My Weekend with Tod and Zach

By Pupper Doggo

Published on Sep 4, 2017


Natural Disclaimer

This is a story that contains pornographic content of a homosexual nature. If you're not of legal age to read this. Or this is illegal where you live. Please stop reading now.

The subject of this story is a fantasy I came up with. All of the names and characters are fake. Any resembles to anyone real or make believe is purely coincidental.

This story contains sex between consenting adults, it's make believe so there is no protection used. The theme is that of a dominant submissive with some slightly raunchy elements included as well such as diapers, piss, etc. It also includes sexual situations around one of the characters young sons. If this is off putting to you again please stop reading. Again it's only fiction.

This work is fully copyright to myself, no work listed below has been taken from anywhere. Similarities may exist but they are only that. If you have any feedback, or comments please email

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Thank you, and I hope you enjoy. ************************************************************

So there I was stepping out of what had to be one of the most memorable bathrooms I'd ever been in. Never mind the luscious looking tile, heated floors, endless supply of hot water and steam that left me feeling clean and refreshed. My memories are more on the man and his son that just used me to service them. The tingle in my ass reminding me of Tod's thick cock breeding that load deep in me. Only accented by the heavy pup tail plug that's holding firmly in my ass thanks to it's girth. Keeping a constant little thumping rub against my prostate as I walk through their home wearing just a jockstrap, my black and white neoprene puppy hood, and tank top. The fact this jock is made of loose stretchy white cotton with black trim does little to hide the fact that I'm still ragingly hard. Dribbling a little bit of what I hope is precum out the tip of my dick and turning the front of the pouch a little translucent. Walking down the stairs almost makes me whimper as every step makes those two pounds of wagging rubber in my butt feel like twenty. My bare feet come to rest on the cool wood floors, even with the heater running this fall day's chill is quelled only in the air, but the floor still has a little chill I notice.

I look around a bit as I try to figure out where they've gone, the place is kind of large and so far I've only spent time in about four rooms of this place. Most of which had my face in Tod's crotch, or with it on the floor as he used my ass like a disposable fuck toy. A soft huff from with in my mask as I can feel my dick get even more damp with the pent up lust and memories. Suddenly a whistle! My head lifts up, the long ears up top turn and wiggle to point in the direction I heard it come from. Another whistle and my ass wiggles a little making the tail sway and causing me to whimper out a little huff as well.

"In here Pup!" I hear Tod's voice call out through the short hall in the family room. Followed by another whistle.

"Whrf!" I reply back softly and soon my pace is quickening through the home, and my cheeks getting a little red as I start to feel their presence coming close. Coming around through the door way I find Tod sitting on the couch, and Zach next to him but not quite cuddled just on the next cushion. When they had left me pissing all over myself in a failed attempt at an orgasm. They were both nude and looking amazing. But now they sit here clothed casually in contrast to the fetish gear I have on.

Tod waves me over with a big smile, he's wearing a pair of loose thin cotton pants similar to pajamas but almost like kahiki's. On top he's got on a tank top and I'll be damned if he's not wearing my hoodie. His larger frame hugging the arms of it, making it look pretty over all sexy on his muscular build and wide shoulders. I have a brief thought that the fit of it might get a bit ruined but fuck if I care he's looking hot as hell. I move up closer a bit slowly, and almost cautiously to wait and see if I'm given any sort of command. Looking over to Zach he's wearing a tee shirt with a road roavers logo on it of all things. I tilt my head a little wondering where he found something that vintage, maybe Tod's when he was young, or maybe just an online shop. Below that he's got on some shorts, just a simple pair of black and white plaid shorts. The moment of thought of my mind focusing on the shirt had given my loins a chance to relax and my dick starting to feel it slip down a little.

At least until Tod reaches out and grips me by the hip as I get close and pulls me close to stand next to his legs that are resting up on the coffee table. His hand soon moving to stroke over my bare ass, as he says "Looking good there, Pup. I was a bit surprised to find all this stuff when you were up there helping little Zachy shower. But I can see why you brought it. This does suit you for sure." His voice sounding quite pleased and full of praise.

My face beams a smile under the mask, I'm sure it can be seen though my eyes poking through. Arms lifting up to my chest a little to not obstruct his hand feelng me over. I'm about to say something of actual words when his hand on my back side reaches over and grips the tail. Giving it a little tug to the left and making me turn on the spot. The sudden pressure in my ass making me yip and give a soft huffing noise.

Zach's voice rings in my ears as a little giggle... A sweet giggle like he's either amused by what I'm wearing or just finds the whole thing silly. Soon though he says, "Heeh you were right Daddy, he does look a lot like an actual puppy now." His laugh dies down through his words, I swear I can almost hear a bit of admiration in there. But I may be thinking more of it. "The tail sure wags a lot look at that!"

Suddenly I feel this sharp tug in my ass again after hearing some rustling. Looking back I see Zach has leaned forward and given my tail plug a little whap with his hand that makes the tip fling over and tap me on the hips. Making me whimper and squirm on the spot as this kid toys with me like this.

"Hah yeah he really does doesn't he Zach?" Tod asks and I can feel his hand sliding over to my other hip to turn me around a little more and says, "Now be a good puppy and speak for us."

"WhooF!" I bark out in my best soft doggy voice I can manage. A bit deep, a bit sharp, not too loud, I try to make the best of it right away to help please him.

"Ahh now that's not so good." Tod says reaching down to grab the front of my jock and squeezes my dick rather firmly. "C'mon now boy give us a good bark like you mean it. C'mon now, come on puppy speak." He says in that patronizing tone you'd give a dog wanting a treat.

I whimper firmly as he touches my dick, the first contact I'd had to it almost all weekend. "WHURFF!" I bark out with all the gusto I can manage followed by a building panting and whimper as my cock starts to throb hard in Tod's fingers. "WHURF WHURF!" I bark out again with my chest puffing out with each one trying to be a good boy.

"Atta boy!" He says and gives my dick a last hard squeeze that makes me yip a little and reaches out to then slap-pat me on the hip as if it were a dog's flank.

"Whuirf" I whimper a bark out as he tweaks my cock, effectively stalling the rush of fluid I could feel building in my desperate balls. The thuds to my hip having no fur to pad them are just little stinging swats to my bare smoothed skin that make it die down even more. Causing me to bend at the hips a little and whine with my desperation.

"Hehehe good puppy!" Zach's voice rings into my ears, "You should get a treat for that."

My heart flutters to the point that I almost wonder if it stopped beating as I hear little Zach praise me like that and my cock gives a firm twitch, my ass hole clenches on that tail that causes it to only grind against my prostate more and I moan under my breath ever so slightly. `Fuck what is this kid doing to me?!' my mind asks as just that simple praise his father gave me not long ago seemed to have such a reaction.

