New Kid at City High

By David Lee

Published on Feb 10, 2020


New Kid at City High, Chapter 2

Benji woke up early again, but this time it was more from thinking about his new human friend than the chorus from his feathered ones. They were providing the background music, but the picture on his phone was what made his heart beat faster.

He lay in his bed considering his options. After much thought, he decided he would make the move and text Gio first. It might make him look needy, but if he stalled around, Gio might lose interest. He began writing a message, but before he could send it, one came in from the guy he was writing to.

"Hey, are you up?"

"Yeah, I just woke up a few minutes ago."

"Cool. I'm not working at all today; you wanna do something?"

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"IDK. How `bout checking out the bike trail?"

"I'm good with that, but IDK where it is."

The boys made plans to meet after breakfast and go on an extended ride. Benji welcomed the prospect as a way to burn off a little excess energy. He'd already gotten his room settled and the lawn didn't need mowing again. Without school, there was no homework, though he did have a bit of reading he'd like to do and he could practice his trumpet. Basically, he was at loose ends.

Following Benji's directions, Gio rode his bike up the driveway just as Benji was bringing his out of the garage. Both were wearing spandex shorts which showcased their lean bodies and ample bulges. One glance at Gio made Benji feel hot and cold at the same time. He definitely had a crush on the kid. He would have to be very careful of his heart.

Their conversation began with a discussion of their bikes. Both had models that were on the lower end of the price-range. They were lightweight units with thin tires which could be ridden a long distance without putting a strain on their youthful muscles.

Gio told about his one-day stint in the annual RAGBRAI race earlier in the summer. Benji hadn't heard of it and was quite impressed. They thought it would be fun to try riding the whole way across the state sometime in the future.

The trail they were on was level, and not very challenging. Gio explained that it was built on an old railway bed, so there weren't any steep grades or deep valleys.

There was a more difficult one heading north toward Cedar Rapids from Coralville which they might try someday. Benji was all for it. This one was pleasant, but he wanted something more stimulating.

When they'd ridden about four miles, they stopped to rest and replenish some of the water they'd expended in perspiration. Sitting on the ground in the shade, the subject matter turned to school.

"Are you in any sports?" Benji asked.

"Not really. I ran a little track this year, but I wasn't a star. I'm gonna join the karate club this fall, though. The sponsors are cool and there's several nice guys in it.

"How `bout you? Are you an athlete? You look like a runner or a swimmer."

"Nah, I wasn't good enough at swimming to be on the team. I do like it though. Do you think I could do karate?"

"Sure. Mr. Fiala doesn't turn anyone away. I know a kid who's a real klutz, or he was when he started doing it. Now, he's impressive. That's why I figured I could do it too."

"Do you need lots of stuff? Dad'll probably get me whatever I want, but I'd hate to spend a lot of money on equipment if I didn't stick to it."

"Nope, you could wear gym clothes. You could probably use what you have on, but, um, spandex shows off more than you might want to at school."

"Yours does the same. You can't hide that you're a guy!"

"I know, but everyone wears this stuff on the trails. It's like wrestlers with their singlets."

"Yeah, no one would doubt they were guys either."

They got back on the trail again, and as a result, didn't talk as much. Both enjoyed the companionship. It was comfortable just being together.

By the time they arrived back at the trail-head, it was well after 11:00.

"Um, I saw a Culver's on the way here. We could catch lunch there and I'll treat," Benji suggested.

"You don't have to buy my meal."

"Maybe not, but I want to. Your family fed me the day we met, and I want to pay you back."

"It didn't cost much since we do a volume business at Pagliai's."

"But it would have cost me! Really, I want to do this. Now don't fight me!"

"Okay, and thanks."

Over their burgers and fries, the boys talked more about school.

"So, is there anything else exciting to do at City High?" Benji asked.

"Yeah, you can get involved in theater, and we have a new gay/straight alliance. Um, you don't have to be gay to join. Sophia goes, and so does the guy she's been dating recently."

"That sounds cool. I wish I could have had a group like that in my school, but Catholics aren't in favor of promoting same-sex stuff."

"We don't try to promote anything but understanding!" Gio said, a bit sharply. "Besides, you said you were Protestant."

"Sorry, I guess I need to explain it better. Catholic schools are afraid someone would accuse them of promoting sin if they were accepting of gays. And, I'm not Catholic. My parents sent me to private school because the public ones in our part of the city were sub-standard.

