Naked in School

By Gymnopedies

Published on Jul 1, 2008


Copyright of this story is retained by the author and it should not be reposted to any newsgroup or website without permission. Any form of commercial use is strictly prohibited without the express permission of the author. The author can be contacted at

The usual disclaimers apply: don't read if you are prohibited by location, are under legal age, or if you are likely to be offended by explicit descriptions of gay sex. The story is pure fiction and is not based on any actual events.

Sexual Development: Chapter 13 - Back On Track by Gymnopedies

When Daniel arrived back at Jason's house he found his friend up and dressed. The two of them headed straight up to Jason's room so that they would have some privacy to talk. On the landing they passed Ben, who shot Daniel a look filled with pure hatred before disappearing into his own room.

"Looks like he's not too pleased that his little scheme backfired on him," Jason observed, looking towards the now closed door of his brother's bedroom.

"You don't know the half of it," said Daniel. He swallowed nervously. He knew that he was going to have to tell Jason about how he'd been put in charge of measuring Ben and Billy, but he was unsure how his friend might react to this news. "You feeling better?" he asked, temporarily changing the subject.

"Yeah. Looks like I'll be back at school tomorrow," said Jason, in a resigned tone. He closed his bedroom door and crossed to his bed, where he sat down.

Daniel remained standing. He looked at his friend, feeling awkward. Normally he would have plonked himself down next to Jason without even thinking about it. However, now that Jason knew that he was gay, everything had changed. He didn't want to do anything that might cause problems between them.

"What are you standing looking at me like that for?" Jason asked, in a puzzled tone.

"I, erm, wasn't sure whether you'd want me to sit on your bed with you."

Jason sighed. "Oh, for fuck's sake, Danny-Boy, come and sit down. You're giving me a pain in my neck."

Daniel sat down on the bed, trying to leave a respectable distance between himself and the other boy. Jason watched him for a moment and then shook his head.

There was a short, uncomfortable silence, eventually broken when Jason got up and went over to his music-system and turned on some music. He returned to the bed, sitting down right next to Daniel.

"So, you going to tell me why the runt was looking at you like he wants to tear your heart out?" Jason asked. "Did he get into some sort of trouble over this tape business?"

"You could say that," Daniel replied. "I got the tape back, so that's one good thing. At least he won't be able to blackmail me with it anymore."

"He wouldn't have been able to blackmail you anyway if you'd told me what was going on, snorted Jason. "I'd have beat the shit out of him until he agreed to hand it over."

"Yeah," Daniel sighed, not altogether convinced that it would have been quite so easy.

"So what's happening with the runt? He was late home tonight. Did he get detention every night for the rest of his life?"

"Nothing like that," said Daniel. "Adam sorted it out himself. He didn't get the school involved at all."

"So what the hell happened to him? Come on, tell me; stop making such fucking hard work of it."

Daniel bit his lip. He knew that he was going to have to tell Jason, so he might as well get it over with. "Adam decided that Ben and Billy couldn't be trusted to do their own measuring, so it looks as though I'm going to be doing all of their measuring for them."

There was a moment of silence as Jason digested this news. Daniel braced himself for a possible explosion.

"When you say measuring them, do you mean all of the measuring? Their dicks and everything?"

Daniel nodded.

A grin slowly spread across Jason's face and then he started to giggle. "This is just too good," he said, panting with laughter. "You mean the runt and his pervy little friend have to get naked and hard and everything and let you touch their dicks? No wonder he was looking at you like that."

Daniel didn't reply. His friend's reaction had taken him somewhat by surprise. He was also a little offended by Jason's use of the word "pervy" to describe the way Ben and Billy did gay stuff together.

"This is just too good," Jason said again, gradually getting his laughter under control.

"We did the first measuring session today, after school. That's why Ben was late home," Daniel explained. "Also, Adam has asked me so sit in and watch every time the two of them have to go see him." He paused for a moment and then added: "If you want I'll ask Adam if you can sit in as well. He might even agree to let you help with the measuring."

Jason appeared to think about this. "Maybe it would be fun to watch the runt suffer. I don't want to help with any measuring though; I don't want to have to touch his dick. You're the gay-boy, not me."

Daniel visibly flinched. Jason had said "gay-boy" as though it were something dirty.

