New Life

By Alain Mahy

Published on Feb 19, 2015


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Life was incredibly beautiful again. Jonay was home without any intention of going away again. Those three years at the university had taught him more than just botanic things. He had learned to live on his own and to look after himself. He had managed a tight budget and even worked for strangers to make ends meet. He had never asked for his parents or me, to send him money. He was now even more disciplined than before and knew how to keep a place clean and tidy. Even though he was a responsible young man before he went, he was it even more now. We were more than happy in our cabin up the mountain and enjoyed a healthy life with the perfect balance of work and leisure.

Jonay started the extension of his botanic garden and from what he told me, it would be absolutely beautiful once the seeds he planted would come out and grow. He even made little sketches of each plant that would come out, had them plasticized and then put on wooden sticks on the place he had planted the seeds.

Paul, Rusty's son, seemed to get healthier by the day and was often up at the cabin helping Jonay in his garden. Young Paul developed an increasing interest in the plants just as Jonay. He was a quick learner and when Jonay tried to see if he learned well, Paul surprised him with his, for the moment, meager knowledge.

At the restaurant everything went smooth and well. We had bookings sometimes for weeks ahead. Rusty soon made himself essential and we all appreciated him for who he was. Although he was older than all of us, he adapted perfectly and there were times we wondered how we had managed without him. Roberto and Maria gave him the possibility to study some more about wines and before we knew it, he was a real expert. When it came to buy wine, Rusty was always there and pointing out what he thought we should buy. His tastes were very good and the clients appreciated the new variety of wines we had on offer.

I had my hands busy with my little office. People, who had been reluctant to come and see me after the old woman's death, came back and started to trust me. Paul's almost miraculous recovery was certainly helping in that. Jonay helped me with his knowledge to learn which herbs had the most effect in different cases, although I followed the old woman's advice to follow my intuition. That was what helped me most. Of course, the visions that came to me were as important, if not more. I could sense when a vision was coming up and I always tried to isolate myself to receive it. The feeling of pins-and-needles in my feet preceded every vision. It took me time to realize that, but when I did, it made things easier for me to isolate myself.

What I had learned over the years was also to interpret those visions. They were almost always metaphors and I had to learn to understand the images I received. Sometimes it was clear and easy, but often I had to search for the hidden message. Reading the notes of the old woman over and over again made me see she had the same problem: understanding the visions. She had written down quite a lot of them and it was by deduction that I learned what I had to look for.

In the last couple of months I had had the same vision coming to me over and over again: one of the eagles up the mountain came flying at very high speed from the top of the mountain and just stopped its flight at a very small distance from the ground and flew up again. It was always short but very intense. I say it was one of the eagles, but that was just an interpretation as I actually never saw the eagles body or feathers. I had gone over to read the notes once more, but couldn't find anything similar. I talked it over with Maria, but she couldn't help me either. To say I was intrigued would be an understatement. Once that vision started to be a dream I had every single night, I knew I had to give it a lot of importance. When one night the dream changed and the flight down didn't stop, I woke up in sweat and knew instinctively I had to get up and dress. Jonay looked at me and I explained to him what I had seen and that I had the intuition something serious had happened. He looked at his watch and saw it was almost five o'clock in the morning. It was still dark outside. I said I was going down and Jonay was out of bed and dressed before I even could grab the keys of the Range Rover. Before we got into the car, we heard the scream of the eagles without seeing them. That was really strange as the eagles are day birds and seldom fly when it is dark. I started the car and drove down. I suddenly had the image of Rusty coming up and so I drove directly to his little house. We had to knock several times at the door before a very sleepy Paul opened it. When he saw us, he was suddenly wide-awake. We had told him about who I was and what I did. He had developed a very acute intuition as well. So, seeing us there he immediately knew there was something serious at hand. He ran into the house and went directly to his father's bedroom. Rusty was laying there, but I knew he was not asleep. He had gone.

Paul went over to his father's bed, but he as well knew already. He just caressed Rusty's face and kissed his forehead. Just one single tear fell from his eyes onto his father's lips. Paul then proceeded to remove a golden chain Rusty had around his neck and put it around his own.

  • Do we have to call an ambulance or the police or ... whoever? Paul asked.

He sounded so mature for a boy of sixteen years of age. Jonay just picked up his mobile phone and dialed emergency. In less than half an hour the house was buzzing with people. An ambulance took Rusty away without flashing lights or siren. The doctor signed the death certificate and Paul, Jonay and I had to sign our declaration to the police. The undertaker was in charge from there on.

