
By Mike Rich

Published on Dec 29, 2005


Hey all, its my first time so please be kind. Any comment can be send to



The following story contains sexual content and deals with homosexual relationships. It is not for people under the legal age. If you are offended by the contents of this story, or it is illegal in your location to view this type of material, leave now This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Chapter 1

He new what she was going to say, even before she said it he new. They had gotten to a point over the years where they both new each other so well that sometimes a a look would just suffice.

"3 days??? Just 3 days???"

'I knew it' he thought while he looked at his best friend. She was by all accounts beautiful, he always knew how to pick them back in the day, Long dark hair and bright green eyes, and his favorite part: the most perfect nose, yes beautiful.

"Look i know its not a lot of time, but i already did the circuits and all that the last time i went there, this time i just want to be there and mix with the locals and relax even if its just for 3 days."

"... Still, i say 3 days is not enough time in Paris, come on there is so much to do there."

He cut her off:

" I know there is, but i am going alone, and before you say anything i am glad i am, look, Ally i know you mean well but i am telling you 3 days is enough, besides its still a month or so away i am just telling you in advance so we can work things with Ben."

"Don't worry about that, you know he will be fine"

"I know... i just don't like to be away from him for so long."

"I know you don't sweetie, but 3 days will go like that for him" She said snapping her fingers.

"OK" Well the motive of the encounter had been discussed so he knew what came next, he also knew she realised that he didn't care so much for her "butting in", but friends tend to do that meaning well.

"You know what comes next sweetie" she said in an almost comical way.

'This would be a perfect time for my cell phone to ring' he amusingly thought


No such luck.

"So tell me..." she started " What's the news on the man hunting?"

And here it was!

'I am telling you God, this is looking more and more like a one sided relationship'

"Well you know that i am taking my time. " he said hoping to end the discussion there, but he knew there was no point .

"Andrew, you already took your time, you took time for a handful of men for that matter, sweetie," God, he hated when she called him that, she knew it too, " its time to move on, besides I hear that the blond haired, blue eyed look is back".

'Seriously i am turning to Buddhism'

"When was it gone? Look i am moving on, i don't necessarily have to find a man to do so, i am happy, i have you i have my son, and i have company now at home with Tommy there so..."

"That's right!" she interrupted him " How is that working out?"

"Well lets just say, its not bad but it could be better, all things considering he is dealing with it pretty well. I mean he still has some hard time accepting his uncle is gay but i think with time he he will, he's a good kid."

"You talk like you are that much older than him" she couldn't help laugh.

"well 5 years makes a difference" he said almost pouting and then smiling at his best friend's wit. Yes he was lucky to have her.

"Well did you talk at all to your brother?"

"Come on its not that big a deal, he is learning to deal with it, i don't need to bother Mathew, besides Tommy is starting college and he has enough to think about, imagine being all of a sudden in a different state, far from your family and your friends discovering that the uncle that you are going to live with, and that has been a very non present uncle i might add, is gay." He took a sip of his coffee " Let it sink in, i told you before, he is a good kid."

"Well i take your word for it, you know i am here for you don't you?"

He knew it, and so did she, a look was enough to tell.

The New York air was icy and people were spending as little time on the streets as they could, after all December can be cold. It was 2 days to New Years eve and you could almost smell the Ball Drop anticipation in the city, 'If only we could impeach Bush in two days the New Year would start great' he thought. It was cozy enough on the cafe they were at, but he knew he had to go home, besides it was her turn to pick up Ben from day care and he wanted to clean the apartment to have Ben over for the last hours of the Year. Apparently Alicia had been invited to her firms New Years party so that worked perfect for him. He loved his son more than anything, but he knew he was hiding, hiding from the dangers of a new relationship. The last one, Rick, had ended well enough, he didn't cheat or lie, he told him the truth, he wanted to be with someone else. It was hard for a few weeks but he had to admit, it could have been worse.

'Life isn't all drama' he was rocked out of his day dream by Ally.


"hum? Sorry Ally, just thinking."

"Well we have to go, i have to pick up Ben" she said wile getting up.

"I know, i know, i have to go to"

He got up and together they exited the coffeehouse to the cold winter air of New Your City.

He got home just before 6 to find his nephew watching TV on the living room.

"Hey! How was your day?" He asked wile he took off the jacket an put it over on one of the couches.

"Good enough" Tommy responded without taking his eyes off the TV.

"Well good... hum you want to help make dinner?"

"That depends... What are we making" Tommy turned to face his uncle was siting on his right.

"Well," Andrew started smiling a little "i thought we could make a couple of pizzas today cuz i am not in a big dinner mood, what do you think?"

He saw the response he wanted, his nephew smiled.

"Sure, I'll help, do you want me to set the table" he asked wile he go up and started for the kitchen

'OK so I'll rethink Buddhism'

"Sure, if you don't mind"

"Oh by the way" Tommy started wile starting to set the kitchen table "some guy called today."

"Really? Who?" he stopped what he was doing to pay attention to his nephew.

"He said his name was Bruce Manning and that you should call him about the letter you sent."

"Really are you sure?" Anticipation was grabbing him, he had been waiting for that call, a few weeks ago he had wrote to this guy because he was the one to convince to let him put his line up on the Paris Fair, he had gotten the 3 days in Paris hoping he could do his line figuring that if he couldn't at least he would have 3 days to relax at the city of light. "Are you really sure?"

