Praying for a Hail Mary

By J.P.G.

Published on Jun 27, 2022


Praying for a Hail Mary 9

Written by J.P.G.

{Praying for a Hail Mary is fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere. This is not only a love story, but a sports story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way, shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Story Written by: J.P.G.

Edited By: Trevor

I have a home page for you to see what the characters look like or what the places look like. If you want to walk in their shoes, please go to:

Chapter 9

Jerry paced back and forth in Coach Campbell's office wondering where in the world was the man of the hour they needed to speak with. After what seemed like an eternity, but was a little over twenty eight minutes, Jason knocked on the door. At the same time Jerry and Campbell asked him to come in, once he came in, Jerry stepped back and let Campbell run things.

"Good morning Jason please take a seat." Jason looked over at the owner and then back over to his head coach. He was already nervous on why he was asked to come in here before going to the locker room, and now seeing Jerry standing off in the corner made him even more nervous. He didn't know what to think as he did what was asked of him by taking a seat. "First let me thank you for coming in here instead of the locker room. Don't worry it's nothing to do with you playing on this team or your position on this team. At least to a point that is!"

The last part made Jason more nervous than he already was. "Jerry and I called you in to talk with you on what is about to happen." Campbell tried to talk in a reassuring voice. "I'm sure you saw the circus out there when you arrived." Jason nodded his head. "And I'm sure you know exactly why they are there?" Once again Jason nodded. "One if not several of the guys on the team couldn't keep their mouth shut about what was said in the locker room yesterday."

"Yes Jason, someone or a group of players have spoken with the press already about you." Jerry jumped in, but not with such a reassuring voice like Campbell. His was more of a voice that comes only when you're agitated. "You should have known this was going to happen before you decided to tell the entire team about you being who you are. Come on, now. You went to college and I assume you passed all your classes on your own!" Jason reluctantly nodded his head. "That means you're a smart man, so why did you lose that yesterday. Did you take a stupid pill or something? There is just no way a group of people as huge as this team could keep a secret of any kind. You should have known better and not have said a word until you sat down with me and Campbell."

Jason couldn't believe what was going on. He thought he did go through the proper channels before speaking to the team by going to Campbell first and asking him if it was okay. He had no idea that he had to go to Jerry and get his permission as well before telling a soul about his darkest secret that haunts his nights. A secret he knows that can end his career before it has a chance to really begin.

"Hold on for a minute please!" Campbell stopped Jerry from going any further. "Jason did speak with me before speaking with the team and I told him it was okay for him to talk with the team about what he had told me. He knew what could happen by doing so and, because of that, I saw no reason to stop Jason from doing what he felt he needed to do."

Jerry nodded his head as he sat down on the couch across from Jason. "I have had several team members come and see me demanding that either you go or they go.' Jerry spoke softly as he looked down at the floor. "Right now I have no problem losing those that came to me already, but I will not lie to you here. If more players, higher up players come to me and demand the same thing I will have no other choice than to give it some thought.

So this is what I suggest we do here in the clubhouse to make everyone comfortable." Jerry looked up from the floor and made eye contact to Jason. "I spoke with you former college coach late last night and he told me about the rules they put in place to keep the wolves at bay. I think for now we should implement those rules here for the time being until everyone gets used to you."

There was no way Jason was going to return to the world he lived in while he attended college in his professional career. "With all due respect sir I will not obey those rules." Campbell couldn't be happier hearing those words come from Jason's mouth. "I did it once and it almost landed me six feet under. There is no way I'm going to let anyone again treat me like a second class citizen."

"I agree with my client on that!" Everyone looked over to door to see Spencer Alan standing there. Coach Campbell couldn't believe how this guy seems to always appear at the right time to speak on behalf of his clients. "Plus that wasn't even on the table yesterday when we spoke. If you insist on these rules I will talk to the press and make it well known how the coaching staff and owner of this team treat a player that is different than the others."

"Come on Spencer it was just a suggestion!" Jerry jumped to his feet. "I never said I was actually going to do it. I was leaving it up to Jason here to decide if he wanted to make his life easier on this team or harder. The only way I see that happening is by implementing the rules that he had no problem following the four years while he was in college."

"No problem following!" Spencer laughed. "Try instead being forced to follow those rules. Jason wasn't given the option if he wanted to follow them or not. If he wanted to stay on the team he had to agree to obey the rules that were only for him to obey. That wasn't right being done then and it's not right you asking him to follow those rules now."

"I agree with Mr. Alan, but that doesn't matter anyway. Jason here has made it clear that he isn't going to follow those rules and we can't make him." Campbell felt he needed to jump in and try and defuse what is starting to shape up on being World War Three in his office. "Since he made the matter mute there is no sense in getting all hot and bothered about the subject. Instead we should be talking about what we all agreed on yesterday to head this fight that we all know is coming with the press at the pass before it gets out of control."

"Exactly and that is why I cancelled all my meetings this morning." Spencer smiled as he opened his briefcase and pulled out several folders. "Since our meeting yesterday I have been on the phone talking with all the talk shows in day and late night. They all want you Jason on their shows, but I will leave it up to you which ones you are going to go on."

Jason really didn't want to go on any talk show or talk to the press for that matter. All he wanted to do is what he was being paid to do and that is play football. The game he has grown up loving to play and now he has a chance to do for a living. All this talking to the press and talk shows he could and would rather do without, if all possible.

"Mr. Alan, I would like if possible to shy away from the press." Jason made a mental decision to talk in a commanding voice so he would be taken seriously. "I'm not being paid to jump around from talk show to talk show first of all. And second of all, as I said when I told you guys about me, I don't want to become the poster child of the gay rights movement in this country. I know that sounds mean and selfish, but all I want to do is play football for this team."

Jerry couldn't be happier to hear Jason say what he just said. He was afraid that Jason would eventually end up being the face of the gay movement in this country and around the world, which would distract him from what he should be doing and that is playing football for his team. The one thing he is being paid to do and should only be thinking about doing.

"No none of what you just said sounds mean or selfish Jason, but Coach Campbell, Mr. Jones and I all agree we need to get in front of this story now if we ever want to control it. The only way I see us doing that is by getting you out there and you telling your story. Not everything you told me. Just whatever you are comfortable talking about. That is the only way the press will move off this story and move back to why you're here and that is help this team get to the Super Bowl."

At the same time Jerry and Campbell agreed with Spencer. "Before I go any further let me make one thing clear. I'm not standing here telling you that you have to go on every talk show out there and talk until your face turns blue. No sir and if you thought that is what I was getting at, I'm sorry for not being clearer than I was. One or two, rather it to be at least two, should be enough."

Spencer handed Jason a sheet that had all the talk shows that wanted him on their show. "Can I ask you a question Mr. Alan?" Spencer nodded his head. "Did you tell these guys why you want me on their show? I mean do they think I'm going on their show to talk about who I am personally or do they think they're getting the first interview with the Dallas Cowboys new starting quarterback?"

"Jason when I talked with them last night they all thought I was trying to get you booked to talk about being the new starting quarterback for this team. They all jumped at it and started bidding on being the first to have you. Now that the cat is out of the bag sort of speak about your sexuality, they haven't stopped calling my office to have the chance to be the first to interview you."

