Nick and Jonathan

By Jon

Published on Feb 10, 2001


Thanks as always to those who have written with suggestions on where the story line goes. I wonder where this one will take us...


They spent what was possibly their last days together. Nick and Jonathan had arrived at the resort around 1AM. After relaxing in the Jacuzzi for a while, the two retired to the bedroom and made long slow love until the dawn broke. Nick and Jonathan finally collapsed in each other's arms having each cum three times. Sleeping long into the afternoon, they awoke and again brought each other to orgasm; each somehow sensing that this special time they were sharing might be the last.

Nick and Jonathan finally emerged out of the suite as the sun was setting into the sea. Together they walked out of the resort with a discreet contingent of guards.

"Beautiful sunset babe" said Nick.

"Yeah, almost as beautiful as you" said Jonathan.

"I still think Mother Nature looks better" came the reply.

"Since when did you start looking at women?" asked Jonathan playfully.

"Smartass" said Nick.

The two walked down to the south shore of the resort. There they sat on the beach as the last of the sun sank into the warm waters of the Caribbean. Jonathan turned to Nick.

"Are you sure you want to do this babe?" he asked.

"I'm about as sure as I can be" said Nick. "I mean it's a chance to spend not just my life but many lifetimes with you. Besides, you have given me a life that I never would have had. You took me away from what was a personal Hell and let me share your life, making my life so special"

"I am just scared that I'll lose you" said Jonathan.

Nick saw the genuine fear and love in Jonathan's eyes. "Hey babe" said Nick softly. "You will forever be the age you are now. I will continue to grow old. This gives us a chance to be together. If it doesn't work, it just moves the timetable up a bit. I'm willing to take a chance. You have given me more life in 2 years then most people spend in a normal life."

"All right" said Jonathan. "Let's get some dinner, relax and fly out tomorrow."

"Where do we have to go?" asked Nick.

"Somewhere in Greece" said Jonathan. "Kristian said he would meet us in Athens"

"Birthplace of modern civilization" said Nick. "How appropriate."

The two remained on the beach for a little while longer before rising and going back to the resort. Anthony and Karen sensing that something was up, had prepared a special dinner for them in the suite. As it had been their first time, waiters from the restaurant were liveried in white; while Karen and Anthony had been dressed once again in formal black. For what seemed like hours, they dined on their favorite foods. Lobster salads, thinly sliced veal with onions in a deep brown stock sauce, Black Forest Cake each served with its' own wine. Neither Nick nor Jonathan pushed themselves through the evening though. By the time dinner was done, both were relatively sober.

"Thanks for the dinner guys" said Jonathan. "It was wonderful."

"Our pleasure" said Anthony. "We were talking earlier while we were preparing dinner, something seems to be going on with you two. Something you want to tell us?"

Jonathan looked over at Nick. He nodded. Nick realized that he owed them at least that much.

"Grab a bottle of champagne and meet us out on the patio" said Jonathan. "I guess we need to talk"

"Oh that doesn't sound good" said Karen.


Jonathan stalled around the subject as much as possible. He wasn't sure why he had never really told them the truth about his immortality. They were as close to him as two people possibly could be. Finally he decided the time was right.

"This isn't the easiest thing to say guys" said Jonathan. "Nick was the first to know, then Danny and then Brandon. There is only a small circle of people who know this"

"What's wrong?" asked Anthony as he refilled their glasses. He had decided that Jack Daniels was probably going to be a better choice then champagne. "Is one of you sick?"

"No, no" said Joanthan. "Nothing like that. Pretty much the direct opposite"

He took a deep breath.

"Remember the bullshit in Boston a few years ago when I was shot?" he asked.

"It's a little hard to forget" said Karen, sipping her JD. "We kept getting such conflicting information. One minute it was quiet on board the plane, next security was running around like it was World War III. Then we heard you had been shot and were dying. Then next thing all Hell started breaking loose again. You suddenly came on board and we damn near ran over anything in our way taking off. I've never seen or heard Danny so rattled."

"I do not get rattled" said Danny coming around the corner.

"You did that night" said Anthony.

"I was only being cautious" said Danny. "It's not everyday one of your protectees just ups and disappears on you"

"What really happened that night Jon" asked Anthony.

"I died" said Jonathan.

"What?" asked Karen, "You mean like cardiac arrest?"

"Well, sort of" said Jonathan. "As near as I understand, the bullet lodged in my neck was putting severe pressure on my spinal cord, having punched through the bone of the spinal column. My body was shutting down from lack of neural response. I died. Somehow I was revived by a special person. I think you have seen him around once or twice. Kristian."

"We met on board the yacht" said Anthony. "What do you mean by you were revived? He is a doctor?"

Jonathan actually looked at a loss for words. "Damn. OK. Here goes. I died. Kristian was there. I became immortal as he is"

The two of them first looked at each other and then looked at Jonathan like he had rocks in his head. "I think you have had enough for tonight"

"I'm serious guys" said Jonathan. "I'm immortal as is Kristian. Ask Danny"

The two looked over at Danny who looked uncomfortable.

