

Published on Jun 11, 2002


The following is a work of fiction and is the property of the author. If you are looking to get off quick, read something else. This is a story about the inter-relationships of males of differing ages. It's a story with some sex, not sex with some story.


Chapter 20 (continued)

"Good morning, David. Millie Tudpost speaking." the usually sweet and charming voice on the other end of the phone line sounded strained and tired. "David, I have a young man who desperately needs the help of you and your unique family. I need your help too. Will you come ?" Leave it to Millie not to waste words.

"Millie, where are you ?" I replied groggily, having been awakened by the ringing phone. I glanced at the clock to find it was only 6:15 a.m.

"He made an attempt at suicide last night. I'm at Central Hospital with him now." she told me. My sleepy mind snapped to alert.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes, Millie." I assured her. Waking Dex, I told him what had happened and promised I would call him as soon as I had some idea about what was happening.

Twenty minutes later I was walking through the Emergency Room entrance of Central Hospital. I inquired from the receptionist where I would find Ms. Tudpost and she asked me to wait a moment. She disappeared through a doorway and re-appeared a few minutes later, asking me to be seated. Shortly, Millie appeared. She looked exhausted.

"Millie, are you all right ?" I asked, genuinely concerned by her appearance. She sat down beside me and let out a deep breath as she sat back into the chair and seemed to partially relax.

"I'm too old to keep doing this, David. I've had to come out the last three nights to cover cases." she explained. "And I still need to be `on call' both today and tomorrow for the weekend."

"It's not you, Millie." I suggested. "Anybody's too old for all that. Where are all your up and coming assistants ?"

"We train them, then they go somewhere less demanding." she said. "But enough about me. Let's talk about James Addison Richards. This is one of the more disturbing family dysfunction cases I have come across in some time."

Millie outlined for me details about Jim Richards, a 15 year old youth who lived at home with his Mother, Father and 18 year old brother, Justin. Jim was a B and C level student who was a jock football star on the High School Junior Team, with expectations of moving to the Senior Team at the end of this year. Recently, brother Justin, had gotten into some involvement with drugs and his parents in their zest to prove their thoroughness had searched the boys rooms, coming up with nothing in Justin's and some homosexual based magazines in Jim's. It now was rumored Jim had been having an active homosexual life with his friends and fellow team members for the past couple years.

Jim's father had beaten him up a bit and brother Justin had shifted attention from himself by denouncing Jim both to his parents and at school. Mother was siding with father and they had indicated to Jim he was destined to be put out of the house if he didn't emulate his brother sexually and start dating girls. Incidentally, they had just a few months ago undergone a pregnancy trauma of Justin's making. Being rejected and scorned at both home and school, Jim had quickly grown extremely depressed and last evening ingested sufficient liquor and pills to end his life. Justin found his brother unconscious and called 911 to have him brought into the Hospital.

The Hospital had called Millie and when she arrived, Mother was crying, Father was ranting and Justin was sitting brooding. I'd have loved to see Millie telling them Jim would not be going home with them and Dad that if he didn't settle down, she'd have him arrested for the beating Jim received a couple days ago.

"He's had his stomach pumped and has pretty much come conscious." Millie told me. "I'd appreciate it if you would talk with him, David and if you would consider taking him home with you."

"I'll talk with him, Millie," I agreed, "but we don't take anyone in without discussing it with the others." I could see she hadn't planned on my saying `No'.

"Would you take him as a `guest', until tomorrow and see how the others feel ?" she asked. I could see the hope in her eyes and I realized there was some reason she was determined he should be with us. Millie above all things was an experienced, professional Social Worker. I knew if she was so determined for Jim to be with us, there had to be a really good reason behind it, but she didn't seem prepared at this time to divulge it.

"I'll talk with him." I said. "Then we'll see.

Millie led me back to one of the examination rooms. The light in it had been dimmed, so the person inside could rest more comfortably. She knocked lightly on the partially closed door and then entered.

On the gurney, covered by a sheet was the form of a young man. He seemed about 5'9" and a thick and solid 185 lbs. He certainly looked the part of a football player. As I walked to the side of the stretcher I could see his sandy blonde hair with natural curls holding it close to his head. His face was handsome, with a classic nose and square jaw line. I could see some bruising under his left eye and on the cheekbone. Just as I was about to speak to him, someone walked through the door. I looked up into the face of Dr. Rob Walker, a member of the Health Club. He walked to the other side of the cart and looked over at me.

