Only the Lonely

By Dan Ham

Published on Jan 17, 2007


DISCLAIMER: This story depicts graphic sexual encounters between two concenting adults of at least 18 years of age. If you are offended by homoerotic situations, please leave. If where you live, it is illegal to read this content, please do not stay on my account, I do not want you to get into trouble with the local authorities. Other than that, please enjoy. This is my very first posting of any kind, so if anyone has any idea's, feel free to let me know. I'll respond, I promise, I have plenty of free time. Feedback is always encouraged at

Only THe Lonely

I was thirteen when my change happened. Some people would say that my change would be for the worse, but for me it was a blessing. I had just admitted to myself that I'm gay. Now that I'm 24, I have been blessed with so many things. So you want to know a little about myself, huh? Well, as I just said, I'm 24, My name is Trevor Marks I'msix foot two, and weigh about 180. I have beach blonde shoulder length hair, and a tan that would make the god's envious of me, oh wait, they are. (I'll get into that later!) I don't have an ounce of fat on me, and the look of apollo. If you would have seen me back then, you would be in awe. When I was 13, I was only about five feet tall, weighed a meger 80 pounds, soaking wet, and jet black hair. I was anoutcast in school, and everyone picked on me, because I was kind of a loner. I was always the shy type. I was too afraid to make friends, because of the fear of rejection. I had just turned 13 when all of the things in my life took a really interesting turn. I came to the realization that I didn't like girls, but had a strong desire, if that's the right word, for some of the guys in my class. Where I grew up, being gay, was just not heard of. If you came out, you were met with all the farmers with shotguns to run you out of town. No, I didn't come from a back-water town in Oklahoma, I came from a really small farming community in Southern Colorado. So I never came out to anyone, except for my family, and even then, my dad wasn't too excepting of it, my mom was ok, but still had issues with it.

I lived in the country at the time, so I would take long walks along the river that flowed not too far from my house. There would be times, that I would just need to get away from all the issues I was having, at home and at school. I would spend hours just sitting along the banks of the river during the summer and fall, just letting my feet dangle in the cool water. I would always be alone, or so I thought, until one day in late May. I had gone for one of my walks, I had told my folks, I was going for a walk, and they always knew where I would go. I was doing my normal routine, just sitting on the bank of the river letting my feet dangle looking up into the clear night sky, thinking, how can my life get any worse? "My parents think they screwed up with me, my so called friends would think I had some type of disease, if I came out to them. What else could could go wrong with my life" I had said to myself. When, in the distance, I saw a car driving across the nearby bridge that crossed the river. I had noticed something strange about the way the car was driving. All of a sudden, the car veired over towards my direction and drove right off the bridge into the river. In an instant, I was in the water, swimming for all I was worth, towards the now sinking car. It only took just a couple of minutes to get to the car, since the car was downstream from where I was sitting. When I got to it, I noticed there was only one person in the vehicle. I hadn't noticed that the driver was unconscious, all I could think was to try to them out. Now for being 80lbs soaking wet, I was suprising myself with all that I was doing. I was able to get the door open after the pressure in the car had equilized. I was now able to see who I was rescueing. He almost took my breathe away, which would have been a very bad thing, since I was now underwater with him. I was able to get him free of the car and pulled him back to the surface. When we surfaced, my lungs were really hurting, my guess I had been underwater for about five minutes. I pulled him to the bank of the river and was able to pull him, out, barely. Practically collapsing to catch my breathe, I noticed he wasn't breathing. My first aide traing kicked in, thanks mom, and I immediately started CPR on him. Half way through my third breath, he leaned he head to the right, I than noticed how gorgeous this man was, and coughed out all of the water in his lungs. After making sure he was going to be ok, I told him to stay put, and not to move, because I didn't know if he had any internal injuries from the accident. I made the short distance in no time, rang the door bell and knocked constantly until someone answered. I told them what had happened and that they need to call for help and where the ambulance could find us once they got there, and I took off back to where I had left my gorgeous stranger. When I got back, which I had only been gone for about five minutes, he was laying there with his head propped up on a rock, looking up at the stars. I looked at him and saw a faint glow radiating from him. It was a glow I had seen on one of my favorite movies on the Sci-fi channel. If I hadn't have know better, I would have thought he was an angel. Evidentaly, he hadn't heard me approach him. He heard me gasp, and turned towards me with a look of shock on his face, the glow had gone.

He said to me, in a very sexy but concerned voice, "I can explain", I just stood there with a dumbfounded look on my face. He walked up to me, and tried to place his hand on my shoulder, but I just backed up in shock. This should not have suprised me, since I love to watch all sorts of Sci-fi movies, but I just couldn't grasp what I had saw. It was about that time the ambulance arrived, boy was I relieved. The crew, asked me what happened, and I repeated what I had saw, up to the part of the part of the glow. Then my parents showed up, great just what I need more drama in my life. I then had to tell them what happened, "boy this was going to get old", I was thinking to myself, again I had left out the part about the glow. I didn't want everyone to think I was going nuts or something, so I figured I'd better leave that little bit of info out. About that time, my parents had a blanket around me and took me home. You should have seen how proud my mom was, since she's a nurse and all. When we got home, I asked them how they knew what had happened, they told me the people I'd woke up called them after they had called the EMS. I was glad that they had, I hadn't looked forward to the four mile hike back after all the activity I had done.

That night, I didn't have any problems getting to sleep, but the images of that night still haunted me dreams, whether it was the car plummeting into the river, or just the glow of my mystery man, I didn't get much sleep that night. Even in my waking moments, his face was all I could see. The next day, I saw a wrecking crew up on the bridge, so I hopped on my bike and went to see what kind of damage, the guy I had rescued the previous night had caused. By the time I got to the bridge, the crew had just about pulled the mangled and twisted piece of what used to be a black BMW from the river. I knew the crew personaly, of course I would, I live in a small hick town, so I asked them if they had any idea what happened, according to one guy, he said that his steering had gone out. How? He didn't know. He had asked if I saw anything last night, and I told him I was the one that rescued him. We both looked at what used to be a car, and then at each other, and all he could say was "How? You would need the jaws of life to open those doors." I was in utter shock and couldn't respond to him. All I did was shrug. By the time I got back home, I noticed someone in our driveway, but I didn't recognise the vehicle.

Well, I think I'll leave you there, am working on chapter 2, will have it out soon.

Once again, I hope you like it, and as always feedback is always encouraged. If any of you editors out there, have any tips, or am willing to help edit, drop me a line.

Next: Chapter 2

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