Nick Lachey

By ken ny

Published on Sep 12, 1999


OK, what an accomplishment for me, 3 chapters. I know you guys have been enjoying the story and I'm sure you'll keep reading. For those we read and still haven't commented (negative or positive), please do: As usual, this is a work of fiction. Don't go around thinking the celebrity mentioned is gay or anything.

Chapter 3

In the limo, on the way to the hospital, I ran through my head repeatedly, the thought of Nick Lachey being the only guy on Earth for me. It was such a terrifying thought, but at the same time, the most fulfilling thing that could ever happen. I sighed and just looked out the window. The view passed by in a blur and what I could make out was so drab, so I turned and looked at Nick; he was looking out the window as well. Sliding to move closer to him, I put my head on his shoulder and he immediately turned his head, smiling the beautiful smile.

"Whoa, kinda startled me there," Nick said.

"Oh, sorry about that. Just wanted to feel your body next to mine."

"No problem. You can always do that," he said, as he put his arm around me, pulling me even closer to the radiating warmth.

We sat for a while, enjoying the view of the front window, when I broke the silence.

"How long is a few days?"

"Still bothering you huh? I leave Monday."

"MONDAY?!?!?" I exclaimed, bolting up in a nanosecond. "That's only 3 days away!"

"Yeah, time sure flies huh," he said, chuckling nervously.

"Could you please be serious? I mean, I just found you and you've done so much for me and I haven't done anything for you and . . . ," I sighed. "I just don't want you to leave."

"It's OK. I understand. I feel the exact same way."

"I love you," I blurted out. The silence was thicker than churned butter. I could feel his shock emanating off of his expression.

"You . . . what? That can't be. Like you said, we just found each other. We haven't slept together, we haven't gone anywhere, we haven't done ANYTHING. Hell, we've only been together for what? Half a day?"

"I know," the tears flowing profusely now. "But it doesn't matter. My heart is saying 'I love you.'"

The intercom chose that moment to buzz and alert our arrival. Nick turned away and sighed. After a few moments, he opened the door, leaving it open, and started walking toward the hospital. I got out as well a few minutes after he left and just hung out around the front of the entrance. Finally, after maybe half an hour, I went in and searched for the room with the man I loved and his friend.

After asking directions from 5 different people, I reached the place. Standing in front of the door, I was contemplating whether or not to knock when it opened with Nick standing there.

"Nick, I . . . ," I started.

He just walked around me, and went down the corridor. I was about to follow when Mike called me.

"Kenny, come here."

"Huh? Me?" I asked, bewildered, but walking in and closing the door anyway.

"Nick told me you told him you love him. Is it true?"

I paused, "Yeah."

"Let me rephrase. Is it sincere?"

I sighed before speaking. "Without a doubt, from the bottom of my heart. I love Nick Lachey. I love his voice, his body, his smile, his eyes . . . ," my voice trailing off as tears welled up again.

It was Mike's turn to sigh. "I understand what you mean. I once loved Nick as well, but it didn't work out. He's so angelic-like, eh?"

"Yeah. Did he love you back then?"

"Yep. It was a mutual love and great loving too. But then he hit it big, went on tours, got busy, and we lost contact. I guess our love wasn't real enough or strong enough."

"I'm sorry. Why didn't you go with him though?"

"It's OK. I didn't cus I had college and was starting out in my own career as well. Then, of course, there was the constant disapproval from my family. Most of all, I was too scared. I know, I said I loved him a lot, but commitment will scare anyone and it scared the hell outta me. Anyways, it's in the past. Let's get back to you. How do you think he feels about you?"

"At the moment? He probably loathes me. After all, after being with him not even a day, I placed the biggest burden of all on him - another person's love. It just slipped out though since I was so scared of what would happen when he leaves."

"That's understandable. And obviously, you know love is a big thing. Colossal."

"Yeah, but knowing didn't save me, did it? He's gone."

