One Thousand and One Lovers

By Vic James

Published on Jun 29, 2014


One Thousand and One Lovers

By Vic James

Copyright 2014 by Vic James

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This story is fiction. None of the characters are based on real people. You can see a list of my stories at the Nifty Prolific Authors page by my name.


The Forty Hour War began the next day. A huge number of Marizlan troops entered our country. I became practically hysterical when I found out how many there were. Every time a transport landed, hundreds more arrived.

"Why aren't we firing on those transports?" I asked him.

"Look Seven. There is such a thing as strategy. I know you have never had it explained to you, or gotten training. But simply firing when you see an enemy is not strategy. I am pleased they seem to be sending their entire army here."

I feared he had lost his mind. Even worse than the huge numbers of soldiers was that they seemed to only be interested in the royal complex. There weren't thousands of enemy troops scattered around the country; they were surrounding us, bombarding us with explosives. Some border towns had been taken over, but it became quickly obvious that they were primarily interested in killing Amarills. Brothers Five and Six died, swiftly, but heroically, defending Father and me, along with the original Ahmed, when troops infiltrated the palace. Father didn't prevent transports from landing, but he did assign his troops to destroy the grounded Marizlan vehicles--land, sea, and air ships. He wanted to ensure none of the enemy would be able to return to Marizlan. It suddenly occurred to me that Marizlan would be almost completely undefended, with their army in our country and no way to return.

Father sent Ahmed One and Two out to kill troops on the ground. I was terrified that my two Ahmeds would be killed. I loved both of them, deeply. And what could two do against thousands, even if they were Ahmed? But the two managed to do quite a lot. I was surprised, but Father wasn't. When the war was over, we found that they killed over sixteen thousand soldiers. That was more than the rest of the army and air force killed. Ahmed had secretly planted explosives in several locations around the complex long before the invasion. The two Ahmeds lured the enemy into the areas and then detonated them. None of the Marizlan intelligence had included that information. Ahmed had kept it to himself. It slowed their assault of the complex enormously. There was nothing for the enemy to shoot at. The bombs were under them and they had no idea where they were. Fortunately, none of our citizens lived close to the complex, so only enemy soldiers were killed, although the explosions caused more structural damage to the complex. I was with Father in the center of the complex. We watched the enemy get blown up. I saw men's bodies shredded. It made me sick. Father looked at me.

"It is difficult to watch, I know. Each of those men has a family. Many of them probably hate the Soccorso royal family. Perhaps most do. Do not think of them as killed by Ahmed. It is Echin Soccorso who sent them here to die."

I nodded.

The battle at the complex ended when the Ahmed clones woke. Father and I watched them climb out of their tubes, deep under the complex. It wasn't so deep that we couldn't hear an occasional muffled explosion. I didn't know whether everyone above us was dying or if they were Ahmed's explosives, blowing the enemy up. Father kept up with that. I was so worried and scared that the sight of hundreds of naked Ahmeds didn't excite me. I forced the fear from me. Father was not afraid and he was their primary target. I did notice the scars on the ones closest to me. They had the one on their legs that they got defending me. They did not have the long one that ran down Ahmed's right forearm. Father gave a speech telling them about Four and Effan. He told them I was to be the next king, which made them all cheer. He told them that romantic and sexual relationships between men were now legal. They cheered at that, too. Then he told them that I was in love with each of them, and that I had his blessing to love them. I didn't understand that, at first. Later, I decided he was either trying to transfer their loyalty from him to me or he just wanted to motivate them even more so to protect me. I watched the ones closest to me get erections when they heard that. They were all looking at me.

Father told them that all the clones had one advantage over the original Ahmed. Their skin had been treated and was much tougher than normal skin, which made them that more difficult to harm. That was a complete surprise to me, but I was delighted that they were protected that way. Father took a knife from his belt. He took the hand of a clone. He didn't even flinch, which showed how loyal they were. Father tried to slice his palm. The knife slid off with no cut in the skin. The Ahmeds cheered at that.

The original then spoke. He instructed them how to speak to each other. He showed them where weapons and clothing were and he told them his/their plan.

Ahmed turned to me, "You should speak to them."

"I don't know what to say. 'Please help us?'"

"Tell them how you feel about them."

I addressed them.

"Thanks to my father, we will be able to have a romantic relationship." I watched them smile. "There are two clones who woke first. We have made love many times." I felt strange admitting that in front of Father. He had to know, though. I am certain he asked Ahmed. "Those two are out fighting, as Ahmed said. I am terrified than one of them will be killed. I am terrified that some of you may be killed, but while you are fighting, I want you to remember that I love you. And while there are a lot of you, I hope to show my appreciation of the dangers you will face to each of you, individually." Every single one of them was erect. I started to feel dizzy from excitement. I walked up to one of the new clones. "I don't love you less than the original, my Ahmed. I love you exactly as much, and that is very, very much."

He pulled me into his arms and we kissed as the rest of them cheered. I was about to kneel and suck him. I hadn't had sex since the war started and I wanted Ahmed milk badly. But I remembered my father was there. I looked down at his erection and sighed. He laughed, loudly.

