Of Gord and John

By Mike Yonge

Published on Dec 29, 2022


DISCLAIMER: This is a story out the fantasy that is my mind. It is a story that deals with homosexual material. If you live in a jurisdiction that by some law or reason prohibits you from reading this material then please do not read any further. If homosexual material like this offends you then you should stop reading as well...Though frankly if homosexual material offends you I can't understand why you would be here in the first place.

The copyright of this material is mine, subject to the agreement under this website. I trust that you will enjoy reading the stories as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

If you have any comments to pass on, I would very much like to have them. You can write me at: myonge1@hotmail.com

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Chapter 1

This first chapter sets the foundation for the rest of the story.

He didn't know what was driving him but for the past three years every spring he found himself overwhelmed by an irresistible urge to run. He didn't know where, just that he had to go. One time he and four of his friends all took off with some vague idea of going up to the Laurentians north of Montreal. Obviously, something that was doomed to failure. They were picked up by the police in the wee hours of the morning on the approach highway to the Jacques Cartier Bridge.

Another time he had taken off after he had gone to bed. He had snuck out of the upstairs window and taken off. His brother coming to bed later for some reason had checked up on him and found him missing.

That time he was hitchhiking southwest of Montreal and had gotten a ride that had taken him to the city of Laprairie, which was where his brother had found him.

One year he actually made it across the country. With some money that he had taken from home he got a train ticket to Vancouver. Once in Vancouver no doubt by the grace of God and God alone he did not end up on the streets which would have been his only option. He had wandered about the city for the day and that night found himself back at the train station. He had just enough money left to get a fare to Kamloops that night. Arriving in Kamloops the next morning he began the long trek home. He remembered walking most of the day before getting a lift.

He hitchhiked to Calgary Alberta, where he stayed in a Salvation Army hostel. The next day he found his way no doubt by accident to the Zoo, where he was able to scavenge some bread from the Guinea Pig display without getting caught. That night he was out on the highway hitchhiking again. He managed to get a couple rides to take him to Medicine Hat. It was there that he was picked up by the police who arranged for his trip home. He was ready to go home by then.

Needless to say by this time his family was frantic. They had no idea where he was. He had sent a postcard to his `girlfriend' of the time from Vancouver. She had brought it over to his parents but that was around the same time that he made the call from Medicine Hat asking if he could come home.

When asked why he was running away however he never had an explanation. He could never say why. He came from a fairly close family. He was well taken care of. He was loved that he knew. He had no reason, he just didn't know why he was running away. Obviously, his parents found it hard to accept his "I don't know" as an answer to why he had run off. But that was all he could offer them. He just knew that he had to go, he couldn't help himself he just had to go. It was an urge that was overpowering to any sort of resistance. He could not fight it.

This year however was different. This was the year that the Civil Rights movement down in the States was really in the news. There was no getting away from it. That he had two coloured friends didn't help. Gord just couldn't understand how you could hate someone just because they had a different coloured skin. It didn't make sense to him. He could understand not liking someone because they had been mean to you, or something like that. But to hate someone simply because they were of a different race or nationality was outside and beyond his comprehension.

His parents had raised him to respect all people regardless of their race. As the movement gained momentum Gord's older brother came home with books such as "Nigger" and "Black Like Me." Gord devoured them. He reviewed time and again the Rosa Parks Story and read whatever he could find about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who became one of his heroes. How he wished he could march with Dr. King.

There were times that Gordon was ashamed of his own white skin. He had to do something to show that all white people weren't like those he was seeing in the news. They weren't all racist animals. While the issues and images of the marches were much in the news there was no real ground swell of public outcry around Montreal where Gordon lived. People talked about it but there seemed to be no opinion one way or another. In part it was probably because to the larger population of Canada it really wasn't an issue.

There as no segregation in Canada, there was some racism to be sure, but whites and coloured sat together in the buses, and ate in the same restaurants, shopped in the same stores. There was no "whites only door" and "blacks door". It was not unusual to see whites and coloureds together. So other than the attitude of "those Americans", or "they talk about freedom for all", there really was no outcry, more just an interested disinterest.