"Wwhurruu?" I droll out and tilt my head looking to Zach to ask what my treat would be and give a happy excited panting.

"Head to the kitchen Puppy, get your breakfast. You've been a good doggie, you deserve it." Zach says in a praising yet still `over me' tone. "After that we're going to watch a movie together when Daddy gets done with the news. Go on now, go get it."

`Food... Fuck I forgot about food until they mentioned it' I think to myself. I'd been so absorbed in these two that I had totally lost sight of even being hungry. "Whrf!" I nod and start to move away, but pause and look to Tod for further approval. He smiles wide, gives me a firm slap on the ass and motions with his head for me to go to the kitchen. A happy little huff and I'm almost prancing my way in there excitedly to see what I might find. What I did find was a bit unexpected, though I guess a part of me should have known.

Down on the floor on a little mat was a bowl of what looked to be some sort of dog food on first glance. Veggies, meat, some goo, and chunks of stuff. At least there was a spoon next to it and a little carpet was down there as well for me. My heart sinks a little and shoulders sink as I start to dread having to eat what might be canned dog food, but my stomach is starting to churn and rumble now and I'll be demand if I'll do anything to upset these two men.

My knees come down onto the carpet, I lean down over the bowl to sniff it, presenting my plugged ass up in the air over the back of my jock pouch. Part of me wondering if they can see me from the room or not, but I'm a little too focused on what's in front of me. Coming to sniff I can tell it's not super warm, probably partially due to the time I took to get ready. And it doesn't smell foul like a can of food would. Actually it smells kind of... Good. I grab the spoon, dig it in there and with steeled reserves and a good bit of luck I manage to slip it through the mouth of my hood and right into my own. Sliding the spoon out I chew slowly and cautiously and... It's good! Fuck it's delicious, it's just a stew. Until now I'd never noticed how much a stew looked like dog food until I had to eat it from the floor down on my hands and knees but damn this is all right. Either super good canned stew or home made left overs. Either way this puppy grabs the bowl, sits back on his ankles and starts chowing down making happy little murmuring noises. And it's not long until that's down my throat and the bowl's nice and empty. A relaxing burp follows not long after that echoes into the kitchen more than I expected. Soon after I hear a little giggle coming from off in the family room from Zach. I smile and just feel a little more happy with myself.

Getting up off of the floor I get my dishes over to the sink, rinse them out and into the dishwasher. Seeing a few more dishes left over on the table from Zach's breakfast I get those in there as well. Right as I'm finishing up I hear from the living room.

"Hey Pup!" Tod calls out, "Go ahead and grab us some drinks before you come in. I'll take a coffee, Zach want's a water and get what you like."

"Yes sir!" I call back before heading to the cabinet to get a coffee cup.

"Sorry what was that Puppy?!" I hear Tod call back and I freeze in my tracks realizing I just used words back to him. We really haven't had any definition of how I should act or when or when not to speak. So I wasn't sure if I did it right or not, so on the spot I think up to say back.

"Whurf! Yes sir! WHrff." The barks preceding and following it like one might say to a drill Sargent. I hear some laughter come from the living room making me blush and soon after Tod says back.

"Good boy, now black coffee for me please."

A little sigh of relief as I seem to have saved that one before it turned into something. And my search through the cabinets resumes. Fuck there's a lot of cabinets in this big kitchen. And the cups aren't by the pot so it's hard to say what to get. But soon I find tall plastic cups that look like they're in Zach's reach, solid bright slightly muted. These seem kid worthy so I grab one of those fill it up with filtered water from the fridge. Not long after I manage to find the mugs, filling up a cup of coffee for Tod, and one for myself. A bit of milk in mine and I'm heading back out with all three beverages in my hands. It takes a bit of finger stretching but I manage it with out burning myself or spilling.

Zach takes his cup and with it says, "Thanks, Puppy!" With a happy sweet tone that makes my heart twitter again, my dick twitch, and my head give a ear bobbing nod in return.

"Heh yeah thanks." Tod says and takes his cup. Looking back to Zach after taking a sip he says, "So buddy what will it be. Action, Cartoon, Love story, Comedy, or something else for the movie?"

Zach takes a little drink and then an overly long hum of thought. I manage to sneak a sip of coffee while he considers the options. Soon after he chimes up, "Action Cartoon!" Bringing a bit of a laugh from his father and a little ruffling of his hair.

"Well okay then!" Tod says and looks to me, "Well Pup, you heard the boy put an action cartoon on." And after he reaches down to the table to pick up a remote, hitting a button a cabinet next to the TV slides off to the side to reveal a rather impressive selection of DVD's out before me.

My eyes go wide as I walk up to the selection. I didn't even realize people still used physical media these days but I guess not everyone is hooked on streaming like I am. I glance over the spines of the DVD and BluRay cases in an almost dizzying motion. Looking over title after title I start to spot patterns. They're not alphabetical but they seem to be sorted by types of movies. Even noticing a selection of adult films up at the top shelf. But soon I'm able to find something that I think fits the category. A sci fi film from one of my favorite animators, a great tale of trying to find somewhere to live in the universe. There's guns, actions, adult themes but still cartoonish enough I think. I slip it out, hold it up for approval or denial. Zach gives a little sideways nod, Tod gives a bit of a shrug.

"Yeah I'm not sure we've seen that, maybe once or so at best." Tod says to me casually. "Put it in we'll see how it goes. If that's cool with you Zach?"

"Sure thing," Zach responds, "I think I liked that one and if not we can always change it."

So with that approval I give a nod and head over to the system, finding the dvd player and opening it up, disk in, door closed, credits begin to roll. Heading over towards the couch to join them on the free space I'm quickly stopped by all things by one of Zach's hands holding a palm up to me and giving a swift, "nuh-uh".

I pause and tilt my head a little at this sudden stoppage of my motions to find him grinning up to me and soon Zach says, "Doggies aren't allowed on the couch." Patting the bit of couch in front of where he's sitting cross legged next to his father and soon his voice says, "Sit boy."

My face turns to almost straight fire as it blushes from being ordered like this by this nine year old boy. My jaw slacks softly as I start to try and say that with my tail plug that might not be easy and the couch could offer some options but he seems pretty stern, and really I'm not sure I could defy him at this point. A slow inhale through my nose, a little huff-bark nod to Zach and I set my cup down on the coffee table. Moving down into the gap between table and couch and start trying to find a way to get myself comfortable. Letting out little huffs, whimpers, and even a yip as I sit on this tail plug to have it shoved into me, yanked to the side, twisted around, shoved up against the base of my bladder that almost makes me piss myself and a long whine comes from my throat. All the while Tod has let out a soft chuckle, but I notice Zach is watching me with keen eyes and a big smile on his mouth. Eventually I find a way that I can sit with a leg under me, my back right against the couch, and my head near Tod's knee and Zach's leg that gives me the ability to actually relax with out discomfort. But sitting here makes me exceedingly aware of this lump of greased up rubber up my ass. Even more so that my cock is steadily drooling now as I look down and see that my dick is almost fully transparent in the front of this pouch. Having a good two inches or so of oval damp spot.

