
By Talynn Windwraith

Published on Apr 13, 1999


Protection Chapter 1 By Talynn Windwraith

Well first off I have to say sorry to all who read the last story it was not finished. By boyfriend though that is was "puuuuuurrfect" as he put it. So he sent the story in under my name. THANK YOU STEVE IF YOUR READING AND U BETTER BE NOW THAT U GOT ME STARTED ON THIS.

This is a fictional story that has male/male sex. In other words GAY sex okay. If you no like LEAVE THEN no skin off my back. This story will have BSB and other celebs in it. Not all of the celebs have sex and not all are gay. All the people that I say work for me are really friends and they really act this way. Lucky me no.

So now up and on to chapter 1.

Chapter 1

Well it has been 3 years sense our graduation. Stephen is off at Cambridge University, the business is going great, and I got a boyfriend (Steven) he is everything that I always wanted in someone plus more.

Well my company just landed a big contract with The Firm. We will be the company that provides personal security to all their entertainers. Being that I love music I could not wait for this contract to be written, signed and but to bed. Why you ask because one thing I had put in the contract is that we get 10 tickets to each concert a Firm entertainer does.

And then it happened, two days ago the contract was sign with no changes made to it. Look at me jumping for joy. Let me just tell you that that night me and Steve had the best sex that I have had in a very long time. Later that week I got the tour information on each of the entertainers that would be performing. It was a very short list, but it was the start of their touring season. I had meetings with all the entertainers and then we got all their personal security out to them. I just had 1 groups left and I had no idea who to send. Luckily for me the group was tour with another group that I had a contract with. The 2 groups were to tour together for 3 months. The first group was Britney Spears and all her dancers (let me just she is a hotty) and the other group was the Backstreet Boys (low and behold the stars of our little show). Well I figured that I would go as one of the bodyguards, take Torri who was one of my best guards and then 10 other body guards to help.

Well I send Torri off to go pick up Britney so I could get the 2 groups together and so that I could see how they would get along together. So I was off to The Firms office building down town. I like to be early so I can get a feeling for the atmosphere in an entertainers home base. As I enter the building I run in to Jay-Z (one of the preformers under Firm management) and we start to talk about some stuff. See I like to get my body guards and clients to met before they get started, so if there are any problems off right then I can get a new body guard for them. I met up with Jay-z last week and hooked him up with a few bodyguards for his new tour.

Well I told him I'm going to be one of the guards for the Backstreet and Britney tour.

"I would never have guessed that you do the grunt work too" he replies

"Please and how do you think I got this company off the ground."

"True that, Well Tal its been fun but here comes my ride and I have to get this tour started so I'm out of here" he replies.

"Peace Jay" I say as he gets in his car. 'Nice guy I hope his tour goes over great' I think to myself "Well off to work then." As I enter the build I ask the resptionest were I'm to go.

She says "And who are you"

"Sorry let me introduce myself, I'm Talynn Windwraith of Wraith Bodyguards"

"Oh my god I'm sorry let me take you to the board room so you can met the group" she says

"What Backstreet is here"

"Oh yes they got here early so they could go over their contracts" she replies

"I hope they don't leave the company"

"I don't think they will they got a every good tour schedule today" she tells me

"Really can I get a copy of it" I ask

"Sure let me get you one so you can go over it before you get up there" she runs off to get me a copy, as Torri and Britney walk in.

"Hello ladies"

"Hey Tal" Torri says as she comes over to hug me. See Torri is like my best female friend.

"Hello Britney it is nice to see you again"

"Same here, how have you and Steve been I have not seen you two at any of my concerts lately" she states in her nicests of ways.

See I tell all the people that my company guards that I'm bisexual. I do not see why I should cover up who I am to make the world happy when I myself am not happy. Guarding the stars of music or movie you see very few people that have problems with gays or bisexuals. This was a shock at first but I'm over it now.

"We're good just to much work to do, I never get any free time that is why I'm one of the guards for this tour. Well that and The Firm does not want to lose the Backstreet"

"I can see were that would be a good idea to have someone with your background on this tour" she says.

