Older and Younger

By Dave Ledge

Published on Sep 20, 2011


[I've been talking with the person who makes this site happen a lot recently. If any of my readers can help out financially, as donors, for this site it would be a great thing. I'm sure he can give advice on taxes, etc., too...]

From Older and Younger, part 10, "We cleaned up slowly and managed to get dressed. We smoothed down each other's hair and finally opened the office door to emerge into the outer office area.

To my intense embarrassment my staff gave us a standing ovation! I was so blushing and red. Jon, however, just burst out into gales of laughter.

He gave me a very deep and prolonged French kiss to the continued applause of my staff, bowed to them and swept out of the office to return to his.

I didn't know what to say or do. Finally my staff took pity on me, smiled at me, and my Lesbian staff person, Mary, said, `I think someone will be more efficient the rest of the afternoon!'

They smiled and went back to work. I did the same. I picked up the papers and restored order to my desk.

And two weeks from now Jon and I'll be back in Texas at the new gay dude Ranch. We'll have Jorge and Chuck in our bed at some point I guess. I had also seen that `Teddy' was now a staff employee at the Ranch. What was that going to mean? Despite the incredible sex and love I had just had with my man, I started to get hard again!"

The two weeks flew by. Before I knew it we were back on the plane for DFW. We had expanded our Texas outfits, primarily through mail order, sigh, since we had been too busy to really shop.

I have to admit that that kind of suit really suited (pun intended) Jon. His broad shoulders, big chest, thin waist and strong legs were so hot in his well-fitted suit. The boots gave him extra height he didn't need, but balanced his appearance. With his square chin, aquiline nose, sweet mouth, and soft brown eyes, his cowboy hat accented his strong face.

Heads turned wherever he walked. This handsome giant must be some famous athlete or movie star people seemed to be thinking. And while I'm nothing near as impressive as Jon I could see people looking admiringly at me, too. Well, no accounting for taste. However, I had gone for charcoal with my suit and it fit a bit too tight, especially the pants. That's what I get for buying online, I guess. Or was it because I let my gay office hire measure me for the order? Hmm... However, the shoulders were nice and big. I was especially pleased with the cowboy hat. Soft, but shaped perfectly. It somehow brought out my blue eyes with its dark color.

While changing planes at DFW and walking the crowded corridors to get to our flight to Midland/Odessa, a group of late teen girls stopped us.

"Aren't you Jack Walker and Don Reed?" they asked. "Tell us about your new season. Can we have your autograph?" They giggled hysterically then.

I'm sure I looked confused. I don't watch TV. Just not that interested in it... If I have free time, I read. Former librarian after all... Grin. I certainly never read the celebrity news.

Jon winked at me. He drawled, "Why yes, lovely ladies. Our new season is still under wraps so we can't talk about it, but we can sign autographs. But don't let people know we were here and on our way to Midland!"

If I thought they giggled hysterically before, that was nothing to their reaction now! Jon took their frantically offered notebooks. With a flourish he withdrew a pen from an inside pocket and scribbled an illegible signature in each notebook. He handed me each notebook after he finished and asked Don to sign, too. What the hey! I scribbled just as illegibly as he had as "Don". Finally, Jon said we had to run so as to not to miss our plane. The girls reluctantly let us go.

As soon as we were "alone" in the middle of the mass of people changing planes, I demanded to know what that was all about! "Tonight" was all he said. I was about ready to strangle him, but figured I wouldn't get away with it in public. I guess I fumed a bit on the plane, because Jon would grin slightly at me at times. Damn, that man knew how to get under my skinÑalmost literally at times!

I finally gave up when we landed in Midland. I knew Jorge and Chuck would be here to pick us up and take us to the ranch and I was not disappointed.

"Damn, I keep forgetting how good-looking those boys are!" I thought, when I saw them waiting for us as we spilled out of the corridor next to baggage claim.

