Olympia Studio

Published on Feb 17, 2021


Olympia Studio 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com.

Stan was a find. He was a big, impressive, well hung, man. He was always sexually excited and was the sexual equivalent of an omnivore. He liked to fuck and suck as much as to be fucked and sucked. We had a little audition film, to see if he could perform in front of the camera. It was a comic wrestling match between Stan, Toby, and Hank the dwarf.

Hank had been half of a vaudeville gymnastic-juggling act. His partner died and Hank had no act left. Somehow Bobby ran into him and Hank wanted a job. Bobby said that was impossible. Hank was desperate, and Bobby told him he made risqué movies for men of a certain persuasion. Hank said that was no problem. From the way Hank said it, Bobby knew Hank shared the same persuasion. Hank's juggling partner had been his sexual partner too.

Hank was a full-sized man with small arms and legs. At rest, his cock was full size, and it became oversized when erect. He had also been in a sexual desert since the death of his partner. Bobby and Hank connected, and it was more than satisfactory for both.

Bobby talked to me about auditioning Hank for our Studio. Bobby was both gifted and reliable. While his work was specialized; he was a superb photographer of sex with a specialty of capturing orgasms. That specialty was the hall mark of our studio.

Hank came in for an audition on a day when Stan came by the studio. Stan was busy most of the time with his work, but that work often took him out of the office. He could easily add an hour or two to his trips and visit the Olympia Studio. He hit it off with Hank. Hank had interesting stories from his vaudeville days, and Stan realized he had seen the act. I noticed that Stan saw Hank as a man, not as a dwarf. Since everyone at the studio liked sex with men, Hank asked if Stan would join in the audition.

A tall, massive man paired with a dwarf would be interesting. I talked with them to make sure that knew that pain was never a part of our productions. Hank said he doubted that would be a problem. A half hour later I realized that the two men shared the same sexual drive and tastes. Their cocks were both oversized, but in different ways. There were both excited and willing. Whatever they did, fucking, sucking, or taking loads; they loved it. The audition was superb.

After the shoot, I found Hank impaled on Stan's cock. Hank was telling him how much he missed his late partner. Stan told him that he understood. He proved his sincerity by injecting Hank with his sperm. That struck me as an unexpected expression of sympathy, but Hank seemed to know it was genuine.

The combination of the two men with dramatically different statures, large cocks, and complete willingness to engage in any and all sexual activities was remarkable and popular. Stan was a johnny-one-note as an actor. His cock did all the acting that was needed for us. Hank was a good actor especially in comic scenes. They were a great pair.

Stan had been in one production called, Captain Adventure and the Chieftain. Stan played a jungle explorer who fell sick and was nursed back to life by regular sperm infusions from Garrett's cock. It ended when Captain Adventure thanks the Chieftain with a massive cum dump in the Chieftain's ass. This was quite successful combining charitable urges with anal sex. Stan wore a wig and a false beard that disguised his face.

Captain Adventure was a great success. A month later, Hank was to join Stan in, Captain Adventure and the Klondike Pigmy. This was even more successful. In this case Captain Adventure finds a nearly frozen Hank in the Artic and takes him to his tent to warm him. The Captain discovers the best way to warm a man was to fuck him. The friction between the cock and the ass lining generated the necessary heat. Once he recovered, the Klondike Pigmy left his thanks in the Captain's ass.

No one watching the show would guess that Stan's cock would fit in Hank's ass. It was effortless penetration and while Stan's cock was large, you somehow sensed it was friendly. Stan popped his knob into the hole few times before he went deep. It was if he was politely knocking on the door. There was an unexpected benefit of Hank's size. Because his legs were short, the view of his ass was unobstructed. It was much clearer and more sexual.

Bobby was imaginative. As he filmed Hank's cock entering Stan's ass, Karl filmed Stan's face as he reacted to the penetrations. Any man with some experience would recognize the emotions. Stan's anus looked too small to take Hank's tool. Bobby did a close up view of the penetration. While Hank shot off in the hole, his twitching cock let you know each time he ejaculated into Stan's ass.

The postproduction party was a great success. By then everyone knew how versatile and accommodating Stan and Hank were. When you combined that with the two men's tendency to be insatiable, the party was a complete success.

Stan had an extensive social life as a well-known, man-about-town. Hank had no social life at all after the death of his partner. While the staff and actors of the Olympia Studios were open minded, there is a big difference between a dwarf and a sexually accommodating dwarf with a taste for the bottom. Hank and Stan weren't lovers, they were playmates. They liked and enjoyed each other as men, and they became friends. Stan owned a small apartment house several blocks from the Studio. He offered Hank the job of manager in exchange for a free, basement apartment. Hank took the job and was a good manager.

