Nsync Baby Boomers

By Erica M Sherman

Published on Dec 11, 2000


Ok then, on to part 2, shall we? Weeeellll, anyway, here we ago....and please, DO send more repsonses to QuatreIncubus@juno.com

Also, I don't own the restaurant Serendipity 3 or Frozen Hot chocolate (too bad, though.)

I also highly reccomend not to write a story to New Kids On The Block. Their catchy 80's tunes distracts you from your writing, and the fact that some random 10 year old sings with them on some really strange song disturbs you. Just a warning.

Without further ado...

Part 2

(Hey, that rhymes!)

"Erm...uh....hi..." I stared, smiliing foolishily. He stared gazing into my eyes, as I looked into his. We stood there for around 30 seconds, absolutely captivated with each other, before he broke out of our gaze.

"Uh, wanna sit down?" he asked.

"Sure..." I sat down, inviting him to take the seat next to mine. He sat down carefully, then allowed his back to sink into the leather couch, relaxing slightly. He looked back up at me, shyly, and outstretched his arm, his hand open invitingly.

"I'm Jim-ay...well, my real name is James, but, Jim-ay is just a nick name I got."

"JC, but, you can call me Josh, if you really feel like it." I placed my hand into his open hand, grasping my fingers around his hands firmly but gentle. It was like my hand fit perfectly in his, and his hand in mine gave me a sense of comfort. He seemed to notice this too, as his eyes opened slightly with surprise, but he soon relaxed, noticing I had realized the same thing too.

We must've stared at each other hand in hand for five minutes.

I don't think I've felt like this. Ever. He was just...beautiful...but... mysterious....but....I didn't know. Was he even gay? Did he feel like this was love at first sight? Something was telling me it was.

The 4 guys and girl were sitting yonder in the room, Lance staring at us every so often to see what we were up to, which wasn't much, just a lot of staring and shyness. Justin seemed absolutely fascinated as the girl went on about her theory on celebrities

"They're just normal people, in my opinion...I mean, though I admit I was a New Kids on the Block fan when I was, like, 9. Now, it's all about image, not talent. I'm sorry, but Britney Spears can't sing if her life depended on it, but she's attractive..."

"So are the new kids on the block..." Justin said, oblivious.

"Oh my God...are you guys..." the girl got curious, looking and realizing what Justin had just said.





"Well...can i tell her guys?" Justin looked around to them, waiting for their aproval. The all nodded simultaneously, awaiting her reaction.

"Well, JC's gay and I'm...bi, and so is Joey."

The girl grinned, chuckling slightly. Joey grinned."Well, I knew SOMEONE in SOME boy band HAD to be gay."

We chuckled nervously.

"Don't worry! I won't tell the press or anyone, if that's what you thought. That would just be stupid and incredibly immature." she said.

We sighed, relieved she gave us her word in not telling.

"Well, Jim-ay will be happy about JC...." she continued.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Jim-ay, well, likes JC. Thinks he's the cutest. And he's gay, as well." she rolled her eyes.

"Celebrity crushes...how...interesting."

"Well," Justin said. "Would you ever go out with a celebrity?"

"If I was in love with him and....er...why not...but, that would be hard..."


"Because I can't say it's easy to find bi celebs."


The girl nodded. Justin grinned.

"Well, I'm bi too."

"Yes, you told me....," she said, grinning. "Are you implying something?"


Justin blushed a bright red, and so did the girl.

Our staring was still continuing, meanwhile. After another 4 or so minutes (can't say I was keeping track...), he broke the stare, reluctantly sliding his hand out of mine.

"So, uh..." I began a conversation.

"Er...yeah?" he said, paying attention to my every word.

"How old..are you...?"


"Oh, I'm, uh, 24. And how old's your girlfriend?"

"19, but, she's not my girlfriend..."


"She's my best friend."

"That's...cute....these guys are my best friends."

"That's cool..."

"But, uh, do you, uh, have a girlfriend?"

"Well, I wouldn't, would I? I don't like girls like that."

"Oh...you mean...your..."



"Never mind, it's a Brit thing..."

"Oh, well, what I meant was...umm.."


"Well, yes..."

"Yes, yes I am."

"Great!" I said, excitedly. The boy looked at me confused.

"Well, uh...umm..." I tried to spit out.

"Yes, continue..." he said, looking at me with a thirst to know.

"I'm..er...gay...as well."

A big grin spread across the boys face, his eyes looking as if filled with tears of joy. I smiled back at him, staring into his watery eyes, inching closely and placing two arms around his skinny, muscualar waist. His arms moved to around my elbow, holding them softly, our eyes gazing into each other, examing each other souls, oblivious to the world around us. We didn't even hear the click of the door shutting and locking as Joey, Justin, Lance, Chris, and the girl walked outside. As our stare broke, I felt his body moving closer to mine, tilting his head and leaning forward into me ever so slightly, as I moved my face level with his, inching closer. Our lips touched for a breif moment, feeling a sense of shock. Our lips moved apart to relieve ourselves, then touched again for longer. The kiss become gradually more passionate, my hands carassing his firm back as his arms wrapped around my neck, massaging it gently with a few fingers. Slowly, tounge added. The boy pulled my neck slightly closer to him, my body moving along with neck, causing my arms to be totally around him, our bodies pressed together. I could feel the boys heat level rise as the intensity and passion of the kiss grew. I could feel his hard member pressing against my own. The boy pulled away, looking at me, his face bright red and his breathing quick. I smiled, trying to catch my breath, my hand caressing his cheek.

"Don't be embarassed..."

The boy smiled, his face coming back to his orginal colour and his breathing a normal speed. I kissed the boy breifly on the lips, the kiss being returned by him. He smiled and spoke, his angelic, sexy voice filling my ears.

