Nick and Noah

By Iain Robertson

Published on Jul 24, 2003


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don't have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!!

This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily.

I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free to contact me -- all emails will be answered to the best of my ability.

Nick & Noah

Chapter One

Nick and Noah were an unlikely couple. Both were slender but muscled in build, but that was about the only thing they had in common. Nick was lucky to stand 5'6" in thick socks, while Noah often had to duck his 6'2" frame under low doorways and hanging ornaments. Noah was the embodiment of ancient Viking stock, his impossibly thin waist the base of a `V' of flesh and muscle that widened with an expanse of chest defined by chiselled pecs, to incredible shoulders topped by a long angular face and blond hair, cut short. Apart from his head, the only other part of his body to bear any hair at all was his groin -- a light dusting of blond pubic bush. The remainder of his trim body was smooth as silk.

His companion, boyfriend, partner -- choose your favourite euphemism for mate -- was the reincarnation of his Greek ancestors. His short frame was blessed with a luxuriant coat of dark fur from the base of his neck, across his chest and over his sculpted six-pack abs, thickening even more at his groin, and continuing down his short but powerful legs. Even his square jaw was never free of the shadow of stubble, no matter how close he attempted to shave. Nick's explosive Mediterranean temperament belied a heart of gold, and was perfectly offset by Noah's cool detached manner, no matter how much pressure he was under.

The two men shared a large house in Newtown, a devoted fox terrier called Indiana (named in a fit of lust during a Harrison Ford movie), and a profound and unquestioning love for one another. They were independently wealthy, thanks to a combination of canny investments in the property market by Noah and a very large inheritance from Nick's parents left to their only child. Noah filled his days as a volunteer worker with various AIDS charities, while Nick worked as a waiter in a small cafe owned and operated by a distant cousin, who paid him a pittance but overlooked his frequent absences. He didn't need the money, but certainly needed to be doing something to keep himself busy or he would have gone insane long ago.

For all intents and purposes they were the epitome of settled gay life. Away from their daily activities, the pair enjoyed dinner parties and barbecues with a smallish circle of close friends, occasional nights at the theatre and romantic dinners at small quiet restaurants. They owned their home and gave it more than the usual degree of attention, working on the garden regularly, and getting on well with their neighbours. More than one of their acquaintances had dubbed them `suburban', but in the settled-down, enjoying life to the fullest, sense of the word.

After Nick's parents had passed away, Noah's mother, a bubbly, effusive woman, had adopted her son's lover as one more child in her extensive brood. Widowed many years earlier, Shirley Sorenson had devoted her life to the mothering of her four daughters and five sons, their respective spouses and children. Noah was the third eldest child, and the oldest boy, and the fact that his partner was a man never entered into consideration as far as it concerned her love for her son or for Nick. And her acceptance was reflected by Noah's siblings: all of his brothers and sisters happily acknowledged Nick as Noah's `other half' and treated the pair accordingly, joining them for family get-togethers, and pestering them to take on the occasional baby-sitting duty.

And so, to the casual observer, Nick and Noah lived a mundane, peaceful and happy existence as a quiet gay couple in a quiet gay neighbourhood in Sydney.

But there was one thing they shared which nobody else knew: They each found a tremendous excitement, an erotic thrill, in leather. Bright, shining, skin-tight black leather. They had discovered their shared and secret desire almost by accident one day when they had mistakenly walked into the middle of a Leather Pride street fair. That afternoon, Nick had commented to Noah about how sexy he thought some of the men there had looked in their leather gear, and Noah had revealed, almost guiltily, that he harboured a secret fantasy which involved chaps and a harness, boots and a sling. Once the ice had been broken, the couple had discussed this inner longing they both seemed to hold. They also looked into the `leather scene', only to find that it did not interest them. They did not want to live a life of leather, or to be involved in the world of leather bars and leathermen that they found. But alone, together, in the privacy of their own home, Nick and Noah discovered that the look, the smell and the feel of glistening black hide was a powerful aphrodisiac.