Jason had clearly noticed Daniel's reaction and he suddenly appeared to shrink in on himself. All of the confidence and devil-may-care attitude that he'd been demonstrating since Daniel's arrival seemed to ebb out of him. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice little more than a murmur. "I shouldn't have called you that." He now looked thoroughly miserable.

Daniel immediately realised what was going on: Jason was scared. Whenever Jason was face to face with a situation that scared him he would put on a front; it was something that he had always done. He would pretend that he wasn't bothered and that nothing worried him, even if inside he was shitting himself. Daniel looked at his friend, unsure what to say. "It doesn't matter," he said, eventually.

"I guess I'm going to have to watch what I say from now on," said Jason, forcing a smile. "I won't be able to make any more jokes about gays."

"You really think you'll be able to stop yourself?" said Daniel, lightly, a smile twitching at his own lips. "You wouldn't be the Jason that I've been best friends with for all these years if you suddenly stopped saying nasty things about everybody."

"Yeah, you're right," Jason agreed. For a moment his smile became more genuine and then it disappeared completely. "It doesn't matter that you're gay," he said, making eye contact. "Not to me, anyway. I'm not going to let it matter."

Daniel nodded. Jason's clear determination that nothing was going to get in the way of their friendship had really touched him and he didn't trust himself to speak. He knew that they probably had some difficult times ahead as they both came to terms with the fact that one of them was gay, but at least it now looked as though there was a good chance that they would get through it with their friendship intact.

They sat and listened to the music for while, and Daniel watched as Jason began tapping out the rhythm on his thighs. Daniel joined in, both of them trying to keep to with a frantic, extended drum solo. In the end they both had to admit defeat and Jason rolled back onto the bed, laughing.

"So, when are we going to do this next lot of measuring?" asked Jason. He lay back, propped up on his elbows.

Daniel blinked in surprise. "You still want to go ahead with it, even now you know about me?"

Jason gave an unconcerned shrug. "If I refused to do it with you, Adam would probably put me with someone else. Besides, why should I miss out on the chance to win that computer just because you've decided to be gay?"

"Erm, I guess we can do it tomorrow, after school, if you want," said Daniel.

"Right, we'll do it then. We'll do it straight after school." Jason put his hand under his shirt and scratched at his stomach. "By the way, Adam told me about him being gay."

"He did?" This snippet of information, spoken so casually, had really hit Daniel for six. He had been worrying about whether he should share what he'd discovered about Adam, and if he did share it, how would Jason react.

"Yeah. He told me that you already knew, and so I'd better know as well so that you wouldn't have to worry about telling me."

"Ah, OK." Daniel nodded. That sounded exactly like the sort of thing Adam would say. "Doesn't it bother you?"

Jason shook his head. "Not really. I suppose it might have done if I'd found out a couple of days earlier, but I'd already found out about you and we were having that big fight and everything, so compared to that it didn't really seem important."

"I guess not," Daniel agreed.

"Besides, Adam is really cool. He's not like most grownups. You can talk to him and he listens to you. I really like him."

"Me too," said Daniel.

Jason pushed himself back up to a sitting position. "You want to give that drum solo another go?"

Daniel shot his friend a grin. "Yeah, let's go for it."

Jason was back in school on Tuesday morning. Daniel gave his friend a welcoming smile as Jason sat down at the desk next to his.

The blond-haired boy gave a sigh and a shrug. "I told mum that I wasn't feeling well again this morning, but she wouldn't wear it. She said that anyone who could stand to be in the same room as that racket we had playing last night couldn't possibly be ill."

"Your mum just doesn't appreciate good music," said Daniel.

"Tell me about it. She listens to all sorts of crappy, soppy stuff by singers that I've never even heard of; most of 'em are probably dead. What is it about old people and soppy music?"

"I dunno," Daniel replied. "My mum borrows some of my CDs sometimes."

"Yeah well, your mum is cool compared to mine."

Daniel grinned. It felt good to have everything back to normal. Sitting here in the neutral yet familiar environment of a school classroom, it was possible to forget that the huge fight and upset of the previous weekend had ever happened. They were just two friends having a good moan about things in general, like they had done so many times before.

"You finish that French homework for Clarkson?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, I did it last night."

"Shit! I didn't get mine done. Can I copy yours?"

"Sure. But don't blame me if most of it is wrong." Daniel rooted around in his schoolbag until he found his French workbook. As he handed the book to Jason, he glanced up and saw Simon McBride enter the classroom, accompanied by two of his friends. "Look out, here comes trouble."