The following weeks went by in a blur. The funeral was intimate and simple. We had found a kind of will, signed only a few months previous. There was not a lot written as Rusty had not that much material possessions. The only thing that was important in it was that he wanted Jonay and I to be the legal tutors for Paul. Even if he had not written it, we would have taken that task for us. Paul meager things were loaded in the car and he was soon installed in the guest room. We wouldn't allow him to be without a home. While Paul was unpacking, Jonay and I had a coffee in the kitchen and that's when Jonay looked at me and said:

  • We have a son now!

As Paul was still a minor, we had the visit of the social services. That woman had been in my little office more than once and I had been able to help her, so she didn't argue Rusty's will.

Paul was strong and didn't let the grief get to him. He said his father would not have liked it. Although he was strong during the day, we often heard him crying at night. When Jonay heard him cry, he would go over to Paul's bedroom and comfort him. They had a sincere friendship going on since Paul had worked the garden so often with Jonay. I kept on the background but Paul often came into my arms when he had a rough time.

At the restaurant things sure were different since Rusty passed away. We had to hire a replacement for Rusty and despite having quite a lot of candidates, none of them were at Rusty's level. Paul asked to come with us each time we went to the restaurant. He said he could feel his father's presence. We didn't want to upset him and so he came along. He even started to help in the kitchen. Roberto had taken a particular tender loving care to the boy and tried to teach him a few things. Paul had missed school because of his illness. Now that he was feeling a lot better, he could focus on things and Roberto was happy to teach them. Paul had not been sitting in a classroom, but he sure picked up things very quickly.

What Roberto discovered in a very short time was that Paul had a very strong sense of smell. He could distinguish the different ingredients of any preparation only by smelling it. He could also distinguish different wines although he never drank any. Roberto often took him to the garden and made him smell flowers and plants. In only a few weeks time, Paul could say which plant was presented to him with closed eyes. Paul amazed us all with his skill or gift, or whatever we could call it. At the cabin he could tell Jonay which plant had come out of the ground just by walking in the botanic garden. Jonay would each time go and see it with his own eyes. Paul was never wrong. We supported him all we could and even cheered him on to develop his skill.

Time went by. Our lives were happy ones. Paul was living with us and was more than an asset to our family. All was well in a good world, till the day Jonay's mobile phone was calling for his attention. He looked at the caller's ID and it was Justin. First, Jonay didn't want to answer it. I respected his decision. But after the third call he was so bothered that he answered. Of course, I heard only Jonay's part and it was not a pleasant one. He was harsh and severe. He said a few things that I would not have accepted. But Jonay was my lover, my partner, my husband. I didn't want to judge him without knowing the other part of the conversation.

  • Justin is coming over. I told him clearly that if he wanted to get between of us, he would better stay away. He said that would not happen. I told him to get a hotel as I didn't want him over here and that anyway, the guest room was no longer available.

  • Wasn't it too harsh to say? I asked,

  • No it wasn't, Jonay said, besides... it probably helped him deciding if he really wanted to come. I am not disposed to give him free accommodation!

I was surprised at his reaction, but understood him nonetheless. In a certain way I was even more surprised that he had accepted to even meet Justin. He was still angry and upset about their last conversation. He was actually more deceived than angry. He had shared a precious moment and Justin, in Jonay's point of view, had turned his back on him. Jonay was frustrated because he didn't understand Justin's reaction. He had never promised anything to Justin! They just followed the flow and apparently had crossed a limit they shouldn't have. But I knew Jonay needed answers. He accepted that Justin was coming over just to fulfill the need to understand. I asked Jonay if he wanted to meet Justin one on one or if he preferred me to be present.

  • I really would like you to be there, he said, to prevent me to punch his face!

That last remark was just a joke because Jonay would never get violent. He always said that if an argument had to come to hands, it was better to avoid the argument and the people involved.

  • I want him to realize that we are a couple in a serious relationship and that the fact he tried to tear us apart was a huge mistake. I know I made the mistake to accept having sex with him and the price I paid for that was very high: I lost what I thought was a friend. You know the saying, don't you? "A friend who is no longer a friend, has never been a friend!"

We didn't know when Justin would arrive and even though Jonay needed to see him face to face, he was not really looking forward to it. I tried to make him see there was probably a good reason for Justin's behavior and that he should calm down till he heard it, but Jonay had lost the trust he had in him.

