Out of the Rubble

By Carl Mason

Published on Aug 4, 2004



Copyright 2004 by Carl Mason

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for strictly personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at carl5de@netscape.net.

This story contains descriptions of sexual contact between a young adult male and young male teenagers. Nevertheless, "Out of the Rubble" is neither a strictly "suck and fuck" exercise nor is it a story that focuses on the "love of adults for the young"...often without sex or with the mere suggestion of sex. If you are looking for these types of erotic fiction, there are fine examples of each on Nifty. Something slightly different is required here.

However based on real events and places, "Out of the Rubble" is strictly fictional. Any resemblance to actual events, or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Further, this is homoerotic fiction designed for the personal enjoyment of legal, hopefully mature, adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, if those in power and/or those whom you trust treat it as illegal, or if it would create unresolvable moral dilemmas in your life, please leave. Finally, remember that maturity generally demands that anything other than safe sex is sheer insanity!


(Revisiting the End of Part 6)

Later that evening, Sam and Andreas lay side by side, whispering about the day's developments. Giggling, his Official Assistant asked Sam if he could really stand 15 teens cavorting about the house.

Sam merely grunted, whispered, "We done right, pahdnuh," and intensified his toying with Andreas's nether parts.

(Continuing Our Story - Sargent Ehrhardt's Army)

Sitting primly, Frau Luisa (Loo-EES-uh) allowed that she found it somewhat "strange," but if they really wanted her to comment on the files of potential newcomers, she would.

Frau Luisa was the warm - but proper...and definitely "Teutonic" - matron hired by Sam & Company to provide indispensable service functions for their teen refuge. Awed by the immensity of selecting a dozen young teens for the first "class" of newcomers, Sam had checked with the staff of the Children's Relief office at the City administrative building. Somewhat to his surprise - for the recovery of Tieferwald am Main was in its infancy during the first months of 1946 - the staff had efficiently provided multiple files of deserving candidates. Sam, Andreas, Horst, Ehrhardt, and Frau Luisa had assembled in Sam's living room to examine each of the files. Andreas and Horst were used to Sam's ways, Ehrhardt wanted input (given his imminent responsibilities), but Frau Luisa had more than a few problems with this "democratic clap-trap." Still, if they insisted... After all, it was a good job: her Colonel husband had died at Kursk (the greatest tank battle of all time, and the battle that marked the watershed of Hitler's adventure in the East); her children were gone (either naturally or having fallen in the War); a little extra food and money would help; and, in any case, her days were far too empty. Given human nature, it wasn't too surprising that she was the first to raise a strong objection.

"That Rolf boy... Even though he served in the SS, his Tieferwald record is good. But he's almost seventeen! He would only be here for a couple of years at most. We should select children who could profit from our guidance over a longer period of time!"

Ehrhardt, who was himself 17 and had won his Iron Cross fighting with the renown 12th SS- Panzer Division Hitlerjugend, stifled his irritation and spoke calmly, if authoritatively. Rolf had fought beside him in the West; he sat beside him - with a pack of mere children - in a grammar school. Ehrhardt was convinced that the young man had the ability, desire, and requisite attitudes to contribute to the building of a new Germany. Nevertheless, he was at a turning point in his life, and sorely needed to be recognized and supported.

The debate continued, but Rolf was finally accepted - along with two 13 year-olds (Dieter#2 and Wolfgang), five 14 year-olds (Bruno, Ernst, Jaeger, Otto, and Ulrich), and four 15 year-olds (Dieter#1, Franz, Heinrich, and Kurt ). All would have liked to see more 13 year-olds in the first class, but there was unanimous agreement that the four 15 year-olds were inestimably stronger candidates and, further, the other 13s in their files were far less likely to "fit in." Seven of the young Germans were from the Camp; five, from Tieferwald and environs. Thanks to staff at the Children's Relief office, all had been interviewed - and eagerly declared their desire to live in the new facility; all had received medical (and, in two cases, parental) clearance.

Knowing that there was no way that he could personally fund the purchase of needed bunk beds and equipment for the kitchen, Sam turned to the Army. Within days, six double bunk beds and an impressive collection of pots, pans, and other culinary equipment had arrived, having been signed over to Sam ON LOAN from the military. First checking that which was already available in the house, Frau Goettingen and her friends supplied plates, cups, glasses, cutlery, bedding, towels, and similar household gear. Sam himself purchased a wild collection of toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, and other small personal objects. URA funds ensured that the boys would not go hungry - as long as the PX didn't run out of food feeding them - nor would they be forced to dress in rags.