A sweet giggle rings into my ears, a small hand hits the top of my head between the ears of the hood and my heart swells with joy as I hear the pleased tone of Zach's voice as he says, "Good puppy" While rubbing my head like that briefly before he sits back as the movie begins to get going.

"Yeah good pup," Tod says back before he takes an audible sip of his coffee with out much inflection one way or the other.

"Whrf!" I reply happily and settle in, resting against the couch and leaning on Tod just a little as I take my coffee and take a drink off of it before setting the cup back down.

The movie plays on and I snuggle in a little more to the couch after finding the sweet spot for my tail plug to rest in. As things go on my dick even starts to die down as I start to get into the family friendly action and plot. But as it goes on I start to feel something brush up against my neck. Just a gentle grazing over the short hair at first, then a bit of touch to the skin. My back tingles and electricity runs right down my spine to make my ass clench around the plug and my dick start to wake up again. I can't see who's doing it so I just assume it's Tod at first caressing my neck. But as the touch begins to grow and more contact is beginning to come in. I realize it's not fingers but actually toes, and they're kind of close together. A little happy sigh comes from my puppy muzzle as I lean back just a ltitle more and get to then feel Zach's feet beginning to wiggle his toes along my neck some more. There's a brief tickle but mostly it just feels really, really good.

That sigh turns into a little groan as his toes begin to dig into the cords on either side of my neck and actually massaging into me. I can hear the faintest of chuckles from behind me and feel the couch cushions shift around a bit as Zach gets himself scooted down a little more and starts to really dig his feet into my neck and shoulder lines. My head starts swirling a little bit with how good this feels, I'd never had a foot massage around my neck before. Back, sure, even my cock once or twice with an ex that was really in to it. But never something like this. My neck even starts to feel looser, more relaxed, I dip my head forward a little from the growing weight of my head as toes and the balls of his feet start stroking along my neck and shoulder line. Pushing forward even makes me lean up a bit so he can get his feet along the tops of my back and shoulders.

My eyes start to roll a little bit as my head slacks down slightly. The massage from Zach's smaller feet feel like the work of a heavy handed Swedish gym coach. Easily manipulating my muscles down to the core and just making them turn to putty below the grasp. Or maybe it's just a combination of everything going on. It's pretty hard to say over all. As I softly groan again when his heels start digging into either side of my neck right where the shoulders connect and are slowly squirming in circles.

The movie continues to play on, but hell if I know what's going on in it. There's a bit of laughter on screen, Zach chuckles and makes his feet wobble a little bit. I can even feel the couch jostle gently with Tod's own restrained chuckle as the family friendly action plays out before us. I'm a bit far gone with how those toes continue to stroke over my shoulders, neck, up into my hair line, even brushing up forward to drag along my chin. I can swear this kid either has the luckiest absent minded feet movements or he knows exactly what he's doing to me. The sensations of his toes and soft soles dragging along my exposed skin is absolutely driving me wild. My heart is thumping softly, breath huffing gently in my mask to sound like a gently panting pup. My hips rock gently to grind back against the plug in my ass as my shaft is now firmly tenting out the front of my jock strap.

His feet slip down a little further and just kind of rest on my back now, staying still and gently kneading his toes into the muscles along my shoulder blades. After a gentle groan from my throat I suddenly hear Zach say, "Hey Puppy..." My head instantly lifts up and turns one of my masks' ears and my own ear towards him with a little `awwu?' of acknowledgement. "How about you get us another round of drinks?"

"Yeah I could do with a refill on my coffee, Pup" Tod adds on and motions his cup towards me. Zach pushes his feet into me more as he reaches forward and grabs his own empty cup off of the table and offers it to me. My own face burns with a bit of a covered blush as they ask me to do this for them and realize that I'm going to have to expose myself a little more. A less than subtle peek down to my crotch reveals that my dick is in fact leaking pre and has created a noticeable wet spot in front of me. I could probably use the glasses to hide it, or make some effort to hide myself on the way out but on the way back in it'll be futile I know.

So I simply nod and make a little dog noise of approval and take their cups, "Oh yours too Pup, if you want." Zach says and I realize that I've only gone through al little more than half of my coffee but that it's mostly cold at this point. Taking all three forces me to carry them up around chest level. `Did he plan this?' my mind wonders as I'm standing up in front of Tod and Zach, my tail plug suddenly heavily tugging away at the inside of my ass hole, wagging away with every movement to cause pressure and sensation to my prostate and near the base of my bladder. My cock aches out in front of me, standing tented up and pouring out pre. As it comes up into view I look to them. Tod just has the same casual confident expression on his face as he sees my state of arousal. As if it were nothing to be expected, or perhaps just proud of me. Heck I don't know. My eyes are swiftly over to Zach so I have little time to really examine it. Zach's eyes are wide, his mouth even more so as he grins looking square at my stiffy. My cheeks burn more as this kid ogles me like this and even more so when this little childish giggle comes out of him while he leans more into his dad and just says, "Good puppy."

Those words, those two simple words make me flex, firmly in my jock pouch and whimper softly with approval. My dick wagging almost as much as the tail is as I start to side step out of the coffee table gap and head into the kitchen. Attempting to maintain any sort of confidence I might have in my stride. But that nearly two pound lump of rubber hanging out of my ass makes it hard to really keep a steady stride going. In the kitchen I down the last of my coffee, start re filling the cups. Replaying the last few moments over and over in my mind as I get everything ready for my return. Not wanting to linger too long in the kitchen and make it seem like I don't want to be with them, or mind missing the film we're all enjoying. I get my tasks done and three cups in hand, two of which are softly burning my finger tips over time I head back in. Still hard as a teenager finding their first porno and the white cotton pouch is even getting a bit see through at this point.

Tod nods towards me, Zach giggles softly again as I come up to them and make my way to where I was before. Standing right in front of Zach about eye level with my arousal as I hand Tod his mug and am swiftly rewarded with, "Good Pup." My heart warms, my cock twitches. I offer Zach his and as well hear, "Good Puppy." Fuck my face and chest feel like they're as on fire as my crotch. How do these words from these two men work so damn deep inside of my psyche I wonder.

