
By Michael Phillips

Published on Oct 21, 2004


The following is a complete work of fiction. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission.

Disclaimer: The following story may contain erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. If you enjoy this story please check out my other stories, City Of Dreams and Center Stage can be found in the Adult Friends section on Nifty, The Fifth Power can be found in the SciFi/Fantasy section or all my stories can be found at my Yahoo! Group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MichaelPhilips or you can send me an email at Mikeyscribe@aol.com Please remember to include something about the story in the subject line.

There is also a story called Trinity: Isle Of Terror available there that has not yet been posted to Nifty. The first part of the series is complete and available in the files section of the group. There is also a one shot (short story) available in the group called The Curse of the Romani, a story about a gypsy vampire hunter. Thank you so much!

Author's Note:

I am deeply sorry for the very long delay in updating Popular here at Nifty. The story had completed in my yahoo group a few months ago, but life has been very hectic, and just has not allowed me the time. Thankfully life is back on track, and I hope to be posting new stories soon. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for all of the feedback I've received about my stories. I've tried to respond to every single one, if I have somehow overlooked your email, I'm really sorry, please email me again. Thanks again!

Also, I am currently without an editor, chapters 9 - 12 are still in a rough draft form, I ask that you please excuse any mistakes. The typo gremlins seem to have a field day with me! grin

Popular - Chapters 7 - 12 By: Michael Philips

Chapter Seven

Hayden sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. He had been sitting at his computer for the last few hours trying to work on a paper that was due in his American History class. The last week had been one of the hardest of Hayden's life. Not only did his classes start, but he also had to spend the week avoiding Leo at all costs.

At first Leo kept popping up where Hayden was going. It was something that frustrated Hayden to no end. He didn't care what explanations Leo had to offer because he didn't want to hear anything Leo had to say. Hayden felt as if his heart had been ripped out. It wasn't until he had pushed Leo out of his life that Hayden realized just how important the man was becoming to him.

The only source of strength that Hayden had in his life at that moment was Lexie. She was just as upset and hurt about the situation as Hayden was. In fact, Hayden thought that Lexie might have actually been hurt even more than he had. Lexie had known Leo practically her entire life, so Leo's betrayal affected Lexie on a deeper level than it did for Hayden. The knock on his door was a welcomed distraction as Hayden looked disgustingly at his computer screen. The paper wasn't going as well as Hayden thought it would.

"Hey gorgeous." Hayden smiled as he found Lexie standing on the other side of the door. He also noticed that bag she was carrying. The two of them had been taking turns having meals in each other's dorm rooms. "I'm glad to see the gravy train has arrived."

"I couldn't let you starve to death as you slaved over your homework." Lexie said with a smile as she entered the room. "I'm also the bearer of good news."

"Ah, good news...I was almost forgetting what that was." Hayden said with a smile as he sat down next to her. "So spill."

"Noah is gone." Lexie said as she dug through the bag of food.

"What do you mean he's gone?" Hayden asked as he took a drink of the soda Lexie brought with her.

"It seems that Mister Radcliff's colorful comments at the rush party finally made their way around campus." Lexie said with a small smile. "He finally got harassed about it enough that he decided to leave Reynolds."

"Are you happy about the news?" Hayden cautiously asked. He knew that Noah was a tough subject for Lexie to talk about.

"I'm actually happy about it." Lexie finally grinned. "I'm glad I won't have to keep looking over my shoulder any more to see if he's lurking around somewhere."

"So how did you find out that he was gone?" Hayden asked as he dug into his pasta.

"That's the semi-embarrassing part of my story." Lexie said with a low chuckle. "Leo finally caught up to me, and leave it to him to catch me off guard."

"Where did he catch you?" Hayden asked. He watched as Lexie sighed and shook her head. "It can't be that bad."

"Oh yes it can, Hayden." Lexie giggled. "He caught me in the ladies room at the rec center."

"You mean as you were coming out of the ladies room?" Hayden questioned.

"Oh no I don't." Lexie couldn't stop her laughter at that point. "I had just stepped out of the stall, and there he was leaning against one of the sinks. He told me that it was a last ditch effort, and he figured I couldn't escape him. He was right. I would have had to sprint past him to get out of the bathroom. I just didn't have the energy to do it, Hayden."

Hayden smiled reassuringly at Lexie. He wasn't upset at her for talking to Leo. Hayden understood that they had a very long history together, and it would be selfish of him to think Lexie wouldn't stay friends with her twin.

"How is he?" The words left Hayden's mouth without even thinking.

"He's doing good." Lexie looked out Hayden's window.

"Really?" Hayden looked at her questioningly. She didn't sound very convincing, and Lexie knew it.

"Of course he's not, Hayden." Lexie said with a sigh. "I think he's taking this a lot harder than we expected. There were dark circles under his eyes, and he looked like shit. It looked liked he had been wearing the same clothes for a few days, and uh...he smelled a bit like alcohol."

"You think he's been drinking?" Hayden couldn't stop the concern that welled up inside of him.

"I don't know. Maybe." Lexie looked so lost and confused. "I just don't know what to do, Hayden. I've never seen Leo like that, ever." Her eyes pleaded with him. "Look, I don't want you to think I'm just saying this as a way to smooth things over. I think you know me well enough by now, that I don't do shit like that, but I'm really concerned about him, Hayden. You know how Leo always had that spark in his eyes?"

Hayden could only nod his head in response because he didn't trust himself to answer her out loud. His throat closed up with emotions that he had forced himself to not deal with. Hayden certainly remembered that joyfulness that Leo's eyes broadcasted. It was just one of the many things that attracted Hayden to him.

"It's gone, Hayden." Lexie's voice cracked. "His eyes were dull and glassy. It's almost like it's Leo's body, but he's not there anymore. I think that he's...that he finally..."

"He gave up." Hayden whispered.

"Leo...he uh...he gave me a message to give to you." Lexie finally looked back at Hayden. He could see the unshed tears in her eyes. "He wanted you to know that he's sorry. He then said...tell Hayden that I lo...miss him."

"Are you saying that he almost said that he..." Hayden couldn't form the words.

"Yeah. I think that's where he was headed." Lexie reached out and grabbed onto Hayden's hand. "Look, you can believe me on this or not, but I think he does. Leo's not the type of person that can say those words very easily. Please don't think that I'm trying to push you towards him or anything like that. I'm your friend no matter what. I'm only going to bring this up once, and you know that I haven't said anything about this before, but...I think you should try to talk to him."

Hayden squeezed her hand and let her words sink into his head. Lexie had been telling the truth. During the entire week that had passed she had never uttered one word about Hayden trying to talk to Leo, and for her to bring it up, Hayden thought long and hard about it.

"I'm not going to badger you about this." Lexie continued. "I meant it when I said this is the only time I'm going to talk to you about it. If you ever want to talk about things or about Leo, you're going to have to be the one to bring it up, Hayden. I don't want you to feel pressured in any way, sweetie."

"Thanks, Lexie." Hayden gripped her hand even tighter and smiled at her. "I don't know what I would do without you."

"Likewise, stud." Lexie said with a wink.

A million thoughts raced through Hayden's mind, and his heart. Was he ready to face Leo and talk about what had happened? Could Leo's feelings really be that deep for Hayden already? His mind was a jumble, and he decided to just worry about finishing up his lunch and spending time with Lexie. He would worry about Leo, and everything that went with that, later.


Hayden walked across the Court and looked up at breathtakingly beautiful night sky. He was on his way back from Lexie's dorm. The two of them had spent the night watching movies on cable and unwinding after a hard week of classes. They were both fortunate enough to have their weekends free. The two of them had so much fun that evening they had decided to turn it into a weekly event. It gave Hayden and Lexie something to look forward to at the end of the week.

Hayden sat down on a bench and relaxed in the calmness of the night air. It took a few seconds for him to realize what bench he was sitting on. It was the bench that Leo had led him to that night Hayden had too much to drink. Thoughts and memories that Hayden had refused to think about suddenly rushed to the forefront of his mind. There was one thought that he just couldn't escape. No matter what had happened, Hayden still missed Leo.

After a few minutes Hayden stood up and started back to his dorm. Maybe Lexie was right. Maybe it was time for him to try to talk to Leo about what had happened. Those were the thoughts that were running through his head as Hayden stepped around one of the many trees that dotted the Court. Any other thoughts left his mind as something crashed into him, and Hayden pitched backwards to the ground.

The air rushed out of Hayden's chest in one long puff as a massive groan slipped from his mouth. Once Hayden realized he was on the ground the first thing that caught his attention was the smell of beer that assaulted his nose. Hayden raised his head slightly to see what, or most likely who, was sprawled across him.

"Leo." The word left Hayden's mouth in a hushed whisper.

Leo's head had come to rest on Hayden's stomach, and at the sound of his voice Leo jerked upright. His eyes widened as he realized who he had run into, again. He scrambled backwards a little bit, and shook his head to clear his mind.

"Fuck, Hayden...I didn't even see you. I'm s..sorry." Leo's voice was slurred and uneven. Hayden was finally able to look Leo in the eye, and his heart nearly broke. Lexie hadn't been kidding yesterday. "I'm sorry. I'll l..leave you alone."

Hayden wasn't sure how he felt at that exact moment, but he decided that fate was definitely sending him a sign. Then again, Leo knocking him to the ground was turning into a routine for the two of them. Hayden realized that Leo took his silence as a bad thing as Leo stumbled to his feet. He watched as Leo tried to walk back towards the dorms.

It only took Hayden a few moments to realize that Leo was in no shape to be by himself as he watched Leo fight to stay upright. Hayden quickly stood up and brushed himself off. He trotted the few feet over to Leo, and Hayden had made it just in time. Just as Hayden stepped up next to him, Leo pitched forward. Hayden grabbed onto Leo and helped steady his friend.

"I'm fine." Leo slurred. "Please just leave me alone."

"Why?" Hayden asked.

"Because..." Leo's voice cracked. "Because I don't want you to see me like this."

"It's a little late for that now." Hayden gently said. He put his arm around Leo's waist and pulled his friend's arm over his shoulders. "You do realized that you just knocked me to the ground for the third time in just over a week."

"Not exactly how I planned to sweep you off of your feet." Leo mumbled. "I can make it back just fine. You don't have to do this."

"I know I don't." Hayden tightened his arm around Leo's waist to keep him steady. "I want to."

"Why?" Leo's voice was barely above a whisper, and Hayden could hear the pain in the man's voice. "After what I did...why would you want to help me?"

"I think you've been beating yourself up over what happened harder that I ever could." Hayden tried to look Leo in the eyes, but Leo turned his head away. "Harder in fact than I would ever want to."

Leo was quiet for the rest of the trip back to his dorm room, except for the occasional groan. Hayden wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing or not, but feeling Leo's body pressed up against him just felt right. Hayden felt it deep within himself, and it scared the shit out of him.

Hayden was able to get Leo back to his dorm room without either of them getting injured, a fact that Hayden was very thankful for. It took a few moments for Leo to dig his keys from his pockets and open the door, but he finally managed to do it. Hayden helped him into the room and flipped on the light switch. The room was a fucking disaster area.

One side of the room was completely bare, which obviously pointed out what side Noah had. There were clothes and food wrappers strewn all over the place. Lexie's hunch about Leo drinking had been right. Hayden could see the garbage can was overflowing with crushed, empty beer cans. Leo broke away from Hayden and stumbled over to the window.

"Leo..." Hayden's voice seemed loud in the silence of the room. "What's happened to you?"

"I lost my best friend, and I almost lost my twin." Leo's pained voice quietly floated over to Hayden. "And the craziest thing is that none of that mattered because losing you was the worst." Leo swayed for a moment, and Hayden was afraid he was going to fall. "I really think I need to lie down."

Hayden quickly moved over to Leo and helped him over to the bed. Leo fell backwards with a loud thump onto the bed. Hayden pulled off his shoes, and then situated Leo under the covers. When he was done Hayden started for the door.

"Hayden..." Leo's voice stopped him. Hayden glanced over his shoulder and saw Leo looking at him, really looking at him, for the first time that evening. "Please...please don't go."

Hayden almost wished he had the strength to walk away. He could hear the pain and anguish in Leo's voice, and the sound went straight to his heart. Hayden slowly made his way towards Leo and stood next to the bed.

"I thought you didn't want me to see you like this." Hayden quietly replied. He hadn't meant to throw Leo's own words back at him, but he couldn't help the anger that still bubbled inside of him.

"I...I can't ask for your forgiveness, Hayden." Leo quietly murmured as he looked up at Hayden. "I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for what happened. I just...I just want you to know that I'll regret not telling you the truth sooner for the rest of my life, but I can't regret making that bet with Noah."

"Why?" Confusion rocked through Hayden.

"Because if it wasn't for the bet, God only knows how long it would have taken for our paths to cross again." Leo whispered. "And who even knows if that would have happened. If you leave here tonight, and I never get the chance to make it up to you, I want you to know that in the little time that I've known you, you've changed my life forever." The tears in Leo's eyes made Hayden's throat close up, and he sat down on edge of the bed without even thinking. Leo's hand found his and gripped it tight. "No matter what anyone tells you or no matter how anyone may treat you, I want you to remember that you're something special, Hayden Chatham."

