Protecting Pack

By Vic James

Published on Jan 7, 2016


Protecting Pack 1

Protecting Pack

By Vic James

Copyright 2015 by Vic James

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This story is fiction. None of the characters are based on real people.

This story takes place in the same universe as my stories Plan of the Shusheen, Son of a Wolf, and Being Pack. Plan of the Shusheen explains how three genetically-engineered shifter races were created.

Warning: this story contains incest scenes.

Part One ========

We pulled up to the terminal at the airport. I got out first and got my two bags from the back of the truck. My mother got out of the truck next. She was still crying. I was sad and scared. I was also hopeful and excited. I was leaving our pack, Mountain Gap, for the first time in my life. Alpha George got out last.

"He'll be fine, Sarah. You used to live with humans," he said.

I panicked and looked around. So did my mother. There were no humans close enough to have overheard him discussing humans, as if we weren't.

"The world is a more violent place than it was then," my mother said.

I looked at our Alpha. I couldn't believe she said that.

"You've got to be kidding! Alpha George said. "How many wars have you lived through? You came very close to dying many times. It's always been dangerous. You just have to have faith."

My mother was inconsolable, though. I understood. I was leaving the pack alone for the first time. I had been to the city closest to the pack many times, but I'd never spent even a single night outside the pack lands. I had spoken to humans hundreds of times, but living with them would be completely different. I wished my father had come. He could have consoled my mother. But Alpha George's truck only held three. Still, my mother tried to get him to come with us to see me off.

"Jack can sit on my lap!" she said to my father.

Could anything be more embarrassing? I was eighteen! I looked at Alpha George, who seemed amused.

"I know it's been a very long time since you were eighteen, but trust me, if he still wanted to sit on your lap at his age, something would be seriously wrong!" Alpha George said. "Let him go."

That made my mother burst into tears.

Alpha George sighed.

"He needs a mate, Sarah. She's not in my pack. If she was we'd have known years ago. That means he has to leave to find her. Don't you want grand"

"You know better than anyone that just finding your mate doesn't mean you'll have a baby, George," my mother said. Alpha George and my parents had never been able to have kids. My parents adopted me.

"Well, the chances are exactly zero, if he doesn't," Alpha George said to her. "And he isn't leaving forever! You'd think you were never going to see your son, again."

"Right?" Alpha George said to me.

"Right!" I said back, knowing it was a lie. I never planned to return.

I was opening the door of the truck when we heard a familiar voice shouting, "Surprise!"

I smiled as I saw my father and Arthur jump out of a car that had stopped behind us. Arthur had been my teacher. I looked at Alpha George. He didn't look surprised. He was in on it.

"I got the car working!" Arthur said.

Dad walked up to me and hugged me. I started to get an erection. I quickly pictured naked old women to stop my lust. That always worked. Lust can be smelled by other Vin-Ta shifters. I'm gay and I thought both my father and Alpha George were very hot males. It didn't help that I saw my father naked with an erection all the time. I really tried not to stare at it, but watching my father grow erect while he's talking to me is hard for me to ignore. I remember more than once having him put his finger under my chin to tilt my head up to look at his face. I was always embarrassed and a little scared when that happened. It meant I wasn't controlling my lust. Fortunately, he never acted like there was nothing wrong. That just made me love my father more. If Alpha George ever realized I lusted after his big Alpha cock, he would probably build a stockade, just so he could put me in it.

"Don't worry. The Alpha can't smell it," Dad whispered in my ear. He knew!


"Good-bye, son. Some day we will have a nice long talk."

I frowned. "Oh. OK."

Alpha George is extremely religious and considers both sex and lust very bad things. Maybe that was why he never got his mate pregnant! It was ironic that a man who detested sex had an enormous cock. I guessed it was about fourteen inches long. Of course, Alpha George was a big man. He was six-foot eight. I'd only seen his erection once. I think my eyes must have bugged out. Alpha George actually apologized to me for having to see it. Can you believe that? I wanted to rub it all over my face, before getting fucked with it, and he apologized! He pointed out that it proved that not even he was without sin! Like I cared, if he sinned! I had to think of old women's pussies for three days, before my lust eased. Until that day, neither my Dad nor the Alpha had ever mentioned smelling my lust for them. I knew it was only a matter of time before it became known. I was leaving the pack, before that could happen. It was impossible for me to stop lusting after them. I saw both men naked all the time. You have to be naked to shift and everyone in the pack shifted all the time. We had no nudity taboo. But it meant my dick was on display, too. I knew I should be grateful to old women's pussies. They kept me alive!

"I love you, son. Take care." Dad kissed me on the forehead. "And don't forget: don't use your nose around humans. You won't smell their emotions. You have to use your eyes to determine their moods." Shifters can not only smell lust in other shifters, they can smell whether they are happy, sad, or mad. A human could be furious and I wouldn't smell a thing. I nodded and hugged him.

I said goodbye to everyone and kissed my mother goodbye at least three more times. My mother then reminded me for about the tenth time to be sure and write them. My parents are over three-hundred. They don't do email. Telegraphs, maybe.

Alpha George put his hands on my shoulders and said a very long, very loud, and very embarrassing prayer. He tried to work every detail of my past life and possible futures into that prayer. I saw humans watching us. Some seemed amused. I really wanted to get away!

Those prayers are one of the reasons that no one has joined the Mountain Gap pack since before I was born. People left the pack. Not all at once, but it kept shrinking. And it was all Alpha George's fault. He was a born again Christian and he felt it was an offense against God to have ungodly members in his pack. Seriously, it was like living with Puritans, and old Puritans at that. Everyone younger than one hundred and everyone who had no mate or a spouse had left. When I was nine, my only friend left with his family. Like everyone else who'd left, they'd had enough of the prayer meetings, and the fire and brimstone, and the accusations of sin. I would have left sooner---just run away---except that my parents tried to shield me from a lot of it. I remembered my mother saying to Alpha George that I had no opportunities to sin, and that if I became miserable enough, our family would have to leave his pack. I skipped almost all of the meetings after that and the Alpha never acted like it bothered him. The reason we were there at all, was because Alpha George had saved my father's life over a hundred years earlier. My father felt an obligation. My parents believed in God, but they definitely weren't fanatics. My mother confessed to me once that she wanted to leave, but my father wanted to stay. Another time I asked her why Alpha George was so religious.

"He wasn't always like this. He was desperate for a pup and he began breeding every woman in his pack, even those with mates. Daily." I was shocked. How did he fit his enormous dick in those women?

"He bred you?" I asked.

"Yes, indeed."

I guess she saw my shocked expression.

"It wasn't rape. He just oozed sexuality. We wanted it. I wanted it. Then when he finished, our mates wanted to reclaim us by having sex several times. And this was every day! Despite having sex for eighteen hours a day, seven days a week with about one hundred and fifty women over a period of about thirty years, the Alpha never got a single one of us pregnant. He began to feel guilty, found religion, and stopped having sex altogether. When he found religion, he decided God was punishing him for all the sex by not allowing him to have a pup. He still desperately wants a pup, but he's never going to get one. He's celibate."

I shook my head in disbelief. My mother had daily sex with Alpha George? I had no idea! I couldn't help being jealous. I wanted Alpha George's big cock. Also, it was a reminder that I barely knew my parents. That was not because they hid anything deliberately, but they were both over three hundred years old. They had experienced an awful lot, most of which they didn't want to discuss.

Alpha George hugged me one last time. Then he bent down and whispered in my ear, "If the human world becomes more that you can bear, come home. I will understand. We all will. I miss you already. Then he kissed me on the forehead."

Sometimes Alpha George made it very hard for me to hate him. As much as I hated to admit it, I sometimes loved the guy. I just wished he would drop the religion, and/or fuck me.

Finally, they drove off and I was alone for the first time in my life.

I walked into the airport terminal. It was horrible. It seemed completely chaotic and I quickly developed a headache. The smell of all those humans was confusing, too. I jumped at each loud noise. It sounded like everyone was shouting at the top of their lungs. I backed up against a wall and stood there a while, trying to adjust.

It was embarrassing that everyone but me know what to do. I was completely clueless. I had to keep asking people questions about every single thing. I wished I'd watched more TV that involved airports. I remembered seeing the name of a movie: Airport. I had never watched it, but I sure wished I had! Someone told me I had to go through security. What did that mean? I had to ask someone else. I couldn't believe the things they wanted me to do to get 'through security', once I did it. I did smell a female Vin-Ta, but in the crowd, I couldn't pick her out. But after what seemed like hours, I was seated next to the gate. When I got on the plane, suddenly there was complete silence. It was eerie. Was it like a church? Were people praying that the plane didn't crash? Why did people talk (and scream and yell) in the terminal, but not on the plane? Was there a rule about talking on planes? A man who worked on the plane helped me to my seat.

"Your first time flying?" he asked me.

I nodded my head.

"Don't you worry. We'll get you there in one piece." Then he left. 'There in one piece.' Was that a metaphor? Was there some doubt? Was that why people were praying?

I closed my eyes and pictured Alpha George with his enormous erect cock and large, swinging balls. I escaped the pack and I was suddenly free to lust as much as I wanted, and about whoever I wanted. I pictured my father with an erection. I was as familiar with it, as I was with my own. I imagined taking his cock in my mouth and sucking him.

I was glad my teacher Arthur had made sure I knew everything about sex. I doubted the Alpha would have approved of his teaching me about oral sex and especially sodomy. Arthur called these lessons 'secret lessons'. Arthur didn't share the Alpha's opinion of sex. He admitted he had had a great deal of sex, and I got the impression some of it was with human males. He certainly never came out and said that. He said things like, "Male sodomy, both insertive and receptive is popular with a great many human males, and always has been. It can be extremely pleasurable and doesn't necessarily lead to the kind of problematic romantic relationship that can develop between a Vin-Ta and a human woman. Believe me, a hole is a hole." My father approved of Arthur teaching about sex. He said I had to learn it somehow. The Alpha never knew about these lessons. I wasn't sure if my mother knew. I liked Arthur very much and I knew I would miss him.

I returned to my fantasy about my father. I was sucking my father while the Alpha slowly pushed his giant erection into my ass. Suddenly, I panicked, feeling massively guilty. I was too used to avoiding thoughts about sex. I sighed and gave up on my fantasy. Maybe someday...

I knew I shouldn't feel particularly guilty about my feelings. I didn't plan to act on them. Besides, I'd learned from Arthur that most pack Vin-Ta didn't worry about human notions of incest. It was apparently quite common in other packs. But it wasn't really even incest. My parents adopted me. Like I said, I knew I shouldn't feel guilty. But I'd been brainwashed and I did.

The flight seemed to take forever. That might have been a good thing, because I was really dreading getting off the plane and having to go through the whole airport thing again. But evidently, they only do that once to you. We finally arrived, and after a terrifying landing, we got off the plane. The second airport was just as noisy as the one in Colorado, but I was out of it in about two minutes.

I took a cab to my dorm. He stopped in front and I paid him. I had no idea how much to tip. I decided on fifteen percent, like in a restaurant. I got out with my three bags and looked around.

My father had arranged everything. He'd picked the school and made all the arrangement for me to attend. He picked the dorm, too. All I had was an address. I looked at the closest door to where the cab driver let me out. It seemed to be an exit only. I saw a sign at the end of the block, directing me to a different door. I headed for it.

It was over an hour later when I finally got to my room with my security cards and lists of rules. I leaned back against the door and finally felt some tension leaving me. I undressed and shifted. I let my wolf sniff everything in the room, then shifted back. I had some peanuts in one of my bags. I ate some. Shifting burns a lot of calories.

I knew I was going to have a roommate. I wondered when he was going to arrive. I wondered if he would think I was incredibly odd. I knew very little about living as a human, but I had been practicing by spending a lot of time in the human city closest to the pack lands. Of course, college would be different. My plan was still the same, though---observe how things are done, before doing them myself.

That evening, someone knocked on my door. I opened it, wondering if it was my roommate. It was two grinning guys my age. They invited me to join a dorm gay group.

"How did you know I'm gay?" I asked.

They laughed. One said, "We didn't. You told us. We invite everyone."

One pointed at the other. "That's Jay," he said.

Then the other pointed. "And this is Jay."

I didn't get it. They were both named Jay? Was that funny? Was I supposed to laugh? Were they even telling the truth?

"What's more, they put us in the same room! The Jays!" one said. "Guess what happens when someone yells, 'Hey, Jay!'"

The other one said, "Don't make him guess. We beat the shit out of them, or we would if we weren't cowards."

They both laughed. It seemed to be expected, so I faked laughter. Beating the shit out of people wasn't funny at all to me. Was the fact that they were both named Jay funny? Were they on drugs? I needed to observe a lot more human behavior.

"Uh. Maybe later. OK?"

"Sure!" they said.

They turned away.

"She was right. He is cute," one of them said to the other when they were halfway down the hall. Vin-Ta hearing is better than humans. I wondered who 'she' was.

That evening, I worked up the nerve to knock on the Jays' door. I knew nothing about how gay men behave. I left the pack to have sex with a man or men, and I suddenly realized I didn't know anything about being gay. I knew you could fuck someone in the ass. But what exactly was the process? The only gay men I knew were the Jays. I desperately needed their help. I figured I was about to have the most embarrassing evening of my life, but it was necessary. If they were taking drugs, I planned to just pretend to swallow it or smoke it, or whatever. But what if they used hypodermic needles? How could I fake that? I looked at their door. There was a sticker that said, 'Drug free zone'. I was very relieved!

"Hey, it's Jack!" one of them said to the other.

"Come on in!"

I walked into their room.

"Sit here. What can we do for you?"

I sighed. Here goes, I thought.

"I---uh---grew up in a very religious family. I don't know anything about sex, gay sex. If I ever go on a date, that is not going to be a good thing."

"You came to the right place. There are some websites that can help. There is also a LGBT counseling center less than a mile from campus. They can give you information. You aren't alone in this, Jack. And it is good you are finding this out beforehand. You should also research sexually-transmitted diseases and how to prevent them. You don't want to spend the rest of your life regretting your first sexual experience."

The other Jay nodded.

I gave them my school email address and they sent me a bunch of links to websites on the subject. I thanked them profusely for their help. It wasn't embarrassing at all. School hadn't started, so I had a lot of free time to become a 'sexpert'---a word I saw on one of the sites. I was amazed to learn there were links to websites devoted to just cock sucking and cum-eating. Other sites covered all you would ever need to know about anal sex between men. The more links I followed, the more outrageous the sites became. One site had links to fictional stories. I saw one story called Sucking Daddy. And that's exactly what it was about. I read it and had two orgasms by the time I finished it. I fantasized that my father came down for a visit and I showed him what I had learned about cock sucking and being a bottom. While I imagined him fucking me, I had an incredible orgasm. I learned more from the stories I read than from the sites the Jays sent me. I learned about fucking and sucking, both with a condom and bareback. I learned how gay men talked and I found out which sex acts appealed to me most. I learned about gloryholes, which ended up being useful, later.

I remembered to write a letter to my parents. I had very little to say, but I told them about the plane flight and about my room in the dorm.

I read a lot of other stories about father-son sex. I was certainly not the only gay guy who fantasized about it. I also discovered gay porn videos and pictures on the internet. Doing a search, I found a picture of a cock that looked a lot like my father's. I jacked off to it and then felt guilty. But not as guilty as I had on the plane.

I met a few of my neighbors while eating downstairs. Only about a third of the rooms were occupied, but they were filling as people moved in. Classes hadn't started, so I had plenty of free time. I was glad about that, because I had a lot to learn about the college and about humans, too. I spent a little time with the Jays. They weren't boyfriends, which I'd wondered about. We discussed what I'd read. I thought it was fantastic that I could finally discuss my sexual desires with people who shared them.

The guy right across the hall from me, Dave, was friendly. He was also a very hot man. He said he was a freshman, but he seemed older to me. That only made him seem hotter. I had never desired anyone my own age. Of course, I didn't know anyone my age. Dave invited me to eat lunch with him in the dining hall, and I really enjoyed it. I was a little tense to start with, but Dave never mentioned anything human stuff I didn't understand. Later that afternoon, I was heading for the restroom. I saw Dave's door was open. Dave was lying on his bed in just a pair of shorts. He looked really hot, and I was glad humans didn't seem to be able to smell lust. He was very hairy, but he was a blonde and I had never seen a man with blonde body hair. He also had blondish beard stubble. He was quite muscular and his whole body was covered with a golden pelt. I liked the bulge in the front of his shorts, too. I wanted to feel his hair to see if it was softer than black Vin-Ta hair. Dave closed his eyes, briefly and smiled.

"Hey! How you doing?" he said in a deep voice.

"Fine!" I said.

I saw Dave was using a smartphone. Everyone had one but me. I'd never needed a cell phone, but smartphones did a lot more than make calls. I decided I should get one.

"You want to go down for dinner with me, later?" he asked.


We did have dinner together. Dave didn't ask any questions that would have thrown me, like where I went to high school, or the name of my girlfriend, what my high school prom was like, or what sports I liked. It was just pleasant and non-stressful. We talked about the campus and the dorm, and people we'd met in the dorm.

In my letter to my parents that evening, I mentioned Dave. He was the first friend I'd made away from the pack.

The next day, I explored the campus a little. Dave and I had lunch again. Later in the afternoon, Dave was in his room, with the door open. He was in just shorts, again, but he was sitting at a desk. I wondered if I should knock on the open door. He looked over at me, before I could.

"Hey! Come on in."

I walked into his room and stood next to him. I noticed his scent for the first time. It was masculine and I liked it a lot. It even gave me an erection. A human had never done that to me before. I wondered if my nose was becoming sensitized to human scents, now that I lived among them. I asked Dave about his phone and told him I wanted to buy one, but didn't know a lot about them. Dave knew a lot about them. He showed me his phone and what it could do. I tried to concentrate on the phone, but I kept getting distracted by Dave's body. I struggled to pay attention to what he was saying. I told him I wanted to buy one and asked if he could recommend a place to buy it. He offered to come along to help me shop. He put on a T-shirt and shoes and we left. I was more excited about being with him than about having my first cell phone. Dave was quite a bit taller than me and that, and his hairiness excited me. He was very easy to talk to. He still didn't ask any questions I couldn't answer. I had worried a lot about that, and I was relieved that, at least around Dave, it wasn't a problem.

I got my phone---it was the same model that he had---and we walked back to the dorm.

"What kind of cologne are you wearing?" I asked him.

"I'm not wearing cologne or after shave."

"Oh. You smell good. That's why I asked."

He was silent for a moment. His expression changed.

"You know I'm straight, right?" he asked.

"Uh. No. But I assumed you were."

"I've gotten the impression that you are checking me out. And I just wanted to be sure you knew that."

"I'm sorry, Dave. Really."

"Didn't bother me, Jack. I don't object to being admired. I just don't want you to get the wrong idea."

"I'll try not to do it, anymore."

"No. I didn't mean that. I don't mind if you like the way I look. I guess I'm glad. If a very pretty girl thought you were hot, you wouldn't get mad, would you?"

I was really surprised by that, but it made sense.

"No. I wouldn't. I'd just be flattered."

"Yup. That's how I see it. I mean, I would rather you thought I was hot than ugly. When I was your age, I used to get teased a lot for being so hairy."

I stared at him. What did that mean?

"I bet I'm at least a couple months older than you," he said.

I laughed and he smiled at me.

"Those people were crazy! You are not too hairy."

Dave chuckled.

"Sex, aside, you're good for my ego."

He was smiling at me, so I knew he wasn't just being polite.

When we got back, a lot of people were moving into the dorm. Dave wanted to help.

"Come on! Let's help. You don't want to sit in your room, alone, do you?"


Dave pulled off his shirt and I got to admire him while he worked up a sweat and his muscles bulged. Even his butt looked amazing. He smelled even better when he was sweating. I looked down and saw my dick looked like it was about to break free of my pants. That was bad! I tried to avoid lusting after him. But then he stopped in front of me.

"Hey!" he said. He flexed his bicep while grinning at me. It was very impressive. "What do you think?" he asked.

I think I actually squeaked. Or maybe it was a squeal. Whatever it was it was high-pitched and embarrassing. But Dave thought it was very, very funny. He kept flexing it and laughing. That was embarrassing, too.

"You were supposed to say, Wow," he said, grinning. "Not, 'eeek'!"

I'm sure I blushed. He probably thought that was funny, too. "Oh. Thanks for telling me."

He stood there, waiting with his bicep flexxed.

"Wow!" I finally said,

He nodded. "You'll learn, Junior," he said.

I had no idea what that meant. He put his arm around my shoulders and I thought he sniffed at my neck. Then he pulled his arm back, awkwardly.

When we finished helping, Dave walked into his room and I followed him. He lay down on the bed. I noticed a picture of a girl about our age next to his bed. I assumed it was Dave's girlfriend. Dave bent one leg up. Blood started pounding in my head as I realized not only was he not wearing underwear, but I could see his cock and balls. I couldn't see his whole cock, of course, but I could tell he was big and uncircumcised. I watched his cock grow erect and suddenly, I had trouble breathing. Dave said something, but I missed it.

I blinked. "What?"

Dave's eyes were closed and he took in a deep breath. Then, to my complete surprise, he sort of trembled or twitched. He opened his eyes and let his leg down. Then he pulled the leg of his shorts over his dick. I knew I shouldn't have been staring at it, and I was terrified he would become angry at me. Having me leer at him sort of gave him the right to be mad. But he didn't seem angry. He even smiled at me, but it was a weird smile. I wondered if that meant it was forced.

"I asked if you are going to put any porn on your phone."

"I don't know how."

"Well, I'll show you tomorrow."

"OK. Thanks a lot Dave. I had a really good day."

He grinned. "Me, too."

I wondered how he was going to help me put gay porn on my phone. Or did he expect me to put straight porn on it?

That evening, right before I was ready to go to sleep, my new phone made a noise. I looked at it and saw I had received an email. I opened it. There was a picture of an erect cock. It was a very nice, pinkish uncircumcised dick. The foreskin was pulled back. The pubic hair around it was blondish. There was no message, just the picture. But I recognized it. It was Dave's cock. Even if I hadn't, there was only one person who could have sent it: Dave. He was the only person who knew my personal email address, which I got when I bought the phone. I began jacking off. It was hard to believe, but Dave must have wanted me to jack off looking at him. He must have seen me trying to look at his cock and he decided to make it easy for me. I thought it was strange, but I thought maybe he preferred to have me leer at his picture, instead of him. Well, I had porn on my phone, and it wasn't straight. I came once imagining I was sucking it. Then again, imagining Dave was fucking me. In the fantasy, he paused his thrusts long enough to flex his bicep for me.