The day finally arrived. The boys moved in - and were promptly deloused and fed supper. The evening was truly gemuetlich. Frankly, Sam & Company were amazed that the process had gone so smoothly and that "Sgt. Ehrhardt's Army" appeared to contain so many pleasant and promising recruits. Surrounded by a host of attractive, needy teens, Sam was firmly convinced that he had "died and gone to Heaven." Frau Luisa glowed, for she again had children and purpose. Ehrhardt rejoiced in his immediate and warm acceptance as "Sargent and Big Brother. " Horst delighted in having quickly made friends with the two 13 year-olds, plus Jaeger, a youngster who had passed his fourteenth birthday only weeks before. Andreas was jubilant, for Rolf had quickly indicated that he wanted to be friends. (Their first act was to claim part of the attic for an exercise room!) Besides, Andreas had suspicions about Rolf...but more of that anon.

(Winter's Retreat)

As is often the case, the first sign that winter might be passing was noticed on a cold day in late February or early March. Someone noticed that the quality of the light was subtly changing. Unfortunately, it would take a few more spins of the Earth before blossoming trees would dot the landscape and a few hearty flowers bloom in the city parks, before the snow was restricted to patches on the hillsides and perpetually shady areas...or before the cold and depression that gripped the hearts of the people would begin to lift.

In the background, things were not going that badly. Relief supplies were arriving from the States in ever-increasing volume. Farmers were beginning to think planting and were already recruiting in the Relocation Camp. The P.O.W. Discharge Camps had begun telling the very youngest soldiers, as well as the oldest, simply to "go home." However contentious, the Denatzification of the city was going reasonably well. (On the other hand, it was commonly claimed that the American Zone saw more nit-picking than any other - and, did it continue, there wouldn't be a practicing German professional left. There were statistics that supported that claim.) Unfortunately, the supply of coal and other fuels had not markedly improved, and deaths from the cold seemed to be increasing exponentially. Yes, Winter was retreating, but, as had the Wehrmacht, it was putting up a stiff rearguard action!

All this mattered little to the boys at Sam's house. They were young, they were fed and clothed considerably better than their contemporaries, they were comfortably housed. Their mornings were spent at school; their afternoons, in supervised study, reading, an occasional outing, exercise and, naturally, in goofing off. Andreas and Rolf had followed-up on their thoughts about creating an attic exercise area. As they explained to Sam, the Army Base had a super gym. Andreas was especially graphic in showing how he was putting on some fat after months away from his Slovakian forest. Was this a desired result of his serving as Sam's Official Assistant? Wasn't it possible that the soldiers had equipment that wasn't being used? After the Army's wonderful support of their furniture and culinary needs, Sam was a bit hesitant to suggest another handout. Needless to say, the boys worked their magic and it wasn't long before he did. As a result, an extensive array of spare pieces of exercise equipment was soon trucked to the house. Every single teenager in Sgt. Ehrhardt's Army signed up for the new "Exercise Club." Inasmuch as Frau Luisa would not be allowed to climb up to the attic - a prohibition which delighted her no end - they would themselves clean it - and they did. One engaging side effect of this turn of events was that Sam was never asked to provide exercise clothing. Rather, the attic became the land of young Greek athletes! True, there was an occasional objection from one of the younger boys - or from one of the older lads who was fighting a battle that day with a body part that just wouldn't deflate. No boy was ever seriously pressured. Now and again, one would spot a pair of underwear shorts in the attic. By and large, however, common teenage inhibitions were tossed into the trash can. Sam even worked out himself now and then. One may guess that he enjoyed the spectacular scenery at least as much as did Andreas, Horst, and unknown others!

Andreas took special pains to involve Rolf in an exercise program. Indeed, they were often spotted in the attic during both afternoons and evenings. It gave them opportunity to assume the "Big Kids" role, as well as to deepen their friendship. Andreas also kept insisting that something "great" was going to happen after their common 17th birthday during the summer - if they really got in shape. Rolf gobbled all of this up...to the point where several of his grammar school teachers noted that he was not only learning to read, write, and reckon, but he was gradually opening up to those around him.

Horst, on the other hand, was a little confused...and increasingly horny. He really liked Jaeger - who seemed to be interested in him - but the 14th year-old had thoroughly internalized the HJ command, "Thou shalt not fool around." Horst had complained to Sam that his new roommate even tensed up when given a little back rub - and if Horst even touched his butt accidentally... Woof! Still, he was thoroughly convinced that Jaeger didn't really want him to stop! In frustration, he would occasionally take advantage of Sam and Andreas's invitation to join them - not they did all that much when he did!