I give a little nod and am about to give my soft `whurf' of thanks to letting me serve them when suddenly instead I yip out in shock. There's pressure below, firm pressure as I look down to see Zach has reached his foot up and is nudging at my hard tented dick with his foot as he casually drinks his beverage. Just acting like it's nothing out of the ordinary as his toes and sole push up against my groin. I whimper out a long groaning moan. High in my nose but deep in my throat some how at the same time. Body hunching forward and hips squirming to make the tail wobble around more. Just as I started to let out another of that sort of groan Zach suddenly draws his foot away and looks at me with this devilish grin. I huff a whimper of desire and desperation to serve him out, and all that I'm met with are two simple words. Two words that make my very knees buckle from below and those are from Zach as he says, "Sit, Pup." My eyes go wide briefly with this restrained arousal that's cooking inside of my balls. I swear he knows just what he's doing but Tod said he was what, nine years old? How could he possibly know this, or want to do this. Shit I don't know, I hardly have time to even think of it as I start lowering myself down. Getting right down between Zach's knees once more as my ass shifts and shimmies to try and find a way to sit easily with that tail plug in my ass.

It's not long that I'm on the ground before I feel Zach's feet back on my shoulders, this time though rather than kneading up above he scoots down on the couch. I hear a little `clunk' noise as Tod must have taken his cup and set it on the side table with how his son is now sort of laying on the couch. His feet coming forward, hooking over my shoulders and then his heels land just below my pecs and shift a little more, pushing down to around my navel region where his feet tilt down and his toes are just inches away from the radiating warmth of my aroused crotch. His legs pull back a little, squeeze hugging me to the couch, I groan gently. Rolling my head to the side to brush my cheek against the inside of his leg's soft flannel pants. About then a hand rubs my head and ruffles at my hair between the puppy ears. It's a wide hand, clearly Tod's and not Zach's. After that Zach falls more still and just starts getting more into the movie it seems.

As we relaxed there we all seemed to let out a sigh around the same time. Zach's legs grew a little heavier on my shoulders and his toes would shift now and then to make his heels brush along my stomach. My own body was slumping more into the couch, and I could even feel Tod's presence relaxing more next to us. I'd reach out and grab a drink of my own coffee here and there as I actually started to pick up some of the movie's plot. It wasn't that complex after all but it was fairly engaging. And we all just settled in to enjoy this wonderful connected moment. Part of me didn't even notice the fact that I was still straining the front of my jock, the plug was fairly stationary in me. My black and white puppy hood was feeling more and more like my real face. Everything was just really, really good at that moment.

Any moment in time though never lasts for ever. After all that's why we call it a moment, and not an eternity. The memory of it will surely live on in my mind for an eternity though. Even more so by the fact that as the movie started to come to a close, Zach was starting to shift in his seat a little here and there. Soft grunts heard from the boy over me now and then. His feet some how sunk a little lower, brushing right above my hip line, his soles dancing dangerously close to the now re moistening tip of my jockstraps cock tent. His toes splaying now and then, bending down, almost like he's reaching for something as they clench and curl back in only to retract up and make his calf flex against my chest a little more.

The movie's now rolling into the credits and I can feel Zach's legs push out away from me as he stretches on the couch, starting to pick himself back up his feet come back down and actually graze the top of my pouch and my whole body shivers in response to the first touch I've had to my desperate junk in some time. It's nothing like the last time he touched me, this was just accidental and a brush at best, but it shot through me like electricity lighting every never in my body a flame with desires. But Zach doesn't even act like he noticed, no extra attempt to touch me again, no motion towards me rather his legs just hook more towards my sides as his body tenses and strains with the stretch yawn of sitting up. His heels dig past my flanks and graze over a rather sensitive batch of nerves that has me suddenly bark out in a single sharp laugh and squirm forward. Zach freezes softly and then I can almost feel the grin on his face spread out as his feet now drag past there again forward, and then right back. Causing me to clutch the floor and belt out another bit o laughter as he hits a ticklish spot with purpose now. "Aww ticklish puppy!" I hear Zach say behind me with great amusement. Even Tod gives a little chuckle at this.

Soon though I find myself trying to squirm away from the tickles as they suddenly remind me of how much coffee I've had to drink, and the plug up my ass does hinder my ability to scoot down quite a bit. Not long after Zach is digging his heels into my side, keeping me pinned to the couch and making me wiggle and writhe with forced laughter that fills the room. Mingling with Zach's own playful if a bit devious laughter and Tod's amusement at how swiftly I've been rendered useless to talk. My arms try to get at his legs to hold them still or to push them away but it's little use. IF I hold them in place he just has better access to get at my ticklish sides. If I push them away then his swiftness and size has them coming right around behind me to get me worse.

Hunching forward and starting to fall towards the ground on my side in an attempt to escape works briefly as I'm able to drag my convulsing laughing body off to the side of the coffee table. But right as I get into the open, Wham! He hits me like a young coyote going for a pounce. Hands are on my shoulders, legs are soon coming around me as I'm forced down onto my back on the living room rug. Zach's turning around me and holding down my arms as I feebly try to fight back. He's already getting a tickle going while trying to get himself to sit on my chest and the laughter does little to my ability to fight back. And there I lay on the ground. Legs up, dick hard as can be tenting up towards my stomach. My bare body being assaulted by Zach's hands that seem to know where every worse and worse ticklish spot can be. And I'm stuck there for the abuse.

Starting to gasp and wheeze a little more for breath through the cackling baying laughter that's being shot out of my throat I can hear Tod say, "Hey now don't' go too rough on him, make sure the Puppy can breathe." Zach just giggles and says something back I don't' quite catch. And keeps hitting me with tickles. Even getting his thumbs down into the hip line right on either side of my crotch and hitting the nerves there. I start trying to warn him, doing my best to beg for mercy as the extra attention there has my bladder starting to squirm and fight for attention against my already screaming prostate. All the squirming and wiggles has made my plug grind firmly against it over and over again, forcing my cock to throb and twitch with every go. I'm trying to warn him that I'm either going to pee myself if it keeps up, or probably cum from having his body push against me and make me basically fuck myself on that heavy lump of rubber.

Just as Tod warns Zach again about going a little too far I suddenly lurch my chest up towards the ceiling, Pushing Zach up from his seating position a bit and almost pushing him towards my crotch that he's abusing with tickles. My shoulders fall back, my hips rise up, I let out this deep guttural laughter that almost sounds like I'm retching as I try to get air, and function as I can feel my pelvic muscles clench hard around the plug's wide base. My cock throb and pull my underwear waist band from my body with it's strength. And then it finally hits, a nice long hard squirt of fluid out of my cock into my briefs. Even through the forced tickling laughter I can feel this bit of relief as I can feel myself actually starting to orgasm and get towards my relief. But then as I lurch again in this fashion another squirt hits. This time longer, wetter, and clearly splattering against my waist.