"Ah, that's where your wrong," Mike said, a small smile forming. "You see, Nick isn't sure of his own emotions. He's confused. On the one hand, he isn't ready to handle another serious relationship again, but then on the other hand, he yearns for someone to love. That someone has to love him if not equal, than less than he loves them, for Nick is capable of infinite passion. Do you get what I mean?"

I nodded.

"Good. Now, he's waiting for you outside still, in the limo, so go and talk with him. Lay all your cards out on the table and then come to a decision together. Remember, the decision can't possibly make both happy, but at least it won't cause tremendous grief."

"Wow, you're good at this Mike. Thanks."

"No problem. Glad to share my experiences."

I left him to rest, eager to get back to my love and talk with him about all Mike and I had talked about. Just like Mike had predicted or known, there was Nick, windows rolled down, drinking a glass of wine. Suddenly, I didn't feel as eager anymore and almost lost my nerve. However, Nick was watching the exit and had spotted me, so I couldn't duck back in.

"Have a good talk with Mike?" he asked on my arrival.

My mouth had become very dry and I couldn't get out a word. Finally, I just nodded.

"Yeah, Mike's a good listener and great advice giver. I always talk to him about my problems."

"Oh." I didn't know what else to say. The silence was uncomfortable and I fidgeted, placing my hands in numerous positions, unsure of what to do.

Smiling at me for the first time since our "fight/discussion", he said, "You OK? It's like you got itching powder or something. Here, sit down," he added, sliding over.

I got in, beginning to feel relieved and all right again.

"What did you and Mike talk about?" Nick started.

The question launched a long answer from me and we got to talking for a long time. We discussed what to do, and how each person felt. I tried my best to put into words, the depth of my emotions, and I guess he understood, but I couldn't tell. Just like Mike had said, Nick told me he was confused and uncertain about the whole situation. He liked me, but hadn't known me long enough to say he loved me too.

"You could get to know me. I know I've probably scared you off, but I'm not above begging. Please don't go til you give it a chance."

"I...don't know. I have to go in 3 days, and then there's my busy schedule, and most of all . . . I don't want what happened between Mike and me to repeat itself."

"I could go with you. I have no attachments here or anywhere. Money is a problem. I'm sure in whatever town you stop in during tours, I could get a job as a waiter or anything else temporarily. Maybe even a stage hand?"

"Join us? Do you think you could handle it? Money is the least of your problems."

"Definitely. This is cliched and corny, but I'd be with you, so it would be just fine."

He smiled smally, "It's OK. Sometimes, corniness is the only way to go."


"So, you're sure about tagging along? I have to make arrangements fast if that's how it's gonna be."

"I'm positive. And I will get a job. I can't have you paying for me all the time. As much of a freeloader as I am, I'd feel bad."

"We'll decide that later."

Just then, the intercom came alive, "Sir, it's 2:14. Would you like to go to lunch now?"

"Huh?" Nick glanced at his watch. Pressing the talk button, he said, "Oh, sorry about that. I didn't realize it was so late. Sure, take us wherever you wanna go."

"No problem, sir."

"Wow, I didn't know we had been talking for so long," I said to Nick.

"Yeah, time just flew."

The conversation ended there and I turned my head to look out the window. I felt a weight on my lap and looked down, seeing Nick's smile shining up at me. I put my hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeats. We stayed like that until we got to the place; stepping outside, I saw it was a McDonalds. Nick flipped on the shades, but as soon as we got inside, it was obvious they were of no use. One high-pitched, killer scream from one 15-year-old girl drew the attention of the whole restaurant; we froze. It seemed as if it was Teeny Bopper Day as Nick was SWARMED with a giant crowd of girls. The racket made it sounded like thousands were there, but truthfully, it was probably just somewhere around 20.

Nick's limbs were getting pulled everywhere, his clothes were getting torn, and the expression on his face, priceless. I was bent over, laughing so hard, my stomach hurt and tears rolled down. Finally, after about 10 minutes of hysterical laughter, I reached over the girls' heads and pulled Nick out the door and quickly pushed him into the limo, not forgetting to lock the door. The timing was close, but the mission was accomplished.

