New Earth

By Zarek

Published on Aug 20, 2014


Disclaimer: This is a revision to a story that I had started over 2 and a half years ago. Not only has the e-mail address changed from to , but I noticed a few typos and mistakes and corrected them. I also adjusted the year.

Prologue: This is a story set slightly in the future about two boys, one is eighteen and the other is about to reach eighteen. Only first names of the characters are given, and this is completely fictional, so any references to actual situations are purely coincidental. There is gay sex involved, so if you are offended, be advised and leave now. Otherwise, I hope that you enjoy this story and I may continue to write more. Any feedback or suggestion can be submitted to

A Rough Awakening

Everyone was told that they were not allowed to eat or drink for 12 hours prior to going into cryo. Also, if we didn't excavate our bowels prior to being placed in the tubes, it would be done via enema. Being in cryo, it was determined that fecal matter could be hazardous to our health if left in us. Before we were placed into cryo, those of us eighteen and older were able to choose two things that we would like to learn. I chose to learn martial arts, and I've always wanted to ride horses. Those under eighteen but over three were taught the basic education they would need to graduate. While they were learning everything, they were still not allowed to complete school until they were of age biologically, though everyone should get better grades. Babies would have their families' voices being played for them. They should be able to talk shortly after coming out. It was a good thing that this training was being done, too.

As we approached being six months from the new planet, everyone was starting to be awakened from their cryo sleep. Something must have happened while we were in cryo. When we found my father's body, he looked like he had aged over sixty years. Mom didn't look any older than the day she went into cryo. Josh, my baby brother aged, too, though he was never removed from his cryo chamber. He looked like he was about ten years old. Being a baby when he went in and aging so much, Josh came out of the cryo tube completely naked. For aging in the cryo tube, he has a nice body and gay or straight, he will be a heartbreaker when he starts dating.

I went looking for Zac. I made it to his tube just as he was being pulled out of it. Phew. He still looked as young as the day he went in. Several other cryo chambers did malfunction, though, and those inside aged anywhere from ten years to forty years. Some of the older passengers aged so much that they didn't survive.

As everyone went to their quarters, we learned that there was a malfunction with the auto controls during the last part of the trip. The engineering crew had to maintain control of the ship or we would have all perished. Dad and nine other crew members gave their lives that the rest of us could live. They will always be remembered as heroes.

That afternoon, I met Zac in our private room. I was naked when he entered, which seemed to surprise him under the circumstances. "Dude, you just found out that you lost your father. If you don't want to do this, I understand." Zac put his hands on my shoulders.

"I've been looking forward to being with you for 600 years. Nothing we do or don't do will bring my father back. All I can do is move on and enjoy being with the one that I love," I started, "But if you could hold me and hug for a while before you fuck me, I would appreciate it."

"Of course, and if you feel like crying on my shoulder, I am here for you. You may be my sex slave, but you are also my friend." Zac placed his arms around me and held me close. He started stroking my hair as he held my head against his shoulder. I did start to cry and didn't realize how much I needed to let it out. It was hours before I stopped crying and Zac held me and tried to comfort me the whole time.

When I stopped, Zac put his hand under my chin and lifted it up so I could look into his eyes. He kissed me gently on the lips, not like the lustful kisses we share during sex, but more passionate and caring. He told me to get dressed and we could go do something else today. We could meet tomorrow and see how things go, but he was more concerned with me being alright than him having fun. I took him to meet my mother.

"Mom, I'd like you to meet Zac. He's a friend that I made a couple weeks before we went into cryo."

"So, you're the one?" Mom stated bluntly.

"Excuse me," Zac started, "The one for what?"

"You are the one who makes my son so happy. A mother knows things, and I know that Zarek is in love. I can also tell that he's no longer a virgin," my mother was very blunt about this. "As long as Zarek is happy, that's all that matters. You're welcome here any time, Zac, but I do have one favor to ask. Be discreet about your love life when you're around Josh. Gay or straight is fine as long as he is happy, but I don't want him to decide that he's gay just because his older brother is."

"I can understand that. I promise, we won't purposefully influence him."

"Thank you, that's all I ask. And as I said, you're welcome here any time. You ever want to sleep over, that's fine, too, but remember, Zarek and Josh will be sharing a room until we get to the new planet."

"Thank you, ma'am," Zac responded.

"Well, the ship's commanding officer wants to meet with me and Josh won't be home from his classes for a couple of hours, so you two have the place to yourselves for a while."

"Josh has classes already? We were only taken out of cryo this morning," Zac puzzled.

"When Josh aged ten years in cryo, only some of his training he would have normally gone through was instilled in him. He's going through therapy to learn to walk and being trained to a ten year old's grade level so when classes start he will be caught up," I replied.

"OH, I understand. Did he suffer any damage from the cryo?" Zac was curious.

"Other than not being trained, no, he's a hundred percent healthy," my mother interjected as she left.

Once my mother was out the door, I looked at Zac and he put his arm around me and hugged me. "Your family has had it rough this trip, Dude. Take your shirt off," Zac said with a compassionate voice.

I did as I was told and Zac started giving me a massage which reminded me of the day we first met. I could feel every muscle in my body starting to relax. As Zac worked down my back, he positioned me to a laying position on the couch we were sitting on. He reached the small of my back and reached under me. I felt the Velcro of my pants being opened and Zac pulled them down slightly. I felt Zac's hands kneading my ass cheeks. I was about to drift into sleep when I felt a hard slap on my ass.

"Feel any better, Dude?" Zac asked.

"I always feel better when I'm with you, Zac," I responded.

