Possessed Rest Stop

By moc.loa@XnairoD

Published on Mar 24, 1999




Eddie was alone.

The sudden disappearance of the stranger had rattled him so that he had almost snatched up his pants and ran out to the car. His cock, however, had other ideas. He stood in the stall, shaking from head to toe, but with the most raging hard-on he had ever experienced. He knew the only way he was going to be able to drive the rest of the way to the conference was to shoot a load first.

Nervously, he sat back down on the toilet and tentatively began to stroke his cock. Precum was oozing out of his piss slit in quantities like never before. The sensations from jerking off began to calm him down, and he leaned back a little and increased his pace.

Eddie had been working so hard the last few weeks getting ready for the conference that he hadn't devoted as much time as he usually did to keeping his pecker well exercised. Ever since he had first discovered masturbation as an eleven-year-old, he almost always jacked off at least once a day, sometimes more. When he was seventeen, and left alone one weekend, he went on a marathon to see how many times he could get off in one day, and he had made it to twelve. After two and a half weeks, jerking on his rod felt like shaking hands with a long lost friend. Soon, Eddie had almost forgotten the man with the never- ending piss, as he flogged his cock with newfound enthusiasm.

Eddie paused a moment to admire his cock. Everyone who had ever seen it had told him how nice it was. It was right at seven inches and pretty thick. Even though Eddie was circumcised, there was a generous amount of skin, so when he was hard his shaft could move quite freely. He squeezed the folds up over his beautifully flared cockhead and a syrupy drop of precum flowed out, conveniently lubing his shaft.

This much precum was a rare treat, and Eddie was really beginning to enjoy it. He rubbed it around his sensitive glans, savoring the velvety sensation. He stood up in the stall and looked at his cock, jutting out from his body toward the door. A big drop quickly formed at the end of his penis, and after a few seconds it fell to the floor with a loud splat. Eddie put his palm out under his schlong and caught the next few drops that formed. After getting a good amount in his hand, he brought it up to his mouth and lapped it up slowly. It almost tasted like honey to Eddie.

Getting a mouthful of his own cockjuice was driving Eddie wild. His cock normally hung just a little higher than horizontal when fully hard, but tonight, it was almost pointing straight up at his face. He watched it as it bobbed up and down with his pulse. Then he sat back down and started to jerk off in earnest.

Eddie's fist became a blur as he energetically pounded on his pud. Precum was still gushing from the mouth of his sex tube, and the little tiled room echoed with wet smacking sounds. Eddie threw back his head in ecstasy and braced himself for his approaching orgasm. He felt the tingling of his nuts and the twitching of his asshole that always signaled shooting his load, and he moved forward on the toilet seat and slid his feet back toward the wall. Eddie was enjoying himself so much, he planned to just cum with abandon on the floor and wipe it up later when he had recovered.

Eddie waited for his orgasm to build and take him on over the edge, but it was taking a little longer than he expected. He seemed to be teetering right on the brink of cumming, but somehow stayed there for several minutes.

It was delicious agony, and Eddie began to moan out loud. A light sweat was forming on his forehead and his face began to flush. He quickened his pace even more and with an inner sigh of relief felt his orgasm begin. He pointed his cock to the floor and stroked it with longer, slower strokes and watched for his cum to start firing down at the tile.

"Ahh," he moaned, as he closed his eyes. He felt his asshole convulse and his prostate clinch, but somehow, something didn't seem quite right.

He relaxed his grip, stopped his stroking and opened his eyes. He looked down at the floor and was struck by what he saw.

There was nothing there!

True, his orgasm wasn't as strong as he was expecting it to be, but surely there should have been a nice sized puddle of cum on the floor. He looked closer at the tile, but all he could see was the lone drop of precum he had let fall earlier. His gaze went up to his cock, still rigid and bearing no trace of any thick white globs of jizz.

Eddie was puzzled.

"So did I come or what?" he thought to himself. His hard cock seemed to answer his question, as it continued leaking down onto his balls, which were still drawn up tight underneath.