They were wearing the new staff uniforms Claudio had designed. Both had "too tight-enough" dark blue jeans, great boots, great cowboy hats and a beautifully tailored T shirt that showed off every inch of their impressive chests with the words, "The Ranch", and its logo, which was a section of a Western fence with a circle in the middle, and a slightly hidden phallic arrow in the middle of the circle that struck the fence... I almost laughed out loud to see it! Powerful metaphor, but totally invisible to the uninitiated!

Their eyes lit up when they saw us. You could see them admire our power outfits and see their very serious desire and anticipation. You could see them wanting to grab us and see what would happen, right there in the airport. LOL. Jon had to make a series of gestures to calm them down and force them to pay attention to their surroundings. Their reluctance to behave almost did make me laugh out loud.

However it was clear we were already the center of attraction. Jon and I were just too well dressed and seemingly rich (well actually, I guess we are, if you come right down to it, grin?). Jorge and Chuck were attractive out the wazoo. The fact that they were going to pick us up and take us somewhere would have everyone in baggage claim and soon the entire town talking and guessing. And everyone would associate us with some mysterious "The Ranch".

Jon winked at me. Um, stupid me... He was advertising the Ranch already. Soon, every gay guy in the area was going to hear about what people here had just seen, even only if indirectly.

I tried to follow his lead and look powerful and manly. I shook Jorge's and Chuck's hands, (although I'd rather have "shook" something else). Soon enough we were out of the airport and were loaded up in the new shuttle for the Ranch. The shuttle was plush and big enough I noticed. Also loved that it was white like the T-shirts with the logo on each side.

I knew it would be useless to try to talk about business or something serious during the hour ride out to the Ranch, so I just let Jon lead the conversation and let the boys respond with their excitement and enthusiasm about all the changes at the Ranch. I have to admit that I really loved seeing the boys' excitement. (I know I shouldn't call them boys, but they're in their late 20's and for me they're boys!). They were so very, very, cute. And I remembered very well how much fun they were in bed. I had told Jon all about that episode which occurred before I met him. I could tell he was reevaluating what I had told him and deciding I had underplayed the story a bit. I mean he had seen the cousins when he was in Texas, but he had not seen their bodies so well displayed, nor had he seen them so much in lust. And since he had set up for the four of us to explore having a foursome (is that the word?) some time during this visit, I could tell we were all pretty hard from anticipating that already! Grin. I had to keep shifting and rearranging my cock. That got salivating looks from the boys. I looked at Jon for help. He actually fucking leered at me, and rearranged his hard cock the same way. Asshole! He leered again and I almost fucking came in my expensive suit pants!

Time to diffuse the situation. "So, guys", I said, "Tell me about the activities for the first week you're open. Jon and I have to go back on the 27th because we have to deal with the end of the calendar year and people wanting to make donations to the foundation as well as get Jon's financial planning to avoid paying extra taxes."

They looked at me quizzically.

Oops. "Sorry", I responded. "I don't know if I told you all that I quit my job in the library and am now working for the foundation that is funding the Ranch full-time?" Well, that was basically true anyway. At some point I'd tell them the whole truth about where their funding came from, but not yet.

They nodded and then nodded again. I think they figured the Foundation was paying for my clothes, travel, and Jon's services. Well, in a sense that was true, too. I'm not sure why I didn't want them to think of me as anything more than an employee of this firm, but I did. Maybe some kind of desire for a "working man friendship" that I'd never really experienced before?

Anyway, we shifted the topic of discussion and the sexual tension abated, for now, at least.

We finally got to the Ranch. The changes leaped out at us. What had been an attractive place was now stellar. The drive up was impressive. The extra wings gave the big house a very impressive look, too. The landscaping was impeccable. Even in the winter, there was color along the drive up. The drive had been changed to reveal the house from different perspectives. At one point there was a new, elevated, section that slightly looked down on the house to show all of the cottages, the big pool, and give a glimpse of the big new hill in the distance. Wow, oh wow! I was so impressed. I mean, I sort of knew that the best gay guy landscapers and architects were in touch with both their masculine and feminine sides and were often original, creative, and even brilliant, but what had been done here was amazing. I positively wanted to be here and stay here already! Grin.

