
By Addisyn Draco Batchelor

Published on Aug 11, 2021


And so, here we are. The end. The last chapter of this almost 10 year ordeal I've named OK. Honestly, I'm kinda glad to be done with it, but I'm also sad to see it end. To all my avid readers, thank you for the validation and support.

All the rules still apply. I'm not going to drop those, even for this auspicious occasion. Donate to Nifty if you can, and don't stop reading. I may have another story for you in the future, but first I must deal with the death of this one. Love, kisses and all those lovely things.

Addisyn Draco.

Ch.33. T

Hej Då.

"WHAT!?" Zayk cried. "What can that possibly mean? Evacuation!?"

"It's necessary. They won't quit until we're caught... Or dead..." I replied, trying to keep my cool.

"But where can we go!? I'm not sure about you, but I don't have any spacecraft on hand, an unless this house has a rocket underneath it, I can't see any way we'll even GET anywhere else but here. And where else is there a place that can hold us? Not to mention that we can't breathe in space. We're powerful, but not that powerful! And, I mean, I've got all my cool stuff here.." Zayk griped. Seriously, I had no idea that boy could whine so much. So much for being the 'big, scary superwitch'.

"Well, we've got billions of other planets to choose from, at least 8 in this solar system. All we have to do is make a couple of adjustments and it'll be like we never left." Ax said, thankfully backing me up. "Have your memories come back to you yet?"

"Yeah, but..." Zayk said, unsure where Ax was going with that.

"Then you know that we were the first life on some planets, and we lived for generations there! Why not now? We're more powerful than ever, there's no reason we can't do it again, better this time, more permanent." Ax went on, "Our lives have been cut short too many times. I'm not gonna lose the people I love again. For all we know, this could be our last chance."

"Ok, fair enough, but how do we get there? And what about Tobe's new album, are we just going to forget about it and leave?" Dyl asked. Sweet boy, thinking about me like that. "I thought you guys were gonna get married!"

"Can we please bring our attention back to the fact that we're planning to colonise an uninhabitable planet in the very near future?" Zayk raved, pointlessly. We'd all just decided to ignore him. "And where the fuck are the super twins?" That got our attention.

"Shit, he's right!" Axyl yelled. "How long has it been since anyone has seen them?"

"I don't know, an hour or so? Last time I saw them, Kory was telling us what we needed to do, in his own mysterious 'I'm not actually going to tell you anything' kinda way." I replied, wracking my brain for places they could be. Fuck, why did I have to build such a big house?!

"Alright, we've gotta split up, search everywhere, they can't have gone far." Dylin commanded us. We were about to obey when we all realised exactly how far they actually could have gone. They don't really come off as the types to stick around in one place for too long. "Shit, didn't think of that..." It seems that, despite our regained memories, we're all a little slow on the uptake.

"Why did they just go? Did we do something wrong?" Ax asked, rhetorically. "What do we do now?"

A long silence followed Ax's statement. My brain went into overdrive, thinking back to all these new memories and how we sorted problems out before. Then it clicks. I'm the leader, the others won't know what to do until I do. My mind goes back to when I first met Axyl, when he showed me his powers. He said 'You're power is your words'. I knew what to do

"We have to do whatever it is we need to do to get ready. Tie up loose ends, I guess. I'll get the album ready for release and send it to a record company. They'll release it, no matter what. The fans would lynch them otherwise. Ax, Zayk, try and figure out a way to travel off-world. Then try and find out how to terraform any planet we go to. You're the ones with the most magical knowledge, besides the boys, you're the only chance we've got. Dyl, make a list of planets that can be lived on, or that resemble Earth. Go to the library, Ax can show you where it is. We need a place to go where the humans won't be able to find us for at least a generation. Ok, do we all know what we're doing?" I say, like a drill sergeant. I didn't know I had it in me!

"Yes Tobe, I'll get started now!" Dyl said, before he conjured a pen and pad of paper. Ax came up to me and placed a heated, passionate kiss on my lips. I blinked, totally not expecting that.

"Fuck you're hot when you get all dominating. Zayk agrees, look at the bulge in his pants!" Sure enough, Zayk's cock was visible, straining in his tracksuit pants. That's when Ax grabbed Dyl's wrist and headed off towards the third floor library. That just left one...

