Private Journal

Published on Dec 16, 2003


The Private Journal of Dr. Alexander MacAfee

Part 3

by Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult gay story intended for adult gay men. If you are offended by this or are not an adult, gay or a man, DON'T READ IT. It has lot of sex between adult men, many of whom are older, hairy, bearded, and in this case of several different races. If this offends you, DON'T READ IT. If you have any comments send them to or

I woke feeling much better than I had expected. I remembered I was nude and would probably remain so for the rest of my stay in here. I went out to find a place to relieve myself. Several young warriors of the tribe accompanied me. At first I thought they were guarding me, but I soon realized they wanted to see my cock in action. They also made sure I pissed in a particular place. Some places just didn't seem right to them.

They pissed where I pissed and seemed to think that was a honor of some sort. When I returned, one of the men followed me into the lodge. Pongo was there, waiting for me. He talked to the man and told me who he was. He was the youngest son of one of the Chieftain's companions. He was afraid I would bestow my blessings only on the elders of the tribe. He thought my cock was big enough for all of them.

"Would I offend the elders if I did that?" I asked Pongo. He thought a while.

"No. It is good for the Headman to spread his seed; it would be good for you," he said.

Ransom woke up. "The red haired men were here last night, who are they?" he asked of Pongo.

"They are beloved of OfDong, who loved them so much he gave them beautiful hair the color of fire." Pongo said.

"The older one gave me the younger one to fuck, is that usual?" Ransom asked. Pongo said, something I couldn't understand. After some conversation it was clear that the word we didn't understand meant something like protege or apprentice.

"It was an honor?" I asked.

"I don't know if it's an honor, but he sure was smiling." Ransom said. "It sure was a pleasure for him and me."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Your cock looked too big."

"You can never tell. He wasn't fighting me at all. He just let nature take its course." Ransom said. "I've fucked enough men to know who likes it and who doesn't. He liked it. Have you ever screwed a man?"

"Not even close!" I said. "It hadn't ever occurred to me."

"Well, let me tell you, it can be real good." Ransom replied. "When you're on a ship for months with nothing to do but stoke the engines or keep watch, there's nothing better than draining your balls. When I was a little tyke, I was warned about the "solitary vice." Like any normal boy, I tried it out right away. It was great. When I was sent to sea, the Captain trained all the new men. He knew what he liked and made sure we gave it to him."

"That sounds horrible!" I said, my Sunday school background coming to the fore again.

"It wasn't. It took a little getting use to, but it wasn't." Ransom continued. "He told me right off the bat, it was more fun if we both liked it and made use of what we had. Captain Baselstrode pointed out there were thirty men on the ship. If each had a regulation 6 incher, that meant there was fifteen feet of cock, 60 balls, all making cock jam and 30 tight ass holes guarding the entrance to 30 to 40 feet of love tunnel. He figured, if you couldn't find something that could ring your chimes, there was something wrong with you."

"Fifteen feet of cock would seem to be a challenge for the most experienced libertine!" I said, laughing. By baldly recounting his conversation, it might seem as if Ransom was a libertine and fornicator of the worst sort. That wasn't the case at all. Sex was simply a recreational activity for him, a normal part of his everyday life. I had seen sex as an exceptional and rare occurrence.

"The Captain was a good man. He liked to teach and he was willing to wait until you were ready. Somehow, by the time he got his cock into my ass, I was desperate to feel him ram me. I wanted it bad." Ransom said. "I had liked playing with myself, but working up a good load and shooting with, or into another man, is twice as good."

"How much of the fifteen feet did you try out?' I asked.

"About eighteen feet of it! We added some crew members on the voyage." We both laughed. He continued, "The Captain was right about finding someone who could ring my chimes. I figure all sex is good, or at least better than no sex, but some guys were special. There was this cook, a grumpy old man who I fucked when I had too much to drink and couldn't find anyone else. Damn if he was the best ass I had ever been in." He continued talking, but I stopped listening.

He stopped talking and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"How many men do you think there are in this village?" I asked.

