
By LadyLovely

Published on Jul 28, 2005



~ Chapter 21 ~

Hunter's POV

I was nervous.

Standing in front of Tobias's police headquarters I couldn't stop my heart from beating erratically. It wasn't that I hadn't seen him in awhile. To tell you the truth he'd been so freaked out about what happened with Connor he'd convinced himself that he needed to be around me at all times just in case some unseen force would attack me. The man was completely paranoid. Not that I minded his attention. He'd spent every night with me for the past two weeks.

I remember that first night after I had seen Connor after his attack. He'd brought me home, and slowly stripped us both.

Then he was on top of me, inside.

"No, don't move, I just want to feel you around me," he growled, when my muscles squeeze around him.

Purposely I clenched around him, grinning up at him, my eyes twinkling with mischief.

He groaned. "Behave."

I nipped at his chin. "Make me."

He moaned, and began sea-sawing inside me, moving in slow increments. Like a tumble weed in the wind.

I thrust my hips up, trying to make him go faster. "What are you waiting for?" I gasped out.

He shot me a strained smile, sweat damping his brow. "You like to tease, so I'll tease," he muttered, bending down to run soft kisses behind my ear.

"Bastard," I gasped, arching my neck. He knew that was my weak spot.

He chuckled and continued his slow assault on my senses.

"Are you going to behave?"

I told him to kiss my ass.

The memory of that night made me shiver with happiness. My mother always said the way you know a person is the right for is if they gave you shivers when you saw them.

Tobias gave me shivers every time I thought about him.

That thought brought me back to reality and the reason I was there.

This was his fault anyway. If he didn't make it a point to have either breakfast, lunch, or dinner at the café then my sister wouldn't have seen him and told my mother about him.

I don't know what she said but one night had called me and insisted she needed to meet the man in my life. This was completely weird because she only ever insisted on meeting my boyfriends if I told her about them. And that has only happened once, because I know if my mother gets attached to someone they become a part of her family even if they were no longer a part of my personal life any longer. So I've always been careful whom I bring home.

I was going to wring my sister's neck when I see her. She'd been hiding from me all week. But she can't run for long. I'll catch up to her soon.

Knowing I was putting off the inevitable I drew in a deep breath and walked into the building, following the same hallway I had used the day he'd arrested me I came up to the office. If you call it that. It was just gigantic room, filled with desks, ringing phones, piles, and piles of overflowing papers. The air smelled of burnt coffee. The walls were a sterile white. The place could really use a decorator, how anyone could work in such a barren environment is beyond me.

I glanced around and saw him immediately.

He was leaning against a desk, papers in hand talking to two other detectives, both male.

My stomach fluttered as I made my way towards them, adding a bit more swish to my gate than usual.

He watched me through hooded eyes as I made my way towards him. His expression never changing from it's mask of professionalism.

I steeled myself against rejection. Coming here had been a risk; I knew that before I had even done it. I could have called him and told him about my mother's invitation but when I had picked up the phone to do just that a little demon in the back of my mind urged me to go see him in person instead.

Was it a mistake? Probably. Testing him was an underhanded thing to do but I was putting my heart on the line here. I was in deep with him already; I wasn't going any further without knowing his true feelings. I mean saying that he wasn't a closeted control freak that would rebuff me when he saw me in public was one thing, but actually doing it was another.

I smiled coolly at him when I reached in front of him. "Hi, I thought I'd bring you lunch today."

He stared at me not saying anything, and in that moment I felt my stomach become nauseous. He was going to do it. He was actually going to pretend as if he hadn't met me before, pretend that every night this week we hadn't fucked until our bodies were weak from exhaustion.

I curled my lip, prepared to retort to whatever he was going to say.

All of sudden he smiled and said, "Sure babe, Thanks." He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to my lips, leaving me speechless and frozen in shock.

"I just have to finish up here, could you wait for me in my office? I'll be there in a few minutes."

I didn't move. I couldn't. I just stared at him dumbly as if he'd grown three heads.

The men he was with had turned there heads when I'd arrived but I could see the small smiles playing on their lips.

He placed his hands on my shoulders, pointing me in the direction of his office. "It's right over there." He whispered in my ear.

Mechanically I walked to the door, opened it, and closed it behind me gently. I sat down on the closest chair, and covered my face in mortification.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. I berated myself. I had acted both childishly and stupidly and in the end only ended up embarrassing myself.

One of my pet peeves is people who make decisions and then dwell on their regret of them later. But I found myself doing just that. What if my little stunt just now had pissed off Tobias so much that he'd stop seeing me? Part of me wanted to say fuck it, if he wanted to dump me over something so inconsequential, then I didn't need him. But the rational part of me was once again noting that I had proven that I didn't trust him. Was this the last straw? Will he get fed up of my lack of confidence in us? My mind was a nest of questions. Questions I should have asked myself before I had headed over here. Questions that I had stubbornly left unanswered.

Was I trying to sabotage this relationship?

And I realized that somewhere deep inside the answer to that question was `Yes, I was.' But why? This was what I wanted. I hadn't been this happy for Lord knows how long. I hadn't felt this contented, and safe ever with some one. Why was I trying to keep one foot plated firmly out the door, just in case?

And as the door opened and Tobias walked in I realized the answer to that question. Not getting too involved, or testing him and giving reasons for dumping me was a way out of staying. Out of actually trying to make a relationship work. The two steady boyfriends I had had left me but then I hadn't cared because I hadn't really invested any real emotions in those relationships. This one on the other had been completely different.

He bent down and picked up the bag of food I had dropped carelessly on the floor. Without saying a word, he picked it up and walked over to his desk and sat down. He then began pulling out the food.

I waited for him to say something. Wanted him to just get it over with so I could stop feeling like I was standing on the edge of cliff waiting for him to push me down.

Finally he said, "I thought we said we were through playing games."

I felt like a repentant child getting lecture, which really grated on my nerves but I swallowed my defensive reply. "I am^ÅI mean we are."

He eyed me seriously. "It doesn't look that way to me."

I shrugged keeping up my casual front but inside my heart was clenching with regret. "Old habits die hard. I had a flare up. That's bound to happen now and again."

"Just as long as they don't happen too often. I haven't done anything to earn your distrust."

Again, I had to squish down my usual Hunter come back. "I'm sorry." I muttered. "I shouldn't have done that."

He smiled. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

"Fuck you." I said, shooting him a sweet smile.

We continued lunch like that. With intimate glances and quiet conversation. Then when I was about to leave I remembered the reason I had given myself for coming here in the first place.

"My mother wants to meet you"

He glanced up and me. "When?"

"This Saturday, we're having a barbeque the whole family will be there."

He nodded. "Alright."

I frowned at him. "That's it. That's all you're going to say?"

He shrugged. "I figured I'd meet them eventually. Why not now instead of later."

I laughed. He had no idea what my family was like gathered all together. It was chaos, kids running around, annoying sisters, nosey aunts who always had a nice boy they wanted to fix me up with. "You have no idea what you're in for."

He pulled me close to him. Kissing me firmly on the mouth. "If I can handle you, I can handle them."

I bit him on his lip.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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