Jason scanned the list and saw only two shows he liked, well really only one, but would go on the second since his agent feels he needs to go on at least two talk shows. "I have always found Jay Leno not only funny but a respectful man. If anyone I would like to give my first interview to him. Then Ellen DeGeneres since she herself knows how it is being who I am."

"Well I would have thought you would have picked Ellen as your first show, but I'm fine with where you want to go." Spencer looked up at Campbell then over at Jerry before turning his attention back to Jason. "Now, like I said, you don't have to tell them everything you have told me. If you want what happened to you in college to stay out of the news, you don't have to talk about it. I'm sure those guys involved or the schools will come forward on what happened that year."

The only one in the room that was confused on what Spencer was talking about was Jerry. Even though Campbell doesn't know the complete detail on what happened to Jason like Spencer does, he knows enough that what happened to Jason will not happen again while he is the head coach. He is disgusted on how the whole thing was just buried and Jason never got the justice that he deserved. If he ever finds out the names of the guys involved and if they are still in the game he will do what he can to get them out of the sport that he loves.

"I'm sorry guys, but I'm a little lost here on what you all are talking about." Jerry walked over to Spencer. "What is this thing you keep hinting at that Jason doesn't have to talk about that happened while he was in college." Spencer looked over at Jason for support on this matter. "Come on, Mr. Alan. I'm asking you, not Jason. So can you please answer me?"

"No sir I can't and you know why!" Spencer quickly snapped back. "The matter that I keep hinting to isn't a matter I have the right to talk about. If you want to know what it is you need to talk to the only man that can talk on the subject and that is Jason. If he doesn't want to tell you what he told me, you have no other choice than to drop it if you don't want to be breaking the law."

Jerry looked over at Jason. Before he could ask, Jason opened up and went into detail on what happened to him. Campbell came around his desk and sat with Jerry in the couch to get the full version of what happened. Since Spencer had already heard and seen what happened to Jason, he stepped out of the office and started making phone calls to the Jay Leno and the Ellen DeGeneres shows.

"Um please forgive me on what I'm about to ask, but I was told there is a tape out there. Is this tape I've been hearing about have anything to do with what you just told us?" Jason nodded his head. "Okay! Now let me ask you this. Who out there has this tape, and, if you can and want to tell me and Jerry here, what is on this tape? And one last question that might sound rude, but I don't mean it to come off that way. Can it hurt you or this team in anyway?"

"It isn't a tape that is out there. It is a DVD and no it can't hurt the team in anyway. It might be able to hurt me if it gets out there, but I really don't think it will since the only ones that have a copy of it besides me are those that were involved and recorded it." That got both Jerry and Coach Campbell's attention. "I showed Mr. Alan the DVD and if you want to see it I have no problem you guys seeing it. The only thing I do ask is that you watch it with me in the room, don't ask to make copies or ask to take hold on to it because I won't let none of that happen."

At the same time Jerry and Campbell shook their heads. "I will bring it in tomorrow or whenever you guys can put aside time to watch it that doesn't interfere on what we have to do to get ready for this Sunday's game. Just name the day and time and I will make sure to have my copy for you guys to watch..." Jason's voice trailed off, but quickly came back. "Please though promise me that you will not talk about what you see on the tape, please."

It was visible to both Jerry and Campbell that Jason was uncomfortable. He was not only shaking, but his voice was shaking and his eyes started to get misty. For the first time since he was told about Jason, Jerry felt his pain. He felt bad for the guy and couldn't understand how he was still standing and wanting to play a sport that put him through hell. Campbell has always felt Jason's pain since the beginning. Just now knowing the details on what happened to him in college has gotten him more wanting to find those involved and making sure they pay for what they did.

"We will go ahead and set up a time early next week for that since we are at the end of this one and as you said we need to be getting ready for our next game. Not concentrating on this all the time!" Campbell could see that Jason was uncomfortable and wanted to find a way to get out of the topic they were talking on. "And that also gives us a chance to really think about what we are going to see on that DVD and might opt out not to see it."

Jerry was about to say something when Spencer walked in and stopped him. "Okay I have some news that might be good to some of you and bad to others." Every looked over at Mr. Alan. "I just got off the phone with Jay who was very happy that you decided to let him be the first to interview you. He was having a hard morning because his main guest for tomorrow's show has fallen ill and can't do the show. So he has been running around trying to get another star to fill that slot, which by what I understand is very hard to do at such short notice.

Anyway, where I'm going with this is that he would like you to fill in that slot if at all possible. He and NBC will sell the crap out of it the next twenty four hours if you decide to do it." Spencer walked over to Jason. "But I told him before I could give him an answer I will need to talk with you first to see where you stand. Because of it being such short notice and all, you might opt out."

The look on Jason's face wasn't a surprise to anyone in the room. It was a mixture of fear and surprise that anyone in his shoes would be feeling at that moment. Jason wanted to get out there and get this over with, but he didn't think it was going to be this quick. He thought maybe next week at the earliest mid-week, but in twenty four hours.

So many thoughts were rushing through his head at that moment. What would he say when the subject about his sexuality does come up. He isn't sure that he is ready to go onto national TV and talk about that. At the same time he was thinking about his family. He hasn't even told them what he has done, but now he is sure they know by what he saw coming in here today. And then he started thinking about his boyfriend. He hasn't sat down and talked things over with him on how this could affect their relationship, which he knows it can change in a big way.

"I know you are scared right now and don't know what to do, but I think it's better that we get out there sooner than later." Spencer knelt down in front of his client as he placed his hand on his shoulder. "This is scary and I will not stand here and say I know what you are going through because I don't nor does anyone in the room or building. We can say no to tomorrow's show and set one up for next week sometime when you feel more comfortable.

But I really believe you need to take this slot tomorrow or you will be hounded by the press day and night until you speak out on the story they got. Jay is a great guy. He isn't one that will come at you and belittle you in anyway. He will slowly take you into the subject and if he sees you're uncomfortable talking about it, he will move away from it. It was a perfect choice you made choosing him to conduct your first interview! It really was!"

Jason didn't choose Jay for the reasons that Spencer thought he chose him for. He chose him because he liked him over the other late night hosts. David Letterman is too old and in his opinion not funny at all. O'Brian well he has no kind words for the guy after what happened in the latest late night wars for the Tonight Show. No one asked for what happened and in Jason's mind if there was anyone to blame for the whole mess was NBC, not the one that got it, Jay.

"There has to be ground rules set and agreed upon by Jay before I even go on his show or any show for that matter." Spencer pulled out a notebook as he asked Jason to give him the rules. "They can lead into what is now floating around in the press, but I choose how much information to give on that matter. Once I answer the question they asked, they can't keep pressing for more info. Right now I'm not really ready to go into detail about my personal life."

From there Jason went into the other guidelines he would like to be agreed upon. Spencer doesn't see a problem with any of them and he doesn't think Jay or any other host that interviews Jason will have a problem with them either. They weren't nowhere near the ones he has had to fight for with other clients and get approved. So on these he doesn't see a hold up to get Jason's story out there.

"Okay if I get Jay and Ellen to agree with these rules/guidelines you will take the open slot on Jay's show tomorrow?" Jason nodded. "Well I'd better get back on the phone with Jay and his people and get this done." Spencer looked over at Coach Campbell. "And you guys have a practice to get to. We don't want it to get out there that Jason held up practice because you guys know the press as well as I do. They will put a spin on the story that will not make Jason look good at all."

