Nicholas and His Father

By Peter Elliott

Published on Feb 1, 2009


The following story contains consensual sex between a young boy and an older man and mild scat themes. If these things offend you or are illegal were you come from then do not read any further. The story is a fantasy and bears no resemblance to any persons living or dead.


Both Father and Son had just taken a shit together. They had also both ejaculated on the other and the semen from them both was clearly visible. They had smiled and embraced. A very special and intimate experience had just taken place between them, one that would change their relationship forever. With some help from his Father, Nicholas manoeuvred himself off Don's big thighs and stood up. He looked down. His Dad's dick and pubic hair were matted in thick brown lumps of the boy's turds. Between his own legs and bum cheeks he felt wet and the smell of shit was pungent and bracing in the bathroom. Don too stood up and grabbed some paper from the roll:

"Might get us cleaned up a little bit. What do you think Son?"

"I guess we better get rid of some of it"

Don wiped himself up and gave some toilet paper to his Son. Both wiped and generally cleaned away most of the solid matter. Don's dick and pubic hair and much of thighs and lower abdomen were still covered in brown streaks and smears.

"Do you need a hand Son to clean yourself up a bit?

"If you want to Dad that would be great. It's hard to see were it all is."

Don turned Nicholas around and wiped up most of the sold stuff. Like himself, Nicholas was still covered in shit.

"We need to get some more of this off you Son. Come here and turn around"

Hr turned Nicholas around so that he was facing the wall. He moved him back slightly so that he was by the bowl itself.

"Move back in and lean against the wall Son"

Nicholas did as he was told. His arse was pushed out facing his Father. He felt his Father's hand and some paper gently wiping in and around his hole and legs. Hiss mind drifted back to when he was a small boy and his Father had done the very same thing when he had done a "poo" for his Dad.. Suddenly and without warning, he felt a hot shot of something liquid against his arse cheeks. He looked back at his Dad unsure of what was happening. His Father was holding his penis which was still half fat from just having orgasmed while his big balls sagged and were heavy and was aiming it all at the boy's bum. A big stream of yellow piss was gushing out of the Dad dick, hosing him down. Nicholas gasped and he and could hear the piss gushing onto the tiles, some dripping into the bowl and seat splaying onto the walls. Don moved in as the intensity of the stream began to subside.

"Open up your crack Son. It's still pretty dirty"

Nicholas cupped his bum cheeks in his hands and parted them, allowing his Father access to his anus and the full length of his crack. Through the brown smears, Don could see a few hairs matted together around his dirty shit hole and also noticed the hair clumped on the top of his thighs where they met his bum cheeks and down between his legs. His Son was undoubtedly undergoing puberty and was on his way to being a young man. Nicholas could feel hot piss dripping down between his legs and on his bum hole. It was falling down his legs and his ball bag was also being splattered with his Father's urine. He pushed back even further as Don moved in closer. His cock was now very close to his Son's bum and he too placed a hand and arm on the wall, steadying himself as he moved in even closer so that his penis was rubbing against his Sons' teen boy anus. They were very close to each other. Don, almost rubbing against his Son's back, the Son enveloped by his Father. They both moaned as Don rubbed his dick along the crack and over the boy's bum cheeks. His penis was also streaked with brown and now very wet, almost muddy. Nicholas could feel his Dad's hot breath on his neck and pushed back to be even closer to his Father as they both began breathing heavier:

"I needed a piss mate. Hope you didn't mind?"

"That was a good way to clean me up a bit Dad"

"It was wasn't it?"

"Dad, I know that were both probably still pretty messy, but I was wondering...well..."

"Yes mate. What is it. Are you OK with this?"

"Oh, yeah, believe me. This is great. It's just that you said you would know kind of... you know show me... how you wiped yourself "

"You still want me to show you Son?"

"Yeah Dad. I really do"

"Sure. We are both pretty dirty but, ah.. yes...I think you're right Son. I think it's important that you know how to wipe yourself after you've had a big shit Nicholas. I am your Father. This is something a Father should be showing his Son. Teaching him about his body and all of its functions. Shitting is a very important part of that...particularly now that you are growing up. You really need to know how to wipe yourself like a man. To make sure you get it clean and all the shit out of your hole and to deal with anything else that might occur when you're in the bathroom"

"Deal with what kind of other stuff?"

"Well, Nicholas, you have mentioned that sometimes your penis becomes erect when you are having a shit. This happens to me sometimes too and is quite normal. You may need to masturbate, because the feelings of passing a big turd can be so intense and, as I said to you, your prostate gland can also be stimulated as the shit passes down the canal to your anus, causing you to erect. Many men experience this. It is very normal. You are also an adolescent and often your dick will get stiff just because the wind is blowing. It is very sensitive. Therefore, I think it's very important that you pull yourself off whenever you feel you need to. Do it as often as you want to. It can't harm you and let's face it feels pretty good doesn't it?