"Hey, David." he said. "What are you doing here ?"

"Children's Services asked me to come in and talk to Jim." I replied. I noted the young man laying between us was awake and listening.

"You know, it's funny you being here just made me think." he commented. "There was a Psychologist several years ago with the same name as you. He had some excellent ideas about differing approaches for counseling homosexuals. I remember reading some articles he wrote. Are you familiar with his work ?"

"Yeah." I responded.

"I am too." Millie spoke from behind me. "It's excellent material. I've read it all." I knew better than to look back at her at this point, but I knew now why she wanted Jim to be with our family. She knew.

"You going to take him ?" Rob asked me. "If this guy takes you home kid, you're one lucky fella." the Doctor told the boy on the cart. "His boys are the nicest group you'll ever get to meet. My son can hardly wait for the Sundays we go to the Health Club, so he can chum with them."

"Why would you take me home ?" the young man finally spoke. He looked at me with doubt on his face. "Don't you know what I am ? Nobody wants to have someone like me around."

"It sounds like you're being awfully hard on yourself, Jim." I suggested.

"My family hates me, my teammates hate me, my brother won't come anywhere near me anymore." he said so quietly it could hardly be heard. "My life is over, I don't have anything left or anywhere to go."

"There are always other alternatives, Jim." I counseled. "I know a young man, younger than you, who thought his life had ended several months ago. Everything has changed for him in a few short months. He has a family who love and accept him, friends and all sorts of potential and possibilities. Everyday is different. This one was darker than most others for you, but they will get better." He didn't respond, but I could see him thinking about it.

"He can go, whenever you're ready." Rob noted. I could see from the look in his eye he knew I'd be taking him.

"Jim, my name is David Merrill." I introduced myself, sticking out my hand which after hesitating a moment, he shook. "I'm a Foster Parent and my partner and I have five foster sons. We'd like to have you come and spend a night with us to see if you might want to stay with us awhile. Would that be okay with you ?" He stared at me, seeming to try to decide if I was being honest with him.

"Didn't they tell you about me ?" he asked. "I'm gay."

"So am I." I told him. "So is my partner and so are some of my sons and friends. We don't wear it like a badge on our sleeve, but we also don't run away from it. Why don't you come and spend some time with us and see for yourself ?"

"My Dad will shit when he finds out." Jim said with a certain amount of glee.

"Why would he find out ?" I questioned. "Like I just said, we don't wear it like a badge on our sleeve. It's no one's business, except those we choose to share it with. That was you, not your Dad." He lay quiet and thought for a couple minutes. Then he sat up and looked around.

"Have I got anything to wear ?" he asked in general for anyone who might hear. Apparently there was nothing, but arrangements were made to borrow some `scrubs' from the hospital for him to put on.

We said, `good bye' to Millie at the hospital after making arrangements about getting Jim's clothing and things. I called Dex and filled him in and then drove to the Health Club. The elevator took us directly from the garage to the apartment. When we stepped off the elevator it was just 9 a.m. and the boys were in various stages of getting up, getting dressed, or having breakfast. As soon as Timmy saw us he came barreling toward me announcing loudly,

"Pop's home. Pop's home." Reaching me, he latched hold of my waist and gave me a big hug. "Where you been, Pop ?" he questioned and then looked around me at Jim, "Who's he ?"

"Well, let's get everyone together and I'll do the introductions." I said loudly enough for everyone to hear. It was interesting to watch the expressions on Jim's face as everyone started to appear and sit at the dining table. His eyes just about bugged out of his head when he saw Dex. "Sorry, kid. He's mine." I leaned over and whispered in his ear. He turned a bright red.

I noted after introductions were done, Billy and Timmy took charge of Jim. We limited his breakfast to a protein shake and a small portion of scrambled eggs and toast, allowing his stomach a chance to settle. After breakfast, Timmy took charge of showing Jim all around the apartment. When I suggested Jim might like to lay down for a few hours to catch up on some of the sleep he missed last night, Billy insisted his room was available and would be best for Jim to use while we set up a room for him. I noted Greg and Tom held back from getting involved in any of the activities and wondered just how much they might see Jim as a competitor. He was a year older than they were and might occupy more of Billy's attention than they were prepared to forfeit.

Saturday morning activities progressed as usual while Jim had a restless sleep. The boys each had activities they did throughout the day and these went on normally. Millie showed up about 1:p.m. with a load of clothes and items for Jim which she had picked up from his parent's house. She had some interesting comments about her visit with them.

