it on all morning, because I am going to come over at lunch. I want to have it all sweaty, so I can savor the smell while I take it off you with my teeth."

I quickly checked my schedule. I guess I could work from home today.

"Putting it on now. See you around 12?"


I scrambled through the gym bag hoping that I hadn't thrown my nice white jock in the wash yet. Sure enough, it was there. I tossed it on, threw on my workout clothes and headed downstairs.

"No work today?" my son asked as he saw me in my shorts and t-shirt.

"I am working from home today, so I thought I would go for a workout first." I said.

Once I helped get the family out of the house and off to school, I headed to the gym. I seemed to have the best workouts on mornings when I knew I would be meeting up with Ricky. Today was no different, with the exception that I left the gym immediately without showering.

Since I am in video conferencing, I needed to be visually presentable even when working from home. So, I changed into dress pants and a collared shirt. Of course, I left the sweat soaked jock on. Since I hadn't showered, I knew these clothes would have to head right to the cleaners after I took them off, but Ricky was worth it.

Trying to play it cool, I waited a second before rushing to answer the door. I opened it slowly.

"Hey Coach!" Ricky said with a smile as he walked in confidently.

"Hey Rick, it is nice to see you. You look dashing as usual!" I said (Really, dashing is the only word to describe it)

I flipped the door shut with my hand just as Ricky hugged me. His body pressed tightly against me and we both fell backward into the wall. Ricky began kissing me deep while his hands roamed my body. He then buried his head into my neck. I heard him breathe in deeply through his nose soaking in my scent.

"Oh yes, coach, you smell so good," he said as he ran his tongue up and down my neck.

Being pinned against the wall didn't give me much freedom to explore his body, but I managed to work my hands over his perfect ass. I could feel his thick cock growing as it was now sandwiched between our thighs. My cock was already full at attention and I could feel the head trying to pop out of the thick band of the jockstrap.

Ricky kept his position knowing he had me pinned against the wall. He continued to run his tongue and lips across my neck while he quickly unbuttoned my shirt. He worked his mouth down through my hairy chest as he went to remove my pants.

Once he unzipped the pants so that they fell to the floor, he rose up again and gave me a long, passionate kiss. His hands kept working though. He tugged my shirt off my shoulders. He didn't undo the buttons at the wrists, so it caught on my hands as he tried to yank it off, leaving me almost handcuffed.

I don't think he planned that, but I saw the twinkle in his eye once he realized it.

Now, he slowed all his movements, knowing that I couldn't use my hands to stop him or begin to work him over. He ran his hands over my entire body while he buried his face into my jock strap covered crotch. When he reached my ankles, he deftly removed my shoes and socks. He also got me to step out of my pants. He was now kissing and sucking my cock through the jock strap. If he kept this up I would be cumming soon.

Once he cleared all the clothing from my lower extremities, he gave a tug of the shirt at both arms, removing it completely. I heard the two buttons that he managed to rip off in the process hit the floor and bounce away.

He stood back up and looked at me quite proudly.

In a matter of a few moments, Ricky had me standing in my front hall completely naked except for my sweaty jockstrap. He was still fully dressed, not a wrinkle or a hair out of place.

With a devilish look in his eye, he dropped to his knees. Still looking up at me, he took the jockstrap in his teeth. He teased me for several minutes, slowly working it down. He would release his grip on it so that he could tantalize my dripping cock with his lips and tongue. He would wrap his lips around my cock head and scoop up the juice with his tongue. But he never tightened the grip or sucked my cock, further enhancing my lust.

Finally, he worked my jockstrap all the way down. I stepped out of it, and he looked back up. He was quite a sight--on his knees with the jockstrap dangling from his mouth.

He stood up, pulling the jock from his mouth.

"Hold on, stay right here." He said and he dashed out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I yelled as he moved out of sight.

I heard him bound up the stairs.

"I'll be right back, just don't move." He called back.

I was confused, but definitely curious to find out what he was up to. He had never been further than this floor of the house, so I wondered where he was headed.

After a few minutes (well it seemed like forever!), he called down.

"Hey Coach, can you come up here?"

Uh oh, I thought, he broke something. I quickly headed up the stairs.

"Where are you, Rick?" I asked as I hit the top of the stairs.

"In here, Coach, hurry" he said, sounding nervous.

I was figuring he was in my closet looking for some other jock or something, but his voice was coming from one of my son's room.

I opened the first door on the left and it was empty.

"No coach, in here." He called out.