"What took you so long? I was DYING in there!" he exclaimed.

"Sorry about that, I was just laughing too hard. It was too funny, all those girls tugging at you and then your expression. That was the best. Your mouth was in like an oval shape and it seemed like you were trying to talk, but no sound came out and so your mouth was just opening and closing. Actually, it sorta reminded me of a goldfish," chuckling at the thought.

"Oh, well glad I could brighten your day," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Look at my clothes! They're just shreds of fabric. I wouldn't be able to tell they even USED to be clothes."

"It's OK," I started, still laughing, "you can just change when you get back."

"Sir, would you like to go through the drive-thru?" the chauffeur asked.

"Yeah. Thanks. Oh yeah, also, take us back to the hotel after," Nick replied back into the intercom. Turning to me, he said, "God, if I'd known it would've been like that, I would've taken the drive thru in the first place. I didn't think they'd still be able to recognize me when I was alone. Oh well, I'm not hungry anyway."

"Same here. And how could they not? You're just so damn cute and recognizable."

"You didn't when YOU first saw me," he said, tapping my chest with his pointer finger.

Grabbing it, I said sheepishly, "Oh, yeah, well . . . "

"It's OK, I forgive you," Nick said, as he leaned forward and kissed me.

I kissed back, wrapping my arms around him, and falling backwards. I moved my lips up and caressed his eyes, his nose. He enveloped himself in my neck as I lovingly kissed his face. During this, my hands explored the muscular body, feeling his back muscles stretch as he moved and going down to the soft, yet firm butt I had adored so long. His hands ran through my hair and traced down my body as well, leaving no point untouched. Our lips rejoined and tongues dueled; this was the sexiest make out I had ever had. My emotions were so intense, I gasped a little breath and orgasmed. His eyes flew open as he felt my cock pushing against his own, making the front of his pants wet with my cum. I moved my hands under his body to hold the best part of any guy. It was so hard and strained against what was left of his pants. Quickly, I pulled down the zipper and wriggled down til my mouth was lined up with the cock jutting out, staring at me. I could've sworn it was chanting, "Blow me, blow me, blow me," but that was probably just my imagination. I tried to take it all down in one swallow, but choked and pulled back.

"Wait," Nick gasped out.

We changed positions so that his back was against the seat. Then I resumed the blowjob, licking the red head, tasting the honey-like liquid flowing out. I took in his balls and rolled them around in my mouth. All the while, Nick was moaning, his eyes closed, the countenance one of extreme bliss. I decided it was time to try and take his manhood into my mouth again. This time, I went slowly, which worked and I was able to take it all the way. I kept swallowing, causing my throat to constrict and expand around the wonderful organ in my mouth. Nick made one last gasp before he came, with me drinking it all down. I kept it in my mouth even after the sperm stopped flowing and rolled my tongue around it as best as I could. My efforts were rewarded as the almost limp cock transformed into rock hard again. Using the throat method again, I got Nick to shoot into my mouth a second time. I pulled off this time before it all went down, not all the way, but just enough so I could taste it. It was salty, but left a sweet aftertaste. As the shooting slowed and became a drip, I pulled off and flicked my eyes up to look at my lover's face. He was smiling the most angelic smile and his sapphires were gazing down at me. Putting his limp organ back into his pants, I moved back up and kissed him again. Then I put my head on his chest and lay there, looking at the tinted separator window.

"That was . . . I don't know, I'm at a loss for words," Nick said, stroking my head.

"It was a pleasure."

"Yeah, it certainly was. I'm gonna have to repay you somehow . . . I'm not sure how though."

"I'm sure you'll think of something," I said.

The chauffeur alerted us that we had arrived back at the hotel. I straightened my clothes, Nick just readjusting his cock, and we got out. As soon as we reached the room, Nick went upstairs to get changed. He came down looking stunning even in the T-shirt, jeans, and hat he had on.

