Nigga You Gay

By South Slash

Published on Feb 24, 2015


AN: I'm sorry about the delay in the update. I've been very busy the past few weeks and haven't had time to work on the story. It might be another few weeks until the next chapter so I made this chapter extra long. Cairo's and Riley's relationship advances quickly in this chapter and there is lots of smut, enjoy.

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Nigga You Gay

Chapter 5


Cairo slowly opened his eyes, stretching as he watched the morning sun shine through the window. He reached over to Huey, only to find an empty spot in the bed next to him. Sitting up, he remembered that Huey had been gone for the past 5 days, taking care of business in Missouri. He sat up strait now, frowning. His morning erection was throbbing, having not been taken care of in days. He thought about jacking off again, but it just wasn't the same, plus Huey was bound to return soon.

He got out of bed, not bothering to put on underwear. Walking into the bathroom he looked in the mirror. Black circles were starting to form under his eyes and he was beginning to loose color in his cheeks. At first he didn't think that Huey being away was such a big deal, but he started to miss him almost immediately. He hadn't realized how much of his daily life revolved around him and now it was starting to affect his well being. He sighed , turning on the sink and splashing water in his face. He just stood their for a moment, letting the warm water soak into his skin, before grabbing the soap and washing his face. His stomach growled and suddenly he felt really hungry. He remembered what Huey always said about eating right. He grabbed the towel of the rack, drying his face and thinking of eggs as he exited the bathroom.

Still naked, Cairo opened the door from the bedroom. Stepping into the kitchen he took out a couple of eggs from the fridge, as well as the orange juice. He got a pan down from the cabinet and turned the stove on heating it up. He cracked the eggs in the pan, before going back to the orange juice and pouring himself a nice glass. He took a big sip and the cool, sweet juice felt wonderful on his tongue. He went back to the eggs and the edges were just starting to turn the golden brown he liked. He turned the heat off and slid the eggs onto the plate. The pan hissed as the cold water from the sink hit the hot surface. He dropped the pan in the sink, he would wash it later, along with the dishes from yesterday and the day before. He grabbed his plate turning around towards the couch were Riley was sitting, staring at his naked ass.

Cairo had forgotten that Riley was staying with them, and he was so out of it he didn't even hear the T.V. His cheeks turned red for a second, but he quickly lost any modesty, shrugging his shoulders and sitting naked on the couch next to Riley. Now Riley was the one wearing clothes, basketball shorts and a wife beater. Cairo looked at the T.V. Some BET reality show was on. LCD entertainment, Huey had always called it.

"You really like that stuff" Cairo said turning back to Riley. "I mean its always the same story line. Someone is getting beat up or arrested." Cairo said.

However Riley wasn't looking at him. In fact he was looking strait as his cock. Staring at it longingly. The cut member was curved, drooping down over Cairo's large balls and Riley thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Riley?" Cairo said in a concerned voice.

Riley's head shot up and blushed as he looked away.

"Are you okay?" Cairo said

"If I tell you something can you promise to keep it a secret?" Riley said, looking at Cairo Intently. "Like If this gets out Ill have to kill you."

Cairo nodded understandingly, putting his hand on Riley's knee.

"I might be having like feelings for other dudes. I've been having weird dreams about other homies and thinking back to what we did the other day, I kind of liked it." Riley's cheeks were now bright red and he was staring down at the carpet, not wanting to look Cairo in the eye. "Does this mean I'm a fag?"

Cairo took Riley's head in his hands and brought his eyes back up to meet his own.

"Not necessarily. More than likely it means your bisexual." Riley looked back at Cairo confused and Cairo rolled his eyes. "It means your attracted to both men and women."

"Oh" Riley said.

"Hey that's not such a bad thing. Plus just because your curious doesn't necessarily mean you like guys. Have you ever done anything with a guy before?

"No, But I kind of want to." Riley said, Blushing.

"I could show you a few things." Cairo said. "If you want you can suck my cock." Riley's eyes lit up at the idea. "Okay" Riley said shyly. Cairo had never seen this side of Riley but he really like it. He smiled back up at him as he began to explain the details of oral sex.

"I think I get it." Riley said of the advice that Cairo had just gave him. Cairo nodded and Riley brought his head down taking Cairo's member in his mouth. He relaxed as Riley's mouth engulfed his cock. He hadn't been touched down their in days and the warm, wet heat from Riley's mouth felt amazing. He moaned as he felt Riley begin suckle on his head and lick around around with his tongue. He was loosing control now, the little thug sucking him off like a pro. Riley grabbed his balls, caressing them in his fingers. Cairo had lost all sense of control by now and when Riley gave his nuts a light squeeze he came with a vengeance.

