Navy Fuck

By moc.oohay@72polkpilk

Published on Dec 18, 2007


The usual disclaimers apply. No part of this story may be reproduced without permission of the author. My e-mail is

When I was 21 I dropped out of college several times. My family gave me an ultimatum: either finish school or enter the military. I had never even given the military a second thought, but as I had come to realise, I liked men. I didn't like them, I loved them. I had many sexual fantasies about my classmates, teachers, and family friends. I jumped at the chance to enter a mostly masculine world where men did everything together, and I desperately hoped that my dream of finally having sex with a man would be realized. I had come from a fairly sheltered world where sex of any kind was supressed and hidden. My grandparents who raised me even had separate bedrooms, so I couldn't imagine what was in store for me.

I was lucky. I went through basic training in a mixed company, one of the first. A mixed company is one where the men and the women train together, but live separately. Because they didn't know how to treat the men and woman together we had a pretty easy time of it. One side note, our company was a test company of sorts, they were experimenting to see how a woman would do as the company leader. They chose a little slip of a girl who stood about 5"4 at most and weighed around 100 lbs max. It was quite a sight to see a tiny girl shouting orders to a group of mostly brawny men. It was fun, but didn't last long. She was caught having sex with the leader of another company and was demoted, so much for mixed comapnies! This was just an interesting footnote I thought I would throw in.

I graduated boot camp and was transfered to, Yes!, an all male ship. I had to wait a couple of months before it returned from a Med. Cruise, but they went by quickly. When I reported on board I couldn't help notice all the choice grade A beef strutting around and I was in heaven in that respect. I reported to my division and was pleasantly suprised to see one or two studs in the berthing compartment. I was told to go to our division locker to report to my NCO.

When I stepped through the hatch I came face to face with one of the biggest studs I had seen in a long while. He happened to be the NCO's favorite, which is why he was in there in the first place. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, but I played it cool and didn't let him know I would have loved to ravage him right there. He was an honest to god farm boy named Herzberger. He looked like a cariacature of a farm boy! He had straw blond short hair, a cute litte pug nose, and the body of a greek god. I could tell because he was wearing a green flight crew uniform that was a size too small and made him look like the Incredible Hulk about to burst out of his clothes at any minute.

Unfortunatley, I was not the NCO's favorite right the start. He took an instant dislike to me and must have vowed to make my life a living hell any way he could. He didn't have long for this though. One day I was rushing through the pasageway on another impossible erand I had been sent when I ran smack into a huge black man. He asked me my name and looked me up and down only to ask me if I would like to be the captain's boy. I didn't know what it meant and was kind of wary, there were many people who propositioned me from the first day I walked up the gangplank. He explained that I would serve as the captain's valet. I told him I would be happy to and when I did my mess service was tranfered to the captain for almost a year. I lived in my division berth, but served the captain and the other officers. It wasn't so bad, but the hours were terrible. I was constantly dead on my feet. I served from 6am until usually 7pm or later with few breaks in between. I was exhausted and rarely saw my friends or the stud Herzberger.

One day I was let off early and ran to the berthing compartment to shower. I planned to head off to the base and catch a movie with my friends. I entered the compartment, stripped, put on a towel, grabbed my shower stuff, and went into the head. I walked through and began to shave, noticing that someone else was showering too. I had just lathered up when the shower door popped open and who stood there dripping wet, but Herzberger. He saw me and gave me his usual cheerful hello and I returned it. I couldn't believe my luck! Never had I managed to be in the showers at the same time as him. I played it cool and watched him dry off in the mirror. I immediately threw a bone. I was embarrassed, looking in the mirror I saw my beet red face staring back.

I finished shaving and didn't know what else to do because if I turned away from the sink he would see my cock jutting out. I pretended to do some other stuff to make myself seem. Herzberger walked over to me slapping me hard on my back while asking me what I was up to. I smiled and told him some bullshit answer.

He was killing me! He stood there naked expecting me to carry on a conversation with him while his hot, nude body was only inches from mine. Luckily my boner went down. A strange thing happened then, Herzberger asked me if I was going to take a shower. I told him I was and he stood there waiting. I thought it was kind of odd. We barely had spoken before and now he seemed so chatty. I took off my towel and went over to a shower and started it. I looked to see if he had left, but he was standing there and, was I imagining it, or was he looking at my ass? Wishful thinking, I reasoned.

He just stood there and this time, I saw him blatantly checking me out. He looked up embarrassed and asked me if I worked out. I told him that I didn't, but wanted to start. I had passed him many times in the ship's gym where he would grunt the loudest, turning bright red from power lifting, walking up and down the passageways flailing his arms to strecth. I was hoping he would offer to take me under his wing and show me what to do, I really wanted to start working out. The fact that he wore tight spandex pants also occured to me as a bonus to being more fit.