One Saturday night in March, a very cute naked red head suddenly appeared at Sam and Andreas's door and, unbidden, leapt between them up on the bed. He looked good! The food, the exercise, and the lack of stress were together having a markedly positive effect. While his skin was freckled and, like most red heads, a bit on the pallid side, it looked remarkably healthy. Actually, he looked as if he had put on several pounds of muscle while simultaneously growing like a weed. (Later, cuddling with Sam, Andreas observed that at least one part of Horst's body was REALLY growing!)

Sam decided that it was time to put one 13 year-old in his place and, therefore, ATTACKED...a preemptive strike, if you will. The tickling was merciless! It was Sam's fingers into his pits, Andreas's into his ribs, Sam's into his belly-button, Andreas's onto his inner thighs, Sam's on the soles of his feet, and on and on and on. By this time, Horst was laughing so hard that he just about lost it. (In fact, he DID lose a few drops, but what are a few Golden Driblets among friends?) No sooner had he calmed down a bit than Andreas attacked him with his tongue, Sam following suit. Merciless...cruel...sadistic...inhuman...heartless - BUT SO DAMNED FUNNY! You will guess that as Horst lay there having to take it, he began to experience feelings that were somewhat different from laughter. In fact as the attack began to lose its momentum, the red head's cock suddenly swelled and snapped to rigid attention. The poor little tyke began to sweat heavily and feel the furious beating of his heart. (That "poor little tyke" business is pure sarcasm, for Horst was now b-i-g! Further, he now sported an increasing amount of red hair in all the appropriate spots!) At that very moment, Andreas head was located immediately above Horst's throbbing member. "Hey, Big Red, do you want me to continue? I don't have to, you know," Andreas responded.

"Go for it," Horst murmured breathlessly.

Andreas slowly allowed his mouth to press down around Horst's rock-hard cock, a cock that now looked as if it extended for a generous 5 inches (13 cm). As his lips first came in contact with Red's head, the boy gasped and went rigid, causing his body to display every bit of its newly-won definition. ("Wow!" Andreas said later. "That little guy is really getting there. What a body he's going to have!") His genitals - and his face - turned nearly as red as his hair! As Andreas continued to inhale Horst's impressive member, alternately sucking and licking, Horst's excitement grew. Unfortunately, he was but 13, and the end came as suddenly as it came quickly.

After the young teen had descended from his high, he looked at Sam and Andreas with new- found hope. Bending forward at the waist, his long, thin arms curled around the necks of his gods, he begged, "Can you help me get through to Jaeger? I've tried everything, but that old HJ crap still has him by the balls. How about giving me some ideas...maybe some lessons?"

Sam was quick to say, "Hey, stud, there's no way that we're going to teach you how to make Jaeger do anything that he doesn't want to do."

"But I know he WANTS to do it!" Red whined. "He's just scared. If he just lets it happen, I think he believes the Fuehrer will appear out of a cloud of smoke and turn him into a frog! He's such a great guy - and he's really built! Maybe you can lend me some dynamite," he half-joked.

"Well, maybe we'll see how we can help," Andreas volunteered. " Want to join us again one night soon?"

"Yes, Sir, I sure do! And I won't jump on your bed or attack you unless you ask me to," he continued, the look of the Devil in his mischievous eyes.

"Ok, Big Red..." Sam said. "Get out of here! We need our beauty rest.)

Needless to say, Horst left the room with a mew and a squeak, and grinning like a chessy-cat. After the door had closed, the Official Assistant - obviously exceedingly pleased with himself - beamed at his lover. "Sam, I could be wrong, but I think we done good again."

"Could be, pahdnuh," a laughing Sam responded.

("Ich Hatt' einen Kameraden")

Atypically, as if in answer to the prayers of the people, Spring came early to South Central Germany. April, for instance, dawned bright and delightfully warm. The chill, gray, wet skies that were the rule were nowhere to be seen. Slowly, tentatively, the people of Tieferwald emerged from their blanketed bunkers. For the first time in months, the death rate at the Relocation Camp dipped. (True, the most vulnerable cases had been moved to sturdier shelters through the Assignment.) Almost in shock, Tieferwald found that it was still alive.

