One Night in Service

By Dede Andrews

Published on Mar 29, 2018


Please note this story is fiction and should be considered as such if you do not like its contents please do not read on. The events as presented are of such a content it may be illegal for you to read if so please don not read.

Happy reading to all those that do.

one night in service part 3 gay urination.(i whined as he dined)

I had barely left the cabin of the train before i felt the deceleration of the train and my heart replacing thoughts of that boys cock stretching my ass beyond all of my known boundaries, all the time i had spend saving my body for one true love was the last thing on my mind but here i was about to do just that for the chance to be captured and loved but one guy for his pleasure. I stood in front of the doors still as i could my cheeks welded together holding in my precious cargo of hot cut in my ass the taste of cum rattling from my tonsils titillating my taste buds i was ready no more time to be a slut i was here and ready to serve and i felt it.

My nappies doubled up and getting full by the minute as I pissed in excitement at every opportunity the warm waves of piss helping my body to slip into and out of the trance of lust, the final stop was here the platform was in view this is where it was all to happen and my whole body knew it and yearned for it. As the doors opened i drew in the air of my new master deep and long i wanted to taste the last bits of bittersweet freedom before i let everything go and become who i felt i was meant to be. Slowly exhaling and stepping of the train i felt some of the ticket boys cum slip from my hole round my ass cheek and drip into my nappy with a half tickle and half provocative feeling my close and my body judders with excitement.

I stood for a few moments eyes closed waiting for the day to pass me by so i could indulge myself for every last moment i could feel the after effects of my excitement, broken as some someone crashed their suitcase over my feet as they boarded the train. With another deep breath, i swallowed my annoyance and continued my journey to my master and fantasies. We had arranged to meet about 15 mins after my train was due to pull in as it was routinely late and parking was a nightmare local to the station, scooping my bag over each shoulder like a schoolboy on his first day of school i trundled along the platform wet ticket in hand, my wild urges tamed at last, at least for the moment i felt calm and collective about the whole thing. The walk through the turnstiles forced me to push may nappies against them the rush of cooling piss hissed out the first nappy making its way into the second surely someone heard that i thought turning to check the faces of the people around me, for now it seemed my secret was safe no one had batted an eyelid, the sounds of the station had apparently hidden my secret and well.

Outside the station was no better the tourists from the local shopping centres where pouring back toward the station and the returning trains along the coast taxis lined the lay-bys looking into some of the drives eyes made me feel antripidation from the day. Not wanting to lose myself too much my eyes began searching for someone looking for me, my eyes torn from the taxis began to scan the faces of the drivers of the cars passing by one at a time i dismiss them until i can see this guy locked onto my body and staring hard, the will of a slut running through me i tilt my self to the side acting as if not to see him. The car slowed further and as he began to pull in i thought this is either him or i had just pulled again at the wrong time, in for a penny i approach the car feeling like a prostitute at that instant.

?Well hello there baby boy,? leaning from the window to talk, his voice was alluring a deep tone yet soft and gentle i could tell he had it within him to be soft or harsh and i knew this was the guy for me. All his messages played over in my head in an instant except his voice replaced mine and now i was rising and dribbling from my tip frozen awaiting my commands every fiber of my being wanted to just jump in his car and go yet i could not even move as if i knew i was not allowed i was betrayed by my body giving in and i was powerless to fight myself.

?You know your place don?t you baby boi,? i smiled the most awkward smile ever as i stood perfectly still as he inspected me from top to bottom slowly. Gesturing drawing circles on his door i knew then what he wanted my feet spun my body an inch at a time to allow him to see around my body, i had just got to showing him my back when he reaches from the car pulling me back by my pant holding them against the door he pulls up my shirts revealing my romper and my face turned red as several people watch as he pulled open my romper yanking back my nappies to see if i had been using it. I heard him take a long hard sniff before he let go of me sighing and pushing me from his door telling me to get in the car, i set off like a runner towards the front seat although i did not get far as he stopped me three steps in and pulled me back to the back seat of the car opening the door he takes my bag and orders me inside. Slipping into the seat just inside it was booster seat made for big kids, felt my face still blushing as he pushed me back deep into the seat to get the straps from under me as he did the five-point harness around me taking a padlock he passes it through part of the lock making the button now unpressable which he took pleasure in showing me, my cock was harder than i had ever been it was painful and he had not touched me yet.