Jorge and Chuck unloaded our baggage, which was quickly taken away by other good-looking guys dressed like them. Wow again! We walked into the foyer, which also looked luxurious and gorgeous. Chaz and Claudio met us there. They were both in suits that were tailored as well as ours. While I remembered from my last visit that Claudio had a body like Michaelangelo's "David" statue, his Italian features somehow were not well suited to a cowboy hat. However Chaz looked hot as hell. His tanned complexion and piercing blue eyes in his older man face made both my cock and ass twitch when he held my hand for a long time while greeting me. I started to flush. I remembered how he had felt naked in bed when he was making love to me. I had loved his tight muscles, thin, but strong body, and how he had made me feel so special. And the two of us had fit together so well having the same height with similar bodies.

I guess all of this was visible in my facial expressions. I shook Claudio's hand next and I was suddenly in some kind of fight! He tried to crush my hand in his. He looked at me with daggers. I think he was trying to force me to the floor! Damn, was this some kind of catfight I had gotten myself into? I have a bad temper and started to fight him back. In just seconds I had gone from a neutral attitude towards Claudio to suddenly ready to beat him up! I lost my temper totally, then!

Before it went much farther, I felt Jon pick me up and put his sizable bulk between Claudio and me. I saw that Chaz had pulled Claudio behind him.

I was immediately ashamed. "I'm sorry", I stammered. "I have a bad temper and when I think anyone is attacking me, I attack back."

Claudio would have none of any apology though. "Admit it", Claudio yelled. "Admit you want my beautiful Chaz! Admit you want to take him from me! Admit it! I'll fight you for him any time."

Well, I was sort of shocked then. I wondered if I hadn't fallen into some Italian film from the 60s where the peasant women rolled around in a catfight to try to keep "their" man! If the situation hadn't been so serious, I'd have laughed out loud then.

I looked up at Jon and across at Chaz. They both looked back at me with soft smiles and twinkling eyes. The fuckers! Evidently they both expected Claudio's reaction to Chaz and me! Chaz had made sure Claudio's jealousy of me would be brought out into the open with his sensual handshake. I had been set up! What do I do now?

Oh shit. I've now got to be the adult and a diplomat, too. Oh fuck. When all else fails, try honesty! Grin.

"Look Claudio, I had a great time with Chaz before he met you. I remember that ONE time well. He is truly amazing. I won't lie to you that I don't remember that. Can you blame me?"

I saw that he reluctantly had to nod yes. Obviously this man was totally besotted with Chaz. I certainly could understand that, too.

"But, look at my man", pointing at Jon... "This man is my love. No one will ever replace him." Jon grinned big time then. "Chaz is hot as hell, but I have no interest in trying to take him from you. Jon gives me everything I need... However, Claudio, what is more important is that you and Chaz have to have a long talk about what's going to happen next week when all the gay guys arrive as guests at the Ranch. Chaz will have to meet them. Many guys will be attracted to him. Many guys will want to seduce him. You and Chaz need to talk about how he will have to turn them off, turn them away, gently and diplomatically. You will have to get over your jealousy at seeing him smile at other men. Look, from what I've already seen, this whole venture depends on you more than anyone else. The Ranch fucking NEEDS you to do everything you do better than anyone else. The Ranch will succeed or fail because of you and your talents and your gifts. Am I being clear?"

He nodded again. He looked a bit abashed, but also proud.

"And from what I think I saw through your tight shirt and pants when you arrived here, you must have the most perfect body possible. Chaz won't give you up for anybody else, I bet. And if you're this much of a tiger ready to fight me for him, I can imagine what you're like in bed. No man would let you get away unless he was a fool. And I don't think Chaz is a fool."

Chaz nodded vigorously at that! Claudio saw the nod, smiled suddenly, making his face light up like an angel's. He gave Chaz a major-league passionate kiss while Jon and I watched and admired.

He finally broke it off and smiled at Jon and me. "I am so sorry. I have been a jealous fool. You are such a wise man, Mark. I thank you for your wisdom."