The summer had kicked in pretty fast and the garden was absolutely magnificent. The weather was warm, but not uncomfortably hot. Most of the time, when we were at the cabin, we ran around naked, as we knew nobody could see us. Paul fitted in well in our little family and had adapted to our life style with ease. He was as close to nature as Jonay and being naked was something he felt comfortable with. We had just finished our lunch when we heard a car coming up. It happened frequently that Roberto and Maria came p unannounced, so we kept shorts close at hand for in that case. So, when a taxi stopped next to the Range Rover we were quick to put those shorts on. I had never seen a taxi up here before so I guessed it would be Justin. I was right. I instantly felt a tension building up. Paul disappeared into his room. Jonay's face became hard and cold. I didn't have a mirror to see what my face looked like, but I guess it was not really welcoming.

Justin approached the cabin sheepishly. We shook hands. No hugs, no kisses. Despite the tension that could have been cut with a knife, I tried to be as polite as possible. We had some small talk about his trip and where he was staying at and so on. It was as if we all wanted to avoid the reason he was there. Jonay was impatient and nervous. He threw that question right at Justin's face:

  • Why did you come?

  • Because I love you Jonay, he said.

  • And is it because you love me that you were disrespectful to Blake and me?

  • If asking the person you love to build up a relationship with you, is disrespectful, then yes... I have been disrespectful. Sorry for that.

  • It is not asking the person you love to build up something that is disrespectful. It is the fact that you perfectly well knew I am in a relationship that is disrespectful.

Jonay was almost shouting out loud this sentence.

  • If you are in a relationship, why did you accept we made love? Justin asked.

  • Because we were in a vulnerable situation Justin, and you know it. You had just failed an exam and were depressed. I tried to comfort you with friendship and human reactions. I didn't think it would lead to sex, but it did. At the moment I was not bothered with it because I thought we had a solid friendship and the sexual abstinence had our hormones worked-up. The disrespectful part of it all was not the sex, it was your reaction afterwards, when you blatantly asked me to leave Blake and follow you. The fact that you took for granted that I was YOURS was disrespectful because in a sane relationship there are two equals and not a person who owns the other.

  • Do you mean that if I had treated you like an equal, you would have said yes? Justin asked.

  • No, Jonay said, but with respect we could have talked. I could have been able to tell you I loved you like a brother and not as a lover. We could have sorted this all out as civilized people. You took for granted what most people think: if the sex is good, the relationship is automatically the next step. Well, let me say this to you Justin. You are wrong. Sex is one thing and love is another. I thought you knew that. In fact, you even said that to me one day. Why is it you act in a way that is opposite to what you think?

Justin bowed his head and took it in his hands. I could see his chest was heaving and that he had problems breathing. He was having a hard time! I remembered the day I had taken his hands in mine and that nothing negative had come to the surface. I wondered if he was one of those people who could hide their deepest feelings to someone like me.

Justin collected his thoughts and then looked up at us.

  • There is something you have to know, he said, and it is the first time in my life I will tell anybody about it. It is difficult to bring myself to tell you this, but our friendship is far too important to me and I would like you to understand. When I was fifteen, my father died of cancer and I was surprised that my mother remarried only three months later. It seemed she had an affair with my step-dad for over a year. My step-dad was known as a seer or clairvoyant if you prefer. One day he said to me I was gay in front of my mother. Neither my mother nor I had realized that. He was right but he had no right to out me to my mother like that. My mother was devastated but he said he would take things in his hands and that he would "cure" me. His methods were more than strange, hanging amulets all over the place and burning incense all the time. About six month later he took me to a brothel and paid a girl to "make a man" out of me. I noticed that most of the girls there had a scared look when he came in. The girl he chose for me tried everything, but my cock didn't even get hard. I told her I was gay and that this was to "cure" me. She laughed out loud and said that being gay is not an illness and that she couldn't do anything to cure me. We left the room and passing another room where the door was open, I could see my step-dad with three girls, pleasing and servicing him. I went back home and told my mother what had happened. She didn't want to believe me and said that if I didn't want to change, there was no place for me under her roof. I just turned eighteen and knew I could get my father's heritance. I left the house as soon as I had seen the lawyer and that he confirmed I could dispose of the money. I had not changed my mobile phone and one day, about two months later, I had a call. From the caller ID I could see it was my mother calling, but was surprised to hear my step-dad. He said he would have a curse on me and that, never in my life, I was going to have a lover or even know love.

Justin was sobbing hard and the tears came down his cheeks in a steady stream. Recalling all those events was indeed very hard to him, but we sensed there was more to it.