?So your all strapped in now i believe i promised you dinner before we started to play so let's see we can go to the local burger place or we can have a romantic lunch somewhere before we head back to my place and see what happens?? i didn?t have time to answer my mouth barely got the chance to open when he slid a dummy into my mouth shaped like a cock and fastened it. It was so big it tickled my tonsils if i relaxed my lips i was silenced and i knew it, he rubbed himself to fix his growing cock, i breathed so deep and my head sank into the chair as he smirked and closed the door. With a quick step he slipped into the front of the car starting the engine without another word said he pulls away as i stare out of the window to see how many witnessed my humiliation only to see a ticket inspector standing at the doors having his cigarette break it made me pee a lot as the warm sensation washed over me i put my head back and relaxed as he drove me to who knows where and i didnt care i felt amazing. The journey took some time and as i watched the scenes go by outside the car going from city back to countryside i began to drift off in my seat and fell asleep.

The harsh breaking of the car woke me from my sleep rubbing my eyes, gathering my thoughts i took in where i was, we were in the countryside as far as i could see the car was surrounded by trees and they were dense enough that i could not see beyond them. Although my ability to search out where i was is cut short as the door on the far side of the car open and he climbed inside next to me and closing the door behind him ideas of what could go on i was in jumbles of thoughts of rape and pleasure rushed me yet no feelings of disgust or horror in sight, i could barely believe the way i was thinking. As he sat there for a few minutes i thought i could see hesitation in his eyes the want yet the holding back we had messaged back and forth and turned each other on in 100 ways or more he knew what i wanted yet he seemed unsure his deep baby blue eyes had me transfixed as he was in mine. Reaching forward and stroking his cheek with my hand caused him to close them feeling every last bit of contact down to his chin as he lent into it, catching my arm as it fell back to my lap his opened again now with a look of purpose he said,

?We both want this, and have planned so many details but i want you to have this chance to say no after i give you all my rules for this chance encounter before we get to lunch as after lunch you are mine for the night at least,? his voice grew from timid into a dad voice one of caring but with an authoritative tone that set every organ in my baby body dancing to his tune.

?One you are mine and like any child you will obey your father at all times, any rebellion will be crushed by me when i see fit. I might not serve your punishment right away but will give it when and how i choose.? as he talked i peed and listened with the excitement growing inside me further.

?Two once your mine i want no adult talk from you, your words will remain simple but for one and that is the word safety which you have to repeat three-time and without question all this will end and i will take you back the station to go home.? i nodded, now almost powerless to speak i could think of no words it was like i was hypnotised and receiving commands to my very core.

?Three as my boy you do your chores when i assign them to you the rest of your time will be spent doing one of three things watching cartoons, sleeping or eating? without thinking as the idea festered of how i was going to be for the next day the words,

?Ok Daddy i will try? muffled by my dummy and slightly out of sorts as i had to keep my lips firm as not to choke on the cock side of my dummy, then the realisation that i said something rather adult-like sat in and my eyes shrank into slits with his growing bigger. He reached behind him plucking a hand pump from the rear of the front seat and attached it to my dummy and with three pumps i felt the cock in my mouth grow, first push my tongue was almost pinned to the floor of my mouth the second made sure of it as the third expanded my jaw to maximum width and it pushed its way back now tickling my tonsils permanently no matter what i tried to do with it. Swishing with what little leverage i had back and forth sucking it was the only release i had so i was now sucking on it hard sloppy noises came from my lips and saliva as i tried in vein to move it around.