Eddie sighed and went about finishing what he had started. He figured he had just stopped too soon, and surely it wouldn't take much to build back up to cumming again.

He gripped his cock and resumed beating off. He closed his eyes and recalled the image of the stranger's hose, spewing golden streams of piss all over the floor. Eddie pictured himself naked in front of the man, receiving a warm shower across his chest from that guy's beautiful piss pump.

The fantasy seemed to help, and Eddie was ready to cum again. He opened his eyes and watched carefully as he moved forward on the seat, without slowing his pace. He wanted to make sure he was really going to get off this time. His orgasm built to an even higher threshold, and knew he was going to blow a big load now.

Eddie gritted his teeth and looked down at his cock as he began to cum. He couldn't believe his eyes! His body was shaking as he felt the waves of pleasure coming from his groin, but nothing was coming out of his penis.

"This is crazy!" he thought. "I haven't gotten off in two and a half weeks! Surely there should be SOMETHING shooting out."

Eddie released his cock and leaned back, panting. After half a minute, he reached down and started to gather up his pants, which were wadded up around his ankles. He stood up, preparing to go, but felt an insistent throbbing between his legs. His cock was still looking up at him, imploringly.

"Humph," Eddie mused, "I haven't been able to this since I was a kid."

Since it appeared his equipment wasn't going to fit comfortably back into his pants, he decided to have one more wank, and maybe that would do the trick.

"After three, the little guy will surely want to go to bed," Eddie thought with a smirk.

He pushed his pants back down and sat back down on the toilet. He started jacking off again, this time a little more impatiently. He quickly reached orgasm and, with growing disappointment, he saw again it was dry.

"Fuck it," Eddie thought, stuffing his protesting cock into his underwear and buttoning his pants awkwardly over his boner. "I'll just get it off when I get to the motel."

He left the stall and went over to the sink to wash his hands. Amazingly enough, there was soap, and he lathered up, wondering how far he had to go that night before he found some civilization.

As he toweled off, he felt an urgent throbbing from behind his fly. He thought he could put up with it, but his hard-on was making him really uncomfortable.

"Maybe I can just let it hang out until it goes soft," Eddie thought. "It's dark outside, and I haven't seen anyone on the road anyway."

He unbuttoned his pants and pulled down his zipper. He pushed down the waistband of his briefs, and his cock sprung straight up at him.

"Good grief," he said to himself. "I need sex worse than I thought."

His cockhead was turning a deep purple and his nuts seemed to be tightening even more.

Eddie put his hand on the door and opened it a crack, checking to see if anyone had driven up. His car stared blankly back at him from the parking lot, and the highway appeared as deserted as it had been when Eddie arrived. He absent-mindedly pulled on his cock as he looked around, and found himself jerking on it slowly as he stood at the door.

At least while he was jacking off, his dick felt better, so he stepped back and leaned against the edge of the sink.

"Okay, this has got to be it," he thought, as he felt himself tightening up for another orgasm. Letting the sink support his weight, he spread his feet apart and jacked his cock for all it was worth.

He came with amazing force, and his chest felt like someone had punched him hard. Still in the throes of orgasm, he looked down with growing frustration at his cock, which was only dripping with a decreasing flow of precum.

"This isn't funny any more," Eddie muttered. He was no longer concerned about someone coming in and finding him with his dick out. The only person he had seen all night disappeared without a sound, so why should he worry?

Eddie felt a dull ache in his nuts and his cock was throbbing so hard it was becoming painful. He needed to get off now more for relief than pleasure.

Eddie pushed his pants down around his ankles and turned to face the mirror over the sink. It was low enough so that he could see everything from his head to about mid-thigh. The tip of his cock was getting red down to an inch or more below the crown. The last drop of precum was glistening at the top.

Anxiously, he began to beat off again, watching himself in the mirror with a growing sense of worry.

"I'm gonna have the worst case of blue balls in history if this keeps up," he thought.

After only a few minutes he was ready to come yet again, which seemed even more odd. Usually, it took longer and longer to come again after he had gotten off the first time, but tonight apparently was different.