Just then the resptionest returns with the schedule "here you go Mr. Windwraith"

"May I ask one thing please call me Talynn or Tal I'm to young to be a Mr. Yet"

"Okay sure Tal. Wow, that feels weird to call you by your first name" she says as we all laugh. I think after I leave I'll see if I can hirer her, I really like her style. Bitchy yet nice at the same time she would be a great resptionest for the company.

"Thank you for the schedule... I'm sorry I never got your name"

"Oh oops its Jen Michaels" she replies

"Well hello Jen. You already know me these two lovely ladies are Torri Carter one of my many friends in fact she is my best female friend and employee. This little lady here is Britney Spears the other singer on the Kids of the Millennium tour."

"Oh my god Britney Spears can I get a autograph"

"Sure got some paper" Britney replies

Britney gives Jen the autograph and then we are off to the elevator.

In the elevator "Boy you would guess that she has seen a lot of musicians working here yet she was so hyper to get my autograph" Britney states

"Kind of like I was when I first met you"

"She was nothing at all like you. You could have powered a nuclear power plant with your energy" we all laugh at that

"That's my Tal," says Torri

"So Torri how did you meet this bonehead"

"Hello the bonehead is still in the elevator. And Torri you really don't have to answer that question."

"Oh yes I do." She states

"But why" I says as I stomp my feet all the time acting like I'm 5

"Oh Tallllly pooh you know that 4 year old act doesn't work with me."

"Fine tell her"

"Good" as she sticks her tongue out at me "Well it was my last year of high school and we just moved in to Centerville. I had no friends at the school and my parents were never home. So one night I went to a party some people at school were throwing and I saw this guy that I just had to meet he was so sexy in those tight black pants and purple dress shirt. I just wanted to grab him and fuck him right there. So I did and low and behold he is now my best friend." She says with a laugh

Britney's eyes are bugging out of her head "Right there on the floor in front of everyone in the room"

"Oh, no we went to the bath floor and fucked our brains out" at this point I'm 10 shades of red

"Man you are the bold one aren't you" she tells Torri "I knew I was going to like you Torri"

"Well now that we have now officially told one of my clients how we meet, fucked, became friends, and imbaress me to a all new high can we go and get this meeting started" I say a little piss off like

"Okay Tal lets go," says Torri

We get off the elevator and just as we walk into the meeting room my cellphone rings.


"Man it never fails does it," I say


"Nope sorry Tal you want me to start the meeting with out you" says Torri


"No let me just really quickly take care of this call" all this time the guys of Backstreet are watching us "Tor can you introduce the guys to the Britney"


She whispers in my ear "I'd love to but I have no idea who is who"


"WHAT" she jumps back about a foot and looks around the room. As everyone stares at me.


"Okay this is what you are going to do answer this phone take a message and then hang it up okay got it"

"Yup 100% boss"


"Good" I give her the phone and start the meeting

"SO gentlemen I hope you know Miss Britney Spears she is going to be on tour with us for the next 3 months so I hope that you will make her feel at home in your little click. Okay now down to work first off my name is Talynn Windwraith. I'm the owner of Wraith Bodyguards and I'm going to be one of the your bodyguards while you are on tour."

Nick starts to say something "One ques...."

"Please hold all questions till I'm done thank you" All the guys just look at each other in shock

"Okay now gentleman a little about myself and this company. First the company. I founded it with my best friend about 3 years ago on our graduation night from high school. He is now at college in England and I run the business. We provide bodyguards for 20 music management firms, 50 movie and television stars, along with 10 of the fortune 500 CEOs. We've never lost a customer to a fan and we are not about to start. Now on to me. I'm 21 years old. Never been to college most likely going to go in about a year, I have 2 years left on my college scholarship and I don't want to loss it. I don't drink or use drugs and I don't expect any of your to ether. I'm bisexual and I have a boyfriend who does the accounting for the company. If you have any problems with that then I want to know now." I stop the meeting and look around the table

"What do you mean your bisexual, what you have sex with men and women" asks Howie

"As a matter of fact yes Howie I do. Oh and another thing what do you all want me and my guards to call you by"

"Kevin, Brain, AJ, Howie and Nick" replies Kevin

"Okay very good thank you Kevin"

"No problem" he smiles back

"Now if there are any other questions I have some pager work you all need to fill out"

"One more question" Nick chimes in "You yourself are a bodyguard"

"Yes Nick I am how do you think I got this business started. Anything else" they all shake their heads no "okay then lets get this paper work started and finished so I can take you all out to lunch okay.

