Poison Ivan

By Dusty Hansen

Published on Apr 13, 2008


Obligatory warnings and disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal where you are or at your age, or you don't want to read about male/male relationships, go away. You shouldn't be here.

  2. Robin, Superboy, Poison Ivy, and any other characters mentioned here are trademarked and registered and copyrighted and all that to DC Comics. I'm using them without permission.

For those who read the comics and worry about such things, this story takes place sometime after the start of the current "Teen Titans" comic, probably somewhere in the first dozen issues or so.

Comments can be sent to "dustyh75@hotmail.com"

Thanks for reading, and to everyone who wrote after the first part and said I should keep going.

I kept trying to put it out of my mind, to chalk it up as one of those things that happens when you're working that you keep yourself from thinking about, like the time Bart got shot in the knee or Two Face broke my jaw. Something happens, you do what you can to make sure it doesn't happen again, and you don't dwell on it. Dwelling on things makes you lose your focus, allows you to be caught off guard, opens you up to getting hurt again. Dwelling on things is how guys like Arsenal end up with a heroin addiction. I've had bad stuff happen to me doing this, been dropped on other planets and taken trips to hell and had to fight guys who look like they just got done eating puppies for lunch, and I've managed not to dwell on them, but this was different.

It kept popping into my head at odd moments. I'd be in my room, reading a book, and all of a sudden I'd be remembering the sounds they made, the soft moans and sighs of pleasure as Ivan and Kon kissed, Kon's deeper, more bass moaning as Ivan went down on him, or the higher pitched, needier sounds of Kon inside me, pushing himself forward, straining, mingled with my own whimpers. I'd shake my head, pushing the thoughts away, willing myself not to think about it, but then ten minutes later I'd be remembering the way Kon's chest looked when he tore his shirt open, the smooth, bulging muscles of his pecs seeming to burst out, his red nipples hard and standing up into little points that Ivan played with, sharp little tips that made Kon thrust even more urgently when my hands slid over his chest and my palms passed over them.

It had been four days, and I had masturbated seven times. I kept trying to put it out of my head, and it kept not working.

We hadn't talked about it afterward, and maybe we should have, but I had no idea what to say. Kon looked as lost as I did, watching me for his cues even as I kept my face neutral, trying to figure out what this all meant. The things he'd said, and the things I'd let him do to me, I'd never thought of things like that before. I'd never considered those things, much less considered wanting them, and now I was trying to put my costume back on without letting Kon see that I was as confused as he was and I had no idea what we were going to do now. I knew on an intellectual level that we should be following Ivan, trying to catch him before he got back to the park and vanished into the green with his mother, but I just couldn't make myself move.

"Are you ok?" Kon asked finally, his back to me and his voice soft. I looked up just in time to see him pulling up his jeans, the denim sliding over his muscular ass, the hard curves that I had held onto urgently, pulling his cock deeper into me. Why wasn't he wearing underwear? His back was an unmarked wall of muscle, and he stared down at his ripped shirt as if trying to decide whether to put it back on or not.

"I'm fine," I lied, forcing myself not to wince as I stood. There was a feeling inside that was hard to describe, as if everything below the waist was kind of loose but also missing something, needing something to be put back. I fastened my vest quickly and pulled my cape around myself, making sure my belt and gloves and everything else were in place. When I looked up, Kon was staring at me with his dark blue eyes, his bare, tanned chest catching the light and almost forcing me to look at it instead of at him. I had more control than that, though, and convinced myself that the toxins must still be in my system for me to be thinking such things. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I, yeah," he said, nodding, holding the scraps of his shirt in one hand. "Tim, I..."

"Robin," I said, letting my voice slip into the "Bat-tone". We were in costume and we were working, and that meant we weren't using first names. "We should get out of here, before someone comes."

"Right," he said, nodding, his voice falling a little. I heard his voice again in my head for a second, telling me I was his best friend and he loved me so much, and I pushed it away. "I should, uh, get going. Back to, back home."