"Mom seemed to loosen her resolve on having him gone," Millie commented, "And brother Justin, just about had a fit when I wouldn't tell him where Jim was taken. Dad still seems resolute that `no son of mine is going to be a pansy boy', but he still wanted to know that he was somewhere safe where he wouldn't be abused by homophobes. Quite a turn from the man who beat him up a couple days ago. I think this family is workable, but it's going to take time and careful handling. I'd like these people to see you, David, for some family counseling and therapy."

"I don't do that, Millie." I said flatly. "I look after my boys, not outside the group."

"We have a chance to pull a family back together and hopefully improve the quality of life for all of them." Millie responded. "That is where our priority should be, shouldn't it, Doctor ?"

"You're very persuasive, Millie," I replied, "but my interest is in helping Jim cope with the world he now has to face every day for the rest of his life. His family is only a part of that world. I don't need to be a Doctor to do that. I can do it just as effectively as a Counselor to him."

"But if you can help the entire family," she retorted, "they can be the support he will need in the future, not you, or a series of Counselors. Your effort now with all of them will save years of therapy and hardship." I knew she was right. I had faced this same problem five years ago when I decided to retire. "There's more happening in this family than appears on the surface, trust me David. The answer here is in the family, not just Jim." I knew Millie's instincts would likely prove true.

"Just this once." I told her sternly. "I have other responsibilities, but I will do this for you, just this once."

"Bill, can I ask you something really personal ?" Jim requested. Over the past few days they had been hanging out quite a bit. They were currently lounging in Billy's room, listening to some discs and talking.

"I guess so." Billy responded hesitantly.

"You're a straight guy, right ?" Jim asked. Billy nodded. "Have you ever done anything with a girl, you know, sex thing ?"

"No," Billy admitted honestly, "but I sure would like to."

"What about a guy ?" Jim questioned further. Billy shook his head `no'. "Nothing, ever ?"

"Well," Billy said, after a moments pause, "I had a friend. A guy I'd known a long time. One day we had some time alone after school and we kind of measured to see who had the bigger prick. That was back when I was a kid, maybe 10 or 11."

"Do you think what you did was wrong ?" Jim wanted to know.

"No. Pop says, young people learn by experimenting and experiencing. He says, if kids are at the same level of development there's nothing wrong with what they do, if they both agree and no one gets hurt."

"Bill, you've been really great to me since I came here." Jim said. "I know all about making guys feel really good and you and me are pretty close to the same. Would you like to do some experimenting with me and maybe learn how things are done."

"I don't know Jim. I'm a little old to be playin' around with other guys, don't cha think ?" Bill replied. Jim felt encouraged that Bill hadn't said, `no'.

"Nah." Jim assured him. "My brother's 18 and screws girls. He got one pregnant not long ago. She had a miscarriage. He still likes to play around. He says, ` Girls are okay, but men know what really feels good.'. Let's stay together tonight and see what comes up." he joked.

The two older boys asked Dex for permission to have an overnight and it was given with no questions or comments. Dex discussed it later with David and they understood the benefit of Billy broadening his experiences and understanding of life. They also felt Jim would gain some comfort in establishing a personal relationship with someone who would not judge him, but was strong enough emotionally to take control even while he was learning.

Billy and Jim lay quietly talking that night while the rest of the household settled. They discussed Greg and Tom being disappointed when the boys had asked to join their sleep over and had been turned down. Billy made it clear to Jim the other two boys would be included the next time and there would be no sexual activity on that occasion. Little did he realize how far the boy's experimentation had led them already.

The two young men had opted to shed their inhibitions early and crawled into Billy's big, double bed without putting on any pajamas. As they lay on their sides talking, Jim frequently reached over and lightly stroked the handsome young man who was next to him. Where he had the thick, solid build, Billy was more compact. His shoulders were well muscled and his upper arms had definite muscle definition. Bill's chest wasn't as thick as his, but had better definition and his pink nipples stood out all the time. A trim waist and hips drew his eyes to a dense forest of blondish pubic hair and Bill's soft, cut cock hung down at least 5" with the tip touching the bed. His legs were solid, but not heavy and were lightly coated by the same coloured hair.

"You have a really great looking body, Bill." Jim approved.

"Thanks, Jim. You look really fit too." he responded. "So what are we gonna do ?"

"You don't have to do anything." Jim said. "Just lay back and let me make you feel good."