I guess he heard me open the other bedroom door.

"What the fuck are you doing in my son's room?" I said as I opened the door.

"Well, what do we have here?" I then asked as I took in the amazing sight.

My eyes scanned the room. The closet doors were open. My son's dresser drawers were open and there were clothes hanging off of each of them. Ricky's clothes were sprawled out all over the floor.

Ricky was lying on the bed, looking nervous and scared. He was wearing my son's basketball uniform. My son was only in 8th grade but he was tall so the uniform was only a size or two too small for Ricky. The vision took my breath away.

"I am sorry I didn't play very well in the game today, Coach." He said in a voice near tears.

I played along:

"It's ok Rick, we all have off days. You know you are still my special player." I said as I sat on the bed next to him.

He jumped up into my arms.

"Oh coach, I know. I always want to make you proud of me. I want to be the star player to make you happy." He said as he started to run his hands through my chest hair.

This was amazing. Where did he come up with this? I felt a bit weird but knew this was just a fantasy he was playing out so I kept going with it.

"Ricky, I am always happy when you are out there on the court playing for me. I know you always try your hardest and have fun. That's all that matters to me."

I kissed him on the forehead and pressed his head onto my chest.

"Oh coach, I love you so much." He said as he buried his head further into my chest.

"I love you to Rick. You will always be my special player." I said as I rubbed his back.

"Coach," Ricky said, as he lifted up his head and looked me in the eyes, "I want you to fuck me. I know you said we can't do that stuff because you're my coach, but I think it is why I played bad."

I looked at him confused. I didn't know where he wanted me to go with this.

"I mean, I am having trouble concentrating on the court because I keep looking over at you. I keep picturing your big hard cock in me. I want you so bad coach. Please fuck me. It will be our little secret. I won't tell anyone."

With that he jumped on top of me and started kissing me.

"Please coach, fuck me. I need your cock." He pleaded.

"Fuck yes, Ricky. I want to fuck you so bad. This is so wrong but I want to." I said as I tore off the jersey.

Ricky's massive cock was now rock hard and he was grinding it against my body as we kissed.

My cock was sliding against the cool nylon of the basketball shorts he was wearing. I was leaking precum on my son's shorts which was making me feel very weird. However, the lust I had for Ricky quickly overcame those thoughts.

I rolled Ricky off of me and quickly rid him of the shorts. I was expecting to find his underwear or possibly nothing at all when I stripped him of the shorts. Instead, I realized he had on my sweaty jockstrap that I had worn all morning and he had successfully removed from me with only his teeth.

Still going with the hot scene he had set up in the bedroom, I said sternly:

"Ricky, did you go through Coach's locker again and steal my jockstrap?"

He put on that almost in tears look again and said,

"Sorry, Coach, please don't be mad. I just love your scent and wanted it to always be close to me during the game."

I shook my head in a disapproving fashion.

"What am I gonna do with my star player. I guess I do need to fuck you to help you focus out on the court."

"Yes Coach, please fuck me, I need it so bad. I want to feel your cock deep inside me, Coach. I want you to fill me up with your cum."

I knew play time was over. This was Ricky talking and he needed his coach's cock. The look was all too familiar.

But, I decided, one last thing:

"Well, Ricky, if you love wearing Coach's jock so much, you have to keep it on while I fuck you." "Oh yes coach, I want to feel my own cock in your jock while you fuck me."

I flipped him over on his stomach and spread his legs wide. I proceeded to dive my face into his crack as he buried his head in the pillow and groaned with pleasure. He raised his hips a bit giving me further access to his wanting hole.

I felt his hole twitch as I darted my tongue across it. I continued to tease his rosebud while I positioned myself for full access. I began to work my tongue in and out of his hole. I felt it open up and I pushed my tongue in further. My slobber was now soaking his crack. I could feel his muscles tightened around my tongue and try to suck it in further.

Maybe it was because he was muffling it into the pillow so he was not afraid he would be heard, but I had never heard Ricky scream out with such intensity.

My tongue was tiring after 10 minutes of the mauling I was doing to Ricky's ass. His breathing was fast and furious and I don't think he could take much more of the torturous pleasure I was inflicting upon him.

In fact, he lifted his head and said,

"You have got to fuck me coach, I can't take much more of this."

I roughly flipped him over onto his back and threw his knees back to his shoulders.

I did one last dive in with my tongue. It just looked so perfect in the air, fully exposed to me, I couldn't resist.