The water was warm enough so I made to enter the shower.

"What are you doing when you get dressed?" he asked me.

Hedging my bets I said I hadn't decided, but might catch a movie. I asked if he wanted to come along. I knew it was a long shot, he rarely left the ship.

"Nah. I promised boatswain that I would go down into the line locker and sort out some of the rope" he informed me.

I knew the line locker very well. It was where my good friend and I often took naps all day after stealing the keys before my mess service. Few people went down there. It was very out of the way.

I put my foot into the shower stall and he shouted: "hey!" very nervously. I looked at him and he was still standing there naked with his towel slung over his shoulder while he pulled at his balls. It never failed to shock me when I saw a man adjusting or touching himself and I should have been used to it by now. It was a common occurrence in locker rooms.

"Maybe we could grab a bite to eat later?" he asked.

I stood there cold and naked wondering what he was up to. I had never figured him for gay. He seemed like a fairly straight arrow.


"You could come down to the line locker and wait while I do my thing. It won't take more than a half hour" He offered.

"I'll be down after I get ready" I told him.

It was my fastest shower ever! I raced to dress and quickly found myslef at the line locker. Herzberger was in there working hurriedly.

"Did you change your mind?" I asked because he was in old navy issue shorts and a green tank top. Nice, but not exactly out on the town clothes.

He pointed to a backpack near the door and said his clothes were in there. I hopped onto a mound of coiled ropes and watched him work. I had asked if he needed help and he told me I looked too pretty to work.

I didn't know how to respond so I made a joke and it took the akwardness of the moment away. He looked up at me sheepishly and said I must have had all the pussy I wanted. I became uncomfortable now and jumped down from my perch. I knew he was the boatswains favorite and was beginning to wonder if they were laying a trap. I knew Herzberger wasn't smart enough to cook up a plan like this so I asked him casually: "Where is Boatswain tonight?".

He looked at me and said he was out getting shitfaced probably. I remembered hearing one of the guys in the compartment saying they were glad the Boatswain had left early because they could slip away early too. I was confused.

Herzberger just stood there coiling rope and looking at the floor. I was having second thoughts. He was obvioulsy uncomfortable around me and to be honest, I really didn't know what to talk to him about after we joked about our friends and what they were probably up to. We had never had a real talk without other people present and I quickly understood that there wasn't much rattling around this Adonis' head.

"Maybe I should leave you to it" I told him.

He looked up and said louder than necessay: "No! I'll get changed".

With that he dropped the rope and went to fetch his bag. He pulled out his clothes, putting them in a pile on some rope. He faced away from me and took off his shirt. His back was heavily muscled, tan, and tapered to a v. He looked around at me, smiling as he took down his pants. He now stood in a jockstrap and sneakers. He couldn't have looked hotter.

"Do you always wear a jockstrap?" I asked him.

"I like how it feels" he muttered.

"I like how it looks" I offered and he laughed.

His hand unconsciously went to the front of the poutch massaged it. I looked at his perfect ass as he turned back to the wall. It was a vision! Boxy, high, and tight from all the squat thrusts he did. I admired his tan lines. I love those!

He was stepping into his shorts when I asked him to stop.

"What's the matter?" he inquired.

"How do you get an ass like that?" I asked.

"You like it? I work on it alot" he smilingly told me.

I was both nervous and hard. I couldn't look away from his mounded ass melons. He noticed and began to show me the proper way to do squat thrusts. My mind reeled. I wanted to get a glimpse of his hot hole, but was afraid of making it too obvious. I crouched down as if I was intent on his technique and was rewarded by the sight of his cute little pucker peeking out from his beautiful cheeks when he squated.

I decided to make a risky move. I palmed his ass telling him I wanted to feel how hard his glutes were hoping to hell he didn't pop me in the jaw and rat me out as a fag. He stopped mid- thrust. I waited for what seemed like an eternity for him to make a move. He just proceeded to move up and down, breathing harder than normal.

Deciding to be bolder I let my middle finger roam into his ass crevice and brush past his love hole. He shuddered, but didn't say anything. I knew we both wanted the same thing.

"Why don't you lie on the rope, on your stomach" I said as I nudged him forward.

"That's it! Now push your ass out further. I want to get a real good look at what a man's ass should look like" I flattered him.

He was compliant and pushed himself up like he was doing a sit up while splaying his muscular legs for me. I was in heaven. It was my turn to rub my crotch. I unzipped quietly not wanting to make him nervous.

Calmly making my way toward him, I told him he was a perfect specimen of manhood and that all the work he did in the gym really showed. He liked that and smiled. I walked up to him starting to massage his ass. He responded by flexing it for me.

"You really do have one hot ass" I complimented him.

