Ollie Goes West

By Vincent Dirk

Published on Oct 3, 2019


DISCLAIMER: this story is fiction and original. It is part of an on-going story with other chapters to be included. The characters are based on western movies and books I've came in contact with. It is pure fantasy and it includes gay male erotica.

All of the content is original. All names, places and all the stuff came from my mind and if there's any resemblance to something you know of is pure coincidential.

If you're under 18, please leave. If that's not your case, enjoy it.

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OLLIE GOES WEST by Vincent Dirk

Chapter 10: The Tale of the Men of the West, part. I

There's no reason to believe that Sundance or Talbot were the first men that fucked other men in this town, or well, anywhere in this world. If we are being completely honest, these cowboys all around this vast west happen to fuck their bodies. Do you know that the greeks and romans did it too? No shame attached to that. The pleasure for this type of sex has always been searched for and men have done it since there were men in this Earth.

But now, almost 30 years back, Sundance and Xerife Talbot were both young and handsome lads who worked with their family in this small village. If nowadays it is small, at that time it was nothing more than a couple of houses for the people who worked for the original Big C, that is, mr. Crasswood's father.

Talbot's family ended up here coming after gold. And they stayed even after the gold rush led most people away from this area. As for Sundance's family? I don't know exactly how they ended up here, but they had been here since the start. Now, I could tell you almost everything I know, but I'll focus on the details since dinner might be ready soon.

Jack Sundance, with little more than sixteen and Mark Talbot, a couple of years older, met working on the fields of Big C's Pa and the attraction was instantaneous. The two boys were never far from each other. Talbot's family was a religious one but as far as they could tell, the two boys were simply acting like brothers, always together and never apart.

The thing is, in secret, they were more than just best friends. They would meet anywhere they could for a good fuck. Sometimes a quick one during a break at work. Sometimes a break they caused by running among the tall grass of the farm and fucking hard under the sun. They would kiss and make out. They would suck each other and lick their buttholes. But most importantly, my dear Ollie, they were in love.

It wasn't just sex, as people told me. It was more. Sundance and Talbot were in love with each other. It was a firm type of love. One that would have last forever. At least, they so believed. A dear old lady that was good friends with the boys back than once told me that Sundance told her that he wanted to run away to the far West with Talbot and they would live as a couple on a farm of their own. Now, if that's true, I can't tell. But it is safe to say that those two young boys were in love with each other and couldn't keep their hands to themselves.

Such was the case that they ended up getting caught.

Now, this might come as a surprise. Everyone in town, at least the old people, know about what comes next. It was hard for me, a newcomer, to find this out. But offering the right drink to the right person and sucking some dicks, which I did happily, made me come to this story with lots of details.

Once, Sundance was supposed to be on the barn, working with the horses. Talbot came for a visit in the middle of the afternoon. He was supposed to be working on the fields but he thought he had a little time for a little fun with his soon to be only one. And so they did. Right there in the barn, Talbot got down on his knees to suck on Jack's cock. Now, if rumours are true, it is quite a big cock. You know that don't you, boy? Ah, yes, I think you do. And Talbot could take it all down his throat like a professional whore.

Now I don't know exactly what position they were in when faith played them its trick. But mr. Crasswood senior, than a man reaching his 40s, walked in on them and watched as the two young lads fuck each other until they were falling dirty and tired on the hay. They were happy, laughing and kissing like two young lovers can do.

And with a big bulge on his pants, the old man came in to reveal that he saw it all.

This scared the shit out of the boys, of course. Talbot tried to put on his clothes but Sundance stood naked and defiant. "There is nothing wrong here, Sir." As far as Mr. Crasswood Senior could tell, there wasn't indeed nothing wrong. He raised his hands, trying to sooth down the situation. "Now boys, don't go doin' nothing stupid when I can help you two with this."

The words haunted the two young boys, but they listened. "Don't get me wrong – what I mean to say is, it would be awful if your parents found out 'bout this dirty stuff. But if you allow me and this way I'll be part of yer little secret, I can put you two on a room where is safe and comfortable for doin' nasty."

The older male was smiling. And Talbot and Sundance understood what he meant. And they were happy at first. "Oh, Sir, Thank you. That would be amazing." Jack shook Big C's hand but the man was not done yet. "As long as I can go into the room and watch you two doing it."

That made both the boys hesitate. And Jack, taken to the idea that he should protect his lover and his love, took a step back away from Big C. "That ain't good, mister Crasswood."

"And your parents knowing ain't good either, Jack."

The young cowboy was about to answer something when Talbot touched his shoulder. "Jack.It's better if we do. If my parents find out, we are both dead."