  • With my father's money I rented a little studio and decided to go on with my studies. I wouldn't let that evil man have influence on my life. I resumed university where I had left it but in another town. That's where I met you Jonay. As you well know, we connected and I fell in love with you. I was convinced my step-dad had not been able to realize his curse and I was more than happy for it. I didn't tell you I was in love with you because your friendship was too important to me. Last year we came here and I saw what the love of the family could really be and I envied you. I couldn't understand though that you were in love with a guy more than twenty years your elder. I was convinced that if the possibility rose for you to make love with someone your age, you would leave him. I wanted the curse of my step-dad to be refuted to the fullest. So, after we made love, I insisted that we could build a relationship and be happy. I know I did it the wrong way and that I didn't treat you the way I should. Put the blame on desperation.

In the corner of my eye I saw Paul in the doorway. He had been listening the whole time. Jonay was looking at Justin in awe. I didn't know what to do or say. I went into the house and took some herbs to make an infusion that would calm Justin. Paul stood next to me and asked if all he had heard was true. I told him it was, at least the part where Justin and Jonay were concerned. I didn't know about the step-dad, but it was far too impressive to be just a work of imagination.

When we stepped out, Jonay and Justin were wrapped in each other's arms, both sobbing and crying. I was glad to see them like that. Don't misunderstand me. I was not glad they were crying, but I was glad they reconnected. Strangely enough, this time I was not afraid of losing Jonay to Justin. I knew that Jonay loved me and had a profound friendship with Justin. For Jonay, everything had its place and every place had its thing. He made a big difference between love and friendship although both were strong feelings. I guessed Justin and Jonay needed some time alone and I went for a walk in the garden with Paul. He was a little restless, so I asked him what was going on.

  • Is Jonay going away with that guy?

  • No Paul, I don't think so. Jonay and I are very much in love with each other and we want to be together for as long as we can. Why do you ask?

He had a scared look on his face and said:

  • All the people I loved have gone away; first my Mum and then my Dad. I love you both so much and I don't want Jonay to go away! It seems that every time I start to love someone, they just go away for whatever reason it is.

He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my chest.

  • You don't have to worry little man. We will not leave you! From what I know, from what your father told me, your Mum ran away because she could not cope with your health problems. Your father left us because he was ill himself. He had a serious heart condition and he left only when he knew there would be people caring for you. That's what we are here for. We will care for you and we love you with all our hearts. Jonay will not leave you.

  • But that guy, Justin, said he was in love with Jonay and that he wants him to have a relationship with him!

  • Yes, that's true Paul. But Jonay is not in love with that guy. You see, that is the difference between love and friendship. You can love someone who is not in love with you, but you can only be friends with someone if that other person wants to be your friend as well.

He seemed to think very hard about what I had said to him. He wanted, and needed, to assimilate my words. Paul had that; he had an absolute need to understand things and we were happy to see he had no problems whatsoever to ask something when he didn't know. He was a bright kid and holding him in my arms I had a vision of him being very successful in his future life.

When we came back to the cabin, Justin and Jonay were seated in the pond. There was no doubt they were both naked, but that became a habit here at the cabin. Paul asked if we could join them and as soon as I said yes, he stepped out of his shorts and slipped into the water. I did the same. I could feel the animosity of Jonay had gone. He was his old self again. Sitting on the bank of the pond I could see our friends the eagles flying high in the sky. It was the first time Paul saw them and was curious about them. Justin got up and screamed to the birds and one of them came flying down and rested on Justin's outstretched arm. Paul was flabbergasted. Justin called him to come closer and Paul did although with a little apprehension. Once he was close enough Justin told him to caress the eagle's head and the bird seem to understand him as it bows its head closer to Paul. He caressed the big bird on the head and we could actually see the bird observing him. After a few moments, the bird spread its wings and flew away. That was the precise moment when Paul started to admire Justin. At sixteen he was still very impressionable. He still had that innocent way of thinking and acting because he had not been to school very often and had not been in contact with guys his age. Nonetheless he had grown into a fine and gorgeous young man. He was still a little bit smaller than most guys his age and could probably have passed for a thirteen or fourteen year old, but as soon as he started to talk he could easily pass for a twenty or twenty-one year old.

We came out of the water and sat on the porch. Paul had a thousand questions for Justin concerning the eagles. Justin showed a lot of patience explaining what he knew about them. Paul was in his "learning-mode" and he assimilated the information with an amazing ease. We were so proud of him. He surprised us even more when he started to talk about the smell of the bird. His description was so accurate that we could almost smell it even though the bird was not there. Paul had his way with words when talking about fragrances that it talked directly to your imagination. Justin made a very pointed observation:

  • He should be a "Nose".