Eddie came so hard he had to hold on to the sink, shuddering uncontrollably. He looked at his face in the mirror, flushed a deep red, and he could hear his heart beating loudly in his ears.

Still nothing.

His cock was becoming painfully swollen and his balls looked almost as if they were swelling as well.

Wheezing fearfully, he pulled off his shoes and stepped out of his pants. He sat down on the floor by the sinks using his pants as a cushion to protect his bare ass from the cold tiles.

His balls were aching pretty bad as he began desperately trying to get himself off. Almost before he was ready, he felt himself cum with no more success.

Now he could definitely see a difference in the size of his nuts. There was no question they were getting bigger. His cock, too, seemed to be swollen to its limit and was pressing hard against his stomach.

Eddie whimpered softly and massaged his aching testicles. His only thought now was getting relief somehow.

Frantically, he began beating his meat, and found himself coming yet again in less than a minute. His eyes watered and his stomach felt like it was tied in knots. His balls had swollen to twice their normal size and his cock head was mushrooming ominously.

"Fuck!" Eddie screamed, and pounded himself to another dry orgasm. Over and over, he brought himself off with increasing alarm, his nuts ballooning ever larger, and no sign of any semen.

His jacking became automatic and he gasped for air as he started coming more and more rapidly. There was a roaring in his ears, and the lights in the restroom seemed to flicker. Each nut was now as big as both his fists put together, and they pressed against his thighs in excruciating pain. His cock had almost gone numb, it was so sore, and in his stupor, Eddie wondered how he could even come at all.

As another orgasm wracked his body, the sound in his ears became piercing. His face had gone white and torrents of sweat ran down his cheeks. He could feel the floor rumbling faintly underneath him and his vision started to cloud over. Eddie thought he was passing out, but realized it was actually the light bulb dimming.

"This place..." he whispered hoarsely.

Summoning up all his strength and pushing back the pain, Eddie stood up and lunged for the door. Never stopping his hand on his cock, he staggered out to the sidewalk, naked from the waist down. His balls had doubled in size again, and sagged pendulously, almost to his knees. He even had to bend forward slightly from their weight.

Gulping in the night air, Eddie looked out at the parking lot and saw nothing but vacant pavement!

He didn't have long to be shocked, though, because another orgasm was upon him. He abruptly slowed his flailing, and with a strained cry, gripped his cock and jutted his hips forward.

His prostate convulsed and his body shook uncontrollably as a solid white stream of jizz erupted from Eddie's ravaged organ. It arched twenty feet into the air and landed some forty yards away in a thick, sticky pool. Another shock hit him and his arm jerked, sending cum straight up into the sky above him. It showered back down on him in pearly globs. A big drop hit him on the side of his nose, and reflexively, his hand went up from his cock to his face to wipe it away.

Dancing freely in front of him, his dick shot load upon load of semen randomly into the air. It rained back down, splattering obscenely on the concrete. Eddie shook violently with each blast, and his engorged nuts swung heavily between his legs, throwing him off balance. He fell backwards and rolled down a steep hill and into the woods just to the side of the rest stop.

Eddie yelled as he tumbled end over end, all the while shooting huge loads of cum on himself and everything he passed. He landed with a thud in a pile of pine straw. He was too weak to move and thought surely he had broken a leg.

He looked up into the trees and moaned weakly. His eyes rolled back and slowly closed. The only movement he made came from his cock, spraying his stomach with wads of cum. A half hour later, when Eddie breathed his last, it was still spasming, spitting out ropes of sperm, which pooled around him on the ground. It gurgled one more time, and at last lay still, a thin stream trickling out into his navel.

Up the hill, above the spot where Eddie's body would never be found, a car came careening off the highway and came to an abrupt halt in front of the rest stop. After a moment, a young guy--a little shaken--got out of the car and walked quickly inside, not noticing the sticky puddles drying on the sidewalk.

Note: This story is what I call "gay horror." I'm not really into pain and torture, I just had an idea for a weird story and that is all it is.

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