First Day of School


Published on May 27, 2002


As always, this story cannot be used without my consent. If you'd like it, please contact me at This and all my other works can be found on my site

Disclaimer: This story deals with highly sensitive subject matter. If you do not wish the read things of this nature, please exit this story.

This story also features sex of the gay kind, if you can't read that for whatever reason, please leave. For those of you still here, I hope you enjoy.

State of the series address:

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the hiatus of the First Day of School series. I have worked with Adam and Erik for well over a year now, and I've had a great time writing them. But they have run out of things to say. I've learned in the past that forcing myself to write does nothing but turn out bad product. So for the time being, Adam and Erik are on the bench, so to speak. In no way is this the finale, or end of the First Day of School series. The story is simply going on vacation until something worth writing about comes to my mind. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you how long that will be.

I cannot possibly express how greatful I am for the response this story has garnered with it's previous five chapters. This story has been a phenomenon since it's short, what could be considered PWP first chapter. The progression that these characters have made since their beginning amazes even me, the writer. Never in my life have two characters been easier to write than are Adam and Erik. This story has allowed for amazing growth for me as a writer, and allowed me to conquer sensitive issues such as coming out to parents and rape. No matter how long it may take for the muses to shine on this story, Adam and Erik will forever be my favorites. As they step down from the spotlight, it allows for work on my other series such as Memoirs, Captive Heart, and the WWF stories. But rest assured, Adam and Erik will be back.

I thank each and every one of your for the support you've shown me and this series. I hope that one day soon I can present you with more FDOS, but until then, I hope you enjoy the other stories and aspects of my writing.

Sincerely Yours,

Triple X

Today was the day. In only a matter of minutes I'd be officially enrolled in the University of Alberta. It wasn't an easy decision I made to transfer from Florida State after only a semester. I'd planned to go to Florida State my entire life. Even after I'd moved to Michigan, that still remained the plan. So when it came time to pick a college, I naturally went for FSU. Things were pretty great there. I was reunited with almost every friend I'd ever had. My best friend for most of my life even turned out to be my roommate. Then the letter came. The letter that promised to start my dreams on the track to Come True town. The letter offering me the one thing I'd always dreamed about, hockey. A full scholarship in hockey to one of the premier Universities in Canada. I was dumbfounded. I stared at that letter every day for weeks, trying to reach a decision. It wasn't until I spoke to my mother, as crazy as she may be, that I decided to go for it. I decided to go for my dreams, and transfer to the University of Alberta. That led me to today. I couldn't stop from biting my nails as the taxi drove to the University. I was always nervous when thrust into a new situation. But remembering my first day of school at Harborfield always put me somewhat at ease. Thankfully, Erik was right beside me today. It was supposed to be my parent or legal guardian, but with my dad working a new case, and my mom playing human yo-yo with the walls in her rubber room, Erik was able to come with me. That was just as well. I'd feel much stronger with Erik by my side than I ever could with my dad. Stop being so nervous, Adam," Erik spoke, nudging me in the side. "Easy for you to say," I replied, chewing on my thumbnail. "You're not the one transferring to a new school in the middle of the year," "No. But I know you. You make friends easier than anyone I know. And besides, once you step on the ice, the whole school is going to love you," I looked over to him and saw a lopsided grin stretched across his gorgeous face. I smiled brightly at him then reached down and squeezed his knee. I wanted badly to lean over and kiss him, but I didn't think that would be too wise. If I was going to be on the hockey team, I'd become a local celebrity. I didn't need some taxi driver telling the press how he'd seen me making out with some guy my first day in town. So once again (or still, actually) my relationship with Erik was in the closet. But if I could handle it any other time, this time would be no different. Especially saying, that in just a few days, Erik would be thousands of miles away. "Thanks. I'm glad one of us is confident," I said, turning and glancing out my window. "You'll be fine," Erik assured me, patting my knee lightly. I wasn't exactly sure I believed him at that point in time, but I was hoping he was right. I don't know what it was that made me so nervous. It wasn't just the fact I was entering a completely new environment, where I knew no one. It had more to do with what I was entering the new environment for. My entire life at this school was riding on one thing, my ability to play hockey. What if I couldn't get in my stride, and play good hockey? My hockey career would be down the tubes. I'd wind up losing my scholarship and being forced back to Michigan where my life would slowly rot. There would be no way I could get back into Florida State, at least not without paying for everything. It would be straight up Muskegon Community College for me. And then Erik would dump me, because a Harvard boy can't date someone going to a Community College. Then I'd spend the rest of my days dreaming about what could've been. I shuddered inside my head. That was the last thing I ever wanted to happen. I made a vow to myself from that moment on to play the best hockey of my life for this school. So at least if I sucked, I'd know it wasn't from lack of trying. As I sat silent, trying to get optimistic thoughts in my head, the school came into view. The butterflies began to creep slowly from my stomach into my throat. Erik must've sensed my nervousness, because he leaned over and squeezed my hand. I looked over at him and found all the comfort I needed in his sparkling blue eyes. I felt a smile spread quickly across my face, and the butterflies retreat back to their stomach haven. No matter how often it happened, I was still amazed at the calming effect he had on me. It didn't matter what was happening. Just a look in his eyes, or a soft kiss, or even a squeeze of the hand could make me feel invincible. I could never put into words just how thankful I was to have him with me today. I don't think I'd be able to face this situation without him next to me. Once the taxi pulled to a stop in front of the school, I handed him the fare and asked him to pop the trunk. He obliged, and Erik hopped out and grabbed my bags. Before pulling away, the taxi driver wished me good luck, which gave me a warm feeling. Whenever strangers were nice to me, it always made me happy. After all, you saw so little of that now days. I was hoping that was a sign of things to come for me in Canada. I said thank you to the driver, then rushed to help Erik with my bags. I grabbed a suitcase from his hand, then together we made our way into my new school. I couldn't help but