"Hold on, Jim." Bill stated. "I may not have any experience, but I know sex is about sharing. You doing everything isn't what I want to learn here. I want to remember this as a time we shared with each other. You lead off and I'll follow, until I get the hang of things, so to speak." Jim was surprised by Bill's approach. Sex with his partner had always been about him servicing and his partner enjoying. Maybe Bill in his inexperience knew more than he thought. Bill reached over and lightly stroked his arm and chest, just like he had been doing for Billy. A wonderful feeling flowed through Jim as he enjoyed his friend's touch.

"That's really cool." he whispered as encouragement for Bill to continue. Before long, they moved closer to each other and tentatively pressed their lips together. Each found this pleasurable and very soon the tips of their tongues introduced themselves to each other. Without planning, their cocks stiffened and kissed briefly on the climb to their tight stomachs.

Before too very long, Bill's natural instincts came into play and he assumed a more aggressive role. Placing his open hand on Jim's butt, he pulled their bodies together, so their dicks could rub each other and trade the clear, slippery fluid which each had begun to leak. Jim eventually reached between them and grasped both their cocks tightly together in his hand. Bill's groans matched those of his partner.

"I'm starting to feel like when I jerk off." Bill informed Jim. "It's not going to be very long before I shoot." Jim stopped his stroking. "Oh, please don't stop, it feels really great."

"You're gonna cum really quick `cause it's your first time with someone." Jim informed him. "I want to suck you, so I get it all. May I, please ?"

"Only if I do it too." Bill certified. Jim stared at him for a few moments with a surprised look on his face.

"I ain't never been sucked before." he admitted. "The guy I been with said, `it was too gay' and he only ever jerked me off, or fucked me."

"I told you before, Jim," Bill said earnestly, "sex, like love, is about sharing. Anything else is using. My Mom taught me that and Pop says the same thing, so I know it has to be true. Now show me what you do and I'll try to follow along." Jim changed position, so they lay head to groin. He grasped Bill's cock firmly and paused a minute to admire it. The head and shaft were truly beautiful, Erect, the phallus had extended to about 7" and he was not able to wrap his hand around it and touch his thumb to his fingers. The shaft was perfectly straight and the dark rosy head looked like a pith helmet. The feeling of his hand around the shaft was like he was holding a steel rod. A glistening trail ran down the side of the crown and shaft where leakage had passed as precum drained from the slit.

He licked up along the trail. It was the sweetest nectar he had ever imagined. When his tongue reached the top of the crown, he brought it around the entire head to enjoy the texture of the taut skin. Just as he was about to plop the juicy cherry into his mouth, he gasped. True to his word, Bill had mirrored his movements and was slowly dragging his moist, textured tongue around the tender crown of Jim's dick. Jim actually trembled from the exquisite sensations. Re-focusing his concentration, Jim pursed his lips together and slowly sucked the juicy plum into his mouth. Holding it there, he again swirled his tongue around and around the juicy treat. He could taste the results of his attention as he was rewarded with a renewed flow of the sugary, clear nectar and a deep groan from his companion.

As Jim led the way, Bill had to concentrate very hard to keep up. The tingling and waves of sensations Jim produced through his cock to his entire body was unlike anything he had ever imagined. Bill liked his cock. He had liked it frequently every day for the past several years, but never had he come close to what he was now experiencing. He was resolved to give as good, if not better, than he received and he forced himself to focus on the task.

As Jim started his oral stroking of Bill's shaft, he felt with his cock more than heard, the groaning vibrations coming from Bill and was that much more motivated to satisfy his new friend. He felt a satisfaction from bringing pleasure to his partner which he had not experienced before. It wasn't just the fact he was receiving as good as he gave, it was a desire he had to bring fulfillment to his partner. It slowly dawned on him. He was not having sex with Bill. He was making love to him and because this time Bill was his partner, he was receiving it back in turn. Now, he knew the difference and he also realized he could never again be satisfied with the way things had been. Did Bill know ? How could he ? He would know after this experience if anyone was not giving him their best because Jim was providing a high standard and Bill was learning it well.

"I'm going to shoot." Bill warned him as he released Jim's captive member only long enough to speak. Jim didn't interrupt the steady stroking of his hot, moist mouth up and down Bill's steely post for even the blink of an eye. He pressed his tongue against the underside of the shaft, so the crown dragged back and forth against it, increasing the direct stimulation. As Bill stopped breathing, his faucet expanded in Jim's mouth, then spewed forth a mighty volcano which flooded Jim's mouth with tart, hot lava. Jim swallowed greedily, rejoicing in the receipt of his hard sought reward. Bill's rigid body pumped his offering forth as the spark of every nerve in his body sent him into an euphoric state.