"Sh..Shit man, I... I think I underestimated you. I thought you were just a singing, dancing, rainbow explosion, but you're actually pretty tough. You're worthy of my brother after all." Aww, how sweet, Zayk's embarassed! And stuttering! I'm seeing another side of him too.

"Thanks dude, that means alot. Do you think you'll be able to do this thing? Is it possible to magically terraform?" I ask.

"Well, it's not gonna be easy, but I reckon we could figure something out. I might go check out the library too. Do you have an Occult section?" Zayk replied. Good idea.

"Duh, it's a fully stocked library, I'm a bit pedantic about these things. National There should be enough information there." I brag. Well, not brag, but still... Gotta get some points where I can with Zayk. I haven't figured him out yet.

"Hahah, you're really just a nerd after all, figures..." Zayk says as he heads up the stairs, following the excited voices of Ax and Dyl. I forgot that Ax hasn't seen the library yet.

I head to my recording studio, and load up all the tracks my boyfriend, friend and I have written and get them ready to be sent. Then inspiration hits. It does this sometimes, just smacks me across the head with amazing words and melodies that HAVE to be written down. In this instance, it's absolutely perfect.

I start writing and playing my guitar, getting the song ready in my mind, and after about an hour, I've got a full song written, recorded and listed as the first single to be released from the album. As soon as I get it ready to be sent, the recording booth door opens, and Dylin walks in.

"I've found a few perfect locations. Humans have sent probes to Venus, sometime in the 20th century, but abandoned the project because all the probes were destroyed in the Venusian atmosphere. It has such a high level of pressure, and is so close to the sun, that they never could have colonised. Then there's Europa and Io, moons of Jupiter. No atmosphere to speak of, but are quite close in size to Earth. If we want a bigger place, we can go to Titan, another moon of Jupiter. Awesome views of the solar system's largest and longest running storm, and a bit closer to the sun than Saturn. Is that enough to go on for now?" He finishes, the cutest 'did I do good' look on his sweet face.

"Yeah Dyl, that's perfect for now. What are our twins doing?" I asked.

"Bookgasm... Your library is insane! I've never seen so many books in one place! Where did you get them all?!" Dyl exclaimed,

"Eh... Here and there over the years. Can't say I've read even half of them, there could be anything in there. I've never gone looking for something without finding it though, so I bet they're going to be a while." I reply. I mean, our respective boyfriends are more alike than they will ever admit. And Zayk calls me a nerd...

"Yeah! So... What were you doing down here?"

"Copying our songs to a file to send off to the record company, and writing a new song to basically tell Earth to go fuck itself..." And the excited explosion will happen in; 3...2...1...

"WHAT! I wanna hear it! Play it for me, pleeease??!"

Ok, that's what I managed to hear at least, and when combined with the heart stopping puppy dog eyes and the terrifying growl, I was powerless...

"OK! Fine..." I picked up my guitar, closed my eyes and started playing.

Du hatar mig.

Du gör mig illa.

Gud hjälp mig.

Hej då.

Jag har ingen kärlek för dig, du behöver inte älska mig.

Jag vill döda dig, du dödar mig.

Du bara hjälpa mig, har jag hjälpt dig

Jag vill älska dig.

Jag vill att hata dig.

Jag vill skada dig.

Gud snälla hjälp mig.

Hej då.

Du hatar mig.

Du gör mig illa.

Gud hjälp mig.

Hej då.

Hej då.

Alla manniskor, hej då.

There was silence, and I opened my eyes to see Ax and Zayk standing with Dylin. Ax was crying, Zayk was averting his eyes so I couldn't see his tears.

"We're really doing this, aren't we? We're really leaving this planet behind... Shit. Well, now we've got it settled, we know how to terraform the planet we choose." Ax said, then hugged me. "That was beautiful, probably you're best song yet!" He whispered in my ear.

Zayk then got over his little tear-fest and said;

"Anyway, we found an ancient creation story talking about dragons being the creators of Earth and all it's life. Was pretty interesting, because nobody knows where it came from, it was in your Occult section. I've only ever heard the story, you've got the book!"

"What, you're saying our dragons can terraform planets? That actually makes sense, they're made from the elements... Shit, you guys may be on to something!" I replied.

