Neighbours Chris Has Company

By Swizzler Sticks

Published on Feb 17, 2014


Neighbours – Chris Has Company: Part 5

Disclaimer: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities or characters mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Neighbours is an Australian TV soap serial broadcast by Channel 11 in Australia and Channel 5 in the UK. It is produced by FreemantleMedia Australia. They own the characters – not me! For fans of Neighbours any relation to the plots happening on the show itself will most probably be at Australian pace (about a month ahead of the UK) so apologies for any spoilers.

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MASSIVE apologies for the huge delay. I lost motivation towards the story to be honest and leaving it on an unplanned cliff hanger gave me headaches. I'll tie up loose ends then bring it to the present...


By the time Josh was leaving the gym, Chris was busy working out and Josh nodded a hi towards him as he left. As he was working out however Chris' phone was vibrating away in his locker. Brad came over to talk to Chris about life and to give him tips to help his workout. Chris was thankful for the help and found himself blushing when Brad complimented him and his body. Although he knew there was no sexual undertones he did find himself adjusting himself when Brad wasn't looking. Soon his work out was over and Brad gave him a few notes to follow up with next time. Chris went to the changing room and as he was going through his things saw his phone was lit up with missed calls and messages.

He read the first one:

"Mate, we need to talk."

***CATCH UP ***

It'd been several months since the texts finished. It'd also been a few months since Hudson had run over and killed the sender of the texts. Robbo had tried to blackmail Chris as well as several others after he had witnessed what Chris and Mason had got up to in his bedroom. Hudson was now in prison serving time and Chris was tryig to keep urges at bay whilst Hudson was inside. Josh still seemed to enjoy flirting with Chris while at the gym, he enjoyed the attention Chris gave him and Josh enjoyed the teasing that he could give back. Things were going well for Josh though and Chris was `bumping' into him less and less. Mason had cooled off the whole fun thing. They messed around a few times but with Mason changing jobs and trying to work his way up the hotel career ladder had got in the way. And with Hudson on the scene Chris had also tried to keep the distance. It'd been a while since Chris had got any action, and he was starting to get hard at the drop of a hat, but he was determined to make the relationship with Hudson work and he tried to distract himself with work.

*** NOW ***

Josh was in hospital and it looked like his career was over. Mason was getting the blame and was panicking, running away as he always did. But the big thing for Chris was that Mark Brennan had come back. Kate's ex boyfriend who `died' in witness protection was back, and he was sticking around. He'd secured a job at the garage with Chris and Chris enjoyed having him around. It lessened his work load, but it also gave him something nice to look at. After Lucas had left all he had to keep him company was the whiney lady who'd replaced him and they'd never got on so Chris was happy to have someone he one, liked and two, enjoyed looking at. Chris and Mark got on well, but Mark was determined to win back Kate and Chris, although would be willing to drop his pants the second Mark wanted, was trying to make the Hudson thing work, so Chris was putting all x rated thoughts about the hunky ex cop to the back of his mind.

With Josh in hospital, trips to the gym weren't so exciting. He knew there'd be no chance of bumping into him on the off chance. Amber (Josh's girlfriend and Chris' friend) wasn't around to bitch with as she was always at the hospital, Kyle was hung up about Georgia, Georgia wasn't fully trusting of him after the recent Kyle/Georgia/Kate fall out, and Kate was keeping her distance, so Chris was bored out his mind when he wasn't at work. He got on well with Josh and decided to pay a visit to the hospital to see him and Amber. When he got to the hospital Amber wasn't around and Josh was lying in bed looking frustrated.

"Hey Josh, how are you feeling?"

"Apart from the obvious I'm OK I guess. Just need to get out of here."

"I hear you. I hate hospitals."

"Yeah, too many sick people! And no privacy... if you get my drift." Josh winked at Chris.

"I don't know if I do..." Chris replied. He was blushing but clearly got Josh's train of thought.

"Well... at home I'd get a bit of exercise before even getting out of bed, and then again in the shower and then again later in the day. But here... well I can't get the privacy to do my workouts."

Chris was starting to get turned on by what Josh was saying.

"Well it's a shame you're in hospital then isn't it!" Chris said, trying to stop this conversation from going further.

"Even if I was at home I'd still struggle. Surgeon says I can't use my arms for anything too energetic as both need to recover, and Amber, well she's a nice girl!"

"Well maybe we need to lock it up..." Chris said with a wicked grin. He remembered when Aiden had shown him a chastity device and locked him up for a few days in it when he had to go away for work. The release when he had been unlocked was amazing and he had tried it a few times since as Aiden had left it with the other kinky items.

"Erm... What do you mean?" Josh asked confused.

"I'd get your cock and this cage thing, put the cock in the cage and lock it. You won't be able to touch it, or let anyone else touch it for that matter, until it's unlocked again. You'd still be able to piss, just not get hard or touch yourself up."

"Sounds horrible. And I can't do anything for myself at the moment, so pretty much most people would see it who have to help me!"

"Only a suggestion... But I should have locked mine up today!" Chris stood and lifted his top slightly revealing a damp patch appearing on the front of his trousers. Josh looked and without realising licked his lips. "So I'd better get going and sort this out." Chris turned to leave, bending over to pick up his jacket, his trousers clinging to his arse right in Josh's eye line. As he went towards the door he turned round again. "Maybe when your arms are better I'll help sort you out, I think you'd want to join in." Josh said with a sly grin and a wink. They held eye contact for a few moments before Josh started to groan. He was having an orgasm without even touching his cock. It was the first time it'd ever happened and Josh was struggling to keep it down. Chris leapt towards him and planted his lips against Josh, invading his mouth with his tongue. As Josh calmed, Chris retreated. "Until next time Josh." And he left the hospital, coat draped over his front covering the big mess that he had made in his pants.

Apologies once more for the delay. A fairly short chapter to get back into the swing of things. I'm hoping I'll find the time to keep the story going and as usual will try to keep to Australian pace in terms of plots from the show I use so be aware of spoilers. Thanks for all the feedback I've still been receiving, I read it all and try to reply as much as possible. If you want to email me the address to send to is

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