After I was in bed, I realized I hadn't written to my parents. It had been a busy day and I was sleepy. I just mentioned the highlights in the letter. I fell asleep happy.

The next morning, Dave asked if my phone was working OK.

"I love it. I really, really, really love it. Wow! Wow, wow!"

Dave grinned.

"Did you get a lot of sleep?" he asked.

"Uh. I stayed up late."


"I guess it's wrong to want more...isn't it?" I said to him, trying to hint, subtly.

"Sleep?" he asked, innocently.

"No. Other things."

"Things plural, you mean," he said.

"Or singular. Singular's good."

I laughed at that point and Dave grinned.

"Oh, you never know."

About fifteen minutes later, I got another email. I was very nervous. What would it be? I groaned, loudly. It was a picture of Dave, taken from below. It showed his erection, his balls, his hairy torso, and even his face. He had a smirk on his face that I thought was incredibly hot. I jacked off frantically and came four times. Dave obviously wanted me to lust after him and I sure did.

I knocked on his door, across the hall. He grinned when he saw me.

"Thank you, Dave."

"For what?" he asked. I was sure he knew.

"For being you. Just for being you."

I saw a lot of emotions on his face. None of them were anger, so that was fine. I turned around and walked back to my room.

About an hour later, I was sitting at my desk in my dorm room. I just transferred the pictures of Dave to my laptop. I made one of them the wallpaper on my computer, so I could look at his cock all the time. I saved the pictures to a cloud service. I never wanted to lose them. They were my most treasured possessions. I knew that wasn't normal for Vin-Ta or humans, but I couldn't ever remember being normal. It suddenly occurred to me that I fit into the human world better than in my old pack. That was surprising. I was making friends, no one cared about religion, and everyone around me was young. In the pack, everyone was old. I didn't think I would have to worry about homophobia in the human world. My friend Dave was straight, and instead of being angry because I lusted after him, he encouraged it. I figured he thought that, as long as I was going to lust after him, I should do it in private. There was no reason to think he would stop encouraging it, either. I wondered if someday, he would let me feel his body. It wouldn't be sex, I just wanted to feel his hair and muscles.

I got up and got a glass of water from the sink in my room. I looked at myself in the mirror above it. I didn't really look like most of the Vin-Ta I'd met. I'd always wished I looked like my father, handsome, with black hair and a muscular build. I was shorter, not very muscular and had brown hair. I had a small patch of sparse hair in the center of my chest. It always seemed lonely to me. I remembered what Dave had said, 'If a very pretty girl thought you were hot, you wouldn't get mad'. Dave didn't say 'if a girl thought you were hot'. He used the words 'very pretty'. "Are you very pretty? I asked the guy in the mirror. 'Heck, no! he replied. 'I'm a manly man! A lumberjack!' I almost laughed at that. I had been told I was handsome by my mother, but did that mean anything?

I heard voices outside my door, right before the door opened. It had to be my roommate. I dreaded meeting him. Sharing a room had been my father's idea and Alpha George agreed with him. The Alpha said I wouldn't learn to fit in if I was locked in a room by myself.

"And don't forget you are pack! Have you ever heard of a pack person who was a loner? You need other people, even if they are humans."

I stepped over to my laptop and hurriedly switched to a wallpaper that didn't include Dave's cock. I got it switched before the door opened.

How was I going to jack off to Dave's pictures with a roommate? Or read nasty stories about incest and other kinky things? Or watch gay porn? I had been warned by several guys who were complete strangers not to jack off in the bathrooms. Now that was an experience! And it was awkward. Should I deny jacking off? Having strangers telling me where not to masturbate was just weird! There were lots of things like that happening and the room had become my sanctuary when it got to be too much. I wasn't hiding in the room. I was relaxing. I had met and was meeting people and making friends. I just needed somewhere peaceful, and my wolf did, too. I had no idea there would be so many people, and I doubted the Alpha did, either. I suppose I thought there would be hundreds of other students in the whole college. How naïve I was. My dorm alone seemed to have enough people to populate a small town, and it wasn't even full. I needed a sanctuary. I needed privacy. And I was about to lose them.

The door to my room opened and I saw two guys and a woman. The woman was wearing a musk perfume that obliterated most of their scents. That was OK with me. I didn't want my room smelling like a woman. It wasn't like being home at the pack. I couldn't even open the window. She didn't look old enough to be their mother, but I knew female humans went to a lot of effort to look younger. She could have been their sister or a girlfriend, but I got the impression she was in charge. If she was their mother, they didn't take after her, though. She had reddish blonde hair and pale skin. The guys had darker skin and jet-black hair, both on their heads and bodies. They looked very much like typical Vin-Ta men and they were very handsome. They looked vaguely familiar. Then I realized why. They both reminded me a little of my father. I got an immediate erection and rethought my position on roommates in general. I decided that as soon as I had some privacy, I was going to jack off thinking about the two guys. I wondered what it would be like to have a three-way with the two brothers. Unfortunately, they looked very straight. I figured they played football and had a couple of girlfriends, each.

"You must be Jack," one of them said. He was the tallest and he was a lot taller than me. I guessed by about a foot.

He held out his hand. I held mine out and we shook. His hand felt warm, and firm. I could feel calluses on it. The back of his hand had some hair on it. I enjoyed holding his hand and I didn't want to let go of it. I had no idea what that meant. I looked up into his brown eyes and was lost. He was absolutely gorgeous.

"I'm Keith Chuffa," he said.

"Hi, Keith," I said. I remembered to let go of his hand.

"I'm Lisa, Keith's mother and this is his brother Jerry."

"I'm Jack Montay."

Jerry looked just like Keith, but I thought he might be a little shorter. I shook his hand and he grinned at me.

They had to be twins. But wouldn't they be the same height if they were twins? On the other hand, maybe Keith ate more protein or drank more milk. I didn't know much about twins. Maybe it was normal for them to be different by the time they were adults, unless they ate the exact same food and got exactly the same amount of exercise. It had never been important for me to know. Humans had twins. Vin-Ta didn't. Vin-Ta considered it almost a miracle to have one child. After centuries of trying to have their own, my parents gave up and adopted me.

"Are you twins?" I asked the shorter guy.

"That's complicated," their mother said. She didn't add anything and I wasn't comfortable asking for more information."

I shook Jerry's hand, next. Jerry smelled good, too. But it was the cologne he was wearing and not his natural scent. I would much rather have smelled that. He glanced at my crotch. I realized I had an erection and pulled my hand back.

"Oh, he's cute, Bro," Jerry said. I must have blushed, because Keith began laughing. "And he blushes!"

Lisa shook her head.

"Ignore him, please, Jack," she said.

"I never ignore a complement," I said, smiling at Jerry. That was something my mother said. Of course, she was over three hundred and she said it to other people her age. I hoped it wasn't unbelievable archaic. All three of them smiled, so I guessed it wasn't. I glanced at Keith. He had stopped laughing. He was looking at me intently.

We all helped bring Keith's stuff into the room. When his mother wasn't close, I realized Keith smelled really good, as good as Dave. That was kind of odd, because neither one of them smelled like Vin-Ta. But none of the other guys I met in the dorm had scents that appealed to me. Keith's scent made me horny, too, and I thought that could be a problem. I would be smelling him constantly.

His mother talked non-stop. Keith and Jerry mostly listened, like me. I learned Jerry was one year younger than Keith.

Despite not being able to smell happiness or anger scents, I knew they liked me. I knew it even before I heard his mother whisper to Keith that she really liked me. "Oh, yeah! He's great," Keith whispered back. Jerry seemed to more than like me. I began to rethink his heterosexuality. He brushed up against me several times when there was no obvious reason for it. Once I glanced at his crotch and saw the outline of his erection. I was hard, too, because of Keith's scent. I caught Jerry looking at my crotch. He just grinned at me.

Maybe it was because I knew they liked me, but I was comfortable around Keith's family from the beginning. I wondered if that was because of Keith's scent.

"I'm coming here next year. If you are still single, we will get married," Jerry said to me a few minutes later. He was definitely not straight, unless he was joking. "Let's have the ceremony over here," he said pointing to a spot in the room.

It sounded like a joke, but I knew I had given Jerry an erection. I glanced down and saw he still had it. I didn't know what to say. Maybe he was serious. I looked at Keith.

Keith shook his head. "He's joking."

"No I'm not," Jerry said.

"You can ignore him now," Lisa said. "That wasn't a compliment."

Well, I thought it was!

"You can be 'almost best man' at the wedding," Jerry said to Keith. "Of course, with me there, you can't be the best man!"

"Dream on," Keith said to his brother. I wasn't sure what that meant. I didn't want to show my ignorance of humans by asking.

I kept sneaking glances at Keith. He was the hottest man I had ever seen. I took a deep breath of his scent. I forgot about Dave, completely.

Once Jerry stood behind me while reaching into their van to get something of Keith's. He pressed his crotch to my butt and I'm almost certain he rubbed his erection against my ass. I froze. I turned my head and looked at him. He winked at me. I definitely didn't know how to respond to that. Wink back?

When we had everything in the room, I said, "I put my things on this side, but it's fine with me if you would rather have it. I don't have that much stuff." I said.

"I don't care a bit. This side is fine," Keith said.

Even though I liked all three of them, I was relieved when Keith's brother and mother left. Jerry wanted a picture of me, and he took it before they left. I pictured naked old women in my head so I wouldn't be erect. I hadn't thought I would ever need to do that, again.

I helped Keith arrange his things. I couldn't keep from looking at Keith. He was as hairy as a Vin-Ta. His arms and legs were covered with black hair. The hair on his chest extended to his shoulders and arms. I wanted to lick him all over.

"I was really dreading having a roommate," Keith said, while he was arranging his things.

"So was I," I said.

"Are you sorry you're stuck with me?" Keith asked.

"No! Not a bit. Actually, I feel really lucky."

Keith smiled at me and my heart began pounding.

"Me, too," he said.

I was falling in love, and I knew I shouldn't. We weren't even the same species. Keith just didn't smell like Vin-Ta.

"So are you and Jerry brothers or twins?"

"Twins, I suppose. My parents used in-vitro fertilization. They split one fertilized egg or something. They explained it but it kind of gave me the creeps. I used to think of Jerry and me as some kind of test tube Siamese twins. Anyway, then they implanted only one in her, because there was some doubt that there would be a successful pregnancy. After she gave birth to me, they implanted the other egg. Then Jerry was born."

"Oh. That makes you unique, doesn't it?"

"I wish. When you have a twin, it is difficult to be unique. Actually, I don't know any other twins. Maybe it's just me. Being different ages was good. At least we weren't in the same class, doing the same homework and competing with each other."


For the rest of the afternoon, I get trying to sneak glances at him. But every time I looked at him, he was looking at me. I knew why I was looking at him. My ideal man was seven or eight feet away from me. Not only was he hot looking, but I couldn't help but notice that the bulge in his shorts was as big as Dave's. But I didn't know why he was looking at me. Was I doing something wrong? I had never been around humans. I had no idea what it could be. I started to worry. I looked down at my shirt, thinking maybe part of lunch was on my shirt. I could feel his eyes on me, even when I was facing away from him.

"Is there something wrong?"

"I'm sorry. You seem so familiar," Keith said. "I keep trying to think why. I don't mean to bother you."

"You aren't bothering me. I was just worried I had food on my face---or in my hair."

He laughed and I joined in.

"No. You look good, Jack."

I knew how I wanted to interpret that. Did he like the way I looked? Maybe he was gay.

But that evening, I met his girlfriend, Amber. She was very beautiful, and that's kind of an understatement. She was so pretty that several guys followed her to our room. We left the door open when she walked into the room and they stood outside in the hall, watching her. Keith told me she had just moved into an apartment with two other girls about a mile and a half away. Keith told her that he and I were going to get along fine. She told me she already didn't like one of her roommates.

"She's probably jealous," I said to Amber, trying to participate in the conversation.

"Of what?" Amber asked me. I looked past her to the four guys in the hall who were looking at her butt, and making fucking motions with their fingers. One guy held his hands out like he was holding her, and making thrusting motions. I tried not to laugh.

"Well, you must know you're beautiful. If the two of you were standing together, no one would notice her."

It was a compliment, I thought. And it was true. She really was beautiful and she had to have noticed. But Amber looked irritated. I looked at Keith. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. I had no idea why she was irritated. I figured it was a female human thing.

I found out that she and Keith had been dating for a couple of years. She came right out and told me I would have the room to myself most evenings. I was terribly disappointed, but I knew it was for the best. There was no point in even fantasizing about Keith. He was straight and human. But even if he was gay and we became lovers, Keith would die in a few decades and I would grieve for hundreds of years. It happened. I can't say I liked Amber. Of course, I didn't know her at all and was hoping things would remain that way. But the way she looked at Keith---that had to be love.

I had the pictures of Dave, but I really wished I had some of Keith.

I wrote a letter to my parents that evening. I reread it to myself and cringed. It could be interpreted as a list of reasons I was in love with Keith. I wadded the letter up and tossed it in the waste basket. I wrote another letter. In it, I simply said I thought my roommate and his family seemed nice.

The following morning, Keith and I figured out how to wash clothes. Neither of us had ever done it before. I realized I loved Keith's company. Every time I looked at him, he was smiling at me.

I saw Dave in the hall a few times. I said hello, but he seemed angry.

Then classes began. It was a little bit like going through the airport. I had no idea how to do anything. Everyone else seemed to know what to do. I felt like a fool asking about everything. But Keith seemed to know everything and the questions didn't seem to bother him. As a matter of fact, he was so helpful, I worried about it. For example, once I dropped a sock and he ran over to pick it up. Then he handed it to me. Did he think I couldn't pick it up myself? I didn't have a lot of muscles, but it would hardly be a strain for me to pick it up. Did it bother him that my sock was on the floor? Did he maybe think it was getting dirty? Also, he sometimes opened doors for me. I saw lots and lots of guys leaving and entering the dorm and I never saw one guy reaching around the guy in front of him to open the door. Keith did it more than once. It didn't make any sense, and I was afraid there was an aspect of human behavior that I knew nothing about.

One evening, Dave stopped at our doorway. He asked me if I wanted to go downstairs to eat dinner with him. He looked very tense. I said, "Sure." He smiled. I still felt I owed Dave for the great pictures, even if I had stopped jacking off to them.

I turned to Keith. "I'll see you later," I said.

Keith didn't reply. He looked angry. He had already told me he was having dinner and spending the evening with Amber. I didn't know what was wrong. I started to ask him, but Dave was right there.

We went down to the dining hall. Once we sat down at a table, I looked at Dave and realized how much I had missed him.

"I've...missed you," I said to Dave. A series of emotions crossed Dave's face. I realized I made a mistake.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"It's OK, Jack. We're friends, right?"

"I hope so."

"We are. And it's OK to miss a friend. But you could have invited me to dinner, or stopped by to say hello, or just smiled at me."

I felt awful. "I'm sorry. I thought you were mad at me."

"I felt like you found something better and dropped a friend."

I felt like shit. I had hurt him and not even known it.

"I'm sorry. Really. Please forgive me."

He smiled at me and I noticed he hadn't shaved in a couple of days. His hair was kind of messed up. His shirt was very wrinkled. He had a mole on his left cheek. One ear was a little higher on his head than the other. He had a slight dimple on his chin. His eyes were blue. I just stared into his blue eyes for a while before realizing what I was doing.

"When you have facial hair, is it the same color as the hair on your head?"

Dave's only response was bursting out laughing. I sighed. I'd made another mistake and we had even started eating, yet. I decided not to open my mouth, again.

When we were eating, Dave said, "Your roommate is an asshole." I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. Keith had been very friendly with me. I thought I should defend him, but the fact was, I didn't know why he was angry when I left for dinner. I just shrugged.

Then he grinned at me. "See any good pictures?" I blushed and he laughed. I was glad he seemed to forgive me.

"I've only seen two. I sure liked them!" I said, softly.

Dave just smiled.

"Uh. How many times did them?"

I put my face in my hands and he laughed some more.

"Are you going them tonight?"

Why not? I thought. Dave really was a hot guy and he wanted to eat dinner with me, not his girlfriend. And Dave wanted me to look at his stiff cock and hairy body. Keith didn't. Sure Keith smelled good and was very hot. But so was Dave. Dave wanted me to jack off thinking of him. I wasn't very clear on why he wanted it, but I had no doubt that he did.

"Three or four times," I said.

Dave looked surprised.

"Are you serious?"

I nodded my head.

"Wow! I'm impressed!" he said. "Or maybe I should say `I'm impressive'."

I laughed.

"Maybe both."

"Yeah!" he said.

A guy I didn't know sat down at our table. Dave looked annoyed. I was annoyed, too. We finished eating in silence. I began to hope Dave would send me more pictures.

We finished and got up together. We walked back to our rooms. After Dave opened his door, he said, "Enjoy your evening!" I'm sure I blushed and he laughed before closing his door.

I stood there for a minute before knocking on his door. He opened it.

"Come in," he said. He didn't seem surprised that I was there.

"I wanted to apologize again. I treated you badly when you were really nice to me."

He smiled.

"Just don't forget I'm here, OK?"

"I promise."

I left feeling better.

I jacked off twice to Dave's pictures. Then I received another email. I got an erection even before I opened it. It was a view looking down at his torso and erection. A finger was pulling a strand of precum away from the head of his cock. While I frantically jacked off, I wondered again why Dave wanted me to lust after him. I wondered what he would say if I offered to suck his cock for him. I could explain I didn't want to date him, just suck him. I kept jacking off. I lost track of how many times I came. But my dick hurt when I finished. I shifted to repair the damage.

That same evening, when he got back from Amber's, Keith was definitely angry. He said hello when he got back and then there was sullen silence. Keith pulled off his shirt and threw it on the floor. He looked really hot without a shirt. Just like Dave. I wondered if he had a fight with Amber. Or maybe he was mad at me. I didn't know what to do, even if I should do anything. But I didn't like being in a room with an enormous angry man.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked him.

Keith sighed.

"No. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Are you mad at me?"

Keith gave me a strange look. "No, of course not!"

"Did you have a fight with Amber?"


He sighed, loudly. He seemed fine after that. I was relieved, but I couldn't help worrying.

I didn't see much of Dave for a while. He had dates. I made a point to say hello whenever I saw him. Keith had dates, too. I was the only one without dates. A guy on the floor above us did ask me out, but he was practically hairless. He didn't do anything for me at all. Staying at home gave me privacy to jack off. It was very strange, but when Keith was with me, I never thought about Dave. I remembered how hot Dave was, and how much I loved his cock, but my attention was fully on Keith when he was around. Then I made an interesting discovery. When I was not in our room, I found myself lusting after Dave, unless Keith was right by me. When I was in our room, it was difficult not to think of Keith. I figured it had something to do with scent, but I knew nothing about how human scents affected Vin-Ta. The next time I saw Dave's door open, I walked into his room and immediately found myself getting an erection. I then walked back to our room and I stopped thinking of Dave. I didn't understand how humans' scents could affect me like that. But I was a gay Vin-Ta. Maybe all of us behaved that way, I thought. That is, if I wasn't the only gay Vin-Ta. Anyway, Dave saw me walk in his room and leave. He came over.

"Did you need something?"

I realized my mouth was open and I closed it. Dave was growing a moustache. Was that a coincidence? Then he brushed his moustache lightly with a finger. I guessed it was to make sure I noticed it. I wasn't going to comment---I didn't want him to laugh the way he had when I asked about facial hair. But there was a lingering silence.

"It looks nice on you," I said, finally.

"Kind of nice?"

"Very nice."

I continued writing letters to my parents. But as time went on, I had less and less to say. I went from writing daily, to weekly.

Keith didn't get angry anymore, at least not around me. He kept asking about my childhood and my parents. I couldn't tell the truth, so I lied. I hated lying to him.

The following Saturday I asked Keith if he would help me pick out a car. I didn't really need one, but I had been given seventy-thousand dollars specifically for a car. I knew very little about them, especially about buying one and I really needed help. My parents are wealthy, and I could have asked for even more. According to Arthur, by the time you are two hundred, any money you've happened to put in a bank has grown enormously. I never thought about it because we didn't spend any money at the pack. The only thing we bought was food and clothes, and they were casual clothes. Anyway, Keith got excited about car shopping and cancelled his plans with Amber. That was a nice side effect! We spent the day looking at different makes and models. Keith seemed really happy. He smiled the whole day. Whatever I bought, I doubted I would be driving that much. It seemed wrong to spend a lot of money on an expensive car that would spend most of its time sitting in a parking lot. Keith agreed. He said it was more likely an expensive car would be stolen. On Keith's recommendation I bought a new Honda Civic.

A couple of times while we were shopping, I had the feeling I was being watched. Once, I thought I caught a glimpse of Dave, but it turned out not to be him.

Keith wanted us to try the car out the next day. He cancelled his plans with Amber again and I was really glad I'd bought it, maybe for the wrong reason. We drove out in the country. We took turns driving. I had a driver's license, but I had never driven much. I had a great time. He showed me a park called Enchanted Rock. We had fun exploring it. I would have liked to let my wolf out, but that was obviously impossible. It was one of the most wonderful days I could remember. By the time we headed back to school, I was sure I was in love with Keith. When we got back to our room, Keith's cell phone was on his desk, ringing.

"You didn't take it?" I asked.

"No. I forgot it."

"We could have come back for it."


He looked at his phone and sighed. He answered, "Hi, Amber. I forgot it. Well, I'm SORRY..."

While he talked to her, I wondered what that sigh meant. Then I realized that he spent almost the entire weekend with me. It was no wonder Amber was annoyed. I had asked Keith to help me with the car the day before. But it was Keith who decided to spend Sunday with me. I looked over at him and he rolled his eyes, I guessed at something Amber said. What was going on?

I was in love with a human. I had been warned about that my whole life. Even if Keith loved me back and decided he wanted a relationship with me, I would watch him grow old and die while I stayed young. I shook my head. Keith was straight. He was on the phone with his girlfriend. I was fantasizing, nothing more. I decided I should spend more time with Dave, if he was free. My relationship with him was strange, but it was more straightforward. Dave knew I was gay. He knew I thought he was hot and that he knew that I wanted his cock. It didn't bother him a bit. There was no pretense. Keith, however seemed to think I was straight. That was very different than Dave, who noticed immediately that I was gay. It was a relief to not hide my sexuality from at least one man. I knew that if I openly told Dave what I loved most about his cock, he would probably be flattered. He wouldn't think it was disgusting. I didn't know why Dave welcomed my sexual interest in him. He said once that I was good for his ego. Was I like a very pretty girl, and was he simply flattered? But it couldn't just be flattery, could it? Why would he send more pictures when he already knew I thought he was very hot? Then I remembered Dave's mustache. I wondered if he still had it. I wasn't going to have a romantic relationship with either one. But if I spent all my time with Keith, I would just fall more in love with an unavailable human.

