Nsync Gang

By Gay Night

Published on Aug 22, 1999


Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between the members of the pop music band N-Sync and a fictional character. This story in no way implies that any members of N-Sync is gay (but if they are they should feel free to e-mail me). If you are under the legal age to read pornographic material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Now that that is out of the way. Enjoy!!!


After a few minutes JC got himself back under control and pulled away from my shoulder. He was no longer sobbing, but tears were still dripping slowly down his cheeks. He turned his head and looked into my eyes, "I love you."

I couldn't figure out what to say. I was paralyzed by shock. "You love ma. . . You love ma. . . You lov. . .," I tripped all over my tongue. "But. . . I thought you said I was. . . I. . . I. . . I gotta think about this."

I stood up, knocking the chair I was sitting on down and pulled the rest of the way away from JC. I wanted to run from the room, run from the house, just run until I couldn't run anymore, but something stopped me from running anywhere. I stumbled out of the room, only to fall on my way out the doorway. I curled up into a ball, my mind and emotions flailing wildly for a grasp of some stable reality.

After what seemed and eternity I felt a warm touch on my back. I jerked back to the real world with a slight yell. My eyes flashed open but they took several moments to focus on the face before me. "Lance?"

"Yeah." He studied my face for a few seconds before looking directly into my eyes. "What's wrong baby." He lightly, but firmly, stroked my back. It was these strokes that brought me back to reality.

"How did you get here?" I asked.

"I heard something fall and I thought I'd come check on you two, I was worried that you were fighting."

"No, I'm fine. We didn't fight. JC said. . . He. . . It was. . .," I couldn't bring my mind to bear on the subject. "He said the most surprising thing to me. It just freaked me out. I'm ok, really."

"What did JC say?" he asked carefully.

"I'll tell you later. I need to find out how I feel about it before I say it to anything. And I don't want to destroy this group from the inside out. I just want to take my time with this. I love you Lance."

He seemed confused by the way I kept switching subjects. "I love you too," He whispered.

"Come on hun, lets round everyone up and go down to the beach. Sound good?"

"Sure." He looked up at me and smiled. "I love you."

"Didn't we just affirm that a second ago," I joked.

"Oh, so you don't love me, is that it?"

"Of course I do babe."

"Just checking."

We walked down the hall to the family room. "Hey everybody! We're gonna head down to the beach, who's not coming?"

"Me!" Chris yelled.

"Oh you're not?" I laughed.

"I mean, I am. You trying to trick me?"

"I'm not trying anything, it seems to have worked," I replied. Everyone except Chris laughed.

"I'm gonna get you for that one," Chris said.

"I'll be waiting," I replied, mocking him. "Who wants to go find JC?"

"I'll do it," Joey said.

"We'll meet you in the garage. Everybody else to the garage, I'll be along in a second."

I walked down the hall to my bedroom and grabbed my swimsuit from my chest of drawers. Then I walked back down the hall to the garage. The guys, minus Joey and JC, where milling around the garage, waiting for me to decide which car we would take.

"Lance and I are going to take the truck and tow the jet skis behind us, the rest of you can take one of that Toyota Camry. Joey gets to drive since he went to find JC," I told Justin and Chris. They resonded by moaning.

I walked over to a covered trailer and pulled back the cover. I checked the three jet skis for power and to make sure that they were firmly secured. Then I replaced the cover and walked back to the guys. Joey and JC had finally arrived and I gave them the details that I had already given the other guys.

"Everybody ready to go?"

They responded with a chorus of yeahs.

"Alright. First we'll head over to the hotel so you can all grab swimsuits then we can head out to the beach. Joey, I want you to follow me and try not to get lost." He nodded. "Good, lets get going."

Lance and I walked over to the truck as the rest of the guys piled into the camry. "I wanna drive," Lance said.

"You don't know how to get where we're going. But if you take notes, I'll let you drive on the way back. Ok?"

"Ok!" I laughed at his enthiusiasm. "What you laughing at?"

"This crazy guy that I just happened to fall in love with," I replied.

"Well, uh, ok I guess." He didn't seem to know how to take that.

We climbed into the truck and I started the engine.

It took me several minutes to manuever the truck and trailer around the garage and make it out the doors without hitting anything, then we were on our way. It took around thirty minutes to get to the hotel going the normal speeds -- I didn't want to get pulled over with the trailer and with Joey in the car behind me.

All the guys headed up to their respective rooms and donned their swimsuits then returned to the cars. That only wasted twenty more minutes. After everyone returned we headed back out. The drive to the beach only took forty-five minutes.

We all piled out of the cars. "Alright guys who want the jet skis first?"

Chris and Joey began jumping up and down saying, "We do! We do!"

"Well I guess we'll let Joey and Chris have them first. Even if they don't seem to excited about it," I joked. Everyone laughed quietly. "You also get the honor of pulling them out to the water." They smiled and quickly ran to the trailer and began to unload the skis. The rest of us laughed at their enthusiasm.

"I'm gonna catch a ride with one of those two jokers," Justin said, running to join Chris and Joey.