Leo's voice drifted in and out, and Hayden realized that the alcohol finally took over and caused his friend to pass out. As Leo's breathing deepened and evened out, Hayden knew that he had drifted off to sleep. Hayden looked down at their still interlocked hands. Hayden reached over with his free hand and ran his fingertips over the back of his friend's hand.

It was obvious to Hayden that Leo was in a great deal of pain over everything that happened. A pain that might have even outweighed his own. He thought about what Leo had said right before he passed out. Hayden had questioned it himself a few times whether or not he and Leo would have ever been friends if it wasn't for the bet. If they were destined to meet, how long would it have taken if there was no bet? What if the bet was fate's way of bringing them together?

Hayden shifted a bit, and as he moved Leo gripped his hand tighter. He watched as Leo's body shifted restlessly. Hayden squeezed Leo's hand to reassure his friend that he was still there. Almost immediately Leo stopped moving and returned to sleeping peacefully. In that one moment Hayden made a decision about what was going on between them. A decision that he hoped would be the right one.


Leo grimaced as he woke up and felt the beginnings of a major hangover. A depressed sigh slid from his lips as he realized he had had way too much to drink, again. The past week had been utter and complete hell for him. The only times he didn't feel the pain of what happened was when he was numb from the alcohol. Leo concentrated for a moment and tried to remember the previous night's events, but it was all one big haze to him.

The one thing he remembered though was that he had dreamed about Hayden again. It was something that didn't surprise him anymore. Almost every night his dreams were plagued with thoughts and visions of Hayden. Leo sighed again and started to stretch his exhausted body. It wasn't until he shifted his body that he realized he wasn't alone in his bed.

Fuck! Fear shot through Leo as he thought that he must have picked someone up last night and brought them home. He mentally kicked himself for pulling such a stupid stunt. Leo felt the body behind him shift, and an arm slid over Leo's waist. Leo was thankful to realize that he still had his clothes on, so nothing could have happened last night.

Leo was trying to think of a way to get out of bed without waking up his guest when the guy lying behind him pulled Leo back against him. Leo's body had a mind of its own as he relaxed back into the warm embrace. He could feel the hard muscles of the guy's chest press against his back, and the arm around Leo's waist slid up his chest pulling him into a tight hug.

A sudden sense of peace and calm that Leo hadn't felt in a week suddenly flowed through his body. Leo closed his eyes and allowed himself to enjoy the closeness with whoever was behind him. He was concerned with how he was going to get out of the situation, but for one moment he allowed himself to just enjoy the close contact with someone. After a few minutes Leo's mind imagined it was Hayden behind him, and that image was too painful for Leo.

Leo started to slowly move away from the guy, but the arm around him wasn't content in letting him go. Leo tried to remain calm, but he was starting to feel a bit trapped. He was able to finally move his body away enough to lay on his back. Leo's head turned to find out who the mystery man was, and his breath caught in his throat.

"Hayden." Leo's voice was so soft, he barely heard it himself.

Shock exploded through Leo's body as he looked at the sleeping face of his friend. At least he hoped Hayden's presence there meant they were friends. Leo finally realized that he wasn't dreaming last night. He really had run into Hayden, and Hayden did bring him back to his room. Leo was curious as to why Hayden had stayed, but he didn't want to wake his friend up to find out.

His hand seemed to have a mind of it's own as Leo reached out and gently ran his fingertips over Hayden's cheek. He didn't want to wake Hayden up, but Leo couldn't stop the urge to touch him. Hayden murmured slightly, and then his eyes slowly opened up a bit. Leo quickly pulled his hand back as their eyes met.

"Hey." Hayden's voice was filled with sleep, but an easy smile appeared on his face.

"Hey." Leo replied quietly. He had no idea what to say.

"You're up kinda early." Hayden still sounded half asleep. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got run over by a truck." Leo honestly replied.

"That's my line." Hayden said with a soft chuckle. "Or don't you remember how you plowed me down again last night."

"Fuck...Hayden..." Leo began to say, but Hayden quietly shushed him.

"I'm so not a morning person, Leo." Hearing Hayden say his name caused Leo's body to flush. Leo never thought he'd hear Hayden ever say it again. "Can we just sleep and relax for a little bit longer? Then we can talk. I promise."

"Okay." His head was pounding with a headache, but Leo didn't care. For the first time in over a week he felt happy. Leo started to get up off the bed, but Hayden's hand on his arm stopped him.

"Where are you going?" Hayden asked. Leo started to explain that he was going over to Noah's old bed, but Hayden must have sensed that. "The other bed is covered in dirty clothes and left over food."

"Is that why you decided to sleep in my bed?" Leo quietly asked.

"That's one of the reasons." Hayden answered. "Now lay back down, before I kick your ass. I need some more sleep."

Leo was about to explain that he could clean it off when Hayden pulled him back down onto the bed. Before Leo could say anything Hayden had pulled him back up against his chest, and he pulled the covers back over both of them. It was one thing to fantasize that Hayden was in bed with him, but actually having him there was something totally different. Leo couldn't help it as his body tensed up.

"Relax, Leo. I'm not going to bite you." Hayden whispered in his ear. "We have a lot to talk about, and once I have the energy and you're feeling better we will, but right now all I want is my friend back."

Leo felt himself get too emotional to answer Hayden. Instead he relaxed back against his friend. Hayden put his arm around Leo again and held him close. In a matter of moments Leo could feel Hayden's soft even breathing on his neck, and he knew that Hayden had fallen back to sleep. Leo stayed awake for a bit longer and enjoyed the comfort that Hayden was giving him. It wasn't long though before the peace and quiet lulled Leo back to sleep. Things had definitely started to look up for the both of them.


Hayden slowly woke up from the best sleep he had since the masquerade ball. He wasn't sure it if was because he was talking to Leo again, or the fact that Leo was lying next to him in bed. Hayden slowly stretched and groaned happily. As he opened his eyes he found Leo looking at him. Leo was stretched out on his side with his head propped up by his hand.

"Morning." Hayden said with small smile.

"Try afternoon." Leo replied quietly. His face was smooth, and it didn't show any emotion.

"Is it that late already?" Hayden stretched again and nervously looked at Leo. "What?"

"Nothing." Leo finally allowed a small smile to appear on his face. "It's just that I can't believe you're here. I didn't think..."

"I forgive you, Leo." Hayden quietly interrupted it. "I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I just hope you can forgive me for being such an asshole this last week."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, bro." Leo gently ran his fingers through Hayden's hair. "You had, and have, every right to be upset with me. I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything, but why are you letting me off so easily? Not that I'm complaining, mind you."

"I missed you." Hayden simply answered. He enjoyed the feel of Leo's fingers rubbing against his scalp.

"I missed you too." Leo finally allowed a huge grin to appear on his face. It was a sight that still took Hayden's breath away. "I know this doesn't matter, but I did try to tell you. That night at the frat party..."

"When Noah interrupted us." Hayden's eyes widened in realization. Leo had started to say something, but Noah's antics, and everything else that had happened, made Hayden forget about it. "Let's just put the past behind us, okay. What's done is done. Let's just move on and forget about it."

"What if there are some things I can't forget?" Leo removed his hand and eased himself off of the bed. Hayden sat up and looked at his friend curiously. "Things I don't want to let go of."

"What are you talking about?" Hayden asked carefully.

"If we are going to be friends again, then I have to be totally honest with you, Hayden." Leo stood gazing out the window, just as he had the previous night. "I don't want anything to come between us again, and it's better that you know some things now, up front."

"Like what, Leo?" Hayden asked the question, but he was positive what the answer was. His conversation with Lexie flickered through his mind. A very large moment of truth was in front of them, and Hayden only hoped he would be able to handle it the right way.

"That kiss on the deck of the frat house." Leo's voice was as soft as a whisper. "It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I don't want you to be uncomfortable around me, Hayden, but I care about you more than I probably should."

"What do you mean more than you probably should, Leo?" Hayden eased himself out of bed and walked towards his friend. Leo's shoulders were slumped, and the guy looked and sounded totally defeated.

"Please, just stay there while I finish this. Okay?" Leo asked as Hayden got closer. Hayden stood still and allowed him to continue. "I know that there isn't any chance for what I want because you're not gay, and with Noah being gone, Lexie is totally on the market. I just....I had to let you know now that I care about you because I don't want it to come out later because I couldn't lose..."

Leo's voice broke off as his throat closed up from emotion. He felt like he was blowing any chance of friendship with Hayden completely out of the water, but he had to tell him now. If Leo was going to lose Hayden over how he felt, then he wanted it to happen right then and there, not months down the line.

"You're not going to lose me again." Hayden stepped forward and placed his hand on Leo's shoulder. "I told you that on the deck that night. Granted things have been a bit rough, but I'm not going anywhere. Though I do have a question."

Hayden took a deep breath to calm his nerves. His stomach began its internal gymnastics routine, and Hayden only hoped that he didn't pass out. Leo turned to face Hayden, and Hayden could see the pain on his face. Leo was worried that Hayden was going to turn away from him again.

"Look, Hayden, I'm not going to make any passes at you or anything like that." Leo said with a sigh. "So if that's what you worried..."

"That wasn't what I was going to ask you, Leo. I trust you." Hayden said with a smile as he interrupted Leo. Hayden took another step forward towards Leo, but stopped as Leo backed up. "My question is, do you really call what we did at the frat party a kiss?"

"What?" Leo's voice raised in shock. "What the fuck..."

"It's just that it seemed more like a movie, than reality." Hayden stepped over to Leo before he could move again. Their bodies were inches apart from each other as Hayden reached up and ran his fingertips down Leo's cheek. "It was one of the most amazing moments of my life. I just wanted to know if that's how you always kissed. I guess there's only one way to find that out, huh?"

Leo's body had pulsed with excitement the moment Hayden's fingers touched his skin, but it was Hayden's words that made his breath get caught in his chest. Leo wanted to believe it was all really happening, but his mind was telling him that there was no way it could be true. The pad of Hayden's thumb brushed over Leo's bottom lip, and his body trembled.

Hayden wrapped an arm around Leo's waist and pulled their hard bodies together. Leo continued to stand motionless, and adrenaline surged through Hayden's body. Was this a mistake after all? Leo's eyes blinked, and it was like he was coming out of some type of trance. Hayden felt Leo's strong arm wrap around him, and their bodies were pressed even more tightly together.

Hayden leaned forward and pressed his lips gently against Leo's. His hand instinctively reached back, and his fingers got tangled in Leo's soft, thick hair. Hayden's mouth slowly opened, and his tongue pressed against Leo's lips pleading for entry. Leo's mouth immediately opened allowing Hayden's tongue to slide in. Hayden's body shook as he felt their tongues push against each other, and suddenly everything else faded away, exactly like it had that night at the frat party.

As Hayden probed the fiery inside of Leo's mouth a low groan rumbled in the back of his throat. He felt Leo's hand massage and pull on the back of his head. It was as if Leo was trying to consume Hayden, and it was a feeling that Hayden reveled in. He was tired of being scared and living his life in fear. Hayden was ready, finally ready, to completely let himself go. The kiss could have lasted minutes or hours for the two of them because time meant absolutely nothing.

All good things do come to an end at some point, and as their kiss finally ended the two of them shared small kisses. Kisses of promise and passion. Hayden looked into Leo's eyes, and he could see that the spark had returned. The grin that appeared on Hayden's face took Leo's breath away.

"Dear God, please don't let this be a dream." Leo murmured as he ran his fingers over Hayden's face.

"It's not a dream, Leo." Hayden said with a smile as he kissed Leo's fingertips. "I think it's time we stopped dreaming and started living."

Chapter Eight

"Have I told you that I'm really happy about this?" Lexie asked Hayden as she helped pack up another box.

"Yes, you have Lexie. At least like ten times this afternoon." Hayden said with a laugh. He and Leo had spent most of the day, after their kiss, talking about everything that had happened. There had been quite a few tears, but their friendship was definitely stronger for it. In fact, Hayden felt that he was falling for Leo faster than ever. "I appreciate you coming over to help. I think if I would have let Leo help me, he would have broken stuff. I have the feeling he would have just thrown everything into boxes just to move faster."

"You're damn right he would have." Lexie said with a laugh. "I'm glad things are working out, and that the two of you have mended the fences, so to speak. Leo called me after you left, and he sounded so happy I thought he was going to burst." Lexie casually glanced over at Hayden. "I wonder why that is?"

"I don't know. He's probably just happy that we're friends again." Hayden turned away from her as a huge smile lit up his face. He knew that Lexie had an idea of what was going on, but he wanted to bait her for a bit.

"Leo did mention something to me about a pretty hot and heavy kiss, too." Lexie said with a giggle.

"I knew he wouldn't keep his mouth shut." Hayden said with a pretend sigh. "Do the two of you have any secrets?"

"Nope." Lexie said with a grin. "Well, the fact that he was gay was a bit of a secret, but I know everything now. Even a few of the dirty things he's thought about."

"Excuse me?" Hayden couldn't help the blush that crept up over his face.

"I'm not going to divulge such top secret information." Lexie winked at him. "You'll find out in time what I'm talking about."

"I'm sure that I will." Hayden smiled. "It will be interesting to see if his ideas match up with any of mine." Hayden wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Well, you could always tell me your ideas, and I could let you know." Lexie said with a grin.

"That's ok. I'm sure you'll extract the information out of Leo when I'm done." Hayden said with a giggle.