He laughed at my consternation about that.

"And what is the English expression? I think we should `kiss and make up'. Is that right?"

I nodded. And then damn if he didn't take it literally. He came over to me, grabbed me, and proceeded to kiss me every bit as passionately as he had Chaz! He entwined his body as intimately as possible against mine and ground his perfect body against my body. With all of the sexual tension of the day, I was hard in seconds. I could tell he enjoyed feeling my erection against him. Before letting me go, he whispered in my ear, "shame you are a bottom." I couldn't help but answer softly, "I'm mainly a top".

With that he let me go with an enigmatic smile. He went back to Chaz and held him. I was again in shock and sort of shook myself like a wet dog to get back in control. Jorge and Chuck came in then to say that "dinner was served".

What next? I'm not sure I can handle any more today! Grin.

We had an excellent supper then. We had a "sopa fr'a" that had a variety of Southwest flavors, followed by a carne asado, with sides of vegetables and flavors there were unfamiliar to me, but wonderful! Obviously the new executive chef had trained the new kitchen staff very, very, well! Everything was beautifully presented as well on gorgeous dishes, with cutlery and glassware that also was elegant. The food was served by staff I had never met before. Good looking men, too! I was again impressed with the changes. If I had been a guest I would have really enjoyed the meal, the atmosphere, and the "eye candy". Grin.

After dinner was cleared, we all strolled outside, seeing the new (and beautiful) heated pool, the wonderful stables and handsome horses. I again saw new staff at work, preparing for the opening next week.

I kept being impressed. Obviously all of the money we had spent had been well spent. As the winter sun set and the last warmth of the day paled into night, we were happy to go back inside the main house and enjoy its light and heat. The dŽcor was again elegant, but comfortable.

I relaxed into Jon's arms as he held me while we entered the house. This was indeed a truly lovely place. All my first impressions were good ones.

The six of us settled into the very comfy, but elegant "drawing room". I wondered if we would have cigars and port next. Turns out that port was offered, if not cigars! Grin. No smoking of any kind permitted inside any building at The Ranch. We did talk some business then. The Texas guys told us about all of the problems and difficulties that they had had making their dream come true. They all said how they couldn't have succeeded without the personality, drive, and genius of Claudio. I again looked at both Claudio and Jon with admiration. I try not to underestimate Jon's intellect and brilliance, but it seems like I do, way too much. He's such a big guy that you tend to focus on his big body and handsome face and ignore what's inside.

He had seen the Texas' guys business plan. He had figured out what needed to happen for it to work. He had figured out who needed to make it succeed and had managed to persuade the absolute right person to take the job that had to be done. And he had managed to find the right person who immediately fell in love with the only person who might have been a threat to Jon's and my new relationship.

I could see him following my expressions and he suddenly gave me a very sly smile and winked at me. I frowned a bit then and he blew me an air kiss. A guy that big doing something that silly made me smile despite myself. Big lug! However I continued to grin.

Eventually the Texas guys wound down. They said that finding the (secretly) gay construction firm had been the final answer to their prayers. They were able to stay on budget due to the firm's hard work and ability to contain costs. And I was surprised to hear that some of the staff I had seen today were guys from the firm. Evidently they loved having a second job during the winter when construction was slow. Wow. If some of the guys I had seen were normally construction guys, they sure did "clean up well"! LOL.

I looked across at Claudio who noted the question. He nodded. And then his face lit up with his angelic smile one more time. Grin. And I started to get hard again, thinking about kissing him earlier! I bet Chaz had everything he could handle in bed with this man, fucking stud cowboy or not! Grin again.