I nodded.

"Have Superman check you," I said, and his eyes widened. "You don't have to tell him what happened. Tell him you were exposed to Poison Ivy toxin."

"Poison Ivan," Kon corrected, shaking his head.

"Poison Ivan!" I said sharply, trying to keep it all together. "It's the same thing! Just tell him you were exposed and he needs to make sure you're clean."

"Right," Kon said, flying away before I could yell anything else at him. I wanted to call after him, to stop him, but I didn't know what to say. Instead I checked the greenhouse for security cameras, closed it up behind me, and went home to test myself. I was clean, but I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head.

I had two options. I could hit the streets, searching the park and the rest of the greenhouses and plant nurseries, trying to find Poison Ivan, but my head wasn't in the right shape for it. What was I going to do if I found him? What would I say to him? I could ask him what Kon tasted like, what it felt like to be connected to him on that level, to hold him in your mouth and look up at him and feel him warm and hard on your tongue, to see him strong and vulnerable at the same time above you, but that kind of thought was exactly why I couldn't talk to Ivan. My only other option was to get out of Gotham, and I took it. Needing to clear my head, to get away from these thoughts and to figure out what I was going to do now, I hopped a quick Justice League teleport to Titans Tower.

I wasn't the only one who had that idea. Starfire smiled up at me from her garden, her green pupil-less eyes wide beneath her auburn brows, as I stepped from behind a tree in full costume. She wore only a t-shirt and cutoff denim shorts, and I worried as I looked over her modelesque figure without feeling a twinge of lust.

"Robin!" she said, clearly in a good mood. That could change at any second, of course. "It's so odd to see you all during the week, but it's nice. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah," I answered, nodding. "I just needed to clear my head a little."

"You and Superboy both, I guess," she said, shrugging. "I think he's in the gym with Beast Boy."

"Cool," I said, feeling anything but.

Of course he'd be here. I needed to get away to think about him, but my luck never turned out quite the way I needed it to. I figured if nothing else I should stop by the gym and say hi, so that Kon wouldn't be surprised if he ran into me later even though I planned on staying in my room most of the time. I wanted to just think, and read, and try to figure out what was going on in my head, and that meant staying away from the one who was causing me so much mental trouble. It didn't mean being unfriendly, though, so I took a deep breath, pushed open the gym doors, and frown when I found no one.

It was obvious that they had been working out. Equipment was left out everywhere, free weights just sitting on the floor and sparring sticks thrown in a pile, but no sign of them. I listened for a moment and heard the showers running, and figured they must have finished and hit the locker room. I stopped for a moment, considering. I could just lean into the locker room and yell hello without looking into the showers. Friends did that. Walking into the locker room had nothing to do with the off chance that Kon might be naked, or even partially naked, and I might get to see his body again. Nope, no chance at all.

Soft, high pitched grunts carried through the locker room from the shower, and I paused. It wasn't Kon's voice, but I'd never heard Beast Boy, Gar, make a noise like this. It sounded strained and tight and needy all at the same time, and I peeked around the corner of the showers already knowing what I would see.

"Unh! Unh!" Gar whimpered, leaning against the wall with both arms as hot water streamed down his naked, green body.

I'd never seen him naked before, just in trunks in the pool, but his body always intrigued me. He was built, like everyone in our business was, but his skin was a verdant lime color, and his nipples were darker, almost emerald green. So, I could see, was the head of his hard cock, which was jutting out in front of him from a patch of equally dark green pubic hair. Gar's whole body was hairy, his pecs and abs covered in green hair that trailed up and down his arms and legs. He was making that whimpering noise each time Kon, standing behind him, slammed his hard cock to the base in Gar's ass.