"Good, finish getting undressed and show me your bedroom. I know that I said we'd wait until tomorrow, but why waste this time we have alone."

I pulled my pants the rest of the way off and led Zac to my room. In my room, the first thing that Zac did was push me onto my back on the bed. He opened the Velcro of his pants and pulled his cock out. Hoisting my legs onto his shoulders, he positioned his cock and entered my ass. Been 600 years since we've had sex, mind you, we were in cryo the whole time, but still 600 years, so it hurt a little when Zac entered me. Zac saw me wince a little so, he took it slow at first.

Twenty minutes went by and Zac was still plowing my ass. My cock was getting hard in the chastity device, so Zac decided to remove it and started jacking me off while he continued his plowing. I can't explain how good getting your ass reamed while being jerked off feels. Heaven doesn't even begin to describe how good it felt.

At about thirty-five minutes, I could feel my own cum about to erupt while Zac was still fucking me ass. Almost the same time that I started shooting my load onto my face and chest, I could feel Zac shooting his into my ass. When we both were done, Zac leaned down, with his cock still in my ass, and kissed me.

We went to the shower. Wasn't meant for two people in the shower, but we both got in. I set the temperature to forty degrees Celsius and it ran over our bodies as we kissed.

After Zac was done in the shower, he stepped out, dried off and went to my room. He was sprawled eagle on my bed when I came in. I crawled between his legs and engulfed his dick. As it started to grow in my mouth, I felt Zac's hands holding the back of my head. He started thrusting his hips and was more fucking my face than me sucking his dick. Thirty minutes went by and I could feel my mouth being filled with cum. I began swallowing and managed to get every drop.

We got dressed and went out to the living room. We turned on the view screen and started watching a show about navy cops called NCIS. The therapy must be working, Josh walked in the door. "Hey Josh, how were classes?" I asked.

"You're Zarek, right? Classes were alright. Who's your friend?" Josh responded.

"His name is Zac."

Josh went over, looked at Zac and then sat on his lap. Zac started rubbing Josh's shoulders and Josh removed his shirt. Zac continued giving him a massage and moved down to his ribs. We discovered that Josh was ticklish, so Zac started tickling instead of massaging. Josh dropped to the ground and Zac pinned him while he continued tickling. After a few minutes, amongst his laughing Josh started claiming, "Stop or I'll wet myself!" That was enough for Zac to get more vigorous in his tickling.

Zac finally stopped tickling Josh and sure enough, front of his pants were wet. "See what you made me do?" Josh yelled as he pulled his pants off right there. Seeing Josh naked, I could feel my dick starting to move. Josh retreated to the bedroom to get dry clothes.

"With him stripping in front of me, it will be hard to keep my promise to your mom. That was fun, though; are you ticklish?" Zac asked.

"Tell me about it. And can't say that I am, haven't been tickled lately. When I was younger, I was about as ticklish as Josh is, but now I do not know."

"We'll have to find out sometime, but not right now," Zac smiled. "Well, I have some things that I need to do. I'll see you later tonight."

Zac left as Mom was coming in. I continued watching NCIS and Josh came out of the bedroom wearing a pair of Levi's and was just pulling a heather gray shirt over his head. "Hey Josh, we have some time before supper, you wanna go to the gym and workout with me?"

"Sure, that sounds like it might be fun," Josh was excited, "What do I need to go?"

"Pair of shorts or sweat pants, and that shirt will work. You'll want a clean shirt to put on when we are done, though."

Josh and I went into the bedroom and got the clothes we would wear while we worked out. In the gym, Josh changed to a pair of black shirts and left his shirt on. I switched to my pair of blue shorts. Like with Zac, I went shirtless. Josh asked if he should take off his shirt, too. I told him that it was up to him and Josh removed his shirt. As mother predicted, Josh was trying to act like me.

We went to the mat and started stretching. Since Josh was six months old when he went into cryo and only came out today, he's never done any calisthenics before, so I had him facing me while we did them. He did his best to mimic every move that I made, and I helped him with his form.

After we finished warming up, we went to the weight machine. I estimated that Josh weighed about twenty-nine and a half kilograms, so that's where I started him on the weights. He was barely lifting them, so I lowered it down to twenty-two and a half kilograms. It made Josh feel good that he was able to lift them fairly easily.

That night, after supper, I met Zac in our room. As soon as he entered, he grabbed me close and started kissing. When we pulled apart, Zac opened his pants and I started sucking his cock. I couldn't believe that Zac was cumming after only five minutes. "Dude, seeing your brother naked has made me so horny. All that I've been thinking about ever since was being with you," Zac explained.

After Zac shot his load in my mouth, he started jacking me off. He figured that I was in need of relief as well, and it felt good. Took a little more time for me to cum, but after I did, Zac put the chastity device back on.

We chatted for a few minutes and I told Zac about taking Josh to the gym. Zac told me that he was starting to get horny again, so I started sucking his cock again. Ten minutes and he was hard. He had me lie on my stomach and then I felt him entering my backside. Zac was so horny that he really plowed my ass.

After Zac was done, he told me to stay lying down. He pulled a small tube out of his pocket. I felt him insert it into my ass. Then he pressed a few buttons on a device on his wrist and I felt the tube grow inside me. "It's the XID 2020. I set it to about the size of my cock. Every night, I'll insert it in you and remove it every morning. That way, you can feel like I'm inside you as you sleep."

"What if it slips out during the night?" I asked.

"It's made so that unless it's deflated, it cannot be removed. Only risk is, if you have to shit while you're wearing it, the shit will push it out and come out when it gets deflated. If that happens, YOU are cleaning it up."

Next: Chapter 3

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