As if he could read my mind, Dave knocked on our door and asked me if I wanted to go down for dinner. God, he looked hot! And he still had the mustache. He must have caught me noticing it. He stroked it briefly.

"No date?" I asked.


He looked down at my crotch and laughed. I looked down. I was hard. There was no point in hiding it. We both knew I lusted after him. Dave was sure different than Keith. And yet, they were a lot alike. Even their scents affected me the same way. I decided to ask him for more photos of his cock the next time we were alone. I was about to leave with him when Keith told Dave that he and I were going out for dinner. I looked at Keith. He seemed furious, and he hadn't mentioned dinner together until right then. I couldn't really object. Dave looked disappointed. I wondered during dinner why Keith and Dave acted the way they did. While we were eating, my cell phone buzzed. I looked at it. I got another picture from Dave. I didn't look at it. I couldn't with Keith present. That was not just because I didn't want Keith to know it. I actually had little desire to look at Dave's cock when Keith was so close to me.

The next evening, Keith was with Amber. Dave knocked on the door. I opened it and he walked into our room. He was just wearing shorts. He looked very hot.

"Did you like the photo?"

I had forgotten about it! I grabbed my phone and looked at the picture. I groaned. It was Dave's cock. He had just come. The picture showed his dripping cock and his semen on his belly hair.

"Oh, god! That's the hottest thing I ever saw!"

Dave chuckled. I looked at his face. He had a look of satisfaction on his face. He really wanted me to like it. I knew he wanted me to lust after his cock. It seemed he also wanted me to want his cum, too. And I did. What did that mean?

"Do you send other people pictures like this?" I asked. I cringed as I said it. It sounded jealous and possessive. The worst part was, that was how I felt.

"No, I never have." He paused, then added, "If I had a steady girlfriend, I would."

"Oh. OK." I was greatly relieved and irritated at the same time. He could find a steady girlfriend in a couple of hours, if he tried. Dave was the sexiest man on Earth. Any woman in her right mind would beg him for his cock. I looked at his crotch. Dave was hard. It was mine! I needed to keep him away from women, all women. But how? Then I came to my senses. I was acting crazy! I sighed.

"Are you still a virgin?" he asked me.

I was shocked by the question. And embarrassed. And...hopeful?

"Uh. Yeah."

He nodded his head.

"Are you and Keith dating?"

"What? No! You've seen his girlfriend."

"Yeah. But he seems very possessive of you."

"Does he?" I had noticed, but had no idea why he seemed to feel that way about me.

"He gets mad whenever you talk to me. Has he asked you not to talk to me?"

I frowned.


"If he did, would you stop? Talking to me, I mean?"

Where were those questions coming from, I wondered.

"I would probably avoid it when he was around. I have to live with him."

"And when he isn't around?"

"I really like you, Dave. Far more than I should. You know the effect you have on me. I worry about you getting a girlfriend, but that isn't fair to you."

Dave nodded. He liked that answer.

"I told you not to worry about how much you like me, and how much you like the way I look. I've been trying to prove you don't need to feel that way." He squinted his eyes. "The more you want me, the happier I am. Is that clear enough?"

"Yes, but I don't understand."

"I know. And I can't explain.

"Are you watching porn? I mean, besides me," he asked.


Dave didn't like that answer. He frowned.

"Have you ever seen his dick?"


"Your roommate!

"No. Just yours."

Dave smiled broadly. That was absolutely the right response. I gasped as he pushed his shorts off. His cock was very stiff and bounced as he pulled his shorts. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" I said. Dave chuckled. He stood in front of me completely naked.

"What do you think?"

"Perfect," was all I could say.

"Do you know how to shoot video on your phone?" he asked me.


"Hand it to me."

I didn't know what was going on. He showed me how to do it.

"I'll jack off and you can film it."

He began slowly stroking his cock and I took video of it.

"If you need to jack off to porn, I want the porn to be of me." I was speechless. "After all, there is nothing wrong with my cock," he said.

"No. It's beautiful," I said.

"Just beautiful?"

"No. It's perfect. Completely perfect," I said. Dave sighed.

"I hope someday I am lucky enough to get fucked with such a perfect cock."

Dave had a sexy smirk on his face. He let go of his cock and made it bounce without touching it. I started to get dizzy. I decided it was the scent of Dave's body, mixed with the scent of his cock and his precum, which was dripping onto the floor.

He took the phone away from me and put it down. He placed my hands on his chest. I felt his body the way I'd wanted since I met him. The hair was soft and his muscles were hard. I felt his mustache. Dave shuddered at my every touch. I ran my fingers through his short hair. He closed his eyes and sighed. I did it for a while since he seemed to enjoy it so much. Dave flexed his bicep and I felt his muscle. I felt the hair on his arms and then felt it on his legs. I even ran my fingers through his pubic hair and he didn't stop me. Once I'd examined him with my hands, I used my nose. I sniffed at his crotch, at the middle of his chest, and then his underarm. He lifted one arm up so I could smell. I looked at his erection. It was dripping profusely. In fact, the head of his cock was connected to the floor with a strand of precum. I pressed my face into the middle of his chest. I took a deep sniff. And then, to my surprise, I heard him take a deep sniff. I wondered if he could smell himself. I glanced up at his face. Dave looked completely and utterly satisfied. Maybe even triumphant. As if what we were doing, and what I was saying were exactly what he wanted. But then, of course it was. He was the one directing things. I was just responding.

I reached out and felt his moustache.

"I love it. Did you grow it for me?"

"Yes. I'm glad you like it. Does it make me look sexier?"

I shook my head.

"It doesn't?"

"You were maxed out on the sexiness scale."

He grinned.

"Some incredibly lucky woman will get to do what I just did," I said. "And she will be able to do it, every day."

Dave laughed.

"You don't know a lot about women, do you?"

I shook my head.

"I seriously doubt anyone else in the world would do to me what you just did. do it again, some time."

"Are you serious?" I asked him.


"Maybe it will keep you from finding a girlfriend. I would love to do it, again."

Dave grinned. Then he looked serious.

"Do you think I'm sexier than Keith?"

"He doesn't let me do this to him."

"No. He only lets Amber do it."

I suddenly got very sad. It was true, and it hurt.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I know you like him," Dave said.

Dave sat on my bed and patted next to him. I sat there.

"I think you are sexier," I said. "My relationship with Keith is completely non-sexual."

"Let's see how the video came out."

He put his arm around me and I fell deeper in love with him. I leaned my head on him and he didn't seem to mind. I think he even rubbed his cheek on the top of my head. I looked down and saw he was still hard. My lust seemed to make him hard. But why? He was straight. If it was flattery, I could understand why he wanted me to lust after him. Why did he have an erection?

The video was very hot. I loved it.

"Whenever you are horny, watch it or look at my pictures. Would you like me to film some videos of me jacking off, with cumshots?"

"Please! Please!"

Dave chuckled.

"I'll send them to you."

"That's fantastic!"

Dave chuckled, again.

"I should go," he said.

I was disappointed, to say the least. I wanted to ask him if we were ever going to have sex, but things seemed to be progressing. I didn't think I should push too hard.

"Could I jack off sometime when you are in the room?"

"You want to look at my cock while you stroke yourself?"

"Yeah. The pictures are great, but I would come harder if I could smell your cock."

That came out before I thought. I hoped it didn't sound too weird. He was human, after all. Scent didn't mean nearly as much to them. But he didn't act like it was odd.

"I don't see why not."

Dave put on his shorts and left. I didn't remember until after he had gone that I was in love with Keith, too. I looked at the video of him stroking himself. Then I left to use the restroom. On my way back, I heard Dave's voice. He was yelling at someone. The only thing I overheard, unfortunately, was, "I am and I do!" I stood by his door, trying to hear more, but the room went silent. `I am and I do,' was not particularly informative. Could his girlfriend have shown up unexpectedly?

Keith and I settled into a comfortable routine. I didn't see much of Dave for a while. His door was usually closed. I knocked on his door a couple of times. He was out. I wondered if it was because of the argument he had after he left my room. If it was his girlfriend, she might be keeping a close eye on him. If he was mine, I would do the same. I thought I should give him a little time. And I had Keith. It would be wrong to act jealous. The truth was, I only thought of Dave when Keith wasn't around. That made me a poor friend to Dave, I knew. I decided to send him an email one evening when Keith was with Amber. I spent a long time thinking about what to say. I finally decided on, "Hi, friend. I hope everything is OK. I'm thinking of you."

The next evening, Keith was at Amber's, again. I didn't want to eat alone. I knocked on Dave's door. I wasn't really expecting an answer, but he opened his door.

"Do you want to go down to dinner?" I asked him.

Dave smiled. "Sure."

We sat down. Dave was completely relaxed. I was relieved that things were fine between us. I really wanted to ask if he had a girlfriend, but I knew I shouldn't. Despite having decided that, I found myself asking, "Are you seeing someone?" It came out sounding angry and jealous.

"I see a Jay over there."

I smiled. That defused my tension.

"Is he good in bed?" I asked, joking.

"We only do it in the hallway at 4:00 in the morning." I laughed. "And if you repeat that." He whispered, "I'll never let you look at my dick, again. And we both know how much you like it."

I blushed and Dave laughed, again looking satisfied. I was relieved that we still had...the very strange relationship we had.

"I was worried that...things...had changed between us," I said.

"Have you been looking at the video?" he asked, softly.

"No. I stopped when I thought you were seeing someone. It just depressed me to look..." I stopped talking when I realized he looked pissed. I didn't want that, at all! Then he laughed at my expression.

"You don't love him anymore," he said.


Dave glanced down at his crotch.

I laughed.

"I do. I do! I thought he met someone and didn't like me, anymore!"

"Well, he does. He likes to be liked."

"By how many people?" I cringed. That sounded jealous and angry.

"Sixty-two," Dave said.

I laughed. "Sixty-two what?"

"That's how many fans he has."

I laughed and Dave chuckled.

"If he likes to be liked, does he love to be loved?" I asked.


"I do love him," I said. "I'm not sure I'm in love with him, though."

"Well, you haven't known each other that long," Dave said. "Give it time."

I laughed for a long time. Dave grinned the whole time.

I whispered, "If you ever marry, I hope she loves it as much as I do."

"I really don't think that's possible, Jack."

"Then you better marry me."

"Uh, straight, remember? I really want at least one child," Dave said.

I nodded. It seemed everyone I knew wanted a child. It made me sad to realize that even if our relationship went further, I could never give him something he really wanted.

Jay B. walked up to our table.

"Are you talking about Keith? Are you in love with Keith?" Jay asked.

"Uh. No," I said to Jay.

"We are definitely, absolutely not talking about Keith," Dave said. "Now go away."

"Oh. OK."

Jay left.

The way he said that made me shiver. He went all Alpha and it was hot. I thought again how incredibly sexy Dave was. I looked at his hairy forearms and his large hands. I could picture his cock clearly in my mind. I knew exactly how it smelled, too. From what he said, I was going to see his cock, again. I wondered if he would show it to me when we got back upstairs. I didn't come the last time he showed it to me in my room. I wanted to come when his cock was as close to me as he would allow. What I really wanted was for him to come all over my face, but that was something I needed to keep to myself. Then I thought, why limit it to my face. Maybe I could get Dave to cover me with his spunk. I could feel my underwear was getting wet. Dave was so hot, his spunk had to smell and taste delicious.

For some reason, Dave's breathing began sounding weird, like he couldn't catch his breath. I panicked. What if he was sick? He was human. There could be any number of diseases deadly to humans that could cause it. I felt panic beginning.

"What's wrong, Jack."

Dave looked very concerned about me. I was concerned about him!

"What's wrong?" he repeated.

Dave looked panicked. It suddenly occurred to me that I was important to Dave. He was panicking because I was. What would he do if I fell down in front of him?

"Are you all right?" he asked.

He took my hand. I smiled at him and nodded. He looked relieved. I really was important to him.

"Are you OK?" I asked him.

"I'm fine," he said.

I happened to glance away from Dave and realized almost everyone in the dining hall was watching us.

I sighed.

"Everyone is looking at us," I whispered to Dave.

He looked around.

"Tell Keith we had dinner together and that I said you looked feverish. I touched your hand to see if I could feel whether you had a temperature."

What? How did he come up with that so quickly?

"Then kick him in the ass for me."

"Uh. OK," I said.

We finished and went upstairs. Dave said, "Bye," as he walked into his room and closed the door.

I sighed. I wasn't going to see his cock that evening.

I sat on my bed. I couldn't get the idea of tasting his cum out of my mind. I got up and walked to Dave's door. I knocked. He immediately opened it. He didn't look a bit surprised to see it to me. I might have been imagining it, but I got the impression he was glad to see me.

"Will you come to my room for a minute?" I asked him.


We walked across the hall and into my room.

"I hope this won't upset you, but I was wondering if..." I closed my eyes. "I want to taste your cum. Would you consider shooting on something and giving it to me? I don't need to watch. You can jack off in your room."

I opened my eyes to see if he was mad. His face was expressionless, but I glanced down and he had a very obvious erection.

"How much do you want this?" he asked me. "To...drink."

I thought about it. My feelings surprised me.

"More than anything."

Despite how weird that sounded, Dave just nodded his head, like he wasn't surprised. I was shocked I felt that way. Why wasn't he?

"I've got to run to the store. That will give me a chance to think about it."

"You aren't angry at me for asking, are you?"

Dave sighed.

"No, Jack. Being angry doesn't make my cock, hard. There are just implications. This is not a good idea, but you want it, and I want you to be happy. I just need time to think."

I smiled at him.

"Do you love me?" he asked. I was very surprised at the question. I wondered what he wanted to hear.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. Sometimes I love you and sometimes I love Keith. When I'm with you, I'm sure I'm in love with you. When I'm with him, I'm sure I'm in love with him. I don't understand why it flip-flops. It confuses me and I...feel guilty. I feel guilty right now for saying I love Keith. I guess...I'm in love with both of you."

He nodded before I realized I shouldn't have mentioned Keith. He seemed satisfied with my answer, though.

"Are you still a virgin?"

He had asked me that before. Why did it matter?


That was the right answer, it seemed.

"See you in a few minutes," he said, as he turned and left.

Dave wanted me to lust after him. That was certain. Did he want me to love him? Maybe. Did he want me to love Keith? I could say with absolute certainty that he didn't. Maybe the virgin question was Dave's way of asking if Keith had fucked me. But Dave seemed to accept the situation. I wondered again why I loved Keith. Dave was making a very real effort to meeting my sexual needs. Keith was busy meeting Amber's sexual needs. I sighed. But Dave disappeared, too. I had no idea what he was doing when he didn't answer his door. I knew exactly where Keith was. I even had Amber's phone number. If they were both dating women, weren't they equally unavailable? No. Dave was thinking about feeding me his semen. That was truly remarkable. I was lucky to have Dave.

As I sat there on my bed, waiting for Dave to come back, it occurred to me that he had already decided to do it. He had a weird condition to it---that I was a virgin, and I met the condition. So why was he going to the store? Was it to buy a condom? Could that be it? Was he more likely to fuck me if I was a virgin? Maybe he was worried about catching some disease transmitted during sex. He was human. He had to worry about things like that.

Dave came back out of breath. He'd been running. It made him smell even better. He had a plastic grocery sack. He pulled out foam cups and---a turkey baster. Of all the things he might have wanted from the store, a turkey baster seemed least likely.

"Where's the turkey?" I asked. Dave grinned.

He opened the bag of cups and put one on the floor. Then he pulled off his T-shirt and threw it across the room. He kicked his shoes off, then pushed his shorts off. He stood in front of me, naked and grinning. He picked up the Styrofoam cup. I gasped as he held it at the end of his cock and began jacking off.

"You are going to let me watch you come?" I asked, amazed.

"I am very certain I am going to regret this, but yes. I can't control myself."

That was a wonderful thing, as far as I was concerned. I suddenly realized that an erotic story I'd read several times had a straight guy who jacked off into a Styrofoam cup. I wondered if it was a common human...thing.

While he stroked himself with one hand, while holding the cup with the other, he said, "Take off all your clothes."

I pulled them off so fast, I heard cloth rip.

"Eager?" Dave asked.

"Oh, god!"

I gasped and I had an orgasm as I watched a white rope of spunk shoot out of his cock and go into the cup. Dave was looking at me, though, not the cup. The sound of his jizz hitting the sides of the cup was incredibly erotic, for some reason. Dave was looking at me intently. I knelt so I could watch, up close. Another white stream went into the cup. Then another, and another. I looked up at Dave in awe. "You have to be the sexiest man alive," I said to him. He smirked as a blast of cum hit my face.

He chuckled.

"Oops. Sorry."

"Oh, god. Don't apologize!"

The smell was indescribable. After six or seven powerful spurts, Dave handed me the cup. Then he wiped his cum off my face and stuck his fingers in my mouth. I moaned as I sucked them clean. The taste and smell made me shiver. I looked inside the cup before swirling it around. Then I tilted it slowly, I wanted to eat it slowly. I groaned as it entered my mouth.

"Jack off while you drink it," he said.

I came as soon as I touched my cock.

I looked up at him. His eyes were half-closed, his mouth hung slack, and I could see his tongue was moving slowly. Then I looked at his cock as I drank. It was dripping. I caught the drip in the cup and then continued sipping.

"Kinky," Dave said.

I stopped drinking and looked up at him. "Is that bad?" I asked.

Dave grinned.

"Hell, no! It's hot. Maybe the hottest thing I've ever seen. Do you like my fresh, hot cream?"

"I love it! Why does it taste so good?" I asked him, looking up at Dave.

"You love it, huh?"

I finished drinking it.

"Do you want more?"

To my amazement, and before I even answered, Dave reached down and took the cup. I reached out and caressed his nuts.

"Oh, yeah! That feels great!" he said.

He held the cup to his cock again, and just a couple of strokes later, began shooting more into the cup. He looked at me the whole time. I let go of his nuts and push a finger up his butt crack. I lightly rubbed his asshole before pulling my hand back. I sniffed my finger.

"Do you like the way my ass smells?"

"Oh, yeah. It never occurred to me that an ass could smell good. But it sure does."

Dave smirked and handed me the cup. I drank it.

"Enough?" he asked.

I nodded. "For now."

Dave turned around, facing away from me. Then he lifted one leg and put a foot on the bed. He reached back and pulled my face to his ass.

"Oh, fuck!" I said, as I pulled his cheeks apart and began licking his asshole. While I did that, I heard the sound of his jizz hitting the sides of the Styrofoam cup. It stopped and then a moment later, I heard him begin a new orgasm, with more spunk hitting the cup. I rubbed my face all over his wet hole.

"Fuck! You are driving me wild!" he said.

He spun around and took my chin in his hand. He tilted my face up. I looked up at him as he resumed stroking himself. I heard more cum hit the cum.

"You are such a stud! How do you do it?"

He didn't answer. He came, again.

"God! You are such a stud!"

"You said that, already."

I laughed. "Sorry!"

When he finished, I expected him to give me the cup. But he didn't. He a finger into it and rubbed it under my nose. He dipped his finger in it, again. It felt like he wrote something on my forehead, using his cum for ink.

"Did you write something?" I asked.

He grinned at me. "Yes."


"You can look, later," he said. I wondered what it was.

Dave's breathing had been erratic. He pulled his fingers out of my mouth and put the cup on the floor. There was a lot of cum in it!

"What now?" I asked.

"Bend over."

"Is it going in my ass?" I asked, enthusiastically.


"That's wonderful!"

He chuckled.

I knelt at the bed and leaned forward. I looked back and saw Dave dip a finger in his cum. "Pull your cheeks apart," he said. I groaned and did it. Dave placed his cum-coated finger on my hole. He pressed and his finger slipped inside me. I groaned, loudly. He began fucking me with his finger and I came, again, shooting my load under my bed.

"No! No!" I cried when he pulled his finger out of me.

Dave chuckled.

"Don't worry. I'm not finished."

I looked behind me. I was still pulling my cheeks apart for him. Dave dipped two fingers in his cum. He pushed both inside my hole. It burned, but I loved it. He began fucking me with both fingers. His fingers hit somewhere inside me and I groaned. Dave began rubbing that spot and, to my shock, he wrapped his other hand around my cock and stroked me. His hand was wet, which meant he was jacking my off with his cum for lube. Seconds later, I had the most intense orgasm I had ever had. When I was done, he pulled the fingers out of me and let go of my dick. He picked up the turkey baster. He put it in the cum and I watched his white jizz rise up into the baster. He poured more cum onto the outside of the turkey baster and got the outside wet. He place the tip and my asshole and pushed it slowly inside me. Then he began fucking me with the turkey baster. He began caressing my back with the other hand. I came, again. It was so fucking kinky! I had no idea what was going on, but I loved it! I came again as he continued to fuck me with it.

"You OK?"

"Never better," I said. "I love you, Dave."

Dave sighed. He definitely didn't say, 'I love you, too.' But I didn't expect him to. He was straight. But he did say, "You are important to me, Jack." And that was almost as nice.

"I'm going to squeeze the bulb," he said.


"You want my spunk up your ass?"

"Oh, hell, yeah! I want to bathe in the stuff and then drink the bath water."

"You are a nasty little boy!" he said, he said laughing. I laughed, too.

"You are the one with the sexual utensil!"

He chuckled.

I somehow sensed when his cum entered me. He continued rubbing my back.

"I told you I wanted a child," Dave said.


"What I didn't tell you is that I wish you could give it to me, Jack."

"Oh, Dave!"

"We could raise our baby together. We'd be a family, the three of us."

"I wish that, too."

"Do you really?"

I sighed.

"Yeah. My parents wanted to have a baby. They finally gave up and adopted me."

"But do you want my baby?" Dave asked.

"Would I be kneeling here with a turkey baster up my butt and the taste of your cum in my mouth, if I didn't?"

Dave sighed. Then he shocked me by kissing my back.

It was beyond strange, what we were doing. But it felt right, somehow. Dave slowly pulled the baster out of me. He took his T-shirt and wiped my butt dry. I stood up and looked at his face. Dave looked terribly guilty. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him.

"You look like you already regret this, Dave. I wish you didn't. But you made me very, very happy. Please remember that while you are regretting it."

