My Weird Little Sex Life

By The Gargoyle

Published on Jun 7, 2005


Contents of entire biography:

Part 1: AGE 5 (background, feet, mast) THREE APPROACHES (mm seduction, no sex) AGE 13-15 (mast, exhib) AGE 16-17 (exhib) OLD MacDONALD (M/F/m-teen, voy, first time)

Part 2: HIGH SCHOOL (fant, mast, no sex) OUT (mast, mm-teens, oral, first time gay)

Part 3: [untitled] (M/m-teen, mast, feet, oral, anal) GERALD (background, feet, M/m-teen)

Part 4: LIFE WITH GERALD (MM, mm-teens, MMM, oral, mast, exhib,)

Part 5 THE INCREDIBLE TRAVIS (Mm, MMm, MMFm, exhib, feet)

Part 6 THE INCREDIBLE TRAVIS CONT'D (feet) GERALD REVISITED (MMM, M/m-teen, exhib, group)

These chapters coming soon:

Part 7 WORSHIPPING TRAVIS (Mm, Fm, feet, exhib, oral)

Part 8 FATHER FIGURE (Mm, fm, mast, feet) SERGE (MM, MMM, group, oral, anal, exhib) EPILOGUE (MM)

My Weird Little Sex Life Part 6

By The Gargoyle

The following content is absolutely true. I've altered most of the biographical and geographical names in effort to maintain anonymity and also to avoid duplication of given names, which I know can be confusing.


Eventually Lois, Carson and Gerald went to bed leaving Travis and I alone at the fire, he still naked and sitting very close to me on the bench. I had been softly rubbing his shoulders, back and neck the back of his head. I adored every minute of it and took long looks at his flaccid dick, not worried whether he noticed my gaze or not.

I let the fire die and asked him if he was ready for bed. He wanted to go for a walk first. Perhaps he wished to walk off some of the drunkenness and avoid throwing up as he was somewhat prone to do. He climbed into boxers despite my assurances that we wouldn't be seen and that he was welcome to streak.

On our walk we came to the tennis courts. The gate was unlocked and we went inside. He took a barefoot jog around the court before grasping onto the tall fence and beginning to climb. I rushed up behind him worried he might fall. Under the guise of spotting him I caressed the back of his smooth legs as he climbed.

"That's far enough, buddy! Come on. Come down," I urged. He obeyed, thank goodness and descended. As his butt was even with my face he seemed to start to slip. I suspect he was well aware of my proximity and was purposely initiating contact, but I'm not sure. I immediately threw my arms around him without thought to where I was grabbing him. As it were, my right arm wrapped around his waste, the left slipped between his legs and I clamped onto his package, dick, balls and all! I held him in this awkward and intimate way and guided him to the ground.

We made our way to the shore - a different spot then before - not by the dock. Here there was a picnic table on the narrow beach. He sat on the top of it, feet on the bench. I sat on the bench beside his feet. We both faced the water. We talked about serious things - relationships, sex, religion, goals in life - things he would never talk about when sober. I eventually worked my way around so that I was facing him. I caressed his foot, his slightly fuzzy shin, his cute knee and eventually, his smooth thigh. He didn't seem to mind.

Finally we returned to the lodge. We didn't have to discuss sleeping arrangements. He went straight to my bed and sat on it. Gerald, his bed in the same room, awoke. We didn't like to sleep in the same bed - at home or at the lodge. This was no symptom of relationship problems as some dull-minded associates would allude to. One gets a better night's sleep with a bed to one's self. It's common sense.

Gerald conversed with Travis as I fetched a rag and soaked it. I returned to the bedroom as Gerald left for the bathroom. I carefully wiped the boy's dusty feet clean. He then stretched out on the bed and scooted over to the far side - by the wall. It warmed my heart that he simply assumed we would sleep together and had no objection. I climbed in beside him and lay on my back. After a moment Gerald returned.

"Is he asleep?"

"I dunno. Travis, you asleep?" No answer. The poor thing had crashed instantly - unless he was choosing not to answer. Gerald dropped to his knees and gently sucked each of Travis's toes before returning to his bed.