"That's no lie!" Coach Campbell responded as he got up slapping his hands together. "Let's continue this at a later date. Right now you Jason need to suit up for practice and I have to get with my coaches on a couple of things before practice." Campbell looked over at Jerry. "And you sir I really don't know what you have on your plate to do, but I'm sure it's a lot. So you really don't have the luxury to waste any more time here with us!"

Jerry got to his feet. "That's very true Ross!" He looked around the room making eye contact with everyone in there before fixing his gaze on Jason. "I would like to be kept in the loop on everything that is going to happen as far as getting in front of this story the press has right now. I'm sure I can help out in areas that you might think I can't!"

Everyone agreed at the same time to keep each other in the loop. Once that was settled, they all walked out of Coach Campbell's office and went their different directions. Jason and Alan walked together to the locker room going over a few things that they didn't want to talk about in front of Campbell or Jerry, mainly Jerry. When they reached the locker room, Jason stopped and just looked at the door for almost a minute before turning to his agent.

"Do me a favor Spencer please?" His agent nodded his head. "Can you please tell me what's going on before you go and report it to Jerry or Coach Campbell? I know we agreed to keep everyone in the loop on everything, but I would like to keep a few things to myself. Things that neither of them really need to know because they deal with my personal life."

"Not a problem at all Jason, not a problem!" Spencer slapped Jason on the shoulder. "I was going to do that anyway because I was thinking the same thing you were thinking. A lot of this we're talking about is of a personal nature and those two don't need to know every detail." Spencer took a deep breath trying to buy him time to get his words just right on what he wants to discuss next with his client. "I know this is really none of my business, but I'm going to say my peace and move on. The DVD you showed me you shouldn't show it to Jerry. Maybe Campbell, but not Jerry."

Spencer was stunned when he saw a grin starting to form across Jason's face. "I offered to let them watch the DVD, but I know after they think about it they will never find time to sit down and watch it. Maybe Coach, but not Mr. Jones because the vibe I got from him about who I am is disapproval and I'm fine with that." Jason started to walk into the locker room. "Thank you for looking out for me on that and I would like it if you keep doing that in the future."

With any hesitation Spencer responded that he will do just that before he turned and walked away. Jason was surprised on the greeting he got from the guys when he walked into the locker room. He thought after a night of letting what he told them sink in there would have been a lot more backs to him, but there wasn't. They all greeted him and made him part of the team.

It was like that during practice. Yes there were those same few that didn't like having a gay player on their team, but Jason ignored them. Even when Skyler came around and threw his verbal jabs at Jason, Jason ignored them. Patrick and others on the team took offense to the comments and at one point they almost landed up in a brawl on the sidelines if it wasn't for Campbell and a few of his other coaches stepping in and separating them when they did.

When he wasn't talking with a fellow teammate or on the field running plays offense or special teams, Jason was lost in thought. He couldn't help himself. The meeting he had before practice kept popping back into his mind, but it didn't affect his play on the field. Something Campbell and Jerry thought was going to happen and when it didn't, they couldn't wipe the grins off their faces fast enough. They both couldn't help but think to themselves that they might finally have a quarterback that is able to leave the problems of the outside world off the field and play the game.

There wasn't one thing Campbell could pick on as practice came to an end. The team they are going to face is going to be a hard team to beat and they all knew that. The New England Patriots and its quarterback have been having a good season so far and they are looking to be the ones to show the world Jason isn't nowhere near as good as he has been looking. And Campbell fears if any team out there that can do it's The New England Patriots and Tom Brady. A team that has been red hot for several years now and are not looking to cool down any time soon.

Since the guys had no problem with Jason showering with them, he was able to get in and out of the locker room faster than he has done since high school. He and Patrick walked out together talking about practice, but that all changed once they stepped out into the parking lot. They not only could hear the press at the entrance, but they could actually see them. They were fighting each other to get closer to the gate or a better spot in order to get pictures of him leaving the building and getting into a taxi cab.

Both of the guys couldn't be more thankful when a taxi cab drove up almost immediately. They didn't have to wait as they flagged one down. All they had to do is jump in and not even tell the driver where they were going since it was the same driver that has been taking them to and from the practice and the games. A Cowboys fan that thinks Jason walks on water, which after seeing who the driver was, Jason was worried now that his secret is out what he thinks about him.

"I will do my best to get through those idiots at the gate, but there is a lot of them." The driver started to speak as he pulled away from the curb. "So they are going to do what they have done in the past and that is stand in the way of my car to try and get a picture of you Jason. My windows aren't tinted so the best I can offer you guys is to tell you to duck as we go through the reporters."

Jason and Patrick just looked at each other. Neither of them thought they would ever be in a position like this, so they have no idea how to act. By the sounds of it the taxi driver has and is recommending what they should do, but it just doesn't sound right to them. Then as they reached the entrance and the reporters started slamming their hands all over the car snapping pictures of nothing, they realized the taxi driver was right.

They ducked behind the front seats and stayed there until they got through the reporters. It felt like an eternity to the guys between the seats, which was almost five minutes. When the taxi driver gave the all clear, Jason and Patrick got up and looked back to see several of the reporters actually running after the car. They couldn't believe it and because of how ridiculous the reporters looked, they started to laugh. In their minds they couldn't understand what those reporters were thinking running after a moving car. They couldn't believe that they could actually catch up to them.

"Hey Jason my man how was practice today?" The taxi driver asked trying to get the guys attention from what they were looking at. "I hope you guys are ready to go down there and beat those pricks that call themselves The New England Patriots. I don't know if you guys have been watching TV or reading the newspaper, but they haven't had a fucking good word to say about our team."

"Na, I try not to watch a lot of TV or read the sports pages as game day approaches!" Jason responded with a shaky voice. "A lot of people say a lot of things leading up to the game and most of them don't know what the hell they are talking about." All three of them chuckled as Patrick and taxi driver agreed with what Jason just said. "They are good people, don't get me wrong, but sometimes they say things without really thinking before they talk."

"Oh and that goes double to a lot of those sport anchors out there that call themselves experts of the game." The taxi driver jumps in. "Yeah, a lot of them played the game once and they are greats of the game, but that doesn't make them experts. All it does is gives them more insight on how the game is played and that's all. But somehow they forget how it was being a player and someone sitting up in a booth somewhere taking apart your game. They didn't it like while they were players no matter if it was right or wrong, so why should they do it now they are retired."

Jason and Patrick could see where the taxi driver was coming from. Although they are just starting out, they have seen watching football on Sundays on how the sports anchors dismantle the players on the field. They know it is coming to them and soon, but to talk about it might bring it sooner than later. They'd rather have the press taking them apart later.

But thankfully they didn't have to talk about it much longer since the taxi driver moved the conversation over to why the press was there. He asked the question Jason knew he was going to have to answer million and one times before he even begun. Scratching the surface of all those that are going to ask him the dreaded question that shouldn't be theirs to ask.

When the question was asked, the rehearsed answer Jason had put together and has been practicing since he could remember went out the window. He couldn't remember the answer. For the life of him he couldn't answer, making him feel like he was sinking quickly in quick sand. Sweat was dripping down and his throat was completely dry. All Jason could think about at that moment was a wish. He was wishing that some of the sweat wouldn't leave his body. Instead keep his mouth moist so he could talk and answer the question that was asked.