I knew his hole was plenty lubed with my slobber and my cock was well lubed with the gallon of precum that had been pouring out. I rose up on my knees and pressed my slippery cock head against his hole. My cock slid against the wet hole and across the slick crack banging into his balls.

"Oh fuck yes coach!" Ricky screamed.

I slid my dick back across his crack and then back again, crashing into his balls once again.

It felt incredible and I could tell Ricky enjoyed it as well. So, I did it again and again.

Ricky was uncontrollable now. This onslaught from the outside just would not do. As I slid back one more time and began to drive forward again, he grabbed my cockhead and tried to force it in his hole. It slid past.

He squeezed as tight as he could.

"Aaaahhggghhh. What the fuck?" I screamed.

"Put this fucking cock in my right now or I will fucking rip it off!"

The look in his eye was frightening. He loosened the grip.

I smiled and positioned it over his hole and drove it in.

"Oh fuck!" he screamed in a bit of agony.

I didn't stop or even slow down. I went all the way deep in.

I leaned in and kissed him, letting him adjust to the violent penetration.

After a few moments, I felt his hips start to move. He was ready.

I rose up once again and begin to slide in and out quickly. I slapped his exposed cheeks a few times as I began to punish his insides.

I felt him tremble as I grazed his prostate.

"Oh yes coach, fuck me with that big cock" he cooed.

I continued to work his button as his voice raised several pitches.

I was tempted to stop as I knew it wouldn't be able to last much longer if I continued. My own balls were on fire at this point, so they took over control.

I stopped thrusting and instead grabbed his hips and using my arms, drove him off and on of my cock.

He writhed in pleasure as his cum began to rise out of his balls. The tip of his cockhead was just peeking out of the band of the jockstrap. I saw his white load appear at the tip of the cock and then subsequently fire out across his chest, crashing into his chin. I continued thrusting him onto my cock as he shot load after load onto his body and into my jock.

I felt his ass muscles squeeze tight around my cock as his whole body spasmed. This put me over the edge. My cock slipped out just as I was about to explode, so I just slid it across his crack as my cum began to fire out.

The first few shots hit his stomach. I continued to slide my cock further up and it slid under the pouch of my jock that Ricky was wearing. I fired a few more cum shots into the pouch and onto his now softening cock.

I saw some of my juice start to drip out the top as my balls finally began to settle.

I slid my cock out from the jock and turned Ricky so that he could lie flat. I collapsed next to him.

We lied still for several minutes. Once our breathing had slowed, I lifted my head up and rested it in my hand with my elbow bearing the weight.

"Where did you come up with that?" I said laughing.

He started giggling.

"I don't know. I was planning on doing the jockstrap with the teeth thing. I could see those plaques and pictures you have hanging in your office of all your basketball teams and it just came to me."

I rolled my eyes as I began to giggle as well.

"Well, it was really fucking hot. But, I gotta clean that uniform and get this room back together." I said as I started to get up.

"I gotta get back to work," said Ricky as he jumped out of bed and began sliding his pants on.

"Hey, wait a minute; don't think you are walking off with my good jockstrap mister." I said in my coaching tone.

"Oh c'mon coach, please," he said smiling.

"No way, that's my best one. Besides you have already snagged one of mine and that really hot pair of CK trunks from me." I explained.

He paused and then smiled. I saw that devilish look again. He was quite a sight. He had the silly grin on his face, cum running down his smooth chest, my jock which was stained through with cum and sweat and his pants at his knees. If I thought we had more time, I'd jump him again right then.

"OK, Coach. I'll give 'em back, but only if you wear them the rest of the day." He said as he stepped back out of his pants.

He stood there, with his thumbs in the waist, awaiting my response.

"Oh man, that's gross. But ok, give `em here."

He giggled again as he tore them off and threw them at me. His giggle turned to a full out howl as his toss was a direct hit onto my face.

I reluctantly slipped them on, feeling the gooeyness against my body. The aroma was strong--a mixture of sweat and cum. I realized I would be reminded of this hot session all day as I walked around in this jockstrap.

Ricky dressed quickly, flashed me that million dollar smile, and said,

"Thanks, Coach, I gotta run. Make sure you leave that jock on all day."

And with a wink, he turned and was down the stairs and out the door.

That's it for Chapter Five. Things go a step further between me and Ryan in Chapter Six and I get an urgent call from Ricky. Please send any comments to me at Thanks again for the responses.

Next: Chapter 6

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