As the heat spreads on my groin, my face's heat only grows hotter as the blush returns, even more so as I suddenly hear Zach say, "Aww puddle puppy!" And just sits back onto my chest as I squirm under him again, the tickles stop but the flow doesn't. I'm trying everything I can to stop but another hard long squirt of pee stains the front of my briefs and even sprays up onto my stomach a little. It's at that point Zach finally gets off of me and moves to the side while giggling towards me as I can hear Tod laugh softly to himself.

My hands comes down towards my groin in an effort to stop myself, rolling over to my side trying to find some way that I can get these hard jets of pee to stop. Groaning out as my hands hit my own junk and feeling like I might actually get to cum from that, I'm soon reminded of Zach's words as his foot nudges me in the shoulder and he says, "Hey Puppy, no touching willies!" I groan out a long whimpering noise and nod my head. His kick to my shoulder soft, but firm enough to roll me towards my front a little more. I take my hands off of my junk and push them to the ground. Rolling up onto all fours, hoping some how this un natural position might make me avoid peeing further. But the jets of this orgasm like squirts of pee keep pushing through me. I can even feel my balls and ass hole contracting as everything tries to either fight this release or make it happen against my will. Looking up towards Zach, and Tod as I stand there on all fours in the middle of their living room. Piss trailing down from my groin, pattering onto the rug below me, a true puppy puddle growing below me indeed.

My face burns as I try to whimper, try to apologize, I look around trying to find some way to get out of here with out defying them. Even though I wasn't ordered to stay here, I still feel wrong just going off somewhere in their home with out permission. And besides I feel like I'd just make a stream of piss drips where ever I go as I'm stuck here trying to finally restrain myself.

All the while Zach stands next to me just grinning wide, proud of himself even. He knows he did this to me, he knows that the tickles are the reason I'm stuck here shamefully pissing the rug in front of him and his father. But this kid has this super confident look on his face right now. Beguiling the nervous introverted appearing child that I'd met only a day ago. He's really starting to feel older, more mature, more... Over me.

"All right now Puddles, lets go ahead and stop that before things get to be too bad." I hear Tod say as I look over he's sitting up from the couch a bit, his face looks amused with a mingling of disappointment in him. Maybe the rug was expensive, maybe I'm just taking things too far, maybe Zach did. I don't know. All I know is that right now my cock is both my favorite thing as I can feel it throb and twitch and tingle with every rush of fluid that is forced out of it's forward slit. And it's also my most hated thing right now as I can't seem to make it stop right now.

I take a few long deep breaths. Really try to steady myself, shift on my knees a little bit and with a whimpering sigh of shame I finally manage to stop pissing the family's rug. I look down under me, the carpet is stained dark, my briefs have a faint tinge of yellow. At least the stream wasn't too potent I guess is the one saving grace. The scent is starting to tingle my nose a little bit. I look up to Tod who just nods as I finally stop my pissing. Looking back to Zach and he still has that overly confident look on his face. And he's reaching forward towards me, his hand coming between my puppy hood ears and he ruffles my head again. In a mocking, playground style tone he sings out, "Puuuudles Puuuupy!" A giggle comes from his mouth, "Puppy Puddles, maybe we'll just call you that now, Puddles or Puddle Pup. Hehheheh" His giggle finishes it out and I can damn near swear I feel my pup hood welding to my face from the sheer heat of my embarrassed blush.

And yet my cock wont go down! Here I sit totally humiliated in such a fashion. I thought the shower piss was bad. I mean I knew my bladder has always been a little week, and in a way I've liked that at times but nothing to this extent. It's almost like they're just taking over more of me and manipulating my own body to defy it's self just for their amusement. But maybe I'm just thinking too much into it. I can't even think of what may come as a result of this.

A heavy sigh comes from the couch and Tod says, "Okay Zach, why don't you take the puppy off and remind him where the potty is. Maybe he still has a little more to go, and judging by how much you drank I'm willing to bet if you got tickled it wouldn't be long before you were in the same boat." Tod stands up and starts to head towards the kitchen saying, "I'll get this taken care of, and we'll see what we can do about this, Pup."

"Alright Daddy, I'll take him." Zach says and he gives me another little pat on the head and starts heading towards the ground floor bathroom. I start to get up off of my hands and get around the dampness below me and Zach says, "How about you walk like a real puppy this time?" And then just turns to move out of the room.

"whuff..." I say to myself softly in resignation of this all and even crack a little smile under my hood as I start scampering along after Zach on all fours. Thankful for the soft carpets they have between the stretches of hardwood floors. Heading around the corner into the bathroom, Zach smiles proudly as I head in there on all fours and come over near the toilet. Crouching down on my haunches, my tail tip brushing the floor as I kneel there next to Zach who stands before it still rather clothed.

"Okay Puddles Puppy. In case you forgot where we do this." Zach says in a voice with more confidence than I've heard from him in a while, his hand pointing down towards the bowl as he says, "This is the toilet or potty, it's where we go pee, and other things. Now until you get house broken, we may have to just have you go outside. But this shouldn't be too tricky for you. Now Pup, do you remember how to use the potty?"

I nod my head with a few quick tips of my muzzle, wiggle of the big ears and whurf out a happy noise to indicate that I understand.

"Good Puppy, now just to make sure you know, how about you lend me a hand, or uhh paw and we'll see if you get it." Zach says and then just keeps standing there in front of the toilet, not motioning to his pants or anything.

A shiver runs through my body as this kid seems to just finding every button I have worth pressing and stomping the hell out of it. And my hands come up off of the floor, I scoot a little closer to the bowl and Zach so that I can reach forward and take hold of the top of his black and white plaid shorts. There's no button, or zipper just an elastic band to hold up the flannel like material. My hands tremble a little as I reach fingers in there, feeling the bit of skin around his waist and the little diagonal creases near the pubic mound. I feel around and can't seem to notice any underwear or maybe I already have it so I pull out and down. Revealing Zach's rather impressive looking shaft for his age. Hanging with a little heft over slacked loose nuts. Remembering last time we all peed together that he just tugged his shorts down below his rump I try to follow suit. Moving them further and further until they're hanging onto his thighs and then let go feeling like he's aiming alright from my vantage point from his natural hang.

"Good puppy!" Zach praises me as I reveal him out like that. I really want to reach forward, take hold of his cock and aim it for him, but I was given a rule and I'm going to sit here and just stare at him and his exposed self until given otherwise instruction. "Now, watch this." He says and starts to take a little more breath here and there. I can see his scrotum stir in the cooler air, his cock flex and lengthen slightly as blood runs through everything to prime the way for his piss. That flow that starts to come trickling out soon after and splatters right off the rim of the bowl. I might wince as some of it splashes towards me if I wasn't already still dripping piss from my damp briefs now and then. As the flow picks up though it's soon lifting forward, off of the rim and into the bowl just short of the water.

