Playing from the Heart

By Spoon Mike

Published on Dec 27, 2002


Hi everybody! Spoon Mike here; with another part for your viewing pleasure. I know, it's been a LONG wait, but college, job hunting, etc. has made my life stressful. You might want to look over the story again to refresh yourself, I did!

I really haven't read much Nifty in the past few months, but I have to take a moment to plug two of my all time favorite stories on the Nifty Archive, JC's Hitchhiker and Rebound, both by Writer Boy. If you haven't read them yet, PLEASE do yourself a favor and do it! You WON'T be disappointed! Writer Boy is SUCH a fantastic writer! Many thanks for the inspiration and comments!

MANY thanks go to my fans, cheerleaders, and everyone who's sent me an email. Special thanks go to Writer Boy (my inspiration) and RdrMike (my proofreader and friend). Writer Boy: I wouldn't have written anything in the first place if it weren't for you and your awesome stories. Without RdrMike, I might not have come back to this story. Thanks to you two so much!

DISCLAIMER: This story, along with all of the following characters, is pure, unadulterated fiction. I do not pretend to know any member of N'Sync, or Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, or any of the other celebrities that have appeared or may appear in this story. I have no idea what their sexual or even food preferences are. Any and all songs used in this story belong to their respective artists and labels. Mike Russell is a completely fictional character and any resemblance to any real person is strictly coincidental. If you're a minor, scram! If this type of material offends you, why the hell are you here at this site in the first place?

A Reminder: (---------------------------) means a change in character point of view.


Playing From the Heart - Chapter 16 By Spoon Mike

I love Josh so much, it's almost consuming. I can't get him, his handsome face, or his sweet smile out of my head. I can't wait until the next time that we see each other!

Friday morning, I woke up relatively early. I had forgotten to finish a project that's due today for Orchestration class. As I fed Kitty, I thought about how last night went with Ben. After the lesson, the night turned out to be pretty cool. I'm glad that Ben was able to loosen up about whatever was bothering him. Hopefully, our lesson on Saturday will go much better.

After putting the finishing touches on my project, I ran to school. I didn't have time for breakfast myself. I wish I could go to school with Jeff in the mornings, but he teaches a lesson in the mornings at the local high school.

I got to school with minutes to spare. In Orchestration class, we all played my project, and recorded it. Kauf-man and the class seemed to really like it, which was great. After class was over, we packed up our instruments and left. Jeff caught up with me in the hall.

"Mikey, my man, what's up?"

"First of all, never call me Mikey again. Second, not much, how are you?"

"Cool, cool. Glad to see that you were able to finish your Orchestration project on time, what with how busy you've been lately."

"Yeah, sure. Yours is due on Monday, right? How's it coming?"

"It's...Well, I...Okay, okay, I haven't started it yet. But I still have the weekend to do it!"

"Right. It's about lunchtime, isn't it? Let's go down to the caf‚ and grab some food. I didn't have time for breakfast this morning, and I'm starved."

We each got some food and sat down at a table. I put my clarinet on the chair next to me, and Jeff made sure his horn was situated nicely next to him. Musicians like us are very careful with our instruments. I took a bite of a gigantic blueberry muffin and drank some orange juice. Ah, how I love breakfast food!

"So Mike, how did yesterday afternoon with Josh go? I'm glad that we were able to surprise you." Jeff, as usual, was talking around a mouthful of bagel.

I, on the other hand, swallowed first. "Jeff, I love him so much. He's so sweet, we went to the practice rooms and he sang Sailing to me!"

"Aww, my little stud is finally growing up!" Jeff said, and pinched my cheek from across the table.

I slapped his hand away. "Grow up, Jeff!"

Jeff and I sat and joked around for a while. Things seem to be going well for him and Katie, which was very good to hear. Soon enough, it was class time. Jeff went to Conducting class (which I had last semester), and I went to Music History. It was as boring, as usual. Afterwards, we had Wind Ensemble rehearsal. It was cool, but tiring. Since I didn't have performance class this week, Jeff and I decided to head back to my apartment for a while before Canterbury Philharmonic Orchestra rehearsal.

When we got back, there were two messages on my answering machine. Hmm, I don't normally get messages, especially during the day. Puzzled, I pushed the button to check them.

"Mike, It's Josh. I'm just calling to say that I love you and I'm thinking of you. Bye-bye!"

Aww, that was so sweet of Josh to do that! I know he does it every day, but it's still just as surprising and sweet every time. I'll have to give him a call tomorrow. I was about to melt onto the floor, but then I saw Jeff making phony gagging motions. Glaring at him, I saved Josh's message, and listened to the next one.

"Hello Mike, it's Ben...I'm just calling to say that I had a great time last night. Thank you so much know. So, I'll see you tomorrow at 7. Have a good day."

Well, that was a strange message.

"Mike, what happened last night? That sounded like a nervous date call."

"Ha, don't make me laugh Jeff, that's ridiculous! You know that he had a lesson last night. Well, the lesson wasn't going well, so we stopped and rescheduled it for Saturday. Then, we had dinner, watched a movie, and talked for a while."

