Peacock Photographic Studio

Published on Sep 21, 2013


The Peacock Photographic Studio

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to

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I inherited my family home in the western suburbs of Philadelphia. It was an older house on a secluded site. The gardens became overgrown when my father aged. I was an only child. My father was a prosperous merchant and expected me to continue the business. I had no interest in it and I sold it for a considerable profit.

My hobby was photography, and I decided to make it my profession. Photography had always fascinated me and I enjoyed it greatly. Thus I opened the Peacock Photographic Studio. I had planned to call it the Peacock Artistic Photography Studio, but a friend told me the police considered the word "artistic" as a synonym for nude.

My studio did not thrive. I was in an out of the way place. Photographers were common and my works weren't that distinctive. I didn't need the money, but I didn't want to admit I was a failure. I spoke to several friends for advice. My friend, Trevor, had an idea. He moved in artistic and somewhat eccentric circles. He said some of them might like photographs. He said they might enjoy photos of an intimate nature. This didn't shock me. I moved in artistic circles and in artist studios nude models were expected. I also knew of some scientific studies of nudes, illustrating anatomical movement.

My relationship with Trevor was both friendly and intimate. I knew what he was suggesting. It was an odd suggestion, but I was willing to give it a try. Trevor was excited by the prospect. I had an assistant, Clive, who shared my taste for photography and my sexual tastes.

A few days later Trevor came to my studio with two friends I had never met, Wilson and Edward. Wilson was an older man, a former Calvary man in the Civil War, Edward was a young art student at the Academy. Wilson was bearded and ruddy; Edward was pale and delicate. Both men were nervous and uneasy.

Trevor introduced us. "This is Horace Martinson, please meet Wilson and Edward; they are dear friends. Let me assure you Horace is a member of the fraternity. He has pledged, was a probationary member and was initiated. He has sucked at the fountain of knowledge and drunk deeply of the elixir of life."

"You've tasted the stuff?" Edward asked. I nodded.

"Edward's never done that," Wilson said.

"Perhaps you should ask him," Trevor said. He winked at Edward.

"As you know, photographic poses take a long time. Why don't we all get comfortable and try to relax," I said. "I've never done this sort of photographs before."

We went to the conservatory. My father had no interest in the yard, but he had a taste for exotic plants. He was a frugal man; the conservatory was his only extravagance. It wasn't huge, but it was quite elaborate and had some small palm trees. I thought this might be suitable for this sort of photograph.

The sun was out and the room felt like a tropical location. Wilson and Edward loved the Conservatory. Provided a slight excuse for nudity. They could go native. Tropical natives are not usually white males, but that didn't seem to bother the men.

They stripped. Trevor, Clive and I also disrobed. Trevor said that would make the men more comfortable. It was a strange experience for me. I had been naked with men before, but it was always in a darkened bed room or in a woods after dark. The sunlight seemed wrong. Of course photographs need light. It took a few minutes to get accustomed to the light.

I also became quickly use to seeing naked men. It seemed liberating to be nude with other men. At first it was shocking to see men with their genitals exposed. It soon became arousing. Clive, who was 19 years old was semi-erect. That generated admiring glances from Wilson and Trevor. It think Edward saw him as a potential rival.

Edward retaliated by becoming fully erect. Clive was well equipped. Edward was a marvel. Trevor found that attractive. There was an arousing sense of excitement in the air[BW1].

I had some wicker chairs in the room. We sat and discussed the possible photographs. I suggested Roman or Greek nude athletes, or perhaps natives exploring the jungle. Trevor wanted the Greek athletes.

"I was thinking of something different, something quite different," Wilson said. "If my ideas shock you, I will understand. I am not interested in refined, artistic photographs; I want photographs that illustrate sex between men, sucking and fucking men."

"Let me explain," he continued. "I am a conventional man who has had a conventional life. Until I met Edward, I had no idea I was capable of intense such feelings. I am a widower. In my twenty years of marriage I saw sex as a duty and not a pleasure. After I met Edward, I discovered a new world of feeling and passion. Edward is returning to his home in England. He has obligations and opportunities there that I cannot be a party to. I want remembrance of my love for him."