"You'll get it," he whispered.


"I swear it."

"And Ahmed milk?"

"You like it?" he asked, grinning.

"I love it."

He cheered and I laughed.

Father spoke again. He told them how lucky we were that Marizlan had sent such a large percent of their army. "We can wipe out a whole generation of their fighters. Once you have killed them, you will go to Marizlan and take it. Kill every Soccorso you can find. Destroy their palace completely. I want nothing left standing. Leave only rubble where it stood."

They cheered, again.

I was horrified at more death, but it was necessary. It was the only way to eliminate the threat our kingdom faced from Marizlan. I tried not to think about how many Ahmeds would die. But I knew there were two things Ahmed loved. Me and fighting. It wasn't something my father was forcing them to do. It was something Father was allowing them to do.

I turned to Father.

"Father, all this makes me sick. I fear I do not have the strength of will to rule. All I can think of is all the deaths."

He put his arm around my shoulders. It was something he had never done before.

"I felt the same way. I didn't want to defeat enemies. I wanted to make my people happy, just as you want to help the poor in our kingdom." He sighed. "I am afraid that much of this is a consequence of my reluctance to take the fight to Marizlan. I am doing this for you, as much as for the kingdom. I am eliminating the nest of vipers, so you can walk barefooted."

I smiled at him.

"And never forget: they started it."

I nodded.

Father waved his hand and a display rose up from the ground.


I watched as some Marizlan soldiers began running away from the complex. They threw their weapons on the ground and held their hands up. They were surrendering.

"I am quite certain that most of those will request asylum here," Father said.

"According to our sources, almost fifty percent of the Marizlan military dislike the Soccorso royal family," the original Ahmed said to me. "We will take advantage of that when we fight in Marizlan."

"Are there enough to destroy the palace and its inhabitants?" I asked Father.

"There are two sets of clones. We will go tell the other set the same thing."

Ahmed heard and barked out a laugh.

I turned to the original Ahmed.

"One thousand of you?"

He winked at me.

"One thousand and one of me."

Father projected the room we were in outside the complex.

"Attention! As you can see behind me, we now have my army of Ahmed Hassans. The reverses you have faced were caused by two of them. I plan to release the others now. Thousands will march on Marizlan after killing any of you who resist. Any of you who wish to join our military and fight the Soccorsos alongside Ahmed Hassan are welcome to do so. Each of you who take action against a member of that family or their defenders will receive a knighthood, at the very least. Higher titles will be granted to those who achieve significant victories against them." I smiled as some of their soldiers who hadn't surrendered, did, then. Some of the ones who surrendered first, cheered at Father's announcement. "We fight until Marizlan is ours. In two weeks, it will be our eastern province."

I watched an officer leave his dervish. He held his hands up after pointing at his mouth.

"Speak," Father said.

The officer clasped his hands together. He wanted a private conversation. Father sent a drone to him.

"Your majesty, a coup is being planned against the royal family by the soldiers making up their royal guard."

"Are there enough of them?"

"Probably not, but with the Ahmeds..."

"Yes. Are there enough dissenters in the ranks to prevent a ship from being shot down?"

"Yes. There aren't as many dissenters in the air force, but one is very high up. A simple act of sabotage will do."

Father nodded.

"Very well. I name you Grand Duke of Amarill. Allotment of land will have to be decided after Marizlan is no more. If you can, inform the official in the air force that he will be made a grand duke if our ships land safely in Marizlan."

The man smiled and bowed.

"Thank you, your majesty. I will do so."

"I need to know about noble families of Marizlan who might offer resistance to our rule. Do you know of any who could provide this information?"

"Yes, Sire. I can. I am of the House of Delgorso. Most of us despise the royal family."

"Very well. I will send an Ahmed to get that information from you. You will be rewarded financially for this information."

"Sire, I do not seek wealth. Only property. I am a sixth son, with little but a title."

"Very well."

Father took me to the second clone room. He gave the order, and I watched another five hundred Ahmeds climb out of tubes. Father gave his speech and I told them the exact same thing I told the first set. I kissed two of them, though.

"Your job is to cleanse and defend the kingdom. You will listen for dissenters, secretly, if possible, especially from Effan's supporters. Any who express less than full support to the house of Amarill, should be arrested for treason and taken to the nearest jail for questioning, and to await judgement. I don't know how many of you will be needed for that. You can decide amongst yourselves. The remainder will follow the first group to Marizlan and assist with the destruction of the House of Soccorso and their military capabilities. Contact the newly made Grand Duke of Amarill, who is outside the palace and identify any noble families of Marizlan are a threat to our security. We need to ensure that no opposition to Amarill rule exists in Marizlan. It is a tall order, but you can do it, I am certain. The first twenty of you from the left will remain here in the palace as guards."

The original Ahmed spoke to them, then.

A scientist walked up to Father.

"Tell them," Father said.

The scientist spoke.

"Since your role is primarily espionage, you have additional capabilities. Your faces are able to be altered, randomly when you think this code."

Seven numbers in red hovered in the air.