"Dad, I think about pulling myself all the time. I whack off three or four times a day...sometimes even more"

"Again, very normal for a boy of your age. I encourage you to pull yourself whenever you want to Son. I enjoy pulling myself too"

Although he had just ejaculated, Nicholas was rubbing himself as Don spoke to him. The whole filth of the situation was sinking in fast. He had just taken a shit with his Dad, rubbed himself off all over his Dad's hairy belly: he could see small globules and a few small ribbons of semen glistening on the hairs and treasure trail that led further up his chest, and now they were talking about shitting and masturbating. The toilet smelled intensely and as the conversation progressed, Nicholas moved around a bit to get more comfortable he could see several big turds in the toilet bowl. They mingled together with the wads of paper and small wrapped nuggets of shit that had come from his anus and he wondered momentarily, which was which? Which one had come from his arse and which ones were from his Dad's arsehole? His dirty dick was slowly lengthening as they spoke. He also felt much closer to his Dad, more confident and able to say whatever he wanted, to discuss things he had barely admitted to himself without fear of what his Father might think. He could see that his Dad was also prepared to do whatever was necessary to bond with his Son.

"So Dad, you were going to show me how you do you wipe your bum-hole"

"Right. Of course" Don was also amazed at how things were progressing and it seemed his Son was now taking the lead.

"Let's swap places. It'll be easier" They both moved, so that Don was now facing the wall, his legs astride the toilet bowl and Nicholas was behind him.

As he leant on the wall he leaned back to talk to his Son:

"Have you ever seen a man's anus before Nicholas?"

"No Dad. I guess I haven't. I mean, I've seen your dick before and other guys in change rooms and stuff, but I've never really looked at a man's bum closely before, let alone his hole"

Most people never see an anus. It's funny isn't it? We all have one but we never talk about having one and we never discuss what it's there for, let alone see it. It will probably be easier again Nick if you kneel down. The boy complied and surveyed the sight before him. There, not a few inches away was his Dad's bum cheeks and arsehole. His Dad had just dropped a couple of big turds and no doubt his hole was dirty. If the smell was anything to go by, it was going to be very dirty. The cheeks themselves were quite large and round. They were covered in a light brown fuzz, some of which rose up to meet his spine. Closer to the top of his thighs, the hair was much thicker and his legs were also very solid.

The man repositioned himself, thrusting his arse out to meet the gaze of his inquisitive boy.

"Have a good look Son. Have a look at a man's arse. Touch it if you want and when you are ready, why don't you open my cheeks and have a look at my hole. I do need to warn you Nicholas that I have just had a shit and have not wiped my bum. It will probably be pretty dirty and I do have a pretty hairy hole"

"I know Dad. But I want to see it and I want to see how you wipe it"

"I usually do two or three big turds a day. Sometimes I need to shit twice depending on what I've eaten. After I've finished I generally grab some paper and fold it. I find that easier and I stand up. That way I can really get a good wipe up my crack. Is that how you do it Son?"

"Pretty much. Sometimes I stick the paper between my legs and wipe it that way"

"That can give you good access to the actual hole. It also means that you rub you balls and dick a bit"

"I know!"

"Perhaps that's another thing that is giving you erections. Now, why don't you have a look at my arsehole Nicholas? Take your time. Have a good long look. It seems that you've wanted to see your Dad's arse for some time so don't be shy."

His Dad was right. He had wanted to see it. He wanted to see a dirty arsehole and he desperately wanted to show his own dirty hole to his Father. He moved in close, running his fingers lightly over the hairy globes before him. His dick was stiff again and he felt excited to be doing something so intimate and filthy with his own Father. He felt around his legs and ran his thumbs back up along the ridge of his crack. Breathing deeply he finally he peeled it open. Don again shifted position, allowing his Son to savour the dirty scene before him and complete access to his shitty anus.

Nicholas was stunned, as a wave of lust shot through his body. The crack itself was covered with hairs that were much thicker as the line moved down between his legs and to his balls. He could see a very dirty but pink slit that was slimy and a deep brown colour. Ringing this slit was a circle of brown long hairs and small clumps of shit clung to them like winter fruit. A greasy brown halo encased the whole thing. His Dad certainly had a dirty arsehole. He moved in for a closer look as Don again moved his hole back towards him.

"Have a really good look Son. Get right up close. See what a man's hole looks like Son. Look at Daddy's shithole...have a smell of it if you want to"

And he did. He did want to smell his Father's dirty arsehole. He stuck his nose right in and took a long, deep whiff.