Dave gave me a little smile.

"And I definitely love you," I said, smiling. "I mean it."

Dave's smile got a little broader.

I sighed.

"I really do wish I could have your baby."

He stroked my cheek and I suddenly realized he was in love with me. He just couldn't admit it. Maybe he was ashamed of his feelings. And just maybe they were shattering his self-image. I felt sorry for him and very grateful, too.

"Damn! We didn't make a video!" I said. "If I had a video of what we just did, I would never need any other porn for the rest of my life!"

Dave grinned and then left. He didn't take the turkey baster with him. I had to knock on his door and give it to him.

"I have no idea how I would explain to Keith what that was doing in our room."

Dave took it, chuckling. Sadly, I could still see regret in his eyes. I went back to our room and saw there was cum everywhere. Most of it had to be mine. Dave made sure his went inside me.

When I was back in my room, I wiped the rest of Dave's cum out of the cup. I finger-fucked myself while I jacked off. I came again. I'd lost track of how many times I'd come, but it was more than I thought possible. I had to change my underwear twice, because Dave's cum kept leaking out of my ass.

Keith got home late. I was still up. I was still trying to figure out what the turkey baster was for.

"Hey!" I said.

"Damn! This room stinks!" he said. "Did a skunk die under your bed?"

I laughed. "Let me check." I bent down and looked. "Nope. Just a squashed armadillo."

Keith laughed.

Keith left the door open, I guess to let the room air out. I was very glad I had a shower.

"I went down to dinner with Dave." I sighed as Keith got angry. It was very predictable. "He told me I looked flushed. I don't have a thermometer. Do you know how to tell if I have a fever by touching my skin?"

"I don't know. Let me see."

Keith put his hand on my forehead. His anger seemed to have disappeared.

"You feel warm. I don't know if you are too warm. I'll go buy a thermometer. Don't worry."

I knew I really wasn't sick. I'm Vin-Ta. We don't get sick.

"No. I don't want you walking a mile to your truck, then to the drugstore and then a mile back. I feel OK. Let's wait. If I start to feel bad, I'll let you know."

Keith smiled.

"OK. Don't worry about waking me up. If you are sick, I want to take care of you."

"Did you have a nice time with Amber?"

"Same as usual."

That didn't sound very enthusiastic and he didn't smile. I was delighted, but tried not to show it.

I felt like I was really fitting in, as far as the dorm went. Or maybe it was the relationships I liked. I had friends and I liked living in the dorm better than living in our pack. But classes were a different matter. I struggled to begin with, and I continued to struggle. I never attended a class, in the human sense, in my life. I was the only young person in Mountain Gap pack. My teacher was Arthur, from the time he taught me to read at age five, until I left for college. Starting at age nine, I was his only pupil. He taught me everything and it didn't matter where he taught me or when. If the weather was nice, it was outdoors. Suddenly I was one person in a crowded auditorium. The teacher was a stranger and I was a stranger to the teacher. It was always very noisy and I found it very difficult to focus on what the teacher was saying. The various smells of all the students was distracting, too. The first time a professor looked over the hundreds of students in his class and asked if there were any questions, I almost laughed. It seemed like fifty people raised their hands. I wondered if I had to stay until all their questions were answered. When most people got up to leave, I had my answer. But it seemed a very strange way to educate people. It seemed more like mass production than education. It didn't really matter to me whether I got a degree. I needed to do something with my life, but I still didn't know what. My major was Botany, but I couldn't see myself getting a job in the human world. My parents certainly never suggested it.

I saw Dave, but we didn't speak much and we didn't have dinner together. I always said hello when I saw him. And once, when no one was looking, I blew him a kiss. He smiled. I was still convinced he loved me, but he saw himself as straight. He had a picture of his girlfriend next to his bed. Did he look at that picture and feel guilt for what we'd done? I understood guilt, I really did. I'd been raised on it, in the pack. He knew he was going to regret what we did, and he was right. I figured he would get over it and I just hoped it didn't take too long. But he wasn't angry at me and I was happy to give him his space. After all, I had Keith, at least part-time. And when Keith was around, I was happy.

Keith spent most evenings with Amber, but he spent some with me. A lot of times he and I went out. He would take me to different places around town that he liked. Many of them were places he discovered with Amber. Others were places he'd heard about. I saw Dave with a girl at a restaurant. I'd seen her in the dining hall at our dorm, but I didn't know she was seeing Dave. I waved at him and walked over to say hello. He introduced me to his date, Belle.

"Hey! That's a pretty name," I said.

She smiled.

"I'm Jack," I said.

She looked at me. She didn't say anything. It was very Amberish of her. Amber completely ignored the other guys in our dorm, even when they spoke to her. I didn't know if I should say anything or not. I looked at Dave. He had a blank expression on his face. I was intruding. That had to be it.

"Well, you two have a great time," I said, smiling. Actually, I was hurt. Then I thought, what if Dave told her about me? If she was his girlfriend, my relationship to Dave wasn't anything that would make her happy. But then I decided Dave wouldn't tell her. How could he?

When I walked back over to Keith, he was angry. He and Dave hated each other. If Dave loved me, jealousy was a possibility, but from things he'd said, I had the impression Dave thought Keith shouldn't be seeing Amber. If he was jealous, he should be encouraging their relationship. I wasn't the only one who had noticed their mutual hatred---a couple of people had asked me about their 'feud'.

"She wouldn't even say hello," I said to Keith.

Keith shrugged, but he seemed happier.

While we were walking back to our door, Keith sat down on a bench not far from the dorm.

"What do you want to do with life after college?" he asked me.

"I've wondered about that a lot. I have no idea. Something Botanical, I suppose."

"I would like it if we figure out a town that would work for both of us. I want to stay friends."

I wanted that, too. But it wasn't a good idea. He would be married to Amber and probably have a family. I wouldn't fit. And if I followed him anyway, in fifteen or twenty years, they would start to wonder why I wasn't aging. Keith would be an even bigger part of my life, and so, it would be even harder to leave. Then I started to worry about their wedding. I didn't want to go to it and I was sure Keith would invite me. How could I go when I wouldn't be happy for them? I had seen enough weddings in movies and on TV. When the minister asked if anyone knew of any reason they shouldn't get married, I would be looking around hopefully. I didn't fit there, either.

"What do you think?" he asked.

I wondered if I should lie. But I was in a bad mood because of Dave and his date.

"You will be married, Keith. Do you really think Amber wants me around? Even if she did, I don't want to be around her. I don't like it, but I think our friendship will end when we leave college. Or before the wedding."

I looked at Keith to see if he was mad. He looked like he was about to cry. I felt like shit. I didn't want to hurt Keith. The truth could wait.

"I'm sorry. I'm just in a bad mood."

"Because of Dave's date."

"Yeah. She could have said hello, back."

"Maybe she's having her period," Keith said.

"We've got plenty of time to decide on our future," I said.

"That is very true."

We got up and walked the rest of the way to our room.

I tried to keep from thinking about those evenings with Keith as dates, but Keith usually wanted to pay for my dinner. I offered to pay for his several times, but he wouldn't let me. Did that make it a date? I didn't know. I asked one of the Jays about that.

"If a friend asks you to go out to dinner and wants to pay for your dinner, what does it mean?"

"Is this a straight friend?"

"You two are my only gay friends, so yes."

"Is he a blonde or a brunette?"

I was surprised at the question.

"Uh. Brunette."

"Could be nothing? Have you offered to pay for his?"

"Yeah. More than once."

"Did he let you?"


"It sounds like a date to me," Jay B said. "Maybe the boy is confused."

"He has to be confused. Look at BB," the other Jay, Jay D, said.

I was having trouble following the conversation. I didn't know what a bb was.

"He's bi. He has to be. He's not the only bi on the floor. He's not even the only bi in the room," Jay B said. I thought he was saying 'buy', and we were talking about buying dinner.

"Not that again!" Jay D said. "I AM NOT BI!" Jay D said slowly and also loudly.

I realized my mouth was open. I shut it. I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about.

"Is BB bi?" I asked, trying to decipher what they were saying. I thought maybe they were both people.

"How would we know?"

"Oh. I have to go. Thanks," I said.

They were arguing as I shut their door behind me. I not only didn't have any answers, I had actually forgotten what I asked them.

It seemed the longer I knew Keith, the more confused I got. And I started spending less time looking at photos of Dave and more worrying what was up with Keith. We never talked about feelings, it seemed neither one of us wanted to do that. If I pressured him for answers, he might pressure me and there were a lot of things I just couldn't explain to a human. And then there was Dave. I hadn't seen him for a while and I started to feel guilty about asking him to do something he didn't think he should have done. And Keith kept asking about Dave. When I told him I hadn't talked to him, Keith looked happy and relieved. Why would not talking be a good thing? If Keith was jealous...but he couldn't be. If he was, he would stay home, instead of spending so much time with Amber. Why didn't he want me to talk to Dave?

One strange thing happened. One afternoon, I saw Dave's door was open. He was lying on his bed in just shorts and doing something on his phone. He smiled at me.

"Hello. How are you?" he asked. He didn't really sound like he cared.

He seemed so cool and calm. I had imagined he was going through some deep emotional turmoil. I was wrong. This was the guy who accused me of ignoring him, about three weeks earlier. And the guy who fucked me with a turkey baster.

"I've got a question about my phone. Do you have a minute?"

"Of course," Dave said.

I asked him some questions about downloading videos. I actually was more interested in finding out where we stood, friendship-wise. But this was a different Dave. I was utterly confused. I had planned to ask him if he wanted to go to dinner, but I wasn't sure if I should. I had a feeling he would say something like. "No. Thank you for asking," in a cool or cold way. Then I got another shock.

"I missed you," he said.

"I missed you, Dave."

"Have you looked at the pictures?" he asked, softly.

I smiled at him and he grinned.

"How do you feel," he asked. That time, he sounded like he cared.

"Fine. I don't want to push you, but I miss eating together," I said.

"Me, too. Just ask me when you want company."

I smiled.

"OK. I was afraid we crossed a line, or something."

Dave sighed. "We did. We crossed the line and ended up on the opposite side of the country. And I enjoyed it way too much. But I don't blame you."

"I'm worried about losing you," I said. That was strange. I hadn't been worried. It was a brand new fear.

Everything seemed to be back to normal. It was a relief. While we were talking, I glanced at the door and saw Keith standing in our doorway, glaring at me. I said bye to Dave and walked over to our room. Keith closed the door.

"What's wrong? Are you mad at me?"

"You know, I thought we were friends, but Dave told me that he helped you pick out a new phone. Why didn't you ask me? I helped you with the car."

Was that jealousy? I looked at his face, trying to understand what was going on in his brain. Maybe Keith wanted a boyfriend and a girlfriend.

"I haven't gotten a new phone. It's true he helped me pick out the one I have, but that was before you moved in."

"Oh, god." Keith looked very embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that."

I didn't know, either.

"It's OK. You know, I would spend more time with you, if it was possible."

I was referring to Amber. Keith smiled at me, so I guessed that was what he wanted to hear.

"Thanks. I really wish he'd put some clothes on."

That was strange. Why did he care whether Dave wore a shirt in his own room? I'd seen Keith shirtless, often enough. Then I wondered what he would do if he ever discovered all the pictures I had of Dave. If he didn't like Dave without a shirt, how would he feel about all the close-ups of Dave's cock I'd taken?

"I really don't understand," I said to Keith. "You are with Amber and Dave is about six feet away."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I get lonely, Keith. It means I don't want to sit alone waiting for you to return. It means I need a life, too."

Keith looked miserable.

"There are a lot of other people in the dorm," Keith said.

I didn't know what to say.

The next day, I knocked on the Jays' door.

"Is it normal for one straight friend to be jealous of time spent with another straight friend?"

They both laughed really hard.

"No. But it's funny," Jay B finally said. I wished I could agree.

"Everyone is wondering the same thing," Jay D said. "Seriously. People walk down our hallway just to see if they are beating the shit out of each other yet."

"It's not that bad," I said.

"They mostly behave when you are around. You should see them when you aren't! Keith actually told Dave not to speak to you."

"Oh," I said, shaking my head.

"Did Dave tell you not to speak to Keith?"


"Well. People are talking. And no, it isn't normal. I heard that someone overheard Dave saying to someone in his room that he thought you might be in danger from Keith, because of his temper. Are you scared? Is it true Keith won't let you eat with Dave, even if he is on a date with BB?"

"Who is BB?" I asked.

"The beautiful bitch," Jay B said.

My mouth fell open. That amused the Jay D.

"Oh, yeah! We have the soap opera right here on our floor. Someone wants to film it as a reality series."

I should have known, based on what they'd told me before that we were gossip-worthy.

"Is it true Keith told you that you couldn't use your cell phone because Dave picked it out?"


"Someone told me Dave asked about double rooms. We think he wants to get you to move in with him. Nobody knows what you will do. Will you move in with Dave? You might be safer. Dave seems to think so."

By that point, I was feeling numb.

"Keith has never threatened me. He wouldn't do that. I don't know why they hate each other. They are really kind of alike."

Jay D laughed. "Yeah. They are. Have you noticed they are the exact same height?"

I shook my head.

Jay D nodded.

Then the Jays mentioned things that I knew were said in our room with the door closed. It seemed our neighbors could hear what we were saying in their rooms. They heard me say I didn't want to sit alone waiting for Keith to get home. They were very sympathetic and then showed me a website about stalkers, and behavior of potential stalkers. I just got sadder and sadder. The only good things were nobody seemed to have heard the words 'turkey baster', and nobody had heard me tell Dave how beautiful his cock was. Instead, it seemed everyone was concerned I would be caught in Keith and Dave's crossfire. They told me I should seriously consider moving in with Dave. If Keith got abusive, Dave could defend me.

I walked back to my room completely depressed. About five minutes later, Keith walked in wearing just a pair of shorts with a towel around his neck. He'd obviously just gotten out of the shower. He seemed very cheerful.

"What's wrong?" he asked me.

Keith pushed his shorts down and stood in front of me naked for the first time. He had a large uncircumcised cock. He had a long foreskin that closed to a point at the end. The skin color was darker than the rest of his skin. I was sitting at my desk. He walked over to me. I watched his cock start to stiffen. I could smell it. I could even smell his balls. I realized I was panting. He said something, but I didn't hear what he said. He walked over and put a pair of briefs on. I was very disappointed. He walked back over and stood in front of me. His semi-erect cock was impossible to ignore.

"Hey, you know you need to get a Texas driver's license," Keith said. I nodded. "Do you want to go to the DMV tomorrow?"

"I'm kind of nervous," I said.

"That's why I'm going to go with you," Keith said.

"Really? You mean it?"

"Yeah. If you'd like that. I mean, would you like me to go with you?"

"That would be great! Really! I've missed you, lately. Like I said, I've been lonely."

"I plan to spend more time with you, if you want. Do you?"

"I do!"

He sat on my bed.

"I'm going to layoff the gym for a while and not go over to Amber's as much. You'll have to let me know if it gets to be too much."

I sighed, happily.

"We're going to spend the day together tomorrow. We aren't going to think about school or Amber." Keith grinned. "We're playing hooky."


Keith didn't put a shirt on all evening. God, he looked hot!

Thanks to Keith, I enjoyed the following day immensely. While was were waiting, Keith kept his arm on top of the back of my chair. His warm arm was pressed against my back for a long time. Occasionally, his fingers would curl around my arm.

"Wow!" Keith said.


"The DMV is more exciting than I thought." He glanced down at my lap. I looked. I had a very obvious erection.

"Oh I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for. It's that woman's fault."

He pointed out a very old woman in a walker. I laughed.

"She may be older, but she still has it!" I whispered. Keith laughed.

I glanced down and saw he was erect, too. I groaned and I could feel my pulse racing.

"What's wrong? Did she wear you out?"

I laughed loudly enough for everyone to turn and look at me.

I leaned back against Keith's arm. After I did it, Keith's curled around my upper arm.

We waited a long time and that was fine with me!

"Boy, you must really like me to come along and suffer like this!" I said to him.

He whispered, "Well, I do. And the wait isn't so bad. I mean, the company is good."

I smiled at him.

I saw more of Amber. She showed up one afternoon and wanted to wait for Keith to get back to the room. There was an awkward silence, broken twice by my futile attempts at casual conversation. I thought she smelled awful and thought about checking under Keith's bed for a dead skunk. Finally, Keith showed up and I practically ran out of the room. It would have been nice if Dave's door had been open, but I hadn't seen him in a couple of days. I noticed that all the doors near to us were open and people up and down the hall watched me as I walked to the restroom. It was an eerie experience. When I got back to the room, Keith and Amber were leaving.

"Have fun!" I said to Amber and Keith, trying to be friendly.

Keith turned and glared at me. What did that mean? Had Amber told him I was rude to her? Maybe she was a bitch. I knocked on Dave's door, but there was no answer. I supposed he was on a date. I spent the evening looking at pictures of Dave, wishing I had one of him fucking me with the turkey baster. I wondered why I hadn't thought of that before.

Keith came home mad that evening. I was about to ask him if he was mad at me. Before I could, he said. "It's not you. I had another fight with Amber."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

For the next few days, I didn't see Dave and his door remained closed. I didn't see him in the hall, dining room, or bathroom. I checked and he hadn't moved out or gotten another room. I knocked on the door a couple of times to no answer. I started to worry. Had there been a family emergency? Was he sick? Then I decided he was probably spending a lot of time at Belle's house. I started worrying about that. Had I seen Dave's cock for the last time? Dave was probably having a good time. Everyone was. Except me. Everyone seemed to have someone special in their life, but me. I had two part-time friends. But that was what I got for only being interested in straight men. Of course they were unavailable! I was the wrong sex. And trying to convince Dave to be gay, for my sake, wasn't fair to him. He wanted kids. Even if he loved me, could I take that possibility away from him?

Keith continued going over to Amber's, but he didn't seem happy. We weren't spending more time together, the way he had said we would. I thought about reminding him of it, but it would just sound weird. Still I wondered. He never seemed happy when he got the call that Amber was downstairs waiting. It seemed seeing her was an obligation of some sort, rather than a fun time.

"Is Amber pregnant?" I asked, one evening when he was getting ready for a date with her.

Keith started laughing, and he didn't stop. He turned red in the face from laughing. I sure didn't get the joke.

"No," he said, finally.

About eight weeks into the semester, I finally worked up the nerve to ask about Amber. And I wasn't going to settle for a monosyllabic reply. Were they happy? If not, why did he spend so much time with her?

"Are you two getting married?"

I hated the fact that I wanted him to say no. Part of me wanted to be his lover, no matter how often I told myself that loving a human would be very bad. Loving a straight human was even worse.

"She wants to," he said. I waited for more. There wasn't any.

"I was more interested in what you want," I finally said.

Keith let his forehead hit the table between us. We were sitting in a coffee shop. He lifted it up and sighed.

"Everyone wants to know. My mother asks. Jerry asks me all the time. I just don't know. I know I don't want to get married now. And Jerry asks about you every time he calls."

The first part about not wanting to get married was great, but I had no idea what Jerry asking about me had to do with it with Keith and Amber. It certainly was a mystery. I could tell I made Keith unhappy. He was smiling before I asked. I felt guilty about that. But it was all I could think about. And after all, his family wanted to know the same thing. I changed the subject quickly.

Later that evening, I went back to what he said about Jerry. I tried to figure out what Jerry asking about me every day had to do with Amber. I could understand if Jerry wanted Amber. Did Jerry want to marry me, while Amber wanted to marry Keith? Was that the connection? Jerry had joked about marriage. But Keith couldn't expect Jerry and me to get married when I'd only met him once. It still didn't make sense at all, but Keith was human. Maybe it was something I hadn't learned about humans, yet. The thing was, I usually seemed to understand Keith quite well. I was very sensitive to his moods. Maybe too sensitive. It seemed like there was something major going Keith and Amber that I knew nothing about.

"What does Jerry think about the two of you?" I asked.

"He wants me to marry her yesterday."

I laughed.

"You know what I think?" I said.

"No. No one does," Keith quickly responded.

That surprised me. And it hurt. But it might have been true. I confided in no one. If I was going to confide in someone about sex, it would be Dave. If I wanted to confide in someone about anything else, it would be Keith. But I couldn't tell him or Dave about the pack or my parents. I couldn't talk to Keith about Dave, and Keith was probably my best friend. I thought carefully before speaking.

"I grew up in a weird environment. I never had many friends and for the last ten years, I had none. I'm learning what it's like to have a friend. And I'm afraid of losing my best friend."

"You won't. Ever. Oh! You are worried that you will lose me if I marry Amber."

I looked down at the table. I knew I shouldn't have opened my mouth.

"I don't want to marry Amber," he said. "I used to, but I don't anymore."

That made me happy, but I knew it shouldn't.

"But I have one question for you?" he said.


"How come your best and only friend doesn't even know if you are straight or gay?"

How could he not know?

"I thought you knew. It's difficult for me to talk about it, too. My parents, and the rest of the people in very anti-gay. I've spent what seems like my whole life hiding it. But I trust you. I should have told you I'm gay. The thing is, I don't know how much you want to hear."

"I want to know everything."

I wondered if that was true.

"What if you don't like it?"

Keith sighed.

"You mean Dave."

I nodded. "I've talked to Dave about sexual things." I knew that would get a response, but it was the truth and I thought I should be honest with him, when I could.


"Because he asks. He knew I was gay a couple of minutes after he met me. He knew I thought..." I realized this was a very bad idea. I shouldn't have said anything.

"What did he know you thought?" Keith asked,

I sighed.

"He knew I thought he was hot. He told me not to worry about it."

I could see rage in Keith's eyes.

"Look how mad you are. I can't confide in you!"

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"You know, you don't share your thoughts with me, Keith. All I really know about you, is you love Amber and you hate Dave. Neither one of those things have anything to do with me."

"I thought you liked me," he said. He seemed ready to cry.

I stared at Keith.

"I'm crazy about you! I've been trying to hide it."

Keith sighed.

"You are right. I don't open up. You think I love Amber."

"You don't?"

"It's confusing. I used to love her and I remember how I felt. But ever since I moved down here, it's been a struggle. She annoys me. She's clingy. She's argumentative. But she also loves me. And I don't want to hurt her."

I didn't know what to say. I was happy he didn't love her, but I felt sorry for her.

"Why do you hate Dave so much? Don't say he's an asshole. I want reasons."

Keith thought for a minute.