We were looking at Justin, not knowing what he wanted to say with that. He continued:

  • A "Nose" is the person who can recognize every smell and mix them in such a way that it becomes a perfume. Only a very few gifted people can do that work, but once they make their name, they become known worldwide.

I saw a sparkle in Paul's eyes. It was like a revelation to him. He immediately understood that the fact he recognized smells and odors, he could make a living out of it. He had an extraordinary memory for fragrances without missing once.

The sun was setting down and we soon were ready to go to bed. We said that Justin could sleep on the sofa if he wanted. Otherwise we would call a taxi. He didn't push his luck and accepted the sofa without arguing. It was Paul who said:

He can sleep with me. My bed is big enough.

We were speechless. Was it his innocence that was talking or was it something else? What do we do as tutors of a sixteen year old boy? Sex had never been discussed and even less gay sex. Of course, for Paul, two men being together in the same bed was a common sight. There was nothing wrong with it in his mind. But from there allowing a gay guy in his bed... Paul had already a man's body and we were sure he already had sexual fantasies. Jonay had mentioned some stains on his bed sheets and had discreetly placed some hand towels in hands reach. Paul had used them without having to ask what they were for. We decided to treat him as an adult and respect his decisions. We left it open to Justin and Paul to decide where they would sleep and went to our own bedroom. We talked a bit about the events of the day and drifted to sleep.

During the night I had to get up to empty my bladder. Passing Paul's bedroom door, I clearly heard moaning and groaning. There was absolutely no doubt they were having sex. The certainty came also from the fact nobody was on the sofa. I thought that Paul was sixteen and as such a sexual adult. I just hoped Justin would show respect for Paul and decided to have a talk with him in the morning.

The next morning we were woken by the smell of fresh brewed coffee, frying bacon and fresh baked bread. Jonay turned and rested his head on my chest saying good morning in his half sleep. His hand rested on my stomach and travelled lower till he found my morning wood. He playfully caressed it and soon dove under the sheets and engulfed my rock-hard manhood. I loved it to start the day like that. I found lovemaking in the morning so much more satisfying. I pushed my hips up to invade his mouth even more. Jonay sucked as a pro and when he pushed his finger in my ass, I went over the edge and emptied my balls in his mouth. He swallowed it all and then came up to kiss me. I tasted my own cum. That made me want to taste Jonay's as well and I returned the favor, emptying his balls just like he had done to me. We lingered a little longer but the smell of the coffee won the battle. We went to the bathroom for our morning things and joined Justin and Paul in the kitchen. They looked like to playful kids.

After breakfast I took Justin for a walk. There were some things I wanted to make very clear to him and the first one was that we had custody for Paul. I told him how we came his tutors. The second thing, and in my opinion the most important one was that his past behavior with Jonay was not an option with Paul. I showed him my concern for him as well as for Paul. His past history with his step- dad could not possibly be an excuse for a repeat performance of what had happened with Jonay. If he had the slightest intention of "owning" Paul, he could forget it and leave right away.

We were next to the pond and I asked Justin to sit down and give me his hands. I used some of my relaxing techniques on him and if I had been a hypnotist, Justin would have been in my hands in no time. But I was no hypnotist. My powers were different. Nonetheless, I got him relaxed enough to have him open up. I received an image of his step-dad in a strange environment and apparently pronouncing words I couldn't hear, but I was sure I saw the man executing his threat to curse Justin. With only the power of my mind, I banned the image and made it disappear. Despite of that, there was a red spot appearing next to Justin. The spot grew bigger and bigger and I knew that was not good news. I concentrated with all my power inside to call the eagles. They never failed to appear at the right moment. They flew in circles around the red spot and just as they had done when I had the red spot, they started attacking it and tear it up to pieces. It took them quite some time to destroy it completely, but they managed. Once the red spot was gone, they flew away and circled above our heads as if they were waiting to see if the red spot would appear again. I didn't. It was only at that time that I opened my eyes and Justin must have sensed it because he did the same. It was good I was there, because Justin collapsed. He was apparently exhausted. I called Jonay and Paul and gave them instructions to prepare an infusion of some herbs that I mentioned to them. About ten minutes later they came back to me with a mug containing the concoction. I took Justin in my arms and made him drink it. Justin came back to consciousness. He looked at me and said thank you. I wanted to be sure if he knew what had happened so I asked:

  • What are you thanking me for?

