Possible Worlds

Published on Nov 25, 2023


...of all Possible Worlds by T.S. Severe Chapter 15 "He's going to sell me." I said. "Mayhaps he will, mayhaps he won't." Mercy shrugged. "Eat your breakfast now." "What are they doing in there anyway?" I frowned, looking at the door and out beyond it, around the corner, Mr. Reiser was in his study with Tom Henry and Lilah. "He's introducing hisself, I spose, like a genuine person ought to." Mercy clucked her tongue and I nibbled some toast. Mercy was getting on me of course, first for the way I'd treated Tom Henry upon meeting him, and this morning I'd just ignored the girl completely. A van had brought her by just past seven and she had one little bag and that was all. Now they were talking with their new Master, the girl and Tom Henry, and I wondered what Mr. Reiser was saying to them. "I want to know what he's saying." I said, maybe expecting Mercy to agree with me, but I should have known better than that. "You want, that's all you do is want. Girl, you don't know the first thing bout bein a slave, do you?" Mercy laughed at me and I burned a little. "What's the first thing?" I asked sarcastically. "The first thing is, you don't get to want nothin. You get what you get and when it's gone you don't complain about it." "Huh." I rolled my eyes. "You been gettin for a long time now, but you gotta get over that." Mercy loved to lecture me about how bad a slave I was. "The world's turning every minute and you turning right along with it." "I never know what you're talking about, Mercy." I laughed at her. "The world's turning, what's that mean?" Mercy didn't get a chance to explain as our Master was entering the kitchen with his two new slaves. "Got you some coffee and one of them bagels you like, right here, suh." Mercy was pouring a cup for Mr. Reiser and I just looked up at him from my seat at the table. "In a little bit. First I'm going take a walk around the house with Tom, show him some work I want done." Mr. Reiser said but Mercy wasn't going to take that. "No, suh, you eat somethin now. This house ain't goin nowheres." Mercy pointed at a chair and Mr. Reiser sighed and then smiled. "You're setting a bad example, Mercy." Our Master said. "Not if I's feedin you proper, I ain't." She put a small plate with a bagel on it down in front of him and then his coffee before turning to the other slaves. "Don't you two be standin there, get that suitcase Tom Henry, we gone show the girl where she's sleepin tonight." There were slave quarters over the garage, a half dozen small bedrooms, a common room for their use, and a single bathroom with a shower and sink. Tom Henry had a room there and now Lilah would have one as well. I wondered if I'd be moving out there soon, perhaps even Mercy too, although I doubted that. Even a wife wouldn't come between Mr. Reiser and Mercy and he'd keep her close and comfortable, even if keeping a slave in the house proper was definitely outside normal social custom for an owner with a family. Being single and private as he was, Mr. Reiser enjoyed a lot of freedom from convention and I wondered if he was really willing to give that up. Not for a woman, I was sure, but a child? Probably, I thought, and that was saddening. They left us alone in the kitchen, my Master and me, and I ate my toast slowly while Mr. Reiser chewed his bagel and sipped his coffee. Weekends were very relaxed around the house, but supper would be formal as always. We'd shared mornings like this many times before, but today I was sullen and unhappy and my Master was aware of it. "I'm going to put the boy to work this morning." Mr. Reiser finally spoke. "I want you to take the girl upstairs, show her how to clean herself up. I want to see her dressed and pretty before lunch, understand me?" "Yes sir." I said, unwilling to argue. "I don't want you to beat her up either." Mr. Reiser was looking at me hard. "She doesn't belong to you, she belongs to me. Both of you do and you're going to have to start acting like it." "When don't I..." I started and then dropped my eyes. "...Yes sir." "The girl didn't ask to be sold or bought, neither did the boy for that matter. No more than you did." Mr. Reiser told me. "I want you to remember that. If you're mad, be mad at me." "I am mad at you." I sulked and I was asking for the whip, but I didn't care. "I know you are." Mr. Reiser chuckled. "I let you get away with it too, don't I?" "Master...Please, I just..." I looked at him, pleading with my eyes for something, but even I wasn't sure what exactly. "What?" He asked and I shook my head. "I just want to know you still love me." I looked down again, knowing