I rolled over to face my young bed partner.

"Good night sweetie," I whispered. "I love you." I put an arm around him. I silently shed some tears. They were neither tears of joy or of sorrow - or perhaps both. I just felt so much love for him that the emotion overwhelmed me.

Perhaps it was two weeks later when Travis came to the lodge for another overnighter. There was no skinny-dipping, no nudity. At bedtime we retired to my bedroom. Gerald hadn't come this weekend so there was no reason for Travis and I to share a bed. But for the moment we both sat on Gerald's bed and talked quietly. We hadn't drank all that much that night so I was nervous about trying to initiate any contact. We talked about the old soccer gang and some of the trouble and good times we'd gotten into. We laughed quietly.

Pulse racing, I slid a tad farther away from him on the bed and reached for his shin. I tried to lift his leg but he held it firm for a moment, somewhat alarmed, not understanding what I was up to.

"It's okay," I said and tried again. He allowed me to move his leg so that his bare foot was on my lap. I lovingly massaged his small feet, alternating every ten minutes or so while we talked and laughed into the night. Finally I gave him a hug, wrapping my arms and hands around his bare back and shoulders and then went to my own bed. I had desperately wanted to kiss his feet during the massage but didn't have the guts. But I was clever. I knew how to get across this barrier.

Returning home that Sunday Gerald was all ears as I recounted Travis's visit. When I told him of the foot-rub, I told a lie. It was a good lie, a fun lie, a necessary lie. I told him that each time I was about to switch feet, I would give the sole of his foot a brief kiss. In essence, I had told him I'd been kissing Travis's feet while Travis was sober and he hadn't objected. This gave Gerald the impression that oral contact with Travis's feet was sanctioned territory.

A short time later we entertained friends at our home, Travis included. He was the last to leave. When the others had gone, Gerald took a seat on the floor in front of the couch, scooped up Travis's socked foot and began to rub it. So I, sitting next to Travis, grabbed his other foot, pulled it to my lap and did likewise. We continued to chat and watch TV. I stripped off the sock and was thrilled all over again to have such a cute warm naked foot in my hands.

Gerald did likewise with the other foot. And then, believing it an established routine, Gerald kissed Travis's naked foot! It turned me on immensely to see this. Over the course of the next hour or so we competed to give the boy the best foot rub. At one point I leaned forward and took Travis's small toes in my mouth and sucked. Travis squealed and pulled away. I released him.

"Don't do that," he said.

"You didn't mind a couple weeks ago at the lodge," I pointed out to no reply.

Though he objected to the toe-sucking he didn't seem to mind the kissing and so we both kissed his feet - top and bottom - on several occasions. Finally we surrendered his cute feet, not wanting to push the envelope too much. We put his socks back on for him and soon after he left for home. Gerald and I were both entirely turned on and immediately jerked off together as soon as Travis left.

This was the beginning of a pattern that would last for years. Gerald and I - or more often, just I - would give him foot rubs almost every time we got together; at our house, his apartment (he moved away from his mom's house), even at other friend's houses in front of an audience! To this day I still give him the occasional foot rub and still kiss his feet or toes. He still has soft smooth little feet.

But there were also times that I got to explore other parts of his firm young body!


Gerald and I continued to explore our exposure kink. He was a very good house painter and he did some painting for our friend Pat - the somewhat older fellow that I met my second time out to the gay support group and who became a very close friend.

Gerald did the painting in the nude while Pat hung around and later they lounged in the living room talking, Gerald still naked, lying on the couch, his dick often hard while Pat stayed fully clothed.

On another occasion Pat slept over in our guest room. We left our bedroom door open and Pat discovered us having sex with the light on when he got up to use the bathroom. We invited him in and he was full of compliments for Gerald's body and felt him up liberally before returning to the guestroom.

Owen was a cute younger fellow who we met while he dated a friend of ours. After breaking up, Owen severed ties with our circle of friends except for Gerald and I. One evening as he visited us in our home the conversation kept turning to sex and Owen seemed to be the instigator.