chuckle as a funny thought crossed my mind. "What you laughing about?" Erik asked as he pulled open the door. "Just thinking. First day of school, and I'm with you again," I replied, smirking at him as I entered the school. "What's that devilish mind of yours up to?" He chuckled as he followed me into the school. "We'll just see now won't we?" I replied coyly, searching around for the administration office. "You bet we will," I just laughed and dropped my bag outside of the administration office. I took a deep breath, then slowly opened the door. School had yet to resume for the semester, so very few people were around. I walked up to the counter where a rather young looking woman sat playing solitaire on the computer. As I leaned on the counter, she looked up at me and smiled. "Can I help you?" She asked, closing off of her solitaire game. "Yeah, I'm Adam Ross. I'm supposed to enroll here today," I replied happily. With the look Erik gave me in the car, and the taxi driver being so nice, I couldn't help but be happy "Oh, Adam Ross. We've all heard a lot about you," She said as she entered my name on the computer. "Really?" "Oh yes. Rumor has it you're quite the defenseman, which is really what this hockey team needs," I REALLY couldn't help but smile with her comment. I'm sure she didn't set off to do it, but she gave me a massive shot in the ego with that. But it also made me kind of nervous at the same time. I had a reputation preceding me here. I just hoped that I could live up to whatever had been said about me in the past few weeks I'd been signed on with UA. "Thanks," I said as she continued to type things into her computer. "Ah, here we go. You, Mr. Ross, are in room 17 in Bentley Hall. Your roommate's name is Brett, he's on the hockey team too," "Cool," "And these papers right here," She said, organizing some documents she had just printed. "These will tell you about your dorm, and show you where it is," She explained, handing me the stack of papers. "All right. Thanks," I returned, glancing quickly over the papers. "Well, Adam. It's great to have you here," She spoke sweetly, extending her hand. "I hope you enjoy your years here," "Thank you," I said, turning and exiting the office. I continued looking over the papers as I walked out of the office. I looked around for Erik, and saw him standing a few feet away talking to a couple of girls. 'That's my boyfriend,' I thought to myself. 'Always flirting with the heteros.' I folded the papers and shoved them into my jacket pocket. I looked down to make sure my bags were safe, then walked over to where Erik stood. I nudged him in the shoulder, garnering a smile from him. "Adam. This is Inez and Holly. Just been telling them all about the newest stud on the hockey team," He laughed, slapping me playfully on the chest. I shot a cold look at him, then flashed a smile at the girls. "Well, we'll see you around Adam," The one identified as Inez said in a flirty tone, brushing her hand against my chest. I could see Erik fighting to control the laughter building up inside him. As soon as the girls were out of ears' range, he burst into laughter. I stood there with a rather angry look on my face. This wasn't the first time he'd offered me up to girls. He found it incredibly amusing to see girls drool all over me. It personally made me jealous as hell whenever anyone hit on him. My grandma grabbing his ass made me mad (That's a really long story. My grandma is a weird old lady.) But Erik on the other hand, got great joy in watching other people hit on me. I always wanted to yell at him when he was offering me up to girls and say "What kind of boyfriend tells skanky girls his boyfriend is available?" But I'm way too nice of a person to do that. I usually just make a mental note of it, and get him back for it later. This time was no different. I just shook my head at him as his laughter began to dissipate. I punched him hard in the arm, and ordered him to grab my bags. He said his apologies, which were hard to believe through the incessant giggles coming from his mouth. He picked up both bags, and offered one of them to me. I just shook my head no and began to walk in the direction of my dorm. I heard Erik sigh loudly, then gallop to catch up with me. Luckily (For Erik anyway, he had my bags) Bentley Hall wasn't that far from the administration office. As we entered the hall, we both began to scan the doors for room 17. As we passed a soda machine in the middle of the hall, Erik whistled for my attention. I turned around to look at him, and he pointed at a door with a 1 and the top half of a 7 on it. Since room 18 was directly across the hall, something told me this was my room. I spun on my heel and walked back to the room. Erik dropped the bags to the floor and leaned against the wall with a sigh. I shook my head at him, then knocked at the door lightly. I waited about a minute, and no answer came. "Doesn't look to be anyone home," Erik said, reaching down and picking up the bags. "Guess not," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. As we began our walk back to the administration office, I heard a door open behind us and someone say "hey." I turned around and felt my jaw drop as my eyes caught a glimpse of the man standing in the door. Before me stood a man, who could only be described as an adonis. He was at least 3 inches taller than me, which would make him close to 6'5". There were at least 200 lbs. on that obviously chiseled frame that hid behind the tight University T-shirt he was wearing. But it was hardly that which I noticed. Like so often when I checked out guys, it was his eyes. This guy had the greenest eyes I'd ever seen. And in contrast to the dark brown hair on his head, they almost glowed. He was one of those guys that could pass as a model, long before he could pass as a hockey player. Much like myself, coincidentally. As I reached the door, I shook myself from the hottie induced trance, and cleared my throat. "You must be Brett?" I asked, extending my hand. "That's me. You must be Adam?" He replied, shaking my hand firmly. "Yeah. This is my friend Erik, he made the trip with me, my dad couldn't make it," I explained, ushering Erik forward. The two of them shook hands, and smiled very brightly at each other. As I stood there and looked at the two of them, I found myself imagining what a hot porno the two of them would make together. That thought sent my mind into a fit of laughter. I controlled it as best I could, but a small giggle escaped my lips. The two of them quickly turned to me with questioning looks on their faces. "What?" Erik asked, puzzled. "Nothing," I lied in return. "Okay..." Brett said, doing a weird little twitch thing with his eybrows. "Well, bring your stuff in, stay for a few years," He said again, reaching down and grabbing one of my bags. Erik snatched up the other bag, then followed Brett into the room. As I entered the room, I was shocked to see how different it was than my room at Florida State. Instead of the typical side by side beds, and a desk on each side of the room, this room looked like two separate rooms, and was big enough to be. The two sides of the room were even painted a different color. Brett must've noticed my wonderment, as he began to tell about the room. "This used to be a coed hall. Then a girl got raped, and they changed it to just a guy's hall. They tore down the walls between the rooms, and we get big, giganto rooms like these," "You'd think instead of making it one big room, they'd add