Gordon had talked to his mother about his distress over what was going on and how he just couldn't understand. His mother tried to explain to him how people were, but she didn't understand it herself. She just encouraged him to continue to take the high road, that he didn't have to be like that.

His parents had always taught their family that all people were to be treated as equals and with respect. But that was as far as it went. Gordon continued to read everything he could find on the subject. Then as winter that year slowly turned to spring, a plan started to formulate in his mind as the old urge to run started to take over his mind.

He would go down and join Dr. King in the States. He would have to think this out carefully. He obviously wouldn't just be able to walk into the States. His parents wouldn't just send him down there, they wouldn't even consider it. There was no point in even asking. They too had seen what happened to the marchers, being attacked with baseball bats and dogs and all manner of horrible things. They wouldn't be about to send their 16 year old son down to that. No, he would have to go on his own and somehow get across the border.

It was a warm day in late spring that he decided it was time. It was a combination of that drive to run and the culmination of his plans. He had a little money which he had gotten changed to American currency and gathered together some dried fruit and things to eat along the way. He had no idea how long it would take him but he had to go. That day he went to school on the bus as usual, except that at a certain point he just got up and got off the bus. His friends told him later that that they wondered what he was doing getting off where he did. It was a point along the highway just as they were leaving one community and into another. The highway was the one he needed to head for the States.

The rest of the day was spent standing at the side of the road hitching rides. He managed pretty easily to get a several rides to bring him down to Sherbrooke. He got there about noonish. His plan was to head down toward the border crossing at Stanstead, then wait till night and sneak across east of the town. He was able to get a couple more rides, the last one brought him right into Stanhope. It was late afternoon when he got into the town. He was tired and quite hungry, He had eaten the lunch his mother had packed for him earlier in the afternoon.

He sat on a park bench in a small park near the centre of the town, and tried to figure out his next step. When the same police car passed by a second time and the officer looked pointedly at him he decided it was time to move on. He watched which way the car went and he crossed the street and went down another street in the opposite direction. He walked around the small town a bit and came across the border crossing. He made some mental notes as to its locations and then headed along a street that seemed to run parallel to the border. There was a chain link fence on the border side of the street. Gordon with his eye out for the police car, continued to walk along the street heading East and eventually out of sight of the actual crossing. The street ended at a corner so he went up a block and turned east again at the next street. This he continued to do for about a mile or more always heading toward what he figured was East. He saw the police officer one more time but was not seen himself.

It was starting to get dark when he ran out of streets all together. The street he was on ended but Gordon could see that there was some kind of trail heading generally East and southerly through what appeared to be an abandoned farmer's field.

He followed this trail for about another half hour. It ran through a small woodlot, and then he came to a strip of cleared land. It looked to be about 100 yards across. The chain link fence he had seen earlier ran down the middle of it, It actually didn't look that well maintained but it was clearly Marked as the border crossing. OK, he was going to have to follow this along for a while and see if there was someplace that he could cross and not be caught.

Standing at the edge of the clearing he cautiously looked back toward town, he could make out flickering lights of what he thought was the border crossing. He was still too close. He stayed in the woodlot. It was now starting to get toward dusk. He wondered what his parents were doing. They were probably worried about him. But he had to do this. He would call them when he got with Dr. King.

He walked for another hour or so. It was almost too dark to make anything out. He was now walking in the clearing right at the tree edge of the woodlot. He could still make out the fence and he hadn't noticed and breaks in it, and he could still see in the distance the flickering lights of town. Just as he was about to give up he came when he noticed the there seemed to be a dark shadow in the landscape of the clearing. He ventured out toward it and saw that a stream and associated gully crossed the border there. He noticed too that the fence dipped down to follow the contour of the land but there were some spots that were big enough for him to crawl under. (Author's note: The reader must understand that this took place in the early 60s. The border between Canada and the States was not as vigorously guarded as it is today)

Gord looked around and not seeing anything or anyone, entered into the gully well away from the border clearing and then under the safety of the gully made his way to the fence. He noticed the water although it was spring, was not that deep and was not running very fast. He quickly crawled under the fence and then waded across the stream. The water was quite cold but only up to his knees at the deepest.