"He says he's straight and he gets hard when he looks at you. I watched him grope himself while he looked at your ass. I think he's the kind of guy who chases someone until he fucks them, and then loses interest. I think he wants to find out whether he can make a guy fall in love with him. And ever since you told me he said not to worry about thinking he's hot, I think he is teasing you by wearing very little. I'm sure he gets a kick out of having a very attractive guy chase him. He gets to keep saying no. I am certain he doesn't love you. I think you'll be hurt by him. Maybe not physically, but still hurt."

Those were real reasons. I couldn't say it was completely untrue, because I hadn't talked to Dave for days. But Dave didn't tease me. It was just the opposite. He gave me more than he was comfortable giving. I told him I wanted to taste his cum and boy, he sure supplied it. I sighed. Dave might not be teasing me, but I definitely didn't understand him.

"I don't want to be a virgin forever."

"You can do better than Dave."

"OK. Can I have Jerry's phone number?" I asked.

Keith didn't respond for a moment.

"Why do you want it?"

"Uh. To call him?"

"Why do you want to call him?"

I stared at him.

"To lose my virginity to someone who is not Dave."

Keith looked shocked.

"He's only seventeen."

"I'm only eighteen!"

"I don't think you should start something, you both...might get hurt. I'm...I'm...uh...worried. Yeah. Jerry is so young. Maybe later. OK. Well, I'll see you tomorrow," and he immediately left. He practically ran away!

I stared at the door he had just closed in shock. What on Earth did that mean? He didn't give me Jerry's number and I had no idea what he meant or why he didn't give it to me. It couldn't be because Jerry was a year younger. Or could it. Maybe humans had to be eighteen to have sex.

Two days later, on a Saturday, I was in our room surfing the web. Keith was speaking to someone on his phone.

"OK. Bye," he said.

"That's Amber. She's outside."

He gathered up the stuff he usually took to Amber's.

As he was about to leave, he said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

His leaving really bothered me. He'd spent the previous evening with her, a day after telling me he didn't love her. And now he was going to spend the entire day and night with her. I wondered again why I was chasing someone both unavailable and straight.

Just then there was a knock on the door. Keith opened it. It was Dave.

"Amber awaits. And don't worry about Jack. I will make sure he is happy," Dave said to him. Then Dave walked into our room. Keith turned around and glared at him, then at me. Keith left. Dave was obviously baiting Keith. But I was mad at Keith and glad to see Dave.

Dave smiled a very strange smile.

"That's give him something to think about!" Dave said.

I shook my head. "He might have a heart attack over it," I said.

I sighed.

"I don't understand either one of you," I said.

"Do you need to understand your friends?" he asked.

I didn't know what to say to that. It sounded to me like he thought I shouldn't need it.

"I thought you died," I said.

"I did. It took three days to be resurrected."

I laughed and thought about how Alpha George would have reacted to that. Blasphemy!

"You've been knocking on my door, little boy," he said.

"Yes. I've been listening to the different tones you get when you knock in different parts of the door."

"Everyone needs a hobby," he said.

"You want to go down for lunch?" he asked.

It suddenly occurred to me what he'd said. He knew I was knocking and he chose not to answer. He knew it was me_,_ but he didn't even want to say hello! My anger at Keith spread to him. And he had just said I didn't need to understand my friends. He was playing with me, the way Keith had said.

"No. I don't think so. Good-bye."

I got up and pointed to the hall. I shut the door after he left.

This is what happens when a gay man falls in love with straight men, I said to myself. You only have yourself to blame, Jack.

Unfortunately, looking and smelling Dave had got me horny. Pushed my shorts off and kicked them across the room. I began jacking off. For the first time in a while, I pictured my father's erection. I imagined I was kneeling, sucking him and his cum tasted like Dave's. I was about to come when I heard Keith's voice in the hall. I panicked. I ran over and got my shorts. While I was about to put them on, Keith opened the door. I pulled them up, but they got caught under my balls. Keith saw me and laughed. Despite how embarrassed I was, I wondered why he was back.

He had all the stuff he was going to take to Amber's and he put it on his bed.

"Dave isn't here," he said.

"No. We got in a fight about five seconds after you left."

I rolled my eyes when Keith looked gleeful.

"Are you glad I'm back?" he asked.

"Did you forget something?"

"No. Well, maybe. I suddenly remembered I don't want to spend the evening with Amber."

I smiled.

"You didn't answer. Are you glad I'm back?"

"Very! Very, Very! I just wish my dick had been in my pants."

Keith laughed.

"You know, there is a restroom in the basement of the Science building. It's at the other end of the hall from the front elevator and it is almost always empty." The Science building was only two blocks away. "You don't have to worry about getting interrupted."

No one beat off in the dorm bathrooms. I learned that on my third day in the dorm. They were too busy, and if you were caught beating off in a stall, you could expect to have everyone on the floor know five minutes later. Everyone might be jacking off, but no one wanted everyone to know they were doing it. It didn't make sense, but it was true. There were a couple of guys who looked into the stalls, just to check whether someone was jacking off. Then they would bang on the stall door and begin announcing it.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," he said. He paused. "It's---uh---Science building basement. Bye."

Was it another fight with Amber?

But then I realized he just told me he went to the Science building to jack off and he might be going there.

I got up and left, locking the door. Our room was on the fourth floor. Keith would be taking the stairs to the ground floor. I almost ran to the stairs where I heard footsteps I assumed were his. I ran down the steps, trying to be quiet. Keith was walking outside just as I got to the street. I followed him. He WAS heading towards the Science building.

Keith was a History major. He wasn't going to the Science building because of school work. He and I joked about History being the only degree that was less useful than my Botany degree would be. He was interested in History and I liked plants. We were following our passions, not trying to pick the most lucrative career.

Keith entered the Science building. I followed him in. There were a few people in the hall. I hoped there weren't many in the basement. He headed to the elevator. I knew the Science building well; two of my classes were in it. There was a staircase just on the opposite side of the entrance. I went down the stairs and hid in the basement hall. Sure enough, Keith went into the restroom. I waited several minutes and then followed him. There were two stalls. I could see Keith's shoes in one. I went into the other. I almost gasped when I saw there was a gloryhole in the wall between us. I looked into his stall carefully, so he couldn't see my face. I saw him pull his cock out of his pants. I gasped in delight and hoped he hadn't heard me. It was as beautiful as Dave's. I suppressed a groan as I watched him run a fingertip along the bottom. Then he took it in his fist and stroked it. I groaned softly, again. I knew glory holes were for sucking, but I didn't know if he would allow himself to get sucked. I was trying to think of a way to get him to stick it through the hole, without revealing myself, when Keith stood up. I panicked. Was he leaving? But he turned. I groaned as his beautiful erection entered my stall. I got on my knees and pressed my face into his pubic hair. I took several deep sniffs. It was heavenly. I was certain I had never smelled anything better. I smelled the entire shaft, from one end to the other. His cock bounced and Keith groaned. Then I took him in my mouth. Keith groaned even louder. The taste and the smell were too much. I ejaculated in my pants. I ignored that and began sucking him.

I'm not sure I did a very good job; I had never sucked a dick before. But he groaned a lot and I hoped he enjoyed it. I sure did. After several minutes and a couple of 'Fuck yeahs' that sent shivers up my spine, he shot a lot of cum into my mouth. I was surprised there was so much of it, especially since he was having regular sex with Amber. It tasted like Dave's and I loved it. His orgasm seemed to last a long time. I wondered if he had two consecutive orgasms. But it ended. I kept some of Keith's cum in my mouth after he quickly left the restroom.

I unfastened my pants and wiped myself clean with toilet paper. Then I sat on the toilet and wrapped my hand around my cock. I closed my eyes and savored the taste of his spunk. I stroked myself once and shot a huge load. My cum sprayed all over the place, but mostly on the door of the stall. I panted as I watched my cum drip down the door and walls of the stall, some of it falling to the floor.

I heard the restroom door open, and then footsteps.

"Smells like a party," I heard a deep voice say.

The man entered the next stall. Without me doing a thing, a huge black cock entered my stall. It had to be ten inches long and was also uncut. It was a really nice one, but I was undecided whether to suck him. I had the taste of Keith in my mouth. I didn't want to lose it. But while I watched, a strand of precum dripped off the black cock and I was incredibly horny. I had discovered cocksucking and I liked it. I was about to start sucking him when it occurred to me how wrong that would be. I wanted to see Keith far more than I wanted to suck another cock.

"Sorry, I've got to go," I said to him and left. I was walking into the dorm when I remembered all the cum I'd left in the stall and on the floor. I wondered if it would shock the cleaning staff when they saw it.

On the way back to the dorm, I realized I had eaten the cum of two incredibly hot straight guys. I suddenly realized what a beautiful day it was. I began whistling and was still doing it when I walked into our room.

"Hey," Keith said. "Where'd you go?"

"Uh. To the bathroom."

"Oh. Are you OK?"

"Sure! Never better!" I said.

Keith grinned.

"You sure about that?"

"Oh, yeah! I'm sure!"

"OK! You want to order pizza?" he asked.

"Sure! I haven't eaten. That sounds great!"

He smiled at me and I felt a little guilty. I knew Keith would be furious if he knew I sucked him. I wondered if he could smell his own cum in my mouth, although I didn't know if humans could identify the scent of their own cum. But I was very glad I'd done it. Then, I wasn't. I wasn't glad at all. Keith was having anonymous sex. Strangers were sucking him. That couldn't have been the first time he went there. Why was he doing that? How many men had sucked him? He was straight, so why was he letting men suck him instead of women? I knew I was sharing him with Amber, but how many other people were sucking him? Keith wouldn't be furious if he found it was me who sucked him. He didn't care who sucked him. That was the whole point of anonymous sex, wasn't it? I was just another mouth for him to use! Somehow my happiness turned sour from jealousy.

My underwear still had my cum in it. I got a clean pair of briefs out of a drawer and stuck them in my pocket. Then I went to the restroom to change. As I pulled them off in a stall, I could hardly believe I'd just sucked Keith's cock. And instead of the sex making me less horny, it made me much hornier. As I wiped my genitals clean, again, I wondered if I should be happy or sad at the thought that I'd had sex, of a sort, with both Dave and Keith. The thing was, neither one was monogamous. I didn't think I wanted to be in relationships where I was the backup sex partner, in case the primary was unavailable. I wanted to be first in someone's life. But I knew I would never be able to say no to sex if either of my straight friends offered. I wondered if Dave liked anonymous sex like Keith.

We split the price of the pizzas and ate in our room. I made an effort not to show I was upset. It wasn't Keith's fault I followed him, and he did cancel his plans with Amber to spend the weekend with me. We didn't talk and I relaxed. Keith seemed happy. He smiled at me many times. Then I got mad, wondering again who else had been sucking him through that gloryhole. Then I remembered what Dave said about me knocking on his door. I got mad at them and madder at myself. Neither one of them ever said they loved me. They wanted sex and I was convenient for Dave and just another hole for Keith.

While Keith did some schoolwork, I watched a movie on my laptop. After that, he suggested we go for a walk. We had been walking about five minutes when he asked, "Do you think I'm attractive?"

I was surprised at the question. Had Amber or Dave told him he wasn't?

"Yes. Why?"

"I know you think Dave is hot."

"You are at least as attractive as him."

Keith smiled.

"Does that bother you at all? I mean, you are straight and your gay roommate thinks you are very cute."


I smiled. "Very! Very, very!"

"That is very," he said. We both laughed.

"No, it doesn't bother me.

After our walk, we stopped at a restaurant for dinner. Keith wanted to pay for my dinner. Was it a date? Was I going to start wondering about that, again? I wanted to ask about what happened to his plans with Amber. But I was having such a great time, I didn't want to spoil it.

On the way home, he surprised me by saying, "I've never told you how much I like you, Jack. I should have."

I waited for him to say more. I hoped he would tell me he loved me, but that wouldn't ever happen.

When we got home, I wondered when I had forgotten that relationships with either straight human I loved were doomed. They were practically aging before my eyes. Dave already looked too old to be a freshman.

About ten o'clock in the evening, Keith said, "I'm going out. I'll be back in just a few minutes."

While he said it, I noticed he had an erection. I wondered if he was going to the Science building, again. There was only one way to find out---I followed him, just as I had earlier. He walked to the Science building. I was really happy! Then I got mad. Why should I be glad he was about to let some stranger suck his cock---first come, first serve? Then I worried. What if someone else was in the restroom and he sucked Keith? I couldn't bear the thought of it, but what could I do? I did the only thing I could think of. I prayed and hoped God, if there was a God, didn't hate me for it. And he would answer my prayer. I hadn't prayed for anything for a long while. I didn't know if that helped or hindered my cause.

Keith was alone in that restroom. I looked at his sandals. You asshole! Waiting for some stranger to suck you when Amber and I both love you! Then I thanked God that he was alone and I would get to suck him. I shook my head. I was really losing my mind, cycling from ecstasy to fury, then despair and then back, again. Did humans go through the same thing I was? Love sucks, I thought.

I went in the next stall and pushed my pants off. I didn't want to get coated with my own spunk, again. I knelt down and watched Keith's beautiful cock enter my stall. I spent my time on it. Kissing it, licking it, smelling it, and sucking it. I could hardly believe I had it in my mouth---and for the second time. After a while, I pulled his balls over and sucked on them. I heard a groan from Keith that was music to my ears. I had smelled his balls before, from a distance. I rubbed my face over his wet cock and balls. I was immersed in his scent, and I couldn't believe how satisfying that was. My wolf was practically howling in my head. It occurred to me that a human might not enjoy what I did. I pulled back and watched his cock bounce up and down. A spurt of clear precum fell to the floor. He liked it. I went back to sucking his cock.

"Oh, yeah! Suck me!" Keith said.

I thought about pressing my ass up against the hole and letting him fuck me. At the thought of my big, hairy roommate fucking me, I came. Fortunately, I had my dick out. Suddenly, I craved being fucked. I needed a cock in my ass. And not just any cock. I needed the one that was in my mouth.

After several minutes of my mouth on his cock and balls, Keith came in my mouth. While he continued ejaculating in my mouth, I stroked myself.

When his orgasm ended, he pulled his cock out of my mouth. I lunged at it.

"You like my spunk?" he asked.

"I love it," I said hoarsely. I didn't sound like myself, and that was probably good.

"Good! Let me suck you, now," he whispered.

I froze. Was Keith sucking strangers? Why? Who? What about Amber? What about ME? He never acted like he even wanted to kiss me. Was I repellent to him? I didn't understand.


He waited.

"OK. You want to suck me, again?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah. Six or seven times," I said. Why should only strangers and Amber get his cock?

Keith stuck his cock back through the hole. I began sucking him, again. After a minute or so, he began fucking my mouth. His cock was rock hard and he'd already shot two loads into my mouth that day. He was a slut who couldn't be trusted, but he was also a stud. Had anyone else sucked him that day? How many times could he come? As many as Dave? He was just as much a stud as Dave. Maybe more. Then I wondered if he had any sexually transmitted diseases. Being Vin-Ta, I didn't need to worry about them, but Amber did. Was Keith having unprotected sex with her? Had he given her anything? Why didn't I want him less? Why did I still want him to fuck my ass? Maybe if he was bisexual, I could keep him satisfied. What the Jays said about being bi occurred to me. Did that mean bisexual? Did everyone else know Keith was bisexual, but me? Did he want anonymous sex, or was sex with Amber just not enough for him? Was all this a one-time thing, or could I suck him every day?

I wrapped my hand around his balls and got a 'Fuck, yeah!' out of him. I tugged on them while he screwed my mouth. He started talking dirty. "Yeah! Suck that big dick! Make me come! Make me empty those big, fucking nuts in your mouth." He did just that. I gulped down his spunk. Then, "I bet you want me to fuck you."

I did! I shot again without touching myself. I reminded myself to clean the stall before I left.

"Fuck, I'm close! You are my fucking cocksucker! No one sucks me like you!"

I was addicted to the taste of his cum. I wanted him to talk dirty to me some more. I wanted him to fuck me. I pulled off him and a spurt of cum hit my nose. Then I swallowed him, again.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feel of his cock pulsing and the taste of his cum. His cum was on my nostrils, so that was all I could smell, too. He was such a stud! I could hardly believe that I had sucked Keith's cock. And not once, but several times! I knew he loved it, but would he love it if he knew it was me?

After he came, his cock was still just as hard. He pulled it out of my mouth and I lunged at it and got the head back into my mouth.

"Let me fuck you," he said. I groaned. "Please! I need to fuck you!"

And I needed him to fuck me. I backed up to the wall, offering my ass to him. I heard him spit and felt his wet cock against my hole. He started to push in, which pushed me away from him. I pressed my butt hard against the wall. Both of us groaned when the head of his cock slid inside me. It hurt, but I didn't care in the least. The man I craved was finally going to fuck me. I supposed he was taking my virginity, if turkey batters didn't count.

He groaned as he pushed further inside. He stopped and didn't move.

"More!" I said.

"Are you sure? I'm big."

"Wonderfully big! Yes! I need it! I need all of you!"

"Has anyone else done this with you?" he asked.

I frowned.

"Are you a virgin?" he asked. I almost laughed. Keith had to be related to Dave.

"I was a virgin before I came in here tonight."

Keith groaned and I could feel his cock pulse as he came. He was just barely inside me. If being a virgin made him come, it was too bad I couldn't claim it another time.

He sighed and pushed deeper. I forgot about being mad at him. I was deliriously happy and my wolf was the same way. I didn't understand that. Normally wolves didn't respond to humans. When he began actually fucking me, I had another orgasm. My cock was as hard as his, despite how many times I'd already come. He pulled back slowly and then pushed in fast. I groaned.

"You like that? You like my big dick?"

"I love it."

"You are going to be seeing a lot of it."

I wished that was true. I really did. But as far as Keith's priorities seemed to be, I was somewhere after Amber and complete strangers. How many male strangers had he fucked since I met him? How many were virgins? Did he find me so repulsive that he preferred anyone else? I understood nothing. I was completely lost. I tried to focus on the feel of his erection inside me. It was the most intense, wonderful experience of my life. I could feel veins on his cock as he thrust and pulled out. Each one produced tiny bursts of pleasure. It was just too bad that, to Keith, I was just another stranger to fuck. Another hole. My wolf wasn't burdened with all the contradictory impulses swirling in my brain. As far as he was concerned, everything was fine. Better than fine, perfect.

He began moaning and cursing as the wall between our stalls took a beating. I sure hoped it was attached well to the wall. It would be difficult to explain if we broke the stall.

"Oh, Christ!" he cried out. Alpha George would not approve!

He stopped thrusting and I felt his cock pulse inside me. I knew he was filling me, inseminating me. As much as he seemed to enjoy fucking me, I could never give him a pup, the way Amber could. I regretted that. I knew Keith wanted kids. I wished I could have Keith's baby, just as I had wished I could have Dave's turkey baster baby. Keith continued ejaculating inside me. I didn't understand that. But he was just like Dave.

I wondered if I would get to do it, again. Whether I did or not, I knew I would never forget that day. I sucked my hunky roommate three times and he fucked me! After pulling his stiff cock from my ass, I turned around. I could feel his cum leaking out of my ass. I saw him peering through the glory hole. I gasped as I realized Keith knew it was me that he'd been having sex with.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" he asked, in a cheerful way.

I froze. I was squatting in a public restroom with the taste of his cum in my mouth and more of his cum leaking out of my ass and I was lost. I was barely aware of Keith opening his stall door. "I'll see you in a few minutes, back in the room," he said, before I heard him leave. I didn't know what to do. What happened meant everything to me and nothing to Keith. He was probably headed to a different glory hope. One where the sex really was anonymous. I began crying. After a couple of minutes, I stood up. I got some toilet paper and wiped my butt clean. I sat on the toilet with my face in my hands. I suddenly missed Mountain Gap pack. I even missed Alpha George, who had always been like family to me, despite his obsession with religion. I was ready to go home. My parents would be happy. I was happy at home, only I was desperate to have sex. Well, I'd had it. It was great. And awful. Like Dave had said, it would be wonderful and terrible. He wasn't a virgin. He already knew that. I remembered what Arthur said about sodomy, "It can be extremely pleasurable and doesn't necessarily lead to the kind of problematic romantic relationship." That was exactly true. Why hadn't I remembered it?

The only thing worse that could happen to me was to meet my female mate. With my luck, I figured she was out in the hall, waiting for me to leave the bathroom. Surprise! "What are you doing here?" I'd ask her, just the Keith had asked me. I would ask it casually, as if it didn't matter.

I stayed in the stall a while longer. Then I pulled up my pants and unlocked the door. I looked at myself in the mirror over the sink. My eyes were red, my face was wet from tears, my hair was sticking out at weird angles, and some of Keith's cum was on my face.

"Well, you finally had sex," I told myself. "Was it everything you dreamed it would be?"

I wiped my face dry. And left the restroom. As a matter of fact, there really was a woman outside in the hall, but she was walking away from me, and she wasn't my mate. At least I could be glad about that! I headed home. I tried not to cry. I was unsuccessful.

I was angry at Keith and just as angry at myself. Keith was my only friend. I'd lost Dave's friendship and I didn't even know why. If I hadn't followed Keith to the restroom, I would see him walk into our room, give me a cheery hello and ask me how I was doing. I would be so glad to see him and I would also be glad he was happy. But I just didn't see how we could be friends, anymore. I wouldn't be able to look him in the face without wondering how many strangers had he fucked since I'd last seen him. And specializing in virginal strangers was beyond creepy. I had gotten used to having a friend. Friends. It was new to me and precious. But I needed to go home, to Colorado. No more humans. I thought I understood them, but I was obviously deluding myself. I thought Dave was a friend and he dropped me. And Keith... Well, I had to drop him. Every time he left the room, I would think he was out hunting for virgins he could---deflower. It just wouldn't work.

I went to the dorm bathroom. I had to pee. It was almost funny. I'd just spent quite a while in a restroom in the Science building. I could have peed there! I stood at a urinal and closed my eyes. I pictured Keith in my mind and sighed. Suddenly I felt very strange. It was though I was moving, when I knew I wasn't. It had to be a symptom of mental breakdown or illness, although I had never been sick. I put my dick in my pants and walked to my room.

Dave was standing in his doorway, without a shirt. I hadn't seen him for a long time. He was back? Did it matter? His expression changed to shock.

"Good grief, Keith. You look like shit!"

"Ha ha," I said. "I bet you think that is as funny as 'You've been knocking on my door, little boy.'"

"Keith? Is that you?"

"Yeah. I'm Keith," I said, sarcastically.

"We should call an ambulance," Dave said.

"Nah. I'd rather die."

"Jack?" Dave asked.

I turned around.

"What? What do you want?"