"If I didn't know better I'd say you were trying to engineer a threesome!" I said.

"But I am!" he said with a sweet grin. That was all it took and Gerald and I began stripping him naked. He had a very smooth sturdy body, cute feet, and as we pulled down his boxer shorts we found he had a very big dick. Gerald, the more expert cock-sucker went to town on it and Owen continually begged him to be rougher. He was not at all sensitive. He liked his dick nibbled and loved it when I rubbed it against my unshaven jaw.

Gerald eventually got naked but I preferred to stay dressed as I usually do when a partner has a nicer body than mine. To me sex is rarely about reciprocation. It's all about the worship of the beautiful one. I did take out my dick though and jerk off while we played.

I came home from soccer one night and saw a strange pair of shoes by the front door. I went immediately to the bedroom and was thrilled to find Gerald and Owen going at it in the dark. I joined the fun. At one point Gerald took Owen's smallish foot in his hands and began to lick his sole and suck his toes. I came immediately.

My first real boyfriend, Ted - still the only partner I've ever had great two-way reciprocal sex with - came back into our lives when he moved back to our city. Gerald was talking to him on the phone one evening and he told me to pick up the other extension. I did. Gerald was telling Ted how jealous he had been back when Ted and I were dating because he had such a crush on both of us. It became a rather explicit and sexy conversation. Ted was in a relationship but an 'open' one and soon we arranged a date for a threesome.

It was great fun. Ted still had a great body. We all stripped each other and took turns getting worshipped by the other two. I sucked Ted while Gerald rimmed his ass. They put their lips together with my dick between and basically blew me simultaneously while four hands explored my chest and my balls. It was a wild sensation.

Gerald loved it. It was a fantasy finally come true for him. He took photographs of Ted and I going at it but the photo store wouldn't print them. He still has the negatives.

One evening Ted and two other friends ended up at our place at the same time. The other two friends had both at one time or another been privy to one of Gerald's naked 'performances'. Whether they had shared this information with each other I don't know. We put together a spontaneous dinner and afterwards just relaxed at the table, opened more wine and beer and got nicely buzzed.

Gerald disappeared for a moment and returned wearing just a pair of shorts. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I reached back and felt my way to his zipper.

"Hey, what are you doing?" he cried playfully.

"He's taking off your shorts, what do you think?" stated Ted, clearly game for what we had in mind.

"But I'm not wearing underwear!" said Gerald.

"So!" said Ted. I eyed our other friends. One looked like he was into it. One looked a little nervous. Ted was all smiles. I turned in my chair and swiftly deprived Gerald of his pants. He was naked. He played shy and tried to hide behind me. I kept reaching back to touch him.

Finally at Ted's encouragement he moved slightly to one side and rested his hardening dick on my shoulder for all to see. I caressed it. It grew harder. I guided him closer to the table - beside me. I played with his dick for an audience of three.

"Kiss it!" urged Ted. So I kissed it.

"No!" said Ted, "Kiss means to suck it!"

So I did. I sucked his dick in front of three friends. Ted left his seat and came around to fondle his ass. He reached around and touched his chest. He grabbed the chair Gerald had been sitting in, pulled it far back from the table and sat down. He grabbed Gerald and pulled him back on to his lap. He reached around and jerked Gerald off until he came. It was all quite erotic - at least to four of us. The one guy wasn't too sure what to think.

Gerald got into the gay chat rooms online. He 'met' a fellow named Eric who claimed to be 16 and who lived in the neighboring town - not too far from us. They agreed to meet. I didn't believe this person was really who he said he was and was surprised when Gerald informed me they'd met.

Not only had they met, but Gerald had given the kid a bare-foot rub and later sucked him off. I was impressed to say the least.

"But is he really only 16?" I asked.

"No," said Gerald. "He'd lied about that online. He's only 15!"

