Niall and Bieber

By james jones

Published on Sep 14, 2012


Niall and Bieber.

This story is about British boy band artist from One Direction, Niall Horan and Canadian star Justin Bieber. It is pure fiction. This story contains sexual situations between males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. If you are under 18 years of age or you are not legal to read this story, please leave now.

The author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed (except by the websites to which it has been posted) without the consent of the author. ______________________________________________________________________

Niall woke up the next morning feeling a little rough. He looked over to his right to see no sign of Justin. Niall sat up and looked around the room wondering where his boyfriend had gone. He got up and chucked on a pair of Calvin Klein boxers and went over to Justin's side of the bed. He found a note. It read :


I'm sorry I've left so early but my management gave me a call last night when you were asleep and said they need me to do an interview on The Ellen Show, I'll be back in England as soon as I can. I'm sorry.

I love you, Justin.

Niall sat on the side of the bed and stated to sob. He didn't know when his boyfriend would be back or when he would see him next. He got up off the bed and headed downstairs to see if Justin would still be there. He wasn't.

Niall sat on the kitchen table and wondered about his relationship with Justin. He was so upset that they lived so far apart but he head to carry on with his life and go meet the other 1D boys to record their new song in the studio. He headed upstairs and jumped in the shower and got ready.

Niall was downstairs doing his hair when the phone rang. He rushed over to it to see who it was, hoping it would be Justin but it wasn't, it was Liam. Niall answered.

"Hey Niall, you and Justin ready yet? Me and the boys will come pick you up!"

"Hi Zayn, I'm nearly ready just doing my hair, head over. Justin isn't here by the way, he's headed back to America to do an interview."

"Oh, okay dude, me and the boys will be over soon. You sure you're okay? You sound a little croaky?"

"No, I'm fine Liam, just hurry up."

Niall put the phone down and went back to the mirror to complete his hair.

10 minutes later the doorbell to Niall's home rang. Niall opened the door and was greeted by the boys of 1D.

"You ready?" asked Harry.

"Yeah, let's go!" replied Niall.

With that the boys headed off to the studio to record their new song. Niall couldn't stop thinking about Justin all the way to the studio. He couldn't get him out of his mind. The way he spoke, the way he looked, the way he made Niall feel special, it just all piled up and made Niall shiver. Liam noticed this but didn't say anything. He could sense something was up but he thought Niall would be fine.

The boys arrived at the studio at 1pm and were greeted by their manager who informed the boys when each of them would take turns to sing in the booth. Harry was first, followed by Zayn, then Niall, Louis and finally Liam. Harry got up and went into the booth and began to sing his verse which was pitch perfect followed by Zayn who was equally great.

Niall was up next and he headed into the booth to record his verse. He was doing fine until he came across a line that sang "And I miss you so badly even though it's only been a day or two" and that's when it all flopped for Niall. He started sobbing and he couldn't sing another word.

"Niall are you alright buddy?" asked Louis.

Niall didn't respond but got up off his seat and ran out of the booth and out of the door.

"I'll go after him" said Louis.

"No I will, you go in the booth and finish your verse, I wont be long" replied Liam.

Liam got up off his seat and headed straight out the door and down the corridor. He looked in every room left and right and the only room left was the bathroom.

Zayn opened the bathroom door and heard a sobbing Niall hidden behind a cubical.

"Niall?" asked Liam.

"Go away." replied Niall.

"Niall let me help you, I need to know if there's anything wrong, I could help you get through it!" responded Liam as he stood outside the cubical.

Niall let out a sigh and opened his mouth.

"Justin and I have been dating, and he left today to go back to America and I don't know when he's going to be back, it's getting too much for me!" replied Niall.

"Awh Nialler, don't be silly! He'll be back before you know it, he's only a phone call away!" responded Liam. "Now open this cubical and get back in that room and apologize for walking out, we're going for a Nandos after it, you coming or not?".

"Yeah ok, I'll come, as long as you're paying!" shouted Niall as he opened the cubical door.

"Fine!" replied Liam.

Both boys headed out of the bathroom and back into the recording room. Niall apologized to the guys and sat back down. Liam was next to sing and he was amazing. Niall had never noticed how great a singer Liam was before but now when he sat there, he just looked on in astonishment. Liam was like an angel singing, when he opened his mouth he made Niall's heart skip a beat. Niall had to shrug that thought out of his mind, he was with Justin, not Liam, he may of thought Liam was hot and that he was a really nice person but he was a good friend, nothing more, nothing less.

It was around 6pm when the boys finished in the studio.

"Nandos here we come!" shouted Harry in excitement.

The boys got into their car and headed to Nandos.

"Are you feeling better now?" whispered Liam to Niall.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks dude" replied Niall with a smile on his face.

The 1D boys got to Nandos at half 7 and went in to get a table. They sat near the back where no one could see them and where they wouldn't get disturbed.

"I need a wiz, anyone else?" exclaimed Liam.

"Yeah I'll come, better had before we start to eat!" replied Niall.

Both boys headed to the men's room and headed straight to the urinal. Niall to the far right, Liam to the far left. Niall looked over to Liam and saw him concentrating down at his flaccid penis. Niall had seen Liam's penis before, many times in fact but he felt so horny that he needed to catch a glimpse of it. He moved up a bit, still peeing as he did so. Liam looked at him and gave him a weird look as Niall stared at Liam's penis.

"Niall are you alright buddy?" asked Liam as he looked into Niall's eyes and saw an enraged boy who looked ready to bite off his cock.

Niall turned to Liam and kissed him on the lips. He grabbed his elder band member and had him against the wall, as he went in for the good old snog. Tongues touching, penis's touching, it was all so erotic. Niall's tongue swirling around Liam's. Niall didn't know but Liam was secretly gay himself, so for him, it was amazing too!

Niall opened his eyes and realized what they were doing. He pushed himself off Liam as he did his zipper up.

"We, I, I can't do this, I can't cheat in Justin, I have to go" said Niall.

Niall stormed out of the bathroom and the door slammed in Liam's face as he chased after his band mate. Liam did his zipper back up and scattered out of the door as he saw his band mate Niall, leave the restaurant alone.

So I know it's been a while with the story but I just haven't had the time, it's been a hectic couple of months. I enjoyed doing this part of the story for some reason, but I'm sorry it doesn't include much `erotic' or and sex scenes, there will be some in the near future.

As for my tumblr, I'm not using it anymore, I didn't see the point of it so please un-follow me as I will not be using it.

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I love feedback to be sure to give me some. Thanks again.

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