Finally after almost three minutes of silence Jason found his tongue. He remembered the answer and the words made it from his mind to his lips. "Yes, what you have been hearing out there about my sexuality is true, but in no way, shape or form on what I do off the field will affect what I have proven I can do on the field. I hope you and all the Cowboys and football fans out there not only understand that, but believe in me like they have in the last couple of games."

Jason was relieved the words came out right without him tripping all over them. However, it wasn't until the taxi driver responded that Jason was able to actually relax. "Hell, man. I don't care who you love, man. You play some fucking bad ass football out there, let me tell you. I have never in my life seen a quarterback like you play the game, really man, never. So don't let all those nay sayers out there get you down because they don't know what the hell they are talking about."

That put a smile on Jason's face, but before Jason could respond they had driven up to the hotel. With a big smile on his face, Jason slid out of the cab and walked up to the driver side. As he was walking up, the taxi driver rolled down his window and extended his hand. Both guys shook as they said their goodbyes. Jason liked and trusted the guy, so he asked if he could pick them up in the morning and be there after they get out of practice in the afternoon. Without hesitation the taxi driver said yes as he began to drive away.

Without missing a beat, the press was at the hotel, but across the street. Due to several complaints from other guests, the management decided to push the press as far away from the hotel as they could. Jason didn't want to make a things even worse for the other guests, Patrick or himself, so he quickly made his way into the lobby where Patrick was waiting for him. Together they made their way to the elevator making small talk of nothing really important for fear of who was listening.

Even on their ride up to their floor they didn't talk about anything important since they weren't alone. When they stepped off the elevator Jason wanted to talk more to Patrick, a man that is becoming his closest friend on the team very quickly, but he could see that his friend was tired. So he held back and instead thanked him for everything as they parted ways.

It wasn't a big surprise to Jason that when he walked in the door that Thelma was waiting for him like she is every time he returns from practice. What was a surprise was the others in the room that got up when he walked in. His father, mother and his younger sister and brother were there. His father tried to hide that he was unhappy, but he wasn't doing a very good job of it.

"Don't just stand over there letting the cool air out. Come over here and give your mother, sister and brother a hug." George, Jason's father said with a half-smile on his face. Not needing to be told twice, Jason dropped his bag where he was standing and walked over and gave his family a hug. "There you go son. That is the way you greet your family when you see them." George slapped Jason on the shoulders as they stepped away from each other. "You are looking really fit. All that hard practice is doing you good!"

"Thanks, Dad!" Jason said as he walked over to the door to close it. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but why are you guys here? I mean, I wish you would have given me heads up that you were coming into town so I could have had a car waiting for you at the airport to bring you here. Plus, I could have tried to get here a lot earlier than I did."

"That's why we didn't let you know ahead of time." George spoke as he sat back down. "We didn't want you to waste your money on cars or things like that. Plus we didn't want you to worry about us. Your mother and I know how you get when we travel and more so when we tell you that we are going to travel to see you. You can't think about anything else except us and that is something you can't afford to do right now so early on after getting your contract."

George waved his son over as he looked at his younger daughter and son. "Can you two please go down to the gift shop down in the lobby or the restaurant so your mother and I can speak with your brother in private?" Christine, Jason's mother, stepped in as her husband was handing Carl and Pauline money to tell them to not get something to eat since they will be eating as soon as they are done talking with Jason. "Listen to your mother, kids. There is a lot more things you can do down there than sit on your hump and eat junk food."

Both of the young Engelmann's nodded their heads as they took the money from their father. As they passed Jason they whispered to him good luck and not to take it too hard. Jason knew exactly what the conversation he is about to have with his parents is going to be. So when his younger brother and sister told him what they said he understood what they meant.

After they walked out, Jason walked over and joined his mother and father. Thelma joined them shortly after Jason. "Son, your mother and I understand why you did what you did with your teammates. We just wish you would hadn't done it because now your personal life is out there for everyone to pick apart. All those assholes that don't know the real you. You know the personal you, not the football player you are. They're going to judge you which they have no right to do."

"I know, Dad! Before I said a word to anyone, I thought about everything that could happen to me, but to tell you the truth dad what they throw at me right now is nowhere near what they would have thrown at me if I kept a secret and they uncovered it. Plus, there was no way I would have been able to keep who I am a secret very long in the field in which I decided to make a living in."

"We're not disagreeing with you on that point, son!" George leaned forward to look his son directly in the eyes. "It would have been worse if those vultures would have dug and dug into your personal life and found out the true you. Even though I never liked it and felt they shouldn't do it because it has nothing to do with the game of football, but they do it anyway for the ratings. The fans love to see their super stars they build up fall flat on their faces.

But they didn't build you up son. They didn't put you where you are right now. You did all that with hard work and your mother and I don't want to see that all picked apart by those who have no right to talk about your personal life." George took a breath in order to settle down. "Yes fans have the right to know certain things about the players in the team you like, but the personal life of those players are off limits, or should be, but aren't."

Jason sat there listening to what his father was saying and taking it to heart. He understood where he was coming from, but even if he wanted to, he couldn't take back what he has already done. It is out there and now all he can do is what his agent, coach and the owner of the Cowboys all agree he should do is go out there and try and put the story to bed.

"I'm going way off of what your mother and I wanted to really say to you here today. We worry about you every minute of every hour of every day. More than your brothers and sisters at times because of what already happened to you in the past. Don't get me wrong, we do worry about your brothers and sisters as well, but knowing there are a lot of hateful people out there not really needing a reason to hurt a person but have a reason in their minds to hurt you. Which makes us worry a lot more about you because of that."

Christine saw through the corner of her eye that her husband had started shaking. So she reached over and grabbed his hand to try and settle him down. "When we thought you were safe, a group of idiots attacked you and almost took you from us. Those idiots who took it upon themselves to decide because of who you are, you don't have the right to live. They had no right to do that and it angers me every day they got away with it."

For the second time in Jason's adult life he is seeing the softer side of his father. Before he was hurt in college, he couldn't remember a time that he saw his father crying. That all changed the day he woke up after his attack in the hospital and saw his father sitting at his bedside holding his hand with tears rolling down his face. He looked like he had been ran over by a truck, but it wasn't that. He and his brothers went after the guys that hurt him and got to them. After they were done with them, they joined him in the hospital in nearby rooms for a couple of days.

Now for the second time he is seeing tears rolling down his father's face. When he opened up about his darkest secret, he didn't think how it would affect those that have stood by him from the moment he knew he liked guys instead of girls. All he was thinking about is that he didn't want the past to repeat itself. He feared it would if he tried to hide his true self once again from his teammates that he spends more time with than anyone else in his life.

"Those boys, or should I say now guys almost took you from us. It took a long time for me to move on from that incident because I felt I didn't do my job as a father and that is keep you safe. I still wish them dead, God forgive me, but it's true. I don't want to do it by my hands anymore. I tried and almost succeeded on taking them from this earth. Then I thought about it and I felt bad for their parents, not for them, their parents. I didn't want them to feel what your mother, brothers and sisters were feeling when we had no idea if you were going to live or die.

