Old-Fashioned Good Will

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on Nov 3, 2006


The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblances to real people, alive or in the hereafter, is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons, in towns, cities, countries, nor governmental areas, which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most state and countries, you are not allowed to read this story, by law. Check with your local laws regarding such. % Sexual safety matters. Remember guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection.


Old-Fashioned Good Will wriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Cliff Roberts, thirty years old, had lived all his life in the low, grass country where all three regions congregated, except for the college years. His dad passed away, then his ma. Remaining vacant, causing the ranch house, barn, smokehouse and other outcroppings of buildings to go downhill, much work, plus hard cash was needed to revitalize the ranch complex.

Fifteen years ago, Cliff's lifelong childhood buddy signed up for the military and was killed in action. They had schemed away at making plans for the future, which included setting up a vetenary practice together someplace. It had been a hard pill to swallow. Cliff kept trying to tell himself there would never be another guy like James. Convincing himself of this, in the years since his death, Cliff wood take off in his gun metal 4x4 and roam the interstate, sometimes pulling off and venturing down an exit for an hour or so. Stop by at an eatery or bar and he would pass the time, always with hope there might be a guy to strike his fancy, figuring one day he could try to make a decent stab at finding a guy to date, perhaps nurture some kind of love affair. Maybe he could bury some of his grief and get on with life.

The anxiety, over the last fifteen years, for the most part dissipated, his busy vetenarian practice, quenching the memories. However, the years hadn't dismissed his feelings, yearnng for companionship. After all, thirty is still considered young. His active lifestyle kept him nicely put together. Strong-willed, time healed, opening a portal to give another guy his heart and soul.

"Hey, need a ride?"


"Where you headed?"

"About a stone's throw up the road... I'm Jim Lucado," he extended his hand, as his butt flopped on the seat."

"Lucado, eh?"

"Do know of my dad's ranch?"

"Sure. Was up there just two days ago for a calf with a leg wound."

"Say, you're the county vetenarian, Dr. Madison!"

"That's right, James."

"It's Jim. But if you like to call me James or Jimmy, either is fine."

Jim didn't look at all like 'his James', face-wise. 'His James' face was more rounded and kind of chubby, although his body wasn't. 'This James' Had a longer face, wore thin metal-rimmed glasses and sported a goatee with a thin line carved from his chin to his side burns. His hair, auburn in color, had been trimmed, neither long nor short. Cliff felt good about meeting him, but didn't get his hopes up. First of all, he was gay and kept on the idea every man wasn't. Probably he got the wrong vibes kicking in all together.


"Sorry... I suppose my mind is still on that calf. If I recollect, you're father told me you're in college?"

"Was. I graduated last month, so I'm headed home, to see if I can rustle up a job in the old town. I got off the bus an hour ago. I think I'd like to settle down and take up where my roots were originally planted."

"Exactly what I did. After college, this 'falling-apart-farm' waited for me to bring it back to life."

"Really? Cool, Dr. Madison."

"You can skip the doc business, Jim. Call me Cliff."

"Cool! I had a bo... I... I mean a best friend in college named Cliff."

Right away, Cliff thought; 'hmm, had Jim slipped and said `boy', meaning boyfriend'?

Thoughts flooded Jim's mind. 'How could I be so stupid. Now Cliff is probably trying to figure out and most likely come to the conclusion that I'm gay.' He really had something to sweat about. Growing up, in this neck of the woods, people didn't take kindly to two men kissing, let alone having sex together. He wondered if things changed. For now, he would keep his thoughts under wraps. He knew what he would be up against, the tough Christian community he left.

"I haven't seen the folks for four years."

"I gather, from what your father says, hopping from boarding school, right into college."

"Right. It seems, from from twelve years old and on, a big chunk of my life, living around here, has been taken away."

It explained why Cliff hadn't seen Jim about, growing up in his teen years.

"So, what's your major, Jim?"

Relieved, he figured Cliff didn't pickup on the slip of his tongue.


"What was your major at college?"

"Oh right, my major. Business management, with a focus on the hotel and restaurant industry."

"That's great, Jim. I think the Four-Square hotel, off the interstate is hiring."

Everytime Cliff asked a question or replied to it, he would steal a look away from the deserted road and glance at some place on Jim's body. The tight zipping of his jacket up to nearly his throat, prohibiting him from seeing any kind of build.

"Not for me."


"Not that I don't appreciate the thought."

The two exchanged quaint smiles.

"The unemployment rate has been going up since Harald's moved out of town."

"Oh no. When did that happen?"

"You didn't know? About ten months ago. Didn't give any warning. They closed the doors, chained and padlocked it. Yeah, people were sure pissed."

Cliff put his right hand down on his own thigh, a habit while driving, allowing his left hand to do all the steering. Normally, if he felt horny or saw some barechested workmen on the road, he would be rubbing his crotch through his jeans. He kicked the habit in the knick of time, leaving his palm flat on top of his thigh.