He now had to make distance between himself and the border. If somehow his crossing had been detected he had to get away before they found him. He came out of the gully and crawled on his belly across the clearing. In the distance he suddenly heard a siren, and then another. Obviously, he had been noticed... He got out of the clearing and ran as fast as his tired legs could. He wasn't sure where he was running. In the shadows he saw he was coming to some trees, another woodlot. He continued to run through the woodlot getting snagged and hit with branches. When he could run no further, he climbed a tree, one of those huge, old gnarly maples as it turned out. He made his way well up the tree into its branches. In the distance he could hear the sounds of men talking and shouting. Eventually he thought he could make out that they would check it out again in the morning. That meant he had to be gone by then. He could hear the voices moving away from him.

He leaned back against the trunk of the tree and rested while he waited for the voices to stop altogether. He must have dozed off for a bit. When he woke suddenly with a start that almost had him fall out of the tree, it was pitch dark. He carefully got out of the tree, and started walking again. He tried to remember which way he should be going, but couldn't even begin to figure where he was never he should be going. He stumbled about for sometime and then suddenly came out into another opening. In the distance he saw the headlights of a car driving by. He headed in that direction. If he walked into the chain link fence he would know that he was in the border clearing again.

He walked cautiously but came to no fence, at least not a chain link fence. He did have to cross at least three fences that bounded farmers' fields. He didn't know how long he walked before he finally made it to the road. It was a gravel highway. He decided to follow it for a bit. He had walked about half an hour when he heard a car coming up behind him. His heart was pounding. It was too late to run if it was the police. He just turned and stood there, watching the car approach. It slowed and passed him then it stopped. Gord could see it was not the police so he ran to the car and opened the door.

The man inside asked "goin' to Derby?"

Derby was just a few miles south of the American border. Gord had to think fast , "Uh well as far south as you can take me sir. I'm trying to get to St Johnsbury

"I'm going not goin' there but come on I'll get you to Derby at least. Late to be hitchhiking ain't it?"

Gord got in and they were off.

It was nice and warm in the car and it wasn't a minute or two that Gord felt himself dozing off. It seemed like 2 seconds later that he felt someone shaking him. "Hey kid where do you want out?"

Gord sat up wide eyed and looked about him. It took a couple seconds to remember where he was. He saw that he was in some small town or, which he assumed was Derby. "Wow" he said "I must have dozed off, uh that corner there will be just great, thanks a lot Mister"

"No probs kid"

The man pulled over and let him out.

"Well, that should get me away from the border guys" Gord thought to himself, "but where am I?"

He saw a small café‚ across the intersection, and thought that he would sure like a cup of coffee or something. He ran his fingers through his hair and realised that there were some twigs and stuff from his run through the woods earlier. He stood under a street light and brushed himself off, then crossing the street he entered the café.

There were about 5 people there including the waitress. Everyone turned and looked at him as he entered. He hesitated at the door and then meekly went and climbed up on one of the stools at the counter. He put his packsack down beside him. He pulled out a one-dollar bill and ordered a coffee.

The waitress didn't say anything. When she brought the coffee to him he asked her "I need to get to St Johnsbury, could you tell me how to get there from here?"

"Tonight? You gotta get there tonight?"

Gord blushed and looked around, everyone was staring at him. "Well I gotta get there tomorrow but I don't know how to get there from here. I just need to know where the turn off is to St Johnsbury"

The waitress looked at the others and then her eyes lit on a man in the corner. "Hey John! You're heading toward Johnsbury aren't you."

"Yeah but not all the way!" the man looked at Gord grimly.

"Well can you give this kid a lift as far as your place?" she said, but there was an almost unkind tone to her voice.