?Before you get the next rule there is something i want to give you,? my eyes widened first day and i was getting presents i was a true child inside as the excitement grew as did my cock now feeling tighter in my nappy then the dummy in my mouth, Grabbing my nappy as he heard the crinkle as it shifted to accommodate me he took his keys from his pocket. Unlocking the padlock he slips the belt out the lock from between my legs and refastened the lock back in place, sliding his hands either side of me gripping my pants and tights he pulled them off me the button pinged around the car hitting several windows before coming to rest on the dash spinning like a top with my mind almost in sync with its movements. Naked from the waist down but for nappy trapped in my seat i felt the power slipping away from me by the minute and as it did i could feel myself getting harder and harder. I watched as he reached forward and grabbed my nappies once more and squeezed until he saw streams of piss run from them over the insides of my legs and onto my seat, with a crimson grin he lowered his face to my nappy and piss soaked crotch not wanting his to get a sniff of the cum from my train escapades a reached down to block his advance, i quickly learned this was not allowed as with a single and motion he removed his belt capturing my hand he bound my wrists and pinned them over my head jamming the rest of the belt behind my seat wrapping the belt around one of the support bars and fixing it in place, there was so little slack i had little to no hope of bringing my hands down passed my head in any way.

The satisfaction in his eyes had reached new heights, i was not far behind as even if i wanted to resist i couldn't or wouldn't, i was soon to learn my new master had a streak of kink running through him that would drive me wilder then i had even conceived from his messages. His hands where sensual devices that knew exactly how to play with me as they left the belt holding my wrists, down my face his soft fingertips made my skin dance with anticipation below their touch, onto and around to my lips jammed against my dummy which i was now sucking faster as i tried to take deep breaths to calm myself. Running his fingers through the saliva gathering as it left my oressured lips and mouth onward to my neck where he placed his hole hand around my neck and squeezed a little to test my response, to which my body had its own response placing my feet either side of the head rest to avoid kicking his eat over and over as i jolted and jiggled with every move he was making. This seemed to please him as he inspected my thigh with his tongue and slipped his hand further on down my body twisting my nipples a little i moaned and forgot about my dummy which plunged deep into my throat causing me to choke a little on it tears rolled from the corner of my eyes, he watched a little before pressing a button on the front of my dummy it hissed as it shrunk a little in my mouth enough for it to stop choking me yet still giving me little room to talk.

Sinking back into my seat i relaxed a little though short-lived this moment of calming was short lived as through closed eyes i felt him grab my feet and the familiar feeling of my tights against my skin as he tied them round each ankle one leg per ankle using the ass of my tights to keep my legs at his mercy over the head rest. Pulling back to test the hold it had opening my legs a little gave him the room he was looking for his hands to slip from my nipples over the nappies gripping the front so tight i could feel his nails aginst my sac through both nappies taking extra grip he twisted my balls and nappies when the nappies broke through one at a time as he twisted a hole in the plastic and tore away the front a gush of piss left my cock trickling down over my balls and ass and into the seat, i moaned as the pressure was on me and the quickening release of the nappy breaking drove me wild.

Now having little choice in the matter he slipped between my perched legs as he licked slowly down my inner thigh my ass slid me forward pressured against the restraints i could go no further but my ass was determined to get me there. My arms could feel the belt digging into my skin as i tried to pull further onto him my movement jumped back a few inches as buried the first of several bites into the soft skin around my inner legs and balls i winced as i felt each tooth bury itself into me after the third bite all pressure was back on again as i thrust forward onto his mouth once more the seat creaking under me as i struggled to get to him. My cock waved in his face like a flag pole waving in the wind wanting to be taken by him as i whined and moaned into the dummy like baby wanting his bottle. I was laying there eyes closed feeling each thing he did to drove me wild the tickling of my balls hanging free out of the front of my nappies caused me to drive my head backward. I felt as he pushed his nose deep into the remains of my nappy sniffing hard before i could even twitch not wanting him to smell my sinful lusts of earlier that day his tongue down into my balls divided first my his nose then his tongue he drove further and further upward pushing so hard on the soft underside of my cock he gushed precum like toothpaste from a tube, reaching the top he scooped up my cock no hands involved sucking hard not to miss any anything i wanted so bad to face fuck him but the restraints did little to aid my lustful attempts, i resulted to all i could do and that was whine like a bitch in heat with no cock to release my tension sucking hard then soft using his mouth began to wank me i felt my tip touch is dancing tonsils and then beyond.