I glanced down at his crotch. He wasn't hard. I sighed. Why did I care?

Dave said, "Oh, fuck! Shit! Shit! Shit!"

I looked around and saw a guy, whose name I couldn't remember, was looking at me in shock. Fuck em, I thought.

I opened the door to our room and went in. I sat on my bed. I knew what it felt like to have all the joy sucked out of your life. I was very glad Keith wasn't there. I had no idea what I'd say. There was nothing I could say to him---ever. It would sound like an accusation or I would cry. I had no right to accuse Keith of anything. Amber might have a right, but I had none. And I certainly didn't want to cry and tell him how he'd hurt me. It wasn't his fault I sucked his dick. He didn't even know it was me. Then I thought of something even more horrible. Did he think I sucked strangers there all the time?

I wondered where he went. He said he'd see me later. Did he go to Amber's apartment? Would he wash his dick before he fucked her? It had been in my ass. Had he gone to a different restroom for more sex when he realized I was at that one?

Despite my despair since I'd left the Science building, my wolf was very happy. I guess getting bred did it. It irritated me. You have nothing to be happy about, I told the furry guy.

I looked down at my arm. It seemed harrier. I thought that was odd. I suddenly realized my heart was pounding and my mouth was dry.

I walked over to the sink in our room. I filled a glass with water. I looked into the mirror and saw Keith.

"Hey! What are you doing there?" I said, out loud. Then I laughed. "Oh, Keith? Dave was right. You do look like shit," I said. Keith looked like he'd lost fifty pounds, at the very least. Wishful thinking, I thought.

I shook my head. I really was losing my mind. I continued to see Keith in the mirror. Maybe the whole thing was a dream, especially the part with Keith in the restroom. No. Except for the part with Keith in the restroom. How could the best thing that ever happened to you also be the worst thing? It seemed impossible, yet that was how I felt. 'Wonderful and terrible.'

I pulled off my clothes and turned off the light. I got into bed. After only a few minutes, I heard Keith's voice in the hall. I heard him unlock the door. I pretended I was asleep. He didn't turn the light on. I heard his clothes rustling and then I felt him carefully slip under the covers on my bed. He wrapped his arms around me. I could feel his cock pressing against me. I could feel his hairy chest against my back. I didn't understand. Then he kissed the back of my head. I suddenly realized I had misread the whole thing. He must have known it was me the whole time. Why else would he climb in to my bed naked and hold me, and even kiss me? I'd only seen his cock a couple of times before tonight. I was an idiot.

"I love you, Keith," I said.

Keith pulled me closer.

"I love you, too. I didn't understand it until today."

"If you understand it, I wish you would explain it to me. I crave you," I said.

"I meant that I'm gay. I thought I was straight, but I'm not even bisexual. That confused me. Don't worry about craving me. I crave you, too. We love each other and we are going to spend the rest of our lives together."

I sighed. Keith reminded me that he would be dying soon, in seventy years, or so. I didn't care anymore. I was going to enjoy the time together and let the future take care of itself.

I flipped over, facing him. He touched my face.

"Have you been crying? What's wrong? Oh, god! Did I hurt you when I fucked you? Damn it! I should have used lube. I didn't even think about it until now. I've never fucked a guy before. Do you need to go to the ER? I'll take you. Oh god! I'm so, so sorry!" I could tell he was panicking.

"Calm down. I'm sore, but I liked it."

"Why are you crying?"

"I was afraid it was a one-time thing, or that you didn't enjoy it. Or you were disgusted, when you realized it was me."

"Why would I be disgusted?"

"I thought maybe you wanted anonymous sex, and---I kept you from getting it. I mean, you just left."

"Oh. I called Amber and broke up with her. I...I didn't want to do that in front of you. It would just be too strange. And I have never wanted anonymous sex. Ever."

"Oh, that's a relief."

He wiped my tears off my cheek.

"I'm sorry I left you alone, crying."

"That's OK. I just misunderstood. Neither one of us have had any practice at---this. You didn't do anything wrong."

I reached down and wrapped my hand around his erection.

"Oh, fuck! I love having your hands on me."

"I've been wanting to touch your dick since I met you."

"You can touch it as much as you want."


Keith chuckled.

"How did it go with Amber?"

"I told her I'm gay. She didn't seem surprised, and that kind of bugged me."

I laughed.

He sniffed my neck.

"Why do you smell so fucking good to me?" he asked me.

"I don't know. You smell fantastic to me, too."

"Damn, babe! I don't think that should make me as happy as it does. I still don't understand how I feel when you are around. Or why I have trouble getting an erection when you aren't around. Or the weird wolf dreams, or the insane jealousy I feel when I see you look at Dave. I said it was because I was afraid he would hurt you, but I knew I was more afraid he would make you happier than I could.

The weird wolf dreams? Could Keith be Vin-Ta? Our feelings made sense if we were mates.

"Who is a wolf in your dreams?" I asked him.

"Who? Wow! You even understand my dreams! We are both wolves in the dreams. We are in the forest, somewhere. Sometimes I dream Jerry is a wolf, too and he is with us. Sometimes they are stranger than that, with lots of wolves."

"Tell me, please."

"They are just dreams. I'd rather not say."

"Please? Those dreams are important."

"They are just dreams."

"I don't think so. Are you Vin-Ta?" I asked him.

"I've don't know what you are talking about."

"Well, tell me about the dreams, first."

Keith sighed.

"There's just a lot of wolves. You and I are both wolves. Sometimes Jerry is a wolf, or my father. I don't know who some of the wolves are. Sometimes I get angry at the others, and fight. Sometimes I don't."

"Have you ever dreamed about how you become a wolf in the dreams?"

"No. I just suddenly change."

I got goosebumps. Could Keith be Vin-Ta?

"Enough about dreams," Keith said.

Then he kissed me. His tongue entered my mouth and I moaned. I wrapped my arms around him. The kiss was fantastic and I never wanted it to end. But I needed to know if Keith---and Jerry---were Vin-Ta. I pulled away.

"Kissing Amber has never been half as good as that," Keith said.

"Then why did you keep kissing her?"

"I thought I should. I did love her, before. But I stopped loving her. After that, I felt obligated.

"You know, I never understood why I was jealous of you, but you weren't jealous of me. You tried to be nice to Amber. If you had ever had sex with Dave, I probably would have beat the shit out of him. It made me think I wanted you more than you wanted me," Keith said.

I started laughing. Keith thought he wanted me more than I wanted him?

"I wanted you to be happy, Keith. Also, I was sure you were straight. You spent so much time with Amber, how could you not be? If I started throwing myself at you, you might have tried to switch rooms and get a different roommate. I couldn't bear the thought of that. Also...I thought you couldn't change into a wolf."

"Back up there. What was that last bit?"

"Do you want to go to Enchanted Rock?" I asked him.

"I think you changed the subject there, babe."

"No. It is very much the same subject."

"Sure! We can blow off classes tomorrow and go."

"I meant right now."

I was pretty sure he was about to ask why.

"Can you imagine how romantic it would be in the moonlight? There is almost a full moon."

"Actually, I think it is full," Keith said. "And this bed would be pretty romantic if you would take off your underwear."

"You took my cherry in a gloryhole!" I said.

"Oh, fuck! You're right! I'll give you romance, babe."

He got out of bed. In the darkness, I could still see his erection. I pulled his hips towards me and swallowed his erection. I could taste his precum, immediately. It collected at the back of my throat.

"Ahhh," he said.

I wrapped a hand around his big balls and sucked him off. He didn't last long. After a minute or two, Keith sighed as his cock began feeding me.

He pulled me up.

"If you drive, I can suck you," I said.

"Should we pick up lube?"

"No. Your cock drools constantly."

"It does? It must be you. It didn't with Amber."

I smiled.

We both put on a minimum of clothes. It was late October, but the evening lows were still in the upper 60s. We walked to my car holding hands.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked him.

"About Enchanted Rock?"

"No. About me," I said.

Keith sighed.

"I've wanted you since that first night. I kept telling myself that Jerry was the gay one. I thought I was just being competitive with him over you. I knew Jerry wanted you, he told me, and kept telling me. So I spent more time around Amber, I guess hoping to prove to myself that I was straight. But it was pretty awful. I had trouble keeping an erection and I worried about what you were doing. I've seen the way Dave looks at you. He gets hard whenever he looks at you."

I'd seen him hard, of course, but for some reason I assumed I didn't excite him because he was straight. That seemed pretty dumb of me.

What was Dave doing? If he got hard every time he looked at me, why didn't he answer the door? I sighed. Because he didn't want to admit he was gay. He was avoiding me because I made him question himself, not because he wanted to snub me or didn't like me. He liked me too much. He said he would love to raise a baby with me. He had some serious internal issues to deal with. Dave was going through the same thing Keith had. Why should I be surprised? Keith and Dave were very similar. But why me? Why did I tempt them? I was hardly irresistible.

"So I was trying to have sex with Amber while worrying about you. I've only had one orgasm with Amber since I met you. And I only managed that by thinking of you. I pretended to have orgasms when I was able to get hard enough. Of course, that made it worse. I tried harder to prove to myself I was straight. I worried that I was impotent. Today I gave up fighting my desires. I decided I was staying with her for the wrong reasons. I don't love her anymore. It wasn't fair to her to keep pretending I did. She can find someone who loves her. This afternoon I had a feeling that if I left, you would pick Dave. And you heard what Dave said right before I left. He had plans and I knew what they were. He was ready to fuck you. I knew you were mad about me going to Amber's. I panicked. The thought of losing you was---frightening. I was having trouble coming right out and asking you if you wanted to have sex..."

"I can understand that."

"And then I thought, what if I'm impotent with you? Or what if you said no? I knew you thought I was cute. But you might not be after 'cute'. And you had never made a pass at me. So I came up with the gloryhole idea. If you showed up, it meant you wanted me. If I could get it up with you, it meant I wasn't impotent. And I certainly could get it up. I think I've come more times today with you than I have with Amber in the two years I've known her. I think I had three orgasms merged into one very long one. I actually started to worry I would drown you in my spunk."

I laughed. "What a way to go, though!"

"Well, I'm glad you think so! And I'm still hard as a rock. I've never been able to do that."

"Well, it makes sense now, but I was very confused."

"I know. And I really regretted the restroom idea when I fucked you. It was our first time and I couldn't touch you. I couldn't see if I was hurting you, either. And especially, I couldn't tell you I love you. Can you see me bending under the stall and saying 'I love you'? It would make a joke of it." Keith sighed. "But I was in a hurry because of Dave---and Jerry. I know it isn't how you pictured your first time. I mean it was your first time, wasn't it? Or has someone else touched you? Tell me!"

From the panic in his voice, I was sure we were mates.

"Yes. I never even kissed anyone besides my parents."

Keith let out a relieved sigh.

"But I have a confession to make."

"Oh, what?"

"Dave let me watch him jack off."

I could feel Keith's anger. His grip on my hand tightened.

"His dick has never been inside me, though."

"Oh. That's better. Considering what I was doing, I feel like a hypocrite for getting mad. I'm glad you told me, though."

I handed Keith my car keys. We got into the car.

"How come Jerry never called me? You mentioned that he hadn't forgotten me, but he didn't call."

Keith didn't say anything for a while.

"I told him you were seeing someone. I feel bad about lying, but I couldn't help it."

It was pretty clear we were mates. What he did was not the least bit surprising in a Vin-Ta. And I liked Keith's possessiveness.

"Are you angry at all?"

I chuckled.

"I was confused enough. Throwing a twin brother into it the Keith vs Dave war would have been more than I could handle. I think I'm glad you did that."

"What does a wolf have to do with Enchanted Rock?" he asked, when we were buckled in.

"You'll have to wait until we get there."

He was about to object when I reached over and pulled his cock out.

"You can jack me off, if you want, but it isn't safe for you to suck me while we are driving. I'm not going to take a chance on anything happening to you."

I began stroking him. Seconds later, his cock began dripping. I rubbed the precum over the head and shaft and continued stroking.

"Oh, fuck that feels good! A handjob from you is better than any sex I ever had with Amber.

"I don't like Amber," I said. Keith laughed. "I tried to focus on the fact that she made you happy."

"She didn't, but I'm very grateful that you waited as long as you did. I'm not sure I deserve you, but I am going to do my best to make you happy."

I smiled.

"If Jerry is gay, why did you think you weren't?"

"Twins don't always have the same sexual orientation."

"Oh. I didn't know that."

"I think I wanted us to be different. I wanted to be unique," Keith said. "I don't only look like Jerry, we both look like our father. Sometimes it was like there were three copies of me."

"Did you ever have feelings for another guy?"

"If you mean was I in love with any guys, then no. But I've had sex with two guys."

My wolf didn't like that.

"Do you mind telling me who?"

Keith sighed.

"You may hate me, Jack."

"That is impossible. You don't realize that, yet, but eventually you will."

"I hope that's true. And I need to get this out in the open. I've had sex with Jerry many times. We would suck each other and it was just like sucking yourself. I fucked him, too. Do you hate me?"

"As long as we're confessing, I had almost sex with Dave. I say almost, because his dick never entered my body."

I could feel Keith's anger.

"What did you do with Dave?"

I wasn't sure it was wise to tell Keith everything, so I didn't.

"He let me watch him jack off. I would jack off while looking at his dick. I asked him to let me taste his cum and he let me. The thing is he let me do some of the things I really wanted to do. Like jack off with someone else. It was better than jacking off alone in our room."

Keith sighed.

"Sex was something you and I didn't discuss," I said. "I discussed it with Dave. When I met him, he told me he could tell I was gay from the way I looked at him. He didn't mind. He said he was flattered. My relationship with him was very different from the one I had with you. Once, he stood naked in front of me and let me look him over. I jacked off while I looked at and smelled his erect cock." Keith growled. "I had a satisfying non-sexual relationship with you and the one I had with him was more sexual. I had two-half relationships that combined, almost equaled a whole one. I wish you were the one letting me jack off while I looked at your cock. I wish you and I had jacked off together and I wish you'd let me taste your cum. Both of you made me horny, but only he did anything about it."

Keith sighed.

"That about says it all. He was there for you and I wasn't."

"How mad are you?" I asked.

"I'm mad at myself."

"You shouldn't be mad at Dave. Neither one of us knew you wanted me. I got the impression he disapproved of you being with Amber. He thought you should be with me."

Keith didn't say anything for a moment.

"That's why he said earlier today that he would make sure you are happy. He meant, because I wasn't making you happy," Keith said.

"I think so. I'm not sure."

"But I know he wanted to fuck you. He got hard whenever he looked at you and in those shorts he was always wearing, it was very obvious."

I shrugged. "I don't think he is ready to admit he likes a guy."

"Yeah. I can understand that," Keith said. "I still don't like him."

I tried not to laugh.

"You mentioned sex with your brother," I said. "I got hard around my father, sometimes. If he had asked if he could fuck me, I probably would have said yes. If I didn't, it would be because of my mother, not because I wouldn't want to do it."

"I'm relieved about that," Keith said.

We drove without speaking for a while.

"I've stolen you from Jerry. I feel bad about that," Keith said. "He feels the same way about you that I do."

"I told you that I told him you were seeing someone. He asked me to break it up, if I could."

"Is he obsessed with me?"


Mates found each other by smell. The person you were most genetically-compatible with smelled the best. Jerry and Keith had the same genes. That had to be why both of them thought they were my mates. If Jerry was my mate and I rejected him, he might kill himself. I sighed. I had never heard of twin Vin-Ta. I doubted I could ever find anyone who could give me advice on the subject.

Oh, shit! I thought. Jerry felt the same about me as Keith. Did Dave felt the same way Keith did? Then there was the affect Dave's scent had on me. Dave could very well be Vin-Ta, too. And if he was my mate... I shuddered to think what Keith and Dave would do. But if Keith accepted my having a second mate, maybe he would eventually be able to accept a third. I sighed. That was almost certainly wishful thinking.

"Do you want to do anything about it? About Jerry?" I asked.

"I don't know what you mean," Keith said.

"I don't want to hurt Jerry. Please don't get mad, but if three-ways would keep him from being hurt, I would consider it. I think it has to be your decision."

Keith sighed.

"I hate the idea of sharing you. But I'm glad we can openly consider alternatives to hurting him. Or maybe I should say devastating him."

I nodded.

I had my hand around his cock. Talk about three ways and sharing me with his brother hadn't softened his cock. If he really hated the idea, wouldn't it have?

He was quiet for a few minutes.

"Do you hate the idea, but are willing to do for Jerry?" he asked me.

"Do you want to spend the rest of your live avoiding him? If it makes you happy, I want to do it. To be honest, it sounds a lot like getting fucked at both ends by you. He smells just like you. If I closed my eyes, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference, unless you spoke."

"I never thought of it that way."

"His obsession won't end well. I feel fairly certain about that. But you know him very well. If places were changed and I became his lover, how would you feel? Especially if I avoided you."

"Furious. Crazy with jealousy. Depressed. Hey! How come you are suddenly the guy with all the answers? Not that I'm complaining or think you are wrong, but why?"

"Because we are in my territory now. It all ties together, and the thing that ties it is the wolf in your dreams. Your obsession and insane jealousy, Jerry's obsession, your multiple orgasms. And by the way, you should be able to come at least ten times a day from now on. Feel how hard you are. And I am not going to want to have sex with you for at least a week."

Keith slammed on the brakes and we skidded. He pulled over onto the shoulder. Luckily there was not much traffic.

"Did you panic?" I asked.


"I knew you would. It's part of it. How many weeks since I met you have you gone without sex with me? Did you panic then? No. But now?"

"The wolf, huh."

"As long as we're stopped..."

I unbuckled my seatbelt and took Keith into my mouth. He groaned. I began sucking hard. I pulled his balls out and stroked them. Keith groaned. After a couple of minutes, I pulled on his balls. He sighed as semen shot into my mouth. I kept sucking. This time, I stroked the shaft of his cock while I sucked on the end. A minute or so later, he came again. I sat up and wiped my mouth. Then I began stroking him with my hand.

"Unbelievable! Boy, you meant it about ten times! Thanks, babe."

"You don't need to thank me. I wanted to do that more than anything. I crave your cock and your cum. If you are horny you never need to ask me whether I want sex. I will always want it. I will never say no. And to be honest, if you pushed me back onto a bed and crawled on top of me, I would probably come before we even get started. I would love it!"


"Just like Amber does," I added, smiling. Keith laughed for a long time.

I buckled up and Keith pulled back onto the highway.

"When we get to Enchanted Rock, I want you to stare at the moon, but imagine it is red."

"Uh... OK. Why?"

"The wolf in your subconscious will move to your conscious mind. The dreams will all make sense. In simplest terms, you'll understand what the wolf represents."

"Did you mean it about ten times a day?"

"Yeah, but that is a minimum. And we are going to get upset when we have to separate to go to class. We will both feel that panic you just felt. And let's face it, why would we want to go to class when we can fuck."

"Oh, shit! If you are right, there go our degrees."


"If you're right, what are we going to do---about school?"

"I don't know. Skip a year of college? Drop out and enroll in online classes? While I'm watching you, of course, to make sure Amber isn't after you."

Keith sighed.

"Your cock smells so good," I said. "I can smell your precum, too and it's making my mouth water. I've wanted to rim you since I met you."

"No shit?"

"Yes, preferably with no shit."

Keith laughed.


"Oh, yeah! Once you bent over just wearing a jock strap. I almost lost control. I wanted to eat your ass until I could get my tongue inside you."

"Oh, fuck! Do you still want to do it?"

"Five or six times a day."

"Fuck! Licking my ass seems kind of like a wolf thing."


"So we're going to Enchanted Rock to howl at the moon."

"Only if you picture the moon as a pure red color."

"Do you do that?" Keith asked.

"No. I don't need to. My wolf is already in my conscious mind."

"Do you know how screwy that sounds?"

"Yeah. I can't help that, though."

I sighed.

"I am really sorry we got out of bed," I said.

"I'm glad we both agree on that."

"Fuck Enchanted Rock. Let's find somewhere where we will have privacy."


Ten minutes later, we were on a side road with no houses that we could see. There was a car that followed us onto the road, but when I looked again, I didn't see its headlights.

"Stop here."

Keith slowed to a stop. I pulled my clothes off. Then I immediately shifted.

Keith yelled and tried to jump out of the car. But his seatbelt was on him. I shifted back and got out of the car while he did.

"Did you see the wolf?"

"What? What the fuck? You're a friggin werewolf!"

"No, I'm not. I'm a wolf shapeshifter and so are you. You just don't know how to shift. Are you scared of me, Keith?"

"I should be, but I'm not. It's weird."

"It's very important that you shift. Once you shift regularly, the aging process slows down enormously. Will you try it? Take off your clothes and look at the moon. Picture it red."

Keith got undressed.

I took his hand as he looked up at the moon.

"Something's happening!"

He shifted almost immediately. I was very surprised. I thought he would struggle with it. Keith was an enormous wolf. I was very surprised to find he suddenly smelled like pack Vin-Ta, since regular Vin-Ta are more common. What's more, he smelled like an Alpha. I had only smelled one Alpha though, so I couldn't be certain. If he was an Alpha, his behavior would change. He would get angry whenever anyone disagreed with him. I shifted back to my wolf and licked his face. He titled his head up and howled. I ran around him, trying to get him to chase me. I started running and he followed. We chased each other and I had a blast. He climbed on me and I knew his wolf wanted to fuck mine. But it wasn't safe. We were too close to Interstate 35 to be safe. I ran to the car and shifted back.

"Get big," I said.

Keith shifted back.

"Do you still think I'm crazy?"

Keith shook his head in the moonlight.

"I can't believe it! My wolf thought you were its mate."

"I am your mate. If you had ever shifted, we both would have known the minute we met."

I took his erection in my hand as Keith kissed me. Afterwards, I leaned forward against my car.

"Fuck me, please."

"We don't have any lube."

"Spit on your cock and shove it in."

"You got it!"

He pushed slowly inside me.

"Oh, fuck, that's good!" he said.


Keith reached around my and wrapped his hand around my cock. I came, just from his touch. He began fucking me. He started slow and sped up. His cock pulsed as he came. He continued fucking during his orgasm. After his next orgasm, he stopped and pulled me upright. He pulled my head back, and as we kissed, he began fucking me, again. He ran one hand over my chest and belly, while he used the other arm to pull me close to him. I fell into a sort of daze, not knowing or caring where we were. I was enveloped by his body and his scent on the outside, while his cock and tongue took possession of my inside. His roaming hand worked its way to my cock. He stroked me once and I came, again. That triggered Keith's orgasm. I pictured his cum painting the inside of my colon. After his orgasm, we stayed in the same position. Keith pulled away from the kiss after a few minutes. He sighed.