On reaching the City administrative building, Sam's new URA secretary informed him that the Buergermeister had requested Sam stop by his office...at his convenience, of course. Strange... Within the hour, he appeared - and was immediately ushered into the inner sanctum. That was also strange, for the Buergermeister was a master of protocol designed to show others how unimportant they were. Sam had dark memories of hours he had spent waiting in the mayor's outer office. When (real) coffee and a few delicious pastries were brought in, Sam KNEW that something was up! It seems that a committee of prominent Tieferwald citizens had approached the mayor and asked that he present a proposal to the City Council for holding a Memorial Service. Interestingly, it would not be a service for Germans alone, but for Germans and all others in the Tieferwald area who had lost their lives through the War and its aftermath. Nor would it be a service memorializing only the dead of the Wehrmacht [the German Armed Forces as contrasted with the Army alone], but a service that would honor all those who had given their lives in service to God and Country.

For a good hour and a half, the Buergermeister delicately questioned Sam about his personal reaction to such a proposal and whether General Clemens and URA officials might be interested in jointly sponsoring the event. Within days, Sam was able to report back to him that General Clemens could not provide joint sponsorship, but would gladly provide logistical support, as well as publicize the event throughout his Command. Although URA authorities based in Frankfurt would send representatives, they were legally bound to use their resources to help the German people recover from the conflict. However fumbling and, at times, taken with himself, the Buergermeister was a sufficiently experienced politician to know when to gracefully - and appreciatively - accept a quarter-loaf!

Within days, American Engineers were using heavy equipment to repair the relatively minor damage to the City's 50,000 seat main stadium that had stood unused for at least two years. The grassed field was cleared and repaired as best they could; a simple stage was constructed at the East end of the field; and sanitary facilities were provided outside the main structure itself. Nothing could be done with the completely wrecked lights; a reviewing stand on the north side of the East-West oriented stadium did not need structural repair. As soon as the Engineers had essentially completed their work, crews of German civilians swarmed over the structure, cleaning, sweeping, and raking. With Sam, Andreas, and Ehrhardt at their side, the boys of Sgt. Ehrhardt's Army themselves spent two afternoons at the facility, white washing every bit of unfinished wood that could be found. After the dark, cold days of the Winter, it was almost a "coming out" party. Germans of all ages and small detachments of GI volunteers worked side by side. Naturally, there were "moments." For instance, as a crew worked to refurbish the reviewing stand - from which a large swastika had been removed when American tanks first rolled into Tieferwald on their way south - the Germans began making apparently bawdy jokes in their local dialect. Not understanding a word of what was being said, the GIs were still intrigued by their raunchy laughter. Fearing a possible disturbance, their Lieutenant quickly quelled the buzzing by gruffly barking, "Knock it off, men!" In any case, when the temporary renovation was completed, the Stadium stood proudly, superficially looking much as it had in 1937 when it had been dedicated by the Fuehrer.

While German work crews labored at the stadium, other committees were at work on program and arrangements. Sam was often invited to join them and make "informal suggestions." He often ended up making some valuable contributions. For one, his office often conveyed invitations over military communication facilities. Another was made at a meeting when a young, discharged German Lieutenant - horribly scarred in the defense of Breslau [today's Wroclaw, the capital of Polish Lower Silesia], but having decided to life positively - offered an interesting proposal. Inasmuch as most German funerary/memorial music had been declared "streng Verboten" [absolutely forbidden or banned], why not ask the Americans to send a bugler who would play "Taps" at the end of the Service? Transmitted by Sam, General Clemens not only gave the proposal his enthusiastic endorsement, but promised one of the finest musicians in his Command to implement it!

Two days before the Service, most of the work completed, the Army hosted a late afternoon barbecue at the stadium for all those who had contributed to the project. True, the grilled slices of Spam were nowhere near as tasty as ribs, but the Germans were unfamiliar with this American wartime "delicacy" (that stretched the meat ration on many an American table and sustained many a GI) and found it delicious. [sigh...] They even liked the Army beans! The point is that there was plenty of simple food, and Germans and Americans had a good time...together. German teens, including our Rolf and Heinrich, even took part in a football match against a pick-up GI team. As the rout mounted (to no one's surprise), Rolf headed a ball into the net, bringing jubilant shouts from the members of Sgt. Ehrhardt's Army who stood on the sidelines. Horst the Irrepressible shouted boldly that the match should have been played in the nude. Fortunately, Andreas and Jaeger were nearby and were able to throw their hands over his mouth and subdue him. It was a happy scene, a scene that boded well for the recovery of a people.