Even though Gar was older, Kon was taller, and he held onto Gar's shoulders as he pumped away almost mechanically behind him. My own cock hardened instantly as I watched Kon's body, wet from the showers, his slick muscles flexing as he pulled back, his thick shaft visible, and then slide forward again, burying himself inside Gar. Gar tossed his head back, groaning, but Kon didn't slow down, his round hard ass dimpling each time he pushed forward. My own hand slid down inside my tights, groping myself before I even realized I was doing it, and I shuddered as I felt my gloved hand on my hard six inches. Why hadn't I jacked off with my costume on at home?

I pushed that thought away as I took in the scene in front of me again. How had this happened? Was Kon just fucking anyone that wandered in front of him now? I'd thought that what happened with us was special, even if it was caused by poisons and chemicals and everything else, but apparently for Kon that was just the drugs talking. It figured. He was a walking pile of testosterone, and probably just wanted to get his rocks off as often as possible. I mentally cursed myself for being so stupid, but I also didn't stop stroking, my arm moving in time to Kon's thrusts as he impaled Gar on his spike. It felt good, I knew, because I remembered how good it felt when he did it to me.

"Kon, I," Gar gasped, flexing. He started to turn his body, as if to face Kon, but Kon slid his arms off of Gar's shoulders to his head, turning his face so that Kon could kiss him deeply. Gar's green eyes closed as Kon's tongue worked into his mouth, both of them moaning in pleasure, and I bit back my own moan as I watched. They broke the kiss, Gar's green tongue flicking over Kon's red lips for a minute, and then Gar hung his head down in front again, closing his eyes and submitting to Kon.

Kon's hands slid down Gar's bady, feeling and caressing it, his fingers gliding through Gar's slicked down hair. He cupped Gar's pecs, kneading them, stopping to pinch Gar's emerald nipples in between his fingers and thumbs as they hardened into points. Gar groaned loudly, his cock twitching. It was about the same size as mine, but his head was larger, a thick green mushroom capping his shaft. Kon's hands slid down over Gar's abs, pressing on them, and Gar flexed them as he slowly undulated, pushing himself back onto Kon's driving cock.

"God," Gar panted, tossing his head back onto Kon's shoulder.

Kon nuzzled Gar's neck, licking and biting, his hips never missing a beat. God, that must feel good, having Kon pump into him like that, that thick cock stretching him open and driving inside, rubbing his prostate and filling him. My own hand moved faster, my head leaking on my glove, and I bit my lip again to stifle another moan. Kon let out a low rumble, almost a growl, and grabbed Gar's shoulder with one hand and his cock with the other. Stroking Gar with a wet slapping noise under the shower spray, Kon began thrusting fast enough to lift Gar up onto his toes, his sleek green thighs straining.

I began to stroke myself faster as well, watching them, my hand all the way inside my costume, remembering what it felt like to have Kon driving into me, kissing me, connected to me. Kon's dark red nipples were rubbing Gar's back, his rippled abs flexing and crunching, and I remembered how it felt to have my cock slide against them, to feel his breath hot on my face, to look into his dark blue eyes as he told me he loved me and that I was his best friend and God I was so close to cumming!

"Kon!" Gar yelped, almost screaming, and then a thick rope of cum shot out of his green head, arcing toward the wall before it got lost in the cascading water. I had a second to think in surprise that Gar's cum wasn't green, and then I felt my balls tighten up as I spurted, filling the front of my tights and leaning against the wall for support. In front of me, Kon let out a low, guttural noise and then his whole body tightened into a bulging wall of clenching muscles, and I knew he was filling Gar's ass with his seed. Gar was panting, trying to pull Kon's hand off of his own cock, and Kon leaned down to kiss him again.

I stepped back, finally, but not before noticing that Kon had started moving again, his ass giving a long, slow flex as he began to thrust into Gar again. He was just getting warmed up, it seemed, although he hadn't felt that way with me. I felt ashamed suddenly as I left the gym, my cock shrinking in the tight pouch of my briefs, my cum starting to feel cold and slimy as I realized that I'd been a voyeur, and gotten off on seeing Kon do something that I'd convinced myself was special, and just for me. I was a fool. I would have said that he didn't want to fuck his friends, but he was friends with Gar, and he wanted to fuck Wonder Girl, too, so maybe the problem was me. Kon didn't want to fuck me.