Cairo came to a minute later. Still a little later. Riley was staring at him, as if he was unsure if he had performed well.

"Dude that was Awesome" Cairo Said

Riley stared back with a smile, clearly pleased with himself.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to cum in your mouth.

"It's okay. Never tasted it before, kind of salty." Riley said.

"So how did you like it?" Cairo said.

Riley blushed again. " Do you think you can show me some other things?"

"Sure." Cairo said. "But not right now. Let me rest up first. How about tonight?" In the meantime, here are some things you can do to get ready.


"I'm not so sure about this." Riley said standing against the wall in Cairo's bedroom.

"Relax I'm only gonna use my finger. Your not ready for anything else yet, but at least this will give you an idea of what it would feel like to have a cock up there."

Riley had asked Cairo to show him more, show him what it full on gay sex would be like. At first Cairo didn't think it was such a good idea. However he had finally reasoned that giving Riley a fingering would give him at least some idea of what it would feel like to have something up their. Although now that he was actually naked , standing against the wall, Riley wasn't so sure it was a good idea. However he couldn't chicken out now.

"This is gonna feel cold." Cairo said spreading some lube on his finger and parting Riley's ass cheeks. He spread the cool liquid over the younger boys hole and Riley jumped from the cold sensation on his ass. "It might feel a little weird at first, but I promise you there are some amazing sensations at the end. Cairo said spreading more lube on his finger. He admired Riley's perfect ass for a moment, feeling over it with his clean hand. Perfectly round, brown globes with those dimples on the bottom corner. Cairo put his finger at the bottom of his ass, slowly tracing up the crack, splitting the cheeks with his finger. He stopped when his finger got to the bud. "Try to relax." Cairo said, applying pressure. After relaxing Riley and squirming his finger around he finally slipped inside. "It feels really weird." Riley said as Cairo slid his finger deeper. "That's normal, it will pass soon." Cairo said taking his other hand and reaching around Riley to grab his dick. The younger boy relaxed a bit more as Cairo began to pull over his length.

"So when do I"

Suddenly Riley sopped talking and squealed out in pleasure as Cairo's finger bumped up against something inside Riley. In an instant Riley went from soft to fully hard in Cairo's hand.

"Well I guess we found your prostate." Cairo said pushing up against it again.

Riley squealed louder this time, clenching tightly around Cairo's finger as the head of his dick popped out of his foreskin. Cairo traced his thumb over Riley's newly exposed head as he continued to rub lightly on the younger boys prostate. Riley was now moaning uncontrollably and Cairo could feel he was on the edge of orgasm.

Cairo swiped his thumb over Riley's head and swiped his inside finger over the boys prostate . The thugs body tensed up and his but flew back as he came into the most powerful orgasm of his young life. Semen flowed out of his dick as he screamed uncontrollably collapsing into Cairo's arms.

Riley came to a few minutes later. He was lying on the bed and Cairo was staring down at him, with this goofy affectionate look.

"Oh man. Thats the best fucking feeling iv ever had." Riley said yawning.

"Told you so." Cairo said kissing him on the cheek.

Cairo took his finger and touched it to the still wet semen on the end of Riley's dick. Slowly he brought his finger up to Riley's mouth and slipped it in between his lips.

Riley sucked on it for a second before removing the finger from his mouth.

"Your cum tastes different this time." The thug said. "Actually that was your cum." Cairo said back. "Hmm." Riley said. Going back to analyzing it's taste for a moment before shrugging his shoulders.

"Man I don't know bout you but I'm drained. I think I'm heading to bed." Riley said beginning to get up."Cairo pulled him back down. "Why don't you stay here, with me." Cairo said with a smile.

"Well at least let me get my shorts." The younger boy said, continuing to get up. Cairo pulled him back down. "Neither of us need underwear tonight." He said into Riley's ear.

Riley shrugged. He was exhausted and at this point didn't really care . He turned over to lie on his stomach and with his butt facing up fell asleep as soon as his face hit the pillow.

Cairo woke up in the middle of the night and sat up admiring the butt naked thug that was sleeping next to him. He touched the boys perfect ass, tracking his finger up the crack. The boys thick balls where resting between his legs. He caressed them smiling and thinking about the perfect body in front of him and what was to come.

Hello all. So what did you think about Cairo's and Riley's advancing relationship? Hopefully Huey doesn't come home to soon! Tell me what you think at

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