Gord heard someone else snicker. "I just need to know which way to go" he said almost pleading.

"Suit yerself kid, go down two blocks and turn left, that's highway 5. Just stay on that route and you'll get there."

She turned and wiped the counter, Gord drank his coffee. He was about half done when 'John' got up and left the café‚, saying good bye to the waitress. As he walked past Gord he brushed up against him, but continued on and out.

A couple minutes later Gord finished his coffee, got up grabbed his packsack, thanked the waitress and left as well. He headed in the direction that he was told and found the signs for Highway 5 as she had told him. He started walking. Before he left he noticed the clock in the café‚ said it was going on midnight. He only walked about 10 minutes when he heard a car coming up behind him. It pulled up beside him. When he looked over at the driver he saw that it was 'John' from the cafe. The man waved him to get in.

As he opened the door the man said "The cops are patrolling, get in I'll drive you a ways" he smiled. Gord looked, and hesitated the man looked to be about his Dad's age. He looked ok, so he got in and closed the door. They drove about another block when they met a police car coming the other way.

The man looked over at Gord and smiled. "He would have picked you up too, but I don't think that he would have taken you to Johnsbury."

"No I guess not" smiled Gord

"So you running away kid?"

Gord could feel his face burning, "Well not really, I just have to get to the south."

"Do your folks know you're here?"

"No" Gord bowed his head

"Then my guess is you've run off."


"Trouble at home?"

"No, it's just something that I need to do" Gord didn't want to talk but it seemed this man was going to get the information out of him regardless.

They sat in silence for a while. They left the town behind and were rolling down the highway.

After a few minutes the man started again. "I'm John by the way"

Gord looked over at him "I'm Gord"

Hi Gord, so what's so all fired important in the south that you have to go there? He asked emphasizing the words Gord had used.

Gord was suddenly embarrassed, what would the man say if he told him he was going to march with Martin Luther King? He was white, would he get beat up before he even made it down there? Would the man understand?

"I just have to get down south, it is important, a friend of mine is really sick and I have to get there to visit him." He said instead. His mind was reeling. Now he had to come up with a story.

"Really? And your friend lives in St Johnsbury?"

"Uh yeah, I asked my folks if I could go see him but they said no so I took off." Replied Gord.

John seemed to mull that over in his mind, but said no more. They rode in silence for several miles. Then they slowed down and John turned off into what looked like a driveway. "Well this is as far as I'm goin', your welcome to come in and stay here for the rest of the night, and get goin' again in the morning if you like. You look like you could use a rest. You're not going to get another ride tonight."

Gord looked at the man. Was he safe to go with this man? He had read about kids like him that just disappeared.

As if reading his thoughts John added. "Don't worry kid I won't do anything to you. I'll give you breakfast in the morning to boot."

Gord looked at the man again and nodded his head, but he was clearly going in to uncharted territory for him.

They drove up what seemed like quite a long driveway up to a farm house. They got out. Gord followed John to the door. John put his hand lightly on Gord's shoulder and guided him in.

Gord stood near the door while John went around and turned lights on, giving him directions to the bathroom and telling him to sit down.

Gord took his shoes off and asked to go to the bathroom. When he saw himself in the mirror he was shocked. His face was dirty and his hair askew. He relieved himself in the toilet and then washed his hands and face and tried to do something with his hair. He didn't want to use the man's comb that was lying there so he did the best he could with his fingers.

John smiled at him when he came out. "Now that looks better" he said "It looked like you'd been through the wars and back before" he laughed.

Gord smiled blushing, embarrassed.

I've put on a pot of coffee and made you a bologna sandwich." He motioned for Gord to sit at the table.

"Uh thanks" said Gord. He had to control himself not to wolf the sandwich down, he was so hungry "That was real good" he said to the man sitting across from him. The man 'John' was not bad looking. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes. It gave him a soft look. His face was tanned; he was lean and strong looking. There didn't seem to be anyone else there. No wife or kids or anything. Gord looked around the kitchen. There was nothing special about it. It was clean and neat.