McBride's face lit up as he spotted his favourite target and he made a beeline for Jason. "Still alive then, Middleton? We were all so worried about you when you didn't turn up yesterday. Your bum-chum here was so upset that he threw a tantrum. Did he come round and kiss you better after school?"

"Fuck off, McBride," Jason snarled.

"Ooh, tough words," McBride laughed. "C'mon, fairy, why don't you try to make me fuck off?"

Jason jumped to his feet, his fists clenched. Daniel leapt up beside his friend.

"C'mon pencil-dick," McBride taunted, his eyes still on Jason. "Give me an excuse to spoil that pretty face."

"Leave him alone, McBride," snapped Daniel.

"Or what? When are you going to stop hanging around with this loser, Marshall? If you keep hanging around with a homo, people are going to start thinking that you're a homo as well."

Daniel opened his mouth to respond, but then closed it again, his face colouring. Normally he would have faced McBride down, but the boy's words had hit him right where it hurt. He glanced round at Jason and saw his friend looking at him, tight-lipped and angry. There was now silence in the classroom; everyone had stopped their own conversations to watch the entertainment. Daniel found himself wanting to scream that he was the one that was gay, not Jason, and that everyone should leave Jason alone. But he didn't. Instead he drew back his arm, his fist clenched. "You're dead, McBride," he muttered.

No one moved or spoke as everyone waited to see how this would turn out. Off to one side, Karen Meggison stood with a wide, expectant grin on her face. Beside her, Joanne Lawless looked thrilled at the prospect of two boys slugging it out in front of her. Simon McBride's eyes had narrowed. He looked a little nervous at the prospect of a real set-to with Daniel, who was much closer to his own size than Jason, but it was clear that he wasn't about to lose face in front of the entire class by backing down now.

Daniel prepared himself for the inevitable. He wasn't a fighter, but the confrontation had brought all of the anger and hurt of the past weekend back to the surface, and he wanted to lash out at this pathetic wanker who thought that it was funny to taunt people about being gay. He straightened up and slowly started to step around his desk. It was almost a certainty that he was going to get the worst of it, but even if he only managed to land a couple of good punches it would have been worth it.

A figure suddenly stepped between Daniel and Simon. Dean William's stood with his back to Daniel, staring McBride straight in the eye. "Back off, McBride," he said, his voice calm and confident.

McBride froze, clearly surprised at this sudden turn of events. "This has got nothing to do with you Williams," he said, a little nervously.

"Just go crawl back into your hole," said Dean. "Can't you see that people are bored with you? We're sick of hearing these comments about people being fairies, or being gay. You never shut up about it. Maybe we should be asking why you're always on about it. Are you gay, McBride?"

"No, course I'm not," McBride, muttered, taking a step back.

Dean matched him, moving a step forwards. It was common knowledge that Dean had been taking karate lessons since he was small, and he was good at it, even representing the school in local tournaments. So even though he was a good couple of inches shorter than McBride and had a much slimmer build, the bigger boy was not about to tangle with him. No one with any sense messed with Dean Williams.

McBride held out for a couple more seconds, then, muttering something incoherent, he suddenly turned and walked away, heading for his own desk on the other side of the room, his two friends following him.

There was an immediate release of tension in the room as people lost interest and returned to what they had been doing. Dean turned and gave Daniel and Jason a nod and a tight-lipped smile, and he too returned to his desk.

"Well fuck me," Jason muttered. "What the hell was that about? Dean usually keeps well out of the way when there's trouble." He looked at Daniel. "You OK?"

"Yeah," Daniel replied, his pent up anger slowly ebbing away. He forced himself to breath slowly as he retook his seat. Dean's intervention had been a big surprise, especially since they weren't especially close friends.

"We could have taken them, you know," said Jason. "If Dean hadn't interfered, me and you together, we could have beaten the crap out of McBride and both his friends."

Daniel sighed wearily. "Jason?"


"Shut up!"

The rest of the school day passed without major incident. There were a couple of times where Daniel was on the receiving end of dark glares from McBride who, it seemed, was still smouldering over their earlier confrontation, but otherwise the day went fairly smoothly.