In one quick movement Lexie had grabbed Hayden and pulled him down on the bed. She immediately began to hit all of his weak areas with her nimble fingers. Within seconds Hayden had been reduced to a squirming, laughing mess.

"I see you're going through a normal Lexie interrogation."

The pair looked up to see Leo standing in the open doorway. He was covered in sweat and had obviously been out running. Hayden had to stop himself from drooling as he took in the sight of Leo's body. Leo's gray t-shirt had been cut in half to show off his rock hard abs. The small running shorts he wore showed off every inch of his tanned muscular legs. There was a great temptation inside of Hayden to rush over and lick the sweat off of Leo's hot body.

"At least I haven't cracked and given away information. Mister kiss and tell." Hayden gave Leo a fake angry look. Leo opened his mouth to protest, but Hayden held up his hand to stop him. "I don't want to hear any excuses either. It's not like she tickled you since you talked to her over the phone."

"I'm not very ticklish to begin with, but through the years she's learned some secret spots." Leo said with a pout. "She said I sounded happy when I called her this morning, and she threatened bodily harm if I didn't tell her."

"So you are ticklish?" Hayden said with a grin. He glanced over at Lexie and raised his eyebrow in question. She immediately leaned over and whispered a few things in Hayden's ear.

"Hey, no fair!" Leo exclaimed and rushed into the room. He quickly pulled Lexie away from Hayden. "You can't be sharing information like that. Whose side are you on?"

"My own." Lexie said with a laugh. She wiped her arms off where Leo had touched her and shot him an evil look. `You are a sweaty pig. Go get cleaned up and then get back here to help."

"Why should I? If I'm going to help move this stuff I'm going to get all sweaty anyways." Leo stretched as he talked, which caused his shirt to move up exposing more of his chest. The way his body arched also brought attention to the massive bulge that tried to stay contained behind his running shorts.

"Well you have to at least go change because otherwise Hayden won't be able to concentrate." Lexie said with a sigh as she took in Hayden's glazed expression.

Hayden grinned as he saw Leo blush harder than ever. One of the things that turned Hayden on more than anything was Leo's casualness about his looks. The man had no clue the effect he had on people, and he was definitely having an effect on Hayden at the moment. Leo agreed to go change, but not before he quickly swooped down and placed a gentle kiss on Hayden's lips. The boy moved so fast Hayden barely had a chance to respond as he watched Leo's hot ass saunter out of the room.

"That boy is the total incarnation of sin." Hayden said with a slow breath.

"And the kicker is he doesn't even know it." Lexie said with a laugh. "I'm practically his sister, but even I can see how hot that boy is. If I were you I would be all over that tonight."

"I'll have to do a little research before that." Hayden quietly mumbled as he started to pack things up again.

"Have you never..." Lexie's question trailed off as Hayden blushed. "You're a virgin?"

"I haven't really had the opportunity to do anything before. Leo was the first guy I ever kissed actually." Hayden quietly said as he taped up a box. He felt Lexie's hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, stud." Lexie said comfortingly. "Leo's in the same boat as you. You were the first guy he kissed."

"Wow." Her words surprised Hayden. He had expected Leo to have some experience because the guy was so damn good looking.

"Don't be nervous, sweetie." Lexie said as she hugged Hayden from behind. "The two of you have an amazing gift to share with each other. Just go with whatever feels right, and things will work out fine."

"We can only hope." Hayden said with a nervous chuckle.


Leo pushed the two beds together as a dazzling grin lit up his face. They had finally gotten all of Hayden's things moved in, and Leo was happier than a pig in mud. Their rooming together would give them a better opportunity to get to know each other since their classes and schedules were a bit opposite of each other. It didn't hurt that they would be able to share the same bed either, which was something Leo was definitely looking forward to.

His attraction to Hayden was something that excited, but yet confused Leo. He had found men attractive before, but it was different with Hayden. Leo felt drawn to the man. His attraction wasn't just physical, it was mental as well. Hayden was able to arouse Leo on all levels, and it was something he had never encountered before. For the first time in his life, Leo wanted to give himself completely over to someone, physically and mentally. He just wasn't sure how fast Hayden wanted their relationship to progress.

Leo could almost still feel his lips burn from the kiss they shared this morning. It was so intense he had almost had an orgasm without even touching himself. Hayden turned him on to the point that everything else faded away. He could totally get lost in those sharp, blue eyes. Leo sat on the edge of the bed anxiously awaiting Hayden to return from the bathroom.

Leo had taken a shower earlier while Hayden had unpacked his clothes. When Leo returned to the room, Hayden had taken off to take a shower himself. Leo thought about the two of them sharing a shower, but he knew there would have been no way he could have controlled himself. Leo turned to the door as Hayden walked back in from his shower. He was wearing a white robe that was loosely tied around the waist. The robe showed off just enough skin for Leo to feel his cock stir.

"I see we have a new sleeping arrangement." Hayden said with a smile as he looked at the two beds.

"I thought it might be nice to have the extra room." Leo said with a smile as his eyes took in every inch of Hayden's body.

"What if I enjoyed the close quarters?" Hayden asked with a sexy grin. "I kinda liked having you pressed up against me."

"Who said that would change?" Leo asked as he quickly swallowed. His throat had suddenly gone dry.

"Are you okay, Leo?" Hayden walked over and sat down next to Leo. "You look a little nervous?"

Nervous wasn't the word for it as Leo felt the heat that radiated off of Hayden's body. His breathing and heartbeat quickened as his eyes continued to roam over the muscular body next to him. Leo unconsciously licked his lips, and Hayden gave him a fake frown.

"It's my robe, isn't it?" Hayden stood up in front of Leo. "You don't like it, do you?" Hayden's hands slowly moved to untie the robe. "I could get rid of it, if you want?"

Leo looked up at Hayden, and he could see the desire that burned in the man's eyes. Leo slowly stood up and captured Hayden's mouth with his own. An immediate, involuntary groan rumbled in Hayden's throat. Leo's hands slightly shook as he reached down and untied the robe. Once untied, Leo ran his hands up over Hayden's abs and chest. Leo felt Hayden's body shake as the robe slowly opened and eventually fell from his body.

Leo got drunk off of the sight of Hayden's hot naked body. He glanced down Hayden's body and got his first look at his boyfriend's cock. Hayden was painfully erect, and he felt himself throb as Leo looked at him. Hayden's cock was long and thick, its mushroom head rubbed against Leo's pajama clad leg. Leo pulled Hayden up against him and began licking and sucking on his neck. His hand ran down Hayden's back and cupped the firm, bubble ass that he had admired and lusted after.

Hayden gasped with pleasure as he felt Leo's hot mouth and hands on his body. Leo massaged and kneaded the firm muscles of his ass, and Hayden rubbed himself up against his hot man. Hayden's hands ran over Leo's firm chest, and he tried to pull the t-shirt off of him. Leo was too concerned with licking and touching Hayden to allow his shirt to be removed. Finally out of frustration, and a very deep desire, Hayden gripped the collar of Leo's shirt and with a mighty tug he ripped the shift completely down the front.

"Jesus." Leo pulled back and panted. "You could have just asked."

"Where's the fun in that?" Hayden replied with a grin. His eyes scanned over Leo's chest and the soft coating of dark hair that covered the firm muscles. Hayden leaned forward and captured one of Leo's nipples in his mouth.

A bolt of electricity shot through Leo's body as he felt Hayden nibble and suck on his flesh. He ran his fingers through Hayden's hair as pleasure rocked his body. Hayden took his time licking and sucking his way over Leo's chest. As he slowly lowered his body in front of his lover he tugged on Leo's pants pulling them off. As Leo's hard dick was freed from its prison, it swung up and rubbed against Hayden's chin.

Hayden glanced up at Leo, and he saw the need and desire in Leo's dark green eyes. Leo wasn't as large as Hayden, but he made up for that in thickness. Hayden reached out and was barely able wrap to his fingers around the thick cock in front of him. Leo's body shook as Hayden engulfed him with his hand. His hard cock pulsed at feeling the cool skin of Hayden's fingers.

As Hayden slowly stroked his hand up the shaft, a bead of precum glistened and shone on the head of Leo's cock. Hayden slowly leaned forward and licked up the fluid with the tip of his tongue. Leo groaned and shook at the contact. The salty sweet flavor exploded in Hayden's mouth and added fuel to his desire. Hayden's hand reached up and gently pulled on the low hanging, hairy sack that contained Leo's fairly large balls.

Leo's muscles were turning to water, and he slowly sat down on the bed. Otherwise he would have toppled over completely, and with his luck, he would have knocked Hayden down as well. He felt Hayden's fingertips rub across his thighs. Leo immediately pulled his legs up and bent his knees so his feet were flat on the bed. He moved back on the bed slightly to allow room for Hayden, and he spread his legs as wide open as possible.

Hayden watched as Leo opened his body up to him, and his cock throbbed with desire. Hayden leaned forward and gently licked Leo's balls. His nose was filled with the intoxicating clean smell that was all Leo. It was a smell that made his mouth water as he captured one of Leo's heavy balls into his mouth. Leo loudly groaned as he felt the moist heat that engulfed him.

He reached down and ran his fingers through Hayden's short cut hair urging him on. Hayden didn't really need the encouragement as he licked and nibbled Leo's tender skin. Passion and desire ran rampant through his excited body, and Hayden could barely contain himself. Hayden ran his tongue under Leo's balls and grazed the skin directly behind them. Leo's body shook and convulsed as his hands tightened in Hayden's hair.

Hayden took this as encouragement and started to nudge his way back further. Leo's body seemed to have a mind of its own as his knees bent and pulled up to his chest. As he felt Hayden lick and suck on the area behind his balls he thought he was going to cum, but that sensation didn't compare to what was coming up. Hayden's gaze was transfixed on Leo's firm, muscular ass. He was surprised to see that there was only a slight dusting of hair over Leo's legs, but his ass was as smooth as a baby's bottom.

Hayden's warm breath flowed over Leo's skin, and he watched as the soft, tender flesh of Leo's hole pulse and twitch. With an urge he couldn't explain Hayden leaned forward and gently rubbed the tip of his tongue over the sensitive area. Leo's body exploded with a pleasure that started deep in his gut. Leo obviously knew what rimming was, but he never really thought about it until Hayden. He had ogled Hayden's ass to the point that Leo wanted to dive in face first, but he never thought that Hayden would want his ass just as much.

As Hayden worked his lips and tongue over Leo's ass, he couldn't help but moan. There was something primal and almost animalistic in the act, and it was driving both men to the brink of their passion. Hayden drove his tongue into his lover's ass as deep as possible, and he nearly shot his load when he felt Leo's muscle clamp down on him. Hayden was finally able to pull back, and he slowly sucked his way back up Leo's body.

His tongue teased and tasted Leo's thick shaft as a pool of precum continued to build around the slick head. Before moving on Hayden made sure to lick up every last drop of the precious fluid. Leo looked down as he felt Hayden's fingers wrap around the base of his cock again. Their eyes met just as Hayden slowly engulfed the head of Leo's cock into his mouth. Leo's fingers gripped the sheets to stop himself from exploding as he felt the velvet softness of Hayden's mouth.

Hayden slowly took his time and savored every inch as he worked the thick cock into his mouth. His fingers teased and pulled on Leo's balls. Hayden felt his nose rub against the hair on Leo's crotch as the fat mushroom head eased into the back of his throat. He expected to gag, but Hayden was just too turned on.

Leo groaned as his body trembled. His eyes were filled with desire as he watched Hayden's sexy mouth slide up and down his shaft. His eyes widened slightly as he felt Hayden slip one of his fingers into his tight virgin ass. Before his brain could register what was going on, another intense wave of passion swept through him. As he felt Hayden deep throat him again, his lover's finger rubbed on that magic button in his ass. Leo's head exploded in stars as electricity surged through him.

He groaned and pushed his ass against Hayden's finger. Hayden felt Leo's body respond and he made sure that he continued to probe the same spot in his lover's tight ass. Leo could feel his balls begin to draw up, and he certainly didn't want to cum so early. He regretfully pulled Hayden off of his cock and rolled him onto his back.

Their mouths met in another fiery kiss, and Leo began to repeat every lick and nibble that Hayden had given him. Time seemed to completely vanish for Hayden as Leo worked magic over his body. Leo practically growled as he was finally able to bury his face into Hayden's muscular bubble ass. Hayden was barely able to maintain his control as Leo mimicked the blowjob/ass play combination that Hayden had performed. Leo suddenly moved up Hayden's body and straddled his man as they shared another passionate kiss.

"Have you ever been with anyone before, baby?" Leo's voice was soft and husky.

"No." Hayden quietly replied.

"Me either." Leo said with a dazzling grin.

Before Hayden could question why Leo was asking, he felt the man's body shift slightly and the head of his cock slide over Leo's hot hole. As Hayden realized what was about to happen, he looked deeply into Leo's eyes. He saw the need and desire that filled those green eyes, and he shyly smiled in answer.

The complete look of innocence that appeared on Hayden's face made Leo's body throb. As he leaned down to kiss Hayden again, he felt his man's fat mushroom head push into his hole. Leo's body tensed immediately from the slight pain and discomfort. Hayden stroked his lover's body to help calm him down. After a few minutes Leo's muscles finally relaxed enough for him to slide further down on Hayden's cock.