"Love or passion?" Trevor asked.

Wilson smiled. "Both, it that is possible."

Of course long exposures are needed for photographs. I had a new film, that required shorter exposures, but I was not possible to capture quick action. I remembered Mr. Maybridge's photographs of running athletes. He had some special equipment. I decided I would contact him and see if the equipment would work for my purposes.

For now I would need to find intimate moments that did not require movement. I had no idea how to do that. I could just tell them to start sucking or fucking.

I didn't need to. Nature took its course. Trevor and Clive were helpful too. I was uneasy, but once men are aroused the potential for sexual activity tends to dominate the photographic subjects attention. It became a technical problem for me. Actually the problem was both technical and artistic.

Wilson was a big strapping man, but the point of sexual connection was small and it was hard to light. The sun filled conservatory helped with this. If I was doing anatomical studies, that would have been enough, but I wanted to show the passions and pleasure involved. Trevor and Clive helped with that. They were willing to help maintain the pose and provide some stimulation for the subjects.

The posing session was good. Wilson and Edward went home and I went to the darkroom. I knew that good posing sessions and successful photographs are not the same. Sometimes what looked so good posing, doesn't transfer to the photographic plate.

In this case a few were good. I noticed that the photographs taken later in the session were better than those taken earlier. Wilson and Edward relaxed and became more comfortable. We had one fine photo of Edward on his back with his legs on Wilson's shoulder. Edward was fully erect and while Wilson's organ was deep in his ass and thus could not be photographed, the look on his face made everything clear.

In another photograph, Edward had straddled Wilson's face. His cock head was in Wilson's mouth. Wilson had mutton chop sideburns and a big mustache. You could see Edwards cock resting on the tongue, and by chance the light caused a sparkle on Edward sex juiced as it drooled onto the tongue. The contrast between the furry face and the hairless cock was attractive.

Attractive may be the wrong word. It was not attractive as in beautiful, but as an illustration of affection and passion, it was perfect. Several day later Wilson came by to see the photographs. In general he was pleased. I said that another session or perhaps a longer session would be desirable. "In the earlier photographs, you appear tense and uneasy. This is perfectly understandable, but as you relaxed, the images seem to be more natural," I said.

Wilson agreed and we scheduled a second posing session. That turned out to be a dark and rainy day. That was not a total loss. Wilson and Edward practiced posing and some new positions. Staying still during a pose was hard. Clive discovered that a finger in Wilson's ass help him maintain his erection. Clive was small and he could hide behind Wilson's impressive bulk. Clive also liked to suck Edward during a set op period.

We were all vastly more relaxed that we had been at the first session. I had tried to maintain my professional demeanor during the first session. This time I was more relaxed although my cock was less relaxed. That was good. When Wilson and Edward saw that I was excited they were flattered. It also made it clear that I was a member of the club.

The third session was on a beautiful sunny day and all went well. Wilson was pleased and he paid well, a week later I had several men enquire about my services. Wilson was a well-known man and he seemed to move in unexpected circles. His friends were all wealthy, but varied.

A man named Al Calrow came to see me. He had made a fortune in making trolley cars. He was not cultured and his father had been a carriage maker. Al was recently widowed, and he came with two men Rex and Bill. They were crude looking working men. Calrow wanted pictures of them going at it.

They were uneasy about it, but Calrow offered them $150.00 a piece to do it. That was a fortune for them. We went to my studio and stripped. They didn't want to do that, but when Clive, Trevor and I stripped they relaxed some. Calrow stripped too, a bit unwillingly. I told him it was a rule.

Trevor is what might be described as a delicate type. He isn't precisely effeminate, but he is definitely not the strong man in the circus either.

While I was interested in man sex, I was not that experienced. I had only a few connections and the men I had been with were shy, retiring types. They were all upper class gentlemen. Trevor was the most active of the men I knew. Calrow, Bill and Rex were very different from the men I associated with. They were working men and definitely not from good families.