The boys had arranged to do their measuring immediately after school, so, as soon as they were released for the day, they made their way to Daniel's house. As they neared the house, Daniel found himself getting more and more nervous. This would be the first time that the two of them had had any sort of real physical contact since Jason had discovered that his friend was gay. The teen was scared of what was going to happen when they got down to it. Would Jason actually go though with the measuring session, or would he change his mind and pull out at the last minute? Daniel wasn't sure how he would cope with the feelings of rejection if that were to happen. For his part, Jason was talking almost incessantly as they walked. His whole manner was animated and excited, almost hyper. When Jason behaved in this way it was always a sure sign that he was worked up about something, and that something could only be what they were about to do.

"You see that look in McBride's eyes?" asked Jason, referring to the incident that morning. "He was shitting himself when Dean told him to back off. I was sorry that he did back off though. I would have loved to see Dean beat his stupid arse. I bet Dean could have done it as well. I bet he could have taken McBride and both of his friends with one arm tied behind his back. You ever see Dean fight? I haven't, but they say he's good. I heard Trevor telling one of his mates that Dean does kick-boxing as well as karate. That would be so fucking cool. Maybe I should take up kickboxing. That would shut McBride up. I'd kick his fucking arse right out the door." He mimed a few moves, striking out with his fists at invisible targets and then lashing out with his foot as he sharply expelled air through his nose. "I'd like to see any of 'em mess with me then."

Daniel smiled, in spite of his nervousness. He sometimes found Jason's bravado annoying, but at the moment it provided a welcome distraction from the worries about what was going to happen when they arrived home. "You'll need to be able to kick a bit higher than that," he said.

"I could do it," said Jason. "I'd go to a class and learn properly. I might ask Dean where he goes. You could do it as well; we could go together."

"Hey, leave me out of it," Daniel grinned. "I'm not as keen on hurting people as you are."

Jason pulled a face. "I suppose you'd expect me to look after you." He made several more kicks, earning himself a disgusted look from a woman walking her dog. Jason scowled at the woman and she quickly looked away.

"That's right," Daniel sighed. "Upset all of our neighbours. That's Mrs. Thompson. She run's our local 'Neighbourhood Watch'. She already hates me; she hates everyone under about thirty."

"Miserable old cow," muttered Jason. He looked over at the woman, who had crossed over to the other side of the street and was watching them intently. Staring straight at her, he grabbed at his groin and started making thrusting movements.

"Jason! Pack it in!" Daniel punched his friend's arm.

Giggling like preteens, the two boys resumed their short journey.

As Daniel stepped through the front door into the hallway of his house he was surprised to hear voices coming from the lounge. It was even more of a surprise when he realised who one of the voices belonged to. He hurried through to the lounge.

Sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee and chatting to Daniel's mother, was Adam's nineteen-year-old boyfriend.


"Hi Daniel." Craig put his cup down on the low table in front of him and got to his feet, smiling broadly. As Daniel stepped closer, Craig put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "I thought I'd come round and see how you were getting on. I've been having a chat with your mum."

"It's, erm, good to see you," said Daniel. He glanced back to see Jason standing in the lounge doorway. "Jason, this is Craig, he's..." He tailed off, not sure how best to complete the introduction. Jason was aware that Adam was gay, but did he know that the doctor had a partner? Also, Daniel didn't know how Craig had introduced himself to his mother; as far as he knew, his mother didn't even know that Adam was gay.

Craig laughed, obviously realising the source of Daniel's discomfort. "I'm Adam's boyfriend," he said, almost casually.

Daniel glanced at his mother, who smiled, and then back at Jason, who was looking a little uncomfortable.

"Hi Jason, it's good to meet you," said Craig, approaching the teen and holding out his hand. A little uncertainly, Jason accepted the hand and shook it. Craig then laughed again, put his arm around Jason's shoulder and led the bemused boy further into the room. "So, you two sorted out your differences?"

"Yeah," said Daniel, trying to hide his amusement. He was watching the expression on Jason's face as the boy stood with Craig's arm around his shoulders. Jason was wearing a forced smile which looked more like a grimace.

"That's good," said Craig. "I've been thinking about you and wondering whether you'd managed to get things sorted. Adam's hinted that things were OK now, but wouldn't give me any details."

"There aren't many details to give," said Daniel, with a shrug. "We're friends again." He looked at Jason as he said this, and for a moment Jason's smile became more genuine.