Since then they had acquired an extensive wardrobe of leather gear: chaps, boots, harnesses, vests, gloves, caps and hoods. They had quietly remodelled the basement of their home, creating a veritable dungeon below the comfortable house that their friends and family saw, furnishing it with some decidedly unsuburban equipment, such as a sling and slave-bench', and stocking it with equally exotic toys': dildoes and anal balls, nipple clamps and butt-plugs, hand-cuffs and paddles. To the rest of the world, and for most of the time, they were plain old Nick and Noah, but when they went `downstairs' as they called it, they became master and slave, delighting in erotic sessions of drawn out sexual role playing. Part of their voyage of discovery had included the fortunate revelation that their fantasies complemented each other: Nick became a dominant, aggressive leather Master during their games, and Noah eagerly assumed the mantle of submissive slave to his man. Yet none of this was ever apparent to even their closest friends, and they happily kept this secret sex life of theirs a special confidence. It was only when they were alone, and one of them would look at the other and simply utter the single word -- "Downstairs?" -- that they indulged in their heated, darkened pleasures.

It was late August, and the bitter nights of winter continued to ensure that most people stayed at home during the evening, locked away inside their doors with fires blazing to fight off the chill. Noah was lounging in front of the television after devouring another of Nick's wonderful meals, and feeling quite pleased with himself and his world. The droning of the TV was only just audible, and he was paying far more attention to the crackling logs in the fireplace as he settled comfortably in place. Nick was sitting beside him, Noah's feet resting on Nick's lap, as Nick flipped through the pages of the Telegraph, the daily newspaper, catching up on the events of the world.

"Mmm," Noah mumbled. "You know we're just an old married couple!"

"Uh huh," his partner replied absently. "You complaining?"

"Not in the slightest, just observing, honey. Anything interesting on the box tonight?"

Nick looked up at his man, then flipped through a few pages if his paper to find the TV guide. "Oh, yeah!" he said with a grimace. "We've got two different versions of home improvement type shows ... a documentary on cattle stations in the Northern Territory ... oh wait, SBS is running Queer as Folk ..."

"UK or US version?"

"The British one."

"Nah, seen it." Noah rolled his eyes, and settled back down into the lounge again.

"You want me to check if there's anything worthwhile on cable?" Nick said, half to himself, knowing the answer already.

"No, don't bother," said Noah as he lay back again, his eyes almost closed. "Of course, we could always go downstairs...?" he whispered, the slits of his eyes now watching for the reaction from his partner.

Nick was instantly alert, a grin spreading across his face almost as fast as the erection grew in his shorts. Trying unsuccessfully to keep the eagerness from his voice, he hissed back at Noah, "Yeah ... we could do that I suppose."

Noah smirked as he felt the rush of blood to his cock, and the sudden anticipation of a hot session of leather sex. "Why don't you get down there and set up, while I `clean up', and I'll be down in a minute to join you, stud?" he hissed at his man.

Nick smiled back, standing up quickly and tugging at the growing discomfort in his shorts. "Okay, boy, you're on!" he whispered back. He leaned down and gave Noah a long wet kiss as a foretaste, and backed away from him slowly as he began to make his way for the stairs to the cellar. Noah speedily followed, heading for the bathroom. Just as he passed the telephone where it sat on a hall table, the infernal instrument began to ring.

He looked at it for a second, debating with himself as to whether to let it ring, his eyes going from the phone to the cellar door and back, torn between the demanding shrill of the phone and the lusty promise of time with his man. Succumbing to his sense of propriety, Noah picked up the handset quickly.

"Hello," he barked into the mouthpiece.

"Uh, is that you, Noah?" said a voice on the other end.


"It's Michael from Bobby Goldsmith." The Bobby Goldsmith Foundation was an HIV/AIDS support group where Noah did a lot of his volunteer work. "I'm sorry to call at such short notice, but Jim Richards hasn't shown up for tonight's run on the bus. Any chance you could take his place?"