There was no way to get out of that situation. They were both stuck to that old man now and what they did was lower their heads and submit to their boss. And old Big C was quick to take advantage of that. He touched the two young cowboys right then and there. His old fingers reached for their soft cocks and for their buttocks. He touched their buttholes and made them suck each other right there in the barn once more. The fun would have continued but the old Mr. Crasswood simply shoot his load up the two boys faces and left them with a warning that they should do as they were told.

And so, you see, Ollie, this is how the faith of this damned town got tangled in male sex. Your favorite cowboy, our sheriff and Big C's dad. The three of them would meet again and again. The house where now we have our main whorehouse was a hotel back than. It wasn't as big as it is now, but the rooms were comfortable enough for the three of them. Old Mr. Crasswood would take both boys in, sit down on a chair by the bed completely naked with a big belly and his big white beard and he would jerk his dick, which people says was not that advantaged as his son's, while Sundance and Talbot did their thing.

And at first, it was just love making. But the old man got new ideas and they were doing all their new ideas because Crasswood had a hold on them. If they dared say no, first the man would remember them of their father, of their guilt, and after, he would spank the one who dared saying no. That was mostly Jack Sundance in this case, as far as I know. Talbot might be a big man with a kind soul and a badge to remember us of who he is, but in all honesty, he is as submissive as the two of us sitting here tonight. I don't think it ever crossed his mind to dare disobeying Big C, but Sundance, oh, that man. Nowadays he is a brave rebel, but back than? Can you imagine, Ollie?

What I do know is that him and Talbot were planning to run away. And because of Big C, the cracks in their relationship started to appear. Sundance pushed Talbot - "let's go. We have to steal two horses and run west. Run for the gold. You and me."

But, and I might be wrong on this one, but I think it was every Thursday. Yes, every Thursday the two of them met on the old hotel under Big C's attentive eyes and there they fuck. If the tales are correct, Big C liked to watch Talbot getting fucked. Talbot was always a bit more... heavy and burly and I think Big C liked to watch Sundance's dominant side appearing too on the sex. I hear Sundance does like to take it on the ass too, but hey, I never heard of anyone who did that, except Talbot and Big C – both father and son.

So you see, Ollie, Jack Sundance hates the Crasswoods because they are responsible not only for the doom of this town, but the doom of his relationship with Mark Talbot. And what I told you so far it is just the beginning of a tragic affair. Now, most of the sexual experiences they both had started with Big C Senior, but there was another player ready to enter the equation.

Carter Crasswood Junior was a young man that had just came back from the East, where he learned from the best on how to succeed his Daddy. But other things were taught there too. Hidden things. As much as Talbot and Sundance's story is not much of a secret, but more like a legend that some choose to disregard, Big C Junior's stories were all around town too. How he fucked the workers and paid them with silver coins. Men or women, none were safe from his needs.

And the young man, older than Sundance and Talbot already back in those days, one day caught the two lovers sharing a simple, innocent kiss. Unlike his Dad, he didn't intervened right there. But he followed the two of them everywhere he could. What plans were crossing his mind? God only knows. But a chance on destiny made that following all the better when one day he entered the hotel. It was, of course, a Thursday. And his dad was there with the two young cowboys, going up to a private room.

Big C Junior followed them and waited by the door, watching through the key hole. And when he saw it was proper to make an entrance, he kicked the door. And what he saw was Talbot and Sundance pissing all over his father's face – the old man's beer was soaked with the yellow steamy liquid.

Big C Junior, our beloved Crasswood of nowadays, made a fuss. He laughed and teased the three of them. He used a lot of dirty words to described them and he went outside the room, as loud as he could, trying to gather attention. Sundance and Talbot were terrified. And for the first time, they were thankful for the old man that was helping them: Big C Senior got up, naked and soaked in hot piss, and pulled his son into the room,locking the door with the chair he generally sat down on. With the four locked in, he tried first coercing his son to shut the fuck up and leave it all be.

But Crasswood Junior didn't have none of that. His dad offered money, but that wasn't enough. "What do you want, son?"

"To fuck you, whore."

Sundance and Talbot were on the corner like two fright animals. In the middle of the room, standing on a pond of piss, Big C Senior tried to argue with Big C Junior, telling him how wrong that was. But he younger C had made up his mind.

And so, to save himself from the doom of his own family, Big C Senior got down and started sucking his own son's cock. And well, you'll find out soon, my friend, because none is free of that in this place, but Big C Junior has a big thick one. It is an uncut veiny thing, thick as it can be. And it is a grower. It grows and grows and has a big mushroom red head and heavy beautiful balls. I'll give it to him, it is a beautiful cock. And he fucked his father's throat right than and there, making the old man gag on him.