"Well, that definitely throws a curve into my plans."

"Things like this happen, Jim. Last week, the Eskridge Gazette gave some sketchy details, stating Harald's had all intentions of dotting the map with stores."

"What made them change their minds?"

"I had a discussion with your father."


"Right. He figures no one could have been more surprised than the folks at Harald's, well on this side of the Atlantic, when their main offices closed, in England."

"Ripple effect, I think they call it."

"Sounds something like it."

"This is definitely not cool."

"Right," Cliff agreed, smiling at the `city-talk', unrepresentative of area folks.

"Well, either I have to kiss my career goodbye or move. Damn it! I had such good intentions of coming back to the old hometown and setting up a business of my own. I wanted to spend time with ma and pa. They'll be crushed. Oh well, guess I better just face the music."

Looking out the window, Jim could have sworn he saw in the reflection, Cliff rearrange his lap system. When he looked back, he thought he snagged Cliff glancing at his seat.

"What sort of business had you hoped to get started up?"

"My father had offered to help finance a bed'n'breakfast business."

"Generous man. I don't know what I would have done without his generosity."

"You know he's loaded?"

"No, really?" Cliff asked, sarcastically.

It earned him a nudge in the arm. The two smiled, Cliff more heartily carrying his laughter farther.

"So, he loan you some money?"

"No. Better."

With the 4x4 zooming up the countryside, Cliff waited for more conversation.


"So, I came back from college, to a wretched, brokendown ranch. I was ready to up and sell. At the time, Harald's had been a booming business. Folks had put down new roots. Real estate was good. I was told it would be to my advantage to sell."

"So why didn't you?"

"Your father convinced me, giving up the countryside to townhouses wouldn't be doing the environment justice. So, he offered to help me out. He rented the place from me, indefinitely, investing in fixing it up."

"Rent? How much?"

Realizing he overstepped his curiosity, Jim withdrew the thought.

"Sorry. None of my business."

"It could be."

"Oh? How do you figure?"

"I don't spend much time there actually, between my office in town and running all over creation. Y'know, I think it would do well as a bed'n'breakfast?"

"Sounds like a nice idea, but with Harald's defunct, what else is there to draw people in?"

"Well, for one thing, the country club, which borders my ranch, separated by Overbrook forest."

Looking to the ceiling, Jim tries picturing the layout of the landscape.

"Right. I think I hiked there one summer I came home for awhile."

"Oh? Then you were trespassing on my folks' property!"


"Doesn't matter now, right?"

The two laughed.

"Hey, Jim?"


"See if I left a pen on the seat."

Reaching under himself, first one hand, then two, Jim's search comes up nil.

"No... don't feel it anywhere."

"Whew.. you know how tough it is to get ink off of these seats?"

"I could imagine. This gray probably shows every mark."

"Yeah, but it's better than white."

"That's for sure."

Jim knew that was the lamest excuse, but played along. Cliff thought he would keep pressing Jim, even though he could have sworn Jim caught him glancing at his basket.

"So, what do you think about my idea?"

"Honestly, Cliff. I don't know."

"Your dad made sure everything was properly fixed up. Shit, he spent tons of dough on the farmhouse alone. It's gotta be worth at least three hundred grand."

Whistling, Jim stated, "Must've set him back a few pennies fixing the rest up. It must cost you plenty to lease it back from him!"

Cliff smiled, as much as he was curious about Jim's frequent gazes, so he began to bend when it came to Jim inquiring about monthly figures.

"Fifty bucks a month."

"Fifty bucks for what?"

"To lease the property."

"Fifty bucks? That's peanuts!"

"Yeah. Told you something you already know. He's a generous guy."


"I could tell your father wasn't into charging a high fee. More of an environmental protection issue, I'd say. As I say, I haven't been spending much time around the ranch. After it was revitalized, I've managed to keep it painted, keep a couple of chicks."

Jim's heart fell into a deep depression. 'Chicks'? How many women did he have out at the farm? Cliff did say he had a lot of rooms. His cock sank down into his pants, his balls lowering to the gun metal cushy seats.

"What's the matter, Jim? You got a bellyache?"

"Yeah," he lied. "Probably just 'cause I haven't eaten all day. The bus ride. You know, the excitement of seeing the folks."

"Yeah, I can relate to that. I didn't eat til my stomach started growling in the middle of the night, when I came home."

"You're lucky to have an established, reputable business going on, Cliff."

"Yeah, I've started to get used to this new lifestyle. So, what do you think of my idea?"

With his high hopes dashed, the palpitations in his lap subsiding, Jim had a lesser excitement.

"What's the matter?"


Then, thinking the wiser, Jim figured he'd better look beyond the crotch, return his demeanor to what it was a few minutes ago.