And I wanted him to.

In my room I stripped out of my costume and stepped into my shower, wanting to cry, the full realization of what was happening to me starting to think in. I didn't think I was gay. Batman taught me to analyze myself, to understand my own actions, and I was pretty sure I hadn't been turned on by Gar's body. It was more the act that I witnessed, Kon fucking Gar. I wasn't fully gay, but I was sexually attracted to Kon, and I never would have realized it if Ivan hadn't drugged us. I blinked for a moment, pausing in thought, as I realized something else. Maybe Kon hadn't known it about himself, either. Maybe Ivan hadn't just drugged us as a way of escaping. Maybe he'd done something to us, and we were still under the effects of whatever it was.

That couldn't be right. I'd tested myself in the Batcave, and told Kon to have Superman test him as well. I was clean, and Kon had to be for Superman to let him run around loose. I couldn't shake the feeling that Ivan had done something to us, though, that there was more to what I'd just seen than there seemed to be. I needed to find Ivan and talk to him, and I started mapping out a plan to do so as soon as I got back to Gotham.

It would have saved me a lot of time to know that I could have just gone downstairs.

Kon-el, Superboy, Conner Kent, he'd gone by a lot of names in the few short years since he had sprung out of the tank at Cadmus labs. Right now, though, the name he was answering to was, "My handsome friend."

"My strong, handsome friend," Ivan whispered through the trees, the flowers around Kon forming tiny mouths that spoke to him.

After he'd left Beast Boy in the showers Kon had gotten dressed, throwing on a baseball jersey and a pair of jeans, and gone out to the garden. He'd heard Ivan in his head, calling out to him, whispering to him to come down, and even though he knew he wasn't really hearing it, that he couldn't be because he was alone in his room in the Tower, he'd been unable to resist. He'd been unable to resist a lot of things since the other night, when he'd been working with Tim, when he'd fallen into The Green. Since then, he heard Ivan's whispering in his ears, and he felt the creeping Green at the edges of his mind, soothing and directing. The Green was inside him now, inserted there by Ivan, a tiny seed that grew and spread and controlled him more and more every day.

He'd thought that Tim knew. Tim had been watching when Ivan knelt in front of him, when Ivan took his heavy, hard cock in his mouth while Kon was dazed and helpless to stop him. He hadn't wanted to, anyway, not with all the toxins racing through his system, crashing his inhibitions and making him see that Ivan's pale, delicate skin was beautiful, that his toned body was a work of art, and that his eyes were alive with a green fire that burned into Kon's soul. Ivan's tongue had pushed his foreskin back with exquisite tenderness, softly rasping against Kon's cockhead, and then Kon had felt it. Ivan ran the tip of his tongue through Kon's slit and pushed something inside, something tiny but warm, and Kon had felt it racing down inside of him.

It hadn't rooted when he made love to Tim on the floor of the greenhouse, when he'd slowly pushed into him and watched his face, always so controlled, dissolve in a look of breathless pleasure. It hadn't grown inside him yet then, but it was in full flower now. He felt it, a tingling at the base of his cock, a constant drive to release, and the whispering voice told him when and where. It had told him not to tell Clark about the toxin or that he needed to be scanned, and Kon had been unable to disagree. It told him to get out of the house, to get away from Ma and Pa before they commented on how much time he'd been walking in the fields that week, shivering in sexual pleasure as the leaves of the corn brushed his arms and face. And tonight, after their workout, Kon lifting weights and Gar goofing off on the gymnastics equipment, it had told him to kiss Gar, to plant a seed in him as well, to spread The Green among his teammates. It was what Ivan wanted, and Kon was unable to resist.