I was familiar with Walt Whitman and knew his poems. He admired working men and seemed to think they represented an American ideal. Naked they were brawny, muscular men. Rex was quite hairy and I had to admit they didn't look much like Greek Statues. Their cocks were buried in their thick bushes. They would not photograph well.

Much to my surprise, Trevor went to them and fondled their equipment. That helped some. When Trevor dropped to his knees and sucked the pair, the photographic situation improved. While there didn't have classical Greek cocks, they sported oversized organs well suited for the camera.

I also noted Trevor was not just being helpful; he was downright enthusiastic. While he had sucked me many times, and was a skilled sexual partner, he had never been like this.

The idea had been to photograph them wrestling. The match was to have a sexual climax. I decided to start with the climax first and do the match later. Now, Al had planned to watch the festivities, but he got inspired. Trevor was inspired too. They both joined in.

I would not have picked Al as a model, but he was more attractive naked and sexually excited that he had been dressed. When I saw Al with Rex and Bill, I wondered if Whitman had seen them. He lived in Camden on the other side of the Delaware River. They were three, ordinary working men. They weren't athletic looking, but if you needed a railroad built, they were the men for you.

I knew Trevor liked young, elegant and handsome men. The trio was nothing like them, but Trevor was clearly excited. I wondered if he have ever encountered men like them. I had to say that seeing them naked made a remarkable change in them. Rex and Bill had been in wearing the well-worn clothes of laborers. Al had looked out of place in his gentleman's suit. Naked they were strong, powerfully built men. The sort of men Whitman wrote about. I think Trevor saw that and he responded.

I was briefly afraid that the men might brush Trevor aside like a pesky fly. I knew that Trevor was sexually skilled but he did tend to play the blushing debutant at the ball some times. He also played hard to get.

I admit I was uneasy with Al and his men. Given my interest in the poetry of Walt Whitman, I had no association with working men. Most men I knew were of my class or servants. I didn't meet them except casually. I had certainly not met them naked and in a sexual situation. I knew men in my own artistic circles and knew of their sexual interests. I assumed it was an aspect of their artistic personalities.

It took no more than a minute or two to understand that Rex and Billy shared the same sexual interests and they didn't seem to have a trace of artistic personality. They were very aggressive and forceful in their approach to sex. Rex fucked Al, as his friend screwed Trevor. He was not differential at all to Trevor's superior status.

Trevor reacted to his harsh treatment with enthusiasm. He was moaning in pleasure and twitching as the working man's cock pounded his ass. I had never seen him that way before. We had played sexually, but it had been good and rather polite.

I took some photographs during the session, but I asked that the men remain. I had noticed that in a second session the men were normally more relaxed and the photographs were more natural. That was the case with Al and his friends.

They had all climaxed during the first session, and while they had no problem staying erect, the drive was slightly reduced. The men washed between the sessions, and I took towels to the men. I was alone with the two workmen, they were pleasant and liked my house. It was old and big. I no longer had servant and the place was beginning to look run down. They said it would be easy to fix. They were naked; I was wearing a towel.

"Do you like photographing naked men?" Rex asked, "I'd like a job like that. Do you mind just watching, and not joining in?"

"It's much more sex than I am use to," I said. "I have had a sheltered life."

"Fucking brings its own reward." Rex said. "You need to let yourself go."

"I don't think I could do that," I said. Rex reached over and slipped his hand into my towel. It fell to the floor.'

"Damn, you are well hung," he said. "It looked good from a distance, it's better close up." He dropped to his knees and began to suck. It was heavenly. He swallowed the whole thing and then rubbed the underside of my organ with his tongue. He was a crude man, but his mouth was soft.

A little later I sucked him. He was a big man as was his sexual equipment, but his cock seemed delicate. Every movement of my tongue made him moan. His cock oozed a sweet elixir. I had noticed it a few times with Trevor, but Rex's goo was much more plentiful and tasty. I discovered I could milk him. If I swallowed most of his cock, I could suction the stuff from his balls. We had to break off our connection to do the second session, but I wanted to meet him again. As I suspected the second session was more successful than the first. The men took their time and were relaxed.