"Yes" Said Tommy amused by the child like glee emanating from his uncle "Let me take a guess, old boyfriend?"

Andrew laughed

"Better, new boss."

They ate in silence for awhile, they were both on their second pizza when Tommy spoke up.

"I need to tell you something" he said not meeting his uncle's eyes.

"OK..." Andrew said carefully

"I am thinking of moving out"

'Sorry deal is back off, Buddhism'

"What?" Sadness started creeping in, even though he had been distant with his nephew wile he was here he still loved him and wanted him there.

"Look uncle Andrew, i tried to be OK with the gay thing, and i know i should be, but i just don't see myself being OK with it anytime soon, and if we are just going to be uncomfortable i should just move to the dorms."

Andrew kept looking down at his half eaten pizza, tears were starting to form in his eyes. He had hoped they would become good friends, now all looked lost.

"Andrew, please its not like i don't like you..." Tommy started before he was interrupted by his Uncle.

"No... you just cant accept me, look its cool" He still could look up "If you need help moving out just tell me and I'll help" He got up and left for his room not once looking up.

When he got to his room he couldn't take it anymore and just laid down on the bed and cried.

Thomas was left on the kitchen looking where his Uncle had been just a few seconds ago. He felt sick and he didn't like the feeling. The worst part was he knew his uncle would go with whatever lie he would tell his parents and that just made him feel worse. The man had shown him nothing more than friendship, and he let what his friends back home thought of gay people come between them. He just couldn't do it. He tried to be close to Andrew but he couldn't do it, the most he got was when Ben was with them. For the few weeks he had been there he grew very attached to the 2 year old. He loved him, and he played with him with Andrew. Why couldn't he just accept Andrew he didn't understand. His parents always told him that he should respect everyone, and apparently all the family accepted him, why couldn't he?

His thoughts were interrupted by the quiet sobbing coming from one of the bedrooms, and when he heard the distant noises, he felt like crying himself. Slowly he got up from his chair and started for his uncle's bedroom. He stopped at the door and he could hear the sobs clearly now, and he hated himself for doing that to someone that had open his life to him. Quietly he opened to door and looked at the bed.

He couldn't stop crying, he was now on the fetal position. He hadn't cried like that in months. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned his head fast. He saw Tommy looking over him, a single tear rolling down his cheek. He tried to take his nephew's hand from his shoulder but with little success. "Please just leave me alone OK?" he tried.

"No! I am so sorry Andy"

That did it. Hearing the nickname only Ally called him when they were married just made him lose it completely and he started sobbing uncontrollably. He felt Tommy encircling him with his arms and pushing him against his chest. At 6 ft the tall dark haired brown eyed kid was much more built than he was. He just rocketed his uncle in his strong arms until he calmed down.

He woke up to find himself being spooned by someone. He looked behind him to find Thomas looking back with a worried expression on his face.

"Are you OK?"

"Yeah" he said still not sure where he stood with his nephew "hum, you realize you are in my bed making actual physical contact with me right?"

Tommy grinned sheepishly at his uncle

"Yeah" and as he said it he held him tighter "I was an idiot yesterday, forgive me, i can be to straight for my own good, please lets just start over, I'll even help you find a hot guy at campus if you forget all about last night"

He was enjoying the closeness, he was still a little sleepy.

"Sure, i would like that, to forget that is, the part about the boyfriend i can do without" he said smiling to himself 'Please God, yes yes you are back on, not another Ally' he thought. "Wait!" He jolted up so fast he almost threw Thomas off the bed "Yesterday, you mean i was asleep all night?"

"Hum yeah" Thomas said not understanding the problem.

"Oh shit" Andrew started for the living room with his nephew in tow "shit shit shit"


"I never returned the call from Bruce Manning." Andrew explained wile he looked at the phone book he kept near the phone. When he finally found the number he dialed wile Tommy laid himself down on the couch looking at him with an amused expression.

"Hello" he heard when someone finally picked up.

"Hello" Andrew started "I am returning a call from Bruce Manning yesterday"

"Who is it calling" The woman over the phone asked.

"Andrew, Andrew Archer"

"Just a moment Mr Archer" and he was put on hold wile a Backstreet Boys song started playing.

'Where is the Jazz?'

"Andrew?" He heard from the phone when the music was interrupted

"Mr Manning, i am so sorry i didn't return your call yesterday, its just that the day was taxing" he tried to explain wile looking at Tommy, he saw the sad look on his face and made a gesture with his hands saying to him to forget it.

"No problem Andrew, we all have bad days, so are you ready for the Fair?"

"Yes sir i have everything ready, the line is all tailored and ready for shipment, i still cant believe you got me a space."

"Well you got it, you are good Andrew, we are just making sure everyone knows that, besides, my wife liked your clothes i couldn't say no without facing the consequences"

Andrew laughed at that.

"Well send my regards to her than, i owe her big time, and you too"

"Enough, you owe me nothing, just put on a good show, oh and by the way i have some news, i got you the face for your line."

"You did? That's great i was starting to get worried we weren't finding the right model"

"Well worry no more, you have him, tall dark and handsome just like you like 'em"

"Well come on who is he?" He could hardly keep his anticipation, he remembered the hours trying to find a model himself only too well.

"Do you know a man named Kevin Richardson?"

Well that is it for my first Chapter, its 5 am and i am sleepy, will post the second one as soon as possible

Happy New Year

Next: Chapter 2

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