Some does splatter for sure out of there, sprinkling on me with a light mist that's a bit hard to describe. Zach meanwhile seems happy to just let his shaft naturally hang there and pee away. Making no effort to hide himself, or hold it, or adjust his aim. Rather he just keeps peeing a nice steady flow less than a foot away from my face. It lasts for a respectable amount of time as well. As I watch I swear I can see his own member lift up a little bit, and fluffen out as it keeps doing it's thing but hard to say. Mostly I'm just basking in the light spray of Zach's piss that splatters back out of the bowl onto my bare skin. But as any piss goes, this one does soon come to an end. And I hear Zach simply say down to me, "Okay boy. Now Shake!"

My head tilts up, I look to him, and back to his cock with clear surprise in my eyes as I'm told this. And with out wanting to over step my bounders on the rules I just go with the puppy route. Lifting my right hand off of the tile floor and holding it up to him like I'm offering to shake paws.

Zach just laughs at me in a sweet way and says, "Good puppy, but no shake my thingy to get the rest out. You can touch only this once for now."

My heart jumps right into my throat, I sit frozen for a moment trying to contemplate if I'm really willing to touch this kid's junk. To reach out, softly cup the gentle weight of his semi soft cock over those loose balls, hold the meaty tube between thumb and fore finger and start wiggling it in every direction. Sending little droplets of piss everywhere to help clean him out. Is this the point when the cops charge in, when his dad busts in and betas me down for doing this to his child? Or is this what all of this weekend ahs been leading up to? So many questions are pouring through my mind that by the time I finally come around to wanting to be a good puppy for the family. I want to please them and do everything I can for these two males that are clearly over me at this point that I start to feel my hand reach up... And I realize that I'm already holding him... I did it! I didn't even realize it but I must have just ran on instinct or maybe a fear black out. My anticipation became the reality as I now kneel next to the toilet bowl of Zach's piss while holding onto his small cock. I hear those two fantastic words again, "Good puppy!" And his hand brushes over my head once more in praise. I softly and slowly let go of his shaft so that it can fall back onto his scrotum and begin reaching for his shorts to help pull them back up.

"Okay Puppy, your turn." Zach says and takes a step back away from the toilet and off towards the sink. Taking the hint I start to stand up and pull my wet jockstrap down. Then all of the way off and standing there holding it Zach holds his hand out and says. "I'll take that." Which he does and proceeds to just toss it into the shower with a heavy wet splat. We both chuckle softly at the bit of noise and I move in front of the toilet where he just relieved himself. Suddenly aware that he's watching me as I try to get going. For what feels like the first time in quite a while I actually have trouble getting my flow going even though I still feel the need to pee. Maybe it's the gentle sway of the tail behind me constantly manipulating me. Or the fact my cock is mostly hard and I'm trying to bend forward to try and find a way to not aim it at the back wall. Not really able to find a way to get things going easily I decide to test the flow and manage to finally squeeze out some pee and it splashes right off the back of the bowl right where the seat connects. So I lean forward more and grip onto the back of the toilet. Lifting a leg up in the air even to try and get my cock to angle down more and as I pee again this time it does hit the seat's back and I whimper softly. Bringing my leg down and starting to look towards the shower as an option for release but then I feel this hard electric shock hit my body as someone grabs my cock. My eyes swiftly dart down to see Zach there reaching out and grabbing ahold of my now very hard cock and pulling it down a bit roughly.

"Here ya go Puppy, I can give you a hand since you're not allowed to touch willies with out permission. Now pee, Puddles Pup"

My heart full on stops but my dick does not for sure. I don't know what happened but at the second Zach said that my cock just starts to erupt in piss. A strong, hard, powerful flow that makes the water foam and churn below me. My hips relax a little, knees spread out. My back arches inwards with deep relaxation and this long guttural groan starts to fill the room. Sounding like a dog that's happy to see his master and get belly rubs I just groan out this almost howling noise of growling relief. Zach lets out a soft chuckle as I suddenly fall into this state that even I didn't know was possible. But I can feel this massive release coming from my body, this intense relief that sends tingles and shivers through my body. It's as if there is this giant weight with in my very soul and Zach's hand is pulling it out of me, guiding me to this feeling of weightlessness and floating helplessly through the air as this massive release of piss is finally guided out of me by his young but dominating hand into the potty.

What feels like far too soon though, I can feel my turgid member being shook in front of me. A last few `poit' noises as my last drops hit the bowl, a final squirt of release and I'm done. And I'm feeling almost exhausted after it as well. "Wow very good puppy indeed, no wonder you were making puddles." Zach says and it just makes me grin like an idiot below my mask, my face hardly flushing at all at his praise of the flow of my pee that even I didn't imagine. For the first time in a while, I don't even feel on the edge of cumming, even as the tail continues to wiggle inside of me. I just feel really, damn, good. He lets go of my dick and reaches around to give me a little pat on the rump. I give a wiggle of my hips and a happy back. Reach down and flush away our combined efforts. Then he starts heading out. I start to go down to my knees and Zach says, "That's okay for now you can walk normal, the floor can be kind of hard."

And looking down to see my rather reddened knees I can't help but agree and follow along with him back towards the living room. I had fully intended to get around to cleaning up my mistake but on returning it looks like Tod is just finishing up with a carpet cleaner, one that's surprisingly quiet compared to any I've used in the past.

"Well Pup glad you're back safely, everything go well in there Zachy? Nothing else to clean up?" Tod asks as he finishes wrapping up the wire on the cleaner and stands himself back up.

"Yes Daddy, he used the potty just like a big doggie." Zach says in return. Tod gives a little chuckle as he moves to return the carpet cleaner back to the kitchen and comes back in the living room.

"Good, good." Tod says and moves over towards me, bringing a large hand to rest on my shoulder. "Now Puppy, you know we're enjoying having you in our house right?" He asks me in a sort of loaded question way.

I of course nod my head and give a happy bark.

"Good, so thing is that if we have you in our home, Pup you've got to keep that pecker of yours in control, and it's looking like you have a bit of trouble with that now don't ya?" Tod asks while reaching down and giving my dick a wiggle to emphasize his point.

My face starts to warm up as he mentions the lack of control of my dick and I give a slightly slower nod and a little whimper of shame. Can't really deny the fact that I've pissed myself twice in one day around them.

"Well Puppy I guess until you get better at letting us know when you need to be let out." Tod says and I can feel his hand starting to guide me, pushing me towards the entrance of the room and towards the stairs. "We are just going to have to take measures in to place so that you can have your little accidents if you need to. But also keep our carpets, couches, and our pants clean as well." Tod's hand guiding me up the stairs and not long after I'm being moved into Zach's room where there is already a little pile of things in the center of the room.

Zach following right along behind us says, "Oh Daddy are we going to have to keep Puddles Puppy in a diaper to make sure he doesn't pee the floor again?" And there's this bit of teasing in his voice I swear to dog this kid is doing it on purpouse. Making my bare cock lift up off of my balls and point out in front of me in a semi hard state. I really don't know how any part of my body functions with how much blood is in my face and my dick around these two.