Faster and faster he wanked me my cock twitching ever faster as i felt my balls gather every last bit of cum they could, my dick head felt like a glowing ember being doused in cold water as he sucked and stopped to torment me further and further i could not hold on anymore my cock was in a rage and was about to punish its torturer, with what felt like an atom bomb i exploded the next time he sucked down hard onto my cock gush after gush of hot cum spewed from me i thought it would never stop five ejackualtes in and we were still pumpmin hard the pain bult in my balls with each pump. I whined louder with each release until the 8th pump where my balls were empty trying desperately to pump out more where none remained my twitches and twerks fell silent as did my moans as i returned slumped into my seat spent with no fight left weak to every core of my being i laid there as he played with me further.

?That done here is my next rule my boy, that is the last time you get to use your cock i hope you enjoyed it as that may be the last time you cum for a while yet. If this cock cums for anyone but daddy i will find out and punish this little boy until his ass is the same colour as my hard cock tip? his voice was soft yet the tone was one that spoke to my inner desires to serve him i could do little but nod agreeing to his request.

?Now, lets get you out of these nappies into some new ones and get some food your going to need your energy later? slipping out from under he leans into the back of the car whee he pulls out a baby changing bag full of stuff he wanted to use with me still to weak to see the contents of the bag i heard several rustles as he withdrew some things from the bag closed it and placed the rest back in the boot turning to me he said.

?Now i want you to get out of that seat so i can dress you hoe i like, i love the romper you got for me but the rest has to go. So get out of my car and stop take of those nappies pee if you have to them come round to my side i will lower this seat so i can dress you.? gathering my strength i nodded saying yes daddy through the slobber round my dummy, the clicks of the belt followed by my ability to relieve some of the pressure on my body made it so i could take in a deep breath and gather myself as he undid my tights and opened the door.

Stepping out the car was task upon itself my nappies although in bits where full and leaked more piss down my legs with each movement i made undoing the sticky strip i let the rains fall off me as i waddled to the front of the car to hold on for stability, without warning my cock broke into full stream of piss onto the floor which sent him in a rage as he exited the car from my side my weakened state had me unable to fight as he spun me still pissing to piss over the wheel of his car as he pushed my face to the bonnet and laid 5 strikes across my ass his hand soft as they were delivered several punishing whips of his hand and my skin sang of the contact for miles. Once he was done i heard a sound i loved so much the unzipping of the pants then the twang of elastic then the punishing push of his cock as he penitrated me riding as hard as he could the car rocked as i look out i can see the air freshener hanging from his rear view mirror shaking as if it was in full gail of the wind, i was spent and could not even resist nor did i wish to he did not care if it hurt and it did it was not long before he gave me my third load of that day and i could not move any more spent down to my very last. He flipped me over like a rag doll we locked into each other eyes where he looked at me and smiles that soft smile that me quiver inside, before he lent forward and scooped my lifeless body from his car and carried my body to the back seat whispering good boy don't worry you?ll be all better soon.

I thank you for the responses and look forward to hearing your feedback on future works these are parts of a book I am writing to be released in the summer.

If you like me love a full nappy to share don't forget to donate to for connecting you with great stories and a platform for authors like me to find people like you.

I love each and every email you send and hope you continue to do so and let me know what you think,

thank you for liking my work and keep them nappies full Love Dede

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