separate bathrooms," Erik said, tossing my bag onto the bed. "Naw, they like the rampant homosexual acts that go on in the showers," He joked, winking at me. I laughed and quickly turned my head away from him. I glanced over at Erik, and saw a blush come to his cheeks. We'd been together almost three years now. And he'd been gay for at least five. But any time anyone made gay jokes, he'd blush like a little kid. Even when I did it, sometimes. It was quite cute in it's way. But then again, this is Erik we're talking about, everything he does is cute. Even his snoring. Well, maybe not his snoring. "So when's the rest of your stuff get here?" Brett asked, taking a seat in the chair from my desk. "Uh, tomorrow, I think. I don't remember exactly. I have most the important stuff with me anyway," I replied, pulling out things from my bags and tossing them onto the bed. "Coach is dying to meet you. Actually, the whole school is dying to meet you. This team has been begging for a good forward defenseman for years. Everyone has heard about you," "Geez, I've never even been here before and already I'm a celebrity," "It's not so bad. You clean up on girls," Brett explained, winking at me. "Um, great," I said, feigning excitement. Something told me that I'd be creating a cover-up girlfriend story to help maintain a straight image here. Thankfully, there were a couple girls back in Michigan that had volunteered their services for such a task. Erik's sister Terri, of course, agreed to play along when needed. I'd used her as my C.U.G. at Florida State. Only my best friend Tristan knew which of member the Ross family I was really dating. Then my homecoming queen, Krystal had volunteered to "be my fake bitch" as she'd said so eloquently. I'd used her for a brief time toward the end of high school. It was really only long enough for her to dump me right before prom, thus giving reason to why I hung out with Erik all night. We'd really mastered covering up in the past 2 1/2 years. So if the need arose here, I knew there wouldn't be a problem. "Anyway boys. I hate to be a horrible roommate, but you'll get used to it over the next few years. I gotta jet, hot date," Brett told us, standing and cracking his back. Erik and I chuckled at him, and wished him luck. He said he wouldn't need it as he grabbed his jacket and left the room. Only seconds after Brett was out the door, Erik tackled me to the bed. He pressed his lips feverishly to mine. I wriggled underneath his solid frame, trying to free the suitcase from under my back. As my back met mattress, I felt his lips on my neck. I brought my hands to his head, and ripped from it the snow hat he was wearing. I began to run my fingers slowly over what little hair remained on his freshly shaven head. I drifted my hand slowly down the nape of his neck, causing him to shudder and collapse on me with a giggle. "Must you?" He asked, gazing at me with a cute grin on his face. "You know it," I replied, intertwining my hand in his. Erik grasped my other hand in his, and pinned my arms over my head. "Well, there is something I must do," He said, leaning down and placing a kiss softly on my lips. Before any real kissing could begin, he pulled his head away. He leaned down and planted several soft pecks on my lips, pulling away each time before I could kiss back. He soon gave in to the lust, opening his lips and allowing his tongue to snake forward. I felt his silky tongue begin to lightly caress mine. With my arms still pinned over my head, he made his way once more to my neck. He began to suck lightly around my collarbone, searching desperately for that spot that drove me wild. As his tongue made contact, it shot sensations all through my body, winding up in my dick. As it began to harden, he pulled from my neck and kissed me on the nose. He released my hands, and quickly rolled away. "Bah, damn you," I said, wiping my nose. "Told you I had something to do," He chided. "Well get over here. I have something to do," I spoke seductively, motioning him toward me with my finger. He crawled sexily up the bed until his lips met mine. As our kisses increased in passion, I flipped him onto his back and straddled him. My lips slowly drifted lower, planting soft kisses on his jaw line until finding his neck. I sucked softly at his neck while my hands found the buttons on his shirt. Almost instinctively my hands released the buttons, exposing the muscular chest I'd become so familiar with. I began to massage his nipple lightly with my left hand as my right snaked its way past the waist of his jeans. I began to graze my fingers softly against his rapidly hardening member. A low moan escaped his throat as my tongue found his nipple. I slipped my hand from his jeans, and unfastened the button. I pulled his jeans slowly from his waist, giving myself a glimpse of his massive 8 inches draped behind the green silk of his boxers. I continued my tongue worship of his nipples as my hand began to manipulate his swollen flesh through its silk prison. It had been days since the last time I'd seen it, so I brought my head quickly to his crotch. I licked tentatively at his dick through the silk, saturating it with my saliva. I could no longer control myself and yanked his boxers from his waist, causing his throbbing dick to flop back against his stomach. Then just as my tongue made contact, the door to the room swung open. Erik and I scrambled to cover-up, but it would've been impossible to explain the situation anyway. Defeated, I sat up on the bed and buried my head in my hands. Erik pulled up his pants, and followed suit. Brett pulled the chair from my desk and sat in front of us. 'Three hours here, and you've already fucked yourself for life,' I thought to myself. I ran my fingers through my hair, and looked up at Brett. He just stared at me with a look of bewilderment on his face. "Um, let me explain. I guess," I said plainly, knowing full well it would probably do me no good. "I think it pretty much explained itself," Brett replied, confusion evident in his voice. "There's nothing to say then, I guess. I'll do anything you want. Just please, don't tell anyone," I begged, feeling as though my heart had been ripped from my chest. "Calm down dude," He replied, reaching out and grasping my hand. "To tell you the truth, I'm sort of relieved," "Huh?" Erik and I asked in unison. "I'm relieved. Because now, I can bring guys home and not worry about it," He replied simply, leaning back in the chair. "You're...?" I asked "Bi. Don't get me wrong. I love the ladies. Just got to have a guy thrown in there occasionally, know what I mean?" "Not really. I don't do the ladies," I replied, chuckling lightly. "Good deal, more for me." Brett laughed. That was the end of our sexuality conversation. I was certain there would be more in the future, but for now I was glad it was over. Not that I wasn't comfortable with my sexuality, in the event someone found out about it. I just didn't feel like rehashing my entire romantic life for someone I'd met less than 5 hours ago. I was sure that in the future Brett would get all the details. Well, maybe not all the details. I'd try to keep it PG-13. Some of the stuff might down right scare the guy, bi or not. The rest of the night was spent learning all about Brett's life. He never explained what happened with his "hot date," but I assumed whatever happened wasn't good, since he'd come back to the room less than a half hour after he'd left. It obviously didn't matter much, because from the