I looked up at him while spreading his ass cheeks apart to reveal his puckered hole. Looking to gauge his reaction one last time before I dove in, I gave him a big smile which he returned letting me know it was o.k. to begin tonguing his asshole. He threw back his head and made himself more comfortable while I feasted on his ass. He let loose so many "aw, fucks!, shit yeahs! and eat that holes" that I didn't pay attention anymore. He apparently loved my tongue shoved half way up his shitter.

Breaking away he turned and helped me remove my clothes. My cock was barely freed from my shorts when he went to town on it. I was suprised at what an experienced cock sucker he was and made a mental note to ask him where he got his experience. For now though, I was in orbit. Being very oral myself, I wanted something in my mouth. We soon went down on the floor in a sixty-nine where we stayed for a good ten minutes.

Wanting to focus once more on his ass, I stopped sucking his cock, wet my finger, pushed his glutes further apart, and buried my finger inside him. Herzberger bucked back and forth, mouthing his pleasure while my cock was deep in his throat.

He disengaged himself from my dick and crawled over to his bag where he extracted a pack of condoms and some lube. I made a joke about coming prepared and put a condom on my cock. He had already positioned himself on the floor.

"I like it doggy style and hard" he instructed me. My innocent farm boy wasn't so innocent I mused. Lubing my finger I coated his hole really well. He reached behind and started finger banging his hole, putting first one, then two fingers into his excited chute. I decided to take over from him and fingered his hole for a few more minutes until he was good and horned up.

I took aim at his pucker pushing the head of my cock into his ass, but only the head. He expelled a breath of air and made a sighing sound. Gently my dick crept forward into him until I felt my balls slapping against his. It was so hot down there that both our balls were almost to the floor. I rested my weight on top of him and he barely seemed to notice. My cock was on fire in this amazingly muscled boy's ass. I started a slow rythym, but he kept bucking back and telling me "harder!", so I was forced to oblige. I was very young and inexperienced then. I am sorry to say that I only lasted a few minutes before I buried my cock deep in his bowels and let loose, collapsing on top of him while my hands roamed across his hairless chest.

I thought we were over, but Herzberger had something else in mind.

"My turn" he said.

Confused I sat there looking at him and wondering what he could possibly mean. It dawned on me. I had only allowed one other person to fuck me and he was so bad, I vowed to never allow it to happen again.

"Herzberger, look. I don't think I like that" I told him.

We had a frank talk about my sexual history and he told me I would love it if it was done right. I hesitated remembering the ape that tore up my ass the first time and the searing pain that even poppers didn't quite erase. Sitting there looking at that handsome, muscle stud, I felt a twitch somewhere in my asshole that made me want to try again. I glanced at his prick, it was only five or six inches, but pretty thick in width. I was still hesitant, but told him to make sure he used lots of lube. A big smile spread across his face.

We would not be doing it doggy style I told him. He smiled and said to lie on my side. I complied and waited nervously. I expected to feel his dick against my hole, but was pleasantly suprised to feel his tongue instead. It was a new feeling for me. At first it felt a bit odd and uncomfortable, but once I relaxed I too began to buck and curse for all I was worth. It felt amazing. He ate good ass! He was only 23 but so much more experienced. I was jealous. He did such a good job that I soon begged him for his cock inside of me.

Herzbeger stood up in all his muscular glory to slip on a condom and lube his cock. I gazed at him lustily. He really was one of the best proportioned bodies I had ever seen naked. I had seen men more handsome than he, but nothing approaching the defined muscularity that he possessed. He was a bull!

I rolled onto my side in preparation for his entry. I felt the head of his cock against my hole and then pressure as he tried to enter me. He tried several times, each no more successful than the last. I was too nervous. He rectified the situation by probing my hole with his finger. This made me want to try again and he pushed through my ring till his balls rested against my ass. It made me uncomfortable at first, then I relaxed and he began gently fucking in and out. I won't lie and say it didn't hurt, but once he started hitting my prostate, I didn't care. It was a good kind of pain. A pain I didn't want to end. In fact I wanted to prolong it for as long as I could. I felt my ring open further wanting to swallow the invading cock as much as possible, it was incredible. I learned that getting fucked could be a pleasureable experience.

The pleasure was so intense I felt myself ready to explode again. I jacked my dick a couple of times and had an intense orgasm. My cum flew out my dick and sloshed everywhere. I felt my hole spasming on Herzberger's cock. It must have brought him close too because he pulled out, ripped the condom off, and jacked a huge load all over me while practically bellowing.

It was his turn to collapse on me. He was too big and I grabbed him by the balls telling him he had to move. He smiled good naturedly before moving to the floor next to me. I was exhausted and so was he. We decided to stay on board ship that night instead of going to the base. I would have other experiences with Herzberger, including watching him getting ridden hard by a black guy bigger than a bull. I'll write about that some othe time.

Next: Chapter 2

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