One night Gerald brought Eric to our home for a visit. He was a strange kid from a broken home. He was thin and blonde. He was a smoker. He had a nice body. He continued to get blowjobs from Gerald but the two of us didn't hit it off particularly well. There was no real problem. Just a chemistry thing. We talked about having a threesome some time but it never materialized. Like I said, he was a bit of a weird kid and he talked about maybe trying to get into the porn business! He wanted to do an audition tape. His best friend was a girl his age who knew he was gay and she had a video camera (her parents' actually) but they both lived at home of course.

One evening Gerald showed up at our place with Eric, his girlfriend and the camera. With very little embarrassment, the kid stripped naked, lay on the couch and jerked himself off in front of the three of us while the girl filmed it.

He never did get into the porn business. He's now a young drag queen.

We heard about a bar called the Crow's Nest that held a 'naked night' every Friday. Supposedly patrons were welcome to strip naked on these special nights. It sounded too weird to be true and not entirely legal. Although, in hindsight the law does afford nudist groups the opportunity to practice their customs in private settings. In fact I once showed up early for a soccer game to find naked people of all age and gender having some kind of gymnastic event at the arena. It was quite an eye-opener and a turn-on too I must admit. The arena was city property so I must assume this was all legal.

The Crow's Nest was known as a leather-bar - not anything Gerald or I were 'in' to, but nakedness we certainly were. We showed up on Friday to find a fair crowd of which only two or three guys were naked - that is, they were wearing nothing but shoes. They were significantly older gentlemen I should add. There was a check-in guy who was very smiley and urged us to check our clothes. I wouldn't dream of it but Gerald happily started to strip. All his clothes went in a big plastic bag and I pocketed his chit.

We walked around the bar. I was quite turned on seeing Gerald exposed to such a crowd of dressed people. We got a lot of attention. I started playing with his dick and he was rock hard in no time. Several admirers took great notice of us as the crowd in the bar grew bigger.

Now and then other men would grope his dick or his ass. A group of teenagers came in but stayed clear of us. There was one who was very cute and young-looking. Gerald and I both were attracted to him.

At one point I went to the bar to get us both drinks while Gerald saved our seats at the other side of the room. The bartender had been generous with our drinks on account of Gerald putting on such a good show. While standing at the bar I sensed someone come up beside me and I heard a voice say:

"Why do you keep hanging around that naked man?"

I turned around and it was none other then the cute boy we'd been looking at!

"Because we're here together. He's my lover!" I said.


I asked what he was drinking and ordered him one on my tab. He smiled a very sweet smile and thanked me and walked away.

Later in the night a different youth approached Gerald and they talked for some time. I couldn't hear them over the music. Finally the kid left and Gerald turned to me, all smiles.

"His name's Peter. Cute, isn't he?"

"Yeah I guess. Not exactly my type."

"Well, guess what, I know who IS your type. The one you talked to at the bar. He's Peter's friend. His name's Nathan and he's 18 and he thinks you're hot!"

"Fuck off," I said and I meant it. Years ago I would have believed it because I used to be very popular at the bars. But those days were gone.

"I'm serious. Peter says that Nathan thinks you're the hottest guy in the bar!" Now I was getting mad. I didn't believe this shit for a second.

Peter came back to us with Nathan in tow. He introduced each of us to Nathan and then resumed his conversation with Gerald while Nathan and I stood together awkwardly. I simply could not believe this was going on.

Nathan asked if we could go somewhere else to talk. I followed him to a hallway where we were basically alone. We made small talk for a bit. I was nervous. I still couldn't comprehend what was going on.

"You know you're the hottest the guy in the bar tonight!" he said with a big smile. I laughed out loud.

"First of all, you must be crazy because I certainly am not. And secondly- you're the hottest guy in the bar - by far!"

Nathan stepped closer to me, grinning. "No, you are. And I don't know why you want to hang out with that naked man!"

"I told you. He's my lover."

"Yeah well, he's going home with Peter tonight."

"I don't think so," I said matter-of-factly. "He's not leaving me here!" Nathan stepped closer still. His cute face was right in mine.

"You can come home with me!" he said, and the next thing I knew we were kissing. His lips were wonderfully soft. His tongue was delicious. I pulled away.

