Patterns of Fate

By Shaun C.

Published on Oct 31, 1999


Patterns of Fate

====== Author's Note & Disclaimer ======

First of all, let me give a shout-out to everyone who's written me so far! Thanks for the compliments, and I think I've managed to write you all back so far. But don't be afraid to send me constructive criticism - anything to help make my writing better is well-received. Now for all the nasty, legal stuff.

Nothing in this story should be taken to imply anything about the sexuality of the Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrity mentioned. So far as I know and care, all of them are straight as arrows - but hell, we can dream, right? If you are under the legal age to view this material, then get along lil' doggie. If homosexual content offends you, then why the hell are you even READING this?

But if you are of legal age, and you enjoy a good story, then by all means, grab a cup of cocoa, sit back, and enjoy the ride.

...and now, the moment you've all been waiting for, the second part to Patterns of Fate.

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Patterns of Fate, Chapter II: Gathering the Threads, Part 2

AJ pointed at Sean. "I know you!"

Sean looked confused for a minute, before his eyes widened at the sight of one of AJs tattoos. "My God! How long has it been?!"

AJ grinned and grabbed Sean up in a big bear hug. "Too long, man! I knew I recognized that cross!" AJ had to resist the urge to keep hugging the man, but the other guys were looking on with raised eyebrows. AJ blushed furiously at what they might be thinking. Not that they would be totally wrong, but that had only been a one-time thing... And years before, to boot.

As the two separated, Brian cleared his throat. "So, want to fill us in on the details here, Bone?" Brian missed the sudden twitch of Sean's lips as he fought off a huge grin.

"Can we go inside first? It's gettin' cold out here," AJ said, and started toward the door. "You guys coming?" he called over his shoulder.

"In a minute, man. Me 'n' Howie are gonna go park the car. We'll meet up in your room, alright?" Brian answered.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't wait too long, though, Rok. You comin' with me, you two?" AJ asked, turning around to look at Sean and Nick impatiently.

"On my way," Sean answered.

Nick scratched at his cheek before answering. "I think I'm gonna go with Rok and D. Gotta be safe, right?"

"Whatever." AJ said with a shrug, and waited for Sean to catch up. AJ threw a friendly arm over Sean's shoulder as they walked in, leaving Brian and the others open-mouthed again.

As they passed by the bar, AJ noticed Kevin sitting alone at the bar, nursing a drink. "Yo, Kev - you gonna join us upstairs?"

"For what?" Kevin answered without turning around.

"Well, don't you want to meet our new pal here?"

" 'New pal'?" Kevin asked, turning to look at Sean. "We don't even know this guy." Then he noticed the friendly way AJ's arm was draped over Sean's shoulders. "Though you seem to be kinda chummy with him all of a sudden."

"We've met before, Mr. Richardson," Sean answered. "Several years back."

"Oh really?" Kevin smiled unconvincingly. "Well, then, maybe I'll come up to hear ALL about it." With that, he went back to sipping at his drink.

AJ looked at Sean and frowned. "Why don't you go on up? Room 311." He handed Sean the key to the room.

"Alright.. Be well, Mr. Richardson." With that, Sean bowed his head slightly, and walked toward the elevators. Better to let them talk in private. Kevin was already suspicious - no sense in making him downright hostile.

Kevin didn't say a word when AJ slid onto the stool next to him.

"Well?" AJ prodded, leaning one elbow against the bar.

"Well what?"

AJ sighed. "Come on, man... don't be like this."

"Be like what? I'm not the one bringing strange guys into the hotel."

"Come on, man. Rok's not like that, and you know it."

"I know, I know. Sorry." Kevin sighed and pushed his drink away. "I just don't like having strangers around like that. Especially not in our ROOMS."

"Relax, man. I know this guy. Sort of."

"Yeah, it's the 'sort of' that bothers me. How long ago was it, Bone?"

"Four or five years... I think."

"You think? How long did you know him for?"

"Uh... One night," AJ said sheepishly.

"Only one night? And you say you know him?!" Kevin rolled his eyes. "How well do you get to know someone in one night?"

AJ blushed furiously for a moment, causing Kevin to raise an eyebrow.

"You didn't. What, are you gay?"

AJ shook his head furiously. "NO! It... it was just a one-time thing. Uh.. A.. a lot to drink, and all."

"Aw, man.. I can't believe this..."

"What? Damnit, man, it was years ago, okay?"

Kevin just grumbled and pushed himself away from the bar.

"Where are you going?"

"Up to your room. You wanted me to come, right?"

"Not if you're going to be like this."

Kevin sighed, and looked at AJ. "Look, man.. We all do dumb things when we're young. It's no big deal to me, if it isn't a big deal to you."

"It... Yeah. Yeah, it's no big deal. But, uh, I'd appreciate it if you didn't... y'know... say anything to the other guys."

"Why not? Afraid they might think you're a queer?"

Ouch. AJ almost flinched back at that one. True, he wasn't gay, but he had some friends who were. And he figured Sean was, too. But why press the issue, when Kevin was being at least amiable?

"Come on, man. I was kidding." Kevin said, putting a hand on AJ's shoulder and giving him a friendly squeeze. "It's not like it'd matter if you were. I got no problems with it." Which was true enough. After all, looking as good as he did was bound to attract more than a 13-year old's wandering eyes. One got used to having a few guys at concerts sizing one up.

"Yeah, yeah. Funny man, Kev. Come on - the other guys are probably already up in the room."

Kevin nodded and followed AJ toward the elevators.

=== Meanwhile... ===

Sean smiled as settled into a chair across from Brian and the rest of the guys. They had shown up shortly after Sean had let himself into AJs room.