It took a few minutes of gentle rocking, but Leo finally felt Hayden's balls press up against his ass. The feeling of being so completely full felt so right to Leo. He locked eyes with Hayden and in that instant he knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he was bonded to this man for eternity. Emotions coursed through Leo's body as his heart pounded. The words were right there on the tip of his tongue, but fear stopped him from saying them.

Hayden could see the emotions rushing through Leo, and he slowly moved into a sitting position on the bed. Leo slowly moved so his legs were wrapped around Hayden. In that new position Hayden's cock sunk even deeper into Leo's tight, and no longer virgin, ass. Hayden wrapped his arms around Leo and pulled their bodies close together.

"Leo..." Hayden's voice was barely above a whisper. Their faces were mere inches apart, and Hayden couldn't deny what he saw in Leo's eyes. "I love you."

Leo's whole body shook, and his ass muscles clamped down on Hayden's rock hard cock. He couldn't even believe the words that he had just heard. It was exactly what he had been thinking, but he never allowed himself to hope that Hayden would feel the same way.

"I love you, Hayden." Leo's voice was thick with emotion.

Their lips met again in a passionate, loving kiss. Hayden gently rocked Leo's body causing his cock to slowly slide in and out of Leo. After a few minutes Hayden eased Leo onto his back and pressed him into the bed. Leo's legs remained wrapped around Hayden's waist as his cock slowly slid back until only the head remained inside. In one long, slow push Hayden slid back into Leo's amazing hot ass. Hayden's cock massaged and rubbed against Leo's prostate and it was becoming too much for Leo. He felt his balls begin to draw up again, and his cock got even harder.

"I'm so close, baby." Leo panted. "I want to feel you cum inside of me."

It was all Hayden needed to hear as he felt Leo's ass clamp down on his cock. Loud, passionate groans flowed from Leo's mouth as his cock exploded without either of them touching it. The way Leo's ass massaged and pulled on Hayden's cock was enough to drive him over the edge. In one last thrust Hayden exploded deep inside of Leo. His cries of release were drowned out as Leo covered his mouth in a breath-taking kiss.

Leo's orgasm was so intense there was cum all over his chest and neck. Some of it had even landed on Leo's chin and cheek. Without even a thought about it Hayden's tongue licked up the precious fluid. It was a taste that he would savor and enjoy for a long time.

"You want to share some of that?" Leo asked with a sexy grin.

The two of them kissed and rubbed each other's bodies until Hayden's cock became soft enough that it gently slipped from Leo's ass.

"Are you okay, baby?" Hayden asked as Leo sighed.

"I've never been better." Leo grinned at his boyfriend. "That was the most incredible thing I've ever felt in my life. You became a part of me."

"I know what you mean." Hayden gently kissed Leo's lips. "I think after we rest for a little bit you're going to have to show me how that feels."

"I hope I can make you feel as good as you just made me feel." Leo said as he lay across Hayden's chest.

"So it felt good?" Hayden playfully asked as he wrapped his arms around his man.

"I don't think there are even words for it." Leo playfully bit Hayden's chest. "What did it feel like to you?"

"It felt like home." Hayden quietly whispered as he kissed the top of Leo's head.

Chapter Nine

"What makes you think anything happened at all, Lexie?" Leo asked as he carefully sat down next to her on the bed he and Hayden shared. He shifted for a moment because of the ache in his ass, but it was definitely a good ache.

"You mean besides you shifting around when you sit down?" Lexie asked with a wicked grin. She giggled as a deep blush appeared on Leo's face. "It's amazing you can blush so deeply with that olive skin of yours, stud. Besides your sitting problem, you're practically glowing. You look like a man that was thoroughly loved recently."

"Okay, you got me." Leo laughed. "I was most definitely loved, and let me tell you, it was fucking amazing."

"I want DETAILS!" Lexie giggled and clapped her hands as she made herself more comfortable on the bed.

"You're practically my sister, Lexie. I can't tell you about that." Leo said with another blush.

"I don't want to know about you, ya big dork!" Lexie stuck her tongue out at him. "I want you to describe every inch--and I mean INCH--of Hayden's body."

"I should have known better than to leave the two of you alone together." Leo and Lexie turned to see Hayden standing in the doorway of the room. He was just getting back from classes and set his book bag down on the floor. "You better not have said anything Leo!"

"And what if he did?" Lexie asked as she winked at Hayden.

"It would just take away the surprise of you seeing it on video, that's all." Hayden said as he hugged her.

"WHAT?" Leo shouted.

Hayden leaned over and placed a sweet, gentle kiss on Leo's open mouth. It only took a few seconds before Leo was passionately responding. Leo's hands reached out with a mind of their own and pulled Hayden down into his lap. He had completely forgotten that Lexie was there until she cleared her throat.

"As much as I want to see Hayden naked, I have to get to class," Lexie said, as she stood up. She gave both guys a hug and a kiss. Lexie paused at the doorway and looked at both of them. "Make sure you do things that I would do."

"And you were worried about Lexie trying to make me blush." Hayden laughed as he watched Leo's face color again. He ran his fingertips over his boyfriend's cheek. "You are just so damn cute."

"Nuh uh." Leo mumbled as he felt his blush deepen.

"And articulate too." Hayden breathed into Leo's ear. He leaned forward and gently bit on one of Leo's earlobes. Hayden felt the tremor that ran through his boyfriend. "You know there is something we need to do today."

"What's that?" Leo was barely able to put a sentence together because Hayden's hands were gently exploring his chest.

"You were supposed to return a favor last night, but we fell asleep before you could," Hayden whispered in Leo's ear. He ran his tongue along the gentle curve. "I want to feel you inside me, Leo." Hayden rotated his hips causing his ass to rub against Leo's already hardening cock.

A growl rumbled deep in Leo's throat. He pushed Hayden back onto the bed and quickly climbed on top of his lover. Every inch of their hard, solid bodies slid against each other. Leo captured Hayden's mouth in a deep, searing kiss. He felt Hayden moan into his mouth, and that caused Leo to rub his body even harder against his man.

Leo was unaware of Hayden's hands as they moved up under his t-shirt. It wasn't until he felt fingertips tugging on his erect nipples that he realized what was happening. Electricity shot through his body, and Leo used all of his strength to stop himself from shooting off. Hayden was able to play his body like an instrument, and it amazed Leo.

"I want you so much, baby." Leo growled as he tugged Hayden's shirt off. He leaned down and started licking and sucking his way across his boyfriend's taut, muscular chest. Hayden's back arched towards the hot, wet mouth. "Do you like that?"

Hayden didn't bother responding and pulled Leo's mouth back down onto his body. The teasing tongue flicked and licked at one of his nipples. Hayden groaned and pushed his crotch up against Leo. Leo responded by pushing back, causing both of their bodies to quake in pleasure. Leo's mouth began the slow journey down Hayden's body. He licked and sucked at Hayden's stomach causing his boyfriend to shake and squirm.

"Get your clothes off." Hayden panted at his lover. The two men quickly disrobed and gazed at each other's hot bodies. Leo's cock throbbed as he knelt at the end of the bed and looked at Hayden. Hayden was lying back on the bed with his arms thrown over his head and his legs spread wide open. Leo didn't waste time and leaned forward to capture the head of Hayden's cock in his mouth. "Oh yeah, baby," Hayden gasped.

Leo's hands continued to tug and pull on Hayden's chest as he slowly slid his mouth down the hard cock. As he wrapped his lips around the thick base, he felt Hayden's body tremble. Leo slowly and achingly moved his mouth up and down the thick shaft. Every time he reached the top his tongue swirled around the head of Hayden's cock, teasing him.

Leo could tell that Hayden was getting close and slowly let the cock fall from his mouth. Hayden let out a disappointed sigh, but quickly groaned again as he felt Leo's mouth on his balls. Hayden spread his legs further and pulled his knees up a bit to allow Leo more room. He ran his fingers through his lover's thick, dark hair as his body shook in pleasure.

Leo was unable to lick Hayden's balls for long. When Hayden raised his legs it gave Leo a perfect view of Hayden's ass, and Leo just couldn't help himself. His mouth moved with a mind of its own as his tongue slowly slid over Hayden's hot hole. Hayden gasped as he felt his lover play with him. There was a great need inside of him, a need that only Leo could fill. Hayden encouraged Leo by pushing himself up against his lover's talented tongue.

Leo reached up and rubbed his fingers through the sticky liquid that leaked out of Hayden's rock hard cock. He leaned forward and slid his fingertips into Hayden's mouth. Hayden greedily sucked and gently chewed on the offered fingers. His tongue and lips worked over Leo's fingers getting them slick and wet. Leo gently pulled his fingers back and rubbed his index finger over Hayden's tight hole. He was surprised as Hayden pushed against his finger and it sunk all the way.

"Are you okay, baby?" Leo asked as Hayden gasped. "I can't believe you did that."

"I'm fine, Leo." Hayden replied with a smile. "I've played with my own ass before, stud."

"I don't blame you, baby. Your ass is so fucking hot." Leo's voice was low and raw with desire.

Leo took his time preparing Hayden because he didn't want his man to feel any pain. As he worked two fingers into Hayden's hot ass, he hit his boyfriend's magic button. Hayden groaned as his body arched and instinctively tried to get more of Leo's fingers into him.

"I can't wait anymore, Leo," Hayden panted. "I need you right now." Leo slowly slid his body on top of Hayden's. The head of Leo's cock had been leaking steadily and provided the perfect slickness to enter his lover. He could feel Hayden's ass muscles pulse and twitch as the thick head came into contact with it. Leo's body trembled from the shock waves that rocked through his body. Leo gazed into Hayden's eyes, and the complete look of need and love that he found there took this breath away.

Hayden's long, muscular legs wrapped around Leo's waist, and, as Hayden pulled Leo closer to him, the head of Leo's cock slid into his ass. Hayden's body shook from feeling his boyfriend in him for the first time. The pleasure that shot through his body told Hayden this wouldn't be the only time Leo was inside of him. Leo's entire body tensed as an exquisite and incredible heat surrounded his cock. It took every ounce of strength he had to stop himself from cumming.

"My God, Hayden," Leo panted. "You feel so fucking good."

Hayden didn't bother answering. Instead, he pushed his hips up, causing Leo to slowly sink into him completely. As he felt Leo's hairy balls push up against his ass, Hayden squeezed tightly with his internal muscles. He felt Leo's body shudder violently, but Hayden knew he hadn't sent his boyfriend over the edge.

"Make love to me, Leo," Hayden whispered into Leo's ear as he gently chewed on his boyfriend's earlobe.

Leo paused to catch his breath before he started the slow withdrawal from Hayden's ass. He eased back until the head of his thick cock rested just inside, and then Leo slowly pressed forward again. Their bodies shuddered against each other as their lips met in a passionate kiss. There was an urge deep inside of Leo to quicken his pace, but Leo steadily controlled himself. As much as he wanted to plunge in and out of his lover's sweet ass, he wanted this moment to burn into their memories forever.

Leo still felt some residual guilt over everything that had happened, and he planned on making it up to Hayden right then and there. As his hard cock slowly slide deep inside of Hayden it brushed across that special spot. Leo watched as Hayden's eyes rolled into the back of his head and incoherent mumbles flowed from his mouth. Leo altered his slow, gentle strokes to ensure that he hit Hayden's prostate on every stroke.

Hayden started pushing his ass back against Leo. Hayden knew that Leo was a passionate person, but the way he was making Hayden feel at that moment went beyond any of Hayden's dreams. The amount of love that Leo was showing him made tears well up in Hayden's eyes. He never thought anyone would care for him, but Leo was shattering those thoughts over and over.

"Baby, I'm so close," Leo panted in Hayden's ear. A sheen of sweat covered his body as he continued his slow strokes. "Me too," Hayden breathed. "Shoot inside me, Leo. Give me your love."

Leo pulled back one more time, and, as he pushed back into the hot, fiery ass underneath him, Leo's body exploded. His cock had a mind of its own as it buried itself even deeper into Hayden. Hayden's balls churned and exploded as he felt Leo's cum coat his tight ass. His orgasm was so intense he could feel ropes of hot cum splatter across his face and neck.

Leo immediately began licking and sucking his lover's body clean. Hayden couldn't help but remember their love making the day before.

"You gonna share some of that?" He asked with a chuckle.

Their lips met in a deep, sweet kiss, a kiss that was filled with an incredible love and passion. Something seemed to shift inside Hayden, and he found a peace that he had never known. It was almost as if their souls had joined together as one. Leo gently pulled out of Hayden and lay down beside him.

"I feel so fucking good right now." Leo's face broke out in an amazing smile. "I'm so relaxed I could fall asleep."

"A nap sounds good." Hayden smiled and rolled onto his side with his back facing against Leo. He felt Leo's hairy chest press up against his back, and it felt so good. Hayden reached back and guided Leo's semi-hard cock back into his ass. "I want to sleep with you inside me. Is that okay?"

"I love you." Leo didn't trust himself to say much more than that. Emotions choked his throat. His love for Hayden ran very deep, and he hoped to spend the rest of his life with the gorgeous man in front of him.

"I love you too, Leo." Hayden's voice was fading as sleep overtook him. "Make sure you wake me up with that sweet dick of yours, baby."

Leo's dick started to thicken just thinking about it. He chuckled and pulled Hayden tight against him. Leo gently kissed and nuzzled against Hayden's neck. It was only a matter of minutes before sleep overtook Leo as well, and they drifted through happy dreams together.


