Paws for Effect

By Henry Wolf

Published on Mar 8, 2022


Paws For Effect Chapter 5: The Better to Taste You With, My Dear Henry Wolf

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Note: this chapter contains explicit sexual scenes. The events in this story are purely fantasy. All characters are consenting and are 21+ year olds. In real life, please show respect and practise safe and consensual sex.

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Max's dreams were wild that night. He dreamt he was a full dog. He saw himself as a German Shepard, running around a field on all fours. He could feel the tall grass against his fur as he ran up and down the hills and valleys. The sweet smell of flowers and earthy scent of mud were strong in his nose. He felt powerful on his strong hind and forelegs as he sped around, feeling like he had been in that position all his life. He was happy, free, liberated as a dog. The warm sun beat against his shimmering fur. It was the most care-free he had felt in a long time.

Something new appeared in the dream, a red ball flying overhead. He followed its arcing trajectory as it soared into the air and landed far on the horizon. An innate urge to find the ball took over him, an instinct he didn't have to think about. He knew he just had to find it. Tearing through the grass, he searched, following the scent and looking for anything round.

Eventually, he found it and realised his new quest was to return it to someone. He grasped it in his mouth, feeling the squeeze toy against his sharp teeth. He turned, running and searching for the person he needed to return it to. Who was it he was looking for? Why did the ball have to be returned to them? Thoughts ran through his mind, but all he knew was that it was the right thing to do.

He crested a hill and saw who had thrown the ball. It was his owner. His owner? How did he have an owner? Of course, he was a dog, and dogs belonged to humans. They owned them. It was natural. And his owner was standing in the distance. He felt a deep longing to run to him; to return to his owner's side. But when had he become owned? And why did it feel good to think of himself as owned? He trotted forward. He didn't know the answers to the questions, but all he knew was that looking at his owner gave him happiness, and with every step forward he knew he was moving closer to where he belonged.

As his owner came into view, his face came into focus, and he saw that it was Thiago. Thiago? Max was confused. But wasn't he his boyfriend? No, of course not, dogs didn't have boyfriends. Only humans did. And Max wasn't a human, he was a dog, therefore Thiago was his owner, and he was his pet. He belonged to Thiago. It felt correct as he came to the conclusion in his head, the fit was perfect, as if they had always been like that -- human and dog, owner and pet.

Max dropped the ball at Thiago's feet as his owner threw his arms around him. He was safe and warm in his human's arms. That was where he belonged, on all fours as his owner stood above him, hugging him and petting his head and back, his fur felt amazing being rubbed. His tongue lolled as he continued to enjoy the affection. He had never been so elated.

Max continued to enjoy the ecstasy of his dream as he stirred awake. Dim early morning light came through the slats of the blinds. He saw Thiago asleep next to him -- sweet looking as he dozed peacefully. The reality of the situation dawned on Max. He had been so overjoyed in the dream, seeing his boyfriend as his owner. What was happening to him? He was thinking of himself as more and more of a dog and less of a person. The dream had been a clear indicator of that. Were they showing an inner desire to become a dog? To become a pet? To become owned? He didn't want to lose himself, but he couldn't argue about how good the dream had felt, to be a dog and forget all his worries and responsibilities, and maybe, conversely, becoming a dog was a way of finding himself? Was he always meant to be a dog? He didn't want to overthink things and rationalise his thoughts into one direction or another -- giving into becoming a dog or struggling to stay human?

He knew his inner thoughts sounded insane so he shook his head and concentrated on the here and now, being with his boyfriend, not owner, Thiago. The more he said it, the more he returned to that reality and moved away from the dream.

He could feel that the elation from being close to Thiago in the dream had made him hard -- his cock was rock solid. Looking at Thiago sleeping next to him was also making him quite horny. He knew his boyfriend didn't want to have sex while he was part dog, which was fair enough, but his newfound libido and senses were making it quite difficult.

"Obviously, I'm not going to fuck him, but maybe I could just enjoy his scent?" Max concluded in his head. He got up on all fours and crawled over to Thiago, sniffing his body. His boyfriend's musk and sweat were like heaven. He smelled along his face and neck, his boyfriend's beard tickling his nose. He couldn't help but lick the skin, his tongue lolling out. It tasted amazing.

Thiago stirred in his sleep, moaning.

Max smiled, tasting the burst of flavour on his tongue. He passed his tongue along Thiago's mouth, sticking his tongue inside.

Thiago responded, still half-asleep, his tongue rolling against his boyfriend's.

Max licked up the saliva in Thiago's mouth, rejoicing in the taste. He stood on all fours above his boyfriend, gazing down on him. He moved his head downward to Thiago's armpits. He sniffed the sharp musk, placing his nose deep in the armpit hair and breathed in.

Thiago laughed in his sleep, feeling the tickle in his armpits.

Max smiled, teasing the other man. He moved his head and licked Thiago's nipples, making circles around the sensitive skin.