"Let me get this straight. You're interested in turning the farmhouse into a bed'n'breakfast?"

"Right. Cheap rent, too!"

"Really? How much?"

For the last fifteen minutes on the road, Cliff has seen and sensed a lot of things. Having the occasional roadside stops, he's had his share of one night stands, rightly picking up a guy who's shared the same feelings as himself. Right now, he gauged himself about ninety-six percent sure of his assumptions.

"Y'know, Jim, now don't get me wrong here, I'm not trying to throw some charity in your face, but I've been thinking if maybe we could strike up a `friendship' of sorts, it could be in both our interests?"

Going out on a limb, time seemed to weaken, readying himself to break off, falling into the pit of rabid animals.

"Pull over."

Cliff knew he blew it. Turning the wheel to the right, the 4x4 tried absorbing the bumpy shoulder. Putting it in park, he sat there.


Little did Cliff know, Jim was making him sweat it out.

"I...." Jim undid his seatbelt.

Figuring he was on his way, Cliff tells him, "It's about three miles til you hit civilisation."

"I'm from these parts, remember?"


"Listen, Cliff, I... have something to tell you."

"Well come right on out with it, Jim."

"Even though I didn't rightly grow up around here, I know the people."


"I know they don't take too kindly to certain ideas."


Cliff waited it out, to see where Jim was going with this.

"Here goes. Cliff, I'm gay."

Sometimes known as a trickster, Cliff could dupe even a cow into giving up a calf to birth. Right now, he let the tension linger, his mouth moving around, tonguing each cheek.


"It doesn't bother you?"

"Why should it?"

It's then, Cliff realizes, even though it a social issue, he's speaking from the perspective of being gay and hiding it.

"Well I figure, the fact you're not..."

"Who says?"

Even though Jim thought it a totally lost hope, he replies, "All those chicks up at your place you keep."

"Chicks, eh?"

"Yeah. You know. The ones you hang out with when you're not in town?"

Cliff kept up the charade, even though he wanted to blast out in laughter, until Jim went for the door handle.

"Forget it."

"Now wait a minute there."

Not that Jim minded, Cliff clenching his arm, but he hoped he hadn't walked into a situation of making known his gay sexuality, then the guy turning out to be homophobic. He tugged at his arm, threw his legs over the seat, facing the open door.

"Wait a minute, Jim!"

Thinking Cliff was racing after him, for all the wrong reasons, he started to jog up the shoulder.

"Hold on there Jim. Wait up!"

Taking to his feet, Cliff hurls himself out of the 4x4, running after him.

"Jim! Jim! Wait... please wait!"

Out of breath, they both halted, Jim on the defensive.


"I want to apologize."

"Apologize? For what?"

Half-smiling, Cliff replied, "When I mentioned the `chicks', I meant little babies. Y'know? The little yellow ones you see on Easter cards?"

Not knowing how to respond, merely feeling like a total doofus, Jim stood there, his only worldly possesion over his shoulder, his backpack.

"Damn, Cliff. Why didn't you say so?"

"I know. I should have, but...."

Shaking his head, Jim already had it in his mind to forgive Cliff.

"You're a real jokester, you know that?"

"I know."

"So the chicks are little baby hens, huh?"


"Anything else I should know about you before I take you up on your offer."

"Maybe one thing."

Waiting for a reply, Jim stood there, his thumbs tucked under the straps of his backpack, his jacket tight over his flat front.

"Well, spill it."

Stepping forward, Cliff put his hand on the side of Jim's face. Jim backed away.

"I'm not going to hurt you."

Still a bit leery, Jim was on his guard. However, with a couple of close encounters in college, back east, he knew the tender feeling of a warm hand on a guy's cheek, both giving and receiving.

"Depends on how much force is used, I suppose."

"Are we talking anal or oral here?"

At this moment, Jim dismissed any thoughts of Cliff `not' being gay. A hand to his cheekbone, remained, Cliff moving in for a roadside kiss. They walked back to the 4x4 and hopped in.

"So you're okay with the offer?"

"Well," the country boy-turned-city slicker, continues, "I think," his body lurches over, towards Cliff, hand on his thigh, "we could think about it?"

"Oh man, you don't know how good this makes me feel!"

Following Cliff's lead, Jim depresses the seat belt button, freeing the driver of his safety bondage.

"You ain't the only one, country boy!"

Hands on Cliff, Jim's left on his shoulder, right one slipping from thigh, to the side of his torso, their lips meet.

"Nice," Cliff replies to the wet endeavor.

"Same here."

"So," Cliff starts out, lingering on the moment, "want to take a look at the place?"

"Yeah," Jim replies, "especially the sleeping facilities!"

"You move fast."

"I've learned in business, it can make a man or break him, for failure to act."

In response, Cliff put the 4x4 in gear and headed down the road.