The reason I'm bringing it up is that moment in your life that we all agreed to not talk about is because I fear it's going to happen again. You play on the team that is the most talked about team in the NFL. The fans of this team are diehards and those that hate this team are just as diehard about their hatred for the team. They hated when you came along and now they have another reason to hate you and some will use the new hate they have for you as the reason to hurt you."

"If you would have ended up on a team like the San Francisco 49ers and did what you did here, your dad and I would not be as worried since that part of the country is more understanding about who you are. I mean we knew this day was going to come and worried about it. It's just we wished it wasn't this soon and here in the area where we almost lost you because of who you are."

"Exactly! I agree with you mom on that. Here in Texas the majority of the people are backward thinking type of people. It's not their fault because that is the way they were brought up, but it's going to take those type of people a lot longer to come to the realization that way of thinking is wrong. Until then, they'll believe your way of living is a sin and will try and hurt you."

"I know all that dad!" Jason spoke softly. "It's not like I'm going to go out there now that I opened up to my team on who I am and become the face of the gay movement in this country. I know the reality I live in and where I live. Texans like things the way they are and they don't like it when change is knocking on their front door. Even though I do have rights in this state that others don't have that live in other states like California."

Jason looked at his mother on that last part. It is true that he has more rights as a gay man in Texas thanks to a governor who refused to give up on pushing through those rights. Because of him, Jason and his partner can marry under state law and hold all the same rights as every straight couple have in the state of Texas. However that laws didn't do much to change the thinking of those that think being gay is a sin. If they get a chance to make it clear to someone like him they take it, and normally it always results in violence every time.

"Okay, okay at this point since it is out there now, there is nothing your mother and I can say or do to change that fact. The question we have now is how are you going to be able to play the game you love to play when all anyone is talking about is you being gay. You have to know that no matter what you do out there on the field is going to be over shadowed by who you are. Plus let's not forget about Robbie. You two are great together, but he has made it clear that he doesn't want to come out because he knows it will end his career in soccer. Have you thought about him?"

That question felt to Jason like a knife being shoved into his chest. And then when his dad restated the obvious it was if he was twisting the knife. "Yes dad I did think about him before I went and did what I did. I thought about you guys as well. All I could think about before doing what I did was of all those I cared about and who would be affected by what I did."

Jason's dad got up and walked over to the window that looked out over Dallas. "Son, I'm not trying to give you a hard time on what you did. I understand why you did it and I'm very proud of you for doing it. It shows that you have grown into a very strong and independent man like your mother and I hoped for. But I'm so scared for you. I'm so scared that Robbie might run from you now that you did what you did. I don't want to see you hurt and if he leaves you, you will be hurt. Plus again all those haters out there. They are foaming at the mouth right now."

George pointed out the window as he said the last part. "From this moment on you can't be alone anywhere for fear what happened to you in the past might happen again. You can't go out on the town because you might be left alone for a few minutes and be snatched up and killed. You know as well as I do that is all the time that is needed to get to you, a few minutes."

Jason got up and joined his father at the window. "Dad I know all that. I know from this point on my life will always be in danger. I will always have to be looking over my shoulder wherever I go because of the fears you are talking about. I can't go out as you say on the town or be left alone for even one second because of what can happen. All that and a lot more I know.

As far as Robbie is concerned I will talk with him tonight after returning from dinner. I know he won't leave me for what I did. In fact, I think this might be the push he needs to do what he has been talking about for years now." George turned and looked at his son with a confused look on his face. "He has been talking about coming out but didn't want to be the first gay athlete to do so. I was the one holding him back because I didn't want to be out."

That put George's worries at ease about Robbie. They talked a little longer about what they put together on dealing with the press. Even though he didn't agree with the plan on going on The Tonight Show and all the other talk shows, he kept his opinion to himself. Because of that, the conversation was short. After that there was not much more to discuss so they headed down to find the younger Engelmann's and headed to dinner.

Due to the press being outside everyone agreed it was best to eat at the restaurant in the hotel. No sooner than they were seated when Patrick, his wife and kids walked in. Jason called them over, introduced his parents and younger siblings before asking them to join them. At first Patrick and his wife politely said no, but at the end they gave in and joined the Engelmann family.

By the time they finished eating and headed up to turn in for the night, it was already after nine. George had already got a room for him, his wife and the two younger Engelmann's on the same floor Jason and Thelma were staying on. So they didn't have to go between floors or get a taxi to take them to another hotel. They headed up to their rooms together and when they stepped off of the elevator, they said their goodnights before heading into their different rooms. George waited outside his until he saw Jason and Thelma made inside their room safe and sound.

After showering and getting ready for bed, Jason walked over to the window with his cell phone in his hand. At first he just glared at it, but after a few minutes he made the call that he told his father he was going to. Normally the two try and talk with each other at least once a day, but ever since Jason joined the Cowboys a couple weeks ago it has been hard.

After a few rings Jason heard the voice he has been craving to hear come over the line. "Hey I hope I didn't wake you up gorgeous!" Jason whispered and got back no. "I've been trying to get hold of you for the last couple of days now, but it seems that I kept missing you. You've been either asleep or really busy. Is everything okay up there Rob?"

"Yes!" Robbie whispered causing Jason to wonder why. "It's just, man, really busy here and when I get home I'm dead on my feet. All I want to do is kick off my shoes, grab something fast to eat and sit my butt in front of the TV in hopes to get a glimpse of you." That made Jason blush. "Which I have but not the way I had hoped today. Please tell me what is being reported isn't true!"

Jason looked over to the bed to see if Thelma was listening to his phone call, but when he saw she had her headphones on, he was sure she wasn't. "Rob, I had to tell my team the truth about me. I didn't want what happened to me in college to happen again. Or I didn't want the truth about who I am to get out and I lose my contract with Cowboys. You know all I have ever wanted to do is play football on this team. Not only now I am, but I'm the starting quarterback."

"Even though we didn't know each other back then when that awful thing happened to you because we met each other shortly afterwards, I did see what it did to you. I was there in the aftermath and I don't want you or any one for that matter to go through that again. I have to believe being in professional sports now it won't because everyone are grown up and making a life for themselves, but I also know hate will always be there no matter how old we get.

With that said I'm still a little confused. I understand why you did it, but I've been talking about coming out for a while now and you've been on the side of not doing it. Along with my family and friends I have known since I can remember. But it's been you asking me not to do it that has stopped me from coming out. I didn't want you to feel you had to do it if I did in order for us to stay together because we both know if I would have come out the press would have been watching my every move like they are watching yours right now."

Jason couldn't disagree with Robbie on that at all. He could see the press down below from the window he was staring out of. Somehow they found out what room he was in because all he could see is flashes coming from down below that started almost immediately when he walked up to the window. Leaving Jason with no doubt they are trying to get pictures of him standing there. Even though he wasn't completely standing in front of the window and the only thing they would be getting was his head poking out of the curtains, Jason decided to step away from the window.

"When you were talking about coming out I wasn't ready and you were also starting your career in soccer. I'm where you were about three years ago and I think the reason of that is because I'm now as old as you were three years ago. If that makes any sense. I now understand that old saying my father kept saying as we were growing that you get wiser with age because I feel I have. Now I understand why you wanted to come out and I stopped you. For that I'm so sorry!"