"Uhm, he is telling the truth" said Danny. "One night in Key West I met Kristian. At a distance of 6 feet I fired a .357 magnum round into his chest killing him. Two minutes later he was back on his feet"

"You can't be serious" said Anthony.

"He is" came a new voice.

All of them turned to see Kristian standing there. Sebastian, who had been lounging on the couch next to Nick, screeched and left.

"Where the Hell did you come from" asked Karen.

"He does that" said Jonathan. "He comes from Scandinavia. He is 900 plus years old"

"You have all lost your mind" said Anthony. "The money has finally gone to your head"

Jonathan turned to Danny. "Do it"

"I'm not going to shoot you, it's against my principle to shoot someone I protect" he replied.

"You are a pain in the ass sometimes" said Joanthan. "Give me your gun"

Danny reached in and pulled out the gun and handed it over. Jonathan took the weapon and looked at Nick. "Don't let them do something stupid before I get back"

"OK" said Nick "You sure you want to do this here?"

"Better here then on the carpet" said Jonathan. He turned to Kristian. "Talk to them while I'm gone"

"Very well" said Kristian.

With that Jonathan turned and pointed the weapon at his stomach and fired twice. Blood and organs were exploded out of his back as his body collapsed onto the stone deck. The last thing he noticed before he died was Karen fainting away...

Jonathan opened his eyes about 5 minutes later. His head was propped up in Nick's lap.

"Oh fuck that hurt like Hell" said Jonathan. He slowly got up, grimacing as he did so. "Hmm made a fucking mess of the shirt too. I should have thought of that."

He looked around to see Anthony and Karen staring at him like the second coming. Karen worked her mouth but nothing came out. Jonathan walked over and after taking off the bloody and torn shirt, showed both of them, that he was whole. Where two bullet holes in the front of his abdomen had been was smooth muscled flesh. His back was as smooth as before the shots.

"Sorry for the dramatics" he said. "It was the only way I could think of to show you; to get you to believe"

"You... you..." Stammered Karen.

"Yeah I am" said Jonathan. He poured them two strong shots of the Jack Daniels. "Believe me now?"

"I'm not sure what I believe" said Anthony.

"We need to talk Jonathan." said Kristian.

"OK" said Jonathan. "Nick, tell them what's going on while I take care of this"

"OK babe" said Nick. "Glad the magic works. You scared me"

Jonathan kissed him. "Always and forever"

Jonathan and Kristian went into the suite while Nick stayed with Anthony and Karen, explaining what was going to happen in the next few days.

"If it doesn't work you'll die" said Anthony.

"I know" said Nick. "I've had an incredible 2 years here. I have to take the chance. I've been so lucky these past months I can't describe it. The both of you have been become special to me. Jonathan has given me a life I could only imagine. I have to try"

The discussion went long into the night. Jonathan had returned about an hour later and the four of them had spent about four hours talking and reminiscing. Karen and Anthony told Nick stories of Jonathan growing up. Finally as the clock struck one they decided to call it a night.

"Thank you" said Nick. "I know it isn't enough to say just that, but I don't know the words to express what you two have become to me"

They both walked over and kissed Nick and gave him a hug. "Come back to us"

Jonathan nodded at them and they went inside. Walking into the bedroom, they took the time to slowly undress each other. Naked they kissed, intertwining their tongues. For an hour they built up passions, bringing each other to a shattering orgasm. Together they fell asleep, their bodies sealed together by the loads of their passions.


In the morning, after breakfast in the main salon, they drove out to the airport. Captain Hendrickson was waiting for them at the foot of the jet stairs.

"Morning Boss" said the Captain.

"Good Morning Don" said Joanthan, shaking his hand. "We all set to go?"

"Yes sir" came the reply. "It's going to be a long flight. About 10 hours or so. I'll know more when we get airborne and have a better idea about the winds"

"Sounds good" said Jonathan. He turned to find Nick staring up at Renaissance. There was a lost far away look on his face.

"You OK?" asked Jonathan. "We don't have to do this"

"Yeah we do" said Nick. "I was just looking up remembering the first time I saw her. Who would ever believe I would be traveling on a personal 747. The look on Paul's face when I met him in Denver. Just some really good memories."

"We'll have a long time to make more" said Jonathan. "Did you talk to Paul?"

"Yeah, I talked to him this morning while you were in the shower." Said Nick. They began walking up the jet stairs. "Promise me something"

"Anything" said Jonathan as they entered the jet.

"If this doesn't work" started Nick. "I want him taken care of. There is a bank order waiting final confirmation for the transfer of 500 million dollars from my account into his. Please do it"

"I will" said Jonathan kissing him. They walked into the main lounge and sat down as the jet began to roll towards the taxiway. With a low growl, Sebastian came out from behind the bar and launched himself landing between Nick and Jonathan on the couch.

Nick picked up the cat and held on to him as they began to pick up speed. Soon Renaissance left the ground and began it's journey to Greece. To the beginning or the end of Nick's life...

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 48: Journey of the Worlds 15

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