"Sounds an awful lot like a date to me. Does Josh have anything to be worried about?"

"Jeff..." I said, looking at him in a not-pleasant manner.

"Alright, alright, I was just kidding. Anyways, it's time to leave for Canterbury." Jeff picked up his horn and music, and pretty much sprinted for the door.

I got my clarinet and stuff together to leave, as well. But as I was leaving, I couldn't get what Jeff said out of my mind. What Ben and I did last night DID sound like a date, especially with the way that Ben sounded on the machine. I wonder what Ben thinks of last night?

"C'mon Mike, we'll be late for Canterbury rehearsal if we don't get moving." Jeff called from downstairs, as energetic as ever.

"Alright, I'm coming." I locked the door, and ran after Jeff. I thought about calling and being able to see Josh tomorrow, since it'll be the weekend.

I can't wait until tomorrow!

Playing From the Heart - Chapter 17 By Spoon Mike

I love Mike so much, it's almost consuming. I can't get him, his handsome face, or his sweet smile out of my head. I can't wait until the next time we see each other, on Saturday night.

I have to admit, I felt strange leaving that message for him. I mean it's not like I didn't just see him last night. And, I know that he wouldn't just forget our makeup lesson on Saturday night. But I just felt the need to call him; be in contact somehow with him. Right after I finished speaking and the machine clicked, I felt better. Pathetic, I know. Matt seemed to agree.

"What was that all about?" Matt asked from behind me.

Did he ever startle me! I hung up the phone and turned around to face him.

"Nothing...why do you ask?" I asked, fidgeting. I really get nervous very easily.

"Oh, no reason. Just the fact that you sounded like a nervous schoolboy asking someone out on a date."

"Yeah, right, Matt."

This seemed as good a time as any for a retreat, so I went to the kitchen and busied myself in making a snack for myself.

"Oh, come off it," Matt said, following me. "I know how you feel about Mike, but I just don't want to see you get hurt. Mike is seeing JC, after all."

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" I said, taking a big bite of my sandwich.

Matt gave me a sideways glance. "I know that you were planning to tell Mike how you feel tomorrow. Which by the way, I still think is a bad idea. But you don't have anything else planned, do you?"

"I...I don't know what you're talking about."


"Oh, alright, I do. I'll tell you, but nothing you say will change my mind or stop me."

I detailed my plan to Matt. It seemed ingenious to me. Matt's eyes just got wider and wider as I was explaining it. After I finished. Matt started shaking his head and tried to convince me to give up my plan.

"Ben, you can't. You shouldn't. From what you've said, Mike seems happy with JC. You can't just..."

"Oh, yes Matt, I can. You'll see. I love Mike in a way that no one, especially not JC, can. By tomorrow night, Mike will be all mine."

Matt just shook his head with disgust and left the room. I shrugged and took another bite of my sandwich.

I can't wait until tomorrow!

Playing From the Heart - Chapter 18 By Spoon Mike

I love Mike so much, it's almost consuming. I can't get him, his handsome face, or his sweet smile out of my head.

After my surprise visit to his school, I went back to my condo. Joey was waiting for me, eating a sandwich. I swear that boy eats all the time.

"Hey, C. You got back just in time," Joey said, going into the den.

"No problem, I was just visiting Mike over at his school."

"His school? How old is he?" Joey asked, giving me a raised eyebrow.

"Joey, he's a senior at NEC!"

"I know, I know, I'm just yankin' your chain. Here C, I saved you a sandwich!"

"Oh, Joey, you shouldn't have!"

We just sat around for a while after that, talking. I couldn't talk about much else than Mike for my part, but Joey just kidded me about it. He likes Mike, and that means a lot to me. Joey asked when Mike was coming back, so that he could give him another bear hug. For some reason scaring Mike with that hug seemed to be the funniest thing to Joey. I informed him that I'd be doing all of the hugging from now on where Mike is concerned. Cheesy, I know, but Mike brings it out in me.

Soon, it was time to start the call. Lance, Justin, and Chris were all on the line, as well as some of our management. After pleasantries were out of the way, we got down to business. The meeting was pretty standard, until a very surprising piece of news came up at the end of the call. After the call was done, I turned to Joey, very upset.

"Florida? For three months? And we have to leave tomorrow afternoon? How can they just make us leave like this?"

"I know, C, I know."

I hugged Joey and cried. I could think of nothing but Mike. How will I tell him? What will happen to us?

I don't want tomorrow to come!

To Be Continued...

So what did y'all think? Saturday will be a big day for everyone in this story. How do you all like the way I'm handling Ben? Ready to kill me yet for keeping you guys waiting SO long for this? Remember, you can thank RdrMike for getting me to write again!

Please email me at Suggestions? Questions? Threats? All are welcome! There's still lots more to come. I have the story kind of mapped out, but you can still influence it, and make changes. It's been so great to hear from everyone who's contacted me, and I promise to reply as soon as possible. Don't be afraid to write. Hope to hear from you soon!

Spoon Mike

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