"Think of this code," the scientist said.

I watched the Ahmeds as their faces rearranged. It was the oddest thing I ever saw. Suddenly, it seemed to be a group of unrelated men, at least above the neck. Some of them were handsome and some ugly. The clones turned and looked at each other.

"If you think the second code-" Another set of numbers appeared in the air. "Your faces will return to normal. Your skin is also tougher than it was before."

Father repeated the demonstration on a clone's palm and got the same cheer from the Ahmeds when they saw the knife did no harm.

The original Ahmed brought the twenty clones over to Father and me.

"The four of you on the left will guard Seven. The next six will guard me. The rest of you will guard my wives and Eight, as well as the rest of the palace."

The four that were assigned to me surrounded me.

Father turned to the original.

"Coordinate their activities and give me reports every half hour," Father said to him. "Seven's Ahmeds should keep him informed."

"Yes, Sire."

Father turned to me.

"There is nothing you need to do. Why don't you go to your room? For safety, you should stay there, unless I call for you. One of your Ahmeds can bring you food and drink."

"Father, would it be wrong for me to.for us to." I was too embarrassed to finish. I wanted to ask if it was inappropriate to have sex.

Father smiled.

"Maybe it will make the confinement more tolerable."

I smiled at him. Then I hugged him.

"I love you so much, Father."

"And I love you, son. It is hard to believe I only have you and Eight, but I am grateful for that, both for myself and your mother."

I nodded.

Father turned and left. I followed him. The lift was crowded, but we all fit. Several Ahmeds ran their hands over me. One groped me. Another slipped his hand inside my trousers and felt my ass. Another two rubbed their erections on me. Fortunately, Father was facing away from me. I wrapped both hands around Ahmed cocks and stroked them. A finger found my hole and pushed inside me. I had to suppress a groan. They were all naked, although they were each carrying a shirt and a pair of trousers.

Father spoke without turning around.

"Are four Ahmeds enough, Seventh?"

"Can any more be spared?"

"Yes, easily. We have many more than we need."

"Could I have two more from the second group?"

"Of course."

Father turned to one of them.

"Relay the order."

"Yes, Sire. Gladly."

Once we were at ground level, we separated. I walked to my room, passing Four's room, on the way. The door to his suite was open. Robots were cleaning the empty rooms. The ash had already been removed. I stopped and thought about Four, briefly. We hadn't been close, but he hadn't ever seemed hostile. I still had trouble understanding why Four did what he did. I looked into his room and saw there was still some dust on the floor in one spot. I walked into the room and kicked it. It was a futile gesture, but it made me feel better. We continued on to my suite. One of the Ahmeds stood guard in the hall, while the others walked into my room with me. All three dropped their clothes and began undressing me. Two more ran into the room.

"Did we miss anything?" one of the two new ones asked.

"None of us have gotten our cocks into him, if that is what you are asking."

"How was my first time?" one of the clones asked. "Were you a virgin?"

"Yes. The first day, the original took my virginity. Then the first two clones fed me Ahmed milk. Since then, I think I've grown addicted to the drink. Maybe I should give it up."

"No!" several said. I laughed.

"But you may get tired of me using your cock as a nipple for milk."


I laughed, again. I reached for one of them and we kissed. A finger slid into me.

"He's loose. We've been fucking him a lot," one of them said.

"Yes, you have," I said.

"I've also grown half an inch since I began drinking Ahmed milk. Maybe I'll grow even faster, now."

I looked at their happy faces and laughed. Then I remembered the war. The one closest to me took me in his arms.

"Don't worry about anything, Seventh. We will keep you and the kingdom safe.

"And we can really do what we please with you?" the one holding me asked.

"We aren't married, yet, but we will be. If he is alive, I will marry the original. Since you descend from him, I will be married to each of you, as well. Legally, each of you is Ahmed. I want to make you happy, sexually. And I know that means being submissive to your desires. It is what I want."

They all nodded their heads.

"So you will be married to all one thousand of us?"

I sighed.

"I really don't know how I can keep a thousand of you happy, but I will try."

"Do not worry about that, either, Seventh. We will figure out a way. After all, we are the ones who must share you."

I groaned as one of the Ahmed's began rimming me. The other's hands and mouths sucked, bit, and caressed me. I felt guilty about having sex while people were dying outside. But when one of my lovers began sucking me, I came almost instantly. I fell to my knees and began sucking one of them. The others crowded around me. My head was passed from Ahmed to Ahmed. I would suck each for a minute, or so, before switching to another. It wasn't long before the one of them cried out and ejaculated in my mouth. I heard them groan as Ahmed milk filled my mouth. I caressed his nuts with my fingertips, the way he liked it and the Ahmed feeding me shuddered.

I was on my knees. I felt an Ahmed kneel behind me. I reached back and guided his cock to my hole. He wrapped his arms around me. The Ahmed finished feeding me. I pulled away and looked down at a scarred forearm. Only one of them had that scar. I leaned my head back against the original Ahmed. Once he was inside me, I tilted my head back.

"I love you," I said.

He smiled.

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