"And, before you accuse me of being a snob or being racist, it had nothing to do with the kids who went there, it was the quality of education I'd be getting."

"I get it," Gio grinned. "I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. Being openly gay makes me a little sensitive, I guess. Truce?" he offered his hand.

"Sure," Benji replied squeezing his hand for several seconds before releasing it.

"You're okay," Gio nodded.

"You too."

The next day, Benji asked Gio if he could come for a sleepover on the weekend. He didn't know anyone else in town yet, other than Sophia, and he wanted to have a guest to celebrate his 16th birthday which would actually occur on Wednesday. He wasn't keen on having her at his gathering, and he thought that by making it a sleepover, he could tactfully avoid including her. His father complimented him on his ability to strategize.

"So, how are you going to arrange the sleeping, since you've been playing hard to get?"

"I'm not playing anything," Benji declared with a touch of irritation in his voice. "Just because two guys are gay doesn't mean they're necessarily hot for each other. Since the guest room is still bare, I figured we could share my bed with sleeping bags on it. If he doesn't offer to bring one, I'll let him use mine and I'll use yours."

"Sounds like a plan. You're practically an adult; I need to back off and trust your judgement. Sorry if I sounded like an overprotective parent."

"Thanks, Dad. Sorry I got testy."

Benji texted Gio to invite him but didn't say it was in honor of his birthday because he didn't want his new friend to feel obligated to buy him a present.

Gio was quick to take him up on the offer since he wasn't working on the weekend and his mother was within earshot to give permission immediately. He hoped to keep Sophia in the dark about his invitation for as long as possible to avoid being teased. She could be overbearing at times!

On Wednesday, Ben, Sr. took time off from his computer long enough to go to the DMV to obtain an Iowa driver's license and register his SUV. He took Benji along, of course.

Benji had checked the on-line site about procedures for obtaining an Iowa license and was pleased to find he could get one with little hassle if he met certain requirements. So, he'd gathered up the certificate from his driving school in Chicago and other proofs he'd need to get a license that would also be security verification for airports.

The process turned out to be fairly simple for both father and son, because neither had any accidents or tickets on his record. The only daunting part was the large number of people ahead of them when they arrived. That turned out not to be a big issue after two more agents came off their breaks. There were enough windows open to accommodate the crowd efficiently.

Benji hadn't paid a lot of attention to their route when they came because he was busy checking his phone. It suddenly occurred to him that they weren't headed home. Perhaps his dad knew of a restaurant to have an early lunch. He was about to ask when his father turned into the Baxter Motors lot.

"What's up, Pop?"

"We're going shopping for your birthday present. I've looked at their on-line inventory and narrowed the choices down to what we can afford. If you don't like any of them, we can go elsewhere. However, my contacts who live in the area highly recommend this place for giving an honest deal."

"Wow! I didn't expect a car for my birthday."

"I wanted it to be a surprise, but I also want you to have choices."


Ben was pleased that the salesman he'd contacted didn't use high-pressure tactics. He was quite laid-back, answering all their questions and allowing them to make the decisions on their own.

Benji was thrilled! He test-drove three different vehicles after he'd narrowed down from the various makes and models in their price-range. His choice was an eight-year-old black Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. He could have had a newer Ford Focus for the same price, but this one caught his eye. It had low mileage and was in show-room condition. It came in under the maximum amount his father was prepared to spend. On top of that, it was a convertible.

Ben wrote a check for it because he had the funds, having come out well in the divorce, and he didn't want to make monthly payments. He offered to get a cashier's check if it would be preferable, but the salesman said it wasn't necessary since it was written on a local bank.

After calling the insurance company to get coverage, Benji was cleared to drive it to Jimmy John's where they were going to grab a sandwich for lunch. Of course, he put the top down before making the short trip.

Benji was so excited that he needed to share it with someone, and since he knew only a couple of people in town his age, he sent a picture of it to Gio in a text.

Gio responded immediately with congratulations about his cool ride. He was eager to see it, and so, Benji picked him up at Pagliai's when he got through helping with the noon rush.

Instead of going to the nearby Dairy Queen, the teens chose to drive a few miles to Whitey's which Gio claimed was better. Benji was happy to have an excuse to play longer with his new toy, and to spend more time with his new friend.

"Your prince charming is here to whisk you away on his white horse," Sophia teased when she saw Benji arrive in their driveway on Friday afternoon.