it was more than just that. "I do love you." Mr. Reiser said softly. "More than I should, more than I can. Dani...I want everything you do." "Yes sir." I sighed softly. "Next weekend we'll go someplace, alright? Orleans, how about that?" Mr. Reiser reached for my hand. "Just the two of us, we'll fly down Friday afternoon, come back Monday morning." "Just us." I squeezed his fingers and looked at him, into his blue eyes. "You promise?" "Just us, all weekend." He smiled. "We'll have fun, okay?" "Okay." I nodded and smiled, wanting to be cheered up. "In the meantime I want you happy and smiling. I told the others that you're my mistress. Tom and Lilah, they know you're the lady of the house." "Did you tell that to Mercy?" I giggled and my Master laughed. "No." He said gently. "I don't have to, she knows." "She doesn't like me." I sighed. "Heh." Mr. Reiser shook his head. "You have a lot to learn, Dani." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Lilah, right?" I looked at her as she stood in the kitchen and we were alone. Mr. Reiser had gone outside to walk Tom Henry around, show him what the boy needed to work on. It would just be small jobs, cleaning the pool, sweeping the gutters, maybe some painting and hedge trimming, stuff like that. Outside was going to be Tom Henry's job, the girl...I wasn't sure exactly. I figured the kitchen and keeping house, but maybe something else besides. Lilah stood tall and thin for just being thirteen, but very pretty nonetheless, especially with her blue eyes and light brown skin. She was fair, like hot cocoa with a lot of cream in it. Long kinky black hair though, coarse and thick, a broad forehead and flat little nose. Smallish lips around a smallish mouth, giving her a natural pout above a tiny cleft in her pointed chin. Lilah was a pretty one alright, with an interesting face, that's what you would say about her. She was fun to look at and very animated. That girl couldn't hide anything she was feeling. "Or am I gonna call you Miss Delilah?" I prompted her because she didn't answer me right away. "Just Lilah, Mistress." She said softly and that negra wouldn't look in my face for all the beans in `Bama. "Mistress?" I laughed at her. "You just call me Dani. Mercy hears you calling me that and I'll get a whippin' for sure." "Yes...Dani..." Lilah nodded quickly. "Kay, come on. We're going to go upstairs and have some fun." I said, making it sound like I was already bored out of my skull with her. "F-Fun?" She asked, following me as I walked towards the door and the stairs beyond it. "Didn't Mr. Reiser tell you what we were gonna do?" I asked her. "No, Miss...Dani..." She shook her head. "We're going to clean up, take a bath, and find you some nice clothes..." I said waving my arms around. "...Gonna make you look six kinds of beautiful, understand?" "Ummm...Okay." Lilah sounded terrified and I glanced at her, wondering what was wrong with the girl. Maybe she was retarded or something, I thought. "Why are you so scared?" I asked her, deciding to just ask and avoid any misunderstanding. Besides, I didn't really care especially if I hurt her feelings or not. "W-What?" Lilah asked as we went up the stairs and I just sighed. "This the first time you were ever sold?" "No." She replied. "Um, I've been sold a lot." "Really? How many times is a lot?" "Three times, ma'am." Lilah said and I didn't bother getting her worked up about that, the girl was determined to call me by something other than my name. "That's not so many." I shrugged. "H-How many times have you been sold?" Lilah asked hesitantly and I wondered if she was teasing me, but one look told me she wouldn't dare. "I was freeborn." I said. "Just the one time. In here..."  We were using the hallway bathroom, the one Mercy used, because I didn't want that negra using my bathroom, or even setting foot in my bedroom if I could help it. I mean our Master's bedroom of course, but I'd taken to thinking of it as ours, his and mine. I sat on the closed toilet and hadn't bothered closing the bathroom door. A girl like her didn't need any privacy anyway. "Take your clothes off; let me see what you look like." I said. "Yes ma'am." The girl agreed and she was only wearing a simple dress anyway, like a yellow sundress. It looked cheap and threadbare around the seams, at the hem and buttonholes. "Is that the best dress you have?" I asked and she nodded, confirming my suspicions. "We're gonna have to go do some shopping then. I got some clothes, but I don't know how they're gonna fit you." "Oh." She widened her eyes at that and almost looked me in the face, but not quite. "And they're my clothes