"So, how do we go about we doing this?"

"I think we should start by taking our clothes off?"

"No, dah," Jim says. "I meant our business venture?"

"First things first?"

"I get it. You want to see how good I am in bed."

Smiling, Cliff, leaving his jacket over the armchair, begins to unbutton the front of his shirt.

"A fair assumption."

"And if I'm not, the deal is over?"

"Don't disappoint me!"

Cliff winked, moving closer to Jim, whom had managed to strip out of his wire-rimmed glasses.

"Looks like you're in a hurry."

"Yeah," Cliff giggled, "big hurry."

Looking down at his pants, both could see the immediate need growing.

"How about you?"

Cliff, reaching forward, groped at Jim's pants.

"Hmm... I think we have ignition!"

Not wasting time, Jim placed his hands inside Cliff's shirt. Both hands ascended the thirty year old's sides, meeting in the middle, palms pressing against the dark fur on Cliff's pecs. Their lips met. All during their making out, hands busied at the clothing removal task. Almost simultaneously, each stripped shirts, unbuckled pants, unzipped, let pants fall, each depantsing themselves, allowing the other to lower briefs.

"Nice!" Jim called out, his hand going around Cliff's barrel.


A vibrancy of feeling could be felt by both, each holding full erections in their hands.

"Yeah?" Jim asks, "Would feel nicer with your lips wrapped around it?"

"Like I said," Cliff again reiterates, "you're a fast mover."

Right now, Cliff assumed the position of `fast mover', pressing against Jim's shoulders, making him sit on the edge of the bed. As he fell to his knees, he opened his mouth, tasting Jim's cockhead.


Laughing, Jim presses his hands against the mattress, shimmying himself up, towards the pillows.

"You want it, come and get it!"

"Playing `hard' to get, huh?"

Playing each other's game, Cliff crawls up the bed, his 9.5c hanging down, swaying with his large orbs, the outline of his dark, hairy pecs, moving in rythym, his tight abs clenched, the defined trail down his stomach obvious.

"Work out, huh?"

"Yeah. With calves and other `animals'!"

"I like the sound of that!"

More than the sound, as Cliff went down on his ten inch tube, he felt up the smooth shoulder blades, hearing the sound of slurps, a tongue wrestling with his fucktool.

"Oooooh hell yeah!"

Even though his mouth was plugged, Cliff managed a smile, the endorphins kicking in big time, as his tongue glided around the barrel. Playing a part in getting turned on immensely, he arched his back when Jim's wandering hands latched onto his pecs, toying with his hard nubs.

For Jim, he had found a natural means of good vibrations, Cliff obviously enjoying his ministrations of pec nub stimulation, his mouth, taking his tall pole in, beyond the tonsils, sinking deeper inside Cliff, his humming, pleasurable sounds, weaving a melody of love.

The oral part was great, however it never worked it's way into the anal part of a gay sexual encounter, not mattering with the two participants.

Assembling themselves, Cliff comments, "You're a hot kisser."

"Thanks. I rather enjoyed your endeavors as well."

"Here. We both look the same size," Cliff says, tossing Jim a pair of boots.

"Nice. Where'd you get them?"

"A country fair years ago. Never wore them."

"How come?"

"I dunno. I was saving them for sometime special. I reckon this is special."

Holding the two boots in one hand, Jim paws the side of Cliff's face, zeroing in on his lips.


"So, how about I take you out to your folks' place?"

"Sure. I'll want to visit with them, but I know is father and mother's night for church choir."

"They might skip, knowing their son has arrived."

"I doubt it."

Both stood there. Jim wanted to suggest something. Cliff had it in his mind to make an offer. Simultaneously, each went to say something.

"You go," Jim said.

"No, you."

"I was wondering, if you're not doing anything tonight..."

"What time do you want me to pick you up?" Cliff asked, a wide grin across his face.

"I'm not sure. I'll give you a call."

"It's a date! I mean deal..."

"No, you're right the first time, Cliff."


Outside, Jim hopped in the truck, no longer a stranger to either the vehicle, nor the driver.

"Hey, you missed the turn, Cliff."

"Ooops! Hold on, Jim!"

Cliff did a 360 degree turn. The centrifical force caused Jim to press againt the door, but as he straightened out the wheel, he over exaggerated falling back to normal and his left shoulder fell onto Cliff's right.

"Heeey, I'm sorry Cliff."


A look between the two made all forgiven.

"Wow, look at that!"


"Pa's out painting the barn."

"You said it, Jim and in this hot weather?"

"Guess I'll have to give pa a scolding!"

"Hey, Jim, don't give him too tough a time... just send him to bed with no dinner! Hee he hee..."

"Haa ha haa... you think that would do any good?"

"Probably not!"

The two exited the 4x4. Jim's pa got down from the ladder, his shirt sticking to his body.