"That's not all, we think they might be able to actually create planets. So if we can get far enough away to find a new star, we could begin our own solar system. That way, we will be far enough away from Earth to avoid the humans for centuries. And since we're kinda 'deathless' we'll be set forever. Not to mention we've got a Dragon Master on our side..."

We all felt it at the same time. The wards around the house had been breached, there was someone else here. I stood up and made my out way of the studio to the front door, attempting to mask my trepidation. The boys followed me as I walked towards the front door. Ax stopped me,

"Are you sure you just want to go to the door like this? We could pretend we're not home..."

"I know, but they broke through the wards! I don't know who's out there, but they've got to be pretty fucking powerful to even get as far as they have. I'd rather not have them loose in the grounds of my property." I replied, and opened the door.

I was faced with a boy, about 15 years old, who was the spitting image of Dylin, right down to his brown hair and green eyes.

"Hi! I'm Dalyk Malfoy, I'm looking for my brother Dylin..." He almost squealed. I could definitely see the resemblance. "Holy crap, you're Toby Drake! You saved my brother's life!"

What!? How does he know that? "Huh?" Was the only intelligible sound I managed to get out. Luckily for me, I didn't have to try and elaborate.

"Dalyk, what the fuck are you doing here!?" Dyl screamed. "I thought I told you not to try find me!"

"Dylin! I missed you so much! What's going on? I could barely get in here, it was warded so heavily!"

"We're escaping this planet before the witch hunt gets too crazy, you should be in hiding!" Dyl screamed back. Seriously, siblings.

"You're leaving me?! You can't! Take me with you, I'll be good. I promise!" Dalyk pleaded.

The puppy dog look semed to clinch it for Dyl, because the next thing he said was along the lines of 'fine, if it's ok with everyone else.' I looked around at everyone in the room, and it seemed by the looks on their faces that they couldn't think of any reason not to invite the boy along for a journey across the solar system. They all looked at me, obviously seeking my approval.

"Fine by me," I said, "As long as you don't mind planet hopping."

"YAY" Dalyk squealed, running up to hug Dylin. "This is gonna be so much fun! Have you figured out how to get to wherever we're going yet? Are we going to Mars? Uranus? How long will it take? Have I got time to check out your house, Toby? Where am I going to sleep?"

"Ummm, sure, I'm just gonna go get a very stiff drink, I'll leave you guys to deal with this crazy person." Zayk said, inching his way to the staircase.

"Oh no you don't, we still haven't figured out how to get out of here, and you've got to meet your future brother in law" Dyl scolded, dragging him up to meet Dalyk. Ax and I backed away slowly, only breathing when we made it to the kitchen. We could faintly hear Dalyk screaming "HOLY FUCK DYL, YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HOT" before we dissolved into fits of giggles. Once we'd regained our composure, we began brainstorming ways to get to our new home.

"We could conjure a rocket underneath the house and use it as our spaceship" I suggested,

"Too obvious, people would notice. We could try teleporting the house to the planet, though that would probably be too difficult." Ax said, uncertainly. Fuck my boyfriend is cute. And a genius!

"No! That's brilliant! We've got more than enough power to do that, and we could summon the dragons to heighten our magic. We've got to go out and tell the boys!"

"Wait!" Ax was anxious, his voice broke. "Doesn't it seem too easy to you? The last time we tried easy, it started raining fire and we almost lost Dyl. I don't want to lose any of my boys." He started sobbing, so I gathered him in my arms and tried to console him.

"It's definitely not going to be easy, but we can do this, and we have to, because our family is in danger. We've got everything we ever wanted anyway, why not just retire to enjoy it?"

"Yeah, I guess... "

"Then let's see what Dyl and Zayk are doing!" I say, wondering why it's so quiet. I've known Dalyk for 10 minutes and already know I'm going to have a constant headache with him around.

"Umm, I think we'd be interrupting something..." Ax mumbled, pointing at said boys. They were having a sobbing, heaving, group hug of epic proportions. It was so cute, I almost barfed glitter...

"Ahh... Yeah... Probably best if we just wait here for a minute... Or ten...." I replied. What else could I say? Suddenly Dyl has a brother, and my fiancè's (evil-ish) brother is crying and slobbering all over both of them. When did my life turn into a soap opera?

We eventually manage to seperate the heaving mass and filled the guys in on our plan to teleport to the planet we decide on.