"Well grab your coffee and go into the living room and sit a spell while I clean up here and make your bed ready." Said John. Gord got up and looked at the clock on the wall. It was 1:30 in the morning.

Gord took his coffee and walked into the other room as directed. He saw a chesterfield and a chair. He chose the chesterfield. As he sat down, he noticed some magazines on the coffee table. They were glossy covers, and at first he didn't pay much attention but then as he glanced back to them again he noticed what looked like pictures of naked bodies. He did a double take and then glanced up over his back toward the kitchen.

John was busy in the kitchen washing up a few dishes when he remembered the new magazines he had gotten that day, delivered at the bus station. He felt cold sweat forming in his arm pits as he moved quickly to the living room.

Gord hesitated but looked a little closer. The cover showed a picture of two naked guys looking at each other suggestively, the one man with his hand on the other's chest, both men were half erect. Gord looked over his shoulder again just as John came into the room. He could feel himself blushing hotly. He could also feel his cock growing in his pants as he stared at the pictures. He looked up at John. John smiled nervously back at him.

"I... uh. I guess I should have put those away" mumbled John blushing as well.

Gord looked back at the magazines, and then back at John "it's... uh ok." he managed

"Have you ever seen anything like that Gord?"

Gord felt his mouth go dry. He shook his head.

"You can look at them if you like, I... uh, still have some things to do"

Gord looked at the older man, now he was really in territory that he never anticipated. In his pants his cock was doing a dance of excitement, but his mind was reeling and he felt extremely hot.

John turned to go back to the kitchen; he looked back at the young boy sitting there obviously totally uncomfortable. "Don't worry Gord, I won't do anything to you. You are perfectly safe here." He said softly.

Gord watched as the man left the room. He thought about what John had said as he left. As he sat there on the chesterfield, he stared at the magazines where they lay. He wanted to look at them but he was afraid. He slowly almost against his will reached and picked the top one off the pile and lazily flipped through it. What he saw, what flashed before his eyes made him feel so hot and a strange good feeling crept over him. He felt his cock going rigid. He also found that he was no longer just flipping through the book but stopping to look. He couldn't help himself.

John moved about the kitchen and then went up stairs to make up the bed in the spare room. Thoughts of "taking" the lad flitted briefly across his mind but quickly dismissed. He could feel himself getting aroused. But he had to be careful, the boy was probably underage. Not to mention that that didn't really matter anyway. It was illegal for two men never mind a man and a young boy to be together. No he couldn't do anything to the lad, as cute as he was as tempting as it was

This was new territory for John as well. He had never taken anyone in to his house before, definitely not a young teenage boy. If George, the police chief knew that this boy was here tonight, he would have him in the slammer so fast. John found himself quite aroused and frightened at the same time.

A few moments later he went back down to the living room. Gord was deeply engrossed in the magazine and clearly aroused.

He didn't at hear John coming in. He jumped when he realised the man was there. He blushed deep red as he fumbled to put the magazine back on the table.

John sat down in an easy chair in the corner so that the boy would feel more at ease. "That's ok son," he said, "They're my magazines and no one else is here to see you looking at them and I already told you that you could look at them." He smiled at the boy, smiled in part at his discomfort, and partly to be friendly.

Gord had never felt so hot, embarrassed and aroused all at the same time. He looked up at John sitting there. As he took in the man's smile and face he found himself relaxing a bit. The man looked friendly enough. He glanced back at the magazine that he had been looking at.

"Some good pictures in there aren't there? Asked John.

"Uh . yeah. I guess."

What he wanted to say was "Fuckin' hot pictures!" but "Uh. yeah" was all that came out

"You got a girlfriend?"

Gord shook his head again.