It took me several minutes to realize that only Lance, JC, and myself were left. 'Great,' I thought. 'Just what I was trying to avoid for the time being.' I needed time to think the whole thing through. I was brimming with questions. Why was JC in love with me? I could understand maybe Lance, they had been friends for a long time, but me? I had just appeared in their life a couple of days before, he didn't really know me, and I thought he hated my job. Or was that just a cover?

I realized my mind was drifting when Lance's face suddenly filled my field of vision. "What's up baby?" he asked, smiling.

"Just thinking, hun. Just thinking," I replied, starting to drift back into thought.

"Hey, don't zone out on me now. We finally get some time together and all you can do is stare into space? Maybe I'm ending up with the wrong man."

"Maybe. . ."

"Bran, you're scaring me here. What is that supposed to mean? You're not leaving me are you? After what we just went through," Lance said. He was obviously getting worried.

"No, nothing like that babe. Just pretend I never said anything. I would never consider leaving you. Never!" I saw JC flinch as I said never.

By now Chris and Joey had made it down to the water and were starting up the skis. "Hey lets go watch those two jokers, shall we?" I suggested, trying to break the solemn mood. The three of us walked down the beach together, saying nothing. I could feel tension build between JC and I. Lance seemed to be unaware of it, or maybe he just wasn't saying anything about it. 'I'm just going to ignore it. All I want to do is enjoy my time with Lance,' I told myself. Somehow I knew it wouldn't last for long.

We sat down at the edge of the waterline, dipping our feet in the waves. Lance and I were seated next to each other, and JC sat a few feet from us, on the opposite side of Lance. I thanked God for small miracles.

"Be careful guys, this isn't exactly a private beach," JC said.

"Actually JC, it is. My family owns this portions of the beach. All the way over to the rises on either side. We don't have to worry about prying eyes," I replied.

"Still, better safe then sorry. I don't want to see anything happen."

'Don't want to see anything happen to us, or don't want to see anything happen between us?' I left the thought unsaid. The three of us sat together in silence for several minutes.

Lance leaned over and whispered into my ear. "What's wrong?" I turned my head to look into Lance's eyes. I could see JC with my peripheral vision, he was looking out towards the horizon, seemingly unaware of us.

I stood up, and pulled Lance up with me. "JC, we're going to go for a little walk. We shouldn't be too long." He nodded, and Lance and I turned and began to walk down the beach. After we'd put considerable distance between ourselves and JC I began to speak.

"Lance babe, we have a little bit of a problem," I said.

"What kind of problem?" he asked.

"Well, there's no easy way to say this. JC thinks he is in love with me."

"What do you mean? He couldn't possibly. He doesn't even like what you do for a living. He barely know you. How could he--"

"Just listen for a minute. When I went back into the kitchen JC was still sitting at the counter. At first I thought nothing of it, but when I walked by I saw that we was crying. I asked him to let me help with whatever was wrong. He didn't want to tell me anything at first but after a few minutes he told me. He said that the real reason he was mad about the to of us was because he was in love with me. That completely surprised me and I stumbled out of the room. And you know the rest, you found me on the floor outside the kitchen."

Lance just stared at me in silence. I could tell that this was taking time to settle in. I was worried at how he might take it when it finally made sense.

Before Lance could say anything I began to speak again. "Please don't be mad at JC. It isn't his fault," I told him.

"I'm not mad a JC, just a little surprised. But, what did I do to deserve this prediament?"

"You didn't do anything to deserve it, baby. All you did was fall in love. None of us have any control over things like that. Which reminds me. I love you."

He gave me a wierd look. "How do you feel about JC?" he asked.

"Well, honestly, if the situation was different I would probably fall for him. I mean he is attractive, and intelligent. But I have you, and you are even more attractive and intelligent. I love you, not JC."

"I love you too, baby." He smiled at me.

"You know," I smiled back. "I'd give anything to see that smile 24 hours seven days a week."

"We can only hope," he replied giggling.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into me. I put my lips to his and kissed him for all I was worth. I tongues danced together, darting from mouth to mouth. The kiss was a perfect balance of give an take. After several moments we pulled back. "I love you Lance," I whispered into his ear, then began to nibble on his ear lobe.

He laughed in delight. I moved down, kissing along his jaw bone, then down along the front of his neck, spending a little extra time on his adam's apple (which we all know is kinda of large), before continuing the rest of the way down.

When I reached his shirt I moved back up to his mouth, kissing him deeply. I placed my hands on his smooth butt cheeks and began to massage them gently. Lance moaned into my mouth, and reciprocated by rubbing my back with his gentle hands.

We pulled back again and just layed our heads on each other's shoulders. Lance began to hum "God Must Have Spent" lightly. We lost track of time as we stood there, holding each other.

Lance was the one to break the moment. "As much as I don't want this to end, I think the guys are getting a little worried about us. They probably think we're going to be seen by someone."

"I guess we should go back," I whispered.

"Yeah, I guess so," He replied.

We walked back over to the rest of the guys. Chris, Joey, and JC were on the beach, while Justin was out driving one of the skis like a madman.

"You two need to be careful," Joey said. "This may be a private stretch of beach but that doesn't mean that someone couldn't wander over here."