"Really" Brian says with shock"

"Really Brian ask Britney if I took her out to lunch the first time I met her" they all looked at her.

"What do I have something in my teeth?" she asks

"No dear you don't I just wanted you to tell the guys were we went to lunch the first time we met"

"Oh is that all" she replied

"Yup that's it"

"Well he took me to this little restaurant down in the village. One of his friends owns the restaurant," she says with a weird smile on her face.

"Okay Britney what did you do this time"

"And what makes you think I did anything" she replies

"Cuz every time you get that smile on your face I know you did something'

"You really don't want to know right now Tal"

"Okay tell me later," I say a little worried about what she is going to tell me "Well guys now for the paper work. Some of the questions are very private but guess what you are going to fill each and every one out okay. Why am I'm having you fill these thinks out right now. Is so that before the tour I can get a idea of what you 5 are like and so I will have no surprises."

"What if we don't fill these things out" Said Kevin

"Good question. Well in your contract I get full control of your free time while on the road so I can basically have you 5 confined to your rooms. Now I don't want to do this put my goal is to protect you, your futures, and the Firm. And believe me I have no problem locking you up in your rooms. Ask Britney."

"Oh no your not getting me involved in this Tal. You know damn well after that first time I basically would jump throw fire to stay on your good side." She replies

"Now gentleman you see we can be friends or we can be enemies. I myself would love to be friends. Okay"

"Okay" they all said in unison

"Good now get that paper work filled out"

I walk over to Torri and Britney "Now Torri who was the message from"


"And you did not tell me. Tsk tsk Torri your slipping"

"I know but you love me anyway right"

"Yup hell if it was not for you then I'd have no fun around this place. Now get up girl so I can sit down"

"Who do you think I am your slave I think not sit on the floor"

"Yes SIR" we all laugh while the guys just look at us

At the table the guys are talking among themselves "Boy this is going to be a fun tour," Brian says

"I think we are basically stuck with this guy. Lets make the most out of it okay guys" replies Kevin

"Ya for real B if the Firm hired him then how bad can he really be. Please look at Britney she is laughing like crazy. He can't be all bad. Plus he is going to take us out to lunch. I'm down with that" replies AJ

"That's what I'm talking about if he is willing to take all of use out to lunch. And I do mean all 8 of use then he must be a good guy you know." Replies Howie

"Ya I just don't know about this guy. It seems there is more than meets the eyes guys just let's watch out for him okay," says Brian

"Okay" they all, says

"Are you all done already?" I ask


"Just talking among ourselves" replies Kevin

"Okay lets hurry up we have a lunch to get to"

"What do you think they are talking about" I asked

"You" replies Britney

I look at her "Why"

"Lets face it the first time I met you I was so scared of you that I almost fainted"


"Oh ya you're a very bold and up front person Tal" replies Britney "Not many people would handle stars the way you do. To be frank you scare people"

"Hum well that's nice to know. Well let me call Steve and see if he is willing to join us for lunch"

"Tal do you really think that is a good idea. After all you just told them your bisexual. I don't know how well they will handle seeing you and another man" replies Torri

"And why should I care sooner or later they will met him. I'm not about to go on tour with them and leave Steve behind."

"What, is he going on tour with us" asks Torri

"No but he is going to have to be at some of the shows after all I am the owner of the company. So there are something's I'm going to have to sign. You know."

"Ya I know I just think this is not the right time to introduce them to him" replies Torri

"Objection noted now I'm off to call Steve. Tell me when they are done with those papers"


I walk out of the room while Torri and Britney talk. "So Torri how have Tal and Steve really been. He seams nerveruos"

"Well I should hope so. This is the first tour he has done in over 2 years"

"Really I would never guest"

"Yup I just hope he knows what he is doing with these guys," Torri says as she look at the table were the 5 guys are sitting

"I think it will work. If they had a problem with him then they would say it"

"I'm talking about him telling them that he is BI"

"That's what I'm talking about too. He knows what he is doing, believe in him I do"

"So do I, I just don't trust them" as she points to the group

"Oh I get it. You love him don't you"

Torri looks at Britney in shock "Is it that noticeable"

"No put I'm good at reading people. Don't worry I will not tell him. You know what I think that we are going to be great friends on this tour" Britney gets up and goes to leave the room.