"James... it's so good to have you home, boy!"

Cliff could see the deep love each had for the other, but the cork was ready to pop off the champaygne as his ma bolted out of the screen door.

"Jimmy.. Jimmy... is that you, baby?"

"No, it's your Uncle Harry from Toledo!"

"Oh hogwash, Jimmy... just wait til I get you...."

The two embraced.

"Why, you're nothing but a skinny runt, Jimmy!"

"What d'ya want, ma... It's not like I've been eating your home cookin'!"

The four of us got a laugh out of the classic line that's pleased ma's everywhere for generations.

"Well, you come in right now and I'm puttin' some supper out for you... Dr. Madison, you're welcome to stay."

Pa spoke up, "Welcome? That's the least we can do for a man that drops the love of our lives at our doorstep.. c'mon doc, you could use some fattening up, too!"

"I swear Mike that you and Emma are treating me just like one of the herd!"

"You go right in, doc, I want to clean up a bit."

"Tell you what, Mike. You go get cleaned up and I'll cover the paint up and take care of the brush."

"Thanks doc. You're one in a million!"

Dr. Cliff Madison 'was' one in a million. With the economy of Eskridge going down after the closing of Haralds, he had to take a chicken or homemade jams as payment. Folks that could, slipped him some extra cash now and then, because they knew their Christian neighbors were bartering for Dr. Madison's services. It all worked out in the end and it's just one part of country living Cliff liked, but still there was this void in his life. Fortunately, for the Lucado's, they could afford most anything. Still, Jim's father and mother liked doing their own chores, to keep fit.

"Emma, this apple pie is mighty delicious!"

"Well, doc, it sure looks like Emma's finally put a gut on you!"

Good thing tables were made to fit the lap under. Jim started to feel a longing in his pants, as Cliff pulled up his T-shirt and unveiled a dark, shaggy trail running from midchest on down to his beltline, passing over a wrinkled navel.

"By George, Emma... will you look at that... I've actually got a belly!"

Jim just sat there, taking it all in, except for his forkless hand that slid done his thigh.

"Well, then I just better send you home with another piece, to keep you from getting to look like a skinny runt like Jimmy!"

"Huh?" Jimmy questioned, upon hearing his name.


"Yes, pa."

"What are you daydreaming about?"


Now he managed to get himself in such a fix. He had to get out of this real quick, so he did it naturally... changed the subject!

"Pa, I know you and ma are counting on me staying around here..."

His ma contested, "Jimmy, you're not thinking of leaving us. You just got home!"

"No, nothing like that ma. In fact, I got to talking to Cliff... um, Dr. Madison about a business venture."

"Ooooh Jimmy, I'm soooo proud of you!"

Mrs. Lucado just had to get up and give her son another hug.

"Ooooh ma, now look what you've done!"

"Oooh Jimmy... you know I'm sorry... no fuss... I'll have you cleaned up in a hurry!"

Jim's shirt and pants had pecan pie all over it. He started to formulate a devilous plan as ma wrung out a dish cloth. Pushing himself away from the table, he lifted the bottom edge of his T-shirt and lifted it up and had intentions of whipping it off, however, it got stuck at his neck.

"Hey, somebody help me!" Jim shouted, his voice muffled from the shirt and pecan pie covering.

Cliff didn't want anyone to rescue Jim. He fought the feeling to get up and help, but from across the table, the view mesmerized him.

"OOoooh Jimmy... look what you've done to the rug... why I oughta take you out back and take a switch to ya!"

Cliff thought in his mind... hmm, maybe I'll get to see that, yet! But no such luke as ma kidded. No way she would mess up this surprise reunion with her Jimmy.

"That happen often?" Cliff asked.

Pa filled him in.

"Not too often, no. But I will tell you one time I got so pissed at..."

"Paaaaaa! You watch your language. Now apologize to Dr. Madison!"

It had been all too clear that Pa had been ruled over by a strict tongue!

"Doc... I'm real sorry I used the word 'piss'!"

Three of them laughed as Mrs. Lucado almost decided to

take Pa out for a switchin'.

Jim commented, "Mother, why aren't you taking pa out for a switchin'!"

"Oh, he'll get his switchin' later!"

Pa cut in to her, "Mother Lucado, how can even think of having sexual thoughts like that in front of guests!"

Mrs. Lucado's face turned as red as a beet, but then she did a play on words, mocking her husband back.

"Dr. Madison, I am so sorry for my husband's rude 'back' talk!"

"No need to apologize, Emma. It's all in clean fun!"

"Thank you for understanding and Pa, you do the dishes!"


Cliff really felt it difficult to follow the conversation, his twenty-seven year old hitchhiker's lightly haired chest staring him in the face. Again, the table kept some of his body from view, but like the pecan pie, his mouth watered for a taste of those pink niblets and other parts.