"Still up for shopping?" he said, as he sauntered up to me, pulling me close.

Inhaling his exotic smell, I closed my eyes and smiled. "Sure, let's go."

In the elevator, we decided we would walk instead of taking the limo. Walking proved to be a dirty and squishy job since the hot sun had been melting the snow all day. It took about 15 minutes, but finally, we made it to the only mall in Quinton. It was hella crowded, since only 5 days were left til Christmas.

Checking out the map, we decided to stop at the Gap first. It was the shortest walk and both of us liked it. Reaching the store, I immediately went for the cords; I didn't really like the shirts they had. After buying 2 pairs of pants, and Nick getting 2 shirts, we went to Aeropostale. I got a couple of their T-shirts. We went to a number of stores, buying things here and there, and soon, our hands were loaded with the bags we had acquired.

"Oh god, my feet are killing me. Let's go sit down at the food court and get something to eat," I groaned.

"Good idea, even with my stamina, I can't go on," Nick said.

We took our time getting there and when we did reach the place, sat down in the nearest seats, arms dropping at the side, just letting the bags fall on the floor. I closed my eyes and just sat back, relaxing, clearing my head. After a loooong rest, I opened my eyes and looked around, trying to decide what to eat. I spotted a Chinese food place and got up wearily.

"Where you going?" Nick asked.

"Ummm . . . Bamboo Village. It's a Chinese place."

"Oh, that's cool. Get me something. I don't care what, just anything. I am FAMISHED."

"No problemo. Be right back."

I made my way through the maze of tables and checked out the menu. After a while, I decided on ordering two Shrimp Fried Rices; hopefully, Nick wasn't allergic to shrimp. After waiting about 10 minutes, I got my order and returned to a seemingly sleeping lover. However, as soon as I sat down, he opened his eyes and started devouring his meal. It was inhaled in seconds, as I just gaped.

Looking up, he asked with his mouthful, "Are you gonna get that?"

I glanced down at my plate of rice and looked back up at him. He was smiling. I decided to give it to him and just get another plate. He vacuumed down my plate as well and soon, was sitting back patting his stomach.

"That was delicious. Now, I'm gonna go get something to drink, and get you your food. By the way, thanks."

"You're welcome," I said, as he got up and left.

I didn't have to wait long before he came back with the food and as I was eating it, the drinks. I ate and he looked around the room.

"So, what you wanna do next?" I asked him as when looked back at me.

"Lemme see," he glanced at his watch, "it's 7 exactly. Damn! We been at this for what? 4 hours? Let's go home. I wanna soak in a tub or Jacuzzi or something!"

"Can do."

We walked through the crowd and all the while, I contemplated whether or not to hold his hand. I wanted so much to, but didn't want to mess anything up. Finally, I decided to just walk close to him and ignore the part of my mind calling to hold his hand. After a long walk, we made it to the exit. It was easy to find our ride and after telling the driver to go back to the hotel, Nick sat back and put his head on my shoulder. I tilted my head so it leaned against his and I fell asleep. Immediately though, I had to get up again.

I tried to get upstairs rapidly and so did Nick. We just dropped our bags in the living room and darted up to the master bathroom. All my clothes were off while I had been racing up the stairs, the same with Nick. Turning on the water full blast, I jumped in even though it was only 1/3 filled. He got in as well, but not before adding some sort of bubble liquid. The reaction was instantaneous and I felt so comfortable with my baby's embracing me and head against his shoulder. The sweet aroma of honey filled my nostrils and the water soothed my aching muscles. Slowly, I fell into a half-sleep, and the next thing I felt was being gently sprayed with clean water. Then, I suddenly felt higher and realized Nick was carrying me into bed. He pulled the covers up and cuddled me in a snug hold. My last thought as I drifted off was that I had forgotten to get briefs.

Next: Chapter 4

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