Noah groaned. The bus' was a specially fitted mini-van that the Foundation used to cruise the city at night, handing out safe-sex' literature and offering assistance and support to the boys of the streets. It was an important task, and often thankless and cold, sometimes even dangerous, but it had to be done.

"Isn't there anyone else who could do it?" Noah asked, and then almost immediately felt guilty for doing so.

"Well, I could try a couple of others ..."

"No, it's okay, I'll do it," he said, resignation in his voice. Nick was going to be severely pissed off. "I'll be there in about 25 minutes."

As he put down the receiver, he looked longingly again at the door to their special room, where Nick was waiting for him. But he knew in his heart that Nick would forgive, and that he was needed more on the street than at home, at least for tonight. He went to the doorway at the top of the stairs, and called down.

"Hey, babe?"

"Yeah?" came Nick's voice from below, already thick with lusty anticipation.

"Ahhm, I'm so sorry, my love, but that was Michael from Bobby Goldsmith. They need me on the bus at the last minute!"

"Ohh, shit!"

Noah winced inwardly at the vehemence in Nick's voice, as his lover appeared at the bottom of the stairs, already dressed in shining black leather chaps and a harness, his semi-hard cock swinging between his legs. The blond man hesitated yet again -- maybe they could get someone else? -- as he looked at the vision of sexuality below him. But he refused to yield to temptation.

"I'll be home late, handsome. Probably not until after the run finishes at 3.00 am. Sorry!" He meant it with all his heart, and his body! Before he began to change his mind again, Noah forced himself to walk out of the front door, throwing a disconsolate "I love you!" back over his shoulder.

Nick stumbled up the stairs, still garbed in his leathers, his dick quickly drooping into flaccidity with the disappointment. He was just in time to see Noah's back exiting the house as he called out in reply, "Love you! Take care, sweetheart!" He looked mournfully at the now closed door. Then sensed another set of eyes upon him.

Turning around slowly, he realised that Indiana, their faithful dog, was sitting in the hallway, looking up at him with that expression of confusion, head to one side, that terriers do so well.

"What are you staring at?" Nick said with mock indignation, then burst out laughing as he guessed how incongruous he must look in his leather gear, standing there alone. Shrugging his shoulders, he headed back downstairs to change again, and wondered how he was going to battle the case of `blue balls' he knew was about to descend upon him.

Noah made it to the Foundation head office in record time, and found the place in its usual state of just-controlled chaos. As he arrived, Michael breathed a sigh of relief.

"Noah, thank God. I was getting desperate."

"Oh well, just call me Bruce Wayne," he grinned.

One of the other men in the office looked up quickly. "Absolutely! I'll be Robin to your Batman any day!"

"Calm down, Troy," Michael said, dismissing the younger guy. Then to Noah, "Thanks so much for this. I owe you."

"No worries," replied Noah, "... but you might have to apologise on hands and knees to Nick! Now, any idea what happened to Jim Richards?"

"None whatsoever," Michael replied, then lowered his voice. "I'm starting to get a little concerned. It's not like Jim to miss his shift without letting us know in plenty of time. I've tried ringing his home, but there's no answer, and none of his friends around here have seen him for a couple of days."

A flicker of doubt crossed Noah's face. "Hmm. Well, I'm sure there's a good reason behind it. I'd better get out on the road for now. We'll worry about Jim later, okay?"

"Sure, Noah," Michael said, trying to sound as confident as he didn't feel. "Thanks again."

Six hours later, when Noah returned to the Foundation's office tired and cold from the long night, Michael was still there, toiling away at a mountain of paperwork engulfing his rickety wooden desk.

"Any news on Jim?" he asked.

A bleary eyed Michael looked up at him. "No, not a thing," he stated resignedly.

"Well, I'm off to make peace with my husband, and get some sleep," said Noah quietly. "If you need me again tomorrow, call me and let me know. Okay?"