"Don't suppose you fixed up the barn for Jimmy, pa?"

"Oh, Emma. It's warm out. He just needs a couple of sheets!"

"If ya had any sense to ya, you would've keep his bed!"

"Oh now Emma, do we have to go through that again?"


"Yes, Jimmy."

"You don't have to worry about all that. I'm staying in one of Cliff's guest rooms at his ranch."

"You mean.... you're not.... staying here?"

"Oh, Emma... you think the boy wants to sleep in that stinky barn?"

"You hush, pa!"

Cliff decided to try to bail Jim out, but also thought of it for his own selfish pleasures.

"Now, Emma, it's no problem for Jim to stay with me and you can see him whenever you want to."

Pa speaks up, "Well, doc, you think up how much room and board will cost and I'll..."

"You haven't heard your son's business proposition. I think he'll be able to each his own way, with a little help at financing."

"James?" his father asked, always using his given name, when he meant business.

After explaining his idea to his father, which went over quite well, Jim's mother felt better about him sleeping away from home.

"At least you'll have a bed!"

"Um, what happened to my bed, anyways?" Jim inquires.

"Fell right through the roof, into it," his father made the long story of fixing the roof, shortened.

"If Mr. Moneybags here spent the money to hire a proper roofer, maybe the roof wouldn't have wound up with a hole in it."

"And I would've had a bed?"

Light laughter filled the room, although Jim had been very happy of the facts of the accident, regarding his bed.

"So, Dr. Madison, what ideas do you have planned for the place? Maybe I can lend a hand?"

"My word, pa... you keep your eyes from peckin' into Cliff's business! You've got enough work to do around here and..."

"Alright Emma! Geesh, You don't have to read me my rights!"

"What rights, pa... you ain't got none with me around!"

The Lucados started slinging the crap back and forth. Jim got up from the table, carrying his empty plate, milk glass and fork. Cliff decided to follow. The two were in kitchen, far from the maddening conversation.

"They like that often, Jim?"

"All the time, Cliff. They get going and it can last for a half hour and finally they kiss and make up."

Cliff took in what Jim was saying, trying not to get overheated with the Jim's exposed barechest. He had to make some kind of connection. He had an idea.

"Oooh, sorry Jim."

"No problem."

Cliff got his chance, sliding his plate into the kitchen sink, the hairy forearm brushing by Jim's stomach.

"No problem whatsoever, Cliff!" Jim smiled.

Cliff had to get Jim back to his ranch.

Jim tried to calm his crotch after Cliff sideswiped his body. This is one time he was sooo happy that he put on his boxerbriefs, as his cock was trying to force it's way out of it's confinement to hang down his short's leg.

"We better think about getting back to your place, Cliff. I bet you have a ton of patients in the morning

and I don't want to be the cause of you waking up sleepy."

Cliff liked the idea!

"Matter of factly, Jim. I haven't made up the guest room. Also, I don't have any rounds to make tomorrow morning. I don't work on the weekends, unless it's an emergency. By the way, I was thinking of getting a computer."

"You don't have one?"

"Don't know much about using one, so didn't invest in any."

"Cool! Then we can go look for a computer."

"Yes." Was all Cliff could say.

Cliff had his eyes set on something totally erotic and satisfying!

"Ma, Pa... Cliff and I are leaving now. Thanks for the dinner."

"Wait, Jimmy. You just got here!"

"Yeah, Emma... they just arrived only four hours ago!"

"Hush, pa.. you keep outta this."

"Listen, James, the same thing happened to your ma when you left for college. I had to hold her down. Why she almost ran after the damn bus!"

"Pa! Will you watch your language in from of Dr. Madison!"

"Oh yeah, sorry doc!" Like he meant it!

Darkness had overtaken the landscape. The only lights that played on the cab of the 4x4 were the panel lights. They were quiet until Cliff tried to stir up some conversation.

"So, what kind of music do you like, Jim?"

"This is okay what you're playing now."

"So, you like country, huh?"


"Male or female?"

"Male or female... depends... you, Cliff?"

"I like just about anything except that rap crap!"

"Haa ha ha haaa.. yeah, I know what you mean."

Cliff walked right into a dilemma quite by accident.

"So, how do you like males?"

"You mean male country singers, or any males?"

"Country singers, of course. What do you think I meant?"

"Well, I don't know, Cliff. The way you were staring at my chest tonight!"

Rubber burned as Cliff jammed on the breaks.

"You always drive like this, Cliff?" Said Jim, very lightheartedly.

"Only when provoked!"

After a sweet kiss, Cliff put the 4x4 in gear and they continued on their way. Entering the yard, pulling up to the farmhouse, he cut the motor.

"Quick! Close the door or the chicks will come in."

They both giggled.

"You want a beer, Jim?"

"I don't know if I should, Cliff."