stories he told, he had no problem in the date department. But that didn't come as a surprise, him being so hot and all. I was sure we'd get along just great. That was one of the bigger fears I had when transferring here. I had nightmares about some psycho roommate trying to stab me with a paring knife. Once I thought that out though, I realized I was dreaming about my mom again. Brett seemed about as cool a roommate as one could ask for. And for a gay kid keeping up a long distance LTR, a bi roommate was definitely something helpful. It was about 1:00 A.M. when Erik and I decided it was time to get to the hotel. Being the nice roommate he is, Brett gave us a ride. There was almost no conversation on the ride there beyond occasional yawns from the three of us. Once we arrived at the hotel, Brett said he'd be back at 1 tomorrow to pick me up, for my first day of hockey practice. I said okay, and followed Erik into the hotel. Erik was checking in by the time I got inside. He acknowledged me with a head nod, and I went and sat on a nearby bench. Once everything was situated, he came over and tapped me on the foot. I smiled, and he pulled me to my feet. We walked to the elevator, and quickly took it up to our floor. As we stepped off the elevator, we noticed a rather fat looking man in a bath robe beating on a door and begging to be let back in. We tried our best not to laugh as we walked by, but neither of us could help but giggle at the sight. The guy refused to look at us as we entered the room next to him. Once we were inside, Erik pulled me to him and jammed his lips passionately against mine. Our tongues quickly found one another as we fell to the bed. He wasted no time in locating that spot on my collar bone. My penis instantly came to life. Erik slipped his hands under my shirt and began to massage my nipples lightly with his fingers. I moaned softly as he began to grind his crotch against mine. "Like that?" He asked, sucking at my neck. "I'd like it a lot more if we didn't have clothes on," I replied, grazing my hand against the back of his neck. "That can be arranged," He said, standing up and unbuckling his jeans. He seductively pushed his jeans down, revealing a large tent in his boxers. I reached my hand out and began to stroke his dick through the fabric. He slowly, teasingly began to undo the buttons on his shirt, exposing his beautiful chest. He shucked his shirt to the floor then crawled up to me on the bed. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest. I began to stroke his chest softly as he began removing my jeans. Once my jeans were off, I lay before Erik in only my shirt. He straddled me, and slipped his hands up my shirt. I reached my arms over my head to make the removal easier. As my shirt fell to the floor, Erik dove onto my chest. Sensations shot through my body as his tongue met my nipple. As he continued his tongue action, he began grinding his crotch once more against mine. I could feel his hardness pressing persistently against mine. Both of our dicks were throbbing, begging for release. As he began to drift his mouth higher, onto my neck, I lifted his head and stared deep into the aquatic blue of his eyes. "Make love to me Erik," I breathed, intertwining my hands in his. "No," He replied, a look of total seriousness on his face. I stared at him in shock. He'd never declined a chance to fuck me. But as I continued to stare at him, and smile spread across his face and he buried his face in my neck. "It's my turn," He ordered, flipping onto his back and pulling me along with him. I, of course, would never turn down an opportunity to make love to him. I quickly went to work on his nipples, as I slid his boxers down. Once they were down, I reached down and grasped his cock in my hand. He moaned out lightly as I began to jerk it with long, slow strokes. I began to migrate my mouth lower, down his abs, to his bellybutton. I licked around his bellybutton, causing him to shudder and moan softly. I could wait no longer. Without warning, I took all 8 inches of Erik down my throat, garnering a loud moan from him as he buried his hands in the sheets. I began to bob up and down his shaft slowly, getting light whimpers from him each time. As I began more of a sucking motion, I slipped a finger into his anus. He softly moaned out my name, and thrust up into my mouth. I continued worshiping his beautiful inches as I slipped another finger into him. I let his cock slip from my mouth until just the head remained. I could taste his sweet precum dripping on my tongue. I took my mouth from his cock momentarily, and began licking his balls. I could feel them rising up in his sack, signaling his oncoming orgasm. I brought my mouth back immediately to his throbbing dick, and increased my sucking speed. I slowly slipped another finger into him, stretching him in preparation for my cock. As I began to thrust my fingers into him, his entire body tensed and he screamed out he was cumming. I quickly removed my mouth from his dick, and jerked him off the rest of the way. As he came down from his high, he looked down at me with that patented smirk on his face. "You are too wonderful," He spoke, out of breath. "Now for the best part," I replied, taking the juice from his dick and rubbing it into mine. Once my dick was all lubed up, I lifted his legs onto my shoulders and placed myself at his opening. I felt him tense as I slipped the head past his anus, but he quickly relaxed as my throbbing eight inches slid into him. Once I felt my balls hit his ass, I leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips. As our kiss parted, he stared at me with a look of complete happiness on his face. I mouthed the words "I love you" as I began to thrust into him slowly. I started sucking on his neck as I pumped my dick into him. He moaned with each thrust in, telling me without words that I was hitting his prostate each time. I was in utter heaven as my dick slipped in and out of my beautiful boyfriend. He began clenching his ass around my dick with each thrust in, causing me to bite down lightly on his shoulder each time. I reached down and wrapped my hands around his once more throbbing hard cock. It took only seconds for my jerking to become in-sync with my thrusts into his gorgeous ass. I could feel my orgasm bubbling as I felt my balls hit his ass. I brought my lips once more to his and kissed him with all the passion left in my body. As our tongues began to dance, I reached the breaking point. I thrust in one final time and felt my juices begin to flow, coating his insides with 9 shots. I continued to jerk him off, still inside of him. It took only a minute more before he shot his second load of the night into my hand. This time, I brought the cum to my mouth and drank it down. I leaned down and kissed him as I pulled myself from his ass. I crawled up the bed and laid my head down on his chest. I started softly stroking his chest as he spoke. "I love you Adam," "I love you too," I replied, cuddling up on his chest and closing my eyes. He started to run his fingers through my hair as I closed my eyes. I planted a soft kiss onto his chest, then felt myself begin to drift off. As I was drifting away, I started thinking about my life. I could never answer when I asked myself just what I did to deserve him. This love was so strong. I'd be thousands of miles away now, for months at a time. But I still didn't worry about anything. I knew that once a break came, I could go home and be right back in his