By sheer will power, Bill's mouth and head maintained his attendance to Jim's shaft while his mind was otherwise occupied. By the time his consciousness returned to this plane, Jim was trying desperately to hold back the flood which was pending at the base of his cock. He did not want Bill to be forced to consume his seed, but when he tried to withdraw, the young man wrapped his arms around his friend's hips and increased his movement. Jim, having no way out, threw his head back and allowed the rush to absorb him as the dam burst and his waves fountained over Bill's tongue and into his throat to be rapidly swallowed.

"Thank you, Jim." Bill said quietly as they cuddled together, preparing to go to sleep. "It was an experience I wouldn't have missed for anything. I still want to try girls, but when I do it's going to have to really be something else to outdo tonight." They lay quiet for a few minutes.

"Bill, I have a favour to ask you." Jim told him. "I want you to fuck me. Not right now, but soon. I really need to find out something and I know you're the person I need to help me. Will you do it ?" There was a long silence.

"Yeah, but I want to find out what I'm doing first, so not `til I'm ready." Bill agreed.

We were seated in my office at the Health Club. John had asked to see me for a few minutes and he had brought Cliff with him. I had no idea what was going on, but I figured after we talked I would have a better understanding.

"Our Karate Master, Ken Adamson has asked me several times about Neil." John stated. "I think he is going to ask him out." During my discussions with Ken, before he located his Dojo to our premises, he had disclosed to me that he was gay. I had no occasion to talk with him on the subject since, so I knew nothing of his history. Ken was a handsome, likable guy, about 40 years of age. He measured about 5'8" with brown hair and eyes. He had a thick, solid chest with arms and legs which were all muscle.

"Have you said anything to Neil about this ?" I questioned.

"No." John replied.

"I would like you to tell Neil, if you would please." I advised him. "I will speak to Tom, so he will be prepared when Neil tells him."

"You think Neil will talk to Tom about this ?" Cliff questioned. "I know they're close, but that's a little strange for a man his age. What's their connection, Pop ?"

"Can you ask me that as their big brother and friend, instead of as a police officer ?" I responded. There was a moment of pause as the two big men looked first at me and then each other.

"We can, if you want us to." John replied.

"Then make that clear to Neil when you talk to him and tell him I said he should talk with you." I instructed them.

Looking back over our first week since Jim arrived, I note with interest how easily he has fit into our family, somewhat like a hand into a glove. His depression lifted very quickly considering all the changes he was undergoing. During counseling he was usually open and eager to discuss his life and feelings, but I could sense his tension every time we talked about his relationship and feelings about his family. I started very quickly to have the impression he was very upset with Justin, even more so than his parents.

Millie set up interview sessions with the rest of Jim's family and I quickly received the impression she had threatened police intervention against his father if there was not the proper collaboration. During the interview, Justin asked several times about seeing Jim and became very frustrated when told it wouldn't happen for awhile. Near the end of the session, he asked again and when told the same thing, he had an outburst.

"It's not right. This isn't fair. I've been looking after him. He needs me and you're keeping him from me. I need to be with my brother. This isn't fair."

The mother called me the next day to say Justin had not slept all night and was so upset he had not gone to school. She was at a loss to explain what was happening other than the two brothers had been very close, especially the last couple years. I arranged to see Justin in my office at the Health Club at 4 o'clock that afternoon.

When he arrived he was agitated and upset, but tried to disguise it with questions about the Health Club. Like Jim, he was a football star at their school and was the size and mass you would expect of a football player. Roughly 6 feet tall, he had broad shoulders and a massive chest. Weighing maybe 200 lbs., none of it appeared to be fat. His sandy, blonde hair and squared jaw made him and Jim very similar in appearance. At 4:30 Bill brought Jim down to the Club and into my office. On seeing his brother, Justin leapt out of his chair and wrapped his arms around him. Jim stood rigid and did not respond.

"You deserted me." Jim said in a hard accusatory tone.

"They wouldn't let me see you, bro." Justin countered, trying to maintain a light, positive tone while releasing Jim and stepping back to look at him..

"That's not what I mean and you know it." Jim responded angrily.

"Take it easy, bro." Justin lowered his voice. "We wouldn't want the Doctor to get the wrong idea."