"Yup that's right, Zachy. Thankfully the puppy was kind and he brought some of his own. I don't think he'll fit into yours." Tod says as he moves me to the changing mat in the room, next to it is one of the diapers I'd brought with me. A simple plain white one I got off the internet from a premium supplier. Next to that is a big bottle of talcum powder. "Now Zach, did you want to give a hand getting the puppy ready or should I take care of it?"

Zach humms softly in thought and then there's this little yip in the air. It's not from him but rather me as Zach has given a sudden tug to the tail plug's whip end and it made me bark out. He giggles and then says, "What about this though? Puppy's tail isn't going to fit in the diaper too easily. Should we take it out of him?"

Tod humms in turn, just a deeper version of what Zach did as he reaches back and gives a little tug to the tail and then he says. "Weeelll... We could take it out of him, but it does seem to do a good job letting us know how happy the puppy is to be around us."

I squirm on my feet a little as they talk about me like I'm not even a part of the conversation. I'm really pretty amazed at the level at which all of this has escalated with these two.

"Oh well ya know know" Says Tod, as he gives my tail another little playful tug and then pushes firmly to make sure it's inside of me. "It has been in there for quite a while. Not great to wear these things for too long. How about we pull this out of you for now, Pup and later we'll make sure to get one you can wear outside of your diapers. So that way you're still a wiggly waggy puppy, even when you're wearing your puddle protection?"

"Sounds good, Daddy!" Zach says in return and next thing I know Tod's hand is pushing me down towards the floor onto the changing mat. Laying out on it, my feet come up into the air instantly otherwise the plug would be pretty uncomfortable. My cock is raging hard up on my stomach and I just roll onto my back with al limbs up in the air like the good puppy I want to be. Zach moves to kneel beside me and opens up the powder while his dad takes my diaper and starts to unfold it. Getting it all ready he starts sizing it up to my hips, figuring out where he's going line up.

Then Tod, grabs hold of the tail and says "Juuuuust relax Pupper." As he keeps a steady pressure on it and soon enough the heavy egg of rubber is slipped out of my ass. Leaving me feeling open, gaping, wanting, desperate for a hot cock to slide up inside of me.

"Okay Zach hit him with the powder, don't want that butt chafing as you know." Tod says,

Zach is soon dousing poof after poof of powder down against my butt cheeks. I can feel it hit around rim of my hole and taint. Soon after I can feel my ring trying to clench up in response to the cool feeling and I whimper softly with the little bit of a weird feeling it creates.

"Atta boy!" Tod says and is lowering me down onto the lain out diaper, guiding my legs apart a little so there's room to pull it up between my thighs. "Okay now hit the front, Zach."

"Here we go pup!" Zach says with a big smile in his voice as he starts dousing the front of me with the baby powder. Blast after blast of cool dusting smoothness washes over my hard shaft and my balls. Up along my hips and then finally Zach reaches down, grabs my cock by the head and pulls it away from my body so that he can powder under there. It falls down into a little cloud of dust being cast out from my groin that's soon captured in Tod wrapping me up around the front.

A wiggle here, a tug there, a few sharp rip noises from the tapes being released and applied. Then next thing you know I'm there on the ground laying between this handsome dominating man, his cute and surprisingly controlling son. Laying in a diaper, my puppy hood, a tank top, and this thick white diaper that I had initially brought on what I thought was a far off fantasy of a whim. I'm pretty amazed how smooth that all went. Even when I'm doing it myself in the bathroom I have to try a couple of times to line it up and get everything right. And even then it still comes out looking like a Picasso half the time. And here it's damn near perfect on me. I suppose the experience that Tod has doing it for Zach with his night time wetting issues gives him the leg up on me in this regard.

A soft pat to my hip and Tod says, "Okay Pup, up on all fours lets see how you look."

In a flash I'm spinning around, right up onto my knees, my butt a little low, tail wagging behind my puffy crotch. My hands planted in soft fists on the carpet below. Out of my hood comes a soft and delighted `BRK!" As I express my thanks for it and start jumping around a little on my hands. Bounding up towards Tod to push and rub against him. His big wide hands come down and rub along my sides, my back, scratch around the base of my tail bone where the diaper hem starts. Then over to Zach for the same. Like a happy puppy greeting the two men that have just come home I'm just all barks, pants, and wiggles.

After some laughter all around we start to make our way out of Zach's room. And down into the kitchen. Lunch is had, a pretty simple affair similar to before, my nice bowl of stew to keep me going while they eat up at the table. Then back into the family room where I get to sit on the floor much more comfortably now with out the plug in me. I'm right between them again while we kill some time. After a bit Tod has to retire to his office to take care of some work stuff and leaves me alone with Zach.

Zach seems pretty keen on just killing time with watching TV and playing on his DS at this point. He graces me with the privilege of coming up onto the sofa and laying down next to him. My head resting on his thigh and a big heavy sigh comes wafting through my masks' nose as I almost start to doze off against him like this. Just feeling really quite content and happy to be around him at this point.

Really not sure how long I was out for but later that evening I woke up to my head still on Zach's lap. Him dozed off in the couch as well and Tod starting to walk into the room. Maybe I sensed his presence or something hard to say. He looks over at us and chuckles, shaking his head gently and moves over to wake us up.

"C'mon now boys, dinner's ready soon. Pizza is coming over, figured we could have a little extra goodness to cap off the weekend." Tod says as he gently rubs our shoulders.

Zach wakes up and rubs at his eyes, laying an arm down over me and rubbing gently as I start to stir awake myself and move up from against him. I'm suddenly reminded of the diaper between my thighs and even more so at the way it feels now with a little extra weight up front. Blushing in my cheeks as I realized now that I'd gone and actually wet myself in my sleep a little or maybe during a half awake dream. Guess it's really more of a need today than just a way to remind me that I'm just their Pup.

"Aaahhhh, c'mon on Pup." Zach says as he starts to get up and I follow suit, "Lets go wash up for dinner." And has me following along behind him to the bathroom where he proceeds to just move and stand in front of the toilet again. Not missing a beat for my duties I'm soon kneeling right down in front of him and pulling his shorts down. The events of earlier repeat themselves pretty much the same except I'm allowed to unfasten the front of my diaper, relieve myself while Zach washes up and then he makes sure I'm taped up nice and secure again. My own hands washed, we flush, and back out for dinner.

Just as the pizza guy pulls up and the door opens I'm walking past the foyer. I try not to run, or bolt or draw too much attention but a part of me wonders if he saw me. No words are said, or anything suspicious so perhaps I escaped okay.