"Were are you going" Torri asks her

"Bathroom you with"

"Nah I'm not in to the girls going to bathrooms in a group. It always leads to talking about guys" she says loader then need be to said to grab the attention of the guys in the room

Britney whispers to her "Girl you are so bad"

"Yup you know it" they both laugh as Britney leave the room.

Torri gets up and goes over to the table "So guys are you finished yet" She asks the boys

"I am" Nick chimes in

"Boy that was fast you must have set the record for this thing. The fastest I've seen anyone finish this thing in is at least 30 minutes" She replies

"Really" Nick sounding happy with himself

"Great now he is going to be this way all day" Brian said with a laugh

"Your just jealous" Nick sticks his tongue out at Brian

"Boy if you are not going to use that thing right then get it back in your mouth" Torri says

"OHHHHHH" all the guys laugh as Nick turns ten shades of red

"I think that will keep him in check don't you sexy" Torri says as she looks at AJ

"Who me" AJ says in shock

"No the sexy man behind you. YES YOU you fool" She says with a wink

"Go head" Brian says with an evil look in his eye

"That's what I'm trying to do" replies Torri "No just playing boys, I don't think any of yous could handle me"

"Really is that so" replies AJ

"Yup if you think your man enough then lets go"

Mean will in another room Talynn is talking on the phone to Steve "Hey babe"

"Hello Mr. Windwraith" replies Steve

"What's this Mr. Windwraith thing Oh let me guess someone's in your office. Who are they and should I be mad" I reply with a laugh

"I can't say right now but I'll get back to you on that"

"Oh okay play that way"

"Oh damn final they left" Steve replies rather exasperated

"What happened and way were you like that just now"

"It was a possible new client"

"Really who tell me tell me"

"Ricky Martin"


"You know the guy that brought down the Grammy's and the guy that Madonna is singing with on his next LP"

"Ohhhh now I know who you mean, but why is he looking for a body guard isn't Maverick and Sire going to give him one"

"Yes they are he just wants a body guard that Madonna has no control over" Steve replies

"Looks like someone does not trust Mama Madonna"

"It looks that way"

"Hum so what did you tell him"

"Oh that we will get him one if he wants but he can't tell Madonna were he got the guard from"

"Good going and what did he say after that"

"Well he asked why and I told him about the trouble we have had with Maverick and Sire records. He was like okay. Then I suggested that he might want a female body guard and act that he and she are a couple. Hopefully Madonna would get the idea eventually and stop chasing him cuz you know her she goes after anything that has a dick. Much like you."

"Hey fuck you. You didn't say that last night" we both laugh "Anyway good going so is he going with us or not"

"He said he will think about it and he would like to meet you in person"

"Cool set up an appointment and I'm game"


"Now on to the matter at hand. Were are we going to lunch"

"Well lets see we have Mike's which is up town, Planet Hollywood, Hard Rock, Amba over in Newark"

"No, No, No, and No I was thinking more like Little Soho down in the village"

"Oh that's right I forgot you were meeting the new clients today what were their name again"

"Boy you are getting old on me aren't you. Well the GROUPS name is the Backstreet Boys and remember Britney Spears she and Torri are coming"

"HEY now I'm only 6 years older then you"

"Only 6 man I think we need to take you in for a check up from the neck up" I say trying to hold back from laughing

"Ya okay I'll remember that tonight. Well I'll call Tom and make the reservations okay"

"Okay get the roof garden if possible"

"Right on it boss and if he asks how many people"

"9 but on the safe side make it 11'

"11 why"

"You know me I like to have fun and if we stop off anywhere before we get to the restaurant I might want to bring someone along you know"

"Boy you're to weird for me"

"OHHHHHH you really care and all this time I thought you just like me for my body"

"I do like you for your body but I like you for your brain too"

"Damn boy that was the best complement I've ever gotten"

"Good I'm glad I could bring some light in to your life"

"You do that every morning that I wake up next to you"

"Shit" he replies with a laugh

"Well love of my life can you send the van over here to pick us up"

"Which one"

"The purple one"

"Don't you think that will be a little loud"

"Nope I think it will be just right to keep people from thinking that someone famous is in it"

"What ever you're the money maker"

"Yup that I am. Well I have to go I left Torri and Britney in there with the guys and if I know Torri she is flirting with them. God I just hope she does not get a date with one of them cuz they will not be able to control her"

"For real get your ass back in there now. Love Ya"

"Love ya too kisses"

"Kisses bye" We hang up. GOD I miss not being with him even if it he is just across town. Well back to work and the groups I just hope that Torri did not fool around with then guys. GOD WHO AM I KIDDING I KNOW HER. I say to myself as I run back to the conference room.