"So," Brian started, "you want to tell us about how you and Bone know eachother?"

"Well, Mr. Li - Brian, I mean - it was a long time ago. Four or five years, I think. It was at a dance club in Florida. We had been dancing for several hours, and doing a little drinking, too. After the club closed for the night, we stood outside and chatted for a bit. As it happened, he was staying in a hotel not far from mine."

"Hotel? I thought you slept on the roads." Nick cut in.

"This was back when I still had money from my savings." Sean explained, smiling at Nick.

"Oh. Sorry.. go ahead."

Sean grinned even wider. "Anyway, we decided to walk back together, since it was late." Sean paused, suddenly unsure of where to take the story. He could tell them everything about that night, but decided that AJ wouldn't care to have the story out in the open. Besides, that had only been a one-night fling... Even though Sean had certainly enjoyed it; and, judging by the way he had been moaning, so had AJ. But that was in the past, and times changed.

"So what then?" Brian prodded, bringing Sean out of his thought.

"Oh.. Well, that's it, really. We talked some on the way back, but after the next morning, we never saw each other again. Until tonight."

"The next morning? I thought you stayed in different hotels."

"Oh, yes... Well, we... met for breakfast," Sean explained quickly, hoping not to sound like he was covering up too much. But the answer seemed to satisfy, and Brian smiled and nodded.

"Very cool. Say, where IS Bone?"

"A few minutes ago, he was downstairs, talking to Kevin. He said that he would be up shortly."

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door.

"Speak of the devil," Sean said with a smile as he stood up and went to the door.

"About time you two showed up," Howie said as he scooted over on the bed in order to make room.

"Sorry," Kevin muttered as he stepped in, giving a short glance at Sean. He resisted the temptation to wink and smile. "Bone and I just had to have a little talk."

AJ looked at Sean as he followed Kevin. He mouthed 'he knows', and almost laughed as Sean's eyes widened. Fortunately, it seemed that none of the other guys noticed.

Brian did, though. But out of respect for his friend and his company, he didn't say anything.

Everyone settled in quickly, and soon the guys were cutting it up amongst themselves, and even including Sean as they could. Sean took it all in good fun, and even joined in after a while. But finally, Kevin glanced at the clock and nearly pitched a fit.

"Damnit! It's almost 3 in the morning! You guys, we have an interview in about 8 hours. C'mon, we gotta get some sleep."

"Yes, papa," Brian muttered, and socked Kevin playfully in the arm.

"I'm serious."

"I know, I know. Come on, guys, we better get going. You coming, Sean?"

Sean smiled and got up from the floor where he had ended up sitting. "Yeah. Are you sure I'm not imposing?"

"Not at all, man. If you ask me that one more time, though, I'm gonna have to gag you."

Sean raised an eyebrow. "That might be fun," he commented offhand, before he realized that AJ and Kevin both were giving him a look. "Um... I meant..." he stammered, blushing furiously.

Howie and Nick looked at eachother cluelessly. Brian smiled a little, catching the innuendo. Though a lot of people thought of him as Bible Boy, no one could say he was stupid.

"Okay, guys, let's get a move on," Kevin said, already at the door and holding it open. "Let's go, let's go."

Everyone but AJ filed out one by one.

"Night, guys." Brian called out as he and Sean walked down the hall.

"They seem nice," Sean commented as Brian unlocked the door to his room.

"Yeah, they're really great guys. Otherwise, I think we'd have killed eachother by now."

Sean laughed as they stepped into the room and Brian flipped the switch for the bedside lamp. "Nice room," he commented.

"It's not too bad. The bed's a pretty good size, so we should be comfortable."

"Yeah.. Are you sure you don't prefer that I sleep on the floor?"

"Is that your way of asking if you're imposing?"

"Uh... Yeah, I guess it is."

"I warned you about that," Brian said, and tackled Sean, pushing him down onto the bed. The two wrestled around playfully for several minutes, laughing all the while. After a while, though, Brian got the upper hand, and sat triumphantly on Sean's chest. Pinned down as he was, Sean had nothing to do but admire the gorgeous man sitting on top of him. He swallowed hard as he realized where his thoughts were headed, and felt himself growing hard.

Brian apparently noticed it, too, as he suddenly blushed, and scooted off of Sean. He hoped that Sean hadn't noticed the bulge in his own jeans. For a very brief moment, he thought of carrying the moment further, seeing how far it would go. But then a voice in the back of his head whispered, 'What would your family think? What would GOD think?'. Brian pushed the thought to the back of his mind. He was getting tired... almost losing his self-control. He wasn't gay - he COULDN'T be gay. He'd been raised better than that.

"We... uh... we should get to sleep," he muttered.

"Yeah... uh, its getting late, and you do have to be up in the morning."

"Exactly," Brian sighed, a little relieved that his erection was subsiding. He pulled the blankets down, and told Sean to take his pick of sides. Sean just fell onto the closest side, and quickly pulled the covers up over himself.

"Tired?" Brian asked, smiling.

"Yeah... And it's nice to sleep in a real bed."

"I can imagine. I miss my waterbed whenever I'm on the road."

Sean smiled as he closed his eyes. Brian stripped off his shirt, crawled into the bed, and turned off the light.

=== End, Part 2 ===

Author's Commentary: Well, this is the end of part 2, and still no sex. But it was close, eh? Don't worry... it will happen. But I have to build up some semblance of a story, right? Well, anyway - feel free to contact me.

Email: -OR- ICQ# : 21643240 AIM : SilverWolf1979

And be on the lookout for Patterns of Fate, Part 3! Coming soon to an Erotic Stories Archive near you!

Next: Chapter 3

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