"Why's that?"

"Well, I tend to get silly when I drink too much alcohol and might do something I'll regret."

"I'm counting on it!"

Cliff had come out to the grouping of two sofas and two armchairs surrounding the circular fireplace in the middle of the room. They sat in the middle of one sofa. Cliff stoked up the fire.

"Whew, it's hot in here."

Putting his can down, Cliff reaches down and pulls his T-shirt off in a hurry, tossing it somewhere's behind him. Jim's eyes becomed glued to Cliff's body. Cliff sees this and decides to up the ante. Taking his ice cold beer can, he rubs his stomach with it.

"Oooh, that feels soooo good."

"Yeah, it is hot in here, come to think of it!" Jim says.

Stripping off his shirt, he goes beyond the buttons and cuffs. Cliff sips his beer, watching the strip show, right down to the lowrise briefs.

"Whew! That does feel good. Hey, toss me one of those beers, Cliff. I changed my mind."


Jim catches it and opens it immediately, like he's got a thick plot. The beer rumbles out of the can, spilling all over him and soaking into his crotch.

"Oh shiiiit! Look what I went and did... come and clean it up, Cliff?"

"Sure, wait.. I'll get a towel."

"Oh, but I don't want you to use a towel!"

"What the fuck?"

Cliff is getting the signal loud and clear, but he's not ready to give in!

"How can I clean up the beer if I don't have anything to clean it up with? What'dya want me to do? Strip off my pants and use them?"

"Now that's the most perverted thing I ever heard of doing, Cliff! Damn, you do that and I'll get the notion that you're trying to seduce me!"

"Being the good host I am, I feel obligated to see to the needs of my guests!"

Cliff had guzzled down almost two cans of beer. Jim one.

"Got anymore brew, host? aggghuh!"

A loud belch proceeds to sound throughout the room, directly up Jim's throat.

"Well, so much for guest's manner's, Jim."

"Old Arabian custom... if you like the food, you burp... the more you like it, the louder the burp!"

"Sounds like you liked the beer! Don't go anywhere, be right back!"

"Which way is your bed in case I do want to go somewhere?"

Cliff, on his way back to the kitchen yells over his shoulder, "Upstairs, second door on the left... but get a shower first, Jim!"

It had been settled... the closet doors flew open and when Cliff ascended the stairs, he would be walking into the twenty-seven year old's world. Cliff heard the shower running and opened the jon door.

"Hey, how come you're... not... in... the....." Cliff, ready to comment on the shower, derailed to, "nice cock."

"Thanks. When do I get to suck... I mean see yours?"

"Soon as you strip me down!"

Jim took the beer from Cliff's hands and placing both on the vanity. He didn't go to work on Cliff right away. Instead he opened one of the beers. Four fingers went into the front of Cliff's shorts. Each had their eyes on the other, staring dilligently. Jim moved the shorts away from the shaggy trail. Lowering the can of cold beer, he turned it bottoms up.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Cliff growled and then sighed out loud.

He grabbed the back of his neck with his braided fingers and arched his back. Looking up at the ceiling, he squinted his eyes closed and exhaled....

"OOooooh fuck... oooh fuck.. fuck!"

Jim just smiled a toothy grin as he continued to empty the can inside the fabric casing. Then he threw the can in the sink.

"I'd say your cock is kind of drunk, Cliff."

"All I can say if you want a drink of beer, it's not coming from the can."

"I thought you go my way with the thinking!"

With his arms still up, Jim got down on his knees. Even though the beer were ice cold, the bulge had returned to Cliff's shorts. Jim started to undo them and then didn't wait to fidget with the zipper, tearing it open. Cliff didn't flinch.. He just watched Jim, waiting for his crotch action to commence. Using Cliff's shorts as leverage, Jim pulled Cliff's tightey-whitey's forward. Cliff's stuffed underwear flew into his Jim's face, like someone putting a cloth laced with chloroform over him. The smothering effect wasn't at all scary. He used his oral weapons right away, opening fire.

"Hey! Where you going?"

"Haa ha ha haaaa.."

Jim jumped in to the shower. This didn't leave Cliff much choice. If he wanted Jim, he would have to go after him.

"Heeeey... you didn't take your briefs off, Cliff!"

"Only one way they're coming off, Jim and that's with your teeth."

"You think so, so ya?"

Jim gave Cliff a tough time, but they both knew what each of them wanted. Jim fell to one knee and then to the other. Instead of his teeth, he used his hands to peel off the briefs.

"Ooooh... don't these look yummy!"

Like giving a face a tender kiss, Jim nestled Cliff's fine looking, hairy balls in his hand, put his free one around Cliff's barrel and leaned in to kiss the soft head.

"Oooh, that feels soooo hot, Jim!"

"Probably because you're such a hot stud, Cliff!"

