Pop Idols Together

By gareth beckham

Published on Nov 18, 2002


DISCLAIMER: I do not know Gareth Gates or Will Young and this story is in no way intended to imply otherwise. This story does not intend to reflect the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned, although Will Young is openly gay. Pop Idol is a trademark of Thames TV/19 TV.

It was the week before the `Pop Idol' final and the remaining two contestants, Gareth Gates and Will Young were tired after a full day of meeting the public to persuade them to vote for them. They returned to the hotel, meeting each other in the lobby.

"Hey, how's it going?" asked Will

"I'm nackered, mate, how `bout you?"

"Same here. Come on, let me buy you a pint in the bar"

"Sure" replied Gareth "I've just got to get changed, `cos I stink from running around all day!"

"Well I'll wait in the bar, see you in about half an hour?"

"Yeah, I'll see you then" replied Gareth

Gareth went into the lift up to his room and Will went and ordered himself a drink and sat down thinking. The real reason Will had asked Gareth to go for a drink with him was to tell him that he was gay. Will honestly didn't think he would get this far on Pop Idol, and felt that it was only fair if he told Gareth the truth, since they were sharing a room together. How am I going to tell him' thought Will How will he take it?'. Will drank his pint and decided he needed something stronger to ralex him. He went up to the bar and ordered a whisky and a pint for himself, and a pint for Gareth as the half an hour was nearly up.

Will sat down with the drinks, downed his Whisky and at that he saw Gareth coming over.

`Thanks Will, I really need a drink!" said Gareth as he was sitting down.

"I know, it's been one hell of a day" replied Will

They went on with the small talk, with Will thinking he would never be able to tell Gareth the truth. After another few pints, all of a sudden Will said, "Hold on Gareth. I really need to tell you something."

"Sure" said Gareth, a little tipsy.

"The thing is... I really feel...I really feel that...as we're sharing a room together, I think you ought to know..."

"Yes???" said Gareth

"The thing is, I'm gay" said Will

Gareth just looked at him, more of a surprised look than anything else.

"I know. It's not fair. I'll ask if I can move to another room" said Will

"No, no don't do that. It's just that I'm surprised that's all. I never thought you would be gay. I mean, you don't seem to be the `type'" replied Gareth in a bit of a drunken slur.

"That's the thing you see" said Will "There is no `type'. I'm just who I am. Just because you're gay, it doesn't mean you are camp"

"I suppose you're right. I'd never looked at it like that before" said Gareth "And really, I don't mind. It might make it a little more interesting, anyway"

"What do you mean?" asked Will

"Oh, nothing, just that I think it's good to have a someone who is different, otherwise it would be a boring world" replied Gareth.

"Oh, right" said Will, a little disappointed that Gareth hadn't said "I'm gay too, and I think we would be good together" as this was exactly what Will had thought about Gareth. From the moment he saw him, he fell in love with those beautiful eyes, that gorgeous smile and that fantastic body that was Gareth Gates. "Well, I think I've had enough to drink. I'm going up to the room, you coming?" asked Will "I mean, are you going to bed now?" he added, realising how it must have sounded.

"I'll be up when I've finished this drink" said Gareth

"Okay, see you later" said Will

"See you mate" replied Gareth.

Will decided he would take the stairs, he needed time to think. He was pleased with how well Gareth had taken the news, but was that because he was drunk? And what did `It'll make things more interesting' mean? Will was so confused, and decided to wait until the morning. As he got to the door, he put the key-card in, and walked into the room, took off his clothes, except for his white boxer shorts and climbed into bed. He felt really tired, yet he couldn't get to sleep. He just lay there, with his eyes closed, thinking about Gareth, about how sexy he was, about how good he would be in bed, about whether he was a virgin, about how DAMN straight he was! About twenty minutes after Will left the bar, Gareth came into the room clearly drunk as he couldn't even stand up properly. He took off his shirt. Will watched, feeling a bulge grow in his boxers and feeling guilty because he knew Gareth was straight. Gareth continued to undress, slowly removing his shoes, his socks, and his jeans. He stumbled around for a bit, because he was so drunk, and Will turned away, still feeling guilty. At that, Will felt his bed go down and an arm over his shoulder. It was Gareth.

Comments gratefully received garethgatesgayfantasy@yahoo.co.uk or check out my website: www.geocities.com/garethgatesgayfantasy

Next: Chapter 2

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