The Captain America productions were popular, but for some of our clientele they focused too much on plot and not enough on sex. Karl believed that for most men all big cocks are equal. Certainly, Stan and Garrett were well matched. That was a step too far for some. Dunstan wanted to have some all sex, no plot productions. For some of our customers the slightest whiff of plot detracted from the spurting cocks in a mouth or ass that were the highlights of our usual productions.

Dunstan came up with simple idea: Help wanted, Millionaire Club. A wealthy club need "Staff" for their locker room and indoor swimming pool. The pay was good but persons only of the highest moral character need apply.

Adolphus had a number of wealthy friends would be good for the production. The job applicants were chorus boys and men who needed the good pay in the advertisement. The good moral character meant they weren't blackmailers. Other than that, they needed to have the sex drive of an alley cat.

Of course, the Club was a fantasy, but Adolphus' millionaires were not. They may not have all been quite that wealthy, but they might be willing to help young men with their careers. Bobby and Karl were good judges of character. The young men were good looking, and some had talent. Sex with older men was not a problem for them.

We planned a meeting with Adolphus's friends and our actors to see how the two groups dealt with the situation. Since we had no professional actors, it was important to see how they got along. Adolphus' friends liked sex but being naked and fornicating in a group was new to them.

We went to Adolphus' summer house. Three of his friends dropped out, but seven arrived and were enthusiastic. Stan was one of them men, but they were using false names.

Rollo, Toby, Hank, Garrett, Tommy, and Rocky were our regulars. Our chorus men were Billy, Don, Philip, Justin, and Max. Some looked younger than their ages. Billy, Justin, and Don had considerable experience as virgins having their first-time sex with men.

It was no surprise that many of the men sported larger than usual cocks. Here they had an opportunity to show off their equipment. The summer house had an indoor pool, so there was a natural reason for a group of men [BW1]to be naked. I was a little worried that Adolphus' friends were out-numbered by our men. That was not a problem; they liked having a selection to choose from.

Two of them had seen Toby wrestle and he was a star for them, Hank and Garett were novelties. The boys were pretty. There was someone for every taste.

Adolphus led us to the pool and gave a little speech. "Men, I am a direct man. We are here to see who is well suited to appear in an Olympic Studio production. You may have noticed that there are almost no lines to be memorized. The only acting requires an erect cock, an open mouth and flexible asshole.

"I must confess that some think I am an over sexed, aggressive, libertine. Most people think that is not a virtue. Today, here, and now those qualities are a virtue. Officially, we are here for an audition. And audition for an orgy is technically an orgy. Let get naked and see what fits where, trade some bodily fluids and have the best time of our lives!" he said in conclusion.

"For your information, yes means yes, and no means no," I added. "If my memory is correct, I've never said no. It might happen someday."

A man yelled, "Is today going to be that day?"

I had started taking my clothes off and said, "Offhand, that seems unlikely." The men laughed. We were off to the races. I have always believed that the best spontaneous events are well planned. Adolphus thought the same way. Three of his friends, Jupiter, Apollo, and Mars striped quickly and were fondling someone's cock in seconds. Toby and Rollo did the same. One of the men was holding back.

I went over to him and said, "In this group sucking a cock is the same as a handshake. Does your cock taste as good as it looks?"

"Be my guest," he replied. He was going by the name Mithras. The man's cock was average soft, but I tasted precum the second my tongue peeled back his foreskin. His cock inflated quickly. Mithras was simply a slow starter. I thought his cock was average. That was wrong. Erect, his cock was both long and thick.

He also seemed to be unemotional and detached. I discovered all of his emotions were concentrated[BW2] in his genitals. He expressed love in precum, and his oversized tool caressed my ass rather than fucked it. Adolphus' friends had a controlled, but enthusiastic approach to sex. They were willing to participate fully with any of the men, but it seemed they never pushed things too far. They wanted as much sex from as many men as they could, but they didn't go too far or demand too much. Once they were familiar with their playmates, they seemed to know the limits. I am not sure we reached the sexual limits of any of the men.

I would describe it as a relaxing orgy. I found out that naked millionaires and naked laborers are all just men. The situation was so sexually exciting no one cared. I was next to Mars, a stocky, hairy man who looked like a model for a caveman you see in a museum.

"I didn't know this sort of thing existed," he said to me.

I smiled. "I didn't know that either before I discovered the Studio," I replied. "I'm embarrassed to say it, but I took to it like a duck to water."

Mars laughed. "I guess I would be more like a bear to honey," he said. After a brief pause, he added, "I had never tasted a man's seed before."

"I take it you like it?" I said in a whisper.

He nodded, "I can't get enough of it. I love it when it's spurting."

"There may be a party after the party for the men who still have some juice in their balls," I said. "Do you like it in your mouth or ass?" He said he was open to the possibilities.

