Original Diaries

By Paul B

Published on May 11, 2013


Original Diaries by Paul L

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction written by a fan of the show `The Vampire Diaries' and by no means has any ties to the show, nor does it knowingly imply that any of the characters/actors engage in these types of activities. It was written as a fantasy by the author, Paul L, for the enjoyment of others.

Please enjoy...

My name is Elijah Mikaelson and I'm a Vampire. Moreover, I'm an Original vampire. After the Werewolves killed my brother Henrik, my mother being a powerful witch, used her magic to turn us into immortals, one's strong enough to hold our own against the wolves.

While my father saw this is a gift, it quickly became a curse. Our hunger for blood became insatiable and we began to feed constantly, killing any who crossed our paths. It was only after the death of our mother that we fled and began to turn other humans into Vampires. Our `gift' quickly spread across the world and our species was born.

I am the oldest out of my siblings, followed by my brother Finn, then Niklaus, then Kol and finally Rebekah. Our `children' ravaged the world, killing some, turning others, and after 1000 years, I have grown tired and disgusted by it all. The only thing that has kept me going is the sex. Yes, the sex has ever been changing over the years and it has grown to be terrific.

For the first hundred years of my immortal life, I sought out the women of the world. Their soft skin, scent, and the subtle way their hair moves in a gentle breeze, their breasts heaving as their lust and fear travels throughout their small bodies; but like many things, I grew tired of them too.

The first time I had sex with a man, it was completely different. It was much more feral, more animalistic, rough, exciting and dangerous...well not to me anyway. His name was...I can't remember now. It was important then, but after a thousand years...oh well.

As the years progressed, the men changed too. I originally compelled them to have sex with me, or I would force them. I would lurk insidiously in the shadows, watching them from darkened areas until one caught my eye and then I would have him. But soon, I began to come across more and more men who would willingly have sex with me, without the need for compulsion.

A lot of them liked the way I fucked them. Because of my powers, I could move my body a lot faster than a normal man, so by moving my lower body at a rapid pace, my cock would smash into their prostate repeatedly and they would scream for me. I found this to be a massive turn on.

Sex with male vampires was exciting too. Like me, they could move quickly. Watching a male vampire ride my cock turned me on tremendously and I would ram the hell out of him until he begged me to stop.

Now, in the 21st century, I find myself back at my home village...or town now, Mystic Falls. I have been here before, several times in fact. My brother Niklaus has a house here, but I tend to avoid him. He's a self-absorbed lunatic. I only come here to watch my favourite vampires...the Salvatore brothers.

Stefan and Damon Salvatore...they were turned over 140 years ago and have this bond that can't be broken. Sure they fight and claim they `hate' each other, but deep down, they would sacrifice themselves for each other.

Out of them, I much prefer Damon. Stefan is too moody, whereas Damon is all about fun and games. I haven't had sex with any of them, but I would like to with Damon. I've watched Damon for a while without him knowing. The times we've come across each other, he flirts with me, calling me his favourite original, I clean up well, I look good etc. etc.

I believe that Damon has ventured in male to male sex before, but I do wonder whether or not he would have sex with me willingly. It is something that I would have to find out...

I waited for almost a week, just watching him. The way he strolled through town, possessing such confidence and arrogance. Such beauty did he have, perhaps too much for one man, and he knew it. I appeared across the street from him, making eye contact with him. I was wearing a brown suit, tailored for me perfectly; he was wearing his usual black leather jacket, black t-shirt, tight black jeans and biker boots.

He sighed and looked about before heading towards me. I turned and sped away. I knew that he would follow me, so I ran to my new house in the open. I took off my suit jacket and sat on the sofa with crossed legs, a glass of blood in one hand, the fireplace blazing behind me and waited for him to come. A few seconds I waited and he was in the house.

"Elijah, my favourite original. Good to see you" he started off with

"Like-wise Damon" I smiled

"So what are you here for? Oh, I mean who?" he asked

"No-one special" I replied

He looked at me and smirked.

"Stay away from Elena" he said

Now I smirked.

"I care not for Elena. I grow bored of her and her endless troubles" I replied

"Then what are you doing here?" he asked

"To live" I replied

"Thanks, but we already have two psycho originals here...not sure there's enough room for another" he said

"Rebecca and Niklaus don't know I'm here and it will stay that way if you please"

"Well well, big bro spying on little bro and sis?" he asked

"Kind of. While I do not care for Elena anymore, Niklaus is always up to something and I'm afraid Rebecca will bear the fall should it go wrong. Niklaus' endless endeavours has taken its toll on my family and Rebecca always seems to suffer because of it" I said

"Good, she's a psycho bitch who..." started Damon

I sped up and grabbed him by the throat.

"Do not finish that sentence less you want your head across the room" I said angrily

He gasped as my hand tightened around his neck. I let go and moved away again, slowly, giving him time to look over my back and my ass. I had to admit, I did have a great ass. A thousand years had made it perfect. I could feel his eyes studying me, but I couldn't smell lust from him.

"So Damon how are things?" I asked sitting down, not really intrigued, but trying to get the conversation to last longer

He looked at me, and I looked back at him. He sighed.

"Fine, you know the usual. Saving Elena, fighting with Stefan etc." he replied

"Come, sit" I said

He stood there.

"I don't bite...unless you ask" I smiled

He smirked and walked over. My eyes focused on his crotch as he walked towards me. I was desperate to see him naked now, and I had decided that if he didn't respond on my first attempt, I would have to compel him.

He sat down next to me and I gave him the glass with blood in it.

"Drink. It's 23 years old" I said

He took the glass and drank some.

"Guy?" he asked, looking at me

"Yes. I find that male blood is sweeter to me. It's stronger, more fulfilling than female"

"Really?" he asked

"Yes. Do you not find that or do you only drink from women?" I asked

"No, I'll drink from anyone, but it's usually only been women" he replied

I nodded my head and turned on the couch to look at him.

"Tell me Damon" I started, taking the glass from his hand and placing it on the coffee table in front of us.

"Have you ever had sex with another Vampire?" I asked

"Yeah" he replied instantly

"And how does it compare to mortals?" I asked

"It doesn't. Vampire sex is better in every way" he replied.

"What about sex with male vampires?" I asked

He looked at me and smirked.

"So is that why you're here? You trying to find a guy?" he asked

"I believe I already have" I replied looking straight in his eyes

He said nothing to me as I moved closer to him. I turned my head and my lips were inches from his.

"No-one can know Elijah" he said, his warm breath roaming over my lips

"They won't" I replied

Our lips connected and his tongue pushed into my mouth...

To be continued...

My first attempt at writing a slash fic. What did you think?

Questions/comments/suggestions to charmedfan925@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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