"Yes, dad," I joked. Lance, Joey, Chris, and I laughed, JC merely sat in silence, wrapped up in his own thoughts.

Lance was looking at him, trying to figure out what was going on in his head. Now it was my turn to get him our of the trance.

"Lance, baby. Lets go grab the other jet ski and give Justin a run for his money. Shall we?"

"Huh? What?" Lance replied, snapping out of it. "Oh! Yeah sure. Why not." Once again all of us, save JC, laughed.

"Good, come on." We ran over to the other ski, threw off our shirts and pushed the ski out into the water. "You wanna drive first?"

"No, that's ok," he replied. "You can have it."

"Alright, hold on tight." We jumped onto the jet ski. Lance reached around and grabbed onto my waist. He rubbed my cock, causing it to stiffen.

"Tight enough?" he joked.

"Maybe too tight," I replied. He loosened his grip. "There'll be plenty of time for that later."

"Oh! I can't wait!"

"I bet you can't. Now lets show Justin a thing or two about riding a jet ski."

I gunned the engine and shot out into the waves, flying out of the water before falling back down, repeating the process. We raced past Justin, showering him with water and stupid grins.

"I'm gonna get you two!" he yelled after us.

He gunned his ski and followed us out. I slowed our ski down so he could catch up with us. As he approached from behind I spun the ski hard, nearly throwing Lance and myself off, but at the same time shooting a wave up in Justin's direction, once again soaking him.

Justin wasn't without his own tactics as well. As we shot by him he turned his ski hard, killing his forward thrust and shooting a wave up in our direction, soaking us as well.

The water antics went on for several hours, taking short brakes every once in awhile to change drivers. Before we knew it, it was 6:00. Everyone returned to the beach.

"So ya'll wanna go somewhere and catch dinner?" Chris suggested.

"That's Chris for yah!" Justin yelled. "We come out here for some fun and all he wants to do is go eat!" We all laughed.

"Hey, I gotta get enough energy to power all these muscles," Chris replied.

"Oh, you mean that pudgy rolled up muscle in the middle here," Joey teased, poking Chris in the stomach.

"Hey careful there. That is an important part of my anatomy," Chris retorted.

"Actually, I'm with Chris on this one. I'm kinda of hungry," I said.

"Yeah me too," Lance spoke up from beside me. Then he leaned over and whispered into my ear. "Although I was thinking of an entirely different meal."

"Me too," I replied. We both giggled quietly.

"So what kind of food do we want?" JC asked, finally breaking his self- imposed silence.

"I could go for pizza," I said.

"Sounds good to me," Justin said. Everyone else eventually agreed and we loaded the jet skis and headed out.

It took us a little over and hour to get back to my place. When we got there Joey ordered a couple of pizzas and well all sat on the couch in the family room while we waited. After a good thirty minutes the doorbell rang and I ran to get it. I paid the delivery boy and gave him a healthy tip then brought the pizzas back to the family room. On the way I stopped in the kitchen grabbed a few cups and a couple of drinks.

We all sat down and ate. We talked a little, and watched Chris and Joey's antics. We kept joking into the night. When 12:00 finally rolled around everyone was getting a little tired. Chris, Joey, and Justin all excused themselves and went down to their respective rooms. That left only JC, Lance, and myself in the family room.

"I'm gonna go to bed too," Lance said "You coming baby?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes. I want to talk to JC for a minute," I replied.

Lance looked at me knowingly, then leaned in a gave me a short kiss on the cheek before walking out of the room.

JC and I sat there in silence for several minutes while we worked up the courage to start talking. Finally, I broke the tense silence. "JC, I'm sorry but I can't love you. I love Lance and that doesn't leave room for anything else. I'm really sorry. Maybe if I wasn't in love with Lance something could work out, but not under this situation. I couldn't live with myself if I did anything to hurt Lance. I hope you understand."

He looked up at me. I could see the hurt in his eyes. "I understand," he croaked, his voice filled with emotion. "It still hurts, but I understand. I guess as long as you are happy, I can be happy for you. I just wish. . . but no. I guess it just wasn't meant to be." His words dissolved into tears.

"I'm sorry JC. There is someone else out there for you. I know it! Just don't give up hope. If you give up hope you'll never find anyone." He nodded, tears still pouring from his eyes. "Do you want me to help you to your room?" I asked. He nodded again.

I walked over to him and put an arm around him. He reached around and grabbed onto my body, helping himself up. I supported him as we walked slowly down the hall. When we reached his room I layed him slowly down on the bed. He was asleep long before his head hit the pillow.

As I walked out of the room I looked over my shoulder. "I do love you JC," I said. "Just not the way you want me to. You'll find someone for youself, I promise." If I had been looking at his face I would have seen him smile in his sleep.

I walked down the hall to my room. Lance was laying on the bed, above the covers fully clothed, but asleep. I undressed him, careful not to wake him, then got him under the covers. I stripped down to my bare skin before climbing in beside him.

I scooted up close to him and wrapped my arms around him, just content to hold him as I fell asleep. In his sleep Lance snuggled up against me. I smiled and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "I love you babe. I'll love you until the day I die."

Soon the whole house was asleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Be Continued

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 7

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