But it wasn't enough yet. With his father soaked in piss and dripping precum, he fucked his ass. He put him on all fours on the floor and fucked his ass with only his spit. He fucked and made his father scream and yell and shoot his old man's jizz over the hotel floor. He pulled his old man's hair so he would look at the two young cowboys that Big C Junior thought were his father's lovers. And in that moment, he hated Talbot and Sundance for that.

And when he shot a big load inside the old man's fat ass, he was done. He had a sadic smile than. He got up, put his dick inside his old trousers and took some silver coins out of his pocket. He threw them over his dad, who was in ecstasy after being fucked so well by his own son. "Thank you, son. That was pure gold." But the boy only offered him silver, throwing at him as if he would throw at a cheap whore. "We meet here on Thursday." He said before turning to the two young cowboys who hadn't dare saying a single word but were naked and sporting two enormous hard ons. "All of us. The fun, my dear friends, have just begun."

Now, Ollie, you must know that every Thursday, the four men were there. For a while. And don't get me wrong – Jack Sundance and Mark Talbot were led into that room by desires other than their own but they kept coming back because they also liked what they were doing. And when Big C Senior stopped appearing, the relationship that was once between two turned into a threesome for sure.

Big C Senior didn't appear on one Thursday, but his son did. And the activities went on as if nothing had changed at all. Despite Jack's dominant persona, the one that gave the orders there was Big C. Our Big C. Since a young age, he had been good at bossing people around and it was not different from his two younger lovers. He got the dominant position fast and he learned he could have fun with those simple minded cowboys as he liked to boast. He would make Sundance endure being the submissive one for weeks, sometimes. He would fuck the two men at the same time, one next to the other. And Big C always had a deviant mind. Some days he would simply take a belt and spank his two lovers and after it was all done, he would cuddle the two and make promises of wilder and dirtier fantasies.

After days without seeing Big C Senior, Sundance dared to ask "Where is your dad, Sir?". To which Carter replied without any hesitation or shame: "I ordered that whore to stay at home. He is now my little bitch and I asked a friend of mine, a lawyer, to come and pass everything my dad owns to me. I am now your boss."

The revelation didn't impact the two young lovers too much. They should have guessed that bad things were coming. I'm not saying Big C Senior was a saint. If you ask the old people in this town, they sure as hell won't have nice things to say. But they all agree that when he was the owner of these lands, there was hope that this would grow into a prosperous town. But after Carter Junior turned into the boss, there was no gold and there was no more hope. This turned into a villa that was stuck forever in the young man's hand.

But back at my tale, Ollie: Jack and Mark were young and horny, full of hormones. Like I said, with Big C Junior was different. They didn't hate the young man. After his father was gone, they didn't ask much questions. They were three young, strong studs having sex. The hotel soon was turned into a whorehouse. Big C Junior bought it and made it a whorehouse. He also bought another smaller house and made it into a hotel for the fancy people who never visited this town anyway.

He brought in an old man and gave the building to him. He gave money and the whores came in. Boys and girls from all over the west, who weren't as lucky as he was. It was when that part of the town started getting down and the rest of the town got a bit, well, better. But Big C always thought big. And if Jack and Mark thought their threesome was a love affair, Big C never had that illusion. He started making deals with important people. And sex was always involved.

In no time, he was the owner of everything, including Mark and Jack's love.

Now here's a part that is known by everyone of that time: Mark and Jack had their first big fight on that whorehouse in front of a lot of people. It was ugly. Some say the reason was a whore that they both wanted. But the smart ones know that it was the beginning of the end. Jack wanted Mark to come and live with him on his small farm house. His parents had given him a little part of their land and he thought it was time for him and Mark be one couple. But Mark was too scared.

When Big C came in and saw the fight, he got in between them. When he heard the reason for the fight, he turned cold. And manipulative as never before. In my opinion, he was angry. He was jealous of Sundance's faithfulness to his little love affair. He took the two of them to a room, to mend that beautiful friendship, he told them. But instead, he made the two of them fuck each other in front of him. Like his Dad used to.

But it wasn't enough to watch Talbot fucking Sundance with strong angry thrusts. He got in to. And he humiliated the two of them in such a way that Sundance left the place without saying another word to anyone. What happened there is a mystery. What happened next too, but I'm a journalist with too much time on my hands, so I can continue this tale now.

Sundance went home and there he met his parents talking to a stranger, older man. I don't know his real name. I know people call him Credence. I have never seem him, so I can't tell you much about his looks. Some people told me he was a monster, but other, more honest ones, told me that in fact he was the most handsome cowboy they had ever seen in their life. He had red hair and a red beard. He was tall and muscle and had one nice, captive smile. Even though he didn't smile much.

He also had a gun with him all the time and he didn't like to talk to anyone.