"I can't go home with you unless Gerald comes too." Nathan shook his head in response. "I want to fuck you!" he announced.

"No. I'm sorry. I don't do that. I wouldn't even undress in front of you."

"Why not?" he pouted.

"'Cause you're beautiful. It wouldn't be right," said I.

"What WOULD you do?"

"I don't know. I'd like to see YOU naked!"

He started kissing me again.

"You're an awesome kisser!" I said. "You're making me hard." He took my hand and placed it against his crotch. I wasn't the only one hard. Now I was really turned on. I rubbed him purposefully. Our tongues did battle.

"Christ, you feel big," I blurted. He undid his button and sucked in his flat belly. I went down the front of his pants. No underwear. I found the base of his hard dick and held it.

Suddenly Gerald was there with us. Nathan immediately buttoned himself back up. Gerald wanted to go home with Peter and wanted me to go home with Nathan. I resisted. I wanted a threesome with Gerald and Nathan or else a foursome. But nobody else wanted that. I finally conceded.

We all piled into Gerald's car. He dropped Nathan and I off at a townhouse complex and promised to be back in a couple hours.

We went inside and a handful of other teenagers - guys and girls were in the living room.

"These are my roommates," he announced. "Guys, this is Chad." We all said brief hello's and then Nathan led me to his tiny bedroom. It all seemed rather strange and awkward.

He was into art in a big way and his walls were covered in his own drawings and paintings. I spent a while admiring them.

He had a little couch in his room. No bed. Perhaps the couch was a pull-out. I don't know. We sat on it and cuddled.

"Let's get naked," he said.

"I told you, I won't. You get naked."

"We'll see!" he teased. We cuddled some more. We kissed. He was very cute. I loved it.

"Do you want to see my bum?" he asked suddenly.

I laughed. "Yes!"

He stood up, stepped to his desk and picked up a great coil bound book. It was a sketchbook. He flipped to a drawing of a young man, lying face down, naked. He certainly had a nice bum.

"That's you?"


"How'd you draw yourself?"

"From a photograph!" He rifled through some belongings, turned up a photo and surrendered it to me. It was definitely Nathan and he definitely had a nice ass.

"Are you sure that's you?" I teased.

"Yes," he laughed.

"I don't know, I think I'll need to see the real thing to be sure!"

"Alright!" He leaned back and reached for his button. I stopped him.

"Let me."

He lay there passively while I undid his pants and tugged them off of him. I eyed his big dick. It was a handsome one. Nathan stood and turned his back to me. I touched his two sweet globes. I rubbed them, pinched them and squeezed them. I leaned forward and kissed them. I sat him back down. I knelt before him. His dick was hardening. It was a big one. I wouldn't be able to take it all. I would embarrass myself for being a third-rate cock-sucker. But I had to try.

I fondled his dick. I stroked it. I loved the feel of it in my hand. I kissed it. I licked it. I licked it some more. I went down.

I sucked on the head of it, gave it lots of tongue. He was vocal, appreciative. He ran his hand through my hair. I went for broke. I plunged down further. I let it slide right down my throat. And I didn't gag! Amazing. My first time suppressing the gag reflex. Gerald would be proud. It was the best blow-job I'd ever given.

I think Nathan liked it. His dick got really hard. I felt a subtle pulse in his dick. I backed up so just the head was in my mouth and I grabbed the shaft with my hand. Fluid poured on to my tongue. I drank his come. I sucked him some more as he softened. Finally I released it from my mouth.

Nathan was all tired now and wanted to just lie in my arms. I wanted that too but made him takes his shirt off. He resisted because he had come. He didn't feel as sexy any more. He was embarrassed. But I made him get naked and we cuddled. I held his sweet nude body in my arms.

Finally he got dressed and we went outside and sat on the curb. Gerald eventually showed up and took me home. Nathan had given me his phone number but I never called it. I don't know why I didn't. I never saw him again.

To be continued.

Feedback most welcome! [Note the '0' in garg0yle is a zero!]

Next: Chapter 7

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