arms. We'd been through so much in the past 2 1/2 years. But every time, we came out stronger. We'd yet to face a challenge we couldn't work through. And while I may not know the future, I hoped deep down that would always be true. * * * "Nice hustle Ross!" I heard yelled at me as I deked and scored on the goalie yet again. I'd been at hockey practice for about an hour, and had heard nothing but praise from everyone who was watching. I hadn't noticed until my last goal that once I had the puck, the rest of the team froze and watched me. The goalie had only been able to stop me on 3 out of 17 shots. Of course, this was the back-up goalie. I had yet to face the number 1 goalie, the star of the team, B-Rex, as he was called. He was late to practice, so the back-up goalie had to take all the punishment that B-Rex would usually stop. I was anxious for him to get here. I wanted to prove that I could get past more than just back-up goalies. "Ross, come over here!" The coach yelled, motioning me over with his hand. I skated across the ice and stopped against the boards. As I was climbing over them to get to the bench, I saw a massive mound of pads walking from the locker room. I knew immediately that it was the famed B-Rex. The coach tapped him on the helmet, and said "Stop being late" in a tone that was obvious to even me that he didn't mean it. Brett had explained to me earlier that B-Rex could get away with anything, especially with the coach. That didn't matter to me, I expected it. The stars of the team usually got special treatment. "Rex. This is Adam Ross, our new forward defenseman," The coach explained, patting me on the shoulder. "Nice to meet you," I said, extending my hand. He pulled his glove off long enough to shake my hand, then immediately put it back on. "Likewise," He said in a heavily French accented voice. "Let's say we get on the ice?" "Absolutely," I agreed, stepping back onto the ice. He trotted his way onto the ice and glided his way to the net. The team immediately began firing pucks at him, him stopping all but one. After the puck slid by him, he quickly removed it from the net and cleared it down center ice to where I stood. As the puck whizzed to me, I stopped it with my stick. I stared down the ice to where Rex stood guarding the net. He gestured for me to "bring it" so to speak, and I happily obliged. I charged up ice with the puck on my stick. As I approached, Rex dropped down to stop me, but he'd find no such luck. As he dropped down, the puck went above him right into the back of the net. The rest of the team erupted in cheer as I skidded to a stop behind the net. Rex turned around and looked at me. I couldn't see his face behind the mask, so I had no idea what he might be thinking. He pulled the puck from the net with his stick and tossed it up to his hand. He dropped his gloves on the net then skated up to me. "I suggest you keep this," He advised, handing me the puck. "It won't happen very often," He stared directly into my eyes for a brief moment, then cracked a smile. He slapped me on the back, then yelled "Okay boys, let's get this shit going" to the rest of the team. Practice instantly resumed. I skated toward the bench and tossed the puck to Erik. He caught it and dropped it into his jacket pocket. He patted his pocket as if to say "It's safe with me." I winked at him then went to resume practice with my new teammates. Practice lasted for another hour or so before the coach told us to hit the showers. I'm serious, those were his exact words. I fought diligently to keep my eyes to myself, which isn't easy being a gay man in a locker room full of hot, naked hockey players. I showered and changed as quick as possible, then made my way back into the stadium where Erik was waiting for me. He stood talking to one of the assistant coaches as I walked up. I shook hands with the coach, and talked hockey briefly before he excused himself and went to the locker room. Erik handed me the puck from earlier, and a marker. I stared at him bewilderedly before he spoke. "I want the first autograph," He explained, flashing that patented grin briefly. "What's your name again?" I joked as I signed my John Hancock on the puck. "Gee, thanks mister," He said like an 8-year-old as I handed him the puck. "I'd say your welcome little boy if I didn't know that there is nothing little about you," I replied coyly "Is that right?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. "Oh yeah," "Why don't we go back to the hotel and check, just to make sure?" "Good plan," As we turned to walk away, someone yelled "Hey Ross" from behind us. I turned around and saw a complete stranger motioning me over. I shrugged my shoulders, and walked back to where the person stood. As I approached, I thought I'd stepped into a dream. Before me stood perhaps the hottest guy I've ever seen since I first met Erik. Like, wow. You ever seen a guy whose face could turn you on? I've seen two of them in my life. I'm dating one, and the other stood before me right now. His face, was like seriously something out of an Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue. His eyes were so dark, it was almost as if looking into night itself. They were a strong contrast to his bright blonde hair. As I stopped in front of him, he showed me a smile that could melt diamonds. I found myself thinking what I've thought most of my life; guys really DO grow hotter in Canada. "Can I help you?" I asked, smiling. "You don't recognize me without the gear on do you?" He asked in a heavy French accent, raising an eyebrow at me. "Can't say I do," "Regan Bradshaw?" "Don't ring a bell," "Rex," He laughed, extending his hand. "Rex? Didn't recognize you without 30 lbs of gear and a mask on," I said jokingly, shaking his hand. "You'd be surprised how often I hear that. Some say I look better with that mask on, eh?" 'Oh my no you don't, I thought to myself. 'Whoever said you look better with a mask on was obviously blind.' If I didn't already have an incredibly hot boyfriend, I'd be ripping his clothes of and making sweet love to him at center ice. I understood now why he was a god in this school. That face, those eyes, that accent. And did I mention how buff he looked? Calm down, Adam. 'Erik, Erik.' I turned back and looked at Erik. I was instantly reminded how lucky I was. Thoughts of Erik quickly re-conquered my mind, flushing out the hotness of Rex in the process. I cleared my throat and turned back to Rex. "So what's up?" I asked, adjusting my bag on my shoulder. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to grab a drink, get to know each other," "Well, my friend is with me..." I started, pointing back at Erik. "Bring him along, the more the merrier," "Okay. Give me like 10 minutes to drop my stuff off, then I'll be good," "You live in Bentley, yeah? I'll give you a ride," "Thanks," "Don't mention it. I'm parked out front," He stated, pointing toward the door where Erik stood. I nodded and walked back toward the door. Erik smiled as I approached, but froze as he saw Rex walk up. I laughed to myself, and realized that was probably the same look I had when I first saw him. The poor guy, he was going to get a complex if we kept looking at him like that. I introduced the two of them, and they shook hands without a word. Both of them were looking at each other quite strangely. In my fantasy world, I said it was because they both wanted me, and were going to get buck naked and wrestle for my love. But in reality, I knew it was probably nothing more than familiarity, like they knew someone who looked like the other. I paid it no mind, and walked out into the parking lot. Rex pointed to his car (a VERY nice Lexus, it only made sense that the star of the hockey team drove a car like that, I don't know why) and turned off the alarm. He unlocked the doors, and the three of us hopped in and made the short drive to my dorm. I wasn't in my dorm for more that 10 minutes. Erik stayed in the car with Rex while I ran in and dropped my bag off. Brett was nowhere to be found, which didn't surprise me. Something already told me that if it wasn't for hockey practice, I'd probably never see the guy. But there was hockey practice, so I didn't worry about it. I dropped my bag onto my bed and ran back out to the car. Erik had taken my spot in the front seat, so I climbed in back and we started on our way to Rex's favorite bar. Rex's favorite bar was called the Maui Lounge. It didn't really make sense to me having a Maui Lounge in Alberta, but Rex explained to me it was only because they put little umbrellas in all their drinks. I laughed about that briefly, but the novelty of it wore off pretty quick. The three of us walked in and immediately to a table in the back of the bar. A rather attractive looking waitress came up and asked us for our order. Since I could legally drink in Canada, I ordered a Buttery Nipple (Which for those of you who don't know is Butterscotch Schnapps and Bailey's Irish Cream). Rex got Martini, and Erik, always conservative got a Coke. Once our drinks arrived, heavy conversation began. I'm pretty sure Rex got my entire life story in like 20 minutes. Erik supplied an occasional comment on my life, but all and all kept pretty quiet. Rex gave a rather summarized version of his life, pretty much "I was born, raised, now here I am" getting a snort from Erik. I just stared at him for a second, and went back to the conversation. We talked for another hour, mostly about our families, before I got up and announced my departure for the bathroom. I'd had about 4 Buttery Nipples by this point, so I was feeling kinda happy. I made my business in the bathroom quick, then walked back into the bar. As I was walking out, Brett and a couple other guys from the hockey team called me over to their table. I walked over and took a seat at their table. I was immediately handed a beer. "Kick ass show today in practice man. Let's just hope you can do that every game," The team captain, Eli said, taking a gulp from his beer. "I'll damn sure try, I know that much," I returned, sipping at my beer. Truth be told, I hated beer. But I wasn't going to be rude and decline one my second day in the country. "You don't look like you have to try. You made it look easy. You're like Yzerman out there," Brett marveled, shaking my shoulders. "You damn sure schooled ole' Rex out there today," One of my fellow defensemen, Bryan avowed, chewing on the toothpick end of his little drink umbrella. "Yeah, well, he made a mistake and I capitalized. Don't go making me out to be Gretzky," I laughed, choking down another drink of the beer. "Gretzky my ass, you're way better than Gretzky," Eli joked, sending the table into an uproar of laughs. I got a hearty laugh out of my comparisons to The Great One. No one ever could be as good as him, me especially since I was a defenseman. I stayed and joked with them for a few more minutes, glancing over Bryan's shoulder occasionally at Rex and Erik. They looked engrossed in a heavy conversation, so I decided to stay with these guys until I finished the beer. Once I'd choked down the last of the putrid liquid, I said my goodbyes and got up to walk back to Rex and Erik. But just as I stood, I wanted to fall back down. There in front of me, Erik and Rex were kissing. A full range of emotions swept through me instantly, ending with anger. Just as I prepared to begin my yelling, Erik pushed Rex away and jumped up from the table. "You're such a fucking asshole, Josh!" He screamed, pushing past people and exiting the bar. Rex sat there staring at me, not attempting to speak. I glared at him before I ran outside to find Erik. As I stepped into the frigid Alberta air, an icicle fell from the roof, shattering into tiny pieces. That seemed fitting to me. Underneath all my anger, that's just how my heart felt, shattered. Erik was furiously walking up the parking lot when I caught up to him. "What the fuck was that?" I demanded, my anger bubbling over into my voice. "Adam..." He started, tears crackling in his voice. "Don't Adam me. What the fuck was that?" "It's complicated," He said again, his back still toward me. "Tell him the truth Erik, he deserves that much," Rex spoke to me from behind. In an instant, Erik spun around. He looked straight past me to Rex. "Fuck you, Josh!" He yelled, charging toward Rex with fists clenched. I stepped in between them, and pushed Erik away. He looked at me, stunned. I was still completely furious, even as I stared into his tear stained face. For the first time in 2 1/2 years, I was actually mad at Erik. I had no idea what was going on. But at that point, it didn't really matter to me. What mattered is my boyfriend had been kissing another guy. Not just any other guy, a guy I had to play hockey with for the next 2 years, at least. There were so many things I wanted to call Erik at that very moment, the biggest of which would be a hypocrite. He came down on me for having crushes on celebrities, but here he was making out with another guy. The blood in my veins was beginning to boil. I took a deep breath and tried to speak. "Someone start fucking talking, now!" I yelled, glancing back and forth at both of them. "Why don't you tell him, Josh? You've already ruined my life once," Erik said disgustedly, shaking his head. "Oh get over yourself. I only kissed you because you put out," Rex shot back I looked deep into Erik's eyes as Rex spoke. A look of hatred swept through them like a hurricane. But in the aftermath, all that was left was a look of pain. I was still clueless on this entire situation. But my anger began to subside as I stared into Erik's eyes. I had never seen such a look of pain etched across his beautiful face. "I put out?" Erik asked, tears enveloping his voice. "You raped me you son of a bitch," "What?" I asked quietly, not believing my own ears. "You heard me. Regan Joshua Bradshaw, "Rex" raped me when I was 14. You happy, Josh? Now he knows," I was in shock as I stood there between them. Erik visibly tried to choke back his tears. I wanted desperately to take him in my arms and tell him it would be okay, but I couldn't move. What I'd heard was beyond my comprehension. Never had Erik mentioned this. There had never even been mention of someone named Josh, as he seemed to call Rex. This was a monumental revelation after 2 1/2 years. As selfish as I knew it was, I felt myself wanting to scream "How could you not tell me?" But thankfully, I was able to control my emotions. I glanced over at Rex, and noticed a glimmer of a tear in his eye. When he saw me staring, he wiped at his face with his glove. "I was just a kid, Erik," Rex almost whispered. "Fuck you!" Erik snapped back. "Just go. Get the fuck away from me!" Rex didn't speak as he walked away and to his car. He peeled out of the parking lot only seconds later, leaving Erik and me alone. I stood silently staring at him until I heard him sniffle. As he wiped his face on his coat sleeve, I rushed over and wrapped my arms around him. He collapsed meekly against