"Wow!" he said.

I chuckled. "Wow is right! And you are still hard," I said.

"I know! I can't believe it! I know I can come again."

He pulled out of me and then pushed back in.

"It will always be like this," I said.

"Oh, fuck! It's incredible! You don't want to fuck me, do you?" Keith asked.

I laughed. "That's funny!"

"It is?"

"I can't imagine anything I would like less, except maybe fucking Amber. I'm a bottom, Keith. All I want is your cock in my mouth and ass. You keep putting it there and we will be deliriously happy."

Keith leaned down and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"We should get back," I said. "We can have more sex in our room."


I started getting dressed and then Keith did. We paused while he kissed me, thoroughly. We got back in the car and headed back to the dorm.

"Let me tell you the Vin-Ta story. A long time ago, an alien race called the Shusheen visited Earth. They were shapeshifters who didn't understand why shapeshifting never developed on Earth. They saw lots of primitive humans, who often starved to death. They wanted to help, so they developed technology that would allow humans to shift into a form that was better for chasing prey. They settled on the wolf form. They figured hunting parties that consisted of the human form to use weapons, and the wolf form to chase and direct the prey would be less likely to starve. They took the Neanderthal race and made some of them shapeshifters. You may not realize this but Neanderthals had bigger brains than modern humans. Maybe that is why they changed some of them. All Vin-Ta are descended from those folks. The reason we are so hairy is because of our Neanderthal genes. Are you with me so far?"

"Are they still here? Those aliens?"

"No. But before they left, they created another race that could shift into other shapes. I guess they were like Vin-Ta 2.0. Those shapeshifters are still around, too. But they are much rarer. I have no idea why."

"There are two kinds of modern Vin-Ta 1.0. There are Vin-Ta who like to live in packs, and others who have no use for packs. Pack and non-pack. The non-pack live in the human world. They have to keep moving, though, because they don't age. If they didn't, the humans who knew them would watch their neighbors remain young while they aged. Those of us who live in packs are led by an Alpha wolf. He's the boss and he usually starts the pack with his own money. You and I are both pack Vin-Ta. We stay isolated from humans and don't have to worry about not aging. I told you I grew up in a commune, but I really grew up in a pack in Colorado. The Alpha is sort of a mixture of dictator and father. Or maybe he's just like a very strict human father. He owns the land and the buildings and pays for all the shared facilities. If you don't like your Alpha's rules, you leave and join another pack or you live on your own."

"Yeah. Listen, this is a lot to take in."

"I know."

"How long do we live?"

"Well, we can die just as easily as humans. So if we manage to avoid or survive accidents, we can live for eight hundred years or so."

"Oh, fuck!"

"If Jerry doesn't shift, he will die in seventy or so years. If he does shift, he is going to think I am his mate. If you don't share me, he will think you are trying to keep him from his mate, and that will not end well."

"Oh, fuck!"

"So it's sort of inevitable. The two of you will fight to the death or he will commit suicide. So you can kill him or share me. Not a lot of choices."

"Well, I can't watch him die of old age."

"No. I couldn't do it and I'm not his twin. He will shift."


"I should tell you that everything I know about mated couple is based on heterosexual pairs. I've never heard of gay mates, but that's not surprising considering how religious my old Alpha was.

"When I talked about three-ways, I was deliberately holding your dick to see if it softened. It didn't. I don't think you will have a problem with them."

Keith sighed.

"Maybe you are right."

"Once he shifts, my wolf will think Jerry is my mate, too. I'm going to want him to fuck me. I'm going to want both of you to fuck me all the time. I expect I will spend a lot of time with one of you in my mouth and the other in my ass."

"Well, we share, then."

We sat in silence for about a minute.

"I feel better," Keith said. "I felt all along that stealing you from him was wrong."

"Now for the good news," I said.

"What? What?"

"I think you are a pack Alpha. According to my father, Alphas can pretty much come as often as they want."

"I'm an Alpha?"

"I'm not positive, but I think so."

"Sex is definitely all I'm going to want to do. Do you feel the same way?" Keith said.

"Yeah. I can't wait to find out how many times I can make you come in a day. I'm pretty sure that is my new hobby. Arthur, my teacher told me that new mates usually don't wear clothes. They just get in the way."

Keith chuckled. "That sounds strange, but not unbelievable. I want to be inside you right now."

"And I need you inside me."

"I'll give my little wolf whatever he needs."

"Am I your little wolf?"

"That's how my wolf thought of you."

"I like it!"

"Where do you want to live?" Keith asked me. "I know I'm not going to want to go to classes anymore. You are about a million times more important to me than a History degree. We will have to leave the dorm. And we can't tell Jerry until we have our own place."

"My parents have money and so will I when I turn twenty-one. But right now, I have very little money. How about you?"

"I don't know how they are going to react to me dropping out of school. And Jerry is still in high school."

I pulled Keith's cock out, again.

"Pull over, will you?" I asked.

Keith slowed the car and stopped on the shoulder. I unbuckled my seatbelt and began sucking him. Keith sighed, in pleasure. Keith ran his fingers through my hair. It felt wonderful. I began caressing his hairy balls with my fingertips. I felt them jump in their sack as his cock began shooting in my mouth.

"Yum!" I said, as I put my seatbelt on.

Keith chuckled.

"I want to search for a gay Vin-Ta pack when we get back."

"Sounds good."

Keith back on the highway

I slowly stroked him and Keith sighed.

"How did I not notice how hot you are for me, Jack? I think it's fantastic that you are, but I was just oblivious. I feel guilty for not giving you what you need. Of course you needed sex. I'm not surprised you like Dave. He at least tried to give you what you need. I think he really was straight before he met you. Otherwise it wouldn't have been 'almost' sex. It would have been fucking and sucking. I have to ask this. Are you in love with him?" The last part came out in a sort of growl. It was only to be expected from a mate.

"I don't know. We had a falling out. I thought it was because he didn't like me. I knocked on his door many times and there was no answer. I know he was there some of the time. But maybe he was just trying to cope with his feelings."

"He loves you, Jack. And not just a little bit. That is one of the things that made me mad. He not only gets hard when he looks at you, but he gets this expression like you are the most wonderful person on Earth. But he only looks that way when you aren't looking at him." Keith sighed. "I suppose he doesn't want you to know how he feels. I need to accept the fact that if I had treated you well, given you the sex and love you deserve, nothing would have developed between the two of you. And I should really be grateful he didn't try to fuck you. I know he wants to." Keith sighed.

"Dave never ever talked about his feelings or what he wanted out of life, or much of anything. I know what his major is, but I don't think we ever talked about school."

"I wasted so much fucking time with Amber. I'm really pissed at myself. I wasn't even having a good time. You know, the day we went to the DMV, I could tell you really liked me. You kept snuggling, while you tried to pretend you weren't. You moved your chair closer to mine twice. That made me happy. If my leg stopped touching you, you moved yours. I put my arm around you and it felt so right. I saw you were hard and you saw I was hard and I was glad about that, too. I had a great time, that day."

"So did I. That and the Sunday after we bought the car were wonderful.

"I have a question to ask you," I said.


"If I had asked you to let me see your cock, would you have let me?"

"You mean the way Dave let you?"


Keith sighed. "I would have wanted to, but the stupid part of my head that kept insisting I was straight, might have stopped me.

"Now let me ask you something."


"My dick has been hard all day. I was worried I was impotent before today, so I'm not complaining. But will it go soft?"

"Not if I'm close to you. But I never knew a newly mated couple. Everything I've said about them is what I was told by my parents, or my teacher, and that was about hetero couples. I'm assuming it will be the same with us, mostly because our reactions to each other match what I was told."

"Well, I guess we can assume they will be the same until they aren't."


Keith was leaking precum profusely. The whole car was saturated with the smell of it, his cock, his balls, and his ass. I took in a deep breath and sighed. I loved the smell.

"It kind of stinks in here. Maybe we should open a window."

"Don't you dare! I love the scent! My ass is twitching and my uvula is bouncing!"

Keith laughed. "And you like that, huh?"

"Yeah. I always liked the way you smell. Since I met you. But now, my wolf is fully bonded to yours. I like it even more. I've heard that some newly mated pack males want to keep covering their new mate with their semen. Your wolf will feel no other males can smell me, only you. I always thought that was pretty gross. But now I understand."

"Oh, man! That is so fucking kinky! And my wolf loves the idea! Do you?"

"Yeah, I do."

"But that would take an awful lot of spunk. Can I make that much?"

"Well, yeah. Even a non-Alpha can do it."

"Damn! Now I really want to see you with my cum dripping down your face."

"I would love that."

"But we can't go out in public with you covered in spunk!"

"That is just one of the reasons we live in packs. Everyone understands things like that. When other pack Vin-Ta smelled me, they would just congratulate us."

Keith sighed.

"I need to tell you something, now that you are in my family."


"My father is very kinky," Keith said, very quickly.


"And what?" Keith asked.

"Does he dress up like a woman? Wait. I don't think that qualifies as kinky, if he wishes he was a woman." Keith laughed hysterically at that. I was glad he was happy.

"Oh, hell no. I mean sexually."

"You'll have to excuse me, but I have no idea what you are talking about. Is gay sex kinky? Is he gay? No, I guess he can't be. He's married and has two sons."

"He encouraged Jerry and me to have sex. He taught us how to suck each other. He convinced Jerry to let me fuck him. He was present and he helped the first time I fucked Jerry. In fact, he was usually present. It's kind of the opposite of how you were raised. We had sex constantly."

"Well, that is kinky."

"Does it bother you? I mean, he is really a great guy. He never forced us to do anything. Jerry and I were both so horny, it was great to be able to have sex whenever we wanted."

I didn't say anything while I thought about my feelings.

"It bothers you, doesn't it?" Keith asked.

I sighed.

"I think I am just jealous. You sure had a lot more fun growing up than I did."

"And the incest angle doesn't bother you?"

"You already told me you had sex with Jerry. It didn't bother me."

"Yes, but now I'm talking about sex with my father."

"My instructor showed me a book once. It was called Vin-Ta Sexual Practices. The Alpha didn't know about the book. Just about everything in it was kinky. It was practically porn. Maybe it was porn. I jacked off many times thinking about the things in it. Nothing in that book was allowed in our pack, but my instructor said a lot of things in the book were common elsewhere. There was lots and lots of incest. Fathers with daughters and mothers with sons.

"Why are Vin-Ta practices different?"

"Well, first off, wolves don't care whether a sex partner is a relative. An unmated wolf is very horny. Anyone is fair game. Also, when you live eight hundred years, your perspective changes. When a lucky Vin-Ta has a sibling, there might be two hundred year's difference in their ages. Or more. They might not have ever met. Is sex with a stranger incest? And because babies are so rare, it's common for fathers to try and get a daughter who has reached menarche bred by as many unmated men as possible, as often as possible. Fathers who have daughters consider themselves especially fertile. After all, they have a daughter when others desperately want a child. Since those fathers were more fertile than the average Vin-Ta male, they would breed their daughters more often than anyone else. A lot of Vin-Ta, maybe most, believe young female Vin-Ta are more fertile than older women. If a mother has no mate, but has a son, sex might begin between them when they are shifted, wolf-to-wolf. Once her son has bred her, sex will often continue when they are not wolves.

"What exactly does 'breed' mean?"



"If those fathers who are breeding their daughters have a mate, she may hate the idea of her mate having sex with another female, but her own daughter, or even her mate's daughter---like her stepdaughter--- is much less a threat than another woman. And she might very well want another baby in the family. It is a sign of status to have a child. If a family has two children, they are the envy of almost every other Vin-Ta. It really depends on the female mate. If she feels very secure in her relationship to her mate, she is more likely to allow her mate to breed their daughter. And the final factor is that related Vin-Ta never produce babies with birth defects. In fact, as far as anyone knows, no Vin-Ta has ever given birth to a baby with birth defects. Apparently the Shusheen tinkering prevents that.

"I used to borrow that book and run far from the pack headquarters. I would jack off furiously thinking of incestuous orgies. I was fantasizing about fathers with sons. But after I came three or four times, I would feel terribly guilty. I would bathe in a river or stream to wash the scent of lust off me and head back to home. I would swear never to do it, again. And then when I got so horny I couldn't think---"

"You grabbed the book and jacked off," Keith said.

"Exactly. Once the Alpha said he knew what I was doing. I was terrified. He told me he knew I was jacking off. He said it was wrong, but he understood what it was like to be young and horny and he knew there were no females anywhere near my age in the pack. He never mentioned the book, which was an enormous relief. So what all did you do with your father?"

"Well, we sucked him all the time. He liked to have both of our mouths on his cock at the same time."

"I wish I'd seen that!"

"Do you?"


"He also liked to have one of us sucking his balls, while the other sucked his cock. And other things I will save for another time."

"Oh, fuck! What does he look like?"

"He looks just like Jerry and me."

"Oh, god!"

"You are getting turned on by this, aren't you?" Keith asked me. He groped my cock and I groaned. "Oh, yeah. You like it."

"Did your mother get involved?" I asked, squeamishly.

Keith laughed.

"You cock is getting soft. I think I know what that means. No, she never got involved and she never watched. She knew what was going on; we didn't hide it. It didn't ever seem to bother her. She would say things like, "I don't want the two of you fooling around until you've finished your homework." But when she and Dad had sex, it was in their bedroom with the door closed. Baby, you don't know how relieved I am that you aren't upset. I was afraid I was going to have to hide it for the rest of my life. I mean, if Amber had ever found out---"

"Yeah. I can imagine her reaction. What else did you do with your father?"

Keith laughed.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Your cock got very hard, again. I guess incest really does turn you on. That's fine with me. It means you are more perfect for me than I thought. And I thought you were pretty perfect, before." I smiled at him in the dark. "I was going to wait because I didn't want to freak you out with too much information, but Dad fucked us, too. Sometimes he fucked me while I was fucking Jerry," Keith said.

I shook my head.

"You were actually having gay, incestuous orgies," I said. "Imagine how many times I would have jacked off if pictures of you three were in the book!"

Keith laughed.

"Hey! If my parents are Vin-Ta, how come they had two sons? I thought it was difficult to have even one."

"They probably have never shifted. If they had, they would have told their two sons. I've heard that Vin-Ta who have never shifted are as fertile as humans. I don't know if that is true, but it makes sense. Shifting changes the aging process. Maybe it alters fertility, too."

"Yeah. That does make sense."

Keith wiped some precum off his cock and rubbed it under my nose.


Keith laughed.

We finally got back to town. Keith pulled up in front of the dorm.

"I'll park the car," he said.

I was surprised. I wanted to stay by his side. Didn't he feel the same? I supposed I did need to know. It would show just how long we could be apart before being miserable. I got out of the car and missed him instantly. I watched the car. He went up the street and turned left towards the parking lot. I walked to the doors. Just as I was getting out my card to get into the building, I saw a car heading back. It was Keith. I grinned and walked to the car.

"Bad idea," he said, as I got into the car.

We parked and walked back to the dorm. Keith's arm stayed around my waist the entire time, and I liked it.

He kissed me as soon as we were back in the room. I pulled away after a couple of minutes. Kissing was great, but I needed his cock. I knelt and looked up at him. He put his hands on his hips, which seemed very Alpha to me. I pulled down his shorts. His cock flopped up. I pressed my face to his crotch and sniffed. Shivers ran up and down my spine. His cock was very wet. The precum was flowing as I watched. I rubbed my face against his cock, smearing the precum over it. We both sighed at the same time.

He kicked his shoes off and stepped out of his shorts. He pulled his tank top off and threw it on the floor. He pulled me off my knees and then he knelt. He began undressing me.

"Anytime you want to go all dominant on me, go for it," I told him.

"I'm not exactly sure what that means."

"If you want to cover me with cum, don't ask. Do it. If you want your cock sucked, pull my face to it. Don't ask. If you want to fuck me, push inside me and fuck."

"OK. I get it. That turns you on?"

"Oh, yeah."

I ran my hands over him. I'd wanted to do that for a while.

"Your face smells right, but the rest of you doesn't. And Dave is just a few feet away," Keith said to me.

Dave had good timing. There was a knock on our door.

I pulled on a pair of shorts and went to answer it. It was Dave. I gasped as I smelled his scent. It had changed. I couldn't be mistaken; Dave was my mate, too. I looked at him and he winked at me.

Dave had a gun in a holster. I was shocked. I looked at the gun and then his face. He was still smiling.

"You need to call your father, Keith," Dave said.

"Why have you got a gun?" Keith asked Dave.

"You.Need.To.Call.Your.Father," Dave said, slowly.

"Is something wrong?"

"Yes, but you'll need to get that from him."

Keith picked up his phone and called home.

"Hi, Dad. It's Keith. What's wrong?"

Keith put his cell on speaker phone.

"Where are you?" his father asked.

"In our room," Keith said.

"Thank god," his father said. "Is Jack safe? Is Dave with you?"

I frowned. Was that why Dave had a gun? Why would anyone want to hurt me? How did Keith's father know Dave?

"Of course! Dad, what can you tell me about Vin-Ta?" Keith asked him. "I met my mate and he told me."

"Did you break up with Amber?"


"That's a relief. How does Jack feel about it? Is he happy?" Keith's father asked.

I looked at Keith. He seemed as confused as I felt.

"How did you know it was Jack, Dad?"

"It's a long story and not one to be told over the phone."

"Mr. Chuffa? This is Jack. I'm very happy about it."

"Have you spoken to your father, Jack?" Keith's father asked me.

"No. I don't know how I can explain a male mate."

"You won't have to," he said. What did that mean? "I'll tell him you are safe."

"Dad? You knew we were Vin-Ta and you never told us?"

"I had my reasons. I'll explain when I see you. You need to come home. Now."

"Oh. OK. That probably is for the best," Keith said.

"Dave Chuffa needs to come with you, in the same vehicle as Jack," Mr. Chuffa said.

I looked at Dave. "Is Chuffa your last name?" Dave nodded. "Not Reynolds?"

"It's Chuffa," Dave said.

"Is Dave Chuffa my mate, too?" I asked.

Keith looked shocked and angry.

"Apparently," Mr. Chuffa said.

"How can that be?" Keith asked.

"Come home. You will learn when you get here."

"You won't like this Keith, but Dave is going to have to stay with Jack all the time," Mr. Chuffa said.

"Why?" Keith asked, angrily.

"I can't tell you that over the phone. But Jack has to be protected and Dave is trained. Dave is essential. Jack shouldn't go anywhere, and I mean anywhere without Dave. Not even into stalls in public restrooms. I know you don't like it, but don't argue and don't fight it. It is absolutely essential. Jack, do you understand?"

"No. But I'll make sure Dave is with me," I said.

"Good. Now, hang up, Keith and get going! Bring what you'll need for the next couple of days. I'll call movers to get the rest. It's best if you leave as soon as possible," Mr. Chuffa said. "Leave everything if Dave thinks that is better."

"We have two cars. Well, a truck and a car," Keith said.

"Bring the car. You can't get Dave in the truck. I'll have the movers bring your truck."

"OK. Thanks, Dad. We'll leave in a few minutes. Bye."

Keith looked angry. I found myself relieved. Dave wasn't going to disappear from my life. I hugged Keith. "I love you. Did you know that?"

Keith grinned.

I gathered up my stuff, and Keith got his. Dave picked up a duffle bag from his room. Belle was in his room. She nodded her head when she saw me. I looked at Dave. That was something else I didn't understand. Dave grinned at me, which wasn't useful at all. I automatically took Dave's hand. He squeezed mine, lightly.

"You'll need to go for the car," Dave said to Keith.

"I'm not leaving Jack alone with you!"

Dave sighed.

"Then the three of us will have to carry this stuff all the way to the car."

"You go," Keith said to Dave. Dave and I both frowned at him.

"I have to stay with him, remember? Let's all go," I said.

We headed to the parking lot. Belle followed us. She had a gun in a holster, too. She looked around as we walked. I had no idea why, but it seemed I was in danger. And I had two bodyguards—Dave and Belle. I didn't understand what was going on. I had two of my bags. I left my laptop and my toiletries and only brought clothes and my toothbrush. Keith only had one bag, and Dave had his duffle bag. Keith took one of my bags.

There was no traffic. It was very late, or maybe very early. A car passed by us. Dave moved in front of me and Belle put her hand on her gun. I wondered if we just terrified the driver. But it was dark and he probably didn't even notice Dave and Belle had guns. The car didn't slow down.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Keith said.

"I'll explain when we are on the road," Dave said.

We reached my car. We put our stuff in the trunk. Keith had the keys. I got in the front passenger seat.

"You need to sit in the back with me," Dave said.

"He'll sit in the front with me," Keith said.

"No. He won't. Complain to your father or Jack's father, not to me," Dave said.

Keith was furious. I got in the back. After we put on our seat belts, Keith pulled out of the parking lot.

"We need to get gas," Keith said.

He stopped at a gas station. Keith opened his door and slammed it shut. He went to a pump and started filling the tank.

"Am I really in danger?" I whispered to Dave.

"Possibly. We aren't going to take any chances. I'll explain when we get on the highway."

"Is your cock still beautiful?" I asked.

Dave chuckled.

"Do you still have the pictures?"

"Of course."

I pulled out my phone and looked at them.

"I love this one," I said, pointing. Looking at the photo reminded me that Dave asked if I was in love with his cock.

"I am in love with him," I said.

Dave took my hand and held it.

"Are you straight?" I asked him.

"I used to be, before I met you."

We were silent until we got on the interstate.

"OK. I can explain," Dave said.

"You better!" Keith said.

"Keith, will you stop it? Please?" I said.

"Your father told you about the two races that the Shusheen created," Dave said to me. "The second race can change into any shape they want. This evening, you shifted into Keith's shape in the dorm. First you looked like a skinny Keith and then you shrunk and looked like a short Keith. At least one person besides me watched you do it."

"Oh, shit!" Keith said. "Did you do that?"

"I didn't know. I saw Keith's face in the mirror, but I was kind of...well...hysterical."

"Yeah. I saw you, remember?" Dave said.

"Your parents knew about your ability. Evidently, when you were a baby, when you got scared, you changed into inanimate objects."

I couldn't believe it! I knew about the other race, but it had never occurred to me that I might be one of them. I wished I knew more about them. Then I almost laughed. I knew one of them very well---me! The second race was exactly like Vin-Ta, only they---we---could change into other things sometimes.