"Maybe 300."

"That 150 feet of cock and 600 balls, by your Captain's calculation." I said. Ransom let out a belly laugh.

"Do you think the more men we make contact with, the safer we will be?" I asked.

Ransom got serious. "That's the way I see it. The life in this village revolves around cock. We'll be safer if they come to believe it's rotating around your cock." We were silent for a while.

"I just don't know . . .," I started to say.

"Dr. MacAfee," he said quietly. "you don't know it yet, but it's not going to be a problem for you at all. You've got a natural taste for cock and a natural sense for what these men want. You're going to be fine and we're going to be fine."

I didn't want to admit it to myself quite yet, but in my heart, I knew he was right. The idea of 600 aboriginal balls producing sperm to shoot out of 150 feet of cock didn't bother me at all. I had never fucked or sucked a man before, but I knew it wasn't going to be a problem. I thought about my experiences of the day before and knew the men of the tribe would have no problem either.

Men brought us food. We ate it, then the High Chief appeared with his entourage and we went on a tour of the village. It was at the foot of a small mountain range. I didn't know if we were in Australia, New Guinea or some other island, but it was beautiful. The heat was omnipresent, but the mountains provided many spring fed streams that gave the village clean water. The streams were cool, but the ponds and small lakes were warm. All the men jumped into the ponds and I swam.

I had a very different stroke than the natives and this was regarded as a wonder. They all used a variant of a dog paddle. We went further up the stream and swam at each lake. The men of the village looked healthy and clean and I attributed this to the clean water and the regular bathing in the ponds. Pongo told me a goddess lived in each pond. Each jump into a pond was a form of communion with the goddess.

Up the hillside, there were small plots of land filled with vegetables. The land must have been incredibly fertile to support the population on the small farm plots. There were many fruit trees, especially Banana trees near the ocean. This must have provided a supplement to the diet. We returned to the lodge to find three red headed men waiting for us. They engaged in spirited conversation with the Headman.

Pongo was translating and whispering in my ear. "The red haired men are dandies. The Chiefs were surprised to find a god's companion would shoot his seed into their ass"

"Are they shocked? Bothered?" I asked.

Pongo smiled."They didn't know it possible. They like the idea. It is better than they could ever believe." he said. "They didn't think you would share your seed."

The High Chief was looking at me. I had been so preoccupied with my own fears, I hadn't paid any attention to him. I had thought of him as being short, but that was only in comparison to myself. He was actually a good 5'-10", very tall for a man of this tribe. His hair was white, as were his thick eyebrows. He had a bushy beard. His eyes peered out from under his heavy brow. His nose was flared and his mouth all but disappeared under the mustache and beard.

The Chief's muscular chest was dusted with curly white hair, thick at his breastbone and thinner elsewhere. His nipples were large. His broad, chest contrasted with his thin waist; all of his muscles seemed clearly defined. The Chieftain's pubic hair was still dark and was bushy. Hanging from it was six inches of thick, but soft cock. I could see the outline of his cock head two thirds of the way down the tube of foreskin. His balls were huge and they hung low in a ball sack that reminded me of a goat's.

He looked like an aboriginal version of Santa Claus, except for the well muscled body and nudity. He noticed I was looking at him and my gaze had lingered on his genitals. From their relaxed state, they had begun to firm up and both broaden and lengthen. I felt my own cock respond.

For a few seconds I was embarrassed. Being naked was still a new experience and I had been so use to hiding my feelings, especially sexual feelings, I was worried about exposing my sexual interest. No one else in the lodge felt that way. The other men were all getting excited.

"Dr. MacAffee, just do what comes naturally." Ransom whispered, reminding me of our earlier conversation. I felt relieved. I knew I was going to cross a barrier. I knew in moments my cock would be in the Chieftain's mouth and soon he would be sucking my cum from my cock. Soon I would be tasting his bloated sex organ; sucking his seed from his cock head.