"Why don't you two have a seat and I'll tell you what idea the Doctor has." I suggested. Jim sat down in a chair across from me and Justin glanced at him, then sat beside him. I let the silence among us build for a couple minutes to see who was most anxious.

"Well, Doc." Justin asked. "What do ya think ?"

"Well, Justin," I said looking him straight in the eye, "I think a couple years ago you and Jim started fooling around sexually, likely at your instigation. I think before long you found he liked it and you didn't bother to tell him how much you really liked it too. I think you wanted him to think you were doing him a favour by fucking him regularly. I think you've been using him for your own gratification. I also think when he was discovered, you ran and left him to stand alone and take all the crap for everything you've enjoyed with him. Not only did you desert him, but to cover your own ass, you talked him down and outed him to show everyone you were what you considered better than him. How am I doing, Jim ?" I continued to stare at Justin.

"Do you think he really enjoyed it, he didn't just do it for me ?" Jim asked uncertainly. He turned and looked at his brother. "Would you do that Justin ? Would you lie to me all that time ?" Justin hung his head and wouldn't look at either of us. "Can I go, Pop, I got nothin' more to say ?"

"I think you should stay a little, Jim and see what Justin can come up with to say." I suggested.

"I don't want to listen to him anymore, Pop." he responded. "All he does is lie."

"Jimmy, please listen to me." Justin pleaded. "I am really, really sorry. Having you gone this last week has made me face I can't manage without you. I admit, at first you were just a convenience, a younger kid who would do whatever I suggested. I was 15 and you were 12 and you would try anything and everything I suggested and I could see how much you liked doing it. I was afraid if you knew I wanted it too, you would use it to make me do things for you. It was incredibly selfish and I knew it."

"But why carry it on ?" I asked. "You must have had many opportunities to set things right with Jim."

"I knew I should, but I was afraid when he found out what I had done, he would tell and ruin my life." Justin admitted. "I couldn't face that happening, but now I can't face being without him. When he was caught, I panicked and did some really stupid things to try to protect myself."

"Do you understand, Jim has a very real reason, in fact many very real reasons to be angry with you ?" I questioned. Justin slowly nodded.

"I know." he responded. "Please forgive me, Jim. I love you. I really need you." Jim seemed to not be impressed with his brother's admissions. He was angry and he was seeing for the first time how very needy his older brother was.

"Justin, do you understand that changing the way you face problems and the way you treat other people are going to take a lot of counseling and work on your part ? Do you see a need to change ?" I asked.

"Yes, Sir." Justin answered. "How can I do that ?"

"If you are really serious about making changes, I will help guide you," I responded, "but the work must be done by you. The first step will be to tell your parents the truth, the whole truth." He looked shocked and worried.

"Will you help me do that ?" he questioned. I nodded. "Can I go and live with Jim, if they won't have me ?"

"I don't want you to live with me." Jim said. "I can manage quite well, in fact even better without you. There are other people in the world, Justin. Some of them are much better to me than you have ever been."

"I don't think you two living together right now is necessarily the best thing for either of you." I pointed out. "If you need somewhere to live, we will make sure there is a place available for you."

"Are you going to forgive me ?" Justin turned to Jim.

"Not right now." Jim answered. "You can work at that too. I can't believe you anymore, Justin. You're going to have to prove your sincere."

"I understand." Justin said. "I'll do whatever is needed to set things right between us, Jim."

That meeting became the starting point for healing. Both boys told their parents the full story during a family session. Their Dad came to realize he could accept and deal with the situation, or he could lose both his sons. Reason eventually ruled over emotion and the entire family worked toward establishing open communication and acceptance of each other. Justin stayed in his parent's home and Jim was to stay with us as he learned to respect himself and to accept his brother's shortcomings.

Chapter 21

One afternoon in mid May, Dex came up to the apartment and on entering my office, flopped in one of the comfortable chairs. His expression was dower and not at all in keeping with his happy nature.

"Do you think not telling someone something is the same as a lie ?" he questioned me.

"I think that depends on circumstances and need to know." I answered.

"How about when two people have committed themselves to each other and one finds he really doesn't know the other person at all ?" Dex asked. I thought carefully while watching his poker face.

"All right." I replied. "Let me have it. Let's not play 20 questions." He reached into his shirt and pulled out an envelope.

"This arrived in the mail." he told me, tossing it onto the desk. "It's addressed to Dr. David Merrill. Is there something you might have forgotten to mention to me, Doctor."

Next: Chapter 11

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