"Arthur was not just your teacher. He was your bodyguard at the pack. I got hired to be your bodyguard when you enrolled here. Arthur is too old to pretend to be a student here. Your father and Keith's father hired me. None of us knew I was your mate until I met you at the dorm."

Keith's father knew my father? And they both knew I needed a bodyguard? It was really strange.

"Why didn't you smell like Vin-Ta?" I asked.

"There are ways to mask various Vin-Ta scents, including lust and mating scents. Your father used them on himself and on you to keep your Alpha from smelling your lust for him."

I was in complete shock. It was like everything was upside down.

"I was supposed to stay hidden. I was supposed to pretend to be another student and not get personally involved. But I knew you are my mate. Can you imagine how hard it is to stay hidden from your mate, especially when you can smell his intense lust every time he looks at you?"

"You are not his mate! I am!" Keith said.

Dave sighed.

"We both are, Keith. I can feel your jealousy and fury. You have to understand. You don't pick your mate and you don't allow yourself to lose your mate. Neither of us can control the situation and it will never end. I will never be able to convince you to leave and you can't convince me to leave. We can't force each other, either. We have to make the best of it for Jack's sake. We will both have to discover if our love for him is strong enough for us to coexist."

"I could learn to protect him," Keith said.

"Jack needs to be protected now. I am certain more bodyguards will be hired to protect Jack. He only needed one before he shifted in public. Now he is in greater danger. Besides, you are overlooking the fact that I am Jack's mate. I was just his bodyguard before."

"You knew you would have to share me, Keith."

"Yes, but I like Jerry."

"Why do I need a bodyguard?" I asked.

"We call the Shusheen second race Polymorphs. You can transform into any shape you want. There are people who would do anything to get their hands on you. Criminals, governments, altruists, and killers. It's possible one of these groups will hear about what you did. You've been in some danger ever since you shifted publicly."

"Oh, shit!" Keith said.

"Don't be frightened, Jack. We are going to protect you," Dave said.

"He's right," Keith said. "No one is getting past us."

For some reason I wasn't afraid. It seemed unreal. But I was not taking any chances. If I had to go to the restroom, I would be tugging Dave's hand the whole way.

"I am not saying you are definitely in danger. As far as we know, only one person witnessed it. I told him he was hallucinating. He may have bought that. Or maybe he will think it was a dream. He didn't leave his room, anyway. But he might have phoned someone, who phoned someone else. It seems unlikely that he will never mention something so remarkable. You were seen on one of the dorm's security cameras, but Belle took care of that. In any case, we are gone, and you won't be returning. Belle is going to remain in the dorm for a while. If she hears anything, she will let me know."

I nodded.

"Why did I look like a sick Keith?" I asked Dave.

"Because Keith weighs so much more than you," Dave said. "You can't increase or decrease mass by shifting. Your body still weighed one hundred and forty-one pounds. You became a one hundred forty-one pound, six-foot-four Keith," Dave said.

"Do I weigh one forty-one?" I asked.

"Yes," Dave said.

"How do you know?"

"Because I study you, as your guard and as your mate," Dave said.

"I've gained weight," I said.

"Yes, you have," Dave said.

I glanced down and saw Dave was erect. I reached over and groped him. Dave spread his legs. He knew just how much I loved his cock, and that was before we were mates. I just hoped Keith could adjust. Dave put his arm around my shoulders and I felt safer.

"There is a car following us," Keith said.

"I know," Dave said. "Another security guard. His name is Jesse."

Dave unzipped his pants and reached inside them with a finger. He pulled his finger out and held it under my nose. I groaned. Dave's cock smelled wonderful, even better than it had.

"What's that smell?" Keith asked.

"That is Jack's lust," Dave said, grinning at me. "You will be able to smell a lot more things, now that you've shifted." Dave put his finger back inside his pants. He shared the scent of his balls with me. I groaned. Dave had the very satisfied look on his face that I had seen before.

"Did you remember to bring the Styrofoam cups?" I asked Dave.

Dave laughed. Keith didn't say anything.

"Were you straight?" I asked Dave.

"Yeah. The thing was, when I first met you, your scent was still subdued. As your father's masking agent faded, you smelled better and better. But I was pretty sure you were my mate right from the beginning. You are probably the first guy to give me an erection. And you didn't respond to any other men the way you did to me. That is, until Keith arrived. After that, I could smell how much you lusted after both of us."

I could tell Keith was a little unhappy. But I didn't feel guilty about lusting after Dave, anymore. After all, Keith lusted after Amber.

"So my father knew I was a---whatever you said I was?"

"Polymorph. Yes."

"Did my father hire Belle, too?" I asked.

"No. He hired Jesse, behind us, and another guard named Rube. They weren't bodyguards. They remotely monitored your room, sound and video, in twelve hour shifts. I hired Belle when I realized you are my mate," Dave continued. "I wasn't sure I could trust myself to focus on the surroundings and not on you. You have to understand that I wanted you much more than you wanted me. I was and am, madly in love with you, Jack. And you were so close, I could smell you in my room. I don't know how many times I stood at my door, just to smell you. Sometimes when you knocked, I was on the other side of the door jacking off to your scent. Keith had the opportunity to do all the things I wanted to do with you, but couldn't. Instead of loving you the way you deserve and protecting you, he chose to be with Amber. I could smell how much you wanted him and how sad you were when he left you. I knew he was Vin-Ta, and I knew he was your mate. It made me very angry that Keith chose Amber over you. He didn't know you were mates, but he had to know how you felt about him.

"Keith, I disliked you for making our mate unhappy," Dave said.

Keith sighed.

"I didn't recognize Keith was my mate, and I know what mates are," I said. "It's wrong to judge him by Vin-Ta rules when he doesn't know them."

Dave sighed.

"No, Jack. Dave is right. I shouldn't have left you alone. I knew you were unhappy when I left and I was glad. I thought it meant you loved me and I wanted you to love me. But I was only thinking of myself. I can't believe I treated you that way."

I didn't know how to respond to that. He knew he made me unhappy and he was glad? But I was looking at it from my perspective and Dave was looking at it from his. Keith was adjusting to the fact that I appealed to him. He met Amber long before he met me, and he had an established relationship with her.

"Well, if you hadn't left me alone, I wouldn't have fallen in love with Dave," I said. "In fact, both of you left me alone. For a guy with two mates, I sure jacked off alone a lot."

"I didn't stay away by choice," Dave said. "I did it when I felt myself losing control or when I was ordered to. I didn't ever stop wanting you."

"Look, I still can't stand Dave, but he is right. I should have cared more about your feelings. They should have been foremost in my mind. I was worried more about my feelings and Amber's feelings than yours. I don't deserve you."

"You didn't know I was your mate!" I said, again.

"Well, I know for sure you love me," Keith said. "You won't let me own up to my mistakes."

"I just understand why you acted the way you did," I said. "I blame your father. I wish I knew why your parents never told you," I said. "You father just said he had a reason. That isn't very helpful."

"No. It isn't," Keith said. "But I know how much Dad loves us, so I know it wasn't with the intent of harming us. I know how hard they tried to have kids."

"You said Jesse and Rube were monitoring our room. They had video? Shit! They know how often I jacked off, which was all the time!" I couldn't admit it in front of Keith, but those guards heard me tell Dave how beautiful I thought his cock was! They watched me beg for more of Dave's spunk and drink it out of a cup! And then I got fucked with a turkey baster! I shook my head. "What must they think of me?"

"Of us," Keith added. "I jacked off in the room when you were asleep, babe."

"To straight porn," Dave said. "It confused everyone."

"You didn't have to tell him!" Keith said, angrily.

"Straight porn!" I said. I suddenly panicked.

"Jack, I did it to try to prove to myself I was straight. It didn't work very well. It was like sex with Amber. The less I responded, the more I tried to force myself to respond. My mind would start picturing you, and that was when I would come," Keith said. "I didn't want to be gay. It really had nothing to do with you."

"You could have at least shot your load on my face!" I said.

Keith laughed.

"Next time, I will."


"I told you I announced I was straight to my family. That wasn't only because I wanted to be different from my identical twin, who is gay. I heard my mother once say to Dad that the constant gay sex would influence our sexual orientation. I didn't want to stop having sex with my brother and father. I wanted to prove I could do both, have gay sex and be straight. After all, my father did the same thing. He was straight and had gay sex with us."

"What did your father say when your mother said that?" I asked.

"He asked what difference it would make if we were gay."

"You asked what Jesse and Rube thought," Dave said. "They didn't pay attention to any of that. It was distracting, so they focused on the hallway and Internet usage while you beat off."

"Keith, I need to tell you everything about Dave."

"You haven't?"

"I sort of minimized what we did," I said, sighing. Dave sent me pictures of his cock and I jacked off to them. I told you I tasted his cum, but I actually wanted a lot. He jacked off into a Styrofoam cup and gave me as much as I wanted. I wondered how he could produce so much cum, but now I know it was because I'm his mate."

"That's true," Dave said. "When I jacked off in my room, if I could smell you, I would come five or six times. Cum would be everywhere. While you were practically drooling on your knees in front of me, I could barely stop coming. That's a Vin-Ta thing, Keith. You can come over and over again with your mate."

"Yeah. I know."

I could feel Keith's jealousy.

"I know it doesn't make you happy, but I was so horny from your scent and Dave's. When you weren't there..."

Keith sighed.

"Yeah. Well, I need to accept the fact that if I'd been with you, it wouldn't have happened."

"Then, for some reason, Dave fucked me with a turkey baster," I said.

"Uh. You got fucked by a turkey baster?" Keith said. "I'm going to guess that was your idea, Dave."

"I wanted Dave to fuck me. You were gone, again. He didn't want to do that---"

"I did want to. I just knew it would make me lose my job," Dave said. "And I loved the fact that you were just a few feet away. If I had been fired, I would have lost the room. I needed to be close to you."

"A turkey baster. Very romantic!" Keith said.

"When I was first fucked, it was through a gloryhole," I said. "And that is just about as romantic."

Keith sighed.

"Why didn't you use a dildo?" I asked Dave.

"There is more to being a Polymorph than just changing shape. You can get pregnant. Polymorphs are usually hermaphrodites. Outwardly, your sex is male, but you have the female organs needed to get pregnant and give birth."

"I can get pregnant?" That was just too weird!

Dave nodded.

"Do you know how many Vin-Ta want babies?" Dave asked me.

"All of them?" I said.

Dave nodded.

"That is another reason you are in danger. You've shown yourself to be a Polymorph. There are an awful lot of Vin-Ta who would love to control you and force you to give them pups. That is another reason your father hired bodyguards for you. Keith, you are in danger, too."


"If you were captured, your abductors could threaten to kill you unless Jack came to them."

"Shit! We're never getting rid of you!" Keith said.

"Why do you want to get rid of me?" I asked, smiling.

"I meant Dave!"

"I am Jack's mate, too, Keith. I feel the same way about him as you. How would you feel about leaving him permanently? Think about that," Dave said to Keith.

"How do I get pregnant?" I asked Dave.

"I was told you have to wish you could have a baby while your partner's semen is in your ass."

"So I'm pregnant right now?" I asked, very, very surprised. Then I thought of having Dave's baby and raising it together. I had wanted that, and it was coming true. Still, me pregnant?

"I think so," Dave said. "You have been gaining weight."

"What the fuck? You got him pregnant!" Keith shouted.

"I wished for a baby when you fucked me, too, Keith." I turned to Dave. "Can I carry both?"

"Yes. I believe so. You should be pregnant with mine and Keith's. The babies won't be born at the same time, though, since I impregnated you, first."

"Are you happy about that, Keith?" I asked, nervously.

"Hell, I don't know. I guess. No, I'm glad. Have you any idea how long it took my parents to have me?"

"Probably a very long time," I said.

"Yeah. How do you feel about that?" Keith asked.

"I don't know." I thought about it. I was a hermaphrodite. I decided it was less weird than being another race. According to Arthur being intersex, where a person had some genitals, or gonads of both sexes was more common in humans than most people thought. 'According to Arthur'. Of course he would tell me that! He must have known and wanted me to get used to the idea that I had some female plumbing.

"Are you sure you want my baby?" Keith asked me.

"Absolutely! So, after one fuck through a gloryhole and a date with a turkey baster, I'm going to give birth. Twice. Weird! So the turkey baster was artificial insemination," I said. "You squirted your cum inside me while I wished I could have your baby. How on Earth can we ever explain that?" I wondered. "What am I saying? How can we explain any of this? I turned into Keith because I was depressed about our gloryhole sex."

"Fuck!" Keith said.

"I don't want people to know about the turkey baster or the gloryhole. But how can we hide it?" I wondered.

"Why did you have sex through a gloryhole?" Dave asked.

"That alone is almost too embarrassing to discuss," I said.

"Yeah," Keith said. "But just leave out the word 'almost'. I'll just say I wasn't sure I could have sex with Jack and I didn't want to hurt him if I couldn't get it up with him. I want everyone to forget the whole gloryhole thing. It had nothing to do with anonymous sex. I knew it was Jack and he knew it was me."

"I don't think we can forget it," Dave said. " Belle knows Keith walked to a restroom in another building and Jack followed. She knows Jack was crying when he left the restroom. She wouldn't gossip, but I'm sure she included it in her report for the day. There are too many people who might see it. But if you feel bad, you should see what is in the reports about me." I almost laughed. That was true! There were the pictures he gave me, the Styrofoam cups. Then I cringed. People watched me doing that! They had watched me bend over while Keith fucked me with a turkey baster! "We just have to not let it bother us and stick together. We had reasons for what we did."

My heart was pounding.

"What's wrong?" Dave asked me.

"Did everyone see everything that happened in our room?" I motioned holding a cup and drinking.

Dave nodded his head. I closed my eyes and forced myself not to think about it. It worked. I started to think about all those mates of mine.

"I really don't want to meet two more mates, right now. You've never fucked me," I said to Dave.

He sighed.

I hate the idea, too. I wish Keith and I could learn to live with each other before more mates join us."

"How do you feel, Keith?" I asked.

"I want you all to myself, but if I can't have that, then I want the fewest other mates. I would much prefer sharing you with only Jerry, but it's too late for that. I guess I agree with Dave."

I smiled.

"There is no point in discussing it. We don't have any choice," Dave said. "If the three of us disappeared together, your fathers would spare no expense in locating us and bringing you home. We would only delay the inevitable. We would also be putting Jack in danger. One guard isn't enough to protect him, especially if it is me. I will be distracted sometimes by Jack."

I sighed.

"Who are my six mates?" I asked.

"Wayne, Keith, me, Jerry, your father, and your pack's Alpha," Dave said to me.

"My father and Alpha George are my mates?"

"Yes, according to your father."

"No wonder I got hard around them. That explains why I saw my father's erection so often."

"Your father was masking your scents, as well as his own. But the masking is not one hundred percent effective. You were drawn to me, even though I was masking my scents."

"I wonder if my father wants me to give him a baby."

"I have no idea," Dave said.

"You said Jack's father had plans," Keith said. "Do you know what they are? Am I in his plans?"

"Well, you heard that Wayne knew your mate was Jack," Dave said to Keith.

"That's right!"

"It's not a coincidence that all three of us are Vin-Ta. I think the plan was for Jack to be the mate of Wayne and his sons. You said you didn't know how to tell your father you have a male mate. He said you didn't need to, because your father is the one who arranged for the two of you to live together. When you shifted tonight, everything changed. Your father and mother were the only ones who knew you are a Polymorph until tonight."

That was hard to believe, that Dad could plan my mate or mates. From what I understood, you can't pick your mates. But now that Dave mentioned it, it was an unbelievable coincidence that Keith and I were both Vin-Ta, roommates, AND were mates. That seemed about as likely as winning the lottery three times in a row. In the whole time on campus, I'd only smelled one other Vin-Ta.

"How old are you?" I asked Dave, deliberately changing the subject. I remembered him saying that when he was my age, people made fun of him. And his eyes looked older.

"One hundred and twelve."

"And you were pretending to be a freshman!" I said

"Yeah. Your father knew you weren't accustomed to humans and you have never seen a Vin-Ta my age. He thought I could pull it off. No one besides you seemed to notice."

"Did you notice his age, Keith?" I asked.

"No. And I would have laughed if he told me he was one hundred and twelve."

"No one else was paying attention the way you were, Jack," Dave said. I nodded. I was sure of that.

"So you were never dating Belle."

"How could I date anyone with my mate six feet away and driving me insane with desire?"

"Good answer!" I said.

"Will you please stop rubbing salt in the wound?" Keith asked. I had no idea what he meant.

"I wasn't. I was only talking about myself," Dave said.

Keith felt bad about not behaving the same way Dave had. And I had to admit, part of me was glad. Just the same way Keith had been glad I was unhappy when he left to go to Amber. I had no doubt we both loved each other. Love was weird.

I reached into Dave's pants, while he grinned at me. Dave unfastened them and pushed them down to his knees. I took his beautiful cock in my hand. I had to have it. I unbuckled and swallowed the wet head. I moaned at the taste. I pulled off and began licking the head in broad strokes of my tongue. Dave grabbed it and pulled my mouth onto it just as he began shooting. I thought his cum was tasty before. It was far better. My wolf was very happy, too. After he finished coming, I pressed my face to the base of his cock and breathed in his scent. Then I sucked another load out of his one hundred-year-old nuts.

"I want you to fuck me," I said to him.

"No, it's not safe," Keith said.

"I'm afraid my other mate is right," Dave said.

"I'm not your mate," Keith said.

"I'm afraid you are, Keith. I'm sure you will never let me fuck you, but did you think we are in a kind of endless, loveless marriage? We both have to adjust, but we will get along. We are a family. Look at it this way, if you are attacked or accidentally killed, Jack will be devastated. I'm not about to let Jack suffer for something I can prevent. If we argue all the time or actually fight, Jack will be very angry. He will just turn to one of his other mates, like Jerry or your father. Fighting will mean no sex. Do you want to risk that?" Dave asked.

Keith sighed. "No."

"Is Keith an Alpha?" I asked Dave.

"Yes. Hmmm. That's probably why Wayne didn't tell his sons they are Vin-Ta," Dave said.

"Well, tell us!" Keith said.

"Yeah!" I said.

"Keith and Jerry are genetically identical to their father," Dave said.

"How can that be?" I asked. "The sons are identical twins, but the father?"

"I believe you and Jerry are clones of your father. I overheard the word 'clones' not long ago. Unfortunately, I didn't hear the context. But Wayne seems certain you are his mate, Jack. How could he unless---"

"Oh, shit!" Keith said.


"Jerry and I have identical features with Dad," Keith said.

"Like what?" I said.

Keith sighed.

"Our cocks are identical to Dad's. He pointed that out to us. I don't mean similar, they are identical. Even the veining on the outside is the same. I wondered about that. I think they should be similar, but not identical. After all, half our DNA should have come from our mother."

"Well, that doesn't prove you are clones, but it is evidence. And here is why I think Wayne didn't want you or your brother to shift," Dave said. "If the three of you are identical, then Wayne is an Alpha. That's why you are an Alpha. I can't imagine what a house with three Alphas would be like, especially with Keith and Jerry in their rebellious teenage years, but there would be a lot of arguments and fighting, at the very least. He probably planned to tell you once you both had left home. He's still waiting for Jerry to leave."

"That makes sense," I said.

"I don't know anything about Alphas, but I know my dad has a good reason. That seems like a good reason to me," Keith said. "He would want to tell both of us at the same time, to prevent me from telling Jerry how to shift."

"Are you an Alpha?" I asked Dave. He didn't smell like one, but he sure acted like one.

"No," Dave said.

"That means I'm your boss, Daaaave," Keith said.

"I think your father will be the boss," Dave said to Keith.

That was true. And I was glad. If Keith or Dave were in charge, he would make life miserable for the other.

Keith sighed.

"But now the three Alphas are all going to be together," I said.

"Maybe the fact that the three of them will be your mates will keep the fighting to a minimum. If Keith and Jerry fight, you would probably get mad and just have sex with Wayne and me."

"I don't want six mates. You two are enough. Possibly more than enough. How much sex are three Alphas going to want every day?"

Keith laughed.

"Well, I want to have sex about fifty times a day!" he said.

"I don't think your father is going to tell your Alpha. If he was, he would have already done it," Dave said. I nodded. That made sense. "And your father may have no intention of having sex with you. He has a mate, after all."

"Yeah. And if my mother was opposed to the idea, I would refuse it."

Dave nodded.

"So you probably have only four."

"That's still two too many," I said.

"I doubt you will feel that way when you meet Wayne," Dave said.

"Everyone wants to have sex with Dad," Keith said. "Women have always thrown themselves at him. Even a lot of men flirt with him. It makes my mother furious. And they aren't his mate."

"Is your mother your father's mate?" I asked Keith.

"How would I know?" Keith said."

"I don't believe she is. Wayne didn't seem to be concerned about her reaction to having you as his mate," Dave said.

"You have your daddy fantasies," Dave said to me. "Look at it this way, one of your mates really is a daddy."

"How do you know about that fantasy?" I asked. "Oh. You said our internet usage was watched."

"I knew because I heard you telling Keith this evening. Your car and Keith's truck both have listening devices."

I cringed, again. It was all so embarrassing. How many times had I read the stories 'Sucking Daddy', and 'Daddy Takes Charge'? Was there a chart somewhere that showed I had read `Sucking Daddy' nineteen times? They saw me jacking off while I read them. They saw me drinking Dave's spunk. But it seemed kind of strange that no one was horrified about my sins. I shuddered to think of what Alpha George would say if he found out about even one. Would he beat me to death for my sins?

It was certainly strange that I could give Alpha George the pup he wanted so badly for so long. However, he would have to sodomize me to get me pregnant. Of course, he could use a turkey baster, but he would have to masturbate into a container. His religious beliefs would keep him from doing either of those things. Religion would keep him from getting what he wanted most.

"Your last name is Chuffa. I assume you are related to Keith."

"Yes. We are related. But not too closely. I doubt you remember it, Keith, but I met you when you were five," Dave said.

"No. I don't remember it."

"And you met Wayne once," Dave said to me. "When he visited your father."

"Oh." I tried to remember meeting someone who looked like Keith. I remembered meeting a few visitors, but I didn't remember anyone who looked like Keith. But Keith looked like a typical Vin-Ta. He was handsomer than most, but not noteworthy. If he had red hair, I would have remembered him.

I sighed. I was starting to feel very tired. I looked at my phone and saw it was four AM. I leaned my head against Dave.

"Lie down. Go to sleep," Dave said.

"Is that safe?" Keith asked.

"There's no traffic. But I guess we shouldn't take the chance," Dave said.

Next: Chapter 2

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