We agreed that tomorrow the guys would escort us on a thorough tour of the entire Ranch in the morning. Then in the afternoon and evening they would bring in the people they had hired to demonstrate the activities that would be available to the guests. The day after, we'd go through their budget for an average week and talk about contingency plans if they didn't have the clientele they believed they would. (As an aside, the Ranch was completely booked for the first month of operation and bookings had already been made for the rest of next year!) Based on first impressions, looks like the investment Jon, I, and so many others had made, through the foundation, was safe. I also thought of how much happiness, pleasure, and pure fun so many men were going to have here during the lifetime of this venture. In a weird kind of way I felt that I was also doing God's work here. I know that God loves gay men just like everyone else. Otherwise why would S/He have created us gay? Grin. I had helped to employ a lot of people and give them jobs and was now going to help thousands of gay men feel good here and feel good about themselves. This did make me feel warm inside.

However I did have a thought then and spoke it aloud.

"Will we have an optional church service on Sunday mornings? Do we have clergy on call as needed from major denominations and religions if our guests have crises or suddenly decide they want some kind of commitment ceremony? Are there gay clergy here? Is there a branch of the `Metropolitan' Church that we can call on?"

Everyone looked sort of stunned. While I don't talk about my faith very often, I'm a strong Episcopalian. My faith helped me get over Marc's death and allowed me to see that loving Jon would not mean I didn't still love Marc, too.

Even Claudio was at a loss for words. Perhaps not too surprisingly, Jon spoke first. "I thought you might wonder about that at some point, my man. The answer is, `yes'. I think we need to promote our guests' spirituality, if that is part of what they're looking for when they visit here. Some of our storytellers will promote Native American spirituality. However, I do think it is also important to promote mainstream religions that accept us as gay men. I know your church does. I'll ask Claudio to start looking for other churches and clergy that do, too. We can use the shuttle to take men to those churches. We can certainly hold a service here. In fact, I think we can get someone on staff up to Denver to get trained as a Metropolitan minister, too, if we need to."

Claudio came out of his shock. "I am sure I can find such a person in Midland. I will search."

After that it was time for bed. Chuck and Jorge looked hopeful when Jon and I started to go upstairs to bed. Jon smiled and said, "Mark and I need two nights of just Mark and me. But our third night here we'll make room for you both in our bed." That cheered them up. I saw that Claudio and Chaz were a bit shocked by that announcement but soon also intrigued. Hmm. Didn't expect that reaction from them! Not sure what that meant. Although I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. Chaz had certainly showed he was interested in me before I met Jon! Grin. And Claudio's kiss had, too! Grin again.

But soon, my big man had me upstairs in our huge suite. He stripped me gently and started up the water for the Jacuzzi. I stripped him just as gently and romantically. Soon we were naked and not long after our Jacuzzi was bubbling with hot water. We slid into the water and floated over to each other. We kissed for "hours". We were hard the whole time. Eventually Jon moved his butt down on my hard cock. He moaned as I filled him. I felt like we were one. In the water we were so equal. I could fuck him from below and give him what he needed so easily. I slow fucked him for "hours". I'm not sure I've ever made such soft and sweet romantic love.

Finally I hit his "button" too often and he stared to cum into the bubbling water. His ass clamped down on my super hard cock and I came into him in such long and flowing streams of cum that I thought I was turning inside out!

I finally slipped out of him.

After that incredible session, I suddenly remembered the questions I had had from this very long day. I raised myself up from the bubbles and sat on the side of the Jacuzzi. I looked my lover in the face and asked, "So, who the fuck are Jack Walker and Don Reed? What was that scene at DFW all about?"

I could see he had hoped I had forgotten about that. Well, not!

"Um", he said, "they're actors in a super popular new cop show on TV. They're partners against crime in Dallas. In the show they are ex-Texas Rangers who have gone into private detecting. In addition they now have some super powers due to an industrial accident. So, they're taking on some truly evil villains in the show."

"So, what does this have to do with us, with girls thinking we're the actors? No entiendo", I said with my limited new Spanish.

I heard him murmur, "poco complicado"..."I'll try to make this simple. Jack Walker' is actually a cousin of mine. His real name is Marcelo Rodriguez Diaz. We've known each other for most of our lives. We're not super close but we're family." He shrugged in a very Latino way then. "And we look a lot alike, especially with cowboy hats on. And his sidekick, Don Reed' looks an awful lot like you, again, with cowboy hats on. He's your height, your complexion, and while he's not quite as handsome as you are, he's close. I'll show you some clips from the show tomorrow. I don't know if there is something `in the air' but it seems he found a sidekick almost as wonderful as mine." He did laugh out loud then.