"Go ahead" repeated John "have a look at the other one as well, it has some great pictures as well"

Gord picked up the other magazine and flipped through the pages. It was full of athletic young men posing naked, some with impressive cocks. Gord could feel his on cock expanding in his pants. Why was he feeling this way? He shouldn't be getting excited about seeing naked men. The thing was that he had always gotten that when he thought about sex. Invariably he would imagine the male partner. He had seen some of the magazines his brother was hiding in his room but they were all about girls. Gord never found any big deal about seeing a naked girl, but what he couldn't understand was why he wasn't interested, all the other guys his age were. No, when the guys were talking about being with this girl or that, he was always thinking about the guys.

John watched the boy, the tip of his tongue traced his lips. He could see the boy was flushed and obviously aroused by what he was seeing.

Gord looked up at John and smiled weakly.

"You like what you see son?" John asked him. Gord didn't answer but looked back down at the book.

"You ever been with another guy?"

Gord shook his head.

"Ever wonder what it would be like?"

The lad nodded slowly, "but I'm kinda afraid because people think it is bad... like evil."

John nodded "Yeah some people do thing that two guys having sex together is somehow wrong. But I think that is two men or two boys your age say love each other how can that be wrong?"

Gord thought that through. It made sense. He looked up at the man

"Are you uh... like gay?"

"Yes I am Gord"

"Do you have a man... uh boyfriend?"

John smiled sadly "No, but I sure wish I did. Down here in the States it's still illegal for two guys to be together like that."

Then John asked "Do you think that you're gay Gord?"

Gord nodded but he had a question mark written on his face. "I think I might be, I like guys and looking at them, a lot, but I'm too afraid to do anything ... you know?"

"Yeah I know"

"When I was your age there was a guy. He was about the same age as me. He was staying at the next farm over just down the Concession". John waved his hand in the direction of the other farm.

Gord could see the man's face relax as he remembered at time some years ago. "Aiden was his name. He was just great. He was my first and I was his. He had come down for the summer to stay with his aunt and uncle. His folks were in the process of a move to Australia and it was easier for them for him to spend the summer with his aunt and uncle."

"We kinda hit it off. It was my first summer without my brother Sean around. He was working in Albany that summer between terms at college. I still had a year of high school to go."

He paused, and then continued.

"George was off at police college that summer so I actually had two months of peace without him bullying me."

John's mind went back to that magical summer so long ago. Days spent with Aiden. It was about two weeks in when they discovered their mutual interest in boys... and particularly for each other. After that they were inseparable. He could still feel that first touch of Aiden's lips on his....

Gord sat there waiting for John to continue talking. The man just kind of zoned out there for a moment. He was afraid to say anything.

John suddenly realized he had "left the room" so to speak and shook himself back into reality.

He smiled at Gord. "It was a wonderful time the summer. We explored all kinds of things together, as if we knew it was our only chance."

"What happened to him? Did you ever see him again? I mean like after that summer?"

John shook his head sadly. "No, when the summer was over his folks came to pick him up. My folks put on a family BBQ in his honour to say good bye and then he left. I got a couple letters form him after that and a Christmas card for a couple years and then nothing. I don't know what ever happened to him. Last I heard he was somewhere in Western Australia, Perth I think, but that was oh about 15 years ago. But I will never forget him."

John glanced at his watch and got to his feet. "Wow, it is really late we should get to bed. The spare room is made up for you." He led the way out of the living room and showed Gord his room. "You can use the bathroom first I have a couple things to do in the kitchen. Have a good sleep and we can talk in the morning about what you are going to do."

Gord felt a chill go through him with the last words. He had almost forgotten that he had run away from home. "Ok" He said softly.

Several minutes later John heard the door to the spare room shut and all was quiet upstairs.

Gord crawled into the bed and tried to sleep but his mind was whirling with the events and thoughts of the day. He knew that his parents were probably frantic with worry and he felt the tears start as he whispered "I'm sorry Mum, Dad." What could be thinking of? All his resolve to go to march with Dr King, suddenly seemed so senseless. What was he going to do? But he had to go through with it he knew that in another part of his mind. He was so confused. And now this ... this gay thing. Suddenly to be confronted with some thing that he had been afraid to even think about. Downstairs was a man the just told him that he was gay! With these things running through his mind he would never sleep. But sleep he did ... apparently...