"I'm glad to hear it," said Craig. "I'm not just here to check up on you though. I had another reason for coming round." He let go of Jason, and the younger boy took a cautious step to the side as though making sure that he wasn't about to be grabbed again. Craig noticed this and gave the boy a grin. "I was wondering if you wanted to come round on Saturday," he continued. "Adam's having this do with a few of doctor pals. Nothing fancy; there will be snacks, sandwiches, bits and pieces in bowls, that kind of thing. The thing is, I'll hardly know any of the people coming. It's not so bad early on, but later they all sit around and start talking business and I'll be bored silly. I thought that maybe I'd invite you along and we can disappear and leave them to it. We could play some games, chat, watch a movie, whatever you like."

"Erm, yeah, I guess," said Daniel, taken by surprise by the invitation. "Won't Adam mind?"

"No. I OK'd it with him first. He thinks it's a good idea. He said it will save him having to look at my miserable face all night. We'd be able to help ourselves to the food and everything; it should be fun."

"Yeah, OK," said Daniel, though he was still not entirely sure. "Can Jason come as well?"

"Yeah, course he can," Craig nodded. "Sorry, I should have said, the invitation is for both of you. That's if you both want to come." He looked from one boy to the other, a pleading look on his handsome young face. "You don't have to tell me now, you can give me a call and let me know in the next couple of days, or tell Adam. I hope you say 'yes', though. Last time they had one of these things they sat for hours talking about drugs and studies and stuff and I'd never been so bored in my life."

Daniel laughed. "We'll talk about it and I'll let Adam know," he said.

"Thanks," Craig grinned. He reached out and squeezed Daniel's shoulder. "Now I'd better be going. I'm supposed to be calling at the shops to get some stuff for dinner. Adam will be arriving home and there will nothing ready and I'll be banished to the cupboard under the stairs again."

"Now there's a good idea," said Daniel's mother. "Maybe that would be a good punishment for someone who doesn't keep his room tidy." She shot a meaningful glance at Daniel.

"Ooh, a family row coming on," Craig laughed. "Now that really is my cue to go. I'll see you later folks." He stepped towards the door. "Nice meeting you Mrs. Marshall. You too Jason. Hope to see you and Jason at the weekend, Daniel."

After Craig's departure, Daniel told his mother that he and Jason had something to take care of upstairs. She didn't make any comment, but the knowing look that she gave him and the way that she raised her eyebrows was enough to cause him to blush to the roots of his hair.

As the boys climbed the stairs, Daniel asked Jason what he thought of Craig.

Jason shrugged. "He's OK, I guess," he said. "He didn't have to put his arm round me though."

"He was just being friendly," Daniel grinned.

"Yeah, well, he was being too friendly."

"He was like that with me when I was round at Adam's house. I think he's probably like that with everyone. I quite liked it."

"You going to go to this party he was talking about?" Jason asked, frowning.

"I don't know. Do you want to go?"

"Not really. Sounds like it's going to be a grown-up thing. Besides, they might all be gay."

They had entered Daniel's bedroom and Daniel sat down on his bed, looking at his friend. "I don't think they'll all be gay. Craig said that they were mostly going to be doctors and people like that. Besides, we'll be spending time with Craig, not with Adam's friends. I think we should go. You've got to see Adam's house; it's huge."

"I don't know. Maybe." Jason fell silent, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other and gazing around the bedroom, almost as if he'd never been in there before.

Daniel swallowed nervously. "So, we gonna do this?" he asked.

Jason, nodded. Then he suddenly giggled. "Yeah, let's get on with it." He started pulling off his clothes.

By the time Daniel had removed his shirt and his shoes and socks, Jason was completely naked. The last time they had done the measuring, Jason had not taken off his briefs at all, claiming that it wasn't necessary, and he had only pulled them down at the front when he really had to in order for his dick to be measured. Therefore Daniel was taken by surprise to see that the boy had now stripped completely. He quickly hurried to catch up.

When they were both naked, Daniel opened the records-folder and turned to the relevant page. "You want me to start measuring you first?" he asked.

"Yeah," Jason shrugged. He walked over to the wall to stand in front of the height-chart.

Daniel moved closer to his friend, leaning forwards and using the pen in his hand as a guide to help check Jason's height accurately. As he did so, he breathed in the feint, warm, slightly musky odour of Jason's body. It was an intensely erotic smell that made it impossible for Daniel to ignore the fact that both of them were standing there naked. He read the figure from the chart and quickly noted it down on the sheet, trying not to think about what he was feeling down between his legs. He was already starting to become aroused and he hadn't even touched Jason yet.