Gar had been surprised when he turned around in the shower and Kon was right behind him, his hard cock jutting out between them. Kon saw his eyes widen, but before he could do anything else Kon leaned in and kissed him, holding him, pushing his tongue into Gar's mouth and entrancing him with the same toxins Ivan had used on him. Kon's saliva carried the same chemical now, but in a weaker dose. Several times while Kon was fucking him Gar had begun to come to his senses, to realize what was happening, and each time Kon kissed him again, sapping his will. Now, though, The Green was working its way through Gar, spreading through his system, numbing him. Right now Gar was sleeping, knocked unconscious by Kon's tactile telekinesis, and when he awoke he too would belong to Ivan.

Kon shivered as vines crept down from the trees and unbuttoned his jersey, sliding it open and running over his bare chest. They were soft, almost like feathers, and they caressed his abs before moving up to flutter over his nipples. Darker, thicker vines unfastened Kon's belt, tugging at his fly, and Kon gasped, closing his eyes, as one snaked into his pants and wrapped around the shaft of his cock.

"You have done well, my handsome friend," Ivan whispered. A flower touched Kon's ear, feather soft, and his hips jerked. His jeans fell to his ankles and the cool night air raised goosebumps on his tanned muscles. His cock, full and thick, stood straight out from his body, throbbing and jumping as the thick vine began to slide up and down it, undulating like a snake, a warm grip of pleasure.

"Thank you," Kon whispered, seeing Ivan's green eyes dance across his closed lids. "I have... unh... planted your seed in Gar. After him, I will determine another, and then another, as you command."

Other vines snaked up and down Kon's body, all of them caressing and touching, and slowly began to lift him off the ground.

"The speedster," Ivan whispered. "He would prove useful."

"Bart?" Kon asked, wondering about doing that to Kid Flash. Bart was barely in his teens, physically, and mentally even younger. It wasn't right.

"You resist me, my handsome friend?" Ivan whispered, and Kon gasped as thorns suddenly pressed against his nipples. They hurt, but at the same time it felt so good, so different from anything he'd felt before.

"He's young," Kon whimpered. "He... I..."

Kon shook helplessly as another vine, the tip wet, snaked up his leg and pressed against his ass, probing his opening. He didn't want it there, but The Green was insistent, and Kon obeyed The Green. He moaned in pleasure as the vine pushed inside him, spreading him, slowly working into him like a cock, a slender, hard cock. Like Ivan's cock, which Kon wanted inside him right now.

"It won't work on him, anyway," Kon panted, his hips jerking and precum oozing out of his tip, slicking the vine wrapped around his cock. It felt so good. How could he never have done this before with anyone? How could he never have had a cock inside him or slid his inside someone else. "He metabolizes drugs too fast. I won't be able to, unh, yes, entrance him long enough to, unh, plant your seed, Ivan."

"Very well," Ivan sighed through the flowers. He was miles from here, hundreds of miles away in Gotham, slowly pleasuring himself as he took his handsome friend again, the way he had so many times this week. "When Gar awakens, the two of you will seek out another."

"Arsenal," Kon panted, feeling the pleasure build. Even though he'd already cum twice tonight, he knew he would again. "If we take him, we can use him to get to Nightwing."

"And through Nightwing, Batman," Ivan sighed happily, thrusting the vine harder into Kon, making it swell and push and fill him. "Mother has failed in the past, but this time I will succeed."

Kon groaned loudly, hanging in the air as the vines brought him to the edge.

"What about," he gasped, licking his lips. "What about Robin?"

"You want him, my handsome friend?" Ivan asked. The petals of a flower folded themselves around Kon's head, tickling the crown, and then suddenly there was suction. "Your tryst was not enough? Do you love him, as you love me?"

"Yes," Kon answered, his body tensing.

"Then you should take him," Ivan said finally, and Kon groaned again as his cum exploded out, his orgasm shaking his body.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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