Planet of Desire

Published on Jan 2, 1998


NOTE: This and all preceding and subsequent chapters are copyright 1993 by Milford Ray Slabaugh. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to post this story to other BBS'es, provided it bears this language. Permission to post to Star*Chat denied.


Chapter 17


Ivan had to wait an extra hour for David to show, which made sense when he learned that David had to pull a long shift himself--0100 to 0900--that night. Eight solid hours on military duty wasn't in the tradition, but the base was short-handed.

They had their talk. Ivan was careful with his words and it took a while for David to understand.

"I see." he said at last. "You're wondering, I guess, if I'm in love with you?"

"I wouldn't put it that way." Ivan said uncomfortably. "More like where you want to go with this."

"I've thought about it." David admitted. "Crashing here with no hope of rescue does make a quick change in your life. Me, I'd planned on serving out the war, then finding a nice girl or boy and settle down, yes, Ivan, I've always been bisexual, not that you ever noticed. But now, here, well...." He tapered off. David was sounding like Private Jackson, shy, hesitant.

But David seemed to look inside himself and find courage, for he went on. "Ivan, let me put it this way. We've been on this planet for six weeks now."

"Has it been that long?" Ivan asked.

"You were out of it with that plant, you called it a milkstump? Yes, it's been six weeks. In that time, how many men have you made love to? I'm not counting those guys who raped you while you were attached to the milkstump. Just the ones you were willing with. How many?

"Uh..." Ivan had to count them. "There was you, then those Marines back at the plant, then the hermit who nursed me back to health, then the father and son on the farm, then the villager, and then Angen, then the Slan at the angel's village, then Tarzan, and, uh..." Did he dare admit that a few hours before, there had been the two privates? "Well, there've been a few, I admit it."

"For me, too." David said. "With this planet the way it is, I don't see any way either of us could promise either fidelity or monogamy, do you?"

"No. I'm not even sure I'm asking for it. Just, after the, uh, well, is it going to be you and me, I don't know, starting a farm and raising children. I guess that's what I'm asking."

"Then I'll tell you. You're my best friend, Ivan, one of the best I've ever had. I care about you, I'm concerned about you. I like you, man. I love you. But," David reached over and put his hand on Ivan's, "I'm not in love with you, if you see what I mean."

"I guess I do."

"We can stick together, in fact, I'm counting on it. Any time you want me, I'm here. But I have to admit that you're not the man I want to try forever with."

Ivan thought about it. His own actions bore a certain scrutiny in the light of David's honesty. "I think you're right. I even think I feel about the same way. I certainly never planned on marrying another man after I finished the service. Or having children by cloning. But if it's all I've got, well, I will settle for it, even enjoy it. And in the meantime, I'm glad you're with me."

David and he embraced, and Ivan went back to his room. He thought about the conversation while letting sleep take him, and realized that he wasn't upset by the knowledge. Still, it did clear the air between them. Ivan could chase men to his heart's content and know that, after, David would still be there.

That was enough for now. He went to sleep.

The next morning, he awoke early and went to the mess hall. Usually it was nearly deserted when he awoke, but this time it was full of enlisted men. Ivan thought about exercising his prerogative and getting to the head of the line, but they had taught him in officer's training that the first thing a good officer learned is when to take his privileges and when to let them slide; he joined the end of the line. Marines in the line were quick to offer that he get in front of them, but he politely declined.

From this peculiar vantage point and the five minute wait, he learned a good deal on various subjects. His group of twelve was going on a recon to look for suspected Slan activity. Captain Swenson would go, but not Lieutenant Martin; the Commander had insisted that he could not risk all of his officers and two were plenty. There was excitement about the recon far in excess of its pedestrian nature, and none of the scuttlebutt treated it as anything other than what they claimed it to be; Ivan wondered who was acting and who was truly in the dark.

The rift was nearly completed, a simple dynamite charge at each end could flood it already if necessary. Ivan lifted his eyebrows at that. The Marines may soon lose their Cantina.

McElby had escaped from the hospital and base and had gotten off the base; an all night search hadn't found any trace of him. Ivan was recognized at this point and he spent the rest of the time fending off not-funny remarks about the entire episode.

He took his tray and looked around, found Jackson and Jablonski at a table of perhaps a dozen men and vacant spaces. He smiled and went to join them.

Their talk startled him. It wasn't about the mission, or his escapade with McElby; it was about sex.