I blushed, dammit.

He continued, "Easy to see why the girls got confused, especially since the show does film some scenes in Dallas."

"But why did you play along with them and point them to Midland?"

"Because", he said, "the `real' Jack Walker and Don Reed are coming to the opening of the Ranch! I pulled in a huge favor from my cousin. I wanted the girls to help spread the word that these fantastically popular actors will be in Midland. And if I know anything about teen-aged girls, I can guarantee they will. Soon all of the gay guys in this area will hear about this visit and put two and two together and figure out that this beautiful new resort will be the place the two guys are coming to visit. I don't think there's anything anyone could have done to promote this place more than that!"

He looked so fuckingly well pleased with himself that I wanted to punch him. However, I did have to acknowledge his brilliance. I'd have to do some quick Internet research beyond what he planned to show me to learn about this TV program tomorrow. However, I trusted him (with all of my soul) to know he was telling me the truth in all details.

I switched the subject.

"And why the fuck did you set me up today with Claudio. He was ready to start a catfight! What's up with that?"

He laughed out loud. Again I wanted to punch him.

"Turns out that Claudio is a super jealous type. Chaz called me, worried about that. He adores Claudio, but he has figured out that he needs to flirt with guests and make them feel warm and welcomed in his new job with the Ranch. He discovered just how possessive Claudio was of him when he comforted a construction guy who had fallen off a scaffold, had damaged his ankle in the fall, and was in major pain. The guy was young and quite cute evidently. Claudio just went ballistic when he saw Chaz holding and hugging this young guy. Claudio eventually calmed down when he understood the situation and that Chaz was just trying to be a human being. However, that was the `last straw' in Chaz's worry about Claudio. He called me the next day. After reflection I decided that we had to get this jealousy out in the open in front of multiple people. You would be the person to push this since you and Chaz had had so much fun together before Claudio arrived. I was sure Claudio had heard about that. So, I asked Chaz to set up what happened. I knew you would deal with it and be totally brilliant in your response to this scene and solve the problem and you have and did. So, do you understand what I did, do you mind, and are you OK with this?"

I looked at him quite hard. I took my time. "Yes, I do understand. Yes, I way mind. Don't ever do anything like that ever again without letting me know what's going on. And, I'm only ok if I can fuck your fucking big body silly now!"

I was really angry and had gotten hard again.

He actually smirked. "I counted on that."

That was it! I actually tried to "rape" the big guy then! Fucking smart, fucking big guy had pushed every button I had. I dimly remembered his admiring words about how he could count on me to be wise and diffuse the Claudio situation. However, right now I just wanted to fuck him until he squealed.

I threw him on his back, mounted him and thrust my hard cock into his hole with one strong push! I slammed into him, over and over and over again. I rode his big body and pistoned in and out, over and over, giving him the most physical fuck I ever had!

Eventually I calmed down enough to really think about what he had done and how right he had been to do that. I started to make love to him then instead of trying to rape him. I swiveled my body to push my cock as deep in him as possible. I made sure to hit his prostate. My violent sex turned into love. He felt that and responded to every change in my love. Eventually we both came again.

We both finally settled down. We were both falling asleep on each other.

"Jon", I said, "is it always going to be like this? Are we always going to have to love, work, fight, fuck and love again? Are you always going to be `difficult' in some ways? Am I? I'm sorry. I'm confused and overwhelmed." I tried to grin.

He took my head in his big hands. He kissed me soulfully. "Yes", he said. "I'm who I am and you are who you are. Our life together will always be jumping into a torrent and sliding down a waterfall. It will be overwhelming but incredibly exciting. This is us. This is both of us. OK with that, my lover, my man, and my husband?"

I nodded yes. I fell asleep on his chest. I still can't believe that this big lug loves me so much. Tomorrow will take care of itself...

Next: Chapter 12

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