  • I felt threatened and you were there, helping me, caring for me, till the danger was over.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me as if I had just saved his life, and maybe I just had. I took his hands in mine once again and only received positive images and even smiling faces of him and Paul. I looked up at Paul and saw an identical smile. I knew everything was going to be ok.

If Justin had collapsed from pure exhaustion, I needed to recharge my batteries as well. I advised Justin to go to bed and have a nap. With the concoction he had drunk he wouldn't be able to stay clearly awake for a few hours anyway. Paul went with him and Jonay followed me to our bedroom. In the past he had witnessed several times me using my energies to help people and he knew I was drained. His way of helping me in those cases was to give me a nice massage. Most of the time I would fall asleep while he was rubbing my body. Jonay had magic in his hands (and the rest of his body) and I always felt relaxed when he let his hands roam over my body.

This time was no exception. Jonay surprised me nonetheless with a flask of oil with herbs in it. It smelled quite strongly but it was a pleasant fragrance. He had warmed up the flask and its contents and once he poured it over my shoulders and back I could immediately feel tis relaxing effects. Jonay took his time to rub it in well and all my muscles relaxed under his touch. He massaged my back and shoulders and legs before giving an extra attention to my buttocks. The way he massaged them I knew Jonay was in a horny mood. I was not going to complain! I let his hands glide over my ass- cheeks and he even spread them from time to time, letting his fingers rub over my puckered hole. That gave me an almost instant boner.

He then asked me to turn over. I did and he saw the effect his hands had on me. He poured some more oil in his hands and was smiling at me with his wicked grin. He put his hands directly on my chest and rubbed my nipples, as he so well knew those would send shivers down my spine and to every nerve ending in my body. My cock was already throbbing and had some spasms of its own will. Jonay ignored them voluntarily. His slick hands rubbed all of my body without touching my genitals not even once, but nevertheless bringing me close to the edge on more than one occasion. He knew what he was doing! He took off his shorts and rubbed some oil over the front of his body and then topped me. Our slick skins rubbed all over each other and Jonay lips found mine. Soft little pecks were the trigger for a passionate kissing where our tongues fought for supremacy in the other's mouth. I had my hands on his buttocks, pulling him closer to me and pressing our crotches together. The mix of the oil and our sweat made the perfect lubricant between our chests and bellies. I didn't know if it was the oil he had prepared that made my skin really sensitive, but I was sure we would use it again in the future. I always felt alive when making love with Jonay, but this time it was as if it had been spiced up with the oil. The little electric tingles I felt went from my hair on my head to my curling toes. I was once more on the verge of coming, but Jonay knew how to calm me down even though my scrotum had already shrunk and my balls were almost inside my body. He straddled me and pointed my rock-hard cock to his private entrance. Slowly he impaled himself on my manhood. I could feel the heat of his rectum on my cock-head that passed his sphincter muscle with ease. He lowered himself in a steady but slow motion till I was in him to the hilt. He then gyrated his hips and I could see on his face he rubbed my cock on his prostate. His cock was oozing pre-cum and I picked it up with my fingers to bring it to my mouth. I loved the taste and texture of it. Jonay started a slow up and down movement. He lifted himself just till just the head of my cock was trapped by his ass- muscles and then went down again. Bit-by-bit he increased the speed of his pumping and I felt my juice boil in my balls. This time he was going for it and wanted me to go over the edge and fill his bowels with my semen. I let him do it and took his steel-hard cock in my hands to take him with me over the edge. At his first spurt of juice he contracted his muscles and that did it. My sperm was filling his ass while he emptied his balls all over my chest and stomach. Once his balls were empty, he collapsed on top of me and as our chests were pressed together we could feel each other's heartbeat. We came down from our orgasmic height and kissed. My cock left his ass and Jonay got up to fetch a warm washcloth to wash us both. He then spooned me and we were in dreamland in no time.

I didn't know how much time we had napped, but once again we were woken by the smell of food. I recognized the fragrance of fried onion and garlic, and if I was right, Paul was preparing his famous lukewarm salad of lettuce, tomatoes, fried onion, garlic and pieces of bacon and topped with goat cheese. A little olive oil and balsamic vinegar made it complete. As Jonay smelled food, he was out of bed in no time. I followed immediately as I was hungry, too.

At the table on the porch, we were four smiling men. The magic of the place had done its work once again. Happiness was the main dish, but Paul's salad as well.

To be continued É if you guys tell me you like the story. All messages welcome at

Next: Chapter 7: New Life 7

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