By 1600 hours (4:00 pm) on the day of the Memorial Service, the stadium was packed. Every seat appeared to be taken; the field was crowded by those who sat so close together that they often touched those sitting next to them. (Not that all the young objected to that challenge!) Countless others milled about outside the structure to listen to the Service on loudspeakers. Young Germans performed their tasks magnificently, finding spots for latecomers, often carrying the infirm and invalids to a protected area. Sam watched as a particularly crusty old Oberstgeneral [a high-ranking "Colonel General"], a paraplegic, was carried to a seat in the reviewing stand. He joined a crowd of dignitaries, including General Clemens with his wife and two children, the URA Director for Bavaria, several religious leaders from as far away as Frankfurt and Munich, and City officials, their families, and invited guests. Waving to Frau Goettingen as she and her two grandsons were escorted to their seats by a proud young man in a carefully mended and cleaned Kriegsmarine uniform, he estimated that there were probably two thousand discharged German veterans in the audience. They were joined by several hundred GIs who had decided - on their own, without being ordered - to remember the dead, including their buddies who had perished on the long march from the beaches of Normandy and North Africa. They did not sit apart, for this was not a day for segregation. Indeed, uniforms of several different colors were scattered throughout every part of the stadium. Relations between the servicemen appeared to be entirely "correct." Indeed, in some instances, there clearly were amicable meetings of young men who had fought against each other so fiercely and, yet, (generally) with such honor.

As the dark pastel colors of late Spring began to color the early evening sky, the simple Memorial Service began. A large German choir mounted the stage, filed onto risers, and sang two old German hymns that promised peace on Earth and life eternal. The Cardinal Archbishop of Munich offered prayer. Four young men - one a heavily scarred Lieutenant, one a highly decorated American Corporal, one a civilian from the Camp who had been expelled from his ancestral home in Ostpreussen [East Prussia], and one a teacher in a local Gymnasium - briefly memorialized their buddies and their families who had perished in the War and its aftermath. No face in the stadium was unmarked by tears. As the colors of the late evening sky flared, the choir offered another glorious hymn. The stage cleared, a single American serviceman strode as close as he could to those whose upraised faces seemed to stretch into eternity. Briefly, he explained the significance of "Taps," at which time everyone in the stadium rose. He then raised his bugle and offered his exquisite gift to the dead...and to the living. For a moment following its close, not a sound was to be heard throughout the stadium or from outside.

In that moment, an unplanned gift was added to the Service program. >From the darkening stadium, a glorious young male voice began to sing the opening words of the great German funerary song, "Ich Hatt' einen Kameraden" ["I Had a Comrade"]. Sam gasped, for he knew well that this song had always been clearly associated with the military - and, as far as he knew, no request had been made to include it in the program. (Had it been requested, his guess was that it would have been quickly rejected.) Inhaling, he looked over at General Clemens who had sat down at the close of "Taps." Slowly, the General rose, stood at attention, and saluted. Following his lead, the GIs in the audience also rose to join their German brothers and sisters. Sam exhaled.

The magnificent song rose over the stadium as spectator after spectator joined in its singing.

Ich hatt' einen Kameraden I had a comrade

Einen bessern findst du nit A better one you'll not find

Die Trommel schlug zum Streite The battle drums were beating

Er ging on meiner Seite He was by my side

|:Im gleichen Scritt und Tritt:| |:In every step and stride:|

Eine Kugel kam geflogen A bullet came a-flying

Gilt's mir oder gilt es dir? Was it meant for me or you?

Ihn hat es weggerissen It struck down my comrade

Er legt vor meinen Fuessen He lay at my feet

|:Als waer's ein Stueck von mir:| |:As if a part of me:|

Will mir die Hand noch reichen His hand still reaches out to me

Derweil ich eben lad' While I reload my rifle

'Kann dir die Hand nicht geben I cannot give you my hand

Bleib du im ew'gen Leben Rest on in life eternal

|:Mein guter Kamerad':| |:My good comrade:|

Yes, Bleib du im ew'gen Leben

|:Mein guter Kamerad':|

(To Be Continued)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: The song "Ich Hatt' einen Kameraden" is especially important to this part of "Out of the Rubble." You may wish to listen to it. Several "mp3" files are readily accessible through a 'Net search on the song title. Most are of poor quality, but one - a recording originally made at Field Marshal Rommel's State funeral - is quite good. I strongly commend it to you. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 8

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