"Yep! And I'll give you more warning than tonight. Thanks again. Goodnight."


Noah drove home quickly through the dark and empty streets, letting himself into the house around 3.15. He petted Indiana who greeted him with a gruff bark, and undressed quickly before crawling into bed alongside the slumbering form of Nick. Although he tried not to wake his lover, he heard Nick's breathing change, and a voice thick with sleep mumbled quietly to him.

"Hey babe, everything okay?"

"Yes, my love. Go back to sleep."

Nick rolled onto his side, toward Noah and slid one arm over Noah's ribs. "Ooh, cold!" declared the sleepy man.

"Sorry, honey," Noah replied, trying to move away from his mate.

"'S okay," Nick mumbled again, drawing them back together, snuggling his body into Noah's back and spooning into him. Soon they were both deeply asleep.

The following morning, Nick had already left when Noah finally roused himself around 10.30. He busied himself about the house for a couple of hours before ringing Michael again. There was still no word on Jim, so Noah offered to once again take his place on the bus that night. After hanging up from Michael, he phoned the cafe where Nick was working.

"Hi, handsome," he said smoothly as Nick came on the line.

"You're working again tonight, aren't you?" Nick said at once.

"Uh huh."

"I knew it! Bloody hell, and after you left me with a severe case of the aches last night -- there I was all horny and ready to go, and you leave me alone. I was hoping you were gonna make it up to me tonight."

"Oh, my poor baby," Noah drawled out with a smile. "Do you think you could wait until tomorrow? I promise we'll really make some noise then!"

Nick chuckled evilly down the line. "I'm holding you to that, sexy. Celibacy is not my thing, so you're going to pay for making me wait!"

"Ha," Noah snorted. "48 hours without sex is hardly celibacy, Nick!"

"It is when I've got you to come home to!" his partner replied, "And I don't like being away from you any more than I have to."

"Yeah, sorry, babe, but they need me. Jim Richards seems to have disappeared."

"Oh? That's not like Jim," Nick said, surprise in his voice, forgetting his own woes for the moment.

"No," Noah agreed. "Michael's worried about him, and to be honest so am I. I can't think why he would have disappeared without letting anyone know."

Nick was silent for a few moments as he thought. Finally he spoke again. "I know a few of Jim's friends, I'll ask around, see if anyone knows anything. And you be careful out there tonight, okay?"

"I will, I promise."

"Love you!"

"Love you too, hon!" Noah said, smiling to himself as he put down the phone.

There was still no more news of Jim by the time Noah had finished that night's shift on the bus, and he could tell Michael was becoming very worried about their friend. As he was getting ready to leave, Noah put an arm around Michael's shoulders.

"I'll check with you again tomorrow morning, and if there's still nothing, I'll look into it myself, maybe go by his home, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks, Noah," Jim said, the concern evident in his voice.

When he got home, Noah was surprised to find lights on in the living room. As he opened the door, Nick planted a big kiss on his face.

"Thought I'd wait up for you, handsome," he said, preparing a large mug of hot chocolate for each of them and leading Noah to the sofa to sit down and relax. As they sipped at the steaming liquid, Nick asked his man again if they had heard anything of the missing Jim.

"Not a word," was Noah's reply.

"Well, I've asked around, and as far as I can find out, the last time anyone saw him was Sunday night, at the Shift. Apparently Tony saw him there, and he was still there when Tony and his date left around 2.30 in the morning."

"But that's more than 48 hours ago!" exclaimed Noah. "Hasn't anyone seen him since?"

"Not that I could determine." Nick's jaw was set as the two men looked at each other, both becoming seriously concerned.

"Well, I suppose there's nothing we can do tonight. But I really would like to start checking closely tomorrow," Noah mused.

"I figured you would, so I told Danny I won't be in tomorrow. We'll get started first thing in the morning!' Nick declared.

