Post Apocalypse

By Jordan nifty

Published on Dec 5, 2021


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Chapter 4: The journey to New Hope.

We were a good 9 hours into our journey when the sun had started to rise and we were forced to pull over because the battery was running low, Akeem understandably didn't want to risk letting it run out completely in case trouble came upon us. So, we sat and recounted our escape while waiting for the sun to charge the power cells.

This was the first time in my life, that I really got to see the grey-wastes, yeah I'd seen it from the walls of Salvation from time to time, but I'd never been out in it. Everything around us really was grey, heaps of rubble that only just resembled the buildings that once dominated the landscape. The land was dry and cracked, the few plants that did grow were withered and gnarled.

"So, tell me about the water source you have at New Hope?" I asked Akeem.

"Well, my brother Zeke and his friend Kellen were the ones who found it, so don't go telling them I'm taking credit." He laughed before continuing, "They found some old geological maps that predated the war, and they found an area that was being mined at the time. According to the maps there was a natural aquifer. So, they headed out there to look and honestly, they pretty much struck gold. It was a tiny town, barren and run down but it had plumbing and solar panels and wind turbines. They all needed fixing, but like I said our father taught us how, so that's what we did. Many of the buildings we had to take down. We took apart the most damaged and used the bricks, fittings and pipes to fix the other buildings and build a wall."

I was in awe as he spoke, "That's an insane amount of work. It must have taken you years."

"Well about 80 people from our old settlement came: it was overpopulated. But we were incredibly careful who we told about it, we only accepted people who could help us. But we started when I was 20 and it's been 12 years now. Ren's been with us for over 5."

I was seriously impressed, I was now 24 and he'd help build and establish a new block, when he was four years younger than me. I was saying this when Ren dug through supplies and pulled out some dried meat and water, passing it around the circle. They then asked questions about my medical skills and were equally impressed, the subject then turned to my mother, and I felt myself getting choked up.

"She was killed when she couldn't save one of the guards. They blamed her and put a bullet in the back of her head, making me watch." Tears ran down my cheek as I relived the painful memory. Everyone on Earth now had a similar memory. Ren squeezed my hand as Akeem stood and wrapped his arms tightly around me. "You'll have family again Noah." It was an odd sensation being around others who cared about my pain.

Elijah and Aria turned out to be siblings, they had lost their parents to ravers many years ago. Ren simply said he had no family and Akeem said that while he doesn't remember his mother his father was back at the block and was integral in establishing New Hope.

We let the power cells charge for a few hours before jumping back into the jeep. Ren, Akeem and Elijah each took turns driving, I was given the job of lookout, using the binoculars to scan the wastes for anything untoward.


We were off road, bumping and bouncing over weathered, rock and dry earth, the sun was beginning to set, while we drove in the shadow of an old, raised motorway. Large sections were still intact, but most had collapsed from its own weight as the pillars that once bore it, had gradually eroded. We pulled the jeep behind a fallen pillar and decided to make camp for the night. Ren suggested lighting a small fire between the pillar and jeep so that the light would be hidden from any unwanted eyes. After we heated some food over the fire, it was decided that we couldn't be too careful, so it was extinguished before the sun had completely set. We then made three makeshift beds as Akeem declared he would be on first watch. Aria and Elijah each settled into their own beds, me and Ren squeezed into one together. We talked a short while, but I at least, quickly succumbed to sleep.

It was a few hours later that I was jostled slightly from my sleep as Ren pulled his arm away, but then quickly replaced it and pulled me closer. I rolled into him and pressed a kiss to his lips. They were fuller and softer than they had been before, and I found myself sucking the bottom lip into my mouth and gently biting it. The kiss ended and he whispered, "Well that was unexpected."

I opened my eyes, "Akeem?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah stud. Sorry to disappoint but Ren's on watch, but that was quite some kiss." He teased.

I huffed out a small laugh and playfully swatted his chest, but he caught it and pulled me closer pressing his lips once more to mine. It made my cock ache, but we were both too tired and in too much of a vulnerable situation for much more, so I settled my head between his arm and chest and forced myself back to sleep, made more difficult by my dick aching in my underwear.


It couldn't have been long when Akeem was gently shaking me awake, "wha-" his hand pressed over my mouth as he brought his other hand to his mouth and gestured for me to be quiet. I felt confused until I heard rough gravelly voices talking in hushed tones. "I tells ya. I knows I saw light over `ere. Where there's light. There's people."

"And I tells you," Came a second voice. "You be seeing things again."

