
By RiCkY

Published on Nov 9, 2002


Hey guyz! This is my first time trying a celebrity story =) If you're not allowed to read this stuff or can't stomach gay stuff...you're kinda in the wrong site In no way is this story saying that Aaron Carter is gay :P Anyway, here it is and hope ya like it.

Here I was...a 14 year old kid who likes guys. I like girls too, I guess..but not many of them attract me. There's just something I like about guys that I can't explain. I mean, alot of them are pure hotness! Sure you have your occasional Steve Urkel look-alike, but I'd probably fuck them faster than the average girl. By the way, my names Ricky...I have blonde hair with bluish/green eyes and I have a major ass crush on one of the cutest and hottest celebrity on the planet. You know who I'm talkin' about? Common.. blonde kid...15 years old...prince of pop... Well who else can I be talking about but Aaron Carter. From the first time I saw this stud on a music video on tv, I fell in love with him. His eyes..his hair..his body.. mmmmm.. doesn't get much better than that.

I was lying down on my bed listening to Aaron's new cd. Thoughts of him raced through my mind. Usually they were just thought of getting to know him and be cool friends. Nothing to out-of-reach right? But other times, I would imagine us getting physical if you catch my drift (haha). I've never seen Aaron in real life before, but I prayed soon that I would get to meet this angel. But what are the chances right... sigh

As I was about to start the cd over again, my friend Ryan called. "Yo Rick...what you up to?" He asked.

"A whole lot of nothing" I replied "Just foolin' around with some music"

"Haha.. let me guess.. Aaron Carter. Am I right?" He teased.

"Yeah so.. what if it is. He sings good music" I said defensively. Ryan, as you can tell, isn't a big Aaron Carter fan. Never was. He's more into the rap style.. you know like Eminem and all that other crap.

"Maybe he does... for like 10 year olds" He answered. I only gave him a little grunt and waited for him to reply. Ryan has absolutely no idea of my sexual orientation and I have no intentions of telling him either. What for? Something's are just better left un-said I guess. "Listen Rickster.. I'm sorry alright. If you like his music, who am I to judge you" I could tell he was holding back a laugh as he was telling me this because I could hear little snorts going on in the back round. He's a cool guy most of the time, but when he has a chance to tease, he goes for the kill!.

"Exactly.. who are you to judge" I said alittle angrily.

"Whatever.. anyway, I know your birthday was last week and I forgot. I'm gonna making it up to you today. Swing over my place tonight at 7 alright" He said. I agreed and we closed the telephone. I wondered for awhile how he could possibly make it up to me tonight. I looked over at the clock...only 2:10 pm. I still had tons of time until I had to go so I decided to put my music back on and start daydreaming again.

After listening to the cd for the second time, I decided I should give my cd player a break. So I turned on the television in my bedroom and slipped in an Aaron Carter video of his music video's that I had taped. I know.. I know.. I'm obsessed! As I watched the video's, my bedroom door swung open and an angry individual jumped onto his bed.

"What the hell's wrong with you" I asked.

"Nothing!" He said. It was my twin brother Nick. Alot of people mix us up alot of the time, but we're used to it. We kinda use it to our advantage whenever possible.

"Geesh.. just asking" I turned back to the television and started to enjoy the little show thatthe hot guy on the screen was performing. But being the curious little shit I am, I couldn't stop asking my brother questions. Where did you go? What did you do? blah..blah.. blah.. Did I get an answer? Nope... just the evil eye. After a while, I gave up. That's when he finally decided to talk.

"It's Melissa. She dumped me...and on our 20 day anniversary!" He said angrily.

"20 days huh... thats tough" I replied trying to sound as serious as possible....but it wasn't ment to be serious so I'm sure he figured I was leaning more towards sarcasm.

"Very funny..I went out and spent most of the money I made this summer to buy her something she'd remember for a long time. But before I could give it to her, she dumps me, telling me she doesn't want to be tied down to one guy at only 14. What's up with that!?"He growled. I felt kinda bad for him. He wasn't good at keeping relationships for anymore than a week. This 20 day girl was actually a record for him...