"Don't you dare apologize to me for being yourself!" For the first time in the conversation Robbie raised his voice above a whisper, but he wasn't yelling. "I would have stayed in the closet as long as you wanted me to because all I care about is your happiness. I love you Jason and I can't see a world now without you at my side anymore. And I know that sounds weird coming from me because of us being more apart now than together, but it's true. All I want more than anything is us together."

That got tears rolling down Jason's cheek. "I love you Rob and like you, I don't see a world that we're not together. All I think about when I'm not on the field or getting ready for a game is you, and even sometimes you pop in my mind during those times as well." Jason got a little choked up. "I love you and I hope one day soon we can be together without these long stretches apart."

Robbie agreed with Jason on the hope that one day soon they will be able to be together. However, they both agreed for now they have to deal with the reality they are living and work for what they wanted. Soon after they agreed on that, the conversation went back to Jason coming out and just like Jason's father, Robbie asked how Jason and his agent planned to deal with the aftermath of him coming out. Having this talk once already just hours before, Jason didn't skip a beat as he went in detail on how they plan to hit the talk shows.

"All that sounds good Jason, it really does! Get out there and show the world being who we are is no different than what they thought we were when they believed we were straight." Robbie didn't speak for a few seconds as he looked at his playing schedule for the next couple of days. "You know what Jay I can be in the audience to support you tomorrow. Please let me be there. I promise I won't try and get on the stage. I just want to be there to support you."

Jason didn't have to think about how he was going to answer his boyfriend because it was an automatic yes. Right after he answered Robbie, they made plans to meet up after the show before reluctantly saying goodnight, or at least tried for almost an hour. Each time they said goodnight and I love you, neither hung up. They were waiting for the other to be the first, which took almost an hour for both of them to hang up at the same time.

It took a while for Jason to finally fall asleep. He tossed and turned and after an hour of doing that, he got up and sat in the chair next to the bed in order to not wake up Thelma, which he failed. She got up almost right after he did and sat with him to try and get him to get him to stop thinking about the things that were keeping him awake, which was the fear that he might have destroyed his career by coming out like he did. The press hasn't been nice to him at all.

The little bit he did watch throughout the evening the hosts that were talking were bashing him for who he was. Well not all of them since he was only able to see the hosts in one channel, CNN. They didn't support what he did, who he was and they were letting their viewers know their thoughts on the subject. At times some of what they said was hurtful, but Jason was prepared for it, or at least he thought he was prepared for anything that might come his way.

Thelma did the best that she could, but in the end the best thing she did do was sit there and let Jason talk. For almost an hour he went over his nightmares. Things that he fears that might happen in the days to come. Some of the things Jason did let off his chest worried Thelma, but she wasn't about to let Jason know that she was scared because she knew if she did he would be consoling her instead of her trying to put his worries to rest and get him back into bed.

After Jason got everything off of his chest, he was beat. He thanked Thelma for listening as he got up and helped her to the bed. Once she was settled in and he got a drink of water, he went to his side of bed and crawled in. The minute his head hit the pillow, he was out and didn't wake up again until the alarm sounded the next morning to start his day.

George joined his son for breakfast before Jason met up with Patrick and headed out. As soon as they stepped out of the hotel the flashes started to go off and reporters started to yell out question after question. Some of the questions the guys were able to make out, but the majority of them they couldn't due to all of them asking different questions at the same time.

They didn't have to wait or flag down a taxi. In less than a minute the taxi driver that dropped them off at the hotel was true to his word and pulled up to the curb. Jason and Patrick quickly jumped in, but this time as they went through the huddle of reporters as they pulled into the main the street they didn't duck. They stood sitting up talking to one another as if the reporters weren't out there jumping on the taxi or pounding on the window to get Jason's attention.

Jason was relieved that the taxi driver didn't go back to the subject the reporters out there wanted answers to. Even though he was getting tired of talking about, he knew he has just begun. Tonight will be the first of many interviews he will be giving about his private life. The only questions he has is what his agent said about Jay is true. He doesn't know Jay Leno personally, but watching his show he seems to be fair and not one of those reporters that keeps asking questions on a subject that he feels he didn't get the answer he wanted. However, he has never had an interview like him.

There was no surprise to anyone in the taxi with the amount of press that was at the gate of the Dallas Cowboys training camp. Just like at the hotel every channel was represented and then some. And just like at the hotel Jason and Patrick didn't duck between the seats. They sat upright and kept talking. Every so often they would glance out the window and when they did, Jason saw logos on cameras that he didn't even recognize, which only meant one thing. These reporters were from another country. Or from television stations he has never heard of, which is possible.

Unlike the day before when they left practice, Jerry Jones called in extra security to keep the members of the press off the road and to the side. That made it a lot easier and faster for everyone that had business at the Ranch to come and go. Jason was happy that they were able to get right through and not have to deal with them all over the car trying to get a picture of him.

When they drove up to the curb of the entrance they use to get to the locker room, Jason and Patrick slid out of the taxi. As he has done every time after getting out of the taxi, Jason went around to thank the taxi driver for everything and try once again to pay the fare, or at least try and get the driver to accept a tip, which as before he failed on both.

"Look we go through this every time you get out of my taxi and not once have I taken your money and I never will!" The taxi driver chuckled as he gently pushed Jason's hand away. "But before I let you go will you do me a favor?" Jason quickly responded by saying name it. "Don't let anyone get you down! Don't you let anyone out there say you are less of a person than you were the day before you told us about your personal life! Because let me tell you anyone that would say that is talking out of their asses. So again don't let anyone get you down or tell you that you can't do what you have done out there as a Cowboy already. You are going to take us to the Super Bowl man!"

That put a big smile on Jason's face getting that kind of advice from a fan. He thanked the taxi driver as he stepped back to let the taxi pull away. Due to the press snapping away pictures of him, Jason turned and quickly joined Patrick as they walked into the building. As they made their way to the locker room Patrick wanted to ask Jason what the driver had said, but he respected his friend and stayed away from the subject. He knew Jason would tell him in his own time.

When they walked into the locker room they were surprised to find everyone hadn't started changing into their uniforms for practice. They were standing around talking to each other in their street clothes. Jason looked at Patrick as if Patrick had the answer to the question they were both asking themselves. When he saw his friends look of confusion he turned his attention back to the others to see who he could go up and ask what was going on.

Before he had a chance Coach Campbell and his staff walked in, causing the locker room to go dead quiet in seconds. "Good morning, gentlemen!" All at once everyone said good morning back to Coach Campbell and his the other coaches. "I'm glad to see everyone has made it." Campbell looked over at Jason and Patrick for a quick second before turning back to the main group.

"As you all know whenever we have a road game we don't practice on the day before we fly out. We use the day to go over game film and our plan on how we are going to beat the team we are about to face. There is no need for me to tell you what you need to do, so get to it." Once again Coach Campbell looked at Patrick and Jason. "Those that are new and don't know what to do please come and see me or one the assistants so we can direct you to the right place."

Not needing any further instructions the veterans of the team headed off to where they were supposed to be. Jason, Patrick and a couple of other players walked up to Coach Campbell and the other coaches and waited for instructions. The assistant coaches of the line the player played on took them to the side, except for Jason. Campbell asked him to stay back.