Back in the conference room Torri is sitting on the table talk to the guys as I come busting through the door grabbing everyone's attention. "Tal you okay" Torri asks

"Ya only if you did not get one of these guy to go on a date with you"

"And what if I did"

"Then I think you better brake it off "

"Why" asks Kevin

"Because not even this whole group could control her. Believe me I know I can bearly control her and she's my bestfriend"

"Really" AJ replies with a gleam in his eye. Well at least I know which one I'll need to get out of jail tonight.

"AJ please if you are the one don't go out with her tonight"

"Hey Tal why you crushing my groove like that"

"WHY WHY I don't believe you are asking me that remember you last boyfriend who mind you I had to get out of jail 5 times in one week because of you"

"Really 5 times" replies Howie with a shock in his voice

"Really. One of the things this girl is good at is having fun know matter what the deal is"

"Okay then Tal can you come with us then" AJ replies

"AJ okay I'll come but I'm going to be bring Steve with me who you are going to meet in a little while"

"Who is Steve" Asks Brian

"Steve is Tal's Boyfriend" Britney says as she walks in the room "Oh and Tal there is a big purple van down stairs. I'm guessing its yours cuz well its purple and I know you like the color"

"Well thank you for tell me about the van AND THANK YOU for telling them about Steve"

"No problem just here to help" she replies with a grin

"Ya regular Satan's little helper"

"Hey I resemble that" she says

"Yes you do. Anyway so gentlemen I can guess that you are all finished with the pager work and it is all filled out"

"Well Mr. Windwraith...." Kevin starts to say

"Okay stop before we go any farther call me Tal or Talynn okay"

"Okay" they all say in unison

"Just so I know you're not lying say it with me" god I'm going to love this tour heheheeeee "Repeat after me TALYNN"

"TALYNN" they all say in unison

"TA...." I can't hold it any more I just bust out laughing followed by Torri and Britney "I'm sorry guys I just thought that at least one of you would not say it Britney didn't say it but then again she is a pain in the ass so" everyone but Britney laugh at that she just stuck her tongue out me "Girl promises promises"

"Anyway you were saying Kevin about the forms" as I try to get this meeting back on track

"Oh ya we filled them out but we left one or two things unanswered because we did not see why you would need this information" Kevin replies

"Well thank you Kevin for being so open about this. First off like I said this info on you guys it helps me to deal with problems that could arise I don't like surprises so when I work I try to keep them at a minimum. That is why I had you all fill then out. Now I do need this info but if you don't want it down on paper I can talk to each one of you later one on one sometime later today. If that is alright with you all"

"Ya I think that we can handle that right guys" Kevin says

"Ya that's cool" replies Brian

"Fine by me" replies AJ

"Same here" Howie and Nick say at the same time

"Good now we have a van down stares to take us to lunch then you all have the day off"

"What I thought we had to be at the studio at 3 to practice the choreography" replies Nick

"You did but when I told your manager that you all were going out to lunch with me and that we most likely would not be finished till late I told him to give you all the day off. He said he would rather you all be in the studio but he would let it slide today so we all can get to know one another"

"COOL" they all say in unison

"Then you have the rest of the day off to do what ever you want too"

"Really the whole day off" Howie replies

"Really the whole day if you want we can go back to my house or you can do what ever you all want okay"

"Tal I think we better get down stairs before the van gets a ticket," Torri says

"Okay lets get going"

We leave the conference room and head down to the van to go out to lunch.

To Continued


Do you just hate those words? If you want stats on the people email and ask other than that u will just have to wonder what Torri, Steve, and myself look like. Sorry that's life. =-p

Next: Chapter 3

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