The two sat silently together, finishing off their warm, sweet drinks before making their way to the bedroom. Once in bed, they both tossed and turned despite the lateness of the hour, their minds filled with unanswered questions.

"I can't sleep!" Nick complained three quarters of an hour later.

"I know, me neither," sympathised Noah, pulling himself into Nick's back, feeling the warm body of his lover melt into the same shape as himself. Nick wriggled slightly against Noah, pressing the two even closer together, and feeling the fleshy tube of Noah's cock pressed against his arse cheeks.

Noah, for his part, sighed with suppressed need as he felt the hard skin of Nick's back and shoulders pushing against his sensitive nipples, dragging at the silver ring piercing his left tit and causing the beginnings of arousal as it always did when his sensitive nips were stimulated. When Nick moved yet again so that Noah's slowly swelling cock was now sandwiched between Nick's cheeks, and Nick flexed his glutes to squeeze at Noah's manhood, a low moan of delight escaped his lips. Noah closed his arms around his man's body, one hand sliding up to pinch at Nick's chest, the other gradually working it's way down until it found the swollen tumescence of Nick's penis, throbbing and hard already.

That was all the encouragement Nick needed. Quickly, he reached for the lube, ever at the ready on the bedside table, and coated his fingers with the gel before transferring a generous helping behind himself and over Noah's cock. He smeared the remnants against his own puckering anus, and settled back against Noah once again, this time moving up and down as Noah's cock explored the valley between his butt cheeks.

Noah kissed and nibbled at the skin of Nick's shoulders while his hands played with his lover's nipples and his prick rode up and down in the crack of Nick's arse. He felt Nick's fingers running along his arms as he did, and heard the whimpers and sighs of excitement increase from the man around whom he now wrapped his limbs. Nick slid himself up again so that Noah's cockhead rested squarely against the slippery, primed hole of Nick's arse, and raised one leg to allow his man better access to that waiting chute. On cue, and with the experience of practiced lovers who could sense each other's needs, Noah inched forward and Nick relaxed, so that Noah's throbbing tool slowly penetrated his man's sphincter.

Nick groaned with delight at the invasion, and Noah pressed inward steadily, his long weapon sliding between the muscles of Nick's rectum and filling his gut, until Noah was completely buried within his lover's body. The position in which they lay may have been a little awkward, but that did nothing to deter them as Noah began to move in and out of Nick, in time to the clenching and release of Nick's arse around him. Soon the two found their rhythm and they rocked together in mutual excitement, Noah plunging his steel hard dick deep into Nick as Nick arched his back and impaled himself on the swollen prong of his mate. Their motion gradually increased in tempo and force as the lovers fucked with the intensity of unleashed desire, humping at each other in raw animal lust and shared need. After several days of forced denial, it did not take long before both were trembling with the approach of release. Noah felt the explosion growing deep in his gut, and pounded himself into Nick yet again, hissing a warning of his impending eruption. Nick simply grunted acknowledgement, his own climax about to burst upon him.

With one final thrust Noah sank his cock deeper into Nick's bowel, and held himself rigid as his body shuddered and his nuts spewed their fruit up and out of his prick and into Nick. As he did, he gripped tightly at the base of Nick's penis, squeezing at the flesh and grabbing at his balls. The pressure on his gonads, combined with the heated spear of flesh filling his arse, pushed Nick over the edge, and with a strangled cry of passion, he clenched his sphincter tightly around Noah's pole, and shot his wad of cum in long strings onto the sheets.

Slowly, almost reluctantly, the two men relaxed as their simultaneous orgasm ebbed away. With a dejected plop, Noah slipped from Nick's body, as Nick rolled onto his back and Noah moved over him, their lips meeting in a satisfied kiss.

"Thanks, my love, I needed that," whispered Nick.

"We both did," Noah answered. "Did you know I love you?"

"Yeah?" Nick tried to sound surprised. "Well if you really love me, you'll get out of this warm bed and find a towel to clean up the mess we've made!"