They stood there in the middle of the locker room waiting for it to clear out. Once it did, Coach Campbell turned to Jason and spoke almost in a whisper. "Okay Mr. Alan was able to book you on the Tonight Show for tonight, but I'm pretty sure you know that." Jason nodded his head. While having dinner with his family Spencer phoned him to let him know about all the progress he has done since they last spoke. "Since you I'm sure you have seen every second of game film we have on the team we are going to face and time is a factor for you. I'm letting you out of practice today so you can catch your flight without being in a rush." Jason smiled. "But don't you get used to me doing this. Once we get over this hump these interviews need to be scheduled well in advance in order for us to work with them."

Knowing he had no ground to object to what his coach was saying, Jason nodded his head and waited to be excused. "Well why are you still standing here with that silly grin on your face? Get out of here and do us proud!" Campbell for the first time raised his voice. "Oh one last thing don't be afraid to be who you are. Your team from the owners to those that clean up this place are backing you up. So go out there and tell the world that being gay doesn't mean you can't play a man's sport like Football. If you have the will and want, you can do anything you want."

With a smile on his face, Jason thanked Coach Campbell as he headed out of the locker room. It wasn't until he got to the door he remembered about the press that were camped out there. Then it dawned on him there wasn't going to be a taxi out there to take him to the hotel since he should be in practice. Just as he turned to go and call for a taxi, he heard a horn blaring outside.

Glancing over his shoulder he saw Spencer parked at the curb waving him over. Without a second thought Jason turned and walked outside and quickly jumped into Spencer's car. As soon as he was bulked in, Spencer pulled out and speedily made his way through the reporters who quickly snapped to it when they realized that Jason was in the car.

The whole ride back to the hotel, Spencer went over what was going to happen. From the plane ride from Dallas to California then to New England to rejoin the team, Spencer didn't leave out one single thing. Once he was done, he asked Jason if he had any questions on what was going to happen. At first Jason didn't think of any questions, then one came to mind.

"Um I was wondering if by any chance I could get one more ticket than what I asked for yesterday when we talked." Spencer looked at Jason with a confused look as he asked why he needed another ticket. "Well, um, I need it for Robbie!" Still not clearing anything up for Spencer and Jason could see that. "Robbie is my boyfriend. I talked with him last night and he would like to be there if at all possible to support me in the audience, not on stage or in the back."

"Oh I see!" Spencer was able to get out before he lost the ability to talk for a few seconds. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend more so a serious one. Can I ask is this boyfriend a person I need to worry about? I mean is he someone that can help you or someone that can hurt you."

"Well that all depends sir on what you want from him. Robbie isn't ready to come out to the world just yet. He fears the backlash might hurt his career. So if you're thinking to have him at my side when needed that won't happen. But if you are asking me if he is a trouble maker in any way that is a no. He's clean as a whistle and plans to stay that way."

Spencer tried to figure out who Jason was talking about without straight out asking him. By the way his client just talked about him, he was able to pick up the guy works in a profession that being gay can hurt, which means it has to be some kind of sports. Also he was able to reach that conclusion because that is all Jason world has been all about for years, sports. So who in sports has the first name Robbie and is around Jason's age. It took him a few minutes, but he got it.

"Okay I will have a ticket waiting for Robbie at the door, but he won't be sitting with your family, but I don't think you want that anyway." Slowly Jason shook his head. "I'm fine with whatever you want me to do with him. As I said I will make sure there's a ticket waiting for him at the door that will sit him near the stage, but not near your family and hopefully not completely visible to Jay when he comes out. If he is who I think he is, Jay might recognize him."

As they pulled up to the hotel, Jason was thanking Spencer for his help on everything. "That's my job." Spencer yelled as Jason got out of his car. "Make sure you pack everything you need for tonight's show and what you need for this weekend because you won't be returning until after Sunday's game." Jason bent down until he was able to make eye contact with Spencer. When they made eye contact, he shook his head to let him know he heard what he had said. "You have one hour to get packed and head to the airport. Please don't be late or miss your flight, okay?"

Once again Jason nodded his head as he reached in to extend his hand to Spencer. "Thank you again for everything you have done for me so far. I never wanted to be one of those troubled athletes all sports agents hate dealing with. I promise you there is nothing else in my closet that will keep you up at night." That got a chuckle out of Spencer. "See you in California on the Tonight Show!"

Jason stepped away from the car onto the curb to let Alan pull away without running over one of his feet or both. As soon as he turned and looked at the road the driveway led out he saw the press standing there yelling out to him, Jason quickly turned and walked back into the hotel. Time being a factor, he didn't waste of it in the lobby talking to those who came up to him trying to start a conversation. Politely he answered or commented on what the person said or asked as he made his way to the elevator. Once on his floor, there was no one there stopping him from going to his room.

When he finally got there he wasn't surprised to find Thelma packing for both of them. She was always taking care of him, which he liked, but at the same he time felt badly. Their relationship wasn't going to go any further than close friends and he knew she wanted more than that. With a smile he walked up to her, but when he touched her, she jumped.

"What the hell!" Thelma yelled as she jumped two feet into the air. "What are you doing back here so soon? I thought you were at practice?" She spoke as she placed her hand over her chest and tried to catch her breath from the scare she just got.

"Yes, I'm supposed to be at practice, but Coach Campbell gave me the day..." Jason went on to explain what had happened between him and Coach Campbell. Once he finished telling her what they spoke about, he went on to tell her what he and Alan talked about on the way to the hotel. "So as you can see we need to get a move on and get out of here as soon as we can so we have enough time to get to the airport."

Thelma didn't object. She started to move around the room like a woman possessed. Every time Jason tried to help, she would push him away telling him the same thing each time. `She could get the packing done a lot fast alone.' Not wanting to get in her way or cause a delay fighting with her on her thoughts about being faster without his help, Jason did as she asked, stepping aside.

He walked down the hall to his parents, brother and sister's room to see if they needed any help getting ready, but found them ready. Having nothing else to do while Thelma completed the packing, Jason sat with his father and brother talking about Sunday's game. Not once during their conversation did they talk about what is going to happen later on that evening. George and Carl knew Jason was already nervous and them talking about it was only going to make it worse. So instead they decided to get his mind on a subject they all liked and knew which would settle him down.

Before they knew it, Thelma was at their door asking for help with the suitcases. Together the guys got up and walked over to Jason and Thelma's room. In minutes they had the suitcases at the elevator from his room and were working on the others from family's room. It didn't take them long to get everything they were taking on the elevator and down to the lobby. Once they were there, a bellhop took over and took the suitcases out to one of the waiting taxis

Trying their best, none of them looked over at the press who were making it very hard to ignore them. Every so often as they were helping loading up the bags, they would glance over, and someone in the press saw them, causing that person to start yelling and in return getting the others to join in. Finally when all the bags were loaded, Jason gave the bellhop a tip and joined his family in the taxi without looking over at the press, but that didn't matter.

The press wanted to get to Jason and they were not going to let a moving car stop them from doing that. This time when the taxi pulled out into the street, the press didn't stand back. They pushed through the barriers and slammed against the taxi, causing the taxi driver to slow down to a crawl. Everyone in the taxi looked forward, never once looked out the windows, but that again didn't stop the reporters from taking snap shots and yelling out question after question.

Once they got through the press corp., Jason thought they were in the home stretch, but boy was he wrong. Not soon after they turned onto one of the main streets that led to the freeway he saw several press vans chasing after the taxi. The taxi driver saw the press gaining on him as well, so he speeded up and was able to get through yellow lights that turned red for the chasing media, causing them to stop.