"Sorry man... well.. um... what did you get her?" I asked curiously

"This" And with that he threw a jewellery box towards my bed. I opened it up and it was a impressive silver bracelet. I bet she would have really liked it, being that she loved jewellery so much. "There's something else in the card" He said as he threw over the card too. I opened it slowly and when I reached into it and pulled it out, my heart stopped. I looked more closely to the item I was holding and could barely control my breathing. It was a concert ticket. Not just any concert ticket either... a ticket for Aaron Carter's next tour happening next month right here in Canada!

"Holy shit dude! You know how much these were!" I said

"Sure I do.. I went out and bought it" He answered alittle rudely. But I didn't take much attention to it. I was actually holding Aaron's concert ticket. The ticket that could finally let me see him in person. That's when reality struck... the ticket's not for me and I'm sure Nick's going to sell it.. I would buy it off him, but I'm broke.

"Screw her" He said "I'm gonna sell that sucker and forget about Melissa" My heart sank. I so wanted to buy the ticket off him myself...but how? I needed to see him badly. I mean, he was the guy I wanked to every night for goodness sakes! That's when I got an idea I hoped he wouldn't refuse.

"Hey Nick...Could I buy that ticket off you? I won't be able to pay in full instalments but if I pay you 20 bucks more for it, can I have it? I offered. He thought for a minute and said what the hell. He handed me the ticket and started to walk out the door, picking up the jewellery box.

"I'm going back to the store to return this. Ricky, I wanna get paid back at least some of it soon. I'm warning you" With that, he walked right out the door. I was in heaven! I wanted to tell the world, but then I figured that they'd automatically know I'm queer, so I decided to refrain from that. From the time the video was finished, it was 6 o'clock. I had one more hour until I was due at Ryan's house. What do you think I did to spend the last hour? No..no.. I didn't put the cd back in. I decided to surf the net checking out pictures of the guy I was going to meet in a month! I was so excited! As I looked at pic after pic.. I was getting hornier and hornier! I was tempted to start jacking off to relieve myself a bit, but an hour had passed and I was off to Ryan's. Geez, time goes fast when your checking out guys =) haha

knockknock* I stood standing outside Ryan's house for about 10 seconds before he decided to open it. When he got it open, He flashed a small piece of paper in my face. I didn't know what it was at first, but when I back away a bit, I could read what it said. No way! You've gotta be kidding me! He was flashing an Aaron Carter concert ticket in my face. Was he trying to make me feel bad because he thought I wouldn't get one?

"Wow! When did you buy that!? I pretended to sound as jealous as possible.

"Oh.. last week." He answered and then handed it to me.

"Why are you giving it to me?" I asked curiously

"I got it for you. I know how much you love him and so I decided that's the best gift I could have bought you. Sorry for forgetting your birthday man" He said keeping a serious face. When he saw a smile peek out from me, he too started to smile. He was a really cute guy himself. He had brown hair with brown eyes.. alittle taller than me, so 5'5"..and really fit. I noticed his body in gym class alot =) .

"Wow man! Thanks a million!" I said cheerfully. I gave him a huge hug to show my appreciation.

"I'm glad your happy Ricky. I wish I could come with you..." He joked. He couldn't stand Aaron Carter!. But being the cruel guy I can be sometimes, I went into my pocket and took out the ticket I bought from my brother.

"It's your lucky day" I said with an evil grin as I handed the ticket to him. I wanted to break down and laugh right then and there as he stood there with his mouth practically touching the floor.

"I.. um.. " He tried to say something, but nothing came out. He just stared at me and shook his head with a little laugh.

"Well, I better get goin'" I said "Thanks alot for the ticket" I smiled at him as I started to leave. He waved back and shut his door. As I walked back to my house, I started imagining how the concert would be. If Aaron would notice me in the crowd. If I'd be able to get up-close and personal with him. It was dumb....but what else would a 14 year old horny dude be thinking. I have one month until I could find out......But until then, I'll be dreaming about how I'd like it to turn out. You could count on that...

Well here it is. The first chapter has come to an end. I hope ya liked it. And don't worry.. sex will be coming soon enough hahaha.. send your comments/critisms =)

Next: Chapter 2

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