"Smell Dad's dirty shit hole Nicholas. Don't be afraid mate. Have a big smell. I'll bet it wreaks Son. I had a pretty big shit"

"Your hole smells incredibly Dad. I love smelling it. Oh Dad' I'm smelling your dirty shithole"

Don pushed back, feeling the boy's hot breath on his anus. He also sighed and began thrusting and writhing as Nicholas clasped onto his legs and drove his face inwards, so that he was sandwiched between hot skin, hair and shit. Don pushed his hand back and placed it on the back of the boy's head grinding him into his arsehole. Nicholas was panting and moaning and then Don felt a new sensation. He realised that his Son had his tongue out and was licking the anus, lapping up the greasy brown smears of shit in his Father's arsehole

"Oh Dad, I want to lick it...let me lick it ..Dad, I feel so horny all the time and I want to be close to you, I want to lick your shit hole Dad"

"Lick Daddy's shit hole Son. Oh mate, Dad can feel your tongue and your mouth all over my dirty hole. Oh Son, this makes me feel incredibly close you too. Lick all the shit out of Dad's bumhole"

Both father and Son were again lost in lust. Although both had ejaculated only fifteen or so minutes earlier, they were both stiff, Nicholas, holding onto to Don's leg with one hand and his dick in the other, while Don began pulling his fat six incher, which was still smeared with his Son's shit.

As they both masturbated, Nicholas stood up, his lips and tongue smelling of shit and pushed into his Father. He began rubbing his dick all over his father's hole and along the full length of the crack. Don again placed his arms behind him, pushing the boy in closer so that they were rubbing themselves together all over and Nicholas was rubbing his Dad's chest and tits and moaning and whimpering:

"Oh Dad, fuck....Dad...I want you to teach me to be a man...I love shitting and pulling myself and being dirty and I want to watch you shit again Dad...teach me feels so good...teach me Dad...

The boy was thrusting and completely lost in lust and filth.

"I'm gonna spoof up Dad...I can't hold it in...I want to shit with you Dad...My spoof is coming...I'm gonna spoof...Dad.."

He was thrusting and panting and his dick was sliding up and down Don's crack.

"Let it go Son. Spoof up. Spoof up in Dad's crack. Show Dad your spoof"

"I'm fucking spoofing Dad...Oh!!!"

With a few more thrusts Nicholas unloaded all over his Father. He was contorting and contracting but Don held the boy firmly aware of the intensity of the orgasm. He could feel the hot jets of boy semen dripping along his hairy hole. Slowly the boy came around. Don faced him and held him as he rubbed his fingers along his crack and into his hole and brought the contents of his dirty anus and his Son's cum in front of them both. His fingers were coated in a brown gooey mess and together they looked at them and then Don brought the fingers to his nose and sniffed them. With his arm around his son and the boy pressed to his body he let Nicholas smell the finger, then he did the same. Slowly, he brought it to his lips and licked it. His Son stuck out his own tongue and together, they licked his dirty finger clean of shit and spoof.

Holding the boy, Don also began to masturbate, holding his Son, tenderly rubbing his back and head. The boy looked down, transfixed by the sight of his own Father opening pulling himself, tugging on his fat cock.

"I want to have a cock like yours Dad. I love seeing you pulling yourself"

""It feels so good Son and I would love to teach you everything about being a man. I want to teach you about your dick and your anus and the pleasures that men experience. Oh Son, I want to tell you about being a man and show you whatever you want. We can do whatever you want to Nicholas"

Don continued masturbating and his Son began rubbing his hands along the man's legs and ball bag. He moved down closer to the dick mesmerised by the vigorous pulling that his father was inflicting on his cock. Don was breathing hard and also moaning. As he continued to pull, he stuck his arse out and cut a fart.

"Have you got another one Dad?"

"Think so. Oh fuck this feel so good mate"

Nicholas fell to his knees and spun the masturbating man around. He opened up the man's arse again and stuck his tongue up the father's hole.

"Oh fuck Son. Oh shit, I have to fart again. I'm gonna fart Son."

He frantically wanked his dick as he let go another big fart. It echoed in the room but was muffled due to the mouth enclosing it. His Son received the gas as the Father farted right in the boy's mouth:

"What a big fart Dad, fuck it went in my mouth".

He was so turned on he knew he was going to blow. He spun around and kept pulling his dick close to Nicholas's face. The boy ran his hands through the bush of pubic hair and Don pushed his knob onto the boy's face. With a few more yanks another load of semen shot out of his cock and onto the boy's nose and cheek. With another thrust another shot landed in his hair. Both men were shuddering and gasping. They both embraced, holding each other very tight as they sighed and contracted.

Both Father and Son were covered in spoof and shit and piss. The toilet stank of shit and farts. As they both slowly came to, Don decided that he would call his wife and organize to take Nicholas down to a mate's old beach house for a week or so in the term holidays, which were fast approaching. It would be a surprise for his Son and allow them time to further bond and teach Nicholas all there was to becoming a man.

He was looking forward to it.

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