anyway." I laughed. "You need your own, right?" "Yes ma'am." She agreed and her dress was coming off her shoulders as Lilah brought her arms free and let it slip down her body. "Take off those panties too." I pointed at her ugly white underwear and it looked too big for her anyway. "Where'd you get those?" "My panty?" She asked. "I borrowed them from one of the other negras before I left Texas." "That's where you're from?" I asked and she nodded. "You look like a boy." "Oh." She swallowed so loud I could hear it and I looked her up and down while she held her folded up dress and now her underwear. "Set that down, over there. You don't gotta be told everything, just do it." I said. "And you can look at me too." "I just...I don't want to make you mad." She cleared her throat and I blinked at her. "That nigger Tom Henry, he said you got real mad at him for no reason, figured you were gonna whip him." "He thought I was going to whip him?" I laughed. "He said that?" "Yes ma'am." She nodded seriously.  "Fuck." I giggled. "And the Master, he uh, he said you're the lady of the house, so...I don't want to be no bother, ma'am." Lilah was talking a little faster and I just nodded at her. "Yeah, whatever." I said. "I'm not gonna whip anybody, okay? Only one that does the whippin' around here is Mercy, so you watch out for her. She uses a razor strop, you know what that is?" "No." The girl shook her head. "It's like a belt, sorta, and it hurts." I grinned and nodded. "Believe me, she whipped me plenty of times with it." "She whips you?" Lilah stared at me. "Yeah, she does." I shrugged. "Turn around some for me." The girl turned letting me see all of her and she had nice skin, no scars or anything that I could see right off. She was smooth and the same light brown all over. She didn't have any tits, not even puffy nipples really, just small dark ones. Her waist and hips were about the same so she didn't have a whole lot of shape to her, except her butt which was nice and round, lifted high too. A pert little butt, I guess, and her pussy had some brown hair on it, dark brown, but definitely not black.  "You haven't had any menstruation yet, huh?" I asked. "How come? You got lice? Get over here, sit on the floor I wanna look at your head." "No ma'am, I ain't got any lice." Lilah said. "My period..." "What about your period?" I prompted, leaning over as she sat down on the bathroom floor, letting me look through her hair and check her scalp. "I got sexed the first time and I was too little for it." The girl told me. "What's that mean?" "I mean I was small and the man, he was big and I had a lot of blood down there. The doctor told me later I might never have any seasoning at all." "You had sex and you don't have any periods cause of that?" I sat back and looked at her. "Yes ma'am." Lilah nodded. "Well..." I narrowed my eyes at her. "...How small were you?" "I was round eight or nine maybe." She shrugged. "I don't recollect exactly." "You were eight years old and a man had sex with you?" I asked. "Yes ma'am." "What some nigger do that?" I felt sick at the idea and looking at the girl sitting right in front of me made it worse. "Oh no, ma'am." Lilah shook her head. "He was a white man, he was my owner then."  "Your master did that? He raped you?"  I had a hard time believing a white man would ever rape anyone, but especially a child, and a master doing it? That sounded crazy to me, like some of those lies you hear sometimes, the ones the abolitionist people spread in their little pamphlets and such. I didn't ever believe that stuff. "Rape?" Lilah shrugged. "He was my master; he'd do whatever he wanted to. My momma told me go with him so I did." "So he didn't rape you." I nodded and I was glad that much made sense anyway. "No, he just wanted to sex me up, but I was too little." Lilah agreed. "After that though, after I got all healed up inside, we did it a lot. I was his bedroom negra for awhile, til I got too old for it." "Did he treat you nice?" I asked her, pushing her back and I was satisfied she didn't have lice or anything. "Oh yes ma'am." Lilah said. "He was always nice anyway and he'd give me candy sometimes, those chocolate kisses. I like those." "Well..." I said, going to the tub and running the water so I could give the girl a bath, "...Mr. Reiser is real nice, so you got lucky he bought you." "You think he's gonna sex me up some?" The girl asked and she didn't mean anything by it, she was genuinely curious.  "I seriously doubt it." I giggled looking at her little sex nestled between those thin thirteen year old thighs. "Oh." She blinked at me and blushed, really turning a little red and it was cute. "I know you're his bed negra. I didn't mean nothing by it, ma'am." "I know."  