John got himself ready for bed as well. His mind full of the lad upstairs and Aiden. Ah the memories of that dear young man he would often think of. As he slowly drifted off Aiden's face appeared in his dreamlike state. He could see their last night together.

Aiden's folks were to come the next day, spend a couple days there with Aiden's aunt and uncle who was his father's brother. Then they would leave for a new life in Australia where Aiden's dad was to work as then American liaison for an International firm.

Their last night together John and Aiden had planned a campout by the quarry just a couple miles down the Concession road from where John lived.

In his dream John saw Aiden naked and coming toward him with a smile on his face.

"I love you so much John. I want to make love to you one more time before..." John could see tears in Aiden's eyes.

John realized that he was naked as well as he reached up to the other boy welcoming him into his embrace. They lay together in each other's arms kissing and loving each other.

"I need you inside me Aiden" John heard himself say in his dream. Aiden hovered over him as John raised his legs to give himself to his lover.

His whole body electrified with extreme pleasure coursing through him as he felt Aiden cock sliding into him, filling him, satisfying his desire for his friend's love.

John half woke from his dream with a sigh of pleasure. He remembered that night. They both made love to each other at least three times. He could still conjure up the exquisite pleasure of Aiden's body holding his cock, bringing him to a mind-numbing orgasm. The memory now mixed with the bittersweet loss of that friend and his love. He often wondered what ever happened to Aiden.

They had corresponded for about a year after Aiden went to Australia and then the letters became more sporadic from both of them if John was honest. Then for a few years there were Christmas cards and then nothing. John had tried a few more times but nothing came back.

Thinking that John slowly drifted off to sleep to be woken about four hours later by his alarm. It would be a long day.

John took a shower got dressed and then checked the spare bedroom. Gord was still asleep so John quietly got dressed and went to the kitchen and started to get some breakfast together. The bacon was about ready and the coffee perking on the stove when he heard some movement. He looked up in time to see the boy disappear into the bathroom. A moment later he heard the familiar sound of urine in the toilet bowl. He could hear the water running in the bathroom so he went over to the door.

Gord" he called softly "There are towels in the little cupboard in the corner. If you need anything else let me know Ok? And breakfast is almost ready."

He heard a muffled "OK" in response. He smiled as he hurried back to tend to the bacon.

As Gord came out of the bathroom he put the eggs on to fry. "About one minute and everything will be ready"

Gord went in to the bedroom and not a minute later he was in the kitchen smiling. "It sure smells good in here."

John smiled motioning him to sit down, while he served breakfast.

They ate in silence. Gord couldn't have enjoyed the meal more. When they were done he thanked John profusely for the meal. And then he kind of hung back. He shyly offered to help with the dishes which was accepted. This was also done pretty much in silence.

"I guess you will be wanting to be on the road" John mentioned breaking the silence.

"Yeah" Gord said hesitantly. He wasn't so sure about this anymore, well not about going to be with Dr King... just how on earth was he going to do it? He knew now he clearly hadn't thought through and he was way out of his depth. He wasn't even sure he could even get home.

"You don't sound so sure?"

Gord panicked a little but shook his head. "No, no, I guess just want to get there I guess."

John smiled, there was more to this story than the kid was letting on "How about we wash your clothes and when they are ready I will drive you to St Johnsbury."

Gord nodded... that would be better than standing on the highway hoping for a ride. John got the laundry going and they both went out to feed the couple pigs and chickens. They were the only animals John still maintained on the farm. Working all day at the store with his brother took all his time and then some.

The clothes were in the dryer and John was in the kitchen putting some lunch together when he noticed a car coming up the driveway. "Oh fuck!!! Gord!"

Gord came running into the kitchen "What??"

"SHIT!!! It's the police chief, get into the bedroom and into the back of the closet quickly! They are likely looking for you. George will think that I picked you up. If you are caught here with me we will both be in big shit, quick now and not a sound, and don't come out till I call you!"

Next: Chapter 2

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