It was odd to be sexually aroused and relaxed. Most sex between men was done quickly to avoid being caught in the act. Since the reason for our photographic sessions was for sex, the men could take time and savor the sensations. I also think the company was congenial. There was no need to hide anything and in this company activities and tastes that were considered shocking and rude were accepted. Indeed they were encouraged.

Rex and Billy were well endowed men. That endowment was always concealed from public view. Here their genitals were exposed and admired. It was good to celebrate the organs of which they were proud. I did uncover some oddities brought on by the demands of the camera. Length was a good quality. Billy had a long, rather thin organ. He could insert his knob and an inch or shaft into an ass and still show enough cock to photograph.

Al usually topped Billy, but for the camera he opened his ass for the laborer. He was uneasy about his at first, but he unexpectedly discovered the pleasures of the bottom role. At first he complained a little, but when he had a hands free orgasm, he stopped complaining.

When the session ended everyone was happy. I did have an opportunity to speak with Rex and invite him to visit me privately. He smiled at me and said he might be able to get away to visit. As soon as he left, I regretted my invitation. He was exciting in an odd way, but I wondered what he was like alone, without his boss observing. Eventually I realized there was little chance of him visiting. I couldn't pay him the way Al did.

The photographs were good and my clients paid well. Trevor thought there was a real potential for more income with commercial photographs. There were some pictures of nudes in Grecian poses available for sale. Those who bought them might be willing to buy overtly sexual pictures.

I had no idea where to find models for the photographs. Trevor had some thoughts. There were many artists' models and these men were by no means shy. My assistant also had several friends. One afternoon Clive brought them by my studio. Marcus was an older man, about my age and his friend Delmar was in his early twenties. Marcus wanted to pose and Delmar was more than willing to join him. Marcus had a plan.

"I have a project. Delmar and I have been exploring every way two men can give pleasure to one another. I would like to make photographs of our explorations," he explained. "Do you think you could do that?"

"I certainly would be interested, but some things are difficult to photograph," I said.

"I am aware of that," he replied. "I am an athletic man with skills in gymnastics. Marcus is almost double jointed. I don't want to blow my horn, but we are both well equipped. Perhaps more importantly, we are entirely free of the petty modestly and prudishness that affects our society. Let me freely admit, while I have some scientific interest in the biology of sex, I am much more interested in the physical pleasure it gives me."

"I can assure you that my interests are similar," Delmar said. He had a deep, bass voice which surprised me since he was a thin, almost delicate looking man. I would have guessed he was in his middle 20s, but could easily be mistaken for a younger man. "I confess I have no scientific interest in sex. I am interested solely in sexual pleasure. Marcus and I have been searching out ways to intensify the pleasure."

We talked for a while, but I had an appointment to do a portrait of a society matron, and the rest of the day was filled with that activity. We agreed to meet in a week. The portrait was a difficult pose and took almost two days to do well.

The lady, Mrs. Jonathan Bentham, had been a beauty, but as soon as I saw her, I knew she was sick. It was clear to me that her husband wanted a photograph to remember her by. Fortunately she was not a vain woman, and she found my conservatory attractive. She was perpetually cold, I assume due to the ravages of the disease. The warm sun filled room gave her pleasure.

Of course I could retouch the photograph, but I was hoping for a pose that showed her former beauty, without the artificialness of retouching. I was looking for just the right light affect. She was quite happy in the warm room. Her maid had a collection of dainty cookies and cakes and it was a lovely and pleasant afternoon. At four a thin cloud crossed the sun and the sun bathed the room in soft light. I was ready and I took five or six exposures. Two days later Mr. Bentham came to see the proofs. They were a total success.

She looked frail, delicate and lovely. Mr. Bentham wiped tears from his eyes when he saw them. I had finally done a first rate portrait. Mr. Bentham was wealthy, well connected and appreciative. A beautiful portrait of a dying woman is not the sort of thing that gives you publicity, but the word got out. I could not do the glamorous debutant or society lady, but I could do intimate photographs that captured something about the subject. My professional career began to change.

Next: Chapter 2

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