"Who picked this damn chick flick to watch?" Lexie groaned and stretched as Hayden blushed at her comment. She was sprawled with her back on Leo and Hayden's bed. "Don't get me wrong, Hayden. I love Julia Roberts, but I would have rather had at least some violence in the movie. You guys are so gay."

"You got to pick last week's movies, Lexie. It was Hayden's turn this week," Leo said with a chuckle. "The second movie is an action flick. Stop teasin my man!"

"I can't help it! He's just so damn cute when he blushes!" Lexie giggled and winked at Hayden, causing his blush to deepen. "See what I mean! I just wanna eat him up!"

As soon as the words left Lexie's mouth she pounced on Hayden and began tickling him. It wasn't long before his laughter echoed through the room along with his pleading for Leo to help him. Leo casually ignored the pair and continued watching the movie. Hayden's giggling suddenly stopped, and Leo looked over to see what the two of them were up to.

"What are..." Leo started to ask, but he was tackled by his boyfriend and twin. Two sets of hands unmercifully tickled every inch of his body. "Stop!" Leo called out through his laughter.

"I don't think so, stud." Hayden grinned wickedly at Leo. "You weren't coming to my rescue."

Leo broke free from their tickling and quickly pinned Hayden to the bed. His lips locked onto Hayden's, and it looked like he was trying to smother Hayden with a kiss. The moment was broken when Leo felt a sharp slap on his ass. He had forgotten that Lexie was there. Leo yelped as he jumped off of Hayden in surprise. Hayden and Lexie both started howling as they watched Leo's body tilt and fall off the edge of the bed.

"It's not funny, you bitches! My ass is killing me!" Leo's hurt voice called up to them.

"Look at this way, Leo...it's incredibly entertaining for me." Lexie chuckled. "Besides, your ass would have been sore tonight when Hayden was done with you, anyway."

Hayden couldn't help it as another blush covered his face. He normally wasn't so easily embarrassed, but the way Lexie's voice almost growled some of her jibes was too much for Hayden. He had never met a woman that was so outspoken and sexual before.

"I think I better put in the other movie. My body can't take any more of this abuse." Leo sighed as he stood up and made his way over to the television.

As the movie started the three friends reorganized themselves on the bed. Lexie was lying on her stomach facing the end of the bed. Leo sat with his back against the wall and pulled Hayden up against his chest.

"Hopefully my ass won't be sore later tonight." Leo whispered in Hayden's ear. "I don't know how you do it, but you've given me the urge to throw my legs up in the air."

Hayden smothered the giggle that almost slipped from his lips. If Lexie heard it, she'd make some comment, and Hayden's face almost ached from all the blushing that night, as it was. In answer to Leo's comment, Hayden gently ran his fingertips over his boyfriend's inner thigh. Leo's reaction was almost immediate as his body started to tremble at Hayden's touch.

Leo was surprised at how easily his body responded to Hayden. It was almost as if Hayden knew Leo's body better then he did. His boyfriend seemed to know exactly where and how to touch him and drive him up the wall with desire. Leo was thankful when Hayden's light stroking stopped. Otherwise, he might have lost control and flooded his pants. It would have been too embarrassing to have to change his pants without explaining to Lexie why.

"I think we should go out clubbing tomorrow night," Lexie said after the movie was over. "We haven't been out in a while."

"You just want to dance with my man some more." Leo teased his twin.

"You're damn straight...well...you know what I mean." Lexie stuck her tongue out at Leo. "I'm gonna turn in for the night. Meet you two for lunch tomorrow?"

The guys nodded in response and each of them gave Lexie a hug and kiss goodnight. Leo followed Lexie to the door as they decided where to meet the next day. He locked the door after Lexie left and turned around to find Hayden lying on his back on the bed...naked.

"Boy, do you move fast," Leo chuckled. He could feel his pants tightening as his body hardened at the sight of his naked boyfriend.

"Are you going to stand there and stare at me or get naked and join me?" A hungry look appeared on Hayden's face. He reached down and started to gently stroke himself.

Leo didn't have to be told twice. He quickly started to undress and moved over to their bed. Their naked bodies tangled together as they shared a deep kiss.


The music pulsed through the club as Leo took a swallow of his beer. Leo's eyes remained transfixed on the dance floor as Hayden and Lexie danced. Hayden seemed to be gaining more confidence since they had started dating. Lexie had coaxed Hayden out of his shirt and left it at the table for Leo to keep an eye on. Leo was totally aroused watching the sweaty muscles of Hayden's body as they danced.

Leo's desire and attraction to Hayden almost frightened him. Hayden had a power over him that Leo had never experienced before. Just seeing Hayden's bright smile was enough to make his knees go weak and his heart melt. He felt connected to Hayden in a way he never felt before. Leo didn't even feel as connected to Lexie, and that was saying a lot.

Once again, the crowd on the dance floor seemed to naturally part and give Hayden and Lexie room to move. It didn't take long before all eyes in the club were practically focused on the two of them. Leo thought he'd feel jealous watching Lexie run her hands all over Hayden as they danced, but he didn't. If anything, he felt proud to see his boyfriend attracting so much attention. He felt proud to have a man like Hayden in his life.

For once in his life, he felt secure about his sexuality, in fact he was thinking about coming out to his parents, something he thought wouldn't happen for a long time, if at all. Hayden was the one who changed his mind about that. His life seemed more wonderful and happy with Hayden in it. He felt blessed and lucky that he ran into Hayden that day on the Court. Life certainly couldn't have been more perfect at the moment.

Leo watched as Lexie and Hayden made their way back to the table. He noticed the hungry glances that women--and a few men--were making at Hayden. Leo shivered as desire continued to flood through his body. It was taking all of his strength not to strip Hayden down and have his way him right there. Lexie sat down across from Leo, and Hayden stood behind him.

"I saw you watching us, baby. It was making me so hot," Hayden whispered in Leo's ear as he leaned down to get his beer. Leo could feel the heat radiating off of Hayden's body. Hayden moved to sit down next to Leo, but Leo pulled him into his lap instead.

"I think you'd be more comfortable sitting here." Leo winked.

"I don't know." Hayden replied as he rubbed his ass into Leo's already hard crotch. "It feels a bit lumpy to me."

"Don't make me get out the hose," Lexie taunted them.

"You must have read my mind, Lexie." Hayden winked at her. "I was just about to get the hose out."

Lexie and Hayden both laughed as they watched Leo blush. It used to be difficult to get the best of Leo, but Hayden seemed to be able to do it without any problems. Hayden leaned down and gave Leo a quick but passionate kiss on the lips. He knew Leo wanted a longer kiss, but he was enjoying teasing his boyfriend. Hayden purposefully shifted around in Leo's lap a bit more before turning his attention to Lexie. He was about to make an off color comment to her when he noticed the man approaching their table. Hayden's body stiffened, and he wished he had his shirt on.

"Hayden! I thought that was you," the man said as he stopped by their table.

"Benjamin." Hayden's voice was quiet and clipped. Leo could feel the tension running through his boyfriend's body. "What are you doing here?"

"Reynolds has an amazing pre-med course. I transferred here last week." Ben gave the group a bright smile. "Are you going to introduce me to your friends?"

"What do you know about friends?" Hayden gave Benjamin a cold look. "It was nice seeing you again, but we were just leaving."

Hayden stood up and grabbed his shirt. Without another word, he walked away. Leo and Lexie shared a confused look with each other, but quickly followed after Hayden. They couldn't understand Hayden's reaction to this new guy, but they were definitely going to find out what it was going on.

Chapter Ten

Hayden stumbled out of the club as he tried to pull his shirt back down over his sweaty upper body. He tried to keep his face as smooth as possible as rage thundered through his body. It just wasn't fair, damn it. His life was finally getting on track, and then Benjamin showed up. Hayden slammed through the clubs doors into cool evening air.

His head swam as he took a deep breath to calm himself down. Why couldn't things in his life just be calm for some time? Why is that every time he started to feel happiness something had to ruin it? Hayden could only hope that he could avoid Benjamin. He really didn't want to have anything to do with the guy. Hayden paused as he heard his name called about from behind. He spun around expecting to find Leo and Lexie there, but he was mistaken.

"What the fuck do you want?" Hayden spat at Benjamin.

"About ten seconds of your time." Benjamin was about ten feet from him. "That is if you can stop being such an asshole."

"I'm sure he has a good reason for it." Leo came up beside Hayden, and Lexie was just two steps behind him.

"Well, he needs to know the truth about what happened. You never gave me a chance to explain, Hayden." Benjamin crossed his arms over his chest. Hayden could see the look of pain on his face, and Hayden couldn't help feel his defenses start to crumble.

"The truth about what?" Lexie asked as she defiantly looked at Benjamin, daring him to put one foot out of line.

"You think I betrayed your trust, Hayden, but it wasn't me." Benjamin's voice was strong and confident.

"You were the only person that knew! I didn't tell anyone else." Hayden spat as he took a step towards his old friend. Leo grabbed a hold of his arm to keep him back.

"What did you tell him, sweetie?" Lexie laid a calming hand on Hayden's shoulder.

"I transferred to Hayden's high school in my junior year. My dad was in the Marine Corps and we were constantly moving all over the country." Benjamin's voice had become quiet and slightly hesitant. "Hayden was assigned to tutor me to help me catch up in my classes. After a few weeks we had become pretty good friends...best friends I had thought."

"We WERE best friends, but you fucked that up pretty well." Hayden glared at the man standing across from him.

"Hayden was staying over at my house the summer before our senior year." Benjamin continued. "My dad had let us have some beer since we were staying in the house. After a few hours we were both drunk off our asses. We were having a blast and just sharing shit about our lives. That's when you told me..."

"You came out to him." Lexie quietly concluded when Benjamin's voice went quiet.

"Yeah, I did. He acted like he was so cool with it, and that there wasn't any problem." Hayden's face had turned to stone. "Then our senior year started and the whole school had known. I didn't bother denying it because no one would have believed me. I was harassed the entire year. It was YOUR fault that my last year at school was hell!" Hayden pulled away from Leo and stalked towards Benjamin. He poked his old friend in the chest. "YOU told everyone! You were one of my first real friends. You didn't care about my money or what I could do for you. How could you do that to me?"

"I didn't!" Benjamin's eyes were wide with fear. "I swear I didn't tell anyone, Hayden!"

"Then how the fuck did everyone find out, Benji?" Hayden sneered as his used his friend's old nickname. "Did a little bird sit in your family room window that night and then fly away and tell everyone?"

"My sister overheard you, Hayden." Benji's eyes were quickly filling up with tears. "Lily had the biggest crush on you, and when she found out that you were gay...well she didn't like it. My dad may have been in the military, but he was totally cool with gay people. Shit, his best friend is gay. I was fucking shocked to find out that Lily hated gay people."

"You're telling me that Lily told everyone at school?" Hayden was shocked. Lily had always been so nice and sweet to him. "Why would she do that?"

"She was having a hard time fitting in at school, and she was trying to make friends with some of the cheerleaders. She thought giving them some juicy gossip would help her make friends." Benji looked down at his shoes.

"Well, did it work?" Hayden asked.

"Yeah, I guess it did. Lily was quickly pulled into the supposed `in' crowd." Benji finally looked back up at Hayden. "I'm so sorry, Hayden. I never wanted to see you get hurt."

"If you were my best friend, then why didn't you stand by me?" Hayden's pain was evident in his voice. "If we were such great friends why weren't you there for me?"

"I couldn't, Hayden. You weren't the only one with secrets." Benji whispered. "I always confided in Lily. She was my sister and I trusted her. So when she confronted me with what she heard, and she acted so cool about it, I admitted..."

"Oh my God." Lexie gasped as she realized what was happening. Everyone looked at her questioningly. "You're gay. You were crushing on Hayden, and your sister used that against you."

"What are you fucking psychic?" Benji looked at her in shock.

"Just be lucky I'm not charging by the minute." Lexie smiled at him.

"You had a crush on me?" Hayden was completely shocked.

"I had been out to my family for a few years." Benji admitted. "My parents and Lily were so accepting of it. That's why I didn't think there was a problem in confiding to her. When school started again, and everyone was talking about you, I confronted Lily. She told me that if I didn't keep my distance from you, then she'd out me too."

"So you saved your own ass instead of sticking by your best friend?" Leo growled. Leo definitely wasn't happy to find out that his boyfriend's old best friend not only betrayed him, but also was possibly harboring an old crush.

"So I'm a fucking coward, okay!" Benji snapped back. "It's not something I'm proud of. I wish that I had stuck by you, Hayden. I was just so scared and afraid. I..."

"It's okay." Hayden replied. The three of them looked at him in shock. "I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I dealt with that year. I'm not saying that I'm not hurt by what you did, but I understand why you did it."

"So you're just going to forget everything that happened and forgive him? Just like that?" Leo asked incredulously. "How can you just let things go like that?"

"You of all people should know how forgiving I am, Leo." Hayden locked eyes with his boyfriend. "I'm not saying that I'm going to immediately forgive Benji for what happened, but I'll give him the chance to be my friend again. Everyone deserves a second chance, right Leo?" "Right." Leo quietly muttered. Hayden had easily put him in his place.