That night, Jack found out that Credence was his father's friend from an old time. And he was there hiding. Jack was broken. Whatever happened between him and Talbot and Big C had wounded him. And somehow, Credence was the one that put him back together. Now, I'm going too far. I don't know how long it took or what it happened in fact.

But Sundance and Talbot were not one anymore. And Sundance was not drinking at the whorehouse anymore. No. Now, he only went out with big old Credence. Credence taught him how to shoot and drink men's drinks. He taught him so much and the two were always together when in town. Of course, Talbot saw it and told Big C all about it too. Big C wanted to know who that stranger in his land was but he couldn't. Credence was a no one. A ghost. A name that didn't exist.

But oh, he did exist for some people. And they came to town too. If people are right, this all happened on one fatidic night. Credence and Sundance were out, riding. Talbot rode after them. And Big C was in the whorehouse, receiving that odd group of men that seem to care a lot about Credence's head.

This I know from Talbot. He followed Credence and Sundance into the wild and noticed that their horses were left at a certain spot. When he went in further, silent as a wild animal, he spotted the two men naked. Sundance was on Credence's lap, riding a big bull dick compared only to his own and Big C's. He was moaning happily, riding the older man with such a lust. Talbot watched it all from the shadows, horrified. Sundance touched Credence's hairy chest, played with his nipples, kissed his lips. And when he was about to cum, he muttered awful words. "I love you, Credence."

Talbot jumped into the scene. "You dirty whore. You're a monster. Look what you made of me. I was an honest man and you... you... you made me this." He pointed to their naked bodies, covered in sweat and dust and cum. Sundance tried to talk. He tried to sooth his old lover. But Talbot hit his face hard. So hard that Sundance fell to the ground. Credence get between the boys and the furious young Talbot goes for him too. It was obviously a shock to everyone. Especially for Jack Sundance, who had only known Talbot as a sweet young cowboy who did not dare to even hurt a prey.

"Mark, please." Sundance cried to them but in his mood, all the young Talbot could do was throw punches at a much bigger and stronger man. Credence beated him good. And after a few punches, he got an arm around Talbot's neck and immobilized him. After a few seconds, the fever of the fight went down and Talbot started to cry. Hard. He was looking at Sundance naked and with blood on his lips. "Why? Why do this? I lo-l-love you, Jack."

Jack looked from his old lover to his new one, together by that tight violent embrace. "Mark, I-". Well, honestly, I can't go on further. It gets Talbot pretty sensitive, even when he is drunk. What I know is that they rode back to the town fast that night. And they would have parted by the road if not by the fire coming from the Sundance's land. The three rode fast but they were all too late. The main house of Sundance's land was gone, consumed by a wild fire. They never found Jack's mother but his father's body was all bloody at the entrance. Credence knew what happened and so did Jack, but Talbot was still oblivious to it all. And shocked beyond measure.

But he did bring the two others to a safe hidden place for the night. Credence told them that he and Jack should move fast. And Talbot, despite it all, brought them food and helped them through the night. He also went to town the next morning first, to make sure the outlaw gang that had been after Credence was not there.

Ollie, I don't know why they were after Credence. I don't know who Credence is. I know that Talbot met Big C that morning and he told about everything that happened and all Talbot has told me is that he knew at that moment that Big C was a monster and this town was doomed as he was. For what he says, Big C asked about Sundance and Talbot told him about catching the other with Credence the night before. Big C laughed and said this was the way of the West – that men like the three of them were products of it, monsters doomed to live hidden in a ghost town. Talbot also told that Sundance and Credence were leaving, running away. That shut the laughter off and what he saw on Big C's eyes were plain hate. "He'll be back. Even if they bring me only his head and his cock."

That same morning, Sundance and Credence left the town. They tried not to call much attention, but two men were watching them from afar: Mark Talbot, who had gathered enough clothes and food for his old lover to be safe and Big C Junior, who rode to meet Mark after the two cowboys were gone into the wild before throwing some silver coins down at the dirty road and telling Mark Talbot that their Thursday afternoon deal was still up.

Talbot got heavier and heavier after that. I arrived when he was already a few pounds extra on the sides and had a badge on his chest. He said once that it was given by Big C but he had never been proud of it.

Father John came in a couple of years before me. But I watched the rise of that old prick. Big C bought him easily. And you know how dirty that man can be. Through the voice of the priest, Big C finished his ideal plan for his own ghost town: a fuckfest under his dominion. Not saying it's bad. I mean, I love it and I know most of the men who are in this love it to. But damn. Father John arranges marriages so no one knows about our... dirty little secrets. And if you try arguing that, he and Big C will convince you that the ways of the West are to be kept as a secret. And never more than that.

Next: Chapter 11

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