"Oh, Max," Thiago moaned, who was awake now. He was enjoying the early morning intimacy. He pulled Max into a hug, rubbing his back.

Max continued to tickle Thiago's nipples with his tongue, getting them wet as they grew hard, growing the attention.

"That feels so good," Thiago held Max. It had been some time since they had been intimate. Max's slow transformation into a partial dog had put a stop to that, so Thiago was enjoying the release.

"Can I suck you off?" Max asked.

Thiago was quiet. He didn't reply. He was horny from Max's affection, but he was also hesitant about being intimate while his boyfriend was part dog. Max was still himself, somewhat, just with a few dog features. Was it bestiality to let Max suck him off, or was it some messed up thing in between, being with a part human, part dog? He didn't know, all he knew in that moment was that he was super horny and Max was still partly himself. He was still talking; he was still able to consent and give his approval? Therefore, Max was still Max. The light in the bedroom was dim enough that Thiago could only see Max's outline, which was human for the best part, and if he held his boyfriend in the right places, all he could feel was skin, so for him, Max was just the old human Max. He gave in, "alright, but if any more changes happen, we can't do anything sexual, ok? I mean it."

"Of course," Max was overjoyed. He moved his head down towards Thiago's crotch. He sniffed the pubes, inhaling the deep musk, making his eyes roll. He then buried his nose in his boyfriend's balls, feeling the sweaty skin against his face. He licked along the skin, taking the large egg-shaped balls in his mouth.

Thiago moaned as Max passed the balls around his tongue. He gasped a few times and Thiago's fangs collided with the sensitive skin, but Max was careful not to nip at them.

Max couldn't get enough of the taste and smell. He had always enjoyed giving head to Thiago but this was a whole new world of flavours and sensations. He drew his tongue up the balls and up to the hard shaft. Thiago's cock was rock hard. He passed his tongue along the shaft, tasting the saltiness in his mouth. The flesh was amazing and a lot better than he had remembered. He took the cock in his mouth and lowered in head down on the long piece of meat. He moved it in and out, careful not to scratch it with his teeth.

Max used his tongue to swirl around the sensitive head, causing Thiago to moan and grab hold of Max's head. Max's eyes rolled at the dual pleasure of the cock in his mouth and the feeling of Thiago's warm, strong hands on his head. He moved his head up and down the shaft, drawing closer and closer to the base of his boyfriend's cock. His nose was tickled by Thiago's pubes as he reached the base and he could feel the tip of Thiago's cock hit the back of his throat. He held his head there for a few seconds.

Thiago moaned in pleasure, holding Max's head gently and petting him. "That feels so good," he could barely whisper. "Turn around, let's 69," Thiago ordered.

Max turned around, positioning his legs on either side of Thiago's shoulders. He was careful not to touch off him, so as not to tickle him with his fur or scratch him with his claws. He kept his tail upwards and out of his boyfriend's face, knowing the foreign appendage would be a mood killer.

Thiago took his boyfriend's hard dick in his mouth; thankful it was very much still a human dick.

Max rocked his hips back and forth, ploughing his dick into his boyfriend's mouth. He hadn't cum in days over his newfound transformation so he was shivering with anticipation, ready for a release. He continued to pleasure Thiago's cock, pulling the shaft in and out of his mouth as he pumped his own dick into his boyfriend's mouth, feeling the cock head caress the other man's throat. They grew into a steady rhythm, back and forth on each other's dicks, their mouths pleasuring the other's shaft, both moaning in unison.

They quickened their pace as they grew closer, feeling their orgasms bubble up within them. Max felt himself tighten up as he climaxed, shooting ropes of cum into Thiago's mouth. Thiago could feel the hot salty streams of liquid on his tongue. He caressed the hard shaft and swallowed as the cum filled his throat.

The feeling of cum sent Thiago wild and he climaxed himself, spurting cum into Max's throat. Max gobbled up the cum, enjoying the exuberant flavours of his boyfriend's cum. The taste was almost overwhelming, he could feel it on the back of his teeth asnthe sensations were so strong.

Both men moaned in the aftermath of their orgasms, lavishing the taste of the hot cum and riding the ecstasy of their pleasure. Max turned around and they collapsed into each other's arms, kissing each other and tasting both of their cum and saliva in their mouths.

"That was so good," Max said.

"I needed that, thanks," Thiago sighed, chuckling lightly. He held Max, feeling his boyfriend's claws and fur against his chest. He tried to put it out of his mind and just enjoy the release from the orgasm. He smiled and closed his eyes. There were a few more hours until he had to go to work so they both decided to nap until then.

A bit different from the previous chapters, given the eroticism. Initially, there were supposed to be new transformation changes in this chapter, but the sex scene ran on a bit so I decided to keep the new changes until the next chapter (which will be out a lot quicker than this chapter, I promise!) Let me know what you thought of the scenes in this chapter. See ya next time!

Next: Chapter 6

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