me and immediately broke into tears. I held him firmly against me and rocked him gently. This was another first. Never before had Erik been the one crying on me. "Adam, I'm so sorry," He sobbed into my chest. "For what? Erik, you've done nothing wrong," I replied truthfully, rubbing his back. I disregarded any hurt feelings I had for never being told. I had never seen Erik so upset. "I wanted to tell you so bad. But I couldn't stand to lose another person over this," "Another?" "My dad," "What?" I asked, our embrace separating. "Can we go back to the hotel? I think I should start from the beginning, and we'd freeze our nuts off with a story this long," He laughed stalely. I chuckled lightly, and wiped a tear from his face. I kissed him lightly on the forehead, then motioned with my head toward the door. We walked inside, and he took a seat at the bar while I asked Brett for a ride. He agreed, but not without joking and saying "You're lucky I feel an obligation toward cute guys in distress." I just laughed and thanked him as we walked out to his truck. Once we were situated in the truck, I grabbed Erik's hand and held it tightly for the entire ride. He was silent for the entire ride, minus the occasional sniffle. It tore me up inside to see him like this. I could hardly believe he was able to keep a situation like this bottled up inside for so long. And it had something to do with his dad? I suddenly felt like the lowest form of life for making him come here with me. But how could I have known? He'd never mentioned any of it, ever. I was more than a little anxious to find out the whole story. Once we arrived at the hotel, we said goodbye to Brett and made our way up to the room. As soon as I got in the room, I kicked my shoes off and climbed under the blankets. Once I was comfortable, I tossed my jacket to the floor and patted the spot next to me. Erik took his jacket off and cuddled up next to me. I started stroking his hair softly, waiting for him to speak. He didn't actually have to, the cuddling had more than satisfied me over the past 2 1/2 years. But I'm sure he knew as well as I did that not knowing would drive me nuts. And there is already one member of my family in a loony bin. Hmm, I wonder how mom is liking the new padding on her walls? "Where should I start?" Erik sighed, adjusting his position on my chest. "Wherever you want baby, you take as much time as you want," I replied soothingly. "Well, I guess I can start with the obvious. I met "Rex" when I was 14, during a summer with my dad. We became really good friends. He even taught me how to play hockey," "Didn't teach you very well, did he?" I joked, trying to keep the mood light. But it was true, Erik was a horrible hockey player. "Shut up" He giggled back, punching me in the chest. "Now anyway. We were hanging out one day, wrestling around, and then he started touching me. When I fought back, he pinned me down. You know me, I didn't get big until 16, so he pretty much had his way with me," He spoke slowly, his voice beginning to quaver. I squeezed him tightly, and kissed the top of his head. He hugged me tightly, and held on for minutes. I could feel his tears leaking onto my shirt. I resumed stroking his hair. It was the only way I knew to comfort him that would still allow him to speak. My heart was aching inside at the thought that someone could do such a thing to him. And it pained me to think that I had to play hockey side by side with the person who'd done it to him. "Promise me you won't leave me?" He asked. "Never, Erik. Ever," I returned, squeezing him tightly once more. "I love you, Adam," "I love you too, babe. Forever," "Now for the really messed up part," He said slowly, taking a deep breath. "He hurt me when he...did what he did, physically. So I had to tell my dad," He stopped as the tears began to overflow. He sat up on the bed, and I immediately pulled him to me. I rocked with him slowly, whispering "It's okay, it can't hurt you anymore," into his ear. I had never seen Erik in such a state before. He felt so fragile in my arms. I didn't ever want to let him go. I just wanted to hold him forever, and assure him that no one could ever hurt him again. But after a few minutes, I must've been cutting his air off, because he separated from me and grabbed my hand. He smiled slightly at me through his tear stricken eyes. I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. "You don't have to finish," I whispered, rubbing his leg. "No, I want to," He returned, sniffling. I leaned in and kissed him softly once more. "When I told my dad, he lost it. He didn't believe me. He called me a faggot, and beat me up pretty bad. Then he sent me home to my mom. He never spoke to me again. Then about a year later he was killed in the car crash," By the finish of his statement, Erik's tears had ceased. He'd always spoke of his father in such a resentful, sad tone. It was crystal clear to me now why that was. Erik's mom had always said that his dad was a terrible person. I had no idea how true that was. It was unfathomable to me that anyone could treat their child like that. But sadly, Erik wasn't the only person who had to endure that. As I looked into his eyes, there was no more pain there. Sadness lingered, but beneath that lay the fire that usually adorned those gorgeous blue pools. He smiled, and leaned down and kissed me. This kiss lasted some time, our tongues dancing wickedly before we separated. Once we separated, he lay down and reclaimed his position on my chest. "Thank you, Adam. For listening to me. I've wanted to tell you for a long time, but I was afraid you'd run away from me," "Erik," I started, sitting up on the bed, causing him to follow suit. I grasped his hands in mine and stared deep into his eyes. "I would never run away from you, ever. I love you more than life itself. Nothing could ever change that. Unless you grew boobs," He laughed and then tossed his arms around me. We stayed in that hug for minutes, neither of us wanting to let go. This was one of those situations where words weren't needed. Anything either of us wanted to say was spoken in the embrace. After tonight, I'd gained a whole new level of love for him. For him to be able to suffer like that, and to come out the man that he did showed such a strength. He was my hero, more now than ever before. "I love you, Erik," I spoke, nuzzling his neck. "I love you too," He replied, planting a soft kiss on my neck. "Wanna dance?" I asked as we separated. "How, we don't have any music?" "Come on, I'll show you," I hopped to my feet, and pulled him to his. I put my arms around his neck and began to dance with him slowly. This was something we'd done so often in the past, albeit with music, but I enjoyed it every time like it was the first. It was one of those things we did that made everyone tell us how much of a nauseatingly cute couple we were. In moments like this, I was always reminded of how much I loved him. As we switched leads, he laid his head on my shoulder. I kissed him softly on the forehead then began to provide our music. "Who, would've believed," I sang softly, Erik's eyes lighting up. "That you and me would fall, and land together. And who, could've foreseen. In you I'd find that place, I belonged forever. And if I move closer, then love will take over. And lead, the way," "I'd, given up hope," Erik took over. "Losing the faith that love, could be mine to treasure. And now, nothing's the same. I found myself reborn, on the day I met you. And if we move closer, then love will take over. And lead, the way," "Suddenly, you are lying here with me..." I started, being interrupted by a knock at the door. We looked at each other, but couldn't come up with an answer. He slipped his hand behind my head, and drove his lips passionately on to mine. Our tongues touched lightly before I pinched his ass and told him to get the door. He giggled and trotted happily toward the door. But as the door opened, his expression drastically changed. There stood Rex, his face blotchy and red, making it obvious he'd been crying. The two of them stood staring at each other, neither moving. I made the decision to play mediator, and walked over to them. "Rex, why don't you come in and sit down," I stated, pointing toward the lone chair that graced the room. "I...I...can't," He replied, looking at Erik. "I just had to say a few things, so I asked Brett where you were staying," He spoke nervously, his left hand twitching slightly. "Regan, please come in and sit down," Erik spoke, to the shock of both me and Rex. Rex nervously walked in the room, but didn't sit. I shut the door behind him and walked over to the bed. Erik followed and sat down next to me. He grabbed my hand, and I could feel him shaking. I squeezed his hand lightly, and smiled at him, reassuring him as best I could that everything would be okay. He cracked a bit of a smile, but it was still painfully obvious how upset he was. But no one in their right mind would blame him. I couldn't begin to imagine the thoughts and emotions running through Erik's mind. This is a situation he'd fought with for so long. He'd buried it as best he could in the past five years. But here he was, face to face with it once again. My heart ached for him. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry," Rex spat out quickly, making direct eye contact with Erik. "And I know that it may not mean a lot now, so many years later. But I mean it, with every inch of my soul," As Rex finished speaking, tears streamed down his face. He sat down on the chair and buried his head in his hands. I almost felt sorry for Rex as I stared at him. He was certainly, at least from what I've seen, not the vicious, remorseless rapist type. As he sat crying in front of us, it seemed as if the situation plagued him as bad as it had Erik for all this time. I didn't know the guy well enough to know if he meant what he said. But to be that heartfelt and not mean it, he'd have to be a damned good actor. But it didn't really matter what I thought. It was all how Erik took it. "It does mean a lot," Erik responded, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had taken over the room. "That's all I've wanted for 5 years, to know that you had regrets for what you did," "I regret it more than anything. It took me years to get past what I did. That's why I devoted my life to hockey. But every time I hear your name, it rips me all apart again. I will never, ever be able to express how sorry I am. And I'm not even going to try. I just want you to know that I regret it. And if I could, I'd take it back in a heartbeat," "That's all I can ask for "Rex." We can't erase what happened, but we can move on. And to know that you're sorry, I can finally officially do that," The room went silent once more. As I listened to Erik speak, I was so proud of him. He didn't have to big about it. He had more than enough right to hate Rex with every fiber of his being. But that's not Erik's way. A simple apology and everything is forgiven. That's the way he'd always been. He may never forget what happened, but he'd never let you know he remembered. If you tried to make things right with him, he'd go out of his way to make sure everything was...peachy, for SEVERE lack of a better term. That was just one of the billions of things that made me love him even more. "And I'm sorry for kissing you earlier," Rex spoke quickly, breaking the silence. "It was the martini's, and I don't know. I'm an idiot is really the best reason," Erik chuckled lightly, then smiled. "I understand. That's why I don't drink. And really, I should say thank you for that. Because without that, I might never have told Adam about it," He said, smiling and patting my knee. We stared and smiled at each other for what seemed like eternity. I was so happy to see him smile after everything he'd been through today, I didn't want to take my eyes off of him. But then again, there weren't too many times I wanted to take my eyes off of him, he was just that beautiful. Our unspoken love must've gotten to Rex though, because he stood up from his chair and cleared his throat. "I think I'll get going before the love in the room drowns me," He joked, walking toward the door. Erik and I laughed, and followed him toward the door. "Thanks, Josh, Regan, Rex, whoever the hell you are," Erik giggled, extending his hand. "I really mean that," "Thank you, Erik. My soul is a lot more at ease now," Rex returned, shaking Erik's hand. "And Ross, don't over use your hockey stick tonight. Save it for the ice," He joked, winking at me. "Don't you worry," I laughed, putting my arm on his shoulder. "I'll be nice and ready to score all over your ass tomorrow," "Yeah, we'll see about that," He said, walking backward out the door. "Goodnight, Rex," I replied, shutting the door and walking back to the bed. I plopped down onto the bed and crawled back under the covers. Erik switched the light off then crawled up beside me. I kissed him lightly on the lips, then cuddled onto his chest. He kissed me softly on top of the head. My mind was racing from everything that had occurred that day. It was hard to believe that it had all happened in such a short time. Seeing Erik so vulnerable, so hurt was something I could live without. But to see him get through it with such strength only added more depth to the love that was already there. It had been cemented that day, Erik was the most amazing person I'd ever known. "Thank you, Adam," Erik said lightly, caressing my hair. "For what?" "For being you. And for loving me," "I always will, Erik. As long as I live," I reached up and kissed his lips. This kiss was so intense, I felt my knees knocking under the blankets. Ours lips touched sensuously for minutes, our tongues never becoming involved. Once our kiss separated, I lay my head back down on his chest and closed my eyes. As I lay there thinking, the first thing that popped into my head was the song we'd sang earlier. I felt a smile come to my face, then took a deep breath. "Suddenly, you are lying here with me. And the truths, I used to hold have changed. And if I move closer, and let it take over. Then love, will lead the way," "I love you, Adam," Erik whispered happily, squeezing me to him. "I love you too," With that, I closed my eyes and returned to my thoughts. My first couple days in Canada were certainly interesting. Two teammates found out I was gay, and thankfully both took it well. I get a shocking revelation about my boyfriend, but I get to be there as he clears up a thing that has tormented him for years. So in the end, I guess everything turned out okay. I seriously hoped that was a sign of things to come. I had a feeling that I'd like it here, even after all the drama of the first couple days. But even if things went bad, I took comfort in knowing one thing. No matter what I did, or where I went, I had someone who loved me. And as the song had said so beautifully, love will lead the way.... THE END?

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