"Look, it's late. We're gonna head back to our dorms, Benji." He gave his old friend a hesitant smile. "We'll catch you around campus sometime. We can talk, hang out, whatever. See if maybe we can be friends again."

"I'd like that, Hayden. I'd like that a lot." Benji smiled brightly at Hayden. "Let me give you my cell phone number."

They exchanged numbers before heading off in different directions. Leo wasn't sure if Hayden was upset at him or not for what he had said. As the three of them were walking across the Court he felt Hayden slip an arm around his waist. Leo looked over and saw Hayden smiling at him. The three of them decided to hang out in Lexie's room for a bit and unwind.

"He was freaking hot, Hayden." Lexie said as she collapsed onto her bed. "Why is it that all the hot guys are gay?"

"Quit your whining." Hayden laughed and hit her with a pillow. "He definitely was hot, though. Time has been good to him."

"Hey!" Leo pouted at his boyfriend.

"I can look at the dessert tray, baby, just as long as I'm don't plan on eating any of them." Hayden pulled Leo against him and gave him a quick kiss. "Do you know how cute you are when you're acting all jealous?"

"Then you should hear the thoughts running through my head." Leo winked. "You'd think I'm sexy as hell."

"I already do think you're sexy as hell, guy." Hayden captured Leo's mouth in a hot kiss.

"Not that I don't mind the display, but since I haven't been laid in way too long, could you two cool it?" Lexie laughed.

"Sorry bout that, twin." Leo murmured as he saw the fiery look in Hayden's eyes. He knew what was in store for him later that night.

"I think it's cool that you're willing to give Benji another chance, Hayden." Lexie said with a smile. "You're such a sweetie pie."

"I still can't believe that you're letting him off so easy." Leo muttered.

"I let you off just as easily about the bet didn't I?" Hayden shot back.

"Oh calm down, you drama queens!" Lexie snorted at the look her two best friends gave her. "Look at it this way, Leo, at least Hayden will have someone to hang out with when we're at your parents the next few days."

"You guys are going away?" Hayden quickly asked.

"You didn't tell him yet!" Lexie glared at Leo. "You were supposed to talk to him about this last week, you ass!"

"Wait a minute. You've known since last week that you two were going away, and no one told me?" Hayden couldn't help sounding hurt.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about, baby, but there just hasn't been time." Leo glared at Lexie as she snorted at him again. "Things have just been so busy and..."

"And maybe you were waiting to the last minute." Hayden crossed his arms. "You didn't want me to know that you were going away?"

"It's just there's going to be so many people there, and all my family, and I just..." Leo ran his hand through his hair. Shit, things weren't coming out the way he wanted them to.

"Just didn't want me to embarrass you in front of your family?" Hayden couldn't help it as old insecurities welled up inside of him.

"Baby, that's not it at all. You'd never embarrass me." Leo was quick to explain. "It's just that I'm not out to my family yet, and I'm kinda nervous about it, and I knew if you were there I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you." Leo knew he was babbling and backtracking, but he couldn't stop himself.

"And since I have no self control you just figured I would end up fucking you on the dining room table?" Hayden's eyes had gone from being on fire to being ice cold. "You could have just explained the situation to me, Leo. Did you think that I wouldn't understand? I know all about having a difficult time coming out. You heard proof of that tonight."

"And if Benji hadn't come along tonight then we wouldn't have known about that at all, would we?" Leo's voice was cold as he muttered the name. "We should be thankful it takes a stranger to get you to open up."

"Drop your fucking attitude." Hayden spat as he stood up. "I was planning on telling both of you everything, but you don't have any idea what it's like. The type of pain and anguish that coming out causes. How could you know? You've never come out."

"I think we should all take a deep, calming breath. There's no reason for you two to fight." Lexie quickly intervened. She didn't want to see her two best friends start ripping each other apart.

"I had `faggot' written on my locker a million times that year. I had people sneering and laughing at me as I walked down the halls. I got beat up at least once a week. You have no clue how fucking painful it was, and EXCUSE me for having a difficult time talking about it." Hayden couldn't stop the tears that slipped down his face. "I wouldn't have cared that the two of you were going to your parents' house, Leo, but you couldn't even tell me about it. When are you even leaving?"

"Tomorrow." Lexie quietly said since Leo didn't answer him.

"I...you...I can't even fucking believe you." Hayden made his way towards the door. Leo grabbed onto his arm, but he shrugged his boyfriend off. "Don't fucking touch me, and don't bother coming back to the room tonight. I'm sure Lexie wouldn't mind if you bunked here with her, and if she doesn't let you, then have fun looking for a place to stay. I'll talk to you when you get back, if you're lucky."

Before Lexie or Leo could stop him Hayden stalked through the door and slammed it shut behind him. Lexie sat on her bed and glared over at Leo.

"What?" He asked when he noticed that she was looking at him.

"You're the biggest asshole, twin." Lexie put up her hand as Leo opened his mouth. "You should have talked to him about this when we found out about your mom's birthday party. I still don't understand why you're so freaked out about taking him along, but you should have at least explained the situation to him. You do realize that you kept this a secret, just like you kept the bet a secret."

"I've fucked up pretty bad again, haven't I, twin?" Leo sighed and sat down on the extra bed in Lexie's room.

"You're getting pretty good at that. Hopefully, Hayden will think things through while we're gone. You better pray that he's willing to talk to you when we get back." Lexie sighed as she sprawled back on her bed. "You know we can't get out of going either. Your mom is expecting us, and you'll have even more explaining to do."

"I'd have to come out to her to explain the fight with Hayden." Leo sighed deeply. "I just don't know if I'm ready for that."

"You might not have the time to be ready, twin. Time's running out." Lexie told Leo good night and left him to his own thoughts. She hoped that things would work out like they always did. ?

Hayden didn't even notice the music that blared in the tiny bar as he took another pull off of his beer. He saw Leo and Lexie drive off campus that morning, and his temper was still pounding through his veins. Hayden knew that he was the one that told Leo not to come back to their room, but he couldn't believe that Leo hadn't even tried to talk to him before they left. He ordered another drink from the bartender to continue his quest of getting totally smashed.

"It's no fun to drink alone."

Hayden turned to see who the voice belonged to and saw Benji standing next to him. He motioned to the empty seat next to him. Benji smiled and sat down.

"Looks like I'm not alone anymore." Hayden tried to smile.

"What's wrong? You look pissed." Benji asked after ordering a drink.

"I had a fight with Leo." Hayden answered. He hadn't meant to say anything about it, but he couldn't help but feel comfortable around his old friend.

"I hope it wasn't because of me." Benji's worry was evident. "I didn't mean to cause you any trouble, Hayden."

"It wasn't your fault, Benji." Hayden gave him a reassuring smile.

"Good. I've caused enough problems for you before." Benji stared down into his drink and wouldn't look at Hayden.

"Water under the bridge, buddy." Hayden reached out and squeezed Benji's shoulder. "I understand what you did, and it's okay."

"You shouldn't let me off the hook so easily." Benji laughed. "Not that I'm complaining though!"

"Well you can buy drinks the rest of the night. Will that make you feel better?" Hayden grinned.

"Deal!" Benji immediately responded.

The two old friends spent the next few hours drinking and catching up with each other. Hayden was happy to find out that Benji wasn't the one that had told the school about him. He always had the feeling that his friend wouldn't do that to him, and he was glad to find out it was true.

"So you had a crush on me?" Hayden was definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol.

"Hell yeah. Though it's a bit embarrassing to admit now. You were a cutie back then." Benji glanced over at Hayden. "Though you're definitely even hotter now, Hayden."

"Thanks buddy. You're not so bad yourself either." Hayden ran his hand over his face. The bar was getting very hot, and his vision started to shift around. Hayden shook his head trying to clear his eyesight.

"You okay, Hayden? You're face is getting all white." Benji placed a hand on Hayden's shoulder to steady him.

"I'm not feeling to good. I think I better get back to my room." Hayden stood up, but his body swayed from the sudden movement.

"Where's your dorm? I better walk you back." Benji put an arm around his friend's waist and lead him out of the bar.


Hayden woke up a few hours later and saw that he was lying in his bed. Sunlight streamed through the open window, and it made his head pound with a wicked headache. He was definitely dealing with the world's most intense hangover. Hayden blindly reached out for Leo, and when his hand came up empty he remembered that he was alone.

"Fucker." Hayden muttered as he covered his eyes.

He was still pissed off at Leo. If Leo had told him what was going on then there wouldn't have been any problems at all. Hayden completely understood that coming out was one of the most difficult things, but he couldn't understand why Leo would keep it from him. It was almost like the situation with that damn bet. If Leo had just explained things right off the bat, then there wouldn't have been any problems at all.

Hayden eased himself out of bed and grabbed his pack of cigarettes out of his desk drawer. He didn't smoke as much anymore, but after everything that had happened in the last few days he needed one. Hayden sat down by the open window and let the sun soak into his skin. Its warmth was comforting, and it helped ease the headache that was pounding its way through his head.

There were so many things Hayden needed answers too, and he wasn't sure when he would be getting them. He knew that when Leo got back the two of them would be having a very long talk. There were just so many things that confused him. A cool breeze drifted through the open window, and Hayden realized there was one thing that was more confusing than anything else. Why the hell was he naked?

Chapter Eleven

Leo didn't have the patience to wait for the elevator, and he took the stairs two at a time. He was excited to be back on campus after such a crappy weekend. He had tried to enjoy his mom's birthday party, but his argument with Hayden weighed heavily on his mind. Leo had started dialing their number at the dorm numerous times, but he just couldn't hit send. He knew that he had a lot of explaining to do to Hayden, and he had no fucking clue where to start.

Leo quickly unlocked the door to their room and stepped inside. He kept the dozen roses he had brought with him behind his back. Leo's smile faded as he realized that the room was empty. He mentally checked their schedules and knew that Hayden didn't have class that afternoon. Leo laid the roses on their bed and started unpacking his stuff.

It took less than twenty minutes to get everything taken care of and Leo was starting to get impatient. He turned his laptop on to check his email to hopefully pass the time. Leo logged into his home email account and tapped his fingers as he waited for the page to load. His eyes bulged as he saw the hundreds of emails that waited for him. Leo didn't even want to think about how much more mail would have gotten through if his junk email weren't setup.

There was an email that was titled: URGENT and he would have deleted it, but Leo noticed there was an attachment. The body of the email contained only one sentence: Thought you might be interested to find out what happens when the cat's away. Leo had a high tech virus program, so he scanned the attachment. Once it was clear it was free of any virus Leo started the download.

The download lasted only a few minutes before automatically opening on his desktop. Leo looked at his computer curiously, but in a matter of moments his eyes bulged in shock. His throat closed up in anger, and he had to force himself from throwing the computer against the wall. Just as he snapped the laptop shut the door to their room opened.

"Where've ya been?" Leo quietly asked. He didn't have to look over his shoulder to know that Hayden had entered the room.

"The frat is holding a talent contest to help raise money for a local charity." Hayden replied after a moment. "I was practicing over at the music hall."

"You never mentioned that you could play anything." Leo finally turned around and locked eyes with his boyfriend. "Any other secrets you care to share?"

"Are these for me?" Hayden asked as he picked up the roses. His emotions were totally torn in different directions. On one hand he wanted to forgive Leo for what happened, but his pain still ran deep.

"No." Leo walked over and snatched the flowers out of Hayden's hands. "How could you?"

"How could I what?" Hayden sensed the building anger in Leo, but he had no clue where it was coming from.

"Don't even play coy with me, Hayden." Leo tossed the bouquet of flowers into the garbage can. "You know what the fuck I'm talking about."

"Wait a minute." Hayden crossed his arms and stared at Leo. "Don't even try turning shit around on me. I have every right to be pissed off at you. I'm not gonna play this game where you get mad at me when I'm mad at you just so I'll apologize."

"Did you have fun with Benjamin this weekend?" Leo spat.

"We shared a beer at the club Saturday night, but I didn't plan it." Hayden raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend. "I was at the bar drinking, and he showed up. Simple as that."

"Oh this is far from simple." Leo took a step towards Hayden, but stopped and took a deep breath. "Stop with the bullshit, Hayden. I fucking trusted you."

"What the FUCK are you talking about?" Hayden demanded.

"You slept with Benjamin, you fucker." Leo was barely containing his anger. "You got fucking piss ass drunk and then came back here and had sex with him...on OUR fucking bed."

"No, I fucking didn't!" Hayden exclaimed.

"LIAR!" Leo stepped forward and roughly pushed Hayden. He watched as Hayden stumbled for a moment but finally got his balance. "I fucking saw it, Hayden. There's fucking video footage. I can't believe that you cheated on me, let alone be dumb enough to tape it."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Hayden paled visibly. He knew that he woke up naked Sunday morning, but he would have remembered sleeping with Benjamin. Wouldn't he? "I wouldn't cheat on you, Leo. I love you."

"Bullshit." Leo started towards the door, but Hayden grabbed his shoulder to stop him. His careful grip on his anger finally slipped, and before Leo knew what he was doing his fist connected with Hayden's face. Hayden fell backwards reeling from the pain the erupted across his left check. Thankfully he landed on the bed, but he was too shocked to realize it. Tears filled Hayden's eyes as he watched Leo glare at him, and then slam the door shut as he left. Thoughts flew through his mind too quickly for him to even comprehend. There was one thing he knew he had to do. Talk to Benji.