By the time Daniel had completed the measurements for Jason's upper body, and squatted down to begin measuring his friend's legs, he was completely hard. In this squatting position, his face was almost on a level with Jason's groin, and this made his state of arousal even worse. Jason's dick was still soft, but it looked so amazingly cute and Daniel would have loved to reach out and touch it. He shot his friend a quick, nervous look, and Jason returned an equally nervous, tight-lipped smile. There was a definite tension in the air that hadn't been there during their previous measuring sessions. Trying to keep his hands from shaking, Daniel took Jason's inside-leg measurements, the backs of his fingers lightly brushing against the blond-haired boy's ball-sac. Jason let out a slight gasp and shifted his feet.

"You OK?" Jason asked.


Daniel took the other inside-leg measurement and noted down the results. As he finished off Jason's lower body, a thought entered his head. What if Jason couldn't get hard? That had happened the first time they had measured each other here in this room. To solve the problem, Jason had lain on the bed and closed his eyes while Daniel played with the boy's dick. But that had been before Jason had discovered that his best friend was a homo.

"Right, I'm done," said Daniel. "There's only your dick still to do." He got back to his feet, his own hard cock pointing out in front of him.

"OK, I'll do you next," said Jason. His eyes flicked down to Daniel's erection and he swallowed visibly. Then he gave a nervous giggle. "You sure that thing's not going to go for me?"

"No, I won't let it bite you," Daniel grinned. "It only bites people that I don't like."

They made eye contact and Jason swallowed again. He gave a rather forced laugh. "I guess that means I'm safe then."

The two boys swapped places and Daniel took his turn in front of the height-chart, standing nervously as Jason read off his height and marked it down. Jason then moved on to taking the other measurements, his touch gentle, even a little uncertain, as though he wanted to keep the actual physical contact to a bare minimum. Daniel tried to reassure himself that this wasn't down to the revelation that he was gay; Jason had been reticent about the touching even in their previous sessions.

As Jason took the inside-leg measurements he gave another giggle. "Just be careful that you don't poke my eye out," he said.

"Get on with it and stop complaining," Daniel replied, good-naturedly.

It didn't take long for Jason to finish his measurements. Now all that was left were the penis measurements. The boys stood looking at each other, the tension between them growing even further. Daniel's cock was still rock-hard, while Jason's smaller dick still hung limply downwards.

"I guess we could just measure ourselves," suggested Daniel, as the silence became almost unbearable. "Adam would never know, and even if he did know, I'm sure he'd understand."

Jason looked at his friend for a long moment as though considering the boy's words. Then he let out a long sigh. "Oh, fuck this," he said. He reached out and wrapped his fingers around Daniel's erection, stroking backwards and forwards along the swollen shaft.

"Shit!" Daniel gasped, taken by surprise. Jason's hand on his cock felt incredible. He groaned as the boy slid back his foreskin and then laid the tape along the shaft, taking the length measurement.

"It wouldn't be so bad if you weren't so fucking sticky," complained Jason. Then he looked up, and as their eyes met he gave an almost shy smile. "If you shoot on me, you're going to be sorry."

It was over all too quickly as far as Daniel was concerned. Jason noted down the length measurement and then took the three required girth measurements. Then he handed the tape to his friend. "Here. Your turn again."

Surprisingly, Jason's cock was now no longer soft. It wasn't fully hard, but it had lengthened and thickened and was pointing out at an angle from the boy's body. Daniel looked at it for a moment and then tentatively reached out his hand and took hold of it, squeezing it with his fingers. A soft hiss escaped from between Jason's teeth.

"You want me to stop?" asked Daniel, worriedly.

"No, just do what you gotta do," Jason muttered. He stood tensely as Daniel stroked his cock, quickly bringing it to full hardness.

Jason's cock felt great in Daniel's hand. It was warm and hard, yet at the same time the skin was velvety-soft. He stroked it for as long as he dared and then he pressed the tape along the shaft and measured the length. "10.7 centimetres. You're getting bigger."

"About bloody time," Jason replied. "You sure you measured it right?"

"You want to me to measure it again?"