Soon we're at the coffee table and all of us sharing the pizza. Then on the couch, me down on the rug. Munching away happily and helping to clean everything up once we're taken care of. And the night starts to wind down well into the evening hours. I'm starting to get antsy again, not from the need to pee but because bed time is approaching and I'm starting to anticipate getting with Tod gain. Getting to feel his fat heavy dick push into my throat, the taste of his piss and ball sweat, the smell of his pits as he's looming over me plowing that heavy dick into my ass and working up a good sheen of sweat. Maybe even fuck me bare in my diaper. Awwhh man it might even result in him peeing in my diaper after and leaving me just totally soaked in the essence of that big man...

"Hey Pup!" I suddenly hear Tod's voice call out from the stairs. "You coming to bed or what?"

Shit! I was day dreaming and totally lost time, soon I'm scrambling up after them as best I can with my added leg bulk. My heart racing with what may be laying in wait for me upstairs.

We start off by heading to Zach's room first. This time it's his turn for the night diaper. I don't really have much to help with, instead I just crouch over near the changing pad and wait to watch as Tod helps his son undress fully. Takes a diaper out of his drawer and they're over on the mat. It's pretty much like watching what happened to me, only to Zach instead who I could swear was sporting wood when his dad powdered him up and had him all wrapped up and complete. Zach hops up to give his dad a big hug, then over to me where I squeeze him happily. Goodnights are said and Zach's off in his bed not long after and I'm following Tod off to his room down on all fours. All carpet up stairs makes it more comfortable and I get to brush my masks' nose up against his butt now and then in a playful jesture.

In his large master bedroom the lights are set to dim. I'm kneeling down near the foot of the bed watching him undress. It's a casual removal of clothes, like he would do any night that nothing special was going on. And some how it was far more touching than any fancy strip tease could possibly be. Tod walks up to me, nude, heavy cock swaying over his fat balls. That lovely looking bell end just slightly crested by the skin of his penis and starting to lengthen. His hand reaches down to cup the top and back of my head, tilting my gaze to look up at his face with his dick between our views.

"You been having a good weekend puppy?" Tod asks and I nod, "I imagine it's a bit of a surprise that all this happened huh?" Of course I nod again with a little whuf and he adds, "Okay lets drop character for a moment I really want to talk for a sec before we do anything else.

With that I tilt my head and nod. My voice comes out cracky, almost like I'd been under surgery for days and days not using it as I respond back with, `Ah whu... " a cough to clear my throat, "What's up? Is everything alright?" I ask back.

Tod steps back from being over me and sits on the edge of the bed. He pats the space between his legs and I scoot up between him gently rubbing at his thighs. He starts to speak, "Nah nothing's wrong. Really it's because everything went more amazingly better than I could have imagined. Ya see the thing is that I've had partners before. Obviously I mean I'm no spring chicken, and I'm sure you're no virgin coming over here. But the thing is that when you have someone in your life like Zach things get tricky." Tod takes a little sigh and rubs over my shoulder softly as he continues, "Ya see either people get freaked out by having a kid around they can't get hard, or they try to stay so quiet that nothing happens. And obviously me and my son don't hide much of anything, it's just how we are. We're open, always have been. Nudity hasn't been a thing, he's caught me masturbating and I explained it, I caught him masturbating and he asked me for pointers. It's just the way things are. But some times people come over and..." His voice trailed off in a moment of thought.

"They come over and? What does something happen or something bad?" I ask while still gently rubbing along his legs while resting against the foot of his bed.

Tod looks me in the eyes again and says, "Some times they see Zach, they see our relationship and they get... Aggressive. Not like rough aggressive but they start to focus on him. They try to work him into things or overly risk things happening. And it just never felt right. But with you around, Zach seems comfortable, happy, engaged. It's really him at his natural self and not his awkward new person persona which is great to see."

"Oh I see." I say and nod back in response, feeling a little overly special that I'm someone that Zach feels this way with.

"So thing is when you came over and I told you that Zach is 9. He's really not. He's actually 12. Only reason I said that is because it seems that most guys find out he's entering puberty and they're even more inclined to pursue him and try to do things with him directly, or things Zach doesn't want to do and it got weird. SO I found out if I say he's younger because he can still look that way that most guys would still be hands off for the most part. But with you, I feel like that's not really a thing. Far as I can tell you haven't lain a hand on Zach that he didn't ask you to."

"Oh for sure! I don't want to do anything to hurt him." I say back to Tod, "I mean he had me shake pee off his dick that's really all I've done. He seems super sweet, and I love that he treats me like a puppy, surprisingly well. And I just want to make you both really happy."

Tod smiles to me, a big wide comforting smile as he says, "That's awesome. I know it's still super early in really knowing eachother, but it's just good to hear this. And I hope you don't mind the bit of subterfuge."

I chuckle softly and say, "Not at all, and I can kind of understand. And honestly it does make me feel better because it was looking like Zach was developing way more for his age than he should. Heh it was making me feel like I must have been way out of time with my own puberty if a 9 year old is already sporting stuff like that." My face flushing firmly as I comment on his kids goods and look to him for reassurance I didn't go too far.

"Hehh nah yeah I get ya. Really the lie would be harder to maintain once he starts getting hair down there. And I'm not about to start shaving him. Heck I don't even screw around with him either if you've wondered. All we've really done is jerk off around one another and just as a result of open doors. Then him watching me from time to time when I forget to make things private. And then these last couple days has been the most he's ever been involved. It really amazed me when he came to cuddle you last night when we were fucking. And the shower man it was almost awkward having him right next to me while we fucked again."

I just kind of blush and nod, "Heh yeah that was a shock, especially when he came in last night in that diaper and I was like, `holy crap I'm being setup this is too good'! Hahh, but I'd never planned to do anything with someone as young as him, or even around him. This was a super big surprise and it's worked out well I feel anyway."

Tod slips down onto the carpet and hugs me close. And long, keeping me tight in his arms and he says softly to me, "Mmm I think you might be just what we were looking for."

And with those words my heart just swells in delight and I cling to him harder and tighter. I know it's a bit crazy over all but being in these arms, in this presence, with these men. It just feels so right, so amazing, so perfect that I'm willing to throw myself right in to it and let fate take me where it might.

Tod's grip lightens on me a bit and I draw back to look back up into his strong compassionate eyes. He grins at me with all the deviousness of a wolf looking at a bit of prey as he says. "Now, Pup. How about you put your talents to good use and help tire me out to get me ready for bed?"

Well that does it for chapter three. Thank you so very much for reading. I truly hope that you're enjoying my story. Chapter 4 should be out soon to help wrap up the weekend between this group of new friends, and we will see where it takes them from there. Please send me any feedback, or comments to I read and reply to everything sent to me. Again thank you very much for taking the time to read this. I hope it's bringing you as much fun as it's bringing me to create.

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