I knew I would be doing this, but I wasn't afraid or uneasy. I wanted it now. I had thought there would be some hesitation, but there wasn't. The old Chieftain came close to me, then he dropped to his knees and began sucking me. This was not a careful and cautious lick like the day before. His mouth engulfed my cock. He wasn't able to suck the entire organ, but he surely was trying hard enough.

I shifted my position onto the floor and soon had his cock in range of my mouth. I had stroked it before but hadn't realized it's full size. It was not as long as mine by several inches, but may well have been wider. My cock head tapers some; his was a deeply flared mushroom, bisected by a half inch wide slit, oozing some of his genital juices. I licked the juice.

I had no idea what to expect, but a second later I was trying to force my tongue deep into his slit. Much to my surprise, I could lick deep into his cock shaft, intercepting the juice as it oozed from his balls. His cock and body responded to my every movement and action. Much to my surprise, my body twitched and reacted to his mouth and its exploration of my cock.

I don't know exactly what the High Chief did, but it was as if he had turned a valve and turned on my sexual engine. I wanted his entire cock in my mouth and all of the contents of his balls. The thought of his man seed shooting through his wonderful sex organs and flooding my mouth thrilled me. The reality of his goat balls pumping their seed through the long tube added to the excitement I felt. Thinking of his seed spraying out of his slit excited me to no end.

I pulled off his cock for a second and looked at it. It was rock hard and curved toward his navel. This was the perfect shape to fit in my virgin throat. This cock head was so hard it shone and almost looked like a polished black metal. I swallowed it again. Realizing I was close to shooting I tried to slow down the inevitable. I had no success, so I concentrated on his cock and the wonderful tastes it oozed.

I was on the edge of an orgasm, but remarkably just teetered there for several minutes. I had his entire cock head in my mouth and my tongue wedged in his wide slit, when he twitched and began to shake. I forced my tongue deeper and felt the seed gushing against the tip of my tongue, trapped in the piss tube. My balls let loose and I lost my concentration. His seed escaped and flooded my mouth.

Here we were, two men, strangers until a day before and from totally different cultures, linked cock to mouth, trading our reproductive juices. I didn't swallow his cum at first. I savored the taste and warmth of the fluid. I pulled off his cock as he pulled off mine. We looked at each other and smiled. Some of my cum dribbled out of his mouth.

We were splattered with cum from several of his companions. They had been watching and enjoying our passion. The youngest of the red-haired men cried. Ransom was in his ass. The other men formed a tight cluster and were encouraging the young man to relax and take the white man's cock. The boy's whimpers began to change to moans. I knew all was well there.

There were about twelve men in the room. One of the Chief's companions came up to him. The Chief took his cock into his mouth for a second only. When it came out, it was coated in my cum. Another man sucked it greedily.

I motioned to one of the younger men who was hanging back to come forward. I took his cock into my mouth and coated it with the High Chief's cum. I felt his cock twitch and when he pulled out, he was shooting off. It was a spectacular load and my chest was covered with his seed. I later found out the man was the High Chief's son. It was another very lucky choice on my part.

All the men began to sing and we went out of the lodge, up the mountain to bathe in one of the ponds. The meaning of this became clearer later.

After a few weeks, I began to understand the tribe's language. My understanding was minimal compared to Williams. Williams was a linguistic genius. He had an extraordinary memory and had studied the obscure languages of the near east and understood them. He seemed to love the difficulty of learning a totally new language. Within two weeks, he was talking to them without effort. His health returned completely at the hands of the Witch doctors. The medicinal mud seemed to have done the trick.

His memory of his wife had totally vanished. That I thought was for the good. He liked to sing selections from the hymnal and to chant sections from the Book of Common Prayer. This amused and interested the tribe to no end. Curiously, he had no problem with the sexual interests of the tribe at all. He had gone to a good Public School, so he seemed to know the basics already. He liked to watch them and related them to his studies of Greek and Roman phallic rites. He also had no problem participating in these rites at all. Some of this I attributed to his intellectual curiosity, some to natural inclination.

With his ability to understand the Tribe, our situation became less precarious. At least we knew what they were saying and what they expected.

Next: Chapter 4

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