"Which planet have we decided on?" Zayk asked, feigning indifference.

Dyl looked to me, and I nodded for him to share his research.

"Umm, I think our best bet is Io, a moon of Jupiter. It's cold and desolate, but we've got dragons and magical powers, so... And also there's lots of cloud on Jupiter, and dragons use clouds for power, right?" Dyl blurted in one breath, breathing heavily afterwards.

"And what if WonderTobe teleports the dragons there first so we don't suffocate on the surface of the planet? Would that work?" Zayk added. Ax and I both looked at each other, contemplating.

"That might actually work... Toby, call the dragons." Ax commanded, making me summon them on instinct rather than conscious thought. Seconds later, our four dragons were in the room, taking up all available space. There was a fifth, smaller dragon. It was a baby, green and grey, already the size of a cat, and it launched itself at Dalyk.

"Wha..aaah! What.. uhh..."

"Oh that's right, sorry Dalyk, forgot you hadn't met them, we've got dragons..." I calmly reassured, "looks like you've got one too! What are you gonna name him?"

"Wow! That's so cool! I'm gonna name him... Umm... Jasper! " Dalyk exclaimed, obviously over his reluctance from minutes ago.

I gave the dragons instructions to terraform Io and contact me as soon as it's done, then concentrated on sending them there. They were suddenly gone, and I hoped it had worked. We waited for an hour until there was a bright light and a bright blue scale appeared, floating down to the ground.

"It's time." The twins said in unison. Both sets of twins. Both Kody and Kory stood there grinning, completely oblivious to the range and variety of emotions in the room.

"What!? Kody! Kory! Where the fuck did you disappear to? Why didn't you stay to help us figure out what to do? And how the fuck did you get there?" Zayk exploded, showing more emotion than I've seen from him. We all just look blankly at him, waiting for him to get. "Oh right, all powerful time wizard teenage sons. Yay ." He did not sound excited. "We could have died..."

"To die would be an awfully big adventure." Kory said, looking directly at Dyl. I cringed a lit, internally, remembering the day I watched Dyl and Vlad burn in the firestorm. I never realised he might have any memories of his death, despite me going back in time to save him. I'll have to ask him one day. Kory turns back to Zayk, "And we're not ALL powerful, but we can do magic, and travel freely through space and time..."

"We couldn't come back and help you," Kody said, "you had to do it for yourselves."

"We're here now because you need a power boost to get the house to Io." Kory added, looking Dalyk up and down appreciatively.

"The house? Really? That's awesome!" I cried. I was relieved that I didn't have to leave my house behind. There are too many secrets hidden in here.

Ten minutes, and probably thirty buckets of tears, later, we stood together in the Smoking Room, closing our eyes and concentrating on our new home.


Roughly 2.4 seconds later, we opened our eyes on Io. I didn't even feel a temperature change, and immediately looked out the window and have the first glimpse of our new planet What should be have been a barren, icy landscape was now grassy plains for as far as I could see. I couldn't see the dragons, but there's a giant ball of gas storms in the sky so I imagine they're fine. I could hear Dalyk and the twins exclaiming their surprise, and felt Axyl's hand meet mine, grasping firmly. Our new world was beautiful and perfect, and so was my new family.

And after all that I'd experienced, all I'd lost and gained, I realised that it was all pointless, but what I have now is more than I've ever imagined anyway. So I guess I should go check to see whether anybody has destroyed anything yet. I mean, they're only a bunch of super powerful teenagers on a barren planet. With dragons. And magic. I mean, what could go wrong?

Ok, I think someone's just thrown Zayk into the eye of Jupiter. He's flying around in the centre, screaming I think. If he is I can't hear him coz he's screaming into space... I think I should do something. Or, I could go see what Axyl's doing, ask him if he wants to find a crater or a cave somewhere and christen Io... The possibilities are endless. Anyway, I'm gonna go, I've got to colonise a planet. Sure beats rabid fans and home school.

Hej då.


Thank you so much for sticking with OK for so long, it's been a long time since I started, it's a relief to finish it. If anybody wants to email me with questions or comments, please do - addisyn.draco@gmail.com

I thought I'd have more to say right now, but I don't.. So, umm thanks again, stay safe, lots of love,

Hej då,

Addisyn Draco.

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