I smiled at her and she was like a little kid, hardly a teenage girl at all and I kinda wondered about that. I looked at my watch and it was just after nine, still early and I had a funny thought, kind of ha-ha funny, like a joke, but kind of not like that at all either, and I wondered if I knew what I was doing. "You wash yourself up quick, there's soap and um..." I looked around and found some shampoo by the sink, the stuff Mercy used. "...Wash your hair too, we're gonna go to the mall, but we have to be quick about it." "We're going to a mall?" She looked confused as she stepped into the tub, a small one and it was filling quickly. "What?" I looked at her close. "The shopping mall, you been shopping right?" "No ma'am." Lilah shook her head.  "You've never been to a store? Bought some clothes or something?" I laughed because I didn't believe her. "Uh-uh." Lilah started washing her body and I turned the water off as the tub was about as full as she needed it. "Well, you're gonna go now, so be quick. I'm gonna see if I can't get you sexed up later." I giggled and that was a funny expression, sexed up, and she had a few words and phrases like that which sounded cute, but weird. "What...I mean, yes ma'am." She nodded seriously, but I didn't know if she was happy about that or not. Mostly she was just confused probably. I know I was, and it was my plan. "Sir?" I knocked on the door of his study, even though it was open, and Mr. Reiser looked up from his work. He worked every night after diner, and weekends too and I wished he wouldn't sometimes. "What is it, Dani?" "I wanna take Lilah to the mall, is that okay? Get her some clothes, some girl things? She didn't come with much at all and..." "Yeah, yeah..." He smiled and held up his hand. "...My wallet is on the dresser, get some money." "Thank you, sir." I smiled at him. "Don't spoil her though; I got a big enough problem with you." Mr. Reiser teased me. "Oh? Is that big problem a...hard one?" I licked my lips. "Something I can help you with maybe?" "Heh." He sighed pleasantly. "You can help me with it later, go on now, and get out of here." "Yes sir." I giggled and blew him a kiss and I could tell he was happy that I was in a good mood for a change, maybe even surprised by it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "This is the biggest place I've ever been in." Lilah looked around as we walked through the mall and I looked around too. "Yeah, me too." I giggled, but I'd never thought of it like that. "Are we really going to buy stuff?" She asked and I felt like I had a little sister all of a sudden and I didn't really want to like her, but I was anyway. "Yeah, some clothes and, hmmm...Some stuff for the bathroom, soap and shampoo and stuff." I shrugged. "I hope I can get clothes like yours." She sighed a little, looking at me and all I was wearing was a black skirt and a pink halter top, nothing special. Lilah was wearing that yellow sundress again. "We'll see what they have." I said and we were walking towards the Sears and Roebuck. "Last night..." Lilah said slowly so I looked at her. "...When I saw you and you were lookin' at me..." "What?" "I thought you're the most beautiful girl in the world, with that dress and all." She told me sincerely. "Really?" I smiled at her. "Yes ma'am." She nodded. "You're prettier than my momma even." "You miss your mom, huh?" I asked. "Yeah, but I ain't seen her in a long time anyway." Lilah shrugged. "She got sold before I did." "That sucks." I frowned. "We was hoping that the man would take us both, but he didn't want me." Lilah said. "Said I was too skinny in the tits." I laughed at that.  "I used to be skinny in the tits too, until about a year ago." I told her. "Then you grew some, huh!" Lilah giggled. "I see why you're a bedroom negra and all." "Yeah, well, maybe you see why," I said with a grin, "but maybe you don't." "What's that mean?" Lilah asked but I wasn't going to tell her walking through a Sears and I was holding her hand. "Over this way, I wanna get something special for you first off." I said and Lilah was all smiles, looking around and suitably impressed by her first visit to a real department store. "These are boy clothes." Lilah said a minute later and I nodded. "I'm gonna make you up special for Mr. Reiser." I said. "You have to trust me." "Okay." Lilah agreed, but she sounded doubtful. I spent about ten minutes picking clothes and handing them to Lilah to hold while I looked for more. They were all about the same anyway, just different colors really, some different