Akeem had already climbed to his feet and as I rose to do the same, he shook his head for me to stay. I strained my eyes in the dark and saw Elijah leaning defensively over his sister.

Ren's voice then filled the quiet air. Clear, strong and confident, "Unless you want a bullet through your head, I suggest you keep moving, quickly."

There were shocked hisses in return. "Who's there?"

"Shows yourself. Coward."

Ren spoke again, "I give you five seconds to turn around before I fire my first bullet. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." There was a click and whistle as a bullet shot through a silencer. "Final warning." I heard scurrying and hissing as they hurried away from Ren with his bullets. My heart was in my throat and as Ren climbed over the pillar, I couldn't help but leap up and grab a hold of him. "Time to go." He said to the group, "Where there's one raver there's always more."

Elijah climbed into the cab along with Aria as the rest of us jumped into the bed of jeep. Elijah turned the lights on, and the jeep jostled along an old dirt road. Ren and Akeem were either side of me, each holding a gun in one hand and a pair of binoculars in the other as they scanned the landscape.

After 20 minutes of being thrown around Akeem called, "Elijah. Loose the lights and keep going, slowly." The sun hadn't yet risen above the horizon, but there was a faint glow suggesting it wouldn't be too long.

Now that we'd slowed, I was able to make my voice heard, "Ren?" I asked in a hushed voice, "What do they look like? The ravers."

He turned to face me, "Human. For the most part but they're thin and their skin is a translucent grey."

"What's wrong with them?"

"I don't know. Generations of malnutrition and inbreeding, maybe? I keep well clear because I know cannibalism is common amongst Ravers."

I shuddered at the thought, "Terrible. But I guess that's the only way they survive."

Akeem nodded in agreement and Ren replied, "Yeah. That's why I generally don't hurt them. There's far worse people out there then the ones forced to live in the wastes. They're not all bad, I know a good group of them."

I then asked Akeem, "What happens is ravers turn up at New Hope?"

"Well, to the North and East there are mountains and there's an Ocean to the West, so we're naturally protected from those directions."

"Ocean." I interjected in awe, "Will I be able to see it? I've read all about them."

He laughed, "Of course. It's a day's travel, but we can go one day. But to finish your first question. There is a group of ravers South of our camp. But we're generally on good terms with them and we often trade with them. They're also a barrier, preventing others from stumbling upon us by accident."


Overall, the rest of our travel went smoothly. At one point the jeep cut out, but Akeem who clearly knew his way around the power cells of the jeep had us moving again within an hour.

It was late in the afternoon on the second day when I finally saw New Hope. I was sat in the front seat between Ren and Akeem, Ren had a hand on my thigh and Akeem had an arm over my shoulders. I felt safe and comfortable; well as comfortable as I could while concealing my erection.

When Akeem shouted loud enough from Elijah and Aria in the back to hear, "Guys, welcome to New Hope." I squinted my eyes towards the horizon. Ren scooted up closer, so that our line of sight was level and he pointed,

"Look at the base of the mountain, see the red line? That's the front wall." I saw it and felt my heart lurch, it really did exist. Elijah let out a screaming cheer, "We fucking made it!" Aria joined him and they began thumping on the jeep roof. We all cheered I pulled Ren into a hug and then Akeem, who struggled to keep steering, "Noah!" He Laughed. I didn't care. I couldn't contain my excitement.

As we got closer, we drove alongside the wall as Ren and Akeem waved at people on patrol. Like Salvation the entire area was surrounded by a ten-foot wall. Here though there seemed to be a guard post every 200 metres or so and most had an armed guard on, who recognised the jeep and waved. I saw a few speaking into radios, I assumed to announce our arrival.

We pulled up to the large steel gates and they began to slide back into the wall on each side. Ren and Akeem jumped down from each door, and Akeem pulling me, encouraged me to do the same.

The gates were open less than a few feet as a man pushed his way between them and begun running at us.

Akeem hadn't mentioned that his brother was his twin, and they definitely were, they were a mirror of each other, the only difference being Akeem wore his hair in short braids whereas Zeke kept his tight afro-curls short. I watched as they hugged and listened as Zeke, talked about how worried he'd been, before he grabbed Ren and pulled him in for a hug as well. Other people came from the gate, hugging and patting them on the back, sharing how relieved they were. Zeke then looked around to us, "I'm sorry. We've just been so worried about them. I'm Zeke." He held his hand out to Elijah who introduced the three of us as he said his hellos. "Well, I'm sure there's quite a story here, but first let's get you fed, watered and washed he said beckoning us towards the gates, before calling "Tom, Marc, grab the jeep please boys."