At six o'clock some of the men went home. Most of them took one or two of my men with them. They were the pretty chorus boys. Adolphus, Stan, Mars, Apollo, and I remained as did Toby, Hank, Bobby, and Garrett. I suspected they all wanted a more intimate connection with the other men.

I hadn't guessed that the older men wanted to sexually connect with my men as themselves, not as actors playing a role. Pretending to be someone else was not the same as being yourself. I hadn't thought of our productions that way, but Toby, Hank and Garrett understood. Many men wanted to have sex with the wrestler Toby, they were uninterested in Toby the man. Being fucked by a Black man was shocking and daring. Enjoying Garrett's cock massaging your ass was different.

Hank was a circus novelty, an interesting phenomenon. Sucking his cock to an orgasm and savoring his cock juices was a different experience. To some extent Hank was used to take whatever he could. Stan though he deserved more.

My life before the Olympia Studios was more than just conventional. I acted and thought like my Father and I was doing what my father had wanted me to do. I wasn't expecting true love, or grand emotions. My involvement in Olympia was accidental and life changing. It wasn't just that I engaged in sex with men. I felt intense emotions that I had not even guessed existed. I also discovered that it did not involve a single experience, it resulted in multiple explosions of passion and sexual release. I was living in a new world I hadn't known existed.

Adolphus connected with Garrett. He made love with Garrett's cock as Garrett sucked Mars' cock. Stan was with Toby. Hank was in my ass as Apollo fucked him. It wasn't as much fucking as massaging. It was surprisingly gentle and still sexual. Apollo told Hank that he wanted to see how long he could fuck before he shot off. Hank said that seemed like a nice way to spend an evening.

Mars came over to me. I realized that Mars was as far away from being like the chorus types as was possible. He was massive, hair covered and had a cock that looked wider than it was long. Mars was a self-made man. There was no money in his family, no expensive schools. He had invented a new break for locomotives. He realized that the most important of engine wasn't the speed it could achieve, but the breaks that made it stop. He also was an early investor in Mr. Bell's telephone. He realized it wasn't just a novelty. Mars was an interesting, intelligent man.

I was as timid and unimaginative as he was bold and perceptive. I was surprised to discover that his sexual juices were sweet and almost intoxicating. His thick cock and huge balls oozed the nectar of the gods. I think he knew that, but he had trouble attracting men who wanted to suck it out of his balls.

Mars was under the impression that his cock was too thick to fit in an ass. I became more attracted to him as sucked his cock honey and I decided to sit on his tool. I don't know if I was genuinely intoxicated or just carried away by his cock drool. I sat on it. It stretched my hole, popped through my sphincter and his knob lodged against my prostate. His cock seemed to taper as it connected to his body, so my ass wasn't over stretched when it had fully penetrated my ass.

His cock head was the perfect prostate stimulator. It seemed that there wasn't enough room in my ass for both his knob and my prostate. Every movement I made wiggling on his tool sent waves of pleasure through my body. It was almost too much. I was overwhelmed by pleasure. It was too much, but the second I tried to pull away from it, I felt an incredible emptiness. I would wiggle my ass and his knob would slip back and caress my prostate again.

Bobby had been taking pictures to see which men and cocks were photogenic. The camera was kind to some faces, and unkind to other equally attractive faces. Similarly, the camera treated some cocks well and other cocks appeared to be unimpressive. Bobby rarely moved without his camera. He discovered Mars' cock was photogenic. It wasn't pretty, but it was pure sex in a tubular form. He also discovered that Mars's ejaculations looked like Niagara Falls on the camera.

Mars was well suited for construction worker, cave men, cowboy, or hard-bitten cop roles in our studio. I discovered his cock was good for marathon sexual sessions. Some me were aggressive when they fucked, pounding hard and fast, charging towards ejaculation. Mars was slow and easy. He could fuck you for a half hour and you were willing to have him fuck you for another hour; it was that good.

Bobby joked that he could take a break, have a cup pf coffee and a doughnut, and resume the shoot while Mars was still fucking. Usually, he was fucking me. Mars tended to massage my ass. He varied his pace and depth of the penetrations. For me it was comfortable, stimulating, and enjoyable. Of course, he would miss calculate from time to time. His ejaculations were forcefull and injected his sperm deep into me. I could feel every squirt. Once he completed his orgasm, he stayed mostly hard and he enjoyed playing with his load in the tight confines of my ass.

His main objective seems to have been to relocate his sperm towards my prostate and use it as a salve for the well-used gland. When we were fucking for personal pleasure and not for the camera, his cock head and sperm usually induced my orgasm. I often fell asleep after that.

When I woke, usually Bobby or Karl's cock was in my ass. They continued to continue to fuck until they shot off. Bobby said that my ass and Mars' sperm were the prefect combination for a gully washer orgasm.

Next: Chapter 7

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