"I can't believe it." Lexie muttered in shock. Leo had barged into her room minutes before, and hadn't said two words. He just sat down at her computer and then pointed at the screen after a few minutes. Lexie couldn't even watch the entire video. It hurt too much to watch Hayden with Benjamin. "Why would he do this?"

"He fucking claims that he didn't, but it's kinda hard to deny it. Don't ya think?" Leo growled. The tears that he had been holding back quietly spilled down his cheeks. "Why did he do this to me?"

"I can't answer that, sweetie. I wish I had the answers." Lexie engulfed her best friend in a huge hug.

Lexie rocked Leo back and forth as he cried and told her everything that had happened. It was only a matter of time before she realized that he had cried himself to sleep. Lexie gently eased Leo down onto the bed and covered him. She sat by the window while keeping an eye on her sleeping twin. Lexie was finally able to give into her own emotions as tears traced paths over her cheeks.

Lexie took a deep breath and decided she had to get to the bottom of things. She checked on Leo one last time and quietly left the room. Lexie practically ran across the Quad to the guys' dorm. She pounded on their door until Hayden finally opened it.

What she saw took her breath away. Hayden's eyes were red and puffy, but it was the dark bruising around his left eye that shocked her. She knew that Leo was upset, but he never mentioned that he had punched Hayden.

"Are you here for a piece of me too?" Hayden mumbled.

"I came to find out your side of this." She quietly replied. Hayden stepped aside and let her into the room. Lexie noticed the roses that Leo had bought lying on the bed. The flowers were practically destroyed, and she realized that Hayden must have rescued them from the trash. "What's going on, Hayden?"

"I don't know what's fucking going on, Lexie." Hayden sat down on the computer chair since Lexie had plopped down on the bed. Hayden took his time and told Lexie about his weekend, including the fact that he woke up naked. She didn't say anything, but she thankfully didn't look like she was ready to kill him.

"You don't remember anything else after leaving the bar?" Lexie asked.

"Not a damn thing." Hayden sighed and haphazardly ran his hand through his hair. "I remember feeling sick at the bar, and Benji asking which dorm was mine, but everything after that is totally blank."

"How much did you have to drink?" Lexie was afraid that Hayden had been drowning himself in alcohol to forget about the fight.

"I only had like three of four beers, Lex." Hayden stood up and walked over to the window. "That's what I don't understand. I grabbed something to eat before I even went to the bar. Maybe I just got sick from all the stress."

"Could be, but that doesn't explain why you blacked out." Lexie sighed. "What does Benji have to say about all this?"

"I have no clue." Hayden lit up a cigarette. "I've been trying to call him ever since Leo left, but his cell phone is off. I looked up his dorm room through the online directory, but there's no answer at his room either."

"Something just feels off here, Hayden. I know you were upset at Leo, and rightly so, but I don't think you'd cheat on him." Lexie gave him a small smile.

"Thanks, sweetie. I appreciate the vote of confidence, but how do you explain the video?" Hayden took a deep breath to keep his tears at bay. "I found the video on Leo's desktop. I could only watch the first minute or so, but it's me. I don't understand what the fuck is going on. I would never fucking cheat on Leo. I love him so much."

"I know." Lexie couldn't think of anything else to say. She knew what her eyes saw, but she couldn't stop what her heart was telling her. Lexie glanced down at her watch. "I better get back to my room. Leo could wake up at any moment. I'll do whatever I can to help you, Hayden. I promise."

The two friends hugged tightly. Hayden lay down in bed after Lexie had left. He only hoped that they could figure out what had happened. He didn't want to lose Leo, but he was afraid that he was already too late.


The last two weeks had been absolute hell on Hayden. He sat on his bed with his keyboard and worked on his music for the frat's talent show. The dorm room seemed cold and empty. Leo had moved out a few days after the incident, and Hayden hadn't been able to talk to him. Lexie even started to pull away from him. Leo had seen them talking in the Quad, and it was just too difficult for her to keep in touch much.

Hayden quietly hummed along as his fingers moved across the keyboard. He had originally planned on singing something for Leo, and that was still his plan. It was the choice of song that Hayden had changed. To make matters worse Benji had left campus due to a family emergency. So Hayden hadn't even been able to talk to him about what had supposedly happened.

Hayden knew in his heart that there was no way he could have cheated on Leo, but his mind was winning the argument after seeing the first part of the video. It was very clear that it was Benji and himself in the room. Hayden's head pounded with a migraine from the flow of thoughts that constantly slammed through his head.

After a few more hours of practice Hayden realized that he had to get ready for the talent show. He mindlessly got ready. After taking a shower, Hayden threw on a pair of faded jeans and a black dress shirt. He didn't bother tucking the shirt in. Hayden grabbed his wallet and keys along with his song's sheet music. It was a cool evening, and the chill air helped clear Hayden's head as he walked to the frat house.

Hayden had no clue if Leo and Lexie would be at the show, but it was the hottest thing going on at the moment. He prayed that Leo would be there to hear his song, but either way he decided to sing it. He had promised the frat that he would perform. The guys had heard him sing before, and they had demanded that he be on stage that night.

The frat had built a stage in their huge backyard, and there had to have been at least a hundred people waiting for the show to start. Hayden hung out in the room reserved for the performers and tried to have fun, but it just wasn't working. He gave up on the chitchat with people and just silently went through the song in his head. His fingers still crossed that Leo would be out there listening.

Time had been going so slow during the day, but it seemed to drastically speed up in the evening. Before Hayden knew it, it was his turn to take the stage. He was one of the last performers, and the crowed was definitely pumped. There was a smattering of applause as Hayden took the stage. He slowly made his way over the keyboard and microphone that had been setup for him.

His eyes quickly scanned the crowd, and he realized that most of the frat brothers had gathered in the back of the crowd. Hayden expected to have a thousand butterflies floating in his stomach, but he was eerily calm.

Hayden's eyes focused on the sunset that bathed the yard in a surreal light. As his fingers touched the keyboard to start the song, Hayden saw Leo and Lexie sitting in the middle of the crowd. For a split second his eyes locked with Leo's, and Hayden could see the raw pain in his man's eyes, but it was quickly replaced with an ice-cold look. Hayden's fingers softly flowed across the keyboard, and his sweet voice echoed through the microphone.

Notice me Take my hand Why are we Strangers when Our love is strong Why carry on without me

Every time I try to fly I fall without my wings I feel so small I guess I need you baby And every time I see you in my dreams I see your face, it's haunting me I guess I need you baby

It was taking a great deal of strength for Hayden to keep his emotions in check. He risked looking up into the crowd, and once again his eyes sought out Leo. Once again they looked into each other's eyes, and Hayden held his tears back as the song continued.

I make believe That you are here It's the only way I see clear What have I done You seem to move on easy

And every time I try to fly I fall without my wings I feel so small I guess I need you baby And every time I see you in my dreams I see your face, you're haunting me I guess I need you baby

There was no emotion showing through Leo's eyes at all. Hayden forced himself to break the contact and focused on the keyboard. He wasn't able to hold back his tears anymore, and at that point he really didn't care. His throaty voice remained even as he forced himself to finish the song.

I may have made it rain Please forgive me My weakness caused you pain And this song is my sorry


At night I pray That soon your face Will fade away

And every time I try to fly I fall without my wings I feel so small I guess I need you baby And every time I see you in my dreams I see your face, you're haunting me I guess I need you baby

The last note hung hauntingly over the crowd. The audience had been pulled into some kind of spell by Hayden's voice. They sat in awe at the raw emotions that had been put on display for them. Hayden didn't wait for a reaction from the crowd, or from Leo. He quickly exited the stage and made his way through the house.

People tried to stop Hayden to congratulate him, and a few had even tried to talk him into doing another song. Hayden politely declined and got out as fast as he could. His tears continued to fall the entire way back to his cold and empty dorm room. He didn't even bother turning on any of the lights in his room. Hayden simply collapsed on the bed and continued to cry.

Hayden didn't know if Leo understood his words, or if in fact he even cared. His heart felt empty, and Hayden knew that only one person could take care of that. The problem remained though that he had lost Leo...possibly forever.


Lexie slowly walked across the Quad and looked at the cloudless night sky. Thousands of stars seemed to be out, and their light twinkled down on her. She tried to keep her mind from wandering, but her thoughts continued to go back to Hayden's performance the previous night. His pain was so clear that it burned her heart. She wished there was some way she could solve the problem and take away both of their pain, but that wasn't a possibility.

Lexie quickly learned that Hayden was not a topic of conversation for Leo. Anytime she tried to bring it up he had either ignored her or blatantly changed the subject. She slowly made her way up to her dorm room, and Lexie pretty much knew what to expect. Leo would most likely be zoned out watching television or he would already be asleep. That had turned into Leo's nightly routine.

Needless to say Lexie was surprised too not only find Leo awake, but he also wasn't watching television either. He was sitting at her computer, and she could see that the damn video was playing. He was drinking a beer, and Lexie noticed a few empty cans were already scattered across her desk.

"Sweetie, what are you doing?" Lexie laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Watching the love of my life rip my heart out." Leo quietly mumbled.

"God damn it, Leo. You HAVE to STOP this!" Lexie slammed her hand down on the desk. Leo paused the video and looked up at her. "You're going to drive yourself crazy if you keep watching this damn thing."

"I'm already fucking crazy, Lexie." Leo glanced away. "I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong. Why do I still love him, Lexie? After everything that's happened I can't stop loving him."

Leo hugged Lexie's waist and buried his head in her stomach. She gently stroked his hair and tried to calm him down. She wished that Leo would just take her advice and talk to Hayden. If they couldn't get past what happened, they could at least get some closure with everything that was going on. Lexie glanced down and something caught her eye.

"Leo..." She shook his shoulder to get his attention. "Leo!"

"What?" Leo glanced up at his best friend.

"Do you remember when we were at your parents for your mom's birthday and stayed up late talking?" Lexie asked with her eyes still glued on the computer.

"Yeah...so?" Leo didn't understand what her point was.

"You never mentioned that Hayden was uncircumcised." Lexie glanced back down at Leo. "I can't believe you forgot to mention that."

"I didn't mention it, Lexie, because Hayden is circumcised." Leo sighed. "He's got a nice, thick, fat cut cock. Do we really need to talk about it?"

"We definitely do, twin." Lexie pointed at the paused video. "That guy Benjamin is blowing in the video has a foreskin."

"What?!" Leo yelled. His gaze snapped to the video screen. Leo couldn't believe it. He had watched the fucking video at least a hundred times, and he never noticed it. "Fuck me, Lexie. You know what this means..."

"Yup." Lexie sighed. "That isn't Hayden."

Chapter Twelve

Lexie sat down on the edge of her bed as Leo restarted the video. Their eyes remained locked on the action to figure out what was going on. There was no sound, but the video quality was clear enough to see what was happening. They watched as Benjamin entered the dorm room with his arm around Hayden's waist. Leo had just assumed they were holding on to each other, but Lexie knew otherwise.

"Hayden got sick at the bar that night." Lexie explained. "That's why Benji's arms are around him. He's holding him up." Lexie pointed at the screen. "See, right there, you can see that Hayden's stumbling a bit."

The pair watched as Benji helped undress Hayden and then laid him down on the bed. The camera focus then changed to a side view of the bed. Benji took off his clothes and eased his body across the already nude figure on the bed. The guy's head was facing away from the camera, but hair cut and color looked identical to Hayden's. In fact, the man's body was practically identical to Hayden's. Leo slowed down the video as it zoomed in on Benji giving the man a blowjob.

It was clearly obvious that the man was uncircumcised. Why hadn't they realized that before? Leo berated himself over and over again for missing such a detail. He was so caught up in the fact that he saw Benji undressing Hayden, he never really bothered to focus much on the other details in the video. Lexie leaned over and paused the video again, just as Benji was lifting the man's legs over onto his shoulders.

"Look, right there!" Lexie pointed to a desk that could barely been seen in the background behind Benji's body. "From the angle of the video, we should see your television stand because your desk is setup by the windows. Leo..." Lexie paused and took a deep breath. "That isn't your room."

"Fuck, what have I done?" Leo buried his face in his hands. "If I would have just taken Hayden with us that weekend, then this would have never happened! This is all my fault. How can I even try to apologize for this?"

"Leo?" Lexie was rubbing his back to calm him down when a thought came to her.

"What twin?" Leo asked.

"What was the email address that sent this to you?" Lexie looked at him curiously. "I don't remember, I really didn't pay much attention to it." Leo quickly pulled up his email.

"Wait a second." Lexie saw the account he was accessing. "This was sent to your home email? I assumed you got this at your school account. Why didn't you see this while we were at your parents' house? Didn't you check your email while we were there?"

"No. I didn't have time. Besides, I was a bit too worried about the fight with Hayden to think of anything else." Leo sighed. He quickly scrolled through his old email and found it. "Here it is. It came from Ark2587."

"That doesn't sound familiar." Lexie bit her lip in concentration. "Though this does narrow down the list of people that could have sent you that video. You really haven't given that address out here."

"Besides the fact that his video was expertly edited." Leo glanced over at his twin. "I need to talk to Hayden. Explain what's going on."

"We have to find Benji too." Lexie nodded in agreement. "We have to get to the bottom of this."

"Do you think Hayden will forgive me?" Leo's voice quaked in fear.