"No, don't bother," said Jason. "Just get on and take the other measurements." He suddenly gave a giggle. "Besides, if you measure it again you might get it to less."

Daniel took his time getting the three circumference measurements, making the most of this chance to get his hands on his friend's hard dick. However, there was only so long that he could drag it out. "I'm finished," he said, noting down the final measurement.

Jason nodded and then quickly reached for his shorts, stepping into them and pulling them up. His hard erection made an extremely prominent bulge at the front. Daniel followed his friend's example and pulled on his own shorts.

"I guess that wasn't too bad," said Jason, smiling. His smile disappeared and he looked nervous again. "Adam told me that guys often do stuff with each other, just to see what it's like. He says it doesn't mean that they're gay."

Daniel looked at his friend, not sure what Jason was getting at.

"I'm not gay," said Jason, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Even though we keep touching each other."

"Yeah, I know you're not," said Daniel. "We talked about this before. We're doing this measuring because we have to. Look, if you want a different partner..."

"I don't want a different partner," interrupted Jason. "I'm fine doing it with you. I just need to make sure that you don't think I'm gay because I got hard when you were touching me."

"I don't think that," said Daniel.

There was a moment of awkward silence and then Jason's smile returned. "That's OK then." He picked up his shirt and pulled it over his head. "We're going to have to do this again either tomorrow or Thursday if we're going to have two lots of measurements to hand in on Friday."


"And maybe next week we should try to do it at least three times. We need to do it more than two if we're going to stand a chance of winning this computer."

"Yeah, that's fine with me," said Daniel. He was feeling somewhat confused by Jason's sudden apparent enthusiasm for their measuring. "I've got to do Ben and Billy again after school on Thursday, so we could come here straight after that."

"Fine with me," said Jason. He gave a grin. "As long as you wash your hands after handling the runt."

"I will. You really sure that you're OK with this?"

"I've said that I am haven't I? Look, it's not a big deal. OK, so we touch each other's boners; I can live with that." The two of them finished dressing.

"I'd better be going," said Jason. "Mum told me not to be too late because her and Dad are going out tonight."

"OK. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah. Oh, and this party thing at the weekend. If you want to go then I suppose I can go with you."

"Really? Thanks, Jason. The three of us will have a great time."

"We'll see."

After showing Jason out, Daniel made his way through to the lounge. His friend's behaviour was certainly confusing. There had been a lot of tension between them during their measuring, especially at the start before they really got going. But now Jason was acting as though he wasn't worried about it at all. It was almost as though he were determined to prove that he wasn't bothered by the fact that Daniel was gay, even though he was obviously still struggling to come to terms with it. If anything, Jason was trying too hard, and this worried Daniel. He felt guilty for putting his friend in this situation.

Daniel's mother was watching TV. She looked up as the boy entered the room. "Did you manage to do everything you were supposed to?"


"You don't sound very happy about it."

"I'm fine." Daniel forced a smile. "Mum, is it OK if I go to this thing on Saturday that Craig was talking about?"

"Yes. I don't see why not."


"Besides, maybe if you spend some time with Craig he might be a good influence on you."

Daniel gave his mother a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"Well, Craig seems to be a very polite, extremely well-mannered young man. Not like some people I that I could mention."

"You mean me?" Daniel was trying to think of something that he might have done wrong.

"While you were upstairs I had a call from Mrs. Thompson."

"Ah." Now Daniel understood. He gave his mother an apologetic grimace.

"She claimed that she'd seen you with another young man, I assume that she meant Jason, walking home from school, and that the other boy made a rude gesture at her. In fact, she claimed that she'd never in her life seen anything as disgusting as that before."

"In that case, she obviously doesn't get out much," Daniel muttered.

His mother gave him a disapproving look. "What exactly did Jason do that was so bad?"

Daniel looked at his mother. "You really want to know?" he asked, feeling suddenly mischievous. He hesitated for a moment, and then grinning, he grabbed his crotch and began thrusting with his hips in imitation of Jason's earlier movements.

The woman's eyes widened. Then she dissolved into spluttering laughter. "He really did that?"

"Yeah," Daniel nodded.

"Well that was extremely naughty," said his mother, with no sincerity at all. She shook her head, unable to control her laughter. "I would have given anything to see the look on the old battleaxe's face."

The story continues in chapter 14: Invitations

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Next: Chapter 18: Sexual Development 14

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