"That kiss...what did it mean?" the boy, asked his arms still wrapped around me.

"It meant everything to me." I said. He smiled.

"Are we..."


"Yes...." the boy said hopefully.

"If you want to be..."

"...which I certainly do..."


He kissed my lips breifly, removing his arms from my neck and taking my hand.

"We should go find the others..." he suggested.


We walked out the door, hand in hand.

"I'm so exhausted..." the girl said, leaning her head against Justin's shoulder as he took a sip of his Sprite. "Me too...you have no idea what concerts do to your body...i'm...famished." "I do too have an idea...I'm the lead singer of a band." Justin smiled. "Are you really?" She nodded, yawning, her eyes closing. Her head dropped down to his lap, her hands underneath her head as she slept. He put an arm on top of her, playing with her hair. Chris, Joey, and Lance were talking about the destiny of JC and Jim-ay, the boy that came. "I think they're going to hook up..." Joey told everyone. "That's so cute." "Well..." said Chris. "Even though JC is gay, and that boy is good-looking and gay, doesn't mean anything." I laughed. "Yeah it does, Chris, and you know it." "Bite me, Curly." Justin made a biting gesture, as Chris backed away. Everyone chuckled. "Oh, JUSTIN! Did you call your mom about Crunk?" Joey remembered. "Yes, he's sleeping peacfully. Nothing to worry about..." "Good." Chris said. "So you guys think that JC and that kid, what's his face..." Lance questioned suddenly. "Jim-ay?" Joey answered. "Yeah, him...you think they hooked up?" "Duh, they did." Joey laughed. Lance walked away to another table, getting the attention of a waiter as he sat down. "What's up with him?" Chris asked, sipping his beer. "Ahh, I dunno." Joey answered. I heard a phone ring the familiar Nokia theme. Laxana got up, reaching for the cell phone out of her pocket. As she did so, her seat positioned on to Justin's lap, causing Justin to smile with shock, but pleasure. She answered, "Hello?...oh, we're at Serendipity...ok...ooh, congrats!...umm, ok, yeah...see ya in a few...buh bai..." She hung up the phone, placed it on the table, and positioned herself further up onto my lap, resting her head on Justin's shoulder. Justin slowly moved his hand to her cheek,caressing it with a forefinger. The girl smiled warmly, leaning in to kiss his cheek. Justin grinned, pecking her face several times, his nose nuzzling against her cheek. Their lips touched. "GET A ROOM!" Chris yelled across the table. They both laughed, her getting of his lap and taking his hand. ____________________________________________________________ "Well, here we are..." Jim-ay said, smiling cutely. My hand touched his face. "Great...we'll have to tell everyone about me and you...if you don't mind." "Not at all, I'd like to shout it out to the world..." My eyes widened, which he noticed. "But I won't..." he chuckled. "Shall we?" "We shall." We walked into the small restaurant, peering around the room in search of the guys and the girl. I spotted Joey's bleached blonde hair, nudged Jim-ay to come this way, and walked over. "Hey lover boys." said the girl as we sat down, grinning evily. Jim-ay turned a bright pink, looking over at me. I laughed and whispered into his ear... "Guess we don't have to tell them..." He chuckled. "Hey..there's only 4 guys here, we're missing another N..." I noticed. "Where's Scoop?" Chris pointed. "Over there." Just then, Lance looked over at the table, giving us a look of sheer death, then looked back to his Vodka, gulping down the small remainder of it. "What's up his ass?" I asked. "If we knew, we would say." Justin said, shrugging his shoulders. "Hmm...I could go find out." the girl said slyly. "What makes you think Lance would trust you more than us?" Joey asked. "Well, exactly. He doesn't know me too well." "Whatever...." Joey said. "Try it, i doubt he'll say anything." The girl released Justin's hand and walked over to Lance, smiling and ordering herself a sprite, making Lance order a Dr. Pepper instead of a another vodka. "Heh...." I said, looking over at the two talking. "She's something, that girl." Justin sighed dreamily. "Yeah...." he smiled happily, staring into space. I rolled my eyes, knowing that they probably kissed or something. "You have to try a Frozen Hot Chocolate, man, I think I"m gunna die of od'ing on chocolate.." said Chris, sipping the last drops from the huge bowl-like cup in front of us.

So, time passed and the next day was approaching us. Me and Jim-ay made plans for him to sleep over tomorrow night and spend the day with me as well. The depressed Lance clinged to Laxana's arm, with Justin's hand in her free hand. She had made plans to hang out with Justin tomorrow, and Justin was going to arrange for her to meet her favourite band, Incubus, and for him to sleep over at her apartment, along with Joey, Lance and Chris to leave me and Jim-ay alone for a bit.

We also told them about the baby.

Laxana cracked up.

"You guys have a...baby? Like, an actual human life form?"

We nodded.

"That's...whoa...funny...but...that's cool, if you guys need help with it or anything along the lines of that, just ask..."

She smiled appreciatedly.

Jim-ay, meanwhile, was confused about it, but offered his help as well.

We drove home in Joey's care, all very happy. Even Lance seemed to be in a cheery mood after talking to Laxana. So maybe she did loosen him up a tad.

And all was well in the house of NSYNC.

Wooo...ok, yay, I"M DONE! Uh, write me? Please? Guys? Girls? Anyone? write me? QuatreIncubus@juno.com FOR NEXT TIME, EXPECT TURMOIL, TRAGEDY, AND EVERYONE'S FAVOURITE THING....SEEEEXX! Tune in sometime soon for... NSYNC Baby Boomers, PART 3!

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