Jim looked up and Cliff looked down. Their eyes met. Like leading a pair of lips in for a lip-lock, Cliff guided Jim's head into his pubes. Jim opened up and accepted the scepter and treated it royally. Tightening his lips around the thick wood, he rotated his head, in turn causing Cliff to put his hands up against the tile walls.

"Oooohhh yeah... do me Jim!"

Suddenly Jim pulled out.


"Nothing. But is this all I'm going to be good for?"

"What do you mean, Jim?"

Jim got up to his feet.

"Just this. Being your cocksucker."

"Why? You want this to be more than a one night affair?"

"If you're thinking any other way, Cliff, then I better dry off."

"Hmm. This answer your question?"

Like Cliff had done years ago, he took the back of Jim's head and pulled him for a lip-lock. He pressed Jim up against his hairy body and the natural lube of water caused their skin to feel almost like jelly. Both were nearly the same height, Jim a bit less weight than Cliff. Their bodies were a good fit, but the bulging going on down below made them feel like two pieces of a puzzle loosing their ability to meld together.


"Yes, Cliff."

"We've got to get you started in a business of your own."

"Oh? And what's your interest?"

"To keep you here with me forever!"

That's all Jim was interested in hearing. He reached behind him and turned off the shower.

"Interested in showing me where I'll be sleeping for the rest of my life?"

Cliff couldn't be more happier than if he were a pig rolling in the mud!

"I hope you'll be doing something more than just sleeping, Jim! Haa haaaa.."

"Oh, you just wait, Cliff. When I get done with your ass, you won't be able to sit for a week!"

"You have decided to claim me, have you?"

"Yep. Just because you're what? twenty years older than me..."

"Try three years and what makes you say twenty, 'little boy'!"

"Hmm. Must be that rugged hairy chest."

"Don't get too jealous, Jim. That peach fuzz on your chest and stomach will be coming in real strong soon."

"I take it that you thought you were going to be on top?" Jim teases.

"Yeah, but hell... take your best shot, tiger!"

"My best is 'the' best!"

"Shit! Where did that come from?"


"That barrel between your legs?"

"You did it to me, Cliff!"

"Haa ha ha haaa... man, I thought I was big!"

"Yeah, I'm big and I'm going to be shoving it up your ass, claiming that butt as mine."

"I like it when you sound rough."

"Yeah, then get the ass over in bed, there."


Jim whipped Cliff on the butt with his towel, which caused Cliff to jet to the bed.

"Haa ha haaa... even my boyfriend never ran that fast!"


"Yeah, in college, but don't worry. We'll probably never see each other again."

"I had a... lover."

"Oh yeah? You two split?"

"No. He was killed in action."

"Ooooh, Cliff I'm sooo sorry."

By this time, Cliff had lay out flat on his back, his feet just under the sheet. Jim's feet joined him.

"Thanks, Jim. His name was James."

"Hey... just like me!"

"Yes, but no offense, you're a lot trimmer than he was and...."

"Hey, Cliff?"


"Why don't you turn over on your stomach and while you're telling me about James, I can give you a tongue massage?"

Suggestive, to say the least.

"Very nice. Sure."

Cliff rearranged himself so his arms lay folded on the pillow and his head on top of them.

"Nice pits, Cliff... maybe I'll just wet them downfirst."

Cliff says, "My body belongs to you tonight, Jim."

Jim savored each of Cliff's tufted pits of hair, but what gave him more satisfaction was the sneaky maneover that got his shaft laying flat in Cliff's asscheeks, like a weenee in a bun! Cliff lost control and began pumping his cock into the mattress.

"Guess you like fucking that bed more than me?"

Cliff turned his head around and then toppled Jim onto the bed.

"You asked for it, Jim. Now you're going to get it!"

In no time at all, Cliff had Jim lying down, his legs bent up and over his chest.

"Guess you've been fucked quite a few times, huh Jim?"

"No, not once."

"But you had a boyfriend."

"Right, boyfriend, but I was saving my ass for that special guy that would someday sweep me off my feet!"

Cliff gave Jim a toothy grin and then went about his business of getting ready for cherry poppin' time.

"Above your head, Jim, there's lube and a box of condoms. Toss them to me?"

"Here's the lube, but from now on, since you're only going to be pumping your load for me, you can forget the condom!"

"I guess this makes it official, huh?"

"No. It became official when you picked me up from hitchhiking."

"Oh, so you had these ideas of meeting and falling in love, did you?"

"And you didn't? Come off it, Cliff. You wanted me the first moment I sat in your 4x4."

"Yeah. You got me, Jim."

"Well, I hope so... now get my hole lubed up so you can sign the deal."

Jim had the time of his life. He took the pain of his tight hole getting worked over by Cliff and they both went to sleep as lovers!

Copyright 2004/Revised 2006 T. Chase McPhee This story may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 2

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