materials, and I was really glad I wasn't a real boy. They had such boring clothes. "Come on, we'll try these on." I said. "Try them on?" Lilah looked around. "Here?" "Not here!" I laughed. "They got dressing rooms, come on." "Oh." She was blushing again and I shook my head. I got her in the girls' dressing room, except the woman watching over it said we could only take three things in with us, so we had to leave half the clothes I'd picked out on a chair by the door. That was okay though, mostly I just wanted to see how stuff fit her. "Take that dress off now, you're gonna put on these pants and a shirt." I said. A few minutes later I had her standing there in boy's corduroy trousers, brown ones, and a mustard colored polo shirt. It all fit her okay, except she needed a belt, and from the neck down Lilah looked like any other half-breed boy of about twelve maybe. Her face and hair was the problem, she was awfully pretty and her hair was nice too, and long. She needed some boys' shoes too, some boots maybe, I thought. Tom Henry had been wearing some work boots and I wondered if somebody sold those in Lilah's size. She had pretty small feet. I had to get her some dresses too, just because she was a girl and maybe I didn't know exactly what I was doing. I was having some second thoughts. But I bought her some boys underwear, white briefs and some t-shirts, along with some panties and some white tights, just cause they were cute and looked nice with a pink dress I'd picked out. It was a lot of shopping and by the end of it I'd spent more money than I probably should have, but Mr. Reiser was rich anyway. One thing about looking at girl clothes though was it always got me excited. I don't know why, I haven't ever figured it out to my satisfaction, but like being at home and dressing in my bedroom would make my penis hard, so too just shopping for girl's clothing at a store like Sears would put me on the edge. Not every single time maybe, it kind of depended on my mood too, but right then I was in a fine mood and I had to brush my hand over my skirt every now and again just because my girl cock was throbbing and uncomfortable in my panties. "Hey, when you had sex with your master..." I looked around but we were kind of apart from anyone else and the other shoppers were mostly white anyway, so they didn't pay us any mind. "Huh?" Lilah cocked her head. "...You ever like, suck him or anything?" I asked. "You know, give him a blowjob, like that?" "Well, yeah." She shrugged. "All the time." "Good." I grinned at her. "Why?" Lilah giggled uncertainly, but I just grabbed her hand and pulled her back to the dressing rooms. "Leave all this stuff, I wanna see you try on this dress now." I was saying, mostly for the benefit of the woman working the counter there.  "Okay." Lilah agreed innocently.  We went back into the dressing room, which was a bunch of curtained off areas with thin partitions between them. I picked the one farthest away, with a real wall on two sides of it and as soon as I had the curtain closed behind us Lilah was starting to unbutton her dress. "No, just sit down." I told her softly and there was a small bench there and I pushed her onto it. "What are we doing?" Lilah whispered, just because I had, and I put a finger to my lips. I pulled up my skirt and Lilah looked down, naturally and then gasped as I pulled my hard girl cock free of my lace panties, out the side as I tugged the panty over. I was hard and wet with precum and the foreskin was pulled back just enough to let Lilah see the dark pinkish glans inside. "You're a boy!" She said, not too loudly but enough and I shushed her again. "You suck on it for me. Put it in your mouth..." I told her and I'd already hung that dress on a hook just so I could put my fingers in her hair instead. "Does Master know?" Lilah asked me seriously and I laughed at her as I pulled her mouth towards me and I don't know if she really wanted to do it or not, but I wasn't giving her much choice anyway. After a minute, probably less it didn't matter. Lilah was a good cocksucker, since she'd been a bedroom negra for a little while at least and she obviously enjoyed doing it. She was taking all of me into her small mouth and opening her throat easily just so she could get the last inch or so of my girl cock between her tight lips. I wasn't very thick anyway though, probably nothing like her old Master had been and nothing like her new one would be, if Mr. Reiser ever did have sex with her.  "Ummmm..." I sighed and I just held her head gently, not forcing her, but feeling the thirteen year old half-breed move her mouth back and forth, swallowing noisily as her warm soft mouth filled with spit and precum. Lilah pulled my foreskin all the way back and used her tongue lightly, which was really good. My girl cock can be too sensitive sometimes, because mostly it's covered up by the foreskin, but Lilah seemed to know that, or something. She was giving me a fine blowjob and I didn't even have to imagine she wasn't a girl, like I had to with Sarah usually. "Mmphhh..." Lilah gave me a little moan too, a happy sound and she was playing with my smallish balls, soft and smooth in my hairless ball sack. She seemed to like those a lot and I was moving my hips, pushing my cock inside her with my growing pleasure. I felt my orgasm rising and it was quick because I'd been hard already for way too long.  "I'm gonna cum..." I whispered, tightening my fingers in Lilah's thick hair and looking down into those blue eyes of hers. A negra with pretty blue eyes, wasn't that something? I was giggling and panting for air and then arching my back and biting my lip so I wouldn't make a sound when my penis erupted inside the girl's mouth. She was noisy enough for both of us anyway, slurping and swallowing and sucking my penis so hard the girl's flushed cheeks hollowed inward, but oh, did that feel good! For being so young like she was, Lilah really new how to suck a cock and I guessed that was because she became a bedroom negra when she was only eight or nine years old. She'd been doing it a lot longer than I had, which seemed really strange, but I was barely thinking about that. Mostly I was just thinking how good it felt to empty my hot creamy orgasm into Lilah's sweet mouth. I didn't think I'd ever like a girl sexually, but I was liking her just fine right then. "Did I do it okay?" Lilah asked a little breathlessly and she was holding my penis which was only slightly softer now. "Yeah." I laughed and rolled my eyes, like Wow! And watched the girl lick her lips with a milky tongue before swallowing. "Kiss me." I put my mouth on hers and pushed my tongue inside her mouth and she didn't mind, she played with me, flicking her little tongue at mine while I explored her and tasted myself inside her cheeks. I'd never really kissed a girl like that before and I was curious how it would feel. I'd kissed Sarah, but I didn't really like it and I didn't really like kissing Lilah that much either. She was even softer than Sarah, sweeter and more feminine somehow, and that disappointed me more than it should have. I only liked kissing boys. "That felt weird." Lilah giggled. "Kissing you." "Yeah." I smiled, tucking my cock down as best I could, but it wasn't really going too soft yet. "Like you're really a girl." Lilah added and I looked at her. "I am really a girl." I said. "Yeah, that's what I mean." She shrugged. "It was fun." We left the Sears soon after that, paying for Lilah's new clothes and went looking for a shoe store. I bought her some dress shoes to go with her dresses, some casual shoes too, and a pair of boots, not exactly work boots, but definitely a boy's pair and I realized she was gonna need some socks with those. Luckily the store had some. It was a lot of fun and I think Lilah thought I was a little crazy, some of the salesgirls too, but I didn't care. Probably I was crazy. Lilah and I were both carrying some bags and boxes when we went into the drugstore and I just filled a basket with about everything you could think of. The girl didn't even have her own hairbrush. I know because I asked her, so we were starting from the very beginning.  "What color you like?" I asked and ten seconds later I picked her out a yellow toothbrush. "Kay...Toothpaste...Some cotton balls, some ear cleaner thingies..." I was laughing, just grabbing stuff as I saw it and Lilah was grinning, holding the basket. "Ohhh...Here we go. This is good stuff." I grabbed some KY Jelly and dropped it in. "You might need that, or maybe not." "What's it for?" Lilah looked into the basket.  "For getting sexed up!" I laughed. "These too!"  "I know what those are." She grinned as I dropped a box of condoms in the basket. "Where are we going now?" Lilah asked as we left the drugstore and we had too much stuff, but there was one more stop. "The beauty parlor." I nodded my chin towards one of the salons and that mall had three or four of them. "Yeah?" Lilah kind of smiled but she wasn't too sure and I bet she'd never dreamt of getting her hair done. "Yeah." I nodded and I was a little excited because this was either going to be a really good idea, or a really dumb one and I had no idea which. End of chapter 15

Next: Chapter 16

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