With a deep-throated chuckle, Noah did precisely that, wiping himself and his man relatively clean before dabbing at the pool of ejaculate left on the bed linen. Pulling Noah down to him, Nick kissed him yet again.

"I love you too. Thank you."

"It was the least I could do," Noah whispered. "Especially since you're the one who has to sleep on the `wet spot'!" He ducked just in time to avoid the pillow Nick swung at him, before they both collapsed onto the bed again, grinning at each other.

Finally, the late (or early) hour, and the exhaustion of sexual release, took its toll, and both fell into sleep, the concerns about the missing man banished for a few restful hours.

The next day Nick and Noah woke early despite the lack of sleep. Jim's disappearance was still heavy on their minds, and another check with Michael at Bobby Goldsmith did nothing to ease their concerns. Nick made a few more calls, but no one seemed to be able to tell them anything new, so Noah decided they would try Jim's home.

Outside his flat, they knocked for several minutes without response. As Noah mused over what to do next, Nick tried the neighbouring doors on either side. No one was home at the first, but the second yielded a semi-coherent man somewhere in his mid-50's, who looked like he had seen the bottom of far too many whisky bottles.

"Nah, ain't seen nothin' for a coupla days!" he answered Nick's enquiry. "An' jus' as well, too. All that noise and crashin' goin' on early hours of Mund'y mornin' -- I was jus' bout ready to call the cops on em! Bloody poofs -- prob'ly havin' a lovers' tiff or sumthin."

Nick loomed over him. "You bigoted little shit, I'll ..." He looked ready to explode, but Noah stepped between them.

"Thanks for your help, sir," he smiled mirthlessly at the neighbour. "Come on, Nick, we can't do any more here," he said, pulling his partner away.

The man mumbled something indiscernible as he slammed the door behind them.

As they stood outside the blank door, Nick huffed and fumed, but Noah was thinking carefully. "Well, that tells us that he came back here after leaving the Shift, and he had someone with him at the time," he said, almost to himself.

"Yeah, and there must have been some kind of fight by the sound of it," Nick added. "We need to get inside to have a look."

"But I don't know if anyone we know has a key ..." Noah looked at Nick uncertainly.

"Minor problem," Nick declared, grinning broadly as he pulled a credit card from his pocket, and brandished it before Noah's face.

"You have to be joking! That only works in the movies," said Noah uncertainly.

"Well, they have to get it from somewhere. Besides, I've always wanted to try this." Nick grinned to himself as he stepped to the door, leaning down and slowly sliding the card between the frame and the door itself. He pushed at it, slid it from side to side, and tried to turn the knob as he did. Nothing happened. He tried again, becoming slowly frustrated.

"You know, James Bond does it in about half a second," observed Noah, but Nick ignored him as he persevered, now even more determined to gain access to the flat.

Noah went on in a serious tone. "They have locksmiths for this you know." Another break, another grunt from Nick. "And they have prison for people who break into apartments ..."

Suddenly there was a click and the door slid open. Nick stood up triumphantly, looked to his partner and stated " ... and for everything else, there's MasterCard!"

Noah rolled his eyes, and pretended indignation as Nick returned the card to his pocket.

Together, Nick and Noah entered the apartment. Furniture was overturned and glasses and ornaments strewn around all over the place. A quick check of the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom confirmed that the place was empty, but that someone had really ransacked it. Every room was a complete mess, nothing left untouched.

"It looks like this place has been hit by a cyclone!" Nick exclaimed.

Noah just nodded. He looked around him, not even knowing where to begin to look, or even what it was he might be looking for.

To be continued ...

This story is a fantasy, it is not real and only happened in my imagination. YOU MUST REMEMBER that in the real world, you can DIE from having unsafe sex. It is your right and your duty to make sure that condoms are always used, whether you are giving or receiving. It doesn't matter how good looking or how ugly he is, and it doesn't matter whether you are top or bottom, USE A CONDOM!

Next: Chapter 2

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