As we walked following them Zeke called out, "Right everyone, you'll have a chance to hear the stories and meet the newcomers later. Let them get settled in." Zeke gave real leader vibes, and it was clear within seconds that people respected him as such.

Ren walked beside me with a casual arm over my shoulder.

"This place will feel like home before you know it Noah." He said.


We were taken to a wide squat building and entered a fairly wide corridor.

"The communal showers are down here, there will be clean clothes. I'll get yours cleaned and returned to you for tomorrow." Zeke explained.

Having a warm shower, with actual soap, and being rid of the dried blood made me feel greater than ever, I watched in delighted disgust as the brown-grey water flowed into a drain. Once the five of us were showered and dressed in our temporary clothing we re-joined Zeke out the front of the building where he was talking to a tall man, who looked like he was in his early 30's. He was tan, had short blonde hair and bright blue eyes, framed by circular glasses with a wire frame. Zeke introduced us and said "This is Kellen he won't admit it, but he helps me keep this place running, along with Keem and Ren of course. Oh, and Lily, you'll meet her later."

"Zeke, Noah is gonna stay with me, that cool?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I'm sure you're exhausted, get a good night sleep and meet me for 7am. I need to know everything that's happened. Anything I need to know urgently?"

"Nah, it's all good. Let's go handsome," winked Ren, grabbing my hand and forced me to skip back to the jeep with him. I wasn't used to people just being silly, it made me laugh and I found myself skipping along beside him as we both laughed at our childishness.

We grabbed our bags and headed to one of the low apartment buildings, as we went through the communal entrance and up the stairs Ren explained, "They're all single rooms with a bathroom, but they only have a toilet and sink. Everyone uses the showers we just came from." We passed a door which Ren pointed out as Akeem's room and then unlocked the door next to it. We dropped our bags just inside the door and I turned to close the door. The last 48 hours had been exhausting, and I felt sure we'd be getting straight to bed, however as I turned around, Ren already naked, stepped towards me, with other ideas. Our mouths met in a frenzy of messy kisses as I struggled out of my shorts. I reached around to cup his rounded arse and squeezed the fleshly lumps as I guided him backwards to the bed. His calves touched the frame and he sat on the mattress as I climbed astride him and continued to kiss him deeply. For the next several minutes we fought for positions so that we could suck the others cock before ending up on our sides with both our faces level with the others crotch. I licked, sucked and nipped at his length as he reciprocated with the same enthusiasm. I then rolled us so that I was on top, and he was beneath me. As I rolled, he turned his attention from my crotch to my ass and I felt his tongue slide across it and he then began to kiss my hole, just like he had my mouth minutes earlier. I thrust my hips into his face, encouraging him to continue as I sucked his hairy balls into my mouth before licking the area behind his balls. He lifted his hips, which I took as permission to keep going. I repositioned my arms so that his legs were beneath my armpits leaving his hairy ass exposed, I used my fingertips to pull the hair from his pink hole and reveal the smooth pucker before sinking my mouth onto it. We were curled tightly around each other, so we could each reach the other's ass. "Noah, that feels so good." I pushed a finger inside and worked in a second continuing to lap at his most intimate area, loosening him up as he did the same to me. He suddenly pushed my hips up and rolled me onto my back, spat on my dick, then squatted over me. With one hand he held my dick upright and began lowering his body onto it, "I couldn't wait any longer." He breathed, "I just want you inside me." We both groaned as my entire length was engulfed, he curled forward and stilled for a minute, kissing me. Slowly he began to rock and bounce atop me. As his body accepted my dick his bounces became faster, until I pushed him off me and changed positions so that he was lying on his back holding his legs wide for me, I leant down and licked at his now opened hole and pushed my tongue inside, quickly replacing it with my dick once more and thrusting inside as hard and fast as I could. We were both panting and moaning as I shot my load deep inside of him, triggering his ejaculation between our chests. His ass spasmed, causing my to cock slip out from him as we kissed, breathing deeply to catch our breath. "That was amazing," I summarised. "Fucking perfect." He agreed. The door opened and Akeem opened the door laughing at our tangled bodies, "Thank fuck that's over," he pulled down his trousers revealing his own hard dick, "Not really on, that I had to listen to that when I haven't had any in weeks. I need to find someone to help." He grumbled before closing the door again. We burst out laughing and I said, "Remind me to apologise to him. We weren't particularly quiet." "Oh please, he fucking loved it." Laughed Ren.

Let me know how you're finding the story; have I got the story building and sex scenes well balanced?

Next: Chapter 5

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