However, once again they all breathed in a sigh of relief too soon. The vans stopped at the yellow lights that turned red, but the members of the press that were on motorcycles didn't. As soon as they got onto the freeway, those on the motorcycles had caught up. There were two of them on each bike, one driving and the other with a camera taking pictures. Every so often, the drivers of the motorcycles would get close enough to the taxi so the one taking the pictures was able to reach over and pound on the windows.

Each time they did that, they got the reaction they wanted from Jason and his family. They would turn angrily at them and tell them stop, but they didn't. Instead they took pictures of them yelling at the closed window and egged them on when the one yelling had started to stop. Jason and his father were the only ones that kept their cools and were trying to get the others to ignore the idiots outside. However, no matter what they said or tried to do, it didn't work.

When they finally reached the airport those that were chasing them on motorcycles had slowed down and stopped right at the entrance. Knowing this was just a moment of peace they were going to get, Jason and his father quickly gave instructions on what they were going to do as soon as they got out of the taxi. Every one listened and understood, so when they did get out, there was no confusion. Everyone did what they were in charge of doing and in no time at all they were in the airport.

Even though they were quick, the press had arrived and managed to get to the doors just as Jason and his family were trying to go through them. Carl, Pauline and Thelma tried to shield their faces with their hands, but Jason, George and Christine just looked forward as they kept walking. That didn't stop the press though from asking their questions and snapping pictures of them the entire way to the gate where they were not allowed to go through without a ticket.

Once the press was behind them, they all took a deep breath to try and calm themselves down. It worked for some of them, and for others it didn't. Let's just say they were going to need to do more than just breath in and out to settle their nerves down. Jason wasn't one of them until he saw a face through the crowd that he had been missing. His heart started to beat out of his chest and a smile formed across his face that would have lit Dallas on its darkest night.



{Welcome one and all to a new chapter in the sage of `Praying for a Hail Mary'. Before I go into the summation of this chapter, let me get rid of all the legal mumble jumble I have to do by using real names of people in my story. This story is purely fictional and does not imply anything about the sexuality of the featured people. I also like to note that The Dallas Cowboys and any other team I write about in this story is a copyright and trademark of NFL and its affiliates.

Before I go into the summation of the chapter I would like to say a few words on Jason's boyfriend. I was back on forth on the person I was going to use for his boyfriend. My mind was set on someone else, but how things started to play out in the real world a real person actually fell into my lap to use for his boyfriend. As I envisioned this story I never thought of this person as Jason's boyfriend, but as luck would have it, he has come out recently and plays in the game that I wanted the character of Jason's boyfriend to play in.

So far I have only said his first name, but to all those that have been keeping up with current events you would have already put it together. I'm using Robbie Rogers, the first American gay soccer player to come out and stay in the game. He is a couple years older than Jason, but that will all be explained in the chapters to come on how they met and became boyfriends. I will try and stay true to facts about his real life, but when it comes to this story it will be fiction in the relationship between him and Jason. I hope you all understand and will take it as that.

With that said let's get to the summation of the chapter. More and more as the chapters are being written this story is getting plot lines that I can't get into every chapter. I wanted to end this chapter with Jason on the Tonight Show, but I couldn't get there. But my reasons for that is so much is now going on I couldn't rush through to get where I wanted to arrive at.

This chapter picked up where the last left off in Coach Campbell's office. It looks like Jason is going to have a little problem with the owner. He suggested to put the rules Jason had in college into effect. Boy am I glad that was stopped before it even happened. The only question I have is there anyone out there that can stop Jerry Jones before he goes too far. We all are going to have to wait on see on that in the chapters to come.

I like the solution Campbell, Alan and Jerry came up with and Jason agreed to do. He needs to get out there and show the people he is no different now than he was before he came out. I truly believe once he does that, the press are going to stop talking about him being gay and return to what he is doing for the Cowboys. Until then, he is going to have to weather the storm as they say.

Some of Jason's family came into town and I understand the reasons why they did. Jason's parents love him and always worry about him. We found out a little more about his father and what he did when Jason got hurt in college, if you want to call what happened to him getting hurt. His father not only seems to be cool about his son being gay, but he is in his corner and will defend him whenever his son is in danger or simply his character is called into question.

We didn't get to see a lot of Thelma or Patrick in this chapter, but in the chapters to come they are going to be written about a lot. But we did get to know more about Jason's boyfriend Robbie. Again I refer you to the beginning of my corner on who Robbie is and at the characters list to get a look at him. However I will say it looks like these two are deeply in love with each other. I hope so because they are going to need that love to get through what is in front of them. They are going to go through hell and they are going to need each other to lean on in order to get through it all.

Finally the end of the chapter, the press. It wasn't a surprise to me on how the press finally ended up acting. They were not going to be kept caged up and away from Jason. They were going to do whatever it took to get what they wanted. Either it being pictures or a comment, they were going to get it. Everyone was lucky that no one got hurt with the chase onto the freeway and then to the airport, but that luck might run out as this story unfolds.

I have big plans for this story, so come on back and keep reading this saga. You will not regret it, I promise. And if I forgot anything in my summation that needed to be mentioned I know my Editor Trevor will pick up on it and write it in his editor's corner below. Thanks again for giving this new story a chance.

There is going to be a lot developing in the chapters to come. Stick around and keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at, Thanks!}


Jacob and I were sitting in Mc Donalds a couple of mornings ago when he mentioned that he had two options to either finish off the current chapter quickly right now or continue on to cover the Tonight Show which meant it would go to at least another five or six pages and not be posted for a few more days. I seldom have any input into any of his stories and today over burgers was no exception. Everything he writes is his own work but he does from time to time use people like me as a sounding board for which way he wants to go.

Being tight for time he decided to end the chapter at the airport after the paparazzi had chased them through the streets of Dallas to the airport. This chase is quite feasible because the person who gets the best picture of Jason right now can make a lot of money worldwide. While I was reading about the chase I couldn't help but think back to that fateful night when the same thing happened to Princess Diana resulting in her death and I hope Jacob hasn't anything as nasty as that in mind for the future.

What happened in this chapter was predictable and it is good to see the majority of players supporting him as he declares his sexuality. A brave thing to do as I am sure some of you who have come out are well aware of. It is good that Jason has the backing not only of Thelma but his parents as well.

We also met Robbie his lover and it is obvious that they are both deeply in love with each other. Will Jason's actions prompt Robbie to take similar action and come out? Well we know he has already done so in real life but will that happen in the story.

There are I'm sure many gay sports men and women out there who are in the closet and intend to remain there. I have a friend in Melbourne, Australia whose partner of more than twenty years is an Australian Rules football star. For his secret to be revealed in such a tough `macho' sport would bring about his demise very quickly of that we are all sure therefore while a handful of us know the truth we are sworn to secrecy for the sake of his career. How many others in the world like that are there?

Finally, and Jacob might hate me for saying this but we are rapidly approaching the anniversary of his mother's passing and this is a trying time for Jacob and those around him who knew her. He admits that at this time he is missing her more than he did at first so please if you have a god that you pray to please include him and his family at this time and may Gloria rest in peace.

Hugs Trevor

Next: Chapter 10

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