"Shut up," Gio grinned, "he's not a prince and that's not a white horse. It's a black convertible."

"Same difference. "I'll bet you'll be riding HIS `white pony' before long," she whispered.

"Sophia, what are you telling him?" their mother called.

"Just wishing him luck, Mamma."

Gio rolled his eyes at Sophia, and kissed their mother goodbye, hoping to get out the door without further embarrassment.

However, Benji had already rung the doorbell, and it was only polite to properly introduce him to their mother. She trusted her children's judgment in making friends, but she still wanted to look over the boy her son seemed taken with.

He looked nice enough, and she hoped he wouldn't break her son's heart.

"I probably could have biked or walked to your house, it's not very far, as you know," Gio said.

"Not with all your stuff. Besides, it gives me another excuse to drive around."

"Yeah, I envy you. I have to share an old sedan with my sister, and she gets it more than I do because she's older and bossier. Next year when she's off in college, I'll be free!"

"Do you feel that oppressed?"


"I really like your house," Gio complimented when meeting Ben. "It's so uncluttered and everything matches. Our home has a lot of stuff handed down in the family that no one dares to throw away."

"Ours is the result of having to move and start over. We didn't bring more than we could put in a U-Haul trailer behind the SUV. Our bedrooms are still sparsely furnished, and the guest room is completely bare."

"That's not all bad," Gio grinned. "Benji will have to put up with me because he can't banish me to another room if he gets mad at me."

Once the words were out of his mouth, Gio cringed because of how they might sound to Benji's father. However, the man simply smiled, as if he weren't reading anything into what had been said.

"I can always make you sleep in there on the floor," Benji teased.

His bantering relieved Gio's feeling of embarrassment.

Ben grilled steaks and veggies for their dinner. Gio raved about the taste of everything, making Benji proud of his dad's efforts. Coming from the family of a successful restaurateur, his compliments were especially meaningful.

Dessert was angel food cake with 16 candles on it. After Benji had blown them out, Ben put a slice on each plate along with fresh strawberries and real whipped cream. The teens felt satisfied.

"How come you didn't tell me it was your birthday," Gio asked, when they retreated to Benji's room and were sitting cross-legged on the bed.

"I didn't want you to feel obligated to buy me a gift. Having you here to celebrate with me is present enough. Besides, the actual date was Wednesday when I got my car."

"That's so cool. Does that mean you really want me as a friend?"

"Of course! You and I have a lot in common. I feel closer to you right now than to anyone other than my dad."

"Wow! I'm honored, but I'm afraid I'm gonna get hurt. I'm developing feelings for you that I'll have to hold back."

"Like what?"

"Like I'd like to date you. Do you see how that could mess up our friendship? If I'm hot for you and you're not into me, that could be awkward."

"Maybe not. What if we became boyfriends?"

"Are you playing games with me?"

"Nope. But I've kept something from you. Part of the reason my parents divorced, and we moved here was the fallout after I came out to them. Mom can't handle having a gay son without trying to `cure' him, um me in this case. Dad thinks I was born this way and he's okay with it."

"Well, you knew I'm gay, so why did you keep it a secret? I think I should be pissed."

"You have a right to be mad at me if you want, but my motives weren't evil. I just wanted to know you'd be my friend without seeing me as someone to make out with or something. Is that so bad? I'm sorry! Have I spoiled my chances?"

"No, I'm not angry with you; maybe a little disappointed that you didn't trust me. I'm not shallow!"

"I know you're not. Please forgive me."

Gio leaned into Benji and gently kissed him on the lips. Benji lay back on his bed and pulled Gio on top of him, as he returned the gesture with more passion.

That was the moment Ben walked past the open door.

Author's notes: Thanks to all who emailed about this new story. The list includes: Walter S, Jeremy R, Bill T, Ott H, Warren W, John L, Tim W, Ray M, Joe W, Tim T, Joe S, Neal H, Jim M, Bill K, Ron, Ian S, Hotrod, Steve C, Robert L, Terry C, Mendy D, Ken S, Jim W, Scott M, Edward P, Tom A, and Peter S. If you don't see your name, it's possible that I sent this in before I read your email.

Thanks to David for editing.

Thanks to Nifty for providing this free service.

If you enjoyed this tale, I'd love to hear from you. Please write to me at:

Next: Chapter 3

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