"We'll have to go see, won't we, twin?" Lexie squeezed Leo's shoulder. "I think once he hears everything, he'll forgive you."


Hayden sat in his room and was trying to complete his work for another term paper. His life was practically unbearable to begin with since Leo left, but classes just made things all the more difficult. He was finding it nearly impossible to concentrate on anything for more than a minute. Hayden had decided to take a break and had just lit a cigarette when there was a knock at his door. Hayden sighed and went to open the door.

"Benji." Hayden's voice was cold and emotionless. Concern filled Hayden though when he took in the rumbled and disheveled look of his friend. "Are you okay?" Hayden pulled him inside.

"No." Benji sat down on the edge of the bed. "My gram passed away. That's why I haven't been here in a few weeks. I had to deal with a lot of family shit."

"Oh my God, Benji, I'm so sorry." Hayden sat down and hugged his friend. "I wish I could have been there for ya, bud." "It's okay, Hayden." Benji leaned against Hayden's side. "I appreciate the thoughts, bro."

Hayden was completely torn inside because as much as he wanted to know what the fuck happened between them, it just didn't seem like the right time to ask. How could he put Benji through any more after losing his gram?

"Where's Leo and Lexie?" Benji asked after he composed himself. "I expected to find all three of you together since y'all are practically attached at the hip."

"Leo and I aren't together anymore." Hayden quietly replied.

"Oh my God, Hayden. Why?" Benji's face was etched with concern.

"He found out that we had slept together." Hayden got up and moved towards the window. "It seems that you video taped the whole thing, and someone sent it to Leo."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Benji grabbed Hayden's shoulder and spun him around. "We've never slept together."

"I guess you were too drunk to remember, Benji." Hayden replied. "That night you found me at the bar and had to bring me home we fucked around. I woke up butt ass naked, and then there's the whole video proof thing."

"Hayden, don't you remember what happened?" Benji asked. "Probably not. You were so fucking out of it. You threw up all over yourself outside the dorm, bro. I got you in here and stripped you down before I put you to bed. I didn't want you waking up covered in shit. I admit that it was tempting to see that hot body of yours, but nothing happened."

"But I saw the video." Hayden was shocked. Could Benji be telling the truth?

"Dude, I still have your clothes at my dorm. I took them with me and washed them for you. I didn't want you to have to deal with it." Benji rubbed Hayden's shoulder. "I think I need to see this damn video. I may have fucked up in the past, Hayden, but drunk or not, I would have never done anything like that. I know how much you love Leo."

Before Hayden could say anything else the door to his room slammed open. An excited Leo and Lexie ran into the room. They were both out of breath, and Leo was carrying his laptop with him.

"Thank God you're both here." Lexie panted. "We need to talk." She paused to try and catch her breath. "Damn it, Leo, did you have to fucking make me sprint all the way over here."

"What is going on?" Hayden asked. He couldn't understand what was happening. What the hell was Leo doing here? And why wasn't he shooting dirty looks at him?

"It wasn't you in the video, Hayden." Leo said after catching his breath.

"What are you talking about?" Hayden gasped.

"I told you we didn't sleep together, Hayden." Benji smiled at them.

Leo flipped open the laptop and quickly brought up the video. He scrolled through it until he got the where he wanted. Leo paused the video and pointed out the fact that the guy in the video wasn't cut. Hayden's eyes bulged at the realization. He knew that he couldn't have cheated on Leo!

"If that isn't me, then who is it?" Hayden asked. "Cause it sure as hell looks like me."

"His name is Steve. He's some guy I picked up at a bar after I dropped you off here that night Hayden." Benji looked pissed as hell. "What I want to know is who the fuck got cameras into our dorm rooms?"

"What do you mean?" Hayden looked curiously at his old friend.

"Because it's obvious in the beginning that we're in your room, Hayden, because it was obviously you." Benji scratched his head. "But later when all the sex is happening, that's me and Steve, back at my room."

"Someone went to a lot of trouble to edit all of this together to make it look like the two of you had sex." Lexie pointed out. "I think we should swing by the Arts building, and see if we can find any film majors. It has to be someone on campus because they had to get access to your dorm rooms."

"I'll go with you, Lexie. I want to find out who the fuck did this." Benji smiled and gave Hayden a hug. He whispered in his ear. "Good luck, my friend."

Lexie gave Hayden a huge hug as well. She was happy that things could finally be resolved between her two friends. It was obvious someone was trying to fuck around with them, and she hoped they would work through this and get back together. Hayden watched as Lexie and Benji left, and for the first time in weeks, Hayden was alone with Leo.

Hayden wasn't even sure what to say. So much had happened, and he didn't want to go through the pain of relieving all of it. They both knew the truth, and he was sure that Leo was in as much pain as he was. Knowing the type of caring person that Leo was Hayden was positive that Leo was probably beating himself up big time over everything. For the first time, in a long time, Hayden could see love burning fiercely in Leo's eyes. The coldness was gone, and it had been replaced with a warmth that made Hayden's heart swell with joy.

"Hayden, I don't even know where to begin apologizing." Leo took a slow towards him but stopped. "I'm so sorry that I doubted you, and for hitting you. I just..."

"I don't want to do this." Hayden interrupted. He saw the look of pain that flashed through Leo's eyes. "Leo, can we just skip all that, and could you just kiss me, please?"

Leo wasted no time in getting to Hayden and crushing their lips together. They clung to each other and practically sucked the breath out of each other. The last few weeks melted away as they shared each other again. The kiss soon took on a force of its own, and their clothes were quickly being pulled off of each other.

Leo pushed Hayden down onto the bed and began covering his body with kisses. Hayden arched against his lover's hot, wet mouth. His body trembled from Leo's touch, a touch he thought he'd never feel again.

"Leo..." Hayden breathed. "I need you. I need to feel you inside me." Leo started to stand up to get some lube out of their nightstand, but Hayden roughly pulled him down and wrapped his legs around him. "I'm not fucking waiting."

Leo gasped as Hayden started to rub and thrust against his hard, aching cock. His heart pounded from the sensations Hayden was causing. It was only a few minutes before Leo had dripped enough to allow his cock to slide easily across Hayden's hole. Hayden locked eyes with his lover as he reached down and lined up Leo's cock with his hot hole.

"Baby, I don't want to hurt you." Leo panted in his ear.

"I can take a little pain, Leo. Don't worry about it." Hayden pushed back against the rock hard dick, and it sunk a few inches it.

Hayden arched as pain shot through him, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. He needed Leo so damn badly, and there was nothing that would stop him. Leo tried to remain as still as possible to allow Hayden to adjust, but his boyfriend was grinding up against him. Leo's cock slowly sunk all the way into Hayden's tight, sweet hole.

Leo groaned as he felt Hayden's muscles clamp down and massage his thick tool. He moaned Hayden's named as he captured his boyfriend's lips into another crushing kiss. Hayden tasted like heaven to Leo. He had never dreamed that he would be able to feel Hayden like that ever again. Just knowing how deeply he was buried inside his lover made Leo want to explode. He strained all of his muscles to keep himself from shooting.

Hayden felt like his insides were on fire, the mixture of pleasure and pain was almost too much to bear. As Leo started to slowly work his long cock back and forth inside of him the pain disappeared. Hayden wasn't even capable of a coherent thought at that point. His body quivered from the pleasure that exploded through his body.

Leo tried to keep his pace even and slow, but Hayden had other ideas in mind. His hands reached back and grabbed onto Leo's muscular ass. Hayden's fingers massaged the firm muscles, and he pulled Leo's body forward. Hayden was arching his body and meeting Leo thrust for thrust. Leo understood his boyfriend's need and increased his pace.

Their skin was slick was sweat as the sounds of their lovemaking filled the room. Leo was soon pounding deeply into Hayden, and his boyfriend moaned in approval. Their time apart would not allow their bodies to go slowly. Their desire demanded the fast, hungry pace. The need to feel each other drove their bodies closer and closer to orgasm.

Leo could tell that he wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer. He reached down and wrapped his hand around Hayden's slick arousal. His hand pumped up and down only a few times before he felt Hayden's ass clamp down hard. Hayden cried out as an intense orgasm rocked through his body. Feeling Hayden's ass clamp down was all it took for Leo to reach his peak. With one final deep thrust Leo exploded into Hayden.

Leo mumbled words of love as he kissed every inch of his lover's face. Hayden reached around Leo and pulled his man down on top of him. He luxuriated in the feel of Leo's sweaty, hot body covering him. Hayden licked and sucked at Leo's neck as he felt his boyfriend's face nuzzle against him.

"I love you, baby." Leo whispered into Hayden's ear. "I'm so sorry for what's happened, but I won't let anything pull us apart ever again. I was so lost without you."

"I love you too, Leo." Hayden hugged Leo tightly. "You're going to have to beat me off with a stick. I'm not ever letting you go again."

The two men slowly kissed and ran their hands over each other's bodies, their fingertips memorizing every inch of their lover again. Leo finally got up and got a towel to clean their bodies with. Once that task was done, he laid back down next to Hayden. His fingers gently running through Hayden's hair. They continued to gently kiss and touch each other until sleep overtook them. The lovers enjoyed happy dreams as they stayed wrapped in each other's arms.


Lexie smiled as she watched Hayden and Leo wrestle in the pool. She was so happy to see them together and happy again. They were spending a long weekend at Leo's parents' house, and the trio had brought Benji along with them. Leo had made the decision that he wasn't going to hide his life anymore, and he decided to come out to his family.

His parents took the news very well, which Lexie knew they would. In fact, they claimed to have suspected it for a long time. When Leo questioned them about it, they claimed since he never seemed interested in Lexie or any other girl for that matter, they figured that he was most likely gay. So they just bided their time and waited for Leo to come to them.

Lexie was lying in the hot sun and enjoying the opportunity to relax when an ice cold water suddenly splashed on her. She jerked up and saw Leo and Hayden trying to look innocent in the water. They were pointing at each other in blame and were laughing their asses off. She quickly dove into the pool and started to try and dunk them. Benji came to her aid, and a water fight had quickly broken out.

The four of them tired after a while and climbed out of the pool to relax in the sun. Leo and Hayden were practically lying on top of each other. Leo's parents had fallen in love with Hayden immediately, and told the guys in no uncertain terms were they to hide their relationship. They said seeing Leo so happy brought joy to their hearts.

Hayden thought back over the last week as he relaxed in the sun with his boyfriend. Lexie and Benji were quickly able to find out that someone on campus had indeed edited the tapes together. Lexie hunted the culprit down, and after some carefully made threats, she found out that Noah had been behind the entire thing.

Lexie had been able to find Noah living in an apartment off campus. Once she confronted him he had spilled all the details of his plan. He had setup the camera in Leo and Hayden's room. He had slipped in easily because he had still had a copy of their key. Noah had just hoped to find some interesting blackmail material but had lucked out when Benji suddenly appeared. It was an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

Noah had been able to slip a date rape drug into Hayden's drink that night at the bar. It seems that some bartenders will do anything for a thousand bucks. While Benji was helping Hayden get home, Noah had lucked out again and stumbled upon Steve. A hot guy that just happened to look a lot like Hayden. Another thousand bucks later and he had got Steve to agree to get Benji to take him home and to videotape their fun together.

The rest had been fairly simple. Noah took the two videos to an old friend, and got the tape edited to his exact liking. He then took the finished video and emailed it off to Leo. After that Noah just sat back and waited for the fun to start. Noah was lucky that Lexie kept her temper in check enough that she didn't fucking kill him, but thankfully she was craftier than that.

She explained to Noah the number of lawsuits that Hayden and Benji could file for, and it was Noah's turn to be scared. Even though neither man needed the money she explained to Noah that they would still sue his ass until he was penniless. That was more than enough to scare a superficial bastard like Noah. Lexie need something else though to ensure Noah left them alone. She made Noah confess everything he had done on video. She figured since it was a video that started the whole mess, then a video would end it.

They guys weren't too surprised to find out that it was all Noah's fault. After hearing everything that Lexie had done, their hearts overflowed with love for her. They couldn't ever ask for a better friend than Lexie. They knew that they owed her so much, and that they had to try and find a way to thank her. Hayden was the one that came up with the idea to find her a boyfriend, and Leo was all for it. He wanted to see his twin happy with some wonderful guy. The only problem was finding someone they felt was good enough for her.

The two lovers shared a smile together as they heard Lexie laughing at something Benji had said. After everything that had happened Hayden realized that Benji was still a close friend, and he was happy to see his new family taking Benji under their wing. Benji and Lexie would hang out together checking out guys and hanging out while Hayden and Leo enjoyed some quality time alone. The four of them were quickly becoming inseparable, and they certainly cherished each their friendships.

Hayden had expected college to completely change his world, though he had no idea how drastic that change would be. As he ran his fingers through Leo's soft, thick hair he realized just how amazing his life had become. Hayden knew deep in his heart that he found the person he would spend the rest of his life with. Leo's head was resting on his chest, and Hayden gently kissed his sleeping boyfriend's forehead. Yes, life couldn't get any better.

The End

Thank you to everyone who came back to read the rest of the story, after my absence. I was unemployed for many months, and life was really hectic and stressful. Things are thankfully back on track, and I hope to have a new story out soon. Check out my yahoo group for the most current info and to get any updates or news on stories, old or new. www.groups.yahoo.com/group/MichaelPhilips

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