"Maybe you've noticed it, Lieutenant?" Jablonski asked.

"Noticed what?"

"How everyone's been hornier than usual this week?"

"I haven't been here that long." Ivan reminded him.

"No, sir. Still, we've been here for seventeen months. When we first dug that ditch and it was no more than a ditch, the mist was stopped, completely. Then it started getting across more'n'more, and the Commander demanded we dig it deeper. We did, and I must admit that we started the Cantina then. That stopped it for a while longer, but now, the science johnnies we got here, did you know we got a civilian group on the base, Lieutenant? Six scientists, and they've been studying the place, trying to figure out how to stop the mist from affecting us."

"Why would we want to stop the mist from affecting us?" Jackson blurted out, surprised, then blushed bright scarlet.

The men laughed, and Ivan grinned, "I tend to agree with you on that point, Jackson. Doesn't seem to do the natives any harm, from what I've seen. You get used to the mist after a while."

Jablonski continued, "But sir, the scientists say that the levels of the mist on base are increasing. That's why the Commander decided to dig down below sea level, let the ocean carry the mist away so it can't lap over the rift walls. But, sir, the scientists say that's not where the mist is coming from."

"No?" Ivan put down his reconstituted scrambled eggs and looked at Jablonski. "But the mist comes from the volcanos here and there, I've seen that. There's only one nearby, it has to be coming from there."

"Volcanos can have, I forget the word, veins running out to the side, shafts where the lava or mist or whatever can spout a new one. Maybe that's what's happening to us. Maybe we're going to be sitting on a new volcano pretty soon."

"I doubt that seriously." Ivan said, returning to his breakfast. Made entirely of rations from off the troopship, it was without the mist's effects, but very dull. Ivan thought about the melons he and David had feasted on, and their delicious taste. That reminded him. "Jablonski, Jackson, are you two part of the squad going with us on the recon?"

That got a chuckle. "Sir, this table is the squad." Jackson said. "All of us, you and Captain Swenson."

"Oh." Ivan looked around at eager, pleased faces. "Then we'll be seeing more of each other later today."

That got a roar like he'd told a good joke. He thought about it; of course he'd be seeing more of them. Like, their naked bodies pressed against his when the mist got to all of them. Ivan flushed and looked at his plate. A single spoonful of oatmeal substitute left and he was done.

"Actually, sir, we're looking forward to it, all of us." Jablonski said. "Be a relief to stir around this place. Most of us have been near the base ever since we got here. Maybe we should check on the village while we're at it?"

"The way the villagers feel about Marines?" Ivan was in control again. "They'll probably run when they see us coming. We need to do something about the reputation we've gotten, especially if...." Ivan caught himself. "I'd better get my equipment together."

"Quartermaster's office will take care of it, sir." Jackson called after him.

The slop bin and stacks of dirty dishes was not far from the table. Ivan could hear the men as they laughed and talked about him. Jablonski was telling them about Ivan's cock size, without admitting how he knew. The men seemed interested, even excited, by the talk. He felt his cock stir at the thought of the sex he'd have with these men in a few hours.

He recognized the feeling well; Jablonski was right. The mist must be getting past the rift.

He was glad he'd arisen early, it took the rest of his time to get the supplies issued. Marines are Marines, even at a lonely outpost like this. He finally got jungle wear, with a jacket, helmet and backpack, food supplies, canteen full of distilled water, and a thin bedroll (never knew, even on a short excursion, if something might go wrong), and a constalaser and officer's pistol for armament. Slinging all this hurt his back already, and they had an hour's tramping through jungle to do.

Still the men were jaunty, almost cocky (ooh, bad choice of words, Ivan, he thought to himself). Captain Swenson had to persuade them to not sing while they crossed the bridge across the rift (Ivan looked down at the workers and openly frowned, despite his growing attachment to these Marines, this treatment was despicable) and they were out among the trees and the mist.

Ivan felt the wisps of mist get to him almost immediately. He was in the lead with Captain Swenson, no need yet for a battle formation which would put them in the middle.

Vid looked over at Ivan's crotch, and said, "Didn't you jerk off this morning, Lieutenant?"

"Uh, no, sir." Ivan admitted.

Vid looked bothered. "You should have. I ordered the men who were coming with us to do just that. Help them fight the mist. Not that any of that will help us for long."

"Speaking of the men, Captain, I wondered how you had handled that."

"I intended it to be a small party, just you, me and David." Vid admitted. "But word got around, and the Commander heard about it and insisted we take a back-up. I was barely able to keep permission to pick the men myself."

"I hope I wasn't responsible for that." Ivan frowned, told of Jackson and Jablonski coming to him the night before.

"No, the decision had been made already. I was able to stack it with men we can trust. Still, your angel may not want to show up with a squad around him. We'll have to distract them, keep them away from the meeting site."

"I agree. But how?"

"That will be your problem, Lieutenant." Vid grinned. "I got my own meeting arranged for out here. The last time I left the base."

"Oh." Ivan realized that he would be meeting Tarzan again. "I'll go set things up with the men."

Ivan let himself drop back to find Jackson. He trusted Jackson, liked the shy Marine with the talented mouth. The men were single file, and Ivan was gratified to find Jackson at the very end of the file. "Enjoying the trip, Jackson?"

"Yes, sir." Jackson grinned widely. "A real nice place, sir."

They passed beneath a fruit tree, once apples on earth, here it was a red penis shape, and Ivan marveled again at the perversity of this planet. "Care for an apple, Private?"

"Not right now, sir. Maybe I could save it for later?"

Ivan leaned in closer. "How's the mist working on you?" he whispered.

Jackson whispered back, "I'm getting hornier every step, sir. Maybe we should take a rest, soon?"

"Didn't you obey the order Captain Swenson gave you?"

"Yes, sir." Jackson looked down at Ivan. "Did you?"

"Didn't know about it." Ivan admitted.

"Need some help with that, sir? You and I could sort of jerk each other off while marching."

"Before much longer, yes, Private. What's your first name, by the way?"

"Andrew, sir. After the President."

"Which President?" Ivan frowned.

"American one."

"Oh. Those I don't know.

"But my friends call me Kip."

"All right, then Kip."

"Bivouac!" came the call down the line. "Bivouac!"

They hurried up to find the men quickly setting down their packs and rolling out the bedrolls. "What's wrong?" Ivan asked, then he saw it.

Pink mist, a huge wall of it, coming at them.

Ivan turned to Jackson and said, "Well, Kip, you and I are about to become real good friends."

"Yes, sir!" Jackson said. "I'd appreciate it, sir."

They shuffled off their packs and lay the bedrolls on the bed of leaves. Some of the men around them were trying to get undressed in the scant seconds before the mist arrived, but Ivan just unbuttoned and unzipped himself, yanked down pants and boxers, and turned to Kip, lay him down on the bedroll and gave him a kiss before the mist got to them while his hands unbuttoned Kip's shirt to feel the warm, manly chest. Kip had a tube of lubricant of some kind, and squirted himself a handful, greased up Ivan's cock for him. Obviously, Kip wanted Ivan's schlong in his butt this time, and Ivan was ready to give it to him.

"Permission to join you, suh?" came a voice full of the drawl of the Southern United States. Ivan looked over to see the mist nearly upon them, shrouding the edges of their little group. Captain Swenson, teamed with the black Marine Ivan had seen before, the one with the long dong, was blurred by the mist already.

There were two standing there, Jablonski and a big guy with a solid face, square, a guy built like a pile-driver. "Puhmishin to j'in yuh, suh? I ain't never had an officuh befoah."

"Granted." Ivan said. "I got two holes I'm not using. Take your pick, but hurry." The pink mist was there.

Kip groaned and guided Ivan's cock to his puckerhole, wrapped his legs around Ivan's waist. Ivan fucked at him for a few strokes, then saw Jablonski kneeling beside him, cock ready and Ivan reached out to take it.

The other Marine aimed a (thank God! lubricated!) cock into Ivan's hole. "M'names Gorman, suh." he grunted as he sent into Ivan a schlong like a fence post. "Friends call me Alabama, 'cuz that's whar I'm frum."

Ivan didn't answer, he was too busy. There was a Marine's cock in his mouth, another in his ass, and a Marine butt clutching desperately at his own cock while Ivan kept the one hand he had free busy on Kip's cock, wanting to give all of his new comrades pleasure at once, while the mist drove him to it, giving him inordinate freedom from any possible guilt.

Ivan moved his mouth and his hand, but the Marine behind him fucked him hard enough to send him deep into Kip's tight, lithe butt without effort. It left him free to concentrate on the other two dicks under his control. He sucked and flogged and let the big guy named Alabama do a great job of fucking for them both.

"Oh, yay-us, Ah'm fuckin' an officuh's butt." bragged Alabama. "Such a nass, taht a-yus Ah'm fuckin'.

"And I got an officer's mouth on my cock." added Jablonski, grabbing Ivan by the ears and hunching at him hard. "Uh! Enough suction to lift a rocket into orbit."

"Mmm, I got the best part of him, comrades." moaned Jackson. "I got his thick cock in me, and his soft hands on my cock."

Ivan nearly choked with laughter. These big hunks were really getting off on his services, and that was the best part of all. He in the middle of hungry men, cock was all around him, in him, of him, through him, cock from every angle. He milked Alabama's cock with tuckers of his ass muscles around the huge organ, and the big Southerner yelled, plugged him hard and fast, and Ivan was filled with his jism, the cock pulsating in him with rapid throbs.

Ivan's cock was bobbing in and out of Jackson's ass with Alabama's thrusts, and it brought him to orgasm, and he choked his groans on Jablonski's cock, huge bursts and gulps of air that billowed and sucked in his cheeks, while he filled Jackson to the dripping rim with his seed.

Jablonski writhed under Ivan's added suction, and creamed, Ivan sucked up the hot, salty fluid while he still fought for breath, feeling the jism enter his stomach, his lungs, his nostrils dripped with the blast and his own heaving breaths of air.

Jackson blasted in Ivan's hands, coating his chest and hand with sticky wads that dribbled down onto his shirt.

Then Ivan was crushed down onto the still-spurting cock, his hand mashed flat under the cock, as Gorman put all his weight on Ivan, and Jablonski leaned over, his cock slipping from Ivan's mouth coated with his saliva, and Jablonski rested atop Gorman, leaving them a confused pile- up of spent human lust.

"Lieutenant Paskov?" came Swenson's shout.

"Over here?"

"Are you in there, Lieutenant?"

"I'm in here somewhere." Ivan joked, and the privates piled off of him, and Ivan sat, pulled up his pants, ignoring the sperm staining him in various locations. "Well, we made pretty good time." he remarked as he did so. "Last night I hiked this forest, we didn't get half so far."

"Another blob of pink mist will be along sooner or later." Swenson agreed. "Any suggestions?"

"We could walk the way the natives do." Ivan said. "That or just go with the flow."

An animal yell rebounded through the jungle. "Whoops, I gotta go, folks. You can take over now, Paskov." Swenson checked his watch. "You still have two hours to go a mile more in that direction. Think you can handle it?"

"If we hurry." Ivan said. He really did feel good, away from that prison-camp-nee-Marine-base, in the company of friends.

Swenson would have said more but there was a swoop from above, a flash of muscular man on a vine, and Swenson was gone. There came some laughter from a tree, but when the Marines looked, they couldn't see a thing.

"He'll be fine." Ivan assured his men. "All of you feel up to covering that last bit of the journey?"

"We could all take our pants off." Jackson suggested. "That way we wouldn't have to slow down next time."

Ivan cocked his head, considered it. A group of men treading the forest, in full combat gear except for being naked from the waist down to the boots. "No, I think if we just don't" He unzipped his pants and took out his cock, flaccid but still fair-sized from the residue of his passion, "bother putting them back. If you men see a comrade needing some attention, we'll take care of it the way the natives do. Might as well get used to the idea if our plans work out."

So that was what they did. Eleven men moved into a semi-combat-ready posture, in pairs, one hand on a constalaser, the other holding onto his comrade's cock. Ivan took the protected center position, between Jackson and Gorman. He left his armament on his back; he felt safe in this jungle. No danger involved at all.

Jerking as they walked, their steps punctuated by an occasional flight of sperm, sometimes that splattered on the man ahead of them, they made their way to the meeting place arranged by Tarzan.

Ivan climbed the rock after some special attention to the two Marine cocks in his control. Their sperm clinging to his hands, he made his way up the rock and looked around.

An angel was making his way toward them from the north, but was a long ways off. Ivan looked around, his eyes searched eastward.

"Holy Mother Russia!" he blurted out.

"What is it, sir?" Jackson asked.

Ivan told them the truth. "There's a huge Slan base just east of here a few miles. Hundreds of Slan."

"Holy Moses!